An abstract of music treatment classes for senior preschoolers with mental retardation on the topic: "Sounds of Spring". Music Conditions "Secrets of Music Treatment"

An abstract of music treatment classes for senior preschoolers with mental delay on the topic:
An abstract of music treatment classes for senior preschoolers with mental retardation on the topic: "Sounds of Spring". Music Conditions "Secrets of Music Treatment"

Explanatory note.

Numerous studies are discharged exclusively important role The engine analyzer in the development of speech and intelligence proves the relationship between the motor and speech sphere, their meaning in the mental development of the child. At cerebral palsy, those cerebral structures suffer from which arbitrary movements are carried out. This adversely affects the formation of the motor, speech and intellectual sphere of the child.

After analyzing the work of scientists (Dalcrose Jacques, Grinner V. A., Mastiukova E. M., Ippolites M. V., O. Sterrod, We established the opinion that music, rhythm and therapeutic choreography are a valuable tool for development Only these areas, but also the emotional-volitional sphere and personality as a whole, which also suffer from children with cerebral palsy. Work in numerous exercises intended to correct posture, vicious installations in the limbs and, which is especially important, the possibility of switching from one move to another will help the word, speech, which are the most important behavior regulator; The pace at which this or that action is performed.

As significant, and sometimes the defining efficiency is musical accompaniment. Music is carefully selected and the corresponding tasks and the pattern of motion is a strong condition for its stimulation. Movement to the music is a special form of motor activity, when the movement in a certain sense is regulated by the musical process. Only with the assistance of music are able to adjust the movements that are not detected very bright in all other forms of motor activity so clearly. For children with cerebral Music, music is necessary, since one of its effects is relaxation - eliminating the tension of the muscular tone. Music not only contributes to the relaxation of muscle tone, but also stimulates the speed and strength of the movement.

Along with the generally accepted system of medicinal gymnastics according to the method of V. Bobat and K. Bobat and other me, therapeutic choreography is widely applied. The basis of this method is the principle of using potential capabilities hidden in positive emotions, which, according to I. P. Pavlov, are the source of enhancing the activities of the cerebral cortex, an important factor Multiplying the creative energy of people.

The basis of the content of choreography is the study of dance exercises classic system dance. These exercises train the muscles of children necessary to develop the right position of the legs, hands, head and housing. The basis of therapeutic work is a systematic classic simulator. Support for the use of exercises and when studying dance elements is a ballet machine. Children hold hands for the machine, which helps to hold the housing in equilibrium. Exercises for correction motor disorders The means of choreography are selected after the definition and clarification by the doctor (orthoped, the instructor of the LFC) age of the child and the severity of his disease.

I propose an abstract classes with children preparatory school group with various forms of cerebral palsy (spastic diplegegia, hemipartic form, hyperkinetic shape and anatacious form). Children have a wide variety of disorders syndromes: squint, the native state of chewing muscles, the defeat of the sublingual nerve. All children have a violated total and small motorika, emotional-volitional sphere and behavior. According to the severity of violations of movements and formation of motor skills, children have an average severity of violations.

Based on practical experience, I consider it necessary to start doing music therapy from the 2nd junior GroupUsing only the elements of rhythm and therapeutic choreography. The main work on music therapy begins in the older and preparatory groups. Lesson twice a month for an hour.

I want to pay attention to the subjective feeling of the child of classes. Children love them, they satisfy their movements.

At the end of occupations at the end school year and conducting a survey of the motor and speech sphere, we received positive results:

First of all, the children had a desire to perform the proposed movements, the ability to manage them.

Movements performed by children to the music acquired the necessary proportionality and accuracy.

Static and dynamic coordination of movements have improved, the muscle tone has decreased, the possibility of active suppression of tonic reflexes has appeared.

Children began to correctly navigate in space. They began to strive to perform movements as well as all healthy children.

Positive results appeared in the articulation motorcycle, the prosodic side of speech was improved, control over his pronunciation, more free and unfolded became a phrase speech.


  1. Non-traditional methods in correctional and medical pedagogy; Povalaeva M. A., Directory of the speech therapist; Rostov - to Don; Phoenix, 2001
  2. Bitova A. L., Lipes Yu. V., Special music classes focused on speech stimulation in children with severe violations speech Development, Guidelines, 1994
  3. Alloyarov H. A. "Music therapy in the works of Ibn Sina". "Health of Tajik" - 80 g. No. 5
  4. Basov M. A. "Movement to the music", in the book "Selected Psychological Works". - 75
  5. Volkova G. A. "Spenting Rhythm". M., "Enlightenment" - 85
  6. Griner V. A. "Logopedic rhythm for preschoolers", uchocygiz - 51g.
  7. O. O. Sterrod "The use of choreography elements in the treatment of children with cerebral paralysis"; honey. Journal Uzbekistan - 72 g
  8. Shishkin V. A. "Movement + Movement". M., "Enlightenment" - 92

Tasks lessons:

  1. To teach everyone, without much effort to obey the general tempo, and act agreed and rhythmically.
  2. Through the occupation awaken in children interest in the history of the Karelian people, to his life, dreams, to his tongue and poetry.
  3. Through choreographic movements, contribute to the development of a sample of movements, normalizing muscle tone, preservation of equilibrium, the development of the "feeling of poses" necessary for any movement.

