Non-standard drawing methods for children. Fingerprints from leaves

Non-standard drawing methods for children. Fingerprints from leaves
Non-standard drawing methods for children. Fingerprints from leaves

Drawing is one of the most joyful and fascinating activities for the child. In kindergarten, a pretty long time ago in the kindergarten is given. The most important thing is that it is not necessary for this kind of creativity of the carappow - they themselves are enjoying drawing. It is important that each kid experiences a success situation regardless of its abilities in visual art. And to create such conditions for the help of the educator comes unconventional drawing techniques. Consider some of the work features, and also give an example of a list of the most good Topics To master this type of creativity in promising planning.

What are good non-traditional techniques

In the preparatory group, traditional drawing requires substantial complications of technology in comparison with earlier stages. educational activities In kindergarten. And what to do if the baby does not turn out to do smooth lines, withstand the proportions and read the contours clearly? After all, a couple of failures, and the karapuz may forever lose interest in drawing. In this case, non-traditional drawing techniques saves. The main thing is what they teach children - this is the lack of fear of mistakes. After all, the drawing is very easy to correct, it is enough to prick something or erase. In addition, non-traditional drawing techniques

The very furnishing of the field of drawing in T \u003d non-traditional techniques tunes the kids to a positive, waiting for success, regardless of the abilities

lavnoe, what they teach children - this is the lack of fear of mistakes. After all, the drawing is very easy to correct, it is enough to prick something or erase. In addition, non-traditional drawing techniques
  • give cappuses confidence in themselves;
  • develop aesthetic taste, creativity, imagination;
  • help to expand the ideas about the world;
  • develop small motor;
  • rise up independence of thinking.

What techniques are used in the preparatory group

With children 6-7 years old, you can practice all the ways to create a picture with which kids get acquainted throughout the period of training in kindergarten. Moreover, creative educators bring a number of new techniques in this list.

It is interesting. Gouache for technician requiring strongly diluted paint, it is dangerous, because after drying it may appear white raids.

Drawing with cotton chopsticks

It is interesting. Scenes in this technique can be created within the contour, and without it.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the paint (watercolor or gouache) instead of the usual brushes is recaptured with a cotton wand. The drawing can be created by lines (in other words, use as a brush), and you can be tames, that is, apply a stick to a sheet of paper, press and so create a plot. It will take a simple set:

  • cotton wands (separate paint for each color);
  • paints;
  • wet wipes (wipe fingers and inaccuracies in the drawing).

It is interesting. In some pre-school educational institutions are used acrylic paints. But on the paper they do not differ quite convenient, since because of your consistency, they dry for a long time, but amazing pictures are obtained on the fabric. Thus, another unconventional drawing technique appeared - acrylic on the fabric.

Sample drawing with cotton chopsticks

"Spring mood"

This is an example of creating a drawing without a pre-applied circuit.

For this picture does not need to apply contours


  1. "Wash the wand of the paint of green and draw the stem, with smaller stems diverging in different directions. The line is carried out solid for each piece of stem. "
  2. "Wash the wand of the paint of yellow color and we apply a circular strokes with a support for a stalk. The line must resemble the circles of the spiral - from smaller to more. "
  3. "Put a cotton wand in another color and repeat the previous step."

A child can create one flower with multi-colored boots, and can make a whole bouquet. If possible, the color gamut baby should pick himself.

Video. Dandelions in the technique of drawing with cotton chopsticks

Photo Gallery drawings in the technique of drawing with cotton chopsticks

Drawings with cotton wands can be combined with the applique of the pattern with cotton sticks with cotton sticks often combined with the drawing technique with fingers (in this figure the berries are shown) To give the figure a clearer contour, the plot elements can be covered with floters

Tychka drawing: rainbow, rowan and other compositions

This technique is no longer accurately adjacent to the method of creating a drawing with cotton chopsticks. The fact is that in some sources these two ways are considered identical. Yes, indeed, the most common way to create a drawing with a cotton wand is a stick, that is, the wand plunges into the paint (gouache or watercolor) and with a vertical position in relation to the sheet, a print on paper is made. Special beautiful drawings It turns out if sticks take a few, connect them into a beam and draw this bundle. And nevertheless, the stump can be obtained when used

  • fingers - then the imprint is made in a finger in paint;
  • a rigid brush - the stump is needed needle;
  • soft brush - the imprint is softer, as if round.

It is interesting. Drawing with chip fingers is particularly widely used when working in the younger group. This method allows kids and small motorcy to develop, and at the same time know yourself, their creative opportunities.

Consider examples of creating drawings with a thaw using cotton sticks.

Examples of drawings of Tychka


Pictures in technique tych require maximum accuracy


  1. "Take 14 sticks."
  2. "Jump 2 sticks in a red color and make the arc of the rainbow arc."
  3. The guys then repeat the action with pairs of other rainbow colors (orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple).
  4. "Now we wet the wand paint yellow color and draw the sun with the sun with the rays."
  5. "Blue-color show the background sky."
  6. "Put the wand in white paint And creating a circular movement of the clouds in the sky. "

There is another option to create a rainbow in this technique. But it requires a certain skill, as the multicolored couples we will connect to one line.


  1. "Wash the wand red and put it on a blank sheet."
  2. "I quickly do the same operation with other colors."
  3. "Take the sticks with one linear beam and make the stags on the arc."
  4. Next, draw the plot according to the previous instructions.

It is interesting. This version of the drawing is performed faster, but requires certain skills from kids, as it is necessary to dip in the paint in the paint, and then it is clearly clearly located in the fingers.


With the help of a bunch of cotton wands, you can quickly draw a group of elements, for example, bunch of berries

The drawing on the autumn theme allows you to combine two techniques: lines and stuck with cotton chopsticks.


  1. "Put the chopstick in the paint of black color and draw a tree trunk with branches."
  2. "Take a bundle of sticks, link it with rubber band."
  3. "Put the ligament in the paint of red and one tonchka creates a bunch of rowan."

Video. Verba in the drawing technique with a tychus brush

Photo gallery drawings in the technique of chuck

If the paint is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, then the drawing of the tile will turn out to be more relief for the tick of a rigid brush in the paint no need to add a lot of water with a cotton wander convenient to make precipitation

Solu drawing technique

As follows from the method of the method, salt will be required to create an image. It is better if it is not extra, but the usual stone so that the crystals are different sized - so the drawing will be more voluminous. In addition, to work in this technique will need

  • glue (PVA or silicate);
  • the sheet is a bright color sheet (this is a fundamental condition, since the substrate under the pattern of salt should be contrasting, otherwise the image is lost).

It is interesting. Alternative salt can be a semolina cereal. There are also substantive options for creating drawings using buckwheat, crushed rice, etc.

Work in the technique of drawing salt consists of 4 stages:

  1. Creating an image contour with a pencil.
  2. Drawing circuit with glue.
  3. Fall asleep substrate salt.
  4. Drying and getting rid of surplus salts.

If necessary, the drawing can be painted using a cutting machine with a tube or wet the paint a piece of a sponge. However, it requires a re-drying, as well as quite painstaking work on staining.

Examples of drawings in Salu drawing technique


To make the drawing be careful, you need to wove it well with glue it

This drawing is made of a combination of materials - the sun is made with the help of cereals.


  1. "On a sheet blue color We draw (supply stencil) bird in flight. "
  2. "Draw the sun."
  3. "Abundantly applied glue to the whole bird and the sun, without leaving the contour of the drawing."
  4. "We give glue to" grab "- 30-60 seconds."
  5. "I fall asleep 2/3 of the sheet of salt, trying to impose a uniform layer on the bird. You can help with your fingers. "
  6. "A third of the sheet (where the sun) fall asleep with the gun."
  7. You can continue the next day.
  8. "I refer to the surplus of salt and millet."
  9. "Flomster of black color we make a bird eye."

"Planets in Space"

This example requires subsequent coloring. In addition, appliqué (stars) and paper design (rocket) are used as additional fine funds.

For more smooth color transitions as the basis, it is better to use fine salt


  1. "On a blue substrate, we draw 5 circles-planets of different sizes." You can use a circulation or give children to circle circles from cardboard of different diameters.
  2. "Gently fill in the circuit boundaries with glue."
  3. "I fall asleep with a salt pattern."
  4. Work continues the next day.
  5. "I refer to surplus salts."
  6. "Divorce paints with water."
  7. "Plug to the paint and make a drop on the circle."
  8. "So we work out all the circles, making stains of different colors to get transitions."
  9. Work continue after paint dry (at least one day). During this time, children can make origami rocket and cut stars.
  10. "Printe the stars and rocket."

Video. Fireworks in Salu drawing technique

Photo gallery drawings Soluya

Salt is an indispensable material for drawings of night winter paintings To save the clarity of the contour, the next element must be painted only after the previous drawings will dry up the salt develops in children a thin color sense

Pictures drawn pictures

As the name follows, the material for creating a picture will be the palms of kids. They can be applied with diluted water gouache or watercolor. Moreover, it may be one color, and maybe several, if, for example, palms are flowers in a vase. The main thing is that children have wet wipes and the ability to thoroughly wash their hands after drawing.

Example of drawing palms


So that the wings were smooth, palms need to apply symmetrically


  1. "Green paint draw a butterfly torso, slightly expanding the book."
  2. "Make a blue-color mustache, put the red dots at their ends."
  3. "We put in the palm of yellow paint and make a fingerprint to the left and right below, putting a palm with thumbs down."
  4. "Wash the handles, put the paint of pink color."
  5. "We apply the palms to the left and right at the top so that the thumbs are upstairs."
  6. "Wash the handles and draw the circles-stains on the wings of the butterfly."

