How to develop a musical rumor - for self-taking and not only! What is absolute rumor? How to develop absolute hearing.

How to develop a musical rumor - for self-taking and not only! What is absolute rumor? How to develop absolute hearing.
How to develop a musical rumor - for self-taking and not only! What is absolute rumor? How to develop absolute hearing.

Music is an integral part of the lives of many people, but not every man mussels from birth. It happens, you hear your favorite song and I want to sing along with your favorite artist, but fear of hear disapproving comments destroys the desire for the root. However, even ear for music - just a matter of practice and zealous classes.

What is hearing?

The simplest explanation is that the musical rumor is certain skills and abilities that allow you to fully perceive the music and hear all its incredible sounds or even small errors. Without such abilities, no musician, sound engineer and even producer.

Absolute musical hearing

It is believed to be trained absolute hearing It is impossible, who lives with a man from birth, and the chance to have absolute rumor falls one person out of ten thousand. What does not mean that many truly great musicians had absolute hearing. The absolute rumor lies in the ability to determine exactly the height of the tone of any sound without the help of standards. Simply put, it is a congenital ability to catch the structure of music.

Relative, or interval, rumor

Allows you to determine the quantity musical intervalsAnd also reproduce them. In this case, it is determined by comparing the standard.

Inner hearing

This species Hearing is associated with mental activities. Simply put, to present mentally music and its separate components. Often this happens according to music records or just in memory.

Intonational hearing

Allows you to perceive music by defining its character, expression, tone. Most effective method - specialized training course Solfeggio. It is important that he was sent to aesthetic education, not technical.

Rhythmic hearing

This is the ability to feel the emotional expressiveness of the rhythm. Everyone can learn to hear and feel rhythm.

And this is not full list Well-known humanity, however, these are the important components on which the classical understanding of the musical hearing is based. Threading them, a person acquires the ability to hear and understand the melody. However, the question is whether the musical taste of a particular person remains open.

The human brain has certain departments that are just responsible for musical hearing. This plot is in the auditory zone, and the more nerve endings in it contains, the better the rumor is developed in humans. It is possible to determine how much the case is with a particular person, you can at home without resorting to magnetic tomography. To do this, you can just try to repeat the heard melody, let it be chorus from the favorite song. The main thing is to keep rhythm. And even if the first time turned out to be a failure, it is not necessary to panic, it is better to spend the forces on zealous classes and more training.

How to start hearing music?

The development of musical hearing is the task with which it is much easier to cope than it seems. The ideal option is to go to Solfeggio lessons to a professional teacher. The essence of this subject is just to develop hearing and musical memory. However, if there is no such possibility, it is worth a tonal patience and do it yourself. What is needed for this?

  • The first method is any musical instrument. This option is one of the most accessible and efficient. Develops all the above-listed types of hearing. Want to train them to the maximum? Learn to play any tool. Since childhood, dreamed of learning to play guitar? It is time to do it. Thanks to the classroom, you not only remember earnings, as each note should sound, but also travelery a feeling of rhythm and finally begin to understand music. This option is suitable for especially patient and those who have enough time.