Correctional problem on therapeutic choreography:

  1. Through numerous exercise options to correct posture, reference settings in the joints of the limbs.
  2. Training mobility, motility activity, the ability to switch from one move to another.

For classes, it will be necessary:

  1. Melody records disk State ensemble Songs and dance Karelia "Kantele".
  2. For the performance of dance movements - lace handkerchief.
  3. Musical instruments - Bubrentsy, bells.
  4. Ballet rack, mirrors (for performing movements under the control of visual sensations).

1. Organizing time.

Children enter the hall with each other.

Speech therapist. Good morning Children, girls and boys. I am very glad to see you in

hall, and I want friends to admit that I love in the morning gymnastics

gymnastics to engage in what I advise you. All she helps us, a lot

use of her and good mood charges for diligence.

I invite you to look into the Karelian forest today, in the edge of blue lakes and

spray rivers; to play games, sing songs, yes dancing to rejoice,

but so that we had fun to walk, everything must be done to the music.

2. Development of coordination, attention, memory, speed of the motor reaction (author's exercises).

Speech therapist.

  1. Speech therapist. On the socks we will go, above the pines are growing (the children go on socks).
  2. Speech therapist. In the green forest, we will go, all the frontier will go around (the children go high lifting legs).
  3. Speech therapist. A redhead fox looks in front of the bush. We are felt by the ranks, we run on socks (children run on socks).
  4. Speech therapist. Silence is around, they turned the kids in the circle. Show how the pomper is rowing, as if in the early morning on the sea flooded (the children perform an insertion step with a spring).
  5. Speech therapist.
  6. Speech therapist. And now we walk with couples, blueberries and clogs are collecting (children walk around the hall with couples).

3. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist.

hands, choose driving).

Speech therapist. Seryozha, we are now in the forest, we call you "AU"! Well-like closame, not

"Seryozha, AU"! The child opens his eyes, and he will know by voice who called him).

exactly, deep. (Children are moving to the music with each other, then fit

to the machine).

4. Choreographic physiotherapy At the ballet rack.

Speech therapist.

the exercise).

  1. "Plie" (Purpose: Correction of extensitive hips and large thigh muscles. Children are squatted, without taking heels from the floor, then straighten up).
  2. "Frape" (on "Once" - the leg is put on the sock, on the "two" - on the heel, on the "three" - on the sock, on the "four" - stick to the leg to the supporting leg).
  3. "Tandy Batman" (on "Once" - the right leg is pressed against the ankle of the support leg, on the "two" - straightened forward).
  4. "Re-les" (the child stands at the rack, holding it with his hands, rises on the semi-winges, then squats).

Speech therapist

movements in the middle of the hall).

  1. "Russian lyrical" (children under smooth music dance with handkerchiefs, fixing them with their eyes).
  2. Speech therapist. Our pens are good, dance from the heart (the children fall off the rhythm: the one that is that that is that that is that that is that that, that that).

5. Exercise on the development of facial expressions and relaxation.

Speech therapist.

and we climb,

on the valysa,

via crossheads. "

At the end of music sit down.

Speech therapist. How do guests meet?

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Children are inhaling and exhaling.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Children also "fall asleep" (throw hands down and utter words: close the eyes, sleep, sleep, sleep. Open eyes, get up, get up, get up.)

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.

Speech therapist.


7. Development musical hearing.

Speech therapist. I wanted to be happy, to produce the bells.

Children to the music of the Russian folk song "I am on a slide went" performing moving bells.


Speech therapist.

Mountain stands on the mountain.

And on that grief - Dubok,

And on Duby - Funks.

Raven in red boots,

Gold plated earrings.

Black Raven on the oak

He plays a pipe.

The pipe is accurate, gilded,

Pipe opaque

Song foldable. Yes!

9. Development of the singing range.

Speech therapist. The people are having fun, go to the harmonist, sings songs.

Children perform any Karelian song.

10. The development of the spatial organization of the movement of the elements of Karelian dance.

Speech therapist. Like our gate, the people are going to dance now.

Children perform dance and rhythmic movements under the Russian folk melody "Ah, you can be my sense" (the use of dance movements that are stacked in a familiar rhythm).

Speech therapist. You danced children, and the guests are tired, even if they are baptized with us.

Children and guests repeat dance movements (sitting).

11. Formation of the skill of the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Speech therapist. The people are having fun and playing.

Children clearly utter words by choosing a hard one. Driving to become a circle. Oh, guys, ta ra

Mountain stands on the mountain.

And on that grief - Dubok,

And on Duby - Funks.

Raven in red boots,

Gold plated earrings.

Black Raven on the oak

He plays a pipe.

The pipe is accurate, gilded,

Pipe opaque

Song foldable. Yes!

A child standing in the center, dancing, imitating the movement of the crow.

12. Organization of the end of the classes.

Speech therapist: we played together, tired a little, it's time to return to kindergarten. In Karelian custom?

Children: happiness and joy!

Big Health!

Before the new summer!

Before new bread!

Children make a bow to guests and play a Karelian round dance, performing a part of the dance, suitable for guests, bow to and invite to continue to dance to everyone together. (Music. Filippenko, words T. Volgaina in processing)

1. In the meadow at the gate, the children go in a circle with a ditch step,

Head of the city.

