Easter communion how to prepare. Is it possible, having received the sacrament, to receive a blessing from God for some business? Successful job interview, IVF procedure

Easter communion how to prepare. Is it possible, having received the sacrament, to receive a blessing from God for some business? Successful job interview, IVF procedure

The question of Communion of the laity throughout the year, and especially on Easter, on Bright Week and during the period of Pentecost, seems to many to be debatable. If no one doubts that on the day of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ on Holy Thursday we all take Communion, then there are different points of view about the Communion on Easter. Supporters and opponents find confirmation of their arguments from various fathers and teachers of the Church, indicate their pro et contra.

The practice of the Communion of Christ's Holy Mysteries in fifteen Local Orthodox Churches changes in time and space. The point is that this practice is not an article of faith. The opinions of individual fathers and teachers of the Church from different countries and eras are perceived as teologomene, that is, as a private point of view, therefore, at the level of individual parishes, communities and monasteries, a lot depends on a particular abbot, abbot or confessor. There are also direct decrees of the Ecumenical Councils on this subject.

During fasting, no questions arise: we all partake, especially preparing ourselves in fasting, prayer, in works of repentance, and that's why the tithe of the annual circle of time is Great Lent. But how to receive communion on Bright Week and during the period of Pentecost?
Let us turn to the practice of the ancient Church. “They were constantly in the teaching of the Apostles, in communion and the breaking of bread and in prayers” (Acts 2:42), that is, they constantly received communion. And the whole book of Acts says that the first Christians of the apostolic age received communion constantly. The communion of the Body and Blood of Christ was for them a symbol of life in Christ and an essential moment of salvation, the most important thing in this fast-flowing life. The sacrament was everything to them. This is what the Apostle Paul says: “For to me life is Christ, and death is a gain” (Phil. 1:21). Constantly partaking of the Honest Body and Blood, the Christians of the early centuries were ready for both life in Christ and death for Christ's sake, as evidenced by acts of martyrdom.

Naturally, all Christians gathered around the common Eucharistic Chalice at Easter. But it should be noted that at first there was no fasting before Communion at all, at first there was a common meal, prayer, sermon. We read about this in the epistles of the apostle Paul and in Acts.

In the Four Gospels, the sacramental discipline is not regulated. The evangelical synoptics speaks not only of the Eucharist celebrated at the Last Supper in the upper room of Zion, but also of those cases that were the prototypes of the Eucharist. On the way to Emmaus, on the shores of Lake Gennesaret, during the miraculous catch of fish ... In particular, when multiplying the loaves, Jesus says: “I don’t want to let them go without eating, so that they do not faint on the way” (Matthew 15:32). Which way? Not only leading home, but also on the path of life. I do not want to leave them without Communion - this is what the Savior's words are about. We sometimes think: "This person is not pure enough, he cannot receive communion." But it is to him, according to the Gospel, that the Lord offers Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that this person does not faint on the road. We need the Body and Blood of Christ. Without this, we will be much worse.

The Evangelist Mark, talking about the multiplication of the loaves, emphasized that Jesus, having gone out, saw a multitude of people and took pity (Mark 6, 34). The Lord took pity on us because we were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus, multiplying the bread, acts like a good shepherd, giving his life for the sheep. And the Apostle Paul reminds us that every time we eat the Eucharistic Bread, we proclaim the death of the Lord (1 Cor. 11:26). It was the 10th chapter of the Gospel of John, the chapter on the good shepherd, that was the ancient Passover reading, when everyone received communion in the temple. But how often one should receive communion, the Gospel does not say.

Guard requirements appeared only from the 4th-5th centuries. Contemporary church practice is based on Church Tradition.

What is Communion? A reward for good behavior, for fasting or praying? No. The Sacrament is That Body, this is the Blood of the Lord, without which you, if you perish, you will perish completely.
Basil the Great replies in one of his letters to a woman named Caesarea Patricia: “It is good and useful to partake every day and partake of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, since [the Lord] Himself clearly says:“ He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, has eternal life. " Who, then, doubts that to partake of life incessantly is nothing but to live in diversity? " (that is, to live with all mental and physical forces and feelings). Thus, Basil the Great, to whom we often attribute many penances, excommunicating from the Sacrament for sins, very highly appreciated worthy Communion every day.

John Chrysostom also allowed frequent Communion, especially on Easter and Bright Week. He writes that one should incessantly resort to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, receive communion with proper preparation, and then one can enjoy what we desire. After all, the true Easter and the true holiday of the soul is Christ, who is offered as a Sacrifice in the Sacrament. Forty days, that is, the Great Fast, happens once a year, and Easter three times a week, when you receive communion. And sometimes four, more precisely, as many times as we want, for Easter is not fasting, but Communion. Preparation is not about reading the three canons for a week or forty days of fasting, but about cleansing the conscience.

It took the prudent thief a few seconds on the cross to clear his conscience, recognize the Crucified as the Messiah and be the first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Some take a year or more, sometimes a whole life, like Mary of Egypt, to partake of the Most Pure Body and Blood. If the heart requires Communion, then Communion must be given on Great Four, and on Great Saturday, which is the Annunciation this year, and on Easter. Confession is enough one the day before, unless the person has committed a sin that must be confessed.