Video. Draw a lion with palms

Photo gallery drawings palms

For this drawing, except palm, fingers were used after applying a print, octopus need to make a finished outline outline and draw them eyes if the palms do not wipe after one paint, and immediately apply the following, the trees will turn out to be multi-colored, truly autumn pictures can be turned into Appliques

Method drawing fingers

As mentioned, you can make fingers to fingers. But also in the preparatory group, a combination of prints with lines is actively used. For drawing, you need paint (gouache, watercolor), diluted with water, wet wipes.

It is interesting. Often drawing with fingers is combined with the creation of drawings using the prints of the palmus.

Example of drawing in finger drawing techniques

"Autumn paints on trees"

To give the shape of the foliage of a tree, a finger in green paint, as it were, draw a circle


  1. "Focus the index finger into the paint of a green color and draw a large circle of its prints."
  2. "In the boundaries of this circle, we make the stumps of different colors to get foliage on the trees."
  3. "Focus a big finger into brown paint and carry out one line at the bottom - this is the trunk of our tree."
  4. "Add a foliage under the tree."

Video. Summer meadow in finger drawing technique

Photo gallery drawings with fingers

The technique of drawing with fingers is perfectly complemented by elements made by palms, you can create plots in motion so that the Christmas tree was bright, for each branch, the finger should be finger to dope in the paint

Drawing with wax crayons

The essence of this technique is that the kids create a plot with the help of wax chalk, and then paint the whole substrate with watercolor (or gouache, damp water). An alternative to color chalk can be used a conventional wax candle - then the picture will get a monophonic.

Example of drawing wax crayons

"Sunset over the sea"

Watercolor spreads in small, creating a different color concentration


  1. "We draw a semicircle of the sun with wax grid."
  2. "We make rays, draw waves on the sea by dark blue shallow."
  3. "A thick brush is wetting the blue paint and apply to the whole drawing without affecting the sun."

Video. Salute in drawing technique with wax crayons and watercolor

Photo gallery drawings wax crayons

If you mix a few shades of blue paint, then the background will turn out more brighter for this picture, the background is made in a carcass, and the pattern is not painted with small Interesting pictures It turns out if the watercolor does not cover the drawing made by shallow

Drawing in spray technique

The work of this unconventional way, unlike the previous ones, requires some preparation. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • the cardboard creates a drawing;
  • this silhouette is cut, applied to another cardboard sheet;
  • the stencil will be burned, the details (for example, flower petals) are drawn;
  • drawn elements are cut;
  • the sheet of paper is applied background;
  • applied template with slots;
  • the old toothbrush (with a finger, brush for paint) is made spray on the stencil (the toothpick, as it were, paint is erased from the bristles);
  • after drying, the necessary details of the pictures are drawn.

It is interesting. If the plot should remain not painted, then the procedure is simplified to the silhouette cutting stage, which then applies to the basis, protecting the contour from splashing to the substrate.

Example of drawing in spray technique

« Winter forest»

Work in spray technique requires a lot of time to prepare


  1. "For this picture you will need to create shades. Therefore, before spraying, we paint with the desired elements and give them to dry. "
  2. "Draw trees, cut out their silhouettes."
  3. "We apply the silhouettes to the other basis, teeming the form of foliage on it."
  4. "Cut this silhouette of foliage."
  5. Again we put on a new base, we make the foliage contour, slightly retreating from the finished layer. "
  6. "Cut the second silhouette of foliage."
  7. "Making the silhouette of the snowdrifts, leaving the slot. Cut. "
  8. "At the substrate we apply the trunk and the second silhouette of foliage."
  9. "Focus the brush in the paint, we have a spray on the entire sheet with your finger."
  10. "We impose the silhouettes of the second layer of foliage and drifts, spray again."
  11. "Remove stencils."

Video. Still life with flowers in spray technique

Photo gallery drawings in spray technique

Butterfly stencils can be positioned differently to give the picture ease and naturalness for spraying birds you need two stencils: back with your head and breast for this picture first make flowers, and then teeze the stalks, leaves

Technique Cleaxography with a tube

This method of creating pictures not only reveals the creative potential of children, but also has a beneficial effect on their health, since the blowing of paint through the tube develops the power of the lungs and the entire respiratory system of kids. For drawing, it will take a simple set:

  • liquid diluted paints (watercolor, gouache or mascara);
  • pipette or small spoon;
  • tube for cocktail;
  • tassels, pencils to supplement the plot of the drawing.

The essence of the technique is that the child picks up a spoon or pipette paint, drips on a sheet of paper, and then through the tube inflates this spot in different directions, creating the necessary forms. At the same time, the wand does not concern the drop of paint, nor a sheet of paper. If you need to make small branches, then the blows should be quick-down, right-left depending on the direction of the plot.

Example of drawing in technique Cleaxography with tube

"Polyana with flowers"

The sharper blow on a drop, the longer the elements will be


  1. "We drip green paint and inflate the stalks of colors on shoots."
  2. "Now we drip the paint for colors, blow the petals."
  3. "We make the sun with the rays in the same way."
  4. "We drip a couple of small droplets for grass in the back background, a little spoil the drops."
  5. "Focus a brush into green paint and teeve the front plan - Polyana."

Video. How to draw a tree in the technique of kleaxography with a tube per minute

Photo Gallery of Pictures in Technique Cleaxography with Tube

In one drawing, you can combine blots and bloated through the tube of drops for landscapes. You can not particularly try to blow drops with the same force and in one direction. Pictures in the technique of klyaxography with a tube can be combined with a classic pattern - very original work is obtained.

Cheese drawing technique

Creating pictures for raw (it is also called wet) allows you to get images with blurred transitions. This is valuable, for example, for drawing animal wool. The essence of the method is that the base sheet is wetted with water, and then while it is wet to apply a drawing. To do this, go a gouache, watercolor or mascara. After the picture dries, the necessary parts are drawn.

It is interesting. To leave the longer longer wet, the wet napkin is put under it.

There is an alternative method of drawing in a wet technique: a drawing is applied on paper, and then the sheet is lowered down on the water, dramatically pulls out and turns over. So the colors flow into each other, creating original combinations. Usually in this way draws landscapes, sunset. If the image of the sky (sea) is thinking in the picture, then it can be done like this: apply a thick line to a dry leaf, dip this part of the sheet into water, and then the brush stretch the element to the desired size.

Example drawing for raw


Dorisovy thin elements can already be drawn after the basic parts deposited on wet paper are dry


  1. "Draw the contour of the kitten with a simple pencil."
  2. "Locked the sheet into water."
  3. "Color paint paint drawing."
  4. "Let's dry the picture."
  5. "Testing the paints (wovers) mustache, nose, eyes, eyelashes, mouth and tongue."

Video. Drawings on wet on watercolor paper

Photo gallery drawings on wet

If the composition is complex, then under the sheet you can put a wet napkin - so paper will last the desired condition of the rain drops, after the main plot dries - so they will be brighter for drawings on wet, you need to take thick paper, are ideal for watercolor sheets

Printing technique crumpled paper

In the younger groups of kids, the sheets of paper were kicked, and then applied their paints - so the drawing was obtained with interesting shades and shadows. In the preparatory group, the technique is slightly complicated: a lump of the guys paint the contour of the plot, making the drawing boundaries blurred, oddels. For the implementation of ideas necessary

  • apply the contour of the plot on the sheet of paper;
  • pour paint (watercolor, gouache) into a flat ass and dilute it to the consistency sour cream water;
  • skick the sheet of paper (the more denser, the more clear it will be an impression).

It is interesting. The lump of paper is better to do from ordinary notebook pages. The smaller the lump, the smaller the prints are obtained.

Example of drawing in the technique of writing paper crumpled

"A fox"

For minor prints you need to take small pieces of paper


  1. "Make the fox loop on paper."
  2. "Comka ½ part of a single notebook sheet."
  3. "In the plate we pour paint, add a few drops of water."
  4. "Focus a lump in the paint and apply in the boundaries of the contour."
  5. "We repeat until the whole figure is painted."
  6. "Tassel dressing the eye, nose, claws."
  7. "Blue paint is very dragging with water and draw the background."

Video. Easy way to draw landscape

Pictures Photo Gallery Crumpled Paper

This drawing is made by small pieces of crumpled paper before work with color, you need to apply the contour of the pattern the elements of the crumpled paper is applied after the main elements of the composition are completed.

Scheme of abstract classes

To compile a teacher's classes, it is very important to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the work. Only in this case it will be possible to choose the right techniques and interest the kids. Among the goalless factors, except for those that were indicated as the purpose of using non-traditional drawing techniques as a whole, you can allocate:

  • preparation of the child's hand to the letter;
  • development of the perception of a multicolor image;
  • the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of creativity;
  • development of cognitive abilities.

If the technique does not require a lot of time to perform a pattern, you can use the staging as a motivating start

Tasks you need to work on each lesson are

  • development of interest in various visual materials, as well as the urge to create affordable means of expressiveness;
  • training Skill mix paint to master the entire color palette manifold;
  • bring up patience in work;
  • to form a positive approach in assessing the result of its activities and works of other members of the team.

In addition to the wording of goals and objectives, the tutor is required to competently distribute the time between all the stages of occupation, the timing of which is 30 minutes. Work is built in 3 stages:

  • the introductory part (about 5 minutes) is the motivation of children, that is, the use of techniques that promote development in kids interest in work (conversation, beating visibility, role-playing game, listening to fairy tales, songs, etc.);
  • the main part (about 20 minutes) is the performance of the pattern, as well as physical attacks and articulation gymnastics;
  • the final stage (about 5 minutes) - Summing up, encouraging the teacher and the self-analysis of children in the form of answers to questions ("Did you like to draw in such an unusual way?", "How do you think you have everything turned out in the picture?", "Whose Work, in your opinion, is the most beautiful? ", etc.).