  • The second way is singing. The easiest and most obvious method of developing a musical hearing. To do this, you will need a piano, but do not be afraid if there is no one at home. Fortunately, we live in modern worldwhich gives us the opportunity to take advantage of free online versions, whose pride pond on the Internet. The development of hearing begins with Ham, play daily and sake them together with the piano. When the skill is honed and with the gamma you will feel confident, proceed to the next stage - intervals, chords or melodies. It is important to overcome the constraint if it does not get rid of this feeling, then classes will be meaningless. Choose such a time to practice so that no one was at home.
  • The third way - exercises that very much resemble meditation. This method perfectly helps to develop attentiveness to sounds, the opportunity to listen to the melodies and understand them. Are you accustomed to wander down the street in headphones? It's time to stop this occupation. Leave the headphones at home, walk without them, trying to listen to all coming sounds. No matter what it will be, scraps of dialogs, sounds big City, Forest tree noise, snow crunch or rustling of leaves. Only paying attention to all surrounding sounds, you will understand how many of them around. Such an exercise can be carried out at home, do not be lazy to spend five minutes a day to listen to how water is noisy, like a fridge, noise from the street, a neighbor's dog.
  • Fourth way - listen in voices. Let even the usual conversation with a man will be an exercise. Listen to your interlocutor's voice, try to remember his sound. Such manipulation can be wrapped and when watching movies, remembering the voice of the actors. After you can spend a small exam, try to guess the actor only by voice.
  • Fifth way - think when listening to music, learn to hear it. Almost every modern man It will say that he listens to music every day, on the way to work / study / in the store. For many, this is a way to distract, and it's great that you can listen to music and not think about anything. But we put the goal to develop a musical rumor, so now you need not just listen to music, but trying to hear her, in the essence and structure. Train distinguishing musical instruments from each other. Such an exercise not only contributes to the development of hearing, but will also teach more to hear music, noticing all the details that it will give even more pleasure when listening. Subsequently, you will want more complex compositions, and it's great, because it means just that there is progress and you are not standing still.
  • Sixth way - learn to feel rhythm. To this end, such a device as a metronome is perfectly coping. Working with this adaptation is extremely simple - retreat with your finger or hand with a rhythm that sets the metronome. As soon as you begin to cope with this exercise, you should proceed to the rhythm recognition in the melodies. It should be started with the compositions in which the drums are present, on this musical instrument to recognize the rhythm at times easier. The most difficult level in rhythm recognition - classical music. No less effective answer to the question, how to develop a musical rumor - dancing. You can practice as in classes with a coach and at home yourself. During the dance, try to catch a rhythm and move to the tact of music.

  • Seventh way - look for a sound source. In this exercise, you can ask to participate any of the households. The essence of the exercise is as follows: Close your eyes and ask your assistant to make sounds from different parts Rooms. Your task is to guess where the sound comes from. Such an easy task is more like a children's game, however, the task is more complicated, if you ask the assistant to go beyond the room and move throughout the apartment. If the assistant is not available, you can simply go outside, sit down on a busty place, listen to the surrounding sounds.

Hearing check

In order to reliably determine whether there is a musical rumor in humans, you should contact the teacher, it will not be easy to do it. The presence of hearing is diagnosed in the following criteria:

  • An assessment of intonation.
  • Development of musical memory.


Checking the musical hearing and consists in the following exercise: the teacher is retreating in any way as a certain rhythm, and the subject must repeat it as reliably as possible. If the rhythm was reproduced without complaints, it testifies to the presence of hearing. Exercises can be complicated in order to determine the level of hearing development.

An assessment of the intonation is that the teacher refers to a familiar melody and asks the subject to repeat it. This exercise also allows you to identify vocal abilities. But this exercise is not the main indicator in the audit of hearing. Even with weak and not very pure Voice A person can have a great rumor, which will allow you to immediately master the game on a tool.

Are you still wondering how to check the musical rumor? There's an answer: musical memory Or the so-called game of hide and seek. Exercise is extremely simple: the test turns back to the tool, while the teacher presses any of the keys. The task of the checked is to find the same memory key. If a person is able to accurately guess all the notes when you click on the key and listening to sound, it has excellent musical hearing.

Hearing training is a complex process that is accompanied by turning on the brain, and not mindless exercises. This means that even the acquisition of elementary knowledge of music is already promoting development. musical abilities. Start with Simple note literacyExplore classical music. Wealth sounds, harmony, the sound of tools is that it is necessary to develop a musical hearing.

Each person, if he likes to sing, dreams of performing the composition so that he then enthusiastically applauded the hall. And you need something to do everything - have the perfect rumor. But how to achieve this? There are special exercises for hearing development.

What are the types of hearing

Oddly enough, but the musical rumor is a concept rather complicated and non-readable denial or approval ("I have a hearing / I have no hearing"). The fact is that every person you can find one or another subspecies of musical hearing. It is possible to develop a certain type of hearing, it is impossible to unambiguously, since these species are very much.

1) Rhythmic hearing, that is, the ability to feel the rhythm, the emotional component of the melody.

2) Flood hearing responsible for the ability to deal with chords.