“Whom should we praise,” says John Chrysostom, “those who receive communion once a year, those who receive communion often, or those who rarely? No, let us praise those who start with a clear conscience, a pure heart, and an impeccable life. "
And confirmation that Communion is also possible on Bright Week is found in all the most ancient anaphoras. In the prayer before Communion it is said: "Grant by Thy sovereign hand to teach us Thy Most Pure Body and Honest Blood, and by us to all people." We also read these words at the Paschal Liturgy of John Chrysostom, which testifies to the common Communion of the laity. After Communion, the priest and the people thank God for this great grace, which they are rewarded with.

The participatory discipline problem became controversial only in the Middle Ages. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Greek Church experienced a deep decline in theological education. The revival of spiritual life in Greece began in the second half of the 18th century.

The question of when and how often one should receive communion was raised by the so-called kolyvads, monks from Athos. They got their nickname because they did not agree to perform a memorial service on Koliv on Sundays. Now, 250 years later, when the first Kolivads, such as Macarius of Corinth, Nicodemus Svyatorets, Athanasius of Paris, became glorified saints, this nickname sounds very worthy. "The memorial service," they said, "distorts the joyous nature of Sunday, on which Christians should receive communion rather than commemorate the dead." The dispute over the Koliva lasted for more than 60 years, many Kolivads suffered severe persecution, some were removed from Athos, deprived of their priesthood. However, this controversy served as the beginning of a theological discussion on Mount Athos. The kolyvads were recognized by all traditionalists, and the actions of their opponents looked like attempts to adapt the Tradition of the Church to the needs of the times. For example, they argued that only clergymen can receive communion on Bright Week. It is noteworthy that St. John of Kronstadt, also a defender of frequent Communion, wrote that the priest who takes Communion on Easter and on Bright Week alone, but does not receive Communion of his own parishioners, is like a shepherd who teaches only himself.

You should not refer to some Greek books of hours, where it is indicated that Christians should receive communion 3 times a year. A similar prescription migrated to Russia, and until the beginning of the twentieth century they rarely received communion in our country, mainly on Great Lent, sometimes on Angel's Day, but no more than 5 times a year. However, this instruction in Greece was associated with the imposed penances, and not with the prohibition of frequent Communion.

If you want to receive Communion on Bright Week, you need to understand that worthy Communion is associated with the condition of the heart, not the stomach. Fasting is a preparation, but by no means a condition that can hinder Communion. The main thing is that the heart is cleansed. And then you can take communion on Bright Week, trying not to overeat the day before and refrain from fast food for at least one day.

Nowadays, many sick people are forbidden to fast at all, and people with diabetes are allowed to eat even before Communion, not to mention those who need to take medicine in the morning. The essential condition for fasting is life in Christ. When a person wants to commune, let him know that no matter how prepared he is, he is not worthy of Communion, but the Lord wants, desires and gives Himself as a Sacrifice, so that a person becomes a partaker of the Divine nature, so that he will be converted and saved.

I have been asked the following question on several occasions:

Can we take communion on Easter? And on Bright Week? Do we need to continue fasting to receive the Holy Communion?

It's a good question. However, he betrays a lack of a clear understanding of things. On Easter it is not only possible, but even necessary to receive communion. In support of this statement, I would like to summarize a number of arguments:

1. In the first centuries of the history of the Church, as we see in the canons and patristic writings, participation in the Liturgy without the communion of the Holy Mysteries was simply unthinkable. (I advise you to read the article about this: " When and how we should receive communion " .) However, over time, especially in our area, the level of piety and understanding among Christians began to fall, and the rules for preparing for the sacrament became stricter, sometimes even excessive (including double standards for clergy and laity). Despite this, communion at Easter was a common practice, continuing to this day in all Orthodox countries. However, some postpone the sacrament until Easter, as if someone is stopping them from approaching the Chalice every Sunday of Great Lent and throughout the year. Thus, ideally, we should take communion at every liturgy, especially on Maundy Thursday, when the Eucharist was established, at Easter, and at Pentecost, when the Church was born.

2. For those who have been entrusted with penance due to some serious sin, some confessors allow to receive communion (only) on Easter, after which, for a while, they continue to carry their penance. This practice, which, nevertheless, is not and should not be generally accepted, took place in ancient times, to help the repentant, to strengthen them spiritually, allowing them to share in the joy of the holiday. On the other hand, allowing the penitent to receive communion on Easter indicates that the simple passage of time and even the personal efforts of the penitent are not enough to deliver a person from sin and death. After all, for this it is necessary that the risen Christ Himself send light and strength to the soul of the repentant (just as the Monk Mary of Egypt, who led a dissolute life until the very last day of her stay in the world, was able to take the path of repentance in the wilderness only after receiving communion with Christ) ... Hence, the erroneous idea that only robbers and fornicators receive communion on Easter has appeared and spread in some places. But does the Church have a separate sacrament for robbers and fornicators, and another for those who lead a Christian life? Isn't Christ the same at every liturgy throughout the year? Do not everyone partake of Him - priests, kings, beggars, robbers, and children? By the way, the word of St. John Chrysostom (at the end of Easter Matins) calls everyone, without division, to communion with Christ. His call "Those who have fasted and those who have not fasted - rejoice today! The meal is plentiful: all fill up! Taurus is big and well-fed: no one leaves hungry!»Explicitly refers to the sacrament of the Holy Mysteries. It is surprising that some people read or listen to this word, not realizing that we are not being called to a meal with meat dishes, but to communion with Christ.