2. Who happened in Karelia, the children go into a circle, smoothly raising

Nights white saw, hands up. Dissolve and omit

Loved the whole soul hand down.

This edge is expensive.

3. About Karelia Spo. From one circle are rebuilt into two

You will visit you, small. Go in a circle dound

Blueberry and cloudberry step. Then swallow your hands, get up in one

Gather into the forest will go. Line and make low bow to guests.

Children go to the music from the audience.

Music studio

with elements of rhythm and therapeutic choreography

on the material of using folklore heritage

Peoples of Karelia for children prepared to school group

With a violation of the musculoskeletal system and cerebral palsy.

Kopotkana TA,

teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category

MDOU number 108 "Snezhina", Petrozavodsk.

Tasks lessons:

  1. Through the word and music to promote the overcoming of motor, speech and mental disorders in children.
  2. To teach everyone, without much effort to obey the general tempo, and act agreed and rhythmically.
  3. Rhythm and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to feel in music, movements rhythmic expressiveness.
  4. Stimulate motor activity and motor ability with the help of words and music.
  5. Form the ability to perceive various life situations, "Sign" into samples of others and developing right relationship To yourself through the use of Karelian folklore.
  6. Promote the formation of a child's personality, developing it creative abilities through familiarization with moral, spiritual, historical, aesthetic experience of generations based on the active use of historical cultural heritage Republic of Karelia.

Correctional and wellness tasks:

  1. Through choreographic movements, develop the production of the sample of movements, normalization of muscle tone, preservation of equilibrium, the development of a "feeling of poses" necessary for any movement.
  2. Training mobility, motility activity, the possibility of switching one movement to another.
  3. Use a phonopedic method (healthy-saving technology) for the development of voice, facial people.
  4. Develop hearing attention and memory

For classes, it will be necessary:

1. Disk with records of the melodies of the state ensemble of the song and dance Karelia "Kantele".

2. To perform dance movements - lace handkerchief.

3. Musical instruments - Bubrentsy, bells.

4. Ballet rack, mirrors (for performing movements under the control of visual sensations).


Part of the hall is framed under Karelian hut. In the background, a Russian stove, a table covered

bright tablecloth, on the table Samovar, clay and wooden dishes, benches covered

household rugs.

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the hall.

Speech therapist.Hello, guests are expensive: old and young, guys and girls -


Why did you please?

Educator.We want to tell and show how people lived in North Karelia,

to play games, sing songs, yes dancing to rejoice.

Speech therapist. Well, that guests are expensive, to be what you want. Turn burning is big

yes, which is what, occupy, listen, listen, the defortion.

Forest Yes Forest on the floor of the century

Ceremad, yes, longing -

So wrote poets

In those old century.

In a clean field,

Wide late

Dark forests

For green meadows

Behind rapid thorny rivers

In the Northern Karelian region stood a village Unyullo, and lived there

amazing people: dull and all grills.

2. Development of mimic expressiveness.

Children are sitting in the center of the hall and lead a leisurely conversation.

Child: Udalloou village - boring place.

The peasants in Udalloou are completely grumbling.

Children: Oha - Oha - Hoha - Hoh!

Child: Always sprinkled with the dough.

Children: Wow! Wow! Uuuuuuuuu ...

Child: Thus, the cattle and children are sick.

Children: Oha - Oha - Oooooooo ...

Child: They don't have a favorite time of year:

The heat is not suitable, frost is not good.

Children: Age - Ge. Eeeeeeee ...

Child: What b in the morning did not stand the weather

They will not come out of the house without a galosh.

Children: OKO - Ho - Nya! Nya - Nya - Nyayayayaya ...

Child: all poured, angry, angry, afraid

Children: Ho - ho - ho

Fu Fu Fu

NU - NU - NU

Ah ah ah!

Child: And suddenly such trouble happens:

And suddenly everyone is attack, but the gaze will stop -

What to grumble will they become then?!

Children: Hmm ... hmm ... yes - a ...

Speech therapist: yes full of you, people, grumble. Do not be despond.

With noise, songs and fun and work argues, and it is not bored.

As spoke in the old days:

Children: Lododr, yes the idleness, they have a holiday on Monday.

Speech therapist: I invite you today to look into the Karelian forest, to the edge of blue lakes

and the spawn rivers; to play games, sing songs, yes dancing to rejoice,

but what would we have fun to walk, everything must be done to the music.

3. Development of coordination, attention, memory, motor speed

Speech therapist. Turn together with each other, keep the backs rice. Nose inhale, and

exhalation - mouth, breathe deep, and then - a step in place, for the leading all

Children under the music go to each other and perform movements:

Speech therapist. - On the socks we will go, above the pines are growing (children go on socks).

In the forest of green we will go, all the foamhouses will be held (the children go high

raising legs).

A redhead fox looks in front of the bush. We are firing, on socks

i try, (children run on socks).

- Silence is around, they turned the kids in the circle. Show how the pomper is weselves

rowing, as if in the early morning on the sea float, (children perform an insertion with


- Lumberboys are imitated together, the legs should be sled (fractional step).

I walked along the journal, I found a tangle thread. Club small, threads of scarlet,

where the tangle to roll, there and thread stretches (children go under slow music

horovodal step behind the speech therapist, twisting in the snail, under fast music -

they are spinning and form a large circle.)