3) intonational hearing, allowing to understand the nature of music (cheerful or sad).

4) Internal hearing - the ability to reproduce the tilt of the melody.

5) Interval hearing - The ability to sing musical intervals and determine the height of the sound.

6) Absolute hearing is a unique ability to determine the height of the tone of any sound without comparing it with the reference sound.

How to develop a musical hearing

If you do not know how to independently develop any of the types of musical hearing, try to make the following exercises every day.

1) For the development of rhythmic hearing, attempt to read poems to the music, dance for your favorite music, counting tacts. By the way, we develop musical and rhythmic hearing exactly moving, therefore the plastic of the body is not the last value for the musician. Right and reverse: any dancer must have perfect hearing. These are interrelated things.

2) Listen to your favorite compositions, first better short, and then try to reproduce this thing. own voice, but without music. Then check yourself by turning on the original.

3) Sing the monochrome gamma (a ton of "up to-si" and "si - to"), even though it is boring and uninteresting. For the development of hearing, this is invaluable experience.

4) Sake "chromatic gammas" (they are played only on the black piano keys in one tone). Such gamuts help better develop an understanding of the difference in the freight.

5) Pick your favorite melodies on musical instrument, not even knowing accurate notes. In the end, someday you will be almost impossible to distinguish from the original.

6) Sign up to music school. Exactly musical teachers They will help develop a musical hearing with the help of special discipline called "Solfeggio".

How to develop absolute hearing?

Oddly enough, but in no way. With absolute musical hearing, a person can only be born. Therefore, the question of how to develop an absolute musical hearing is not entirely appropriate. In the absence of absolute congenital musical hearing, it is better to focus on the development of other types of hearing - intonation, rhythmic, internal, etc.

Video on the topic

If you think that "an elephant has come to your ear" and you will never be able to perceive the sounds around you as people who are gifted by musical hearing from birth, then you are deeply mistaken. It is not so difficult to develop a musical rumor as it seems to you. And today we will give you some tips to help you do it.

First, let's figure it out in the types of hearing. To develop a musical rumor, we need to hone:

  • Rhythmic hearing. That is, learn to hear and feel rhythm.
  • Melodic hearing is the ability to understand the movement and structure of music and hear its subtleties.
  • Relative - hearing, allowing to understand the magnitude of the musical intervals and the height of the sound.
  • Inner rumor is that there is a hearing that makes it clear to present music and individual sounds in their thoughts.
  • Intonational hearing, allowing to understand the nature and tone of music.

Of course there is much more species Hearing, but we will focus on these five, as they are enough to find a musical rumor.

So, what we need to do to train these types of hearing.

1. Musical instrument

The ideal way to "pump" all types of hearing is to start learning a game on any tool. Thus, you remember how each note should sound, travelers their sense of rhythm and, in general, begin to better understand the music. But since you most likely, there is no time for learning the game on musical instruments, let's go further.

2. Singing

If you do not have a piano home - find online version On the Internet and every day, play the gamma on several times and sing them together with the piano. When you start confidently feel with gamma, proceed to intervals, chords and simple melodies. The main thing is not hesitate. If you are afraid that someone will hear you - try to train at a time when you are one at home. But in fact, there is nothing shameful here! Remember only karaoke bars, where people, to put it mildly, without voice and rumor sing so loudly, that they are heard and outside the bar.

3. Meditation

We called this item so, because the exercise, about which we now tell you, is very similar to the practice of meditation for beginners. It will help you develop attentiveness to sounds.

Walk on the street without headphones, trying to catch scraps of conversations, the noise of trees, the sound of cars, the stupid of the heels on the asphalt; how the dog scars the paw on the ground; The way someone shakes the blanket on the balcony .... You will notice that you surrounds such a number of sounds that it is difficult to believe in it. At home, spend five minutes a day to listen to how the buzzing of the refrigerator came from the kitchen, the noise of water in the pipes, the conversations of the neighbors, the noise from the street.

4. Votes

Talking with a man, try to remember his voice. You can also watch movies, memorizing the voices of the actors, and then listen to some parts of the film and try to call the character, based only on his voice.