3. The dogmatic aspect of this problem is also extremely important. People are jostling in lines to buy and taste lamb for Easter - for some, this is the only "biblical commandment" that they observe in their lives (since the rest of the commandments do not suit them!). However, when the book of Exodus speaks of the slaughter of the Passover lamb, it refers to the Jewish Passover, where the lamb was a type of Christ the Lamb who was slain for us. Therefore, eating the Passover lamb without communion with Christ means returning to the Old Testament and refusing to recognize Christ. "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"(John 1:29). In addition, people bake all kinds of cakes or other dishes, which we call" Easter. "But don't we know that"Our Easter is Christ"(1 Corinthians 5: 7)? Therefore, all these Easter meals should be a continuation, but not a substitute for the sacrament of the Holy Mysteries. This is not particularly said in the temples, but we should all know that Easter is firstly the Liturgy and communion of the Risen Christ.

4. Some also say that you cannot take communion on Easter, because then you will eat something meager. But doesn't the priest do the same? Why then is the Paschal Liturgy celebrated, and after it is blessed to eat milk and meat? Is it not clear that after the sacrament one can partake of everything? Or, perhaps, someone perceives the Liturgy as a theatrical performance, and not as a call to communion with Christ? If the eating of the fast was incompatible with communion, then the Liturgy would not be celebrated on Easter and Christmas, or there would be no fasting. Moreover, this applies to the entire liturgical year.

5. And now about communion on Bright Week... The 66th rule of the Council of Trull (691) prescribes that Christians " enjoyed the Holy Mysteries"throughout Bright Week despite the fact that it is solid. Thus, communion is started without fasting. Otherwise, there would have been no liturgy, or the fast would have continued. The idea of ​​the need to fast before the sacrament concerns, first of all, the Eucharistic fast before the reception of the Holy Mysteries. Such a strict Eucharistic fast is prescribed for at least six or even nine hours (not like Catholics, who receive communion an hour after a meal). If we are talking about fasting for many days, then the seven-week fast that we kept is quite enough, and there is no need - moreover, it is even forbidden - to continue fasting. At the end of Bright Week, we will fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as during three other fasts of many days. After all, priests do not fast on Bright Week before communion, and then it is not clear where the idea that the laity should fast on these days comes from! Nevertheless, in my opinion, only those who have observed the whole of Great Lent, who lead an integral, balanced Christian life, always strive for Christ (and not only by fasts) and take the sacrament not as a reward for their labors, but as a cure for spiritual illnesses.

Thus, every Christian is called to prepare for the sacrament and ask the priest for it, especially on Easter. If a priest refuses without any reason (in the event that a person does not have such sins for which penance is required), but uses all sorts of excuses, then, in my opinion, the believer can go to another temple, to another priest ( only if the reason for leaving for another parish is valid and not deceit). This state of affairs, which is especially widespread in the Republic of Moldova, must be corrected as soon as possible, especially since the higher hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church gave clear instructions to priests not to deny believers in communion without obvious canonical grounds (see Resolutions of the Councils of Bishops 2011 and 2013 ). Thus, we should look for wise confessors, and if we have found such, we must obey them and, under their guidance, take communion as often as possible. You should not entrust your soul to just anyone.

There were times when some Christians at Easter approached the sacrament, and the priest laughed at them in front of the entire church meeting, saying: "Wasn't seven weeks enough for you to receive communion? Why are you breaking the customs of the village?" I would like to ask such a priest: "Wasn't four or five years of study in a clerical institution enough for you to decide: either you will become a serious priest, or you will go to graze the cows, because" stewards of the mysteries of God "(1 Cor 4: 1) cannot say such nonsense ... ". And one should speak about this not for the sake of ridicule, but with pain about the Church of Christ, in which such incompetent people also serve. A real priest not only does not forbid people to receive communion, but also encourages them to do so and teaches them to live so that they can approach the Chalice at every liturgy. And then the priest himself rejoices at how different the Christian life of his flock is. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!".

Therefore, "with the fear of God, faith and love, let us approach" to Christ in order to better understand what it means "Christ is risen!" and "Truly is risen!" After all, He Himself says: "truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day"(John 6: 53-54).

Translation by Elena-Alina Patrakova

Questions about the Sacrament of Communion

HWhat is Communion?

This is the Sacrament, in which, under the guise of bread and wine, the Orthodox Christian partakes of (partakes) of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and into eternal life, and through this mysteriously unites with Him, becoming a partaker of eternal life. Comprehension of this Sacrament surpasses human understanding.

This Sacrament is calledEvkhaChristianity, which means thanksgiving.

TOHow and for what purpose was the Sacrament of Communion established?

The Sacrament of Communion was established by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself at the Last Supper with the apostles on the eve of His suffering. He took the bread into His most pure hands, blessed it, broke it and divided it to His disciples, saying: “Send, eat: this is my body” (Matt. 26:26). Then he took a cup of wine, blessed it and, giving it to the disciples, said: "Drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matt. 26: 27-28). Then the Apostles, and in their person and all believers, the Savior gave the commandment to perform this Sacrament until the end of the world in remembrance of His suffering, death and Resurrection for the unity of believers with Him. He said: “Do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19).

NSWhy is it necessary to receive communion?

The Lord Himself speaks of the obligation of communion for all those who believe in Him: “Verily, verily, I say to you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him ”(John 6: 53-56).

He who does not partake of the Holy Mysteries deprives himself of the source of life - Christ, puts himself outside of Him. A person who seeks union with God in his life can hope that he will be with Him in eternity.

TOHow to Prepare for Communion?