4. Development of auditory attention.

Speech therapist. Are you going to the people who will play now? (Children get up in a circle, holding for

hands, choose a leading - from children with accompanying and not able

Speech therapist. Andryusha, we are now in the forest, we call you "AU"! Well-like closame, not

roby, who called you to find out, as soon as possible. (Someone from the guys says:

"Andryusha, AU"! The child opens his eyes, and he will know by voice who called him).

i breathe exactly, deeply. (Children are moving to the music with each other, then fit

to the machine).

5. Choreographic medical gymnastics at the ballet rack.

Speech therapist. We continue to workout. Stand smoothly, turn, to the back of the chair

leave a heel together, we start all together. What? (Children call

the exercise).

- "Plie" (Purpose: Correction of extensitive hips and large disturbing muscles

high. Children are squatted, without taking heels from the floor, then straighten up).

- "Frape" (on "Once" - the leg is put on the sock, on "two" - on the heel, on the "three" - on

sock, "Four" - stick to the leg to the support leg).

- Tandy Batman (on "Once" - the right foot is pressed against the ankle of the support leg,

on "two" - straightened forward).

- "Re-les" (the child stands at the rack, holding her hands, rises to

the semi-winges, then crosses).

Speech therapist. All handkerchiefs take both the music begin. (Children perform dance

movements in the middle of the hall).

"Russian lyrical" (children under smooth music dancing with handkerchiefs, fixing

their eyes).

Speech therapist. Our pens are good, dance from the heart (the children fall off the rhythm: the one is that that

that one is the same, that that is that that, that that).

Children retreat the same rhythm legs, and then the rhythmic pattern is translated into a dance movement.

Children perform an exercise "Pickling".

6. Exercise for the development of facial expressions and relaxation.

Speech therapist. Your legs are good, danced from the soul, and now a little rest to us

need to. In any Karelian hut guests will take place. We are now all the gurb

i will pass the village, let's see people, let them show yourself, and at the end of the music

do not yaw, shop in the house.

Children go to the music and sentence: "We also go,

and we climb,

on the valysa,

via crossheads. "

At the end of music sit down.

Speech therapist. How do guests meet?

Children answer "please Guests, dear! Merry you and joy! "

Speech therapist. But the guests are tired of the road, angry, frozen.

Children perform the Mimic exercise "frowned" for the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. But the hostess oven flooded, kneading the dough, became warm, cozy.

Children are inhaling and exhaling.

Speech therapist. Pendant's pendulum pestitties peacefully.

Children swing from side to side and sentence: "Tick - so, so - so."

Speech therapist. The window faced the cat dorm.

Children under lullaby music imitate cat stroking.

Speech therapist. The cat is burning, closes the eyes, falls asleep.

Children also "fall asleep" (throw hands down and utter words: "Close eyes, sleep, sleep, sleep. Open eyes, get up, get up, stand up."

Speech therapist. Full, Drema is to do - it's time to get up.

Children open their eyes and climb.

Speech therapist. Mistress cabbage makes and sentences: "We rubbish rubbish, we caught

many, we caught Solim, we rubbing three. "

Children perform movements with hands, imitating the saline of cabbage.

Speech therapist. Feel like pies flashed delicious. Guests joyed, littered and

they started first quietly, and then louder, and louder.


8. Development of musical hearing and forming the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds.

Speech therapist: I wanted to joke, to make musical instruments.

Children to music performed comic song: "Oh, you, dull, my beauty", imitating

game on noise tools.

The boy comes to the girl and, singing, asks her, and the girl answers:

1. Eh, you are a cut, my beauty, what you are playing, I do not understand.

I play, I understand everything. I play on the drum. Tr ... my drum is mine.

2. Eh, you are a cut, my beauty, what you are playing, I do not understand.

I play, I understand everything. I play on the balalaika. Ten-di Brandy Balalaika.

All children: Tren-di Brandy, Tr .... My drum.

3. Eh, Dushka, my beauty, what you play, I do not understand.

I play, I understand everything. I play on a pipe. Du, Du-do my twin.

All children: Du-D, Du-Du. Ten-di Brandy. Tr ... my drum is mine.

4. Eh, Dushka, my beauty, what playaresh, I do not understand.

I play, I understand everything. I play violin. Pi-ki, pi-ki my violin.

All children: Pi-ki, Pi-ki my violin. Du-Du, Du-do my twin. Ten-di Brandy Balalaika. Tr ... my drum is mine.

5. Oh, you are a cut, my kvotka, what you play, I do not understand.

On Kokoshnik I play. Ko-ko is my Kokoshnik.

All children: Ko-Ko-ka My Kokoshnik. Pi-ki, pi-ki my violin. Du-Du, Du-do my twin. Ten-di Brandy Balalaika. Tr ... my drum is mine.

Ko, ko ...

Pi Ki, Pi ...

Du-do, doo ...

Tren-di Brandy ...

Tr ... my drum is mine.

9. Development of the spatial organization of the movement of elements of Karelian dance.

Speech therapist:Like ours at the gate, the people are going, the dance he will lead.

The boys invite girls and bring them to the middle of the hall. Girls are boat

Horticulture: "Molod" (dance, composed by Karelian balleraster V. and Kononov).

9. Movable folk game.

Speech therapist. The people are having fun, and playing.