It is important to note that such a distribution of time in the study of drawing in unconventional technique is conditional, since there are techniques, which takes significantly less than the set 20 minutes (for example, a salt pattern). In this case, the educator can pay more time to motivational techniques.

Example of abstract drawing classes in unconventional techniques

Kirsanova Natalia "Abstract Classes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group" Winter. Winter Forest "(fragment)

<… Практическая деятельность. Под музыку Чайковского «Времена года», «Зима»
Winter: - Want, I will teach you to draw a winter tree without a brush and pencil. To do this, we will use the tube and air.
- On the blue paper we apply a pipette with a drop of liquid guashi and draw a trunk of a tree, blowing a drop through the tube ("blow" the trunk).
- If necessary, we drip still gouache on the basis of the branches and continue to inflate the ball "drawing" the tree of the desired height.
Winter: - You are just real wizards! Could draw trees with air without a brush and pencil!
- What do trees in winter? (In winter, trees seek, fall asleep until spring.)
- When do you go to bed in your crib, what are you doing? (Cover with a blanket)
- Let's, and we will cover our trees with a warm and lightweight blanket. But what can we cover them? (Snow)
- For this, the snow should go on our picture. What tool will help us to portray snow?
- Take the next "magic" object - cotton wand, make it in paint with a thin end and printed throughout the picture, saying the magic words:
"Let the snowball fall on the magical" leaflet! "
- Our snowball must first cover the branches.
- And the snow goes and goes, shelting the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And under the tree it is becoming more and more. Now turn over your cotton wand with another end, the mapping is in the paint and draw the drifts under the tree.
- Let's take another magic - put trees on the canvas, what did we do? (Winter Forest painting)
- What do you think our trees feel? (They are warm, cozy. They became even more beautiful.)
Educator: - Guys, did you like our meeting? What did you like? What are you learned today, what kind of magic? (Draw in an unusual way). Who was difficult to cope with the task? You all wonderfully coped. I give you these magic tubes, with the help of them you can create different images on paper ...\u003e

Perspective planning

In order for the education process in kindergarten in the kindergarten, and the work of the educator was ordered, meaningful and, most importantly, the effective, methodological association of preschool educators is a promising work plan.

Perspective planning allows you to combine techniques not only by topic, but also by the method of execution - individual or group

Usually the compilation of the plan is to specify the month of work, themes and techniques of the drawing, the purpose of using one or another technique. A source is also indicated in which this method of visual creativity is described in detail. The educator may indicate the date of holding and take the count under the note.

An example of promising planning

Naumova Elena "Perspective plan for non-traditional drawing. Preparatory Group »(Fragment of Program)

Topic: "Fish in aquarium among algae" (a stitch with a rigid brush with appliqué elements)
Objective: Improve the ability to transfer form, textures, proportional relationship in the figure. Educate the prishability, love for nature.
(Nikolkina T. A. P. 107)
Topic: "My little fluffy friend" (ackick of a rigid brush, writing with crumpled paper)
Purpose: Improve the ability of children in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressive, display animal appearance in the figure. Develop a sense of composition.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 110)
Topic: "Multicolored spray" (spray)
Objective: to introduce children with non-traditional technician Drawing - spray. Learning to create a diverse background for drawing. Develop fantasy, creativity.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 25)
Topic: "Fairy Bird" (palm drawing)
Purpose: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination, creativity. Educate accuracy in work.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 7)
Topic: "On the New Year's Eve" (Intysk Porolone Tampon, Gouache)
Purpose: Teach children to schedule the silhouette of the New Year's tree and transmit fluffiness of the branches using a foam tampon. Decorate the New Year's Christmas tree with multi-colored toys. Develop a feeling of color, fantasy, creative skills and imagination.
(Colddis D. N. p. 40) ...\u003e

Classes drawing in kindergarten is one of the most important ways to know the child around the world, as the kids not only are engaged in creativity, but also independently find solutions to the practical tasks. This improves observation, forms aesthetic taste. However, the implementation of these goals requires the complete inclusion of the child into the creative process, which is not easy to implement if the baby does not have visual abilities. In this case, unconventional drawing techniques come to the rescue. In the Preparatory Group, the list of ways to create plots on paper is significantly expanding in comparison with junior groupsand children who are accustomed to work with unusual drawings, I am pleased to continue to master this type of activity.

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« Unconventional drawing equipment

and its role in the development of children of preschool age »

O. N. Pobachina Educator

MDOU "Ylanniki

kindergarten №1 »

Subject: artistically aesthetic development

Nomination: "Best Methodical Development"

The methodological guide presents abstracts of classes on visual activities, methodical techniques, a variety of unconventional methods Drawing techniques that will help the teacher to comprehensively develop the identity of the child. The manual addressed to educators of preschool institutions, educators of additional education, interested and attentive parents.

Explanatory note

"The mind of a child - on the tips of his fingers ..."

We all want our children better than us - more beautiful, talenter, smarter. Nature gave them this opportunity to be disclosed, to save, and then they will delight us, amazing and admired. Before self-realization - a long way, but there is one short and very important period - childhood. This is the period of initial acquaintance with the outside world; At the same time, at this time the cognitive abilities of the child are developing rapidly. Already with early age The child should develop a sense of excellent, high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate the works of art, the beauty and wealth of folk crafts. This contributes to the formation of spiritually rich harmonious personality development. Throughout my work, I faced the fact that not all families today can give their children the opportunity to develop their creative abilities in paid studios, specialized creative schools, circles, etc.
In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the relevant. The development of creativity is one of the main tasks of upbringing.

At the present stage of development of preschool pedagogy, the problem of children's creativity is impossible to consider outside the issues of training of visual activities. All the difficulty lies in finding this relationship. The creative process offers the creation of an expressive painting by the pictorial means.

Drawing is one of the most interesting and fascinating classes for preschool children. In the process of drawing, observation, aesthetic perception, artistic taste, creative abilities are improved.

All children are drawn as a child, but it turns out not all children in the same way, one child is enough help, and another requires a long workout. The non-formation of graphic skills and skills prevents the child to express in the figure conceived and makes it difficult to develop cognitive abilities and aesthetic perception.

Complex for preschoolers is a method of image objects with thin lines. Not all children cope with the task set before them. This entails a negative emotional attitude towards the entire process of drawing and leads to childhood uncertainty. Solve these problems help unconventional drawing methods.

Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, discloses the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials, surprises its unpredictability. Unusual drawing methods are so carried away by children that figuratively speaking in the group, the present flame of creativity flames, which is completed by the exhibition of children's drawings.

Unconventional drawing methods include: drawing with fingers, wax chalk, candle, watercolor, wrinkling paper, printing on a stencil, drawing at points, plasticine drawing, klyaxography. Normal, monotype, monotype landscape, spray, leaf prints, twitching, handling.

Unconventional drawing plays an important role in general mental Development Child. After all, self-concrete is not the final product - a drawing, but the development of personality: the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities, self-identification in creative work, focusing activity.


Development of creative abilities of children, disclosure of creative potential and personal qualities of preschoolers, using various techniques and genres visual arts;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;

- Creative organization (creativity) of the process of upbringing and learning;

The variability of the use of educational material, which allows to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclination of each child;

- Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity.


- disclose the value of the image technique in the process of creating children's drawings;

Consider the development of children's fine creativity in psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature;

Consider the content and methods of work on the use of non-traditional techniques for the development of children's creativity.

Forms of organization of work with children


Consider illustrations, drawings and works performed by the educator.

Acquaintance with various art materials.

Reading poems, mysteries.

Listening to musical works.

Movable, didactic games.

Respiratory, finger gymnastics.

Fine activities.

Print leaves.

In the autumn, walking with the child in the park, you can collect leaves from different trees, differing in the form of size and painting. From the collected leaves, you can make beautiful compositions.

Method of execution.

Take any sheet you like. On a sheet of paper, it's well scorching it with a gouache with a brush, not leaving empty places and not scratched edges.

Put the piece of painted side down on the blank sheet of paper. Position it with a cutlery down and press tightly to the paper, trying not to move it so that the image does not work out lubricated.

Carefully remove a piece of paper, it turned out.

The following leaves can be painted in other colors, and you can make one sheet to make two-color. Take the already used sheet and paint it into another color, then when mixing different colors, an unusual shade may turn out.

When the drawing is filled with fingerprints, brush draw the trunks of trees, leaf bodies, all this will remind the branches in the color crown.

Topic: "Autumn trees".

Senior group.

Software content:

Introduce children S. new technician non-traditional drawing - print with leaves;

Fasten drawing with fingers and the ability to correctly draw a brush;

Develop aesthetic perception;

Learning to have pictures throughout the surface of the sheet, choose the necessary equipment, color solutions.

Educational regions:

Preliminary work.

Excursion to the autumn park for observation of changes in nature, collection of leaves. Reading artistic works about the "golden" autumn. Viewing picture

I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin with the image of autumn.

Materials and tools:leaves, different in shape, size and color, paintings

I. I. Levitan with the image autumn trees, paints, paper napkins.

Educator. Children, I prepared a surprise for you. But to get it, you need to guess the riddle:

"Spring grow up

and fall falling in the fall (Leaves.)

Of course, these are leaves, and not one, but a whole bouquet. (Showing a bouquet of leaves from different trees). See what they are beautiful. What color leaves in a bouquet? (Red, yellow, orange.) And why there are no green leaves in our bouquet? (Because autumn.)

Consider painting.

Educator. In the autumn of green leaves, more than yellow, red, as in the picture

I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". Look guys, as an artist rejoiced with this beauty, he felt this festive mood and reflected cheerful, elegant paints of autumn. Look carefully on the picture. Do you like her? (Children give their answers.)

What colors do you see in this picture? (Red, yellow, orange.)

Fizminutka "Wind".
The wind blows to us in the face
The village was hardened.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
The village is higher above.