Anyone who wants to receive communion must have heartfelt repentance, humility, and a firm intention to reform. Several days are being prepared for the Sacrament of Communion. On these days, they prepare for Confession, try to pray more and more diligently at home, refrain from amusements and idle pastime. Fasting is combined with prayer - bodily abstinence from fast food and marriage.

On the eve of the day of Communion or in the morning before the Liturgy, one must confess, be at the evening service. Do not eat or drink after midnight.

The duration of preparation, the measure of fasting and prayer rules are negotiated with the priest. However, no matter how much we prepare for Communion, we cannot adequately prepare ourselves. And only looking at a broken and humble heart, the Lord, out of His love, accepts us into His fellowship.

TOWhat prayers should one prepare for Communion?

For prayer preparation for Communion, there is a common rule that is found in Orthodox prayer books. It consists of the reading of three canons: the canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the canon to the Guardian Angel and the Succession to Holy Communion, which consists of the canon and prayers. In the evening, you should also read prayers for the future sleep, and in the morning - morning prayers.

With the blessing of the confessor, this prayer rule before Communion can be reduced, increased, or replaced by another.

TOHow to approach Communion?

Before the beginning of Communion, those who partake in advance come closer to the pulpit, so that later they do not rush and do not create inconvenience to other worshipers. At the same time, it is necessary to let the children in front who receive communion first. When the Royal Doors are opened and the deacon comes out with the Holy Chalice with an exclamation: "Come with the fear of God and faith," you should, if possible, bow down to the ground and fold your hands crosswise across your chest (right over left). Approaching the Holy Chalice and before the Chalice itself, do not be baptized, so as not to accidentally push Her. One must approach the Holy Chalice with the fear of God and reverence. Approaching the Chalice, you should clearly pronounce your Christian name given at Baptism, open your mouth wide, reverently, with the awareness of the holiness of the Great Mystery, accept the Holy Gifts and immediately swallow. Then kiss the base of the Chalice like the rib of Christ Himself. You cannot touch the Chalice with your hands or kiss the priest's hand. Then you should go to the table with warmth, drink Communion so that the shrine does not remain in your mouth.

TOHow often should you receive communion?

Many holy fathers call for communion as often as possible.

Usually believers confess and receive communion during all four multi-day fasting of the church year, on the twelve, great and temple holidays, on Sundays, on their name days and birthdays, spouses - on their wedding day.

The frequency of a Christian's participation in the Sacrament of Communion is set individually with the blessing of the confessor. More commonly - at least twice a month.

D Are we sinners worthy of frequent communion?

Some Christians receive communion extremely rarely, motivating this with their unworthiness. There is not a single person on earth who is worthy of Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. No matter how much a person tries to cleanse himself before God, all the same he will not be worthy of accepting such a greatest Shrine as the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave people the Holy Mysteries of Christ, not according to their dignity, but according to His great mercy and love for His fallen creation. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Luke 5:31). A Christian should accept the Holy Gifts not as a reward for his spiritual exploits, but as a Gift of the Loving Heavenly Father, as a saving means of sanctifying soul and body.

Is it possible to receive the Holy Communion several times on the same day?

No one, and in any case, should receive Communion twice on the same day. If the Holy Gifts are taught from several Cups, they can only be received from one.

Everyone is given communion from one spoon, is it possible to get sick?

There has never been a single case of someone getting infected through Communion: even when people receive Communion in hospital churches, no one ever gets sick. After the believers take Communion, the remaining Holy Gifts are used by a priest or deacon, but even during epidemics they do not fall ill. This is the greatest sacrament of the Church, given, including for the healing of soul and body.

Can you kiss the cross after Communion?

After the Liturgy, all those praying apply to the cross: both those who received Communion and those who did not.

Is it possible to kiss icons and the hand of a priest after Communion, to bow down to earth?

After Communion, before drinking, one should refrain from kissing the icons and the priest's hand, but there is no rule that those who commune should not kiss the icons or the priest's hand on this day and should not bow down to earth. It is important to keep your tongue, thoughts and heart from all evil.

How to behave on the day of Communion?

The Day of Communion is a special day in the life of a Christian, when he mysteriously unites with Christ. On the day of Holy Communion, one should behave with reverence and decency, so as not to offend the sanctuary by one's actions. Thank the Lord for a great blessing. These days should be spent as great holidays, dedicating them as much as possible to concentration and spiritual work.

Is it possible to receive the Holy Communion on any day?

Communion is always given on Sunday morning, as well as on other days when the Divine Liturgy is served. See the schedule of services in your temple. In our church the Liturgy is served every day, except for the period of Great Lent.

During the period of Great Lent on some weekdays, as well as on Wednesday and Friday at Maslenitsa, Liturgy is not supposed

Is Communion paid?

No, in all churches the Sacrament of Communion is always performed free of charge.

Is it possible to receive the Holy Communion after the Unction without Confession?

Unction does not cancel Confession. Confession is needed. The sins that a person realizes must necessarily be confessed.

Is it possible to replace the Communion by eating Epiphany water with artos (or antidor)?

This erroneous opinion about the possibility of replacing the Communion with baptismal water with artos (or antidor) arose, perhaps, due to the fact that people who have canonical or other obstacles to Communion of the Holy Mysteries are allowed to consume baptismal water with antidor for consolation. However, this should not be understood as an equivalent substitution. There is no substitute for the sacrament.

Can an Orthodox Christian take communion in any heterodox church?

No, only in the Orthodox Church.