Children clearly utter words by choosing a hard one. Drinking to become. In the middle of the circle.

Oh, guys, ta ra

Mountain stands on the mountain.

And on that grief - Dubok,

And on Duby - Funks.

Raven in red boots,

Gold plated earrings.

Black Raven on the oak

He plays a pipe.

The pipe is accurate, gilded,

Pipe opaque

Song foldable. Yes!

A child standing in the center, dancing, imitating the movement of the crow. Children clap your hands.

10. Organization of the end of the classes.

Speech therapist: We played together, tired a little, it's time to return to kindergarten.

In Karelian custom, we wish all guests what?

Children answer: happiness and joy,

Big Health!

Before the new summer!

Before new bread!

Children make a bow to guests and play a karelian round dance. (Music A. Filippenko, words T. Volgaina in processing)

1. On the meadow at the gate, the children go in a circle of a ditch step.

Where rowan grows, put on the loss, then left foot on the

My friends with friends are today, then right, circling around yourself.

Head of the city.

3. Who visited Karelia, the children go into a circle, smoothly raising her hands up.

The nights of white saw, dishatting, lowering hands down.

Loved all the soul

This edge is expensive

2. About Karelia SPOOL. From one circle are rebuilt into two

You will visit you, small. Go in a circle of ditch pitch.

Blueberry and cloudberry then blur the circle, get up in one line and

Gather into the forest will go. Make a low bow to guests.

Children go to the music from the audience.

(For the music of Sinisalo G. R. "Morning" children enter the hall)

Leading: Hello, children dear! Why did you please?

Child: We wanted to hear wonderful fairy tale. Open for the chest,

full words. Let the magical legends be revived.

Veda: Well, that, guests are expensive, to be what you want.

I will reveal a verbal box with a casket song.

(Song or music sounds)

"Karelia, Karelia!

Above the concubuses, villages

Over blue lakes and swamps

There is a centuries-old native fairy tale ancient

That unprecedented folk is coming.

(Everyone is arranged comfortable. Girls - who knits who are hiding who rewinds the threads. Boys - Spit sharp, kuyut, listen to everything).

From 2 sides - Rockovtsy.

1st: I came one desire

I've ever conceived the Duma, be ready for sight

And start the word rather.

To sing me songs ancestors,

The genus of our tune.

2nd: Golden my friend and brother,

Dear childhood comrade.

We sing with you together

We will do the word with you

Finally we have seen

From both sides now came together.

Veda: Many centuries ago on the territory of our Karelia, in the country of noisy pines and fools, in the edge of the forest lakes and the spawn rivers, the people folded these legends, fairy tales and songs that are called runes. The singers sat against each other, were taken by arms and swaying, sang, he was leather conversation:

1st: So come on your hands

Our fingers together fold

Songs nice we sing we

Starting with the best.

(song from Cantiere)

Abstract Music Treatment

for senior preschoolers with mental delay

on the topic: "Sounds of spring"

TARGET: Develop an emotional-willed sphere through various types of musical activity.

Tasks: musical

    teach children to determine the nature of the musical work, the means of musical expressiveness;

    analyze software works, correlating them with spring signs;

    develop in children the skill of the expressive execution of familiar songs, solo and ensemble singing;

    fasten the skill of dance movements in accordance with the changes in the nature of the music;

    transmit different musical rhythmsFeeling and performing metric pulsation in music.


    promote development in children cognitive processes, communicative skills and cooperation skills;

    form a benevolent attitude towards others;

    to teach to understand the feelings transferred in music, distinguish with the shades of mood, empathize, rejoice, charge positive emotions.

Musical repertoire: "Spring" V.A. Motsart, "Spring Song" I.S. Bach, mUZ. F. Bayer "Quick Rodhok", recording "Voices of the Forest", the song "Spring Mirror" MUZ. and cl. E.Gomonova, P.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop", MUZ. A.Vivaldi "Concert for violin with orchestra №1" Spring "from the" Seasons "cycle.

Material: Magnetic board, wooden sticks for two on each child, split pattern, air ball, ribbed massage path.

Travel course:

Spring "Spring" V.M. Motzart, children enter the hall.

Pedagogue He asks in children, did they know the music under which they entered the hall? What is the called music called? Author's or folk? Who performed the work? What is the general nature of music? (children answer)

Teacher: Yes, the music is bullied, rejoices, the spring has already come and nature wakes up. Today we will listen to music about the spring. The air balloon is flown in the hall. Guys, someone sent us a letter, let's see what in it! Oh, and here there are some pictures here, imagine they scattered across the forest glade. If you do not collect them and not fold the picture of them, the spring will not be able to fully enter their rights. Let's be brave, decisive and actively gather the picture of the spring! Agree? (Yes) If you take a great deal, then you will definitely handle it! Guys, and now we will go to the magic forest.

Children walk along the ribbed path, on the rug, with traces.

We walk each other

Forest and spring meadow.

Wings of motley flashes

Insects fly.

Silence is around

We all gathered on the meadow.