(Children imitate the wind breeding, shaking a torso one, then in the other side. The words "quieter, quieter" children are squatted, on "above, above" - \u200b\u200bstraighten up.)

Educator. Let's play with you. Take each leaflet.

We are autumn leaves on branches sat (crumbled)

the wind blew (the children make hands, depicting the wind)

we flew, we flew (easy runs in different directions)

and I sat down on the ground (crumbled)

Now we will draw the painting "Autumn". Use we will be our leaves. (Discussion of the drawing of autumn tree, using the technique-print with leaves.) Apply the paint with a tassel on a sheet of wood, then apply it to the paper painted side to get a print. Barrel - draw the tassel, fallen leaves - with fingers, clouds in the sky - foamine seals.


Your trees have become truly autumn. Very nice! All tried. Well done!

"Autumn carpet. Leaf fall.

Software content:

Teach children to transmit the image of the autumn carpet in the figure;

Fasten the technical skills and ability to print a sheet of wood;

Learning beautifully, have pictures on a sheet of paper;

Educational regions: "Cognition", " Artistic creativity"," Health "," Communication "," Socialization ".

Equipment:music "Waltz Flowers" PI Tchaikovsky, sheet of paper A4, gouache, autumn leaves.

Preliminary work:conversation about autumn, leaf fall.


Today I want to invite you to the Magic Forest!

In this forest we will meet a wonderful, magic carpet!

There are so many "paints" and magic!

And now we will go to this forest and try to draw a magic carpet with the help of these wonderful leaves!

Performing work with children.

We take leaflets, and on the opposite direction we apply a gouache paint, and print. Leaves take a different size, forms. ... These leaves can be appointed throughout the sheet of paper, so that the real magic carpet and leavefall come.

We will make a beautiful framework, "Draed" on the edge of paper, on our carpet.

Now you will try to portray this magic carpet yourself, how you imagine it.

(Music "Waltz Flowers" P.I. Tchaikovsky and children are starting to perform the task.)

Analysis of children's work, summing up.

I note that all works are very interesting and unusual. Each carpet turned out unusual and magical.

Strike drawing.

This technique of drawing is called "chirp". The pencil is pressed against the paper, as the pressure is moving, it is weakened, and the tip of the pencil breaks away from the sheet, leaving the visible trace on it, so called the barcode. The barcode is a line, a trait carried out by one hand movement, short or long, thin or thick, etc. A stroke pattern can be colored, and may be tone, that is, black or gray. Color distraction allows you to focus on more accurately transmitted form, structure of depicted objects, movements, pattern composition. With the help of the stroke, you can tell about the nature of the subject, the properties of the material, transfer it to soft or thorns, kindness or aggressiveness, to reveal the image of the hero, positive or vice versa is negative, express your personal attitude towards it.

Subject: "barbed fairy tale."

Senior group.

Software content:

Develop the ability of children to apply long and short strokes in one and different directions, learn to impose strokes in one direction, without cleansing;

Learning to rhythmic hatching, working out the ease of movement of free - move hands throughout the sheet;

Show expressive possibilities of a simple pencil;

Learning to portray high-quality signs of drawd objects - "Throwing", transfer the texture of the branches of the branches.
Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Material: Photo Film with the image of hedgehog, album sheet, simple TM pencil.

Preliminary work: Reading Stories M. Privina "Hedgehog", Ch. Charushina "Hedgehog", viewing the painting "Ezhi" from the series "Wild Animals".

Angry Nadrog

lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Needles a lot,

and threads - none. (This is Yozh.)

Tell me, but what kind of main sign you guessed that there is a speech about the hedgehog in the riddle. (Only the hedgehog has a lot of needles, he is spiny.)
And what do you think why the hedgehog needles? (Property from enemies, transfer mushrooms, apples, berries on needles.)
Reading a fairy tale.
Why the hedgehog spiny?
Somehow in the open field caustious fox pouring rain. Lononka was noticed from side to the side, suddenly sees, stands at the road Kostik. Thille thinking, with all his legs rushed to him. Suggested, and under the bush of Yozh - from the rain hidden.
- Move! - Lisa scorn and pushed her hedgehog in the side.
Pushed and screamed from pain.
- Ah ah ah! Yes, when are you finally trigging your nasty spines? I do not understand that they are beautiful ...
Yozh chuckled and quietly said:
- And they are not for beauty.
"That's it," Lisa picked up. - Especially…. Do not stubborn and cut, not that popping my word, all friends will be another expensive to go around.
- Friends? - grinned Yozh. - That's you, Lonon, make mistakes. My spines are not for friends. (V. Rosin)
Educator. And in addition to mushrooms, apples and other delicacies, the hedgehike carries dry leaves on its needles, which he wore his mink for winter hibernation.
"Hedgehog in - his bedding harvested. Kubarem rides on the grass and heats the foliage on his needles. Oakhka gets up Yozh and carries a sheet mattress into the nest. It is implausible monster, it is impossible to know: button button! ".
And who of you have ever seen a hedgehog? What does he look like?
( It is rounded, slightly elongated, with a pointed face, with a barbed back.)
And what else do you know about the heroes? Where does he live, what is food? Does the stock reserves? (Children's responses).
He lives the Yozh in the forest, sleeps in the afternoon, and at night it turns to hunt: catch beetles, different worms, frogs, mice, enters into a fight with snakes. A hedgehog does not make stocks for the winter, since with the onset of cold weather is closed in the mink lined with leaves and sleeps until spring. The family of heroes is very friendly. Hedgehogs - parents care about their offspring, diligently teach heditably everything that they can themselves.
Fizkultminutka "Hedgehog Stall over a path."
Lived - there were Gray Yozh and his hedgehog. (Cotton in your hands)
Gray Yozh was very quiet, (squeezing - hands up)
And hedgehog too. (Pulling - hands on the parties.)
And the child was with them - (squat - smooth lowering hands down.)
Very quiet hedgehog.
The whole family go to walk (walking on the spot with swinging hands)
At night along the tracks (walking cheerful.)
Yozh - Father, Hedgehog - Mother

AND Baby boy too. (Walking slowdown.)
Along the deaf autumn trail (walking on the socks).
It is quiet: top-top - top.
S. Marshak
Educator. Today we draw a family with you barbedgeswhich walks along a barbed forest. And the hedgehog could protect themselves from enemies, they must have enough needles. We will help the needles "grow". Draw on the backs of heroes a lot - a lot of strokes. The barcode is a line that can be short and long, straight and inclined, depending on what we draw.

Practical part:

On the left and right at the bottom of the sheet to draw the contour of the body large hedgehog - Moms. Draw its oval shape with an elongated pointed face, with short oval legs.

Apply a number of short lines - strokes with a support for the bottom edge of the body of the body. Portray the second row of strokes over the first, then the third, etc., The last row Strokes on the top edge of the body of the body.

Light dense strokes without piping on a pencil shaking the muzzle of hedgehog. Take out small circles - eyes, spout.

In the same way, draw 2 - 3, the hedgehog, following the mother - hedgehog, only smaller.

Take each family member, cargo on the back (leaf, fungus, apple).

The upper part of the composition is supplemented with a fir branch: the long main line is a branch with side, short branches covered with needles, - small strokes on both sides.

At the bottom of the composition, perform a number of short strokes - grass. If the grass takes a wider place, to portray the strokes is more authentic or placed the grass into several rows. The grass can be "straight" under the paws of heroes - touches under the tilt.


Children, you got a real barbed fairy tale, the main characters of which spiny and hardworking hedgehogs. They are not terrible enemies, nor hunger, as numerous sharp needles that you painted them will help them in a difficult moment.

Drawing a tych method.

For this method, it is enough to take any suitable object, for example, a cotton wand. I lower your cotton wand in the paint and the exact movement from top to bottom, we make the stumps along the album sheet. The wand will leave a clear imprint. The fingerprint form will depend on which form it was selected for the post. If the stitch do purposefully, for example, on the finished circuit and inside it, the depicted object will turn out to be an interesting inhomogeneous texture. This method can draw falling snow, decorate the finished drawing of the ornament and much more.

Topic: "Murki is a birthday."

Junior group.

Software content:

Consolidate kids about geometric figuresah (circle, triangle), about color (main shades);

Exercise children in drawing up an image from geometric shapes;

Continue to teach children to draw with an unconventional way with cotton sticks;

Develop dialogic in children, intensify the dictionary;

Educating accuracy with robot with paints, glue, cause a desire to help the hero.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Materials: Glue, cotton wands, paints, napkins, album leaf, geometric shapes

Preliminary work:conversation about cats.

Educator.- Children, look at how many guests we have! But there is another guest. Want to know who it is? Then guess my riddle:

Sharp ears, legs, pillows,

Mustache, like a bristle, arcoule back.

Who is it? Right. Look, what kind of cat Murka came to us.

Beautiful but sad. And I know why. Do you want to know? Then tell me, do you like birthdays?

Birthday - a fun holiday, which everyone is waiting with impatience. Here and our Murki is a birthday today. And she also wants guests to come to her, gave gifts. She wants to get a lot of balloons. But the trouble is that Murka has no friends at all, no one come to visit her and give her balloons. When I found out about it, I felt sorry Murku and wanted to help her. Let's help our cat together to find friends. Now we turn our fingers to kittens and play with them.

Finger gymnastics.

Here are five kittens.

One left - and there is no it.

Kittens remained four.

One night sometimes climbed on the tree -

Kittens left three.

But somewhere heaped

Momens thin - thin,

Kitten hand

There are two kitten left.

One of them with the ball

Disappeared in the doorlessly.

And the smartest one

The remaining, last -

Lapse for five

He became milk from a bowl.

Look at Murk carefully. Her body consists of geometric shapes, name them. (From a large triangle, two small triangles and a circle.)