How to give communion to a one-year-old child?

If the child is not able to calmly stay in the church for the entire service, then he can be brought by the time of Communion.

Can a child under 7 eat before Communion? Is it possible for the sick not to take communion on an empty stomach?

This issue is decided individually on the advice of a priest.

Before Communion, young children are given food and drink as needed so as not to damage their nervous system and bodily health. Older children, from 4-5 years of age, are gradually accustomed to the Holy Communion on an empty stomach. Children from the age of 7 are taught, in addition to the communion on an empty stomach, also to preparee to communion through prayer, fasting and confession, but of course in a very light version.

In some exceptional cases, adults are blessed to receive communion on an empty stomach.

Can children under 14 years of age receive Holy Communion without Confession?

Only children under 7 years of age can receive Holy Communion without Confession. From the age of 7, children receive communion after Confession.

Can a pregnant woman take communion?

Can. It is advisable for pregnant women to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ more often, preparing for Communion by repentance, confession, prayer and fasting, which is weakened for pregnant women.

It is advisable to begin the churching of the child from the moment the parents learned that they will have a child. Even in the womb, the child perceives everything that happens to the mother and around her. At this time, participation in the Sacraments and prayer of parents is very important.

How can a sick person take communion at home?

The relatives of the sick person must first agree with the priest about the time of Communion and consult on how to prepare the sick person for this Sacrament.

When can you take communion during the week of Great Lent?

During Great Lent, children receive communion on Saturdays and Sundays. Adults, in addition to Saturday and Sunday, can receive Holy Communion on Wednesdays and Fridays, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Liturgy is not prescribed during Great Lent, with the exception of the days of great church holidays.

Why are babies not receiving communion at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts?

At the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Chalice contains only blessed wine, and the particles of the Lamb (the Bread laid into the Body of Christ) are previously impregnated with the Blood of Christ. Since infants, due to their physiology, cannot be given communion with a particle of the Body, and there is no Blood in the Chalice, they are not given Communion during the Presanctified Liturgy.

Can lay people partake of communion on a continuous week? How can they prepare for communion at this time? Can a priest forbid communion on Easter?

In preparation for communion on a continuous week, it is allowed to eat fast food. At this time, preparation for Communion consists in repentance, reconciliation with neighbors and reading the prayer rule for Communion.

Communion on Easter is a goal and a joy for every Orthodox Christian. All the Holy Forty-days prepares us for communion on Easter night: “let us rise to repentance, and purify our feelings, fight against them, create the entrance of fasting: the heart of the hope of grace is known, they are not brushed, we didn’t use them. And we will dream of the Lamb of God, in the sacred and luminous night of the Resurrection, for our sake the sacrifice brought by the disciple, joined in the evening of the sacrament, and devastating the darkness with the light of his resurrection "(stichera in verse, in the meat-eating week in the evening).

Rev. Nicodemus Svyatogorets says: “those who, although fast before Easter, do not receive Communion on Easter, such people do not celebrate Easter ... that spiritual joy that is born from Divine Communion. "

When Christians began to shy away from Communion on Bright Week, the Fathers of the Trull Council (the so-called Fifth-Sixth Council), with Canon 66, testified to the original tradition: “from the holy day of the Resurrection of Christ our God to the new week, throughout holy churches to constantly exercise in psalms and singing and spiritual songs, rejoicing and triumphing in Christ, and listening to the reading of the Divine Scriptures, and enjoying the holy mysteries. For in this way, with Christ, we will be resurrected and ascended. "

Thus, communion on Easter, on the days of Bright Week, and in general on continuous weeks, is not forbidden to any Orthodox Christian who can be admitted to Holy Communion on other days of the church year.

What are the rules for prayer preparation for communion?

The scope of the prayer rule before communion is not regulated by the canons of the Church. For the children of the Russian Orthodox Church, it should be no less than the Rule for Holy Communion available in our prayer books, which includes three psalms, a canon and prayers before communion.

In addition, there is a pious tradition of reading three canons and an akathist before accepting the Holy Mysteries of Christ: the canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ, the canon to the Mother of God, and the canon to the Guardian Angel.

Is confession necessary before each communion?

The obligatory confession before communion is not regulated by the canons of the Church. Confession before each communion is a Russian tradition, caused by the extremely rare communion of Christians in the synodal period of the history of the Russian Church.

For those who have come for the first time or with grave sins, for new Christians, confession before communion is obligatory, since for them frequent confession and instructions from a priest are of great catechetical and pastoral significance.

Nowadays, “regular confession should be encouraged, but not every believer should be required to make a confession before every sacrament. By agreement with the confessor, an individual rhythm of confession and communion can be established for persons who regularly confess and receive communion, who observe church rules and the fasts established by the Church "(Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev)).

The Orthodox Church does not recognize the sacrament on Easter without repentance of sins. However, this does not mean that casual parishioners of the temple should attend Easter communion. Many priests are afraid to meet people who are not prepared for it. After all, before going to receive communion, a person must prepare: pass Great Lent (the central office in all historical churches) and confess. About persons who do not belong to the Orthodox Church, we are not talking at all.

The inadmissibility of unprepared people to communion has been known since ancient times. The question boiled down to the decision of the confessor of whether a person is generally worthy to unite with Christ. However, according to historical data, confession was tied to communion not so long ago and rather became a compulsory measure. This happened due to the fact that the Christian spirit cooled down: people first took communion every weekend, and then began to do it only 4 times a year during many days of fasts.