Pedagogue : Here we are in spring Forest. Look, guys, it is a frame from the picture of spring (suitable for a magnetic board) where to seek part of the picture? Maybe they are looking for them on prodalinka? Spring forest full different sounds, you just need to listen carefully to them, then the spring rod runs fun. Teacher offers forcreek "Spring Song" I.S. Bach. Children listen fragment, then discuss listened music, determine the composition of the performers, composer, find his portrait of several. Chatting with children, clarify that the music of the stream moves, flowing smoothly, without stopping, evenly and at the same time, a tortuous, as if, like a stream, envelopes obstacles on his path.

The dance exercise "Snake with the knot" is executed

on the music of F. Bayer "Quick Rod" Children find part of the painting. Look, this is part of our paintings! (attach it to the magnetic board).

What else can be depicted in the picture of spring? What kind of spring will not be enough here? Name them! (children's responses)

Pedagogue: I hear, somewhere twitched birds. Let's listen to their voices.

Teacher: woodpecker sent the birds in the warm countries to the Morzyanka Telegram, consisting of different combinations of short and long sounds, so that the birds of the Pamrestrey return.

Speech Rhythmic game "Spring Telegram" to verses V.Suslova. To perform this rhythmic game, children need to give two wooden sticks.

Woodpecker sat on fat bitches - Tuk yes Tuk.

To all friends to their south - Tuk yes Tuk.

Telegrams urgently shream - Tuki-Tuki-Tuk,

What melted snow around - Tuki - Tuk, Tuki - Tuk,

What snowdrops around - Tuki - Tuk, Tuki -Tuk.

Winter Winter Winter - Tuk Yes Tuk,

In hot countries, there was no - Tuk and Tuk.

And it is clear why - Bored Dattlo one.

(Tuk-quadruple duration, tuki - eighth durations).

Teacher: Let's, and we are with the poultry with you: "Chvil-Ville Vil", sing a speech by votes, connecting the title with a clear diction, children move from medium votes down, then up to high. So that everyone has a spring mood, we sing a funny song!Children perform the song "Spring Mirror" Muses. and cl. E.Gomonova

Pedagogue : and the birds come back to us in the spring, and give us another part of the painting. (attach to the board) What kind of spring comments do you even know? (Sun, Flowers). Yes, and the sun gets married, heats the earth with its rays, and the plants come to life. In the spring, the first flowers appear, no wonder in the proverb says: "Spring red flowers"! (Find out the meaning of the word "Krasnaya") What other proverbs about the spring do you know? (children's responses) And now we will turn into flowers and play incommunicative game "I am a flower".

Pedagogue Calls by the name of children, and that child goes to the circle, says: "I - Sasha flower!", Open like a flower, improvises movements for the musicP.I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop". Find out with children: in this play, the melody is tender, trembling, intonationally directed up - like a flower stretches to the sun.Teacher: Guys, see what beautiful flowers Grown on this glade. What wonderful flowers, how many friends you have. We have a whole glade. How can it be called? ("Polyana Friendship"). Children find the latter part Pictures, collect it completely. You were a friendly team and were able to fulfill all tasks. Take up my arms and say wishes to each other.Children pronounce their wishes to friends.

Teacher: "I think all your wishes are to be executed. All you will, take care of your friends and your friendship. " And now it's time for us to return home, in kindergarten.Suggest children to sit in Turkish, put hands on the knees.

Relaxation - " Magic flower good "using aromotherapy

under the music of A.Vivaldi "Concert for violin with orchestra №1" Spring "from the" Seasons "cycle.

Put the "Flower of Good" and good mood On both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands your body, your soul. It comes from an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to her. Mentally put all the good and good mood of the flower inside, in your heart. Feel how good enters you, delivers you joy. You have new forces: forces of health and joy. Warm, affectionate breeze buys you. You have a warm, warming soul mood. I want you to remember what you now feel, and took with them out of here. Warm feelings and good mood will still be with you. Open your eyes. Look around. Send to each other good thoughts. Good luck to you!Children do not rush, get up. It's time for us to say goodbye, let's sing each other: "Goodbye!" Well done, you were active in the classroom, I believe that you will appreciate and take care of your friendship, our occupation is over. "

Marina Balyasova
Abstract Music Treatment

Music studio

purpose: Help your child to know of yourself, your capabilities.

To form a skill of non-verbal, sensual contact with others. Promote the removal of neuropsychic tension children in the process of movement and listening music.

Develop the opinion to recognize and express various emotions in facial expressions and dance. Jach to understand the feelings transferred to music, distinguishing the shades of mood, empathize, rejoice, charge positive emotions.

Tasks: Develop a creative imagination, skill independently find expressive postures and movements. Carry out prevention of behavioral disorders with music games. Create an optimistic mood.

Children under quiet music enter the hall. Get up in a circle and raise rhyk (fingers together).

With a good morning sun, we are glad to you!

With a kind bridge sky, we are glad!

We have been woken up for a long time and took up the rhyk!

(Children slowly lower Ryaki, then take the rhyk.

MYZ RYK., (alternately looks at each child and sings)

And Lesha here (children repeat, also sing)

And Lera Here - (children repeat) and. t. d.

All here (children repeat)

We rose to the socks, holding hands, and sat down on the palace, bending the legs in the knees! Now let's play a little. Chooses leading, he gets back to children. Rear to it fits the chosen educational child. Stroking on the back, shoulders, he sings:

This is me, know me! -

the leading should guess the name of the singing child. The game is repeated two, three times with other children.