Look at your trays, and tell me - what kind of figures lie, you (children list). Let's make cats with you. ( Children lay cats on a sheet of paper.)

What color cats. And what do you think for what we have paint on the table? And wands woven? (To draw air balloons.)

And what form are balls? ( Childrenreply.)

And now you first get cats on a sheet of paper.

Practical part:

Educates the children working with glue and drawing with cotton chopsticks.


Children, it seems to me, Murki will have many friends. What wonderful cats you did. And how many balls draw. Our Murki will have a fun birthday!

Topic: "Decoration of the National Mordovian Dress (Panar)."

Junior group.

Educational regions:"Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Communication", "Health", "Socialization", "Labor".

Software content:

To form in children a steady interest in artistic creativity, enrich the touch experience, develop a figurative aesthetic perception, form aesthetic judgments;

Fasten the ability to decorate the silhouette using the ornament and pattern;

Improve creative interest to various drawing techniques;

Develop aesthetic perception in children;

Enrich vocabulary;

Develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of image in drawing using expressive means;

Relieve a sense of patriotism.

Wordwork: "Sumbateada" (Hello), Panar (dress).

Types of childhood activities:game, communicative, informative-productive, productive, motor, labor.

Methodical techniques:showing, practical actions, game surprise moment, unconventional drawing equipment - printing on stencil, stump, nitkography.

Preliminary work:conversation.

Equipment:dolls B. national costumes, Gouache: red, yellow, black, woolen threads, cotton wands, stencils from potatoes, silhouette of dresses, cockerel for play, chest, beads, palette for paints, beads, belt, cososhnik for doll, napkin.

Educator. Children, today in our group warmly, light, happily, because the sun shines on the street. Let's smile to each other, smile to our guests, say hello to them.

Educator. Children, we have today's doll Alduna with their girlfriends.

Alduna. I was going to you for a long time and finally came. And you know, I'm talking to Mordovian with my mother. Every morning I speak Mom Schibert (Hello).

Educator.Children, let's, and we will say all the slimbrate together.

Sumbath, Roma.

Sumbet, - Katya, etc.

Alduna.Look, what is my beautiful dress. My dress is called Panar. Children Let's say choir: "Panar". Aldunya really wants to be beautiful, and we will all help her.

Educator.Will you help you dress up Alduna? We show beads here. Let's see where they will lead us. (We go along the path and collect beads.)

Educator.Look, on our way in the chest. Let's look at him, what's in it?

(Open and look). Yes, here is an outfit for our Alduni. (Get out of turn and dress up Aldunya: Beads, Belt, Kokoshnik.)

Alduna.Thank you! What I am beautiful.

Educator.Children, do you hear, do we have any noise in the chest?

Look here with us "Cockerel - Golden Grab". (I bring up to the ear)

Educator. He tells me that he wants to play the Mordovian folk game "Cockerel"

The game "Cockerel".

Acting faces: Cockerel, Clum, Chickens

A chickens for captive chickens are soldered on the playground. The club brings his chickens on the meadow. Chickens keep each other for the waist. So the club comes to a cockerel, which, squatting, roet the pocket.

Club. Cockerel, what are you doing?

Petushok. Pocket.

Club. What are you looking for in it?

Petushok. Pebbles.

Club. What are you pebbles for?

Petushok. So that the nose is sharpened.

Club. Why do you need to sharpen a spout?

Petushok. So that your chickens beat!

With the last words, the cockerel rushes into chickens and tries to catch a stronger chicken, as, according to the conditions of the game, the captured chicken should help, caress to catch his fellow. The club protects its chickens, spreading wings wide. Cut chickens locked in chicketer. The game goes until all chickens are shifted.

Educator. You liked to play. (Children's responses.)

And now we will go to our magic workshop, where for Alduni and her girlfriends decorate the dress with the Mordovian national pattern.

We will not decorate the dress not tassels, but our magic chopsticks. (Magic chopsticks printing from potatoes.) We print the bottom of the dress and sleeves.

Look at my work. What is missing on dresses (Panar)?

Children.Bead, belt.

Educator.To draw a lot of small beads of the same, we will use another magic wand (cotton wand). If her tip is dipped into the paint, and then make a stick about paper, then the sheet will leave the magnitude of the magnitude with a small round pea, and all prints will be even and the same in size. It is not necessary to ignore the wand, only in the paint, but not deep, but only a slightly touching the surface of Guashi. Getting to work.

Look carefully that we have left to do?


Educator.We will make it in the technique - "Magic thread". Lower in the paint thread so that it is soaked. Hold the thread follows the tips. Apply a thread on a sheet of paper. And now see what you did?

- Children, and to whom we will give a dress (Panar).

Children.We will give them to Alduni and her girlfriends.

Educator.Doll Alduna and her girlfriend thank you. They say thank you.

Did you like the lesson? (children's responses)

I also liked our occupation too. You were active, showed how much you know how, and did a very kind thing. You presented a gift (Panar) to our guests: Aldun and her girlfriends. Thank you.

Topic: "Cherimuha".

Medium group.

Software content:

Educate aesthetically - moral attitude towards nature;

Expand the presentation of children about the world around the world, to acquaint the appearance of wild cherry.

Continue to acquaint with a tych drawing with technique.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Material:cheerful branch and illustration with her image, landscape sheets with dark background, set gouashevy colors, cup with water, cotton wands, napkin.

Preliminary work: Watching the blooming cushion.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and greet each other.

After greetings, the teacher invites them to sit on the chairs that stand in a semicircle. On the table there is a vase with a bouquet of the cushion, on the easel of the photo "Thickets of the cherry".

Educator. Children, I want to ask you, what time of year is it? (children's responses)

What happens in the spring in nature (answers of children)

The educator summarizes: Yes, in the spring nature wakes up and comes to life after a long winter sleep.

On the branches of shrubs and trees swell their kidneys, then gentle green leaves appear, and then gentle fragrant inflorescences, from which it is impossible to take a look. In short, wonders occur in nature. Here with one of these spring miracles I would like to introduce you today.

Reading a poem from Z. Alksandova


Bloomed cherry near the stream,

At the April Sun, whisper branches.

Light, like a cloud, clean, like snow.

Just a tree, every person.

Girls came, sit under it,

And she could bloom a lot - many days.

Is it some kind of cherry?

Yes she is a draw, white Snow Maiden

Near the stream ...

Educator. Blooming the cherry in May. Fragrant borders of snow-white colors bloom, from which a wonderful aroma comes. But the blooming branches are undesirable to put at home, a head can hurt from a sharp smell. Yes, and this bouquet is missing for long, tender bunches of cherry will quickly spread in captivity. After abundant flowering, berries appear on the tree. First, they are green, and then the fruits ripen and black. We are glad to such a treat and birds. In Russia, in the old days, pies were baked cherry berries. Here is a wonderful tree.

Fizkultminutka "Cheremukha".

Cherryumukha fragrant with spring bloomed hands raise up, make

"Kronu" above head

And the branches are golden, that curls curl. circular movements

pointed fingers near

heads - "Kudri"

The circle of dew is a sort of core, lean forward

under her, the greenery shines in silver. lower hands down.

And near Protalyanka,

In the grass between the roots, smoothly shift at the bottom with hands from

Runs, flowing small parties to the side - "Creek".

silver stream.

Siny cherry, waving, standing, Stand straight, hands to the sides -


And the greens are golden in the sun burning. Hands raise up, grow up

finger "Solar rays"

The educator invites children to consider the twig of the cherry.

Educator.On the branch there are leaves and flowers. Each sheet has a rounded shape, the leaves are attached to the branch. And between the leafs on the branches there are white small flowers collected in the borders. Each flower has a yellow middle, surrounded by white petals with a small pea size. In order for us to draw a lot of small colors with the same petals, we use a cotton wand.

Practical part:

We draw a few short thin lines departing from different sides of the main branch.

A cotton wand in a yellow gouache, I will show a middle of the flower at the end of the cutting, the other end of the sticks on a white gouache and typing around the middle of the white petals. In the same way, I will show the rest of the colors.

When performing a pump, the wand must be kept vertically, the upper end should be directed upwards.

Between the bunches of the brush to draw short cuttings, on the end of each cutken, draw a leaf rounded form. (During the drawing, calm music sounds.)


All today are well done, tried and painted beautiful still lifes, who became a good decoration of our group.

And you know that in the forest there are cherry thickets, and in the spring, during the flowering of the cushion, the scented black cherry flavor. Your drawings are similar to the cherry thickets. Let's imagine that they are real and raising the aroma of the cushion. "Breathing exercises"

Drawing in the technique of pointelism.

Pointilism (Fr. Pointillisme, literally "point", Fr. Point - Point) - This is a direction in visual art, which is considered the French artist-Neoimpressionist Georges Syra. As obvious from the name, Pointelism is drawing by points (point strokes). And, therefore, this technique is quite forces of children of preschool age. But, how then is the pointelism differ from the drawing technique or, for example, finger painting? In addition to the obvious, at first glance, Poentilism is based on a strict scientific physico-mathematical base, paints on the palette are not mixed, bright, contrasting colors are applied with points, and it is understood that the mixture of paints occurs due to the optical effect right on the retina. And if the viewer looks at the picture from a close distance, the drawing is not visible at all, but if you look from afar, then the picture is immediately visible. That is, drawing a tree, we can apply red, green, yellow dots (get brown, and draw the crown with yellow and blue dots ( green color), or take red and yellow (autumn tree).

Topic: "Fish in aquarium."

Medium group.