So that people who rarely attend church could receive communion, in the Orthodox religion they decided to first confess a person without fail. At the moment, this measure still justifies itself, however, not always. This is due to the fact that people go to confess not for the purpose of repentance, but rather as a necessary event, without which the priest will not allow them to the church sacrament.

Many spiritual mentors are categorically against communion without confession.

He brings to the temple not only baptized, but also unbaptized people. Also in the church you can meet those who have no idea about church canons, but at the same time want to receive communion. On a bright holiday, you have to tighten control in order to prevent unprepared people from accessing the Chalice (a vessel for Christian worship used when partaking of Holy Communion). Often on this great holiday an unpleasant spectacle occurs when the intoxicated parishioners come to bless the Easter cakes during the night service.

How to prepare for confession on the eve of Easter

Confession is understood as a person's repentance of committed sins, where the priest acts as a witness between the penitent and God. It is important to be able to distinguish this sacrament from a confidential conversation with a spiritual mentor. During it, of course, you can also get answers to exciting questions, but it will take a lot of time. That is why it would be better to ask the priest to appoint another time for a long conversation.

To prepare for confession, you need to know the following.



Repentance begins with the recognition of sins. A person who thinks about confession admits that he did something wrong or continues to do in his life.
There is no need to prepare a “list of sins” in advance. Communication with the Lord must come from the heart.
You need to talk only about your own actions, and not about the fact that they were committed because of a relative or neighbor. Every sin is the result of a person's personal choice.
When addressing God, one should not worry about the correctness of the chosen words. You need to speak in simple, accessible language, and not come up with complex terms.
Don't talk about little things like "watching TV" or "wearing the wrong clothes." The topics of conversation should be serious: about the Lord and neighbors (we are talking not only about family, relatives, but also people who meet throughout life).
Repentance should not be just a story of what you have done. It should change the mind of a person and not return him to past actions.
You need to learn to forgive people. And not just ask God for forgiveness.
To express the "penitential" state, you need to read the Penitential Canon to the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the greatest liturgical texts to be found in almost every prayer book.

The priest may ask for some time to refrain from reading special prayers or from communion. This process is called penance and is carried out not for the purpose of punishment, but for the elimination of sin and its complete forgiveness. After confession, believers need to receive communion.

How to Prepare for Passover Communion

Despite the fact that confession and communion are different ordinances of the church, nevertheless, one should prepare for them at the same time. Communion on Easter presupposes that a believer has come to the sacrament, having repented of his sins. Parishioners who come to communion after confession must first of all realize the meaning of the sacrament: it is not just a religious ceremony that is performed, but the communion is reunited with God.

In addition, the following points are important:

  • a person must sincerely go to unite with God without hypocrisy;
  • the mental world of a person must be clean (no anger, hatred, enmity);
  • violation of the set of church rules (the Canon of the Church) is inadmissible;
  • obligatory confession before the sacrament;
  • you can receive communion only after the liturgical fast;
  • fasting (fasting) for several days, abstaining from dairy and meat foods;
  • prayers at worship and at home.

An integral part of the festive Matins is the singing of the prayer of John of Damascus (). In addition to the usual morning and evening prayers, believers need to read "Successions to Holy Communion." Also, according to ancient church traditions, one should go to the sacrament on an empty stomach (on the eve of communion on Easter, they do not drink or eat from midnight). However, sick people, for example, people with diabetes mellitus, are prohibited from fasting: a sick person needs to take medicine and eat according to their daily diet.

When taking communion before Easter, one must remember that a worthy sacrament is always associated with the state of the soul and heart of a believer. At the same time, fasting and confession are preparation for the sacrament, and not an obstacle on the way to it.

« Our Easter is Christ, slain for us» ( 1 Cor. 5: 7), says the Apostle Paul. And all the Christians of the universe gather together on this day to glorify the Risen Lord, waiting for His return. And the visible sign of this unity in Christ is the common Communion of the whole Church from the Chalice of the Lord.

Even in the Old Testament, God gave a commandment about this terrible night: “ this is the night of vigil with the Lord from generation to generation» ( Ref. 12:42). All the children of Israel were to gather in houses and eat of the Passover lamb, but whoever does not eat, that soul will be cut off from his people. - The destroying angel will destroy him ( Num. 9:13). Likewise now, the great vigil of the Passover night should be accompanied by the eating of the Passover Lamb - the Body and Blood of Christ. The beginning of this was laid by the Lord Himself, who revealed Himself to the apostles in the breaking of Bread ( OK. 24). It is no coincidence that all the meetings of the Risen Christ with the disciples were accompanied by mysterious meals. So He made them feel the joy that is prepared for us in the Kingdom of Heavenly Father. And the holy apostles have established to celebrate Holy Easter with the Holy Communion. Already in Troas, the Apostle Paul, according to custom, celebrated the night liturgy on Sunday ( Acts. 20: 7). All the ancient teachers of the Church, referring to the celebration of Easter, first of all spoke of Easter communion. So, Chrysostom generally identified Easter and communion. For him (and for the entire church meeting) Easter is celebrated when a person takes communion. A " the catechuchman never celebrates Passover, although he fasts annually, because he does not participate in the offering of the Eucharist"(Against the Jews. 3: 5).