The next game will be called a song. It is called - clap, swing, run! And my song will tell you what movements must be performed. There is a game of motive songs - (We are not afraid of a gray wolf)

Ny Ka all in your hands clashes, smoking together, smoke (children clap)

We are trees in the wind, in the wind, in the wind, (run on socks)

We fly, fly, fly, we fly, we fly! (run on socks and mashet rhyk)

The last is our game - with musical instruments. I give you instretza, and you stand apart from each other. The game is called - Catch my opinion! We must be with you orchestra. But when coming to his tool, I will show my eyes. Try to carefully follow my eyes: Whom I look, he will start playing his party. And so in turn, until the orchestra does not work. Our occupation comes to an end, Remember where we visited today? (Children remember.) Did you like it? (Children's responses). That's good, goodbye, children! (Podes).

Children pick up the sound out of five notes down from (la). Bye!

Under calm music comes out of the hall.

Purpose: To form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle, a sense of responsibility for the preservation and strengthening of their health through health-saving technologies in all kinds of musical activities.


Enrich musical impressions children, create a joyful mood;

Relieve love for others in children. Friendly attitude to peers;

Introduce children with new elements articulating gymnastics, movements of wellness exercises;

Develop the speech of children using articulation gymnastics; correlate movement with text in speech and musical Games, self-massazham;

To bring children to the ability to transfer elementary game images and their characters facial, movements, intonation.

Visual I. didactic material: House, Mirror Flowers, Cat Mask, Night Major and Minor, TSO, Music Design.

Travel course.

To music, children enter the hall

Muz.ruk Hello guys! Today is such a wonderful day! And I want to spend today's occupation with elements of music therapy. Have you ever heard such interesting word Music therapy? And I'll tell you now. Music therapy is a music treatment, because the music is very strongly affected by a person and is able to change his mood. We all know well if a person fell ill needs to be treated, (like children.)) But sometimes a person thinks he is sick, and in fact he is just a bad mood. Then music comes to the rescue (as ... the answers of children). The guys are correct, using cheerful music You can raise the mood, and calm quiet music will help you calm down, if you are too transported, we will fall asleep with the help of a lullaby ... Today the sun shines! So I want to wish everyone, everyone: "Good morning!" So let's wish good morning to our guests and a cheerful song and raise the mood.

Children perform a dance with a wellness massage "Good morning"

Good morning. Smile Rather

And today all day will be more fun.

Clap in your hands

We will define Lobik, spout and cheeks (according to the text )

We will be beautiful, like in the garden flowers(lanterns)

The switches of palms are stronger than (according to the text)

And now we praise the bolder-bolder.

Clap in your hands

Ears we are now hidden and health savings

Smile again, be all healthy!(dance)

Muz.ruk Wonderful, now I will play you good music, so that there are more fun. Sit down the guys.

I open notes and see empty sheets with holes.

What happened to notes? And where did these holes come from? Guys, you do not know?

Responses of children.

Muz.ruk It seems that notes have eaten the mouse. What to do?(Thinking.) Invented! You need to call the music reference bureau.

I call on the phone:

Hello! Reference? Help!

We send assistant!

We must notes to find

To take it to spend.

We now come cat now.

Muz.ruk Well, thank you! Are looking forward to!

About the cat is a poem we know

Together, read the choir.

Speech game-dialogue "TRA-TA"


Cat out for a cat!

Boys: for Kota-Kotovich?

Girls: For Peter Petrovich!

Together: He mustache, striped,

In the ears tastes hang.

Well, not a cat, but just treasure!

Enters the educator disguised into the cat

Cat Ryzhik:

Meow meow! Yes, I am like this!

I'm just a treasure for all guys!

Meow! Hello everyone, friends!

How glad to see you!

My name is a cat Ryzhik. I have a scientist cat from the Great Cat Country Murlyandia.

MUZ. Hands. Ryzhik, where do we have notes to find? they dragged cunning mice

Cat Ryzhik: Only real cats can find a mouse. And I'm a super cat! Forward, my friends!

Perform dynamic exercise "On the track"

On the track, along the trackPodkoki on the right leg.

We are on the right leg.

And on the same trackDrinks on the left leg.

We are on the left leg.

Along the path will runEasy running on socks.

Before the lawn you willing.

On the lawn, on the lawnJumping in place.

We jump like bunks.

Sweetly reached outHands up, squeeze.

And everyone smiled.

MUZ. Hands. Guys, look, Ahead of the house! Is this a mouse kingdom?

Cat Ryzhik. Not! Here mice does not smell. Guys, let's see what is in the house. (Stretches into the house hand and pulls the card with the image of the face of a cheerful and sad nature).

Cat Ryzhik : Look guys it is a dwarf house. There are no dwarfs at home, but they left us their photos.

(The music director shows and asks in children what workframes are depicted. Explains that one of them is fun - this is a brother Major, and the other sad is a brother Minor)


(Fun) in the house to major lives,

Single song sings -

Good, major.

Merry, perky!

(Sad) re minor to the river went,

Sad started:

Oh! River prompt.

Oh! The fate of minor!

Guys, do you want to play? Listen carefully to music and transfer her mood by movements, facial expressions, gestures.

Active listening Music "Major or Minor?".

Under the merry music, children jump, dance, laugh, and in sad - go with omitted heads.

Cat Ryzhik: Children, very sad me!