Try to notice the timer of the conversation of your interlocutor, the timbre of his voice; Remembering the conversation with someone, try to pronounce in my head of the phrase of the interlocutor by his voice.

5. Learn to hear music

Of course, it is very nice to listen to music and not think about anything. But if you have a goal to develop a musical hearing, then try to delve into the music you listen. Learn to separate one musical instrument from another; Examine how the guitar sounds under different "rims" in order not to confuse it with other tools; Learn also to distinguish different modes synthesizer from other musical instruments; Listen, how the real drums and electronic are sound.

This practice will help you not only develop the musical rumor, but also teach more subtly to hear music that in turn will give you even more pleasure from listening to you. There is one side effect among this practice - most likely you will not want to listen to what you listen to now, you want something more complex and volumetric. And this is great, because not that is the main indicator of your promotion?

6. Rhythm

There is such a cool thing called "metronome". You can purchase it yourself or find the online version on the Internet. Every day, exercise with a metronome, taking off the finger (hand, leg, than you), the rhythm that he sets you.

When you feel confidently with the metronome, go to the recognition of the rhythm in music. Start with the music in which the drums are present, it is easier for them to decide on the rhythm. And then go to work with music that does not contain noise instrumentsAllowing without much difficulty to determine the rhythm (classical music, for example).

Another pleasant way to improve your rhythm feeling is dancing. Sign up B. dance studio Or dance at home for your pleasure.

7. Sound source

If you have an assistant for this task - great! Close your eyes and ask someone to walk around you in the room and beyond and shaking sounds (voice, cotton in your hands, bell bell and so on). And every time your assistant makes the sound, you must try to understand which side it comes. Pretty simple task, if you are with an assistant in the same room, but as soon as it starts to go around the apartment, you will notice that you have become more difficult to determine where the sound comes from.

If you do not have a person who can help you in this, then you can do as follows. Go out into the street, sit somewhere on the bench and listen to the sounds around you, as in the third exercise. Only this time you will need to even understand how this sound comes from.

Programs and applications

Of course, there are many programs for the development of musical hearing, and we collected the best of them.

1. Earteach.

Excellent application containing exercises on gamma, chords and intervals. It is perfect for those who have more developed musical rumors. You can download both the PC version.

The principle is very simple - you need to play a melody that you just heard. The application can also be downloaded for Android and iOS.

A simple game that will help you remember notes. Also right you can find many more games for the development of musical hearing.

Trained needed to everyone who is engaged in music.

What you hear is what you play and if you have problems with recognition different types Chords, rhythm or melodies, it significantly limits your capabilities.

Once after classes with their students, I decided to drink a cup of coffee. On the way to the coffee shop, I heard a cry of birds, fluttering past. Nothing strange, you will say. But there is one trifle: I recognized the interval in this sound in the larger. And so, I already have an idea for the next article!

I have long been teaching a guitar game and I can say that most modern guitarists have very good and too. Great way Check if you can play a rumor, it is to ask a friend to play a light phrase twice, and then try to reproduce it yourself.

If you manage to play the phrase without errors from the first time, you are on the right track. If you have had to look for a long time needed notes, It's time to dress a hearing training. Like the technique of the game, the ability to recognize and understand the musical sounds requires constant practices and efforts. Many of my students and comrades have no idea how to train hearing, so I developed several ways for this.

How to train a hearing

A good idea is to go to the nearest music school and learn whether they offer courses on solfeggio and the development of hearing. I myself did not recognize the importance of hearing, until he began to go to the classroom and training session in a musical college. Among other things, it is taught to recognize. You will also learn how to record paper melodies and distinguish between rhythms.

And what if you can pick up the melodies and you do not need to be a specialist in rhythms and a music record for this? Excellent! Now try to explain your musical idea Keyboard group! Remember: Professionalism is not a minute deal! Your colleagues in any case will appreciate your attention to detail. Ultimately, most musical courses Based on the same thing. Try to play and sing major gamut, trying to get into the notes.

To begin with, take the tonality in which you easier to sing. Then you can play and sing notes of gamma with skipping. For example, in the tonality of G major you play and sing a note G, misses the note a and sing a note B. Training until you feel that it is easy to use it. Then try to sing this note without a guitar. Get maximum accuracy.