But when many began to withdraw from the Spirit of Christ and began to shy away from communion on Bright Week, the Fathers of the Trull Council (the so-called Fifth-Sixth Council) 66 with the rule testified to the original tradition: “from the holy day of the Resurrection of Christ our God to the new week, in Throughout the week, the faithful in the holy churches must constantly practice psalms and singing and spiritual songs, rejoicing and triumphing in Christ, and listening to the reading of the Divine Scriptures, and enjoying the holy mysteries. For in this way, with Christ, we will be resurrected and ascended. For this, by no means on these days, let there be no horse rippling, or any other folk spectacle. "

The Council of 927 (the so-called Tomos of Unity) allows even triples to receive Holy Communion on Easter. Tain.

The same striving for the Passover union with the Lord can be traced in our worship. Indeed, according to Chrysostom, “ we fast not for the Passover and not for the cross, but for the sake of our sins, because we intend to proceed to the mysteries"(Against the Jews. 3: 4).

All holy Forty-days prepares us to meet God on Easter night. It is no coincidence that even before the beginning of Lent, the Church sings: “ Let us ascend to repentance, and purify our feelings, fight against them, create the entrance of fasting: the heart is known for the hope of grace, they are not clean, they did not use them. And the Lamb of God will be borne by us, in the sacred and luminous night of the Resurrection, for our sake the sacrificing brought by the disciple on the evening of the sacrament, and the darkness destroying ignorance with the light of his resurrection”(Stichera on verse, in the meat-eating week in the evening).

During fasting, we are cleansed of iniquity, we learn to keep the commandments. But what is the purpose of fasting? This goal is to participate in the banquet of the Kingdom. At the Easter Canon of St. John Damascene urges us: “ Come Drink new drink, not a miracle-working from a barren stone, but an incorruptible source from the tomb of Christ who gave birth», « come the rods of the new Grape in the deliberate day of the Resurrection of the Divine Joy of the Kingdom of Christ let us partake, singing Him as God forever».

At the end of the light-bearing Easter Matins we hear the words of Chrysostom: “ The meal is complete, enjoy everything. A well-fed Taurus - let no one go hungry: all enjoy the feast of faith, all take in the wealth of goodness". And so that we do not think that Easter is about breaking the fast, our Charter warns: “ Easter is Christ Himself and the Lamb, who took away the sins of the world, on the altar in a bloodless sacrifice, in pure secrets, of His Honorable Body and His Life-giving Blood from the priest to God and the Father, offered, and those who partake of the true eat Easter". It is no coincidence that the one who participates on Easter sounds like this: “ Receive the body of Christ, taste the source of the immortal". Just before the removal of St. Gifts of the Church calls on everyone to enjoy the Divine Mysteries.

And recent saints have continued to confirm this understanding of the greatest Feast. Rev. Nikodim Svyatorets says: “ Those who, although they fast before Easter, but do not receive Communion on Easter, such people do not celebrate Easter ... because these people do not have the reason and reason for the holiday, which is the Sweetest Jesus Christ, and do not have the spiritual joy that born from Divine Communion. Those are deceived who believe that Easter and the holidays consist of rich meals, many candles, fragrant incense, silver and gold jewelry, with which they decorate churches. Because God does not require this from us, because it is not the primary and not the main thing."(Book about the most soulful about the unceasing communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Pp. 54-55).

It is no coincidence that those who shy away from Holy Communion on Easter and on Bright Week feel a decline in spiritual strength. They are often attacked by despondency and relaxation. This is exactly what the Lord warned us about, saying: “ Look after yourself, so that your hearts are not burdened with overeating and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that that day does not suddenly overtake you. For he, like a net, will suddenly find on all living on the face of the earth» ( OK. 21: 34-35).

But, unfortunately, in recent years, not only some careless parishioners have shied away from Communion at St. Easter because of their gluttony, but some priests began to introduce novelty, forbidding devout Christians to fulfill the will of Christ. They say:

- There was a fast, and you could receive the Holy Communion. So why take communion on Easter?

This objection is absolutely insignificant. After all, St. The sacrament is not a sign of sorrow, but the predestination of the future Kingdom. It is no coincidence that in the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great says that when we partake of the Sacrament, we proclaim the Lord's death, and we confess His resurrection. Yes, and if Easter were incompatible with the Eucharist, then why then celebrate the Liturgy in churches? Are modern fathers wiser than the Universal Church? I'm not even saying that during our consecration we all take an oath to follow the sacred canons. And the Ecumenical Council requires communion on Easter and on Bright Week. Specifically rejecting this argument, St. John Chrysostom says: “ A non-fasting person who approaches with a clear conscience celebrates Passover, whether today, tomorrow, or in general whenever he participates in communion. For worthy communion does not depend on the observation of time, but on a clear conscience."(Against the Jews. 3: 5).

Others say that since communion is performed for the remission of sins, then it has no place on Easter night.

To this we will answer with the words of the Lord, if the donkey and the ox are pulled out of the pit on Saturday, then it should not have been necessary to free a person from the burden of sin on Easter. Both Ancient Easter and the current canons indicate that the best time for the forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of Baptism is Easter night. Yes, not a place for confession at this time. But the post has already passed. People mourned their iniquity, received absolution at confession on Holy Thursday. So, on what basis can we prevent them from reaching the Holy Chalice on the day of Resurrection? I'm not even saying that the Sacrament is performed not only for the remission of sins, but also for eternal life. And when is it better to make a person a partaker of eternal life if not on Easter? Of course, if a person is in unrepentant mortal sin, then the road to the Cup is closed to him by his iniquity. But if this is not the case, then a person must resort to Christ.