Software content:

- acquisition of children to creativity by using unconventional drawing techniques Pointelism;
- cause children interest in the image of fish, exercise in coloring different ways using non-traditional poinlectric technology, to seek expressiveness of the image by a contrast combination of colors;

To educate a desire to assist in need.
Educational regions:

Material: cotton wands, gouache, plasticine, markers, PVA glue, brush, colored paper mugs, fish blanks, audio recording with music, tape recorder.
Preliminary work: Conversation about fish, reading works, viewing illustrations, pictures with a picture of various fish, drawing using stencils.
Vocabulary: fins, torso, aquarium fish.
- Listen, listen to the riddle
On the window pond,
It lives in it.
Glass shores
There is no fishermen.
-What is it? Who guessed?
-Here it is. Look at what big
(The tutor shows on the easel, where the aquarium is enshrined, drawn on Watman)

Let's look at the fish. What does she have? (torso, tail, fin, eyes)
- What color is the body? (Yellow)
-And tail and fins? (red)
-What color eye? (black)
- Fish can be different colors. Agree? (Yes)
- Look, what different fish are fish.
Presentation "Fish"

How many fish in our aquarium? (one)

Yes, alone. Do you think her fun or sad one swim in a big aquarium? (sad)
- How can she help? (Draw Fish Friends)
-We, I invite you to our creative workshop.
- You are on the tables lying fish. What color are they? (White)

What should be done so that the fish become bright and beautiful? (Coloring)
- Today we will try to paint fish in different ways. See what we have on the tables? (Feltolsters, gouache and cotton wands, plasticine, colored paper and glue circles)

Let's remember with you how you can paint fish with felt-tumbers? (draw rings or points)
- Gouache? (With cotton sticks using the "Vault" method)
- How to keep a cotton wand? (so that her tip looked at the top)
-Right. This is called vertically.
- How can you paint with plasticine? (From a large piece it is necessary to pinch a small piece, roll the ball, attach it and press it)
- How can I paint fish with colored circles? (using applique)
-What will we smear glue? (parts of the picture)
-Right. Gradually smearing parts of the figure, we will apply colored mugs.
-Well, now close your eyes and imagine what your fish will be in color
(kids ponder what to choose colors)
- Exercise to work. Sit straight, work carefully
(Independent activities of children, the educator includes music for creative inspiration)
- Our fish are ready. Children, what can fish do? (to swim)
- Do you want to play with them? (Yes)
Palchikovaya game "Fish".
Fish swims in a vodice,
Fish play fun.
Fish, Fish - Najnitsa, (threaten with your finger)
We want to catch you. (bring palm)
The fish bent the back (hands are folded by a boat, imitate that they float)
Bread crumb to take. (perform movement)
Fish tail waved
Fish times - and sailed.(hands are folded by a boat, imitate that they float)
- Children, and now let's start the fish to aquarium
(kids fit to easel and attach fish to aquarium)

Tell me how many fish are in aquarium now? (lot)
- What fish got? (bright and beautiful)
- Look at how different they look like. Show where the fish, painted with gouache and cotton sticks, and where with plasticine?
- Children, what do you think Fish is pleased? (Yes)

What kind of mood has it become? (joyful)
- Why? (She had friends, she was not bored)
- Children, how well you worked well! Well done! Our creative workshop closes.

Topic: "Autumn tree".

Senior group.

Software content:

Introduce children with a new type of non-traditional confetti drawing technique;

Educate aesthetic attitude towards nature in the environment and in art

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Equipment: Panel "Autumn tree without leaves" for collective work, gouache, napkins, water, brushes, confetti, glue, didactic game "Artist named Autumn",

poems, Music PI Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

Preliminary work:excursion around the kindergarten, excursion to the autumn park,

consider the autumn illustrations, reading poems about autumn, conversations with children about autumn.

The tutor shows the children of slides with the image of autumn nature.

Forest section

Sky collection

This is the time of year ... (autumn)

Autumn is different: gloomy, affectionate, bright, elegant, kind - like mood. ... let's give to each other good mood And you will configure the joint creative work! Let's give a smile in a circle .... (Transferring mushroom, apple, etc. We give a smile to each other)

Didactic game "Artist named Autumn."

Look at these leaves. They are multicolored. What paints does the most likely like autumn? Pick up among the paints of the artist similar color gamut.

Dynamic pause "We walked around the forest ..."

The tutor introduces a basket with natural leaves. This is an autumn gift. The educator reads the poem and folds the leaflets to the floor.

Autumn came to visit us

Rain and wind brought.

The wind blows, blows up

With the branches of the foliage breaks.

Leaves in the wind spin

And under the feet we fall to us,

Well, we go walk

And the leaves will collect ...

The game "We walked around the forest, we found a piece of paper ..."

Children become in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find that leaflet referred to in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found a piece of leaf,

We went through the forest, we oak Leaf Found ...

... Found leaf found ...

... from the birch sheet found ...

... we found the maple leaf!

Maple leaves Kids keep in hands and fit the panel "Autumn tree"

Panel viewing

Educator. What trees in autumn elegant. (Watch the image of autumn trees.) Look, our village .... Oh, what happened to be sad by our tree, what can I help him with you? (children's responses)

The right decision! But we will decorate our tree with confetti, which will imitate the leaves.

Showing order of execution.

Mix the crown of the tree adhesives, take a little confetti and pour on the silhouette of the tree, see what you have happened. (Children's answers)

Practical part.

Children perform autumn tree.

Quietly sounds Music P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", "Autumn"


What do you think our church is pretty? Why? Are you satisfied?

Fit drawing.

Non-traditional techniques Drawing demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such technicians is the versatility of their use. The technology of their implementation is interesting and accessible to both an adult and a child.
That's why, unconventional techniques Very attractive for children, as they open up the great opportunities to express their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.
Wax chalks are one of the best drawing materials, which differs not only to a wide range of creative opportunities, but the safety of their use of children. But as artistic material, it is paid to undeservedly little attention because the drawing of wax cramped time-consuming and long process. Despite this draw wax crayons usually like all children and draw them from the youngest age.
The technique of work with wax crayons and watercolor is very simple, but spectacular. At first glance, it seems that these two materials are incompatible, because the wax repels water. But it is this property and allows you to seek amazing results - paintings drawn by wax cramped and watercolor is extremely expressive.
There are no special secrets in this technique: you first need to draw a "wax" picture, and then paint it watercolor paint. Watercolor rolls with fatty pastel smear and remains only on a pure sheet. The manifesting pattern is very bright, all the strokes and lines are visible. The only wishes is that the paper is special, that is, designed to draw watercolor, since the usual album leaf from moisture can be deformed by fading the waves.

Topic: "Festive Salute".

Senior group.

Software content:

Learn to select artistic technique in accordance with the theme of the picture;

Develop the feeling of composition and color, rhythm, creative thinking, imagination;

Relieve aesthetic taste, love and respect for homeland.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Equipment: The phonogram of the song "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova, pictures of festive salute, brushes, watercolor, wax chalk, A4 paper.

IN capiter.Children today I received a letter from the Kuzi Council. Listen to us writes:

"Dear kids! Approaching significant data 9th May. On this day, all the inhabitants of our country celebrate a joyful holiday - the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. It has long over the war, there are difficult years left behind, but we are grateful to remember everyone who defended their homeland and achieved peace on earth. On this day, everyone is happy, and in the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, there are wreaths to the grave of an unknown soldier, and in the evening a festive salute. And you, children

do not forget to congratulate veterans with the holiday. "

Quietly sounds the melody of the song "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova, the educator reads a poem

"Festive salute" T. Shuragin:

Scarlet bouquets in the sky flourish,

Sparkles of light petals sparkle.

Flare up astramy blue, red,

Blue, lilac - every time everything is new.

And then the gold rope flow.

What it is?

Festive salute !!!

The tutor shows pictures of festive salute.

What is shown on these illustrations?

What does salute look like?

What time of day is shown on the illustrations?

What colors are used in the image of the salute?

Which background is the salute depicted?

Why did the artist chose exactly a dark background?

What could be the artist, portraying salute?

What illustration of the salute did you like more? Why?

How best to draw salute? (Offered drawing technique).

Fizkultminutka "Kindergarten".

Kindergarten, kindergarten,
He is always happy for children. Cotton for every word.
I will play in kindergarten Single showing gesture "ku-ku".
And constructor collect, Brushing brushes in different directions, brushes fingers come into contact.
And toys to clean the toys. The hand moves to the right and left.
I will boyko dancing Squat.
And sculpt and draw, Imitate modeling, drawing.
I will handing songs every day. Hands "Castle" in front of them.

Practical part:

And now let's, and we will turn into real artists and draw a festive salute. How will we draw salute? (Children choose the technique to be drawing).

The basic rules of work with watercolor and wax crayons are remembered. The educator shows the techniques of work selected.

Ready works are considered.

Drawing with a stamp.

Drawing with a stamp - applying paint to the surface with a special form (stamp), applying a stamp with a colorful layer for paper and pressing in order to obtain color imprint. You can apply one or more paints on the stamp. With this method, you can get the same prints in any quantity, create the same and of different shapes Different images. You can use wooden as stamps geometric figures From a toy building kit or cut patterns of the desired form from vegetables (carrots, potatoes).

Topic: "Flowers of unprecedented beauty."

Software content:

To acquaint children with the new technique of non-traditional drawing - "Drawing with a palm and sponge";

Learn to work with a sponge, to stupid a sponge in a saucer with paint and apply a print on a sheet of paper;

Learning to transmit image of flowers, structure and shape using sponge, hand palms;

Continue to teach children to conduct straight lines;

Fasten the knowledge of color (green, red, yellow);

Develop thinking, memory;

Develop motility hands;

Educate love and care to the most close person - mom;

Educate careful attitude to nature;

Educate accuracy;

Create a positive emotional attitude.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Equipment: Paper sheet A3 format, yellow, red, green paint, sponge, aprons, flowers bouquets, napkins.

Educator. - Children, outside the window is the perfect time of the year Spring.