Sake the gamma steps in the form. The first step is tonic, then the second stage, etc. In addition, you can also train sing, as well as other frets and

It is safe to say that a good rumor is the only ability that allows you to become a musician.

Without it, there can be nothing.

Of course, it is possible to teach to play a person's musical instrument without a musical hearing, but his game is likely to remind the actions of the robot performing the laid program and unable to deviate from it.

When they talk about musicality, it is always implied by a well-developed musical hearing, even if this idea is not voiced.

I think that there are many questions related to musical hearing, but the most important are the following:

  • What do you mean good musical hearing?
  • What are the criteria for its definition?
  • How to develop a musical hearing?

Let's start with the fact that we define what musical hearing is different from ordinary hearing.

Ear for music - The combination of the abilities necessary for the composition, execution and active perception of music. Music hearing, first of all, relies on knowledge and on an assimilated system of characters. For example, everyone can knock the melody of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", but not everyone can name the intervals and notes, of which it consists.

On the other hand, if your head is a steady connection between the first intonation of this song and the fact that this interval is a big sex, then when you hear this in any musical work. You know that this interval is a big sex and can play it on the instrument.

The work of hearing in this case is to memorize certain musical structures and empowering their semantic load.

As you can see, the development of hearing is the application of a certain knowledge in practice in combining with the development of auditory memory.

The lack of understanding how to correlate the auditory experience with the development of hearing can lead people to the idea that they have no hearing.

However, there are practically no people without hearing. Most of the problems are related to poor-quality learning the basics in music schools and other educational institutions.

There are many categories of musical hearing. The most important are:

Absolute hearing - the ability to determine the absolute height musical soundswithout comparing them with the standard. This implies that hearing any note, you can call it.

It is divided into a passive (a small percentage of determining notes, limited use) and active.

Relative hearing - the most important for any musician - it is determined how the ability to determine and reproduce sound relations in melodies, chords, intervals, etc.;

Inner hearing - the ability to a clear mental view (for example, on a notice record or memory) of individual sounds, melodic and harmonious constructions, integer musical places; Very important in learning.

Harmonic hearing - The ability to hear harmonic consonances - chord combinations of sounds and their sequences and reproduce their voice in the unfolded form or on a musical instrument. In practice, this can be expressed, for example, in the selection of accepanent hearing to the melody, even without knowing notes or singing in a polyphonic choir.

Polyphonic hearing - The ability to listen to all voices in a multi-voiced work.

Polyritmic hearing - the ability to hear rhythmic figures sounding different sizes And the ability to reproduce these rhythms.

There are several main ways to develop hearing:

Solfed filling

Solfed (that is, practice) involves riding intervals, chords, gamps, lads, melodies. This practice enshrines the relationship between hearing and written notes, as well as solupping forms a certain auditory system.

For example, a gap a major gamut you absorb her system, sound and gradually it becomes natural and familiar to you and any deviation you will perceive as inconvenience. Thus, on the one hand, your hearing is developing, on the other hand, you will not be unavailable, anything else will not be available for your perception. Such a problem may, for example, occur when listening to atonal music.

2. Music dictation

The process is in something opposite solfiguration. Here you, relying on the already acquired knowledge, write a melody on the notes by the teacher. For this, various techniques are used (finding stable tonality stages in melody, interval recognition, definition of kadasans, etc.).

Also musical dictation Promotes the development of musical memory.

3. Transcribed (from English.transcribing rewriting) or eat - selection of hearing or on a tool and record on
Notes of any work.

It can be both removing your tool and other tools and even writing entire score.

Significant various techniques used by transcribers to accelerate the transfer process sounding music on paper (slowdown in recording, tables, analysis, etc.).

4. Hearing analysis - Determination of rumor intervals, chords, chord sequences, rhythmic figures, etc.

Also, various specialized programs can be used to develop hearing (for example, Ear Trainer).

Thus, the criterion of good hearing is the ability to hear and reproduce various elementary structural elements, the ability to record notes of the heard melody, the ability to prejudice a certain sound, the ability to hear music through the eyes, etc.