Some people say:

- Here you will receive communion on Easter, and then you will go to eat meat. You can not do it this way.

This opinion is directly condemned by Canon 2 of the Gangres Cathedral. Anyone who considers meat to be unclean or makes a person unable to receive communion has fallen under the influence of the deceiving spirits, about which the Apostle Paul prophesied ( 1 Tim. 4: 3). He is excommunicated from the holy Church. It must be remembered that at the Last Supper itself, Christ and the apostles ate the meat of a lamb, and this did not prevent them from receiving communion. Yes, you can't overeat to break the fast, you can't sin with gluttony. But it does not follow from this that one should not receive communion. Rather, the opposite is true. Out of reverence for the sacred, one must be moderate, and so we will preserve both the purity of the soul and the health of the stomach.

Likewise, some priests say:

- You will overeat and get drunk, and then you may vomit, and so you will defile St. Participle. Therefore, it is better not to take communion.

But this logic actually declares sin to be inevitable. It turns out that we are offered to exchange Christ the Savior for lawlessness, which is obviously impossible to avoid. And the holiday seems to be pushing us to this. But if so, then maybe it is worth canceling the holiday altogether? What is this holy day on which we withdraw from God and inevitably commit sin? Obviously, God did not establish Easter for gluttony and drunkenness, so why do abominations on this day and not partake of Communion on this basis? I think that it would be much wiser to partake of the Holy Gifts and then break the fast with moderation, taste a little wine and then not suffer either body or soul.

- Easter is a time of joy, and therefore you cannot take communion.

We have already quoted the words of St. Nicodemus, who says that the true joy of Easter lies precisely in the Eucharistic union with Christ. Likewise, Chrysostom says that he who does not partake does not celebrate Easter. In fact, communion is especially appropriate on Easter due to the fact that, in accordance with the Liturgy, when we celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, we confess the Resurrection of Christ and see the image of His rising from the dead ( Eucharistic Canon and Prayer After Consumption). But the most important thing is that Christ Himself promised to give joy to His disciples, then He Himself will return from the depths of death, and modern confessors remove Christians from this joy.

And even if you think about it, what will the non-communist rejoice at on Easter - prayers, but they tell us about communion with God, and he refused it, the Liturgy - but it is served for the sake of the sacraments, singing - but Christ is the true Easter Singer ( Heb. 2:12)? If the purpose of the divine service is lost, then only the “joy” of serving the womb remains of the greatest holiday. How could we not incur the bitter words of the Apostle Paul: “ they are enemies of the Cross of Christ, their end is destruction; their god is a womb, and their glory is in shame; they think about earthly» ( Phil. 3: 18-19).

Another objection to the Passover Communion is the assertion that there is such a fuss before the holiday that it is virtually impossible to properly prepare for St. Communion. But this is again an attempt to justify the violation of the commandment with "good purposes." The Lord said to one such bustling woman: “ Martha! Martha! You worry and fuss about many things, but one is necessary. Mary chose the good part, which will not be taken away from her» ( Mt. 10:40). Of course, this primarily applies to Easter. It is not by chance that at the Liturgy of Great Saturday the words are sung: "Let every human creature be silent, and let it stand with fear and trembling, and let nothing earthly think in itself." This is the correct spiritual dispensation before the holiday, which alone makes our souls capable of receiving grace. In Russia, all preparations for Easter were completed for the Great Four, and then they stayed in the temple. And this is very correct. And the current practice of postponing all cooking and cleaning on Holy Saturday is really soulful. It deprives us of the opportunity to experience the services of the Passion of the Lord, and often our churches are half-empty at the most beautiful Easter Vespers (Liturgy of Great Saturday), and Christians and Christians on this day off, instead of worshiping the Dead Lord, torment themselves in the kitchens. Then, on Easter night, instead of rejoicing, they peck their noses. We must not give up the Easter communion, but simply change the cleaning and cooking schedule. - Finish everything by the evening of Great Wednesday, fortunately, almost everyone has refrigerators, and take care of your soul in the saving Trinity.

Finally, they claim that on Easter night there are a lot of outsiders who are not ready for communion, and there is no time to confess them.

Yes it is. But what was the fault of the regular parishioners, that because of those of little faith they are deprived of their connection with the Creator? We must not deny the Communion to everyone, but simply watch carefully those who partake and those who are not ready to remove. Otherwise, no one will be able to commune in large parishes. After all, there are always those who, out of ignorance, are eager to "take communion at the same time."

But where did this practice come from, which contradicts both Scripture and St. canons and teachings of the saints? Indeed, many, out of ignorance, consider it to be almost a part of the sacred Tradition. We know of young pastors who say that the Church forbids communion on Easter! Its origin lies in the dark years of persecution of Christians in the USSR. If in Stalin's time they wanted to physically destroy the Church, then later, during Khrushchev's persecutions, the God-fighters decided to decompose it from the inside. A number of closed resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU were adopted on weakening the influence of the Church. In particular, it was proposed to prohibit the communion on Easter. The goal of this was the complete destruction of Christianity in the USSR by 1980. Unfortunately, many priests and bishops succumbed to pressure from the religious commissioners and stopped taking communion on Easter. But the most amazing thing is that this insane, anti-canonical practice, designed to destroy the Church, has survived to this day, and moreover, some grief - zealots pass it off as an example of piety. Risen God! Rather, put down this evil custom, so that Your children can be partakers of Your Chalice on the holy night of Easter.