All nature wakes up after winter, all trees and shrubs start green, the first flowers appear! And the very first spring holiday - This is the holiday of our moms and grandmothers.

A tutor shows children illustration with a picture of flowers.

And who of you knows what is this flower? (children's responses) Look at him, he is so beautiful, bright. What colour is he? (Red).

And this is a skeleton - his leg. Here is a leaf. What color are they? ( green).

And today we will draw these unprecedented beauty with you, and then this drawing will give our moms and grandmothers.

Finger game "Our Flowers".

Our red (yellow) flowers reveal the petals.

Fingers folded into the fist slowly straightened

The breeze is a little breathing, the petals pegs.

Fingers smoothly lean down, left - right

Our scarlet flowers close the petals

Fingers slowly fold into fist

Heads are swing, quietly fall asleep.

The fists are slow and smoothly swaying from side to side.

Exercise repeat several times.

Educator. And now we will turn into wizards, and we will draw palms and a sponge.

Practical part.

I take a sponge and fooling into the paint ( yellowee) And I nano on a sheet of paper, it turned out the imprint - the middle of the flower.

We take another sponge and we will draw colors petals. Do it in red paint and postponing around the yellow core ( a circle).

See what we got on a sheet of paper? (flower)

Children, and what is missing from our flower? What is growing flower? ( stem and leaves)

(Helping children in the difficulty of response).

Let's draw a stalk and leaflets to our flower.

Focus finger B. green paint And draw from the flower from top to bottom the straight green line is the stem.

That turned out flowers, unprecedented beauty!

Well done, children. Good tried. Beautiful gift turned out from us!

Software content:

Improve the skills and skills in free experimentation with the materials necessary for work in various non-traditional techniques;
- develop imagination, creativity;
- intensify the speech of children, expand the vocabulary.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Materials: White paper, silhouettes of apples, gouache of different colors, leafs with drawn figure - circle, foambone tampons, bowls with water, chest, corks from plastic bottles.

Educator. Children, would you like to become small wizards and work wonders?
- Then let's close your eyes and say the magic spell:
"Top - Top,
Clap clap,
Turn around yourself,
In a small wizard turn! "
(Children open their eyes, dress the magic caps on the heads).
So we turned into wizards and I invite you to go to the Magic Country of Ramandady. You are ready? (Before children drawn door).
- To get into the magic country Ramandady, you need to open this door. But the keys to this door are your magic handles.
(I propose to leave the prints of your hands on the doors)

Oh, girls and boys, it seems, rain begins in a magical country (open an umbrella). The rain is also not simple here, but color. Drops of rain colored (on a sheet of paper I put the paint droplets), you can play with them, tilting the sheet in different directions. (Showing). Oh, I turned out of the droplet. ... Try and you play with droplets and consider what you get. Children tell.
The game "What happened?"

Educator. The rain shook and passed, the sun shone. Look, to meet us a good dwarf. How can you determine that a good person? What good person differs from evil? (children's responses).
- Children, look at the gnome in the hands of an apple (present). Is it probably magical? Whoever dismisses him, he will also be kind and will be able to work wonders. Try! (I give children on a piece of apple, I suggest to look at each other and smile). Now you have become good wizards.
Look, I took apples, out of paper, watched them with a piece of foam rubber, dried with yellow paint on an apple - the droplet spread, now - green. ... Children you made sure that we are able to work wonders? A boring white apple became what?
(I distribute the silhouettes of apples and suggest to do the same).

Drawing on the "sea" background.

Educator. Good gnome told me the most chief Secret: "Smile to each other, as often as possible and make each other gifts."
Well, we are time to go along the magic country of Ramandadia. Tell me, children, and you want to know who lives in the country of Ramandadia?
- But I'm tired of a little, let's take a rest, sit on the Magic Polyana (children sit on the carpet) and I will tell you interesting story About scattered person.
Listen. Once a scattered man was walking around the forest with a circle in his hands, he was so scattered that he did not notice how he lost the circle. Following him, the Bear was walking along the path, he came to the circle with all his strength and discussed him. The circle turned into an oval. (Everything is demonstrating on the blackboard with a marker). Fucked by the mouse, she saw an oval and regained: "Why without a tail?" He painted ovalu - tail.
Suddenly, Lisa ran past, seeing an oval, said: "But this is me ... there is not enough red lap." Dorisoval paws. The hare fled on the path, I saw a picture and says: "Where is the ears?" Dorissed ears. The scattered man suddenly remembered that he lost the circle and went to look for him.
- Let's help a scattered person.

Children, scattered man sent you a magic chest, miracles are hidden in it.
Let's take it with you.
We will soon need to return back to kindergarten, your friends are waiting there.

Children, and they can not believe us that we were in the magical country of Ramandadia.
- What to do? (Children answer).
Children, we forgot, we have a magic chest. Maybe he will help us?
(Open, and in it corks).
What do you think for what we have these traffic jams?
It turns out traffic jams, too, you can draw. Let's try to draw gifts to your friends who are waiting for us in kindergarten.

Drawing with a corrugated side of the traffic jam.

So I came to the end of our trip to the country Ramandady. You learned a lot. Did you like it? Let's say a magic spell and turn into ordinary children. (Top - Top, Claw - Claw, turn around yourself and turn into kids).

Topic: "Winter. Winter forest".


Software content:

Child learning non-traditional drawing techniques, clarify and summarize knowledge of winter;

Learning to press a cabbage sheet to color paper and puts off on paper;

Introduce appropriate - imprint (print) by cabbage sheet and drawing with a cotton wand;

Develop creative personality;

Develop a fine motor skill;

Contribute to the development of children's creativity with independent performance;

Bring up a sense of beautiful, love for nature, to native edge through visual arts, music, poetry;

Relieve accuracy when working with paints.

Educational regions: "Artistic creativity, "" Communication "," Music ".

Technics:drawing an imprint (writing) by cabbage sheet and drawing with a cotton wand.

Equipment: Molbert, illustration with winter image, player, white gouache, color sheets of blue color, brushes, jars with water, napkins, cotton wands, cabbage sheets, snowball with surprise inside.

Educator. Children, I suggest you make a trip to the kingdom of winter nature ...

All children in the circle gathered.

I am your friend and you are my friend,

Tightly hand

And smile to each other.

Give a smile to each other.

Children, I want to start our nodes with a poem A. S. Pushkin {!LANG-1816499011a11d492b88e2dc4e102b92!}

















{!LANG-64be20c0724d624252bd93ba6140bcda!} {!LANG-5253a49075f941e86320313c35341253!}.









Finger gymnastics.






Practical part.














{!LANG-2652de7c6caa8ca4e310a210084cce1b!} {!LANG-58e328925046eb8611d47e2289a1cd4a!}

{!LANG-0b96a00673c054308e748080913fc7a3!} {!LANG-47a4efde6c6d1eb2b919b16a8c26ddcc!}



Software content:




Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".




{!LANG-2e2e138cd0465f23f92bc7f11b4f0795!}{!LANG-290d4b7274bedab86b8d41a58b38030a!} {!LANG-046b5aec51ec5d1358c6366ff7320ae0!}{!LANG-46245cc0c9c4eef1654cfbe4524eafda!}






{!LANG-6113d7c797f11c899273ba5f378f18c5!} .
{!LANG-9c8053b62fcf3475d3899905e0bddba7!} ,
{!LANG-144f606e8282346cbe5c076f82aab6f7!} ).



{!LANG-08a6b5888deb2071b72760dcec3911d2!}{!LANG-a4d72e3a5763553754b034f05fb9a95c!} {!LANG-cc591cc13668e516a14bd5cd9a08bd6a!}{!LANG-4cfada6eab0c6383ba5c4207e68a4638!} {!LANG-6d2f13e22a0aac4ba5aa31b8f465f1b8!}{!LANG-73d92add66490114fdcd5cb982aa70a2!}

Practical part.

{!LANG-13fcdb187f512ffb72d76cbc99734d65!} {!LANG-0772dae9557f765b4f8f7472bc482728!}.


{!LANG-6d1cac40259c776f75be2f76e350f9c8!} {!LANG-8727d5776d6f76a8bb62cb4b1df94c29!}



Software content:





Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

{!LANG-4e72defb2a4c7ad851638b69921bb6e5!}{!LANG-069360ac475d6199f9b5360642ca836a!} {!LANG-cc8cf1ddc69662704ae8766902fd7c67!}{!LANG-bb0edb7b6a35938c3575b50810c6ed55!}

Preliminary work:{!LANG-56745df187e024f0c49c7c0f134d2a98!}


















Practical part:












Junior group.

Software content:








Preliminary work:{!LANG-03c60e737fb38e8fd6669f3d4202768d!} {!LANG-b2da8c1e29159d44131c4b5824385738!}.





































{!LANG-2da793aa03ac8f72e3d7f6ea04655c8f!} {!LANG-ff39ec50987142739be20d433516b556!}

Medium group.

Software content:








Educational regions:{!LANG-fe9da9a54e8bb17b8a34030cf2f082db!}


















{!LANG-e060e67a04f0b1b5e816a5740f0f6ea9!} {!LANG-5cc7b17d417a353f9cde90598bd77d0c!}{!LANG-abb76711022d73871d4922910850d1f2!}



Medium group.

Software content:





Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".


Preliminary work:{!LANG-5193918592a0f69b7d973d2be32b363c!} {!LANG-9df46cd25501f03423b6e0c41dc832d0!}.





{!LANG-22f4fb5bbbd0f4b755af6cf10ad7cb89!} {!LANG-b09199739d9136a213b377848801bbfb!}{!LANG-29a17a69200a05771c8eab481a644b18!}







{!LANG-6a8f774ea90ed2349412cc25f34fa7e7!} {!LANG-d91ed0bc8d86b18c2803bb9da31831c9!}.


{!LANG-8804e42c60cdc27e074e2da80ba7d04d!} {!LANG-2506db174d257f7366e2ac060bb0d631!}{!LANG-9e536fc8a22acb3fc9fdfae3a29ce555!}



Software content:





Educational regions:{!LANG-fe9da9a54e8bb17b8a34030cf2f082db!}


{!LANG-d73ca9914dd8ea1827a27a80f20b8410!} {!LANG-e1cf7a9b45f7795d0f3c11a4419996aa!}

Educator{!LANG-2996859c63b0c9ff5b03c889ce76c3eb!} {!LANG-d6246dcfd59ac967c714b27162c46d09!}




Software content:





Educational regions:{!LANG-f1085078fe5105704895e3fc9c2ff6e1!}


Preliminary work{!LANG-c37d9806d16cdfec406cd683834685f5!}

{!LANG-ae491c460eca0b12e4216f1e9a1dd512!} {!LANG-ca596e5dfd85f63802bb0a3044f44561!}


{!LANG-418d396629b1b093a5dae950a588ec09!} {!LANG-6fdbaeffec6fc41e6faa8522bb4e8a79!}















{!LANG-fc162f6ea3e1ed33e6825fddd260ed88!} {!LANG-1445a685e0525a9c5c6754b979cf9ed2!}.



























Practical part.





{!LANG-2d54d90a43c4da80a10de2dabb54ddd9!} .




Software content:






Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".




















Software content:





Educational regions:{!LANG-fe9da9a54e8bb17b8a34030cf2f082db!}


Educator. {!LANG-ebd0069cb3e33c1ab381f76753c69bfe!}

{!LANG-3c184347f0a7473aee464fdcc2efb0c4!} ( {!LANG-d82c0ab11ced82db0ef3a64236b65723!}








Educator. {!LANG-8b519b505a626be4372a8f81d657fae9!}

Practical part.

Educator. {!LANG-1708229764dc2143a9f92d0c49b0aad6!}





( {!LANG-2de895ed0f2d6ceb54d6a1abc2bb3316!}









Senior group.

Software content:







Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Preliminary work:{!LANG-f4791a1adfc9e318816d6de3856270ce!}
















Practical part.






Software content:

{!LANG-456c9d4f1596c8fa511b1d4299cf281d!} {!LANG-a77be01a7d0f999a0e47b40492090384!};




Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Preliminary work:{!LANG-7677b3691905bfb62df6553365fe6f14!}

{!LANG-912dea7076b2d2b096414a0a5bcc208d!}: {!LANG-a1944fdd48459c4961d448e9bd29e0c7!}












{!LANG-f997d0bf1d51bc0064986c4802891566!} {!LANG-ec445af80612ec1ec19463e849eb1eb7!}{!LANG-c9c696483bd138cee48fc7715c0bb5eb!} {!LANG-d6246dcfd59ac967c714b27162c46d09!}











{!LANG-281b72abfe91bcf55f3c3a1105ce7bb0!} {!LANG-9698edb1ff144ea3fa840239072b7870!}».


Software content:

{!LANG-a40b0db06035d2aeb048ab9eb4a4cbc4!} {!LANG-f48df540820005796b0b6735af014423!}{!LANG-4a8595b999168a3eeea911176023e8b2!}
{!LANG-40294dccd13a39f2f1089083a2ee5fa3!} {!LANG-455516fb028a2b74875afb9822133575!}.

Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".


{!LANG-b9e66c49a367ba0830d7b65f48a636c0!} {!LANG-a1858735d4f5053d38d6ab9896e3ad94!}{!LANG-0bc534be07ffbb7874b34f6428f6339d!}

{!LANG-b76c97f4a7a9200781224e5ff9ed52ac!} {!LANG-fc4072fd195cdc4a11d2f2638b7cfe4b!}).




{!LANG-a4b32b88d20e05aacf27bc44e4b86454!} {!LANG-41064f911927315371d105fb224bb515!}{!LANG-bc01441c5b2a50c1129b8621babae15e!} .


{!LANG-39cb9d57528996729a5a2f0926408529!} {!LANG-d1061ac0ff964891f78d80528eb07322!}{!LANG-7badb95a54541f48dca8ba781dc0aa0f!} {!LANG-1f9bd22bdfd627af1ddb2f5446b5d36c!}{!LANG-d6666b3400c34b08dbb04c6550a1f96f!}

















Software content:


Educational regions: "Cognition", "Artistic Creativity", "Health", "Communication", "Socialization".

Preliminary work{!LANG-18598b235dc486f1a1eec67bbb61b393!}
Educator.{!LANG-1e08f1cb4a23eedf261e105a0d26e2ba!} {!LANG-2de2d773c4a5de4126f520bd3e63c448!}{!LANG-a15532f920d118bc7375710d0ba4aaa6!}





{!LANG-7a29dda9ecbe2c1c744cab3a024c693b!}. {!LANG-537a4674f24e6a13851529539706815f!}




{!LANG-d6cf9653233ddd11778a44ad2ce06033!}. {!LANG-c18eafc2a4a0a61edd295a631d5b843b!}{!LANG-208fdb037b104997a8a26a4f5a02b7a8!}

















« {!LANG-ff0f745e1450d4b6779d91f1cfbf9c7c!}{!LANG-c1bca8828f1b08fa94d9882b0997213c!}

































  • {!LANG-684e768c963d4cc4de89485e01d3cfec!}
  • {!LANG-2d55111b9a455e19b887556f17d7e5b9!}
  • {!LANG-cd3c8c6b125b3c49421f1042f3d61e69!}
  • {!LANG-d17efc1bb59f7290820d0b587e3357ab!}
  • {!LANG-d618a77433acb4ba68e6cc534405f4f6!} {!LANG-74988eccedda69e9254b0ffc8ff79eaf!}{!LANG-bbcb54366c116a3f5b480e575f157d49!}
  • {!LANG-fa03ee76d18e1fb55ff011b3f4f1a35d!}
  • {!LANG-0f5ab86994a3a4944562b03bcafc32ea!} {!LANG-08a76e7d3c7d789e0c308836a5090933!}{!LANG-fd7165e638b586be774e3f4234d639f9!}
  • {!LANG-3fa55f7ccb6cbd9739f9f6880fa8e7f4!}
  • {!LANG-0f979d2908172293fc2f739fee237dba!}
  • {!LANG-ae5d8fb06d0860a3654858c6d46c111b!}
{!LANG-b20acba35b9933a215a9b40add018dbd!} {!LANG-048e3fe42c7251a166346ecc4ea3504e!}{!LANG-61d72e99c86910ebf55308189f7daa50!}











{!LANG-2a5614896ed187e79cff23f2d2a60b03!} {!LANG-1090b699cdba71d2228f49594850c70e!}{!LANG-99599544fd9a0ee72c96c661ebd198a9!}










{!LANG-81fb0f65c541ae342c9ea7a8c54cf43c!} {!LANG-c224eb78e0a55ac071f0e012356c99f5!}{!LANG-357f7d4227a63051b7974e9c0cadfec0!}


{!LANG-cff778ed9ebf063adc0c30cd4536300d!} {!LANG-06116f79264331653153595771d3710b!}{!LANG-5cedd86e4dee2d20ae8a943607743fa8!}




















{!LANG-397e229d7c19370431f7c64746e73dd8!} {!LANG-3165340722bc6bffd2fca739628c9ce2!}{!LANG-38179f8f0d8c44e2f3d2790316b134fd!}
{!LANG-6e6be3c4f44038368eb20bb483887c90!} {!LANG-c4621306473c48cc0a2e37931ae18a4f!}{!LANG-407e0c921d7cc3601ad01be0578eb24d!}
{!LANG-82eca7f5b598dea59dee5b15f988cd5a!}{!LANG-fe1d652b7041448b88e828dddf93e833!} {!LANG-bdc602f4d78ff00de2c22da73f17e114!}{!LANG-4022520adac9f9bdb8a061dea73acf18!}
{!LANG-707e72ee8b1d73743bd26e956d8f8f56!} {!LANG-569ade6cbf65b31196be5c3e8928ccf8!}{!LANG-a2e1bcca84ffd2a8bc1cf3384cb925ba!}
{!LANG-d7e7fb83ee764dcdfb95c8b6341297d3!} {!LANG-436ee9b4774dd2f0fd6f5198c9daa85d!}{!LANG-d43dc53404ed80cd90615ace587b3463!}
{!LANG-d48dbd6ac205df55356e6fdf82f0caf7!} {!LANG-61f8f3eb51b44c7fd89b45f40010a074!}{!LANG-eeaaed809e7c69d686f0b165c6178f47!}
{!LANG-94598de37ae3cdc80b384e3f525bbc9d!} {!LANG-279601a46afae5e31a1e159e4e9a4038!}{!LANG-4b995ad0c9d5b984143e277153d7b37b!}


{!LANG-bc564236b42eea39b003d4fca2ed2efb!} {!LANG-2dfd3c83b0dda75ea9947b22e71be6c8!}{!LANG-87561b7c530358fc7ad76b8691710c21!}







{!LANG-5e56cbd278b4623f74b6b77e94e89e7c!} {!LANG-574af56cccec46757bbfa9fe9a86d4a4!}{!LANG-a5fc02adb65e0c875d549e023bbc6a8b!}



{!LANG-46d8fd0982962ae153c65708ef74048c!} Objectives:
{!LANG-c84e3df5421ed13e7216b73afe533940!} {!LANG-91465a332467e39ed802219458d5a52b!}{!LANG-8664c51e7a600e48f31777c4ebcfdc2d!}
3. {!LANG-09e0eb509b6eb2d077239ea68855d461!}{!LANG-88ebeaf63d404e670328c883161d8dad!}