Something shrinking in the back.

In the throat everything hurts, burns,

My nose bouffags, sniffs

MUZ. Hands. Guys, probably our cat is punished, he needs rest. Let's put it in the corner, and so that he fell asleep with a lullaby

Executed lullaby

Sleeping, you are my child.
Warm, soft, kitten.
Spit-inen, you are my baby,
Let you dream of a mouse.

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

Sigrore rather, baby.
Grow as mom, cat.
Be sat down, taper, fit -

And like mommy

Do not blink,
Do not snooze.

MUZ. Hands. Well, Ryzhik, did you get better?

Cat Ryzhik: No, something is not good. I want to sleep yet

MUZ. Hands. But it is impossible to sleep all day. Guys, in my opinion, Cat Chondrite and does not hurt him. Now it's time to turn to music therapy. How will we treat him? Yes, we will merry the cat.

Children and cat Ryzhik perform a complex of playing a "friendship".

Children stand in pairs all over the hall.

I have such pens!Stand back to each other, stroke their hands.


Slaughtered in your handsClap.

One two Three!

Your handles too Turn to each other, stroke each other.

My look like.

Good with you, friend,Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

I have such cheeks!Stand back to each other, they smooth their cheeks.


I will stroke them a little.

One two Three!

Your cheeks too Rotate, rubbed each other's cheeks.

My look like.

Good with you, friend.Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

I have such earsStand back to each other, massage the uches.


Scatter them slowly.Try ears with effort.

One two Three!

Your ears too Turn to each other, teach each other's ears.

My look like.

Good with you, friend,Spin the "boat".

You twist with me once!

Cat Ryzhik: Oh! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always do this wonderful charging! How fun with you! And you know that music and laughter prolongs life. And for this, I will give you a multicolored mixing. (Gives children multicolored notes)

MUZ. Hands. Ryzhik, so you took our funny notes

Ryzhik I did not know what you need them, they are so beautiful and I decided to give them to the guys

MUZ. Hands. These notes are not only beautiful, they are also magical. With the help of cheerful music, we were able to cheer up, and therefore cured you with music therapy. Guys, take care of these magic notes and know that they will always be able to help you to cure, because the music is the best medicine.

Music therapy is special form working with children using music in any form (tape recorder entry, listening to plates, game on musical instruments, singing, etc.) Music therapy makes it possible to activate the child, overcome adverse attitudes and relationships, improve the emotional state.

Music therapy can be used both in the form of the main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms for psychological correctional impact characteristic of the method of music therapy.

First mechanism it is that musical art allows in a special symbolic form to reconstruct a conflict traumatic situation and due to this to find its permission.

Second mechanism associated with the nature of aesthetic reaction, allowing to change the action "affect from painful to bringing pleasure."

Typically distinguish the retrospective and prospective phase of music therapy. The retrospective phase has a task to push the participant to experience, the need for active disclosure of the internal conflict. Listening to music should lead a person to confrontation with his internal life. Experiences, before the remaining unconscious or only partially conscious, are converted into specific views. In this phase, you should use the music of deep emotional content, for example, symphonic music19 centuries. In the prospective phase there are two approaches. The first is the discharge of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need for listening to music, expanding the circle of experiences, stabilizing well-being.

Select individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with distinctive, communicative, reactive and regulatory action. In the first case musical composition Listenins teacher and child, here music contributes to the improvement of these relationships. In the second - cleansing is achieved. In the third - the neuropsychic tension is removed. All three forms can be used both independently and in combination. They represent passive music therapy in a sense. Along with this, there are active individual music therapy, the purpose of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of a teacher's class music together with the child.

Group music therapy is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, the communicative and emotional relationships arose between them so that this process was quite dynamic.

Creative activity It is the strongest tension tool. This is especially important for those who cannot "speak"; Express your fantasies in creativity is much easier than telling about them. Fantasies, which are depicted on paper or in sounds, often accelerate and facilitate the verbalization of the experiences. Creativity opens the way to the expression of unconscious ideas and fantasies that manifest themselves in a significant and unusual for everyone else.

Music therapy helps To establish relations between the teacher and the child develops the feeling of internal control, opens up new abilities, increases self-esteem.

The harmonizing effects of music on mental processes can be used, and sometimes it is necessary to use in working with children.

The number of methods that facilitate the expression of their feelings when using music therapy is infinite. Regardless, that the child and the teacher choose for their classes, the main goal of the teacher is always the same: to help the child to begin to realize itself and existence in their own world. You must not forget the main commandment of the teacher - not harm.

Music - art, and how any art is aware of the soul. You can perceive music, looking at her or participating in the creation.

At one of the practices, hyperactive children were collected (4-5 years old), and they were invited to listen to the play "Mom" from the "Children's Album" P. Tchaikovsky, immediately took place a conversation about the nature of the work. During the next next sessions, various works were listened in the order of increasing the duration of the sound, including the Morning Morning, E. Griga mentioned. During this time, the children learned to feel deeper and understand music, longer to preserve attention, to suppress the manifestations of aggression; After listening, they behave more calmly than usual.

It is very important for classes related to listening to music:
Specially pick up musical repertoire and methods of working with it;
Use in the class of other types of children's musical activity: musical movement, singing, games in the orchestra, conducting;
Use in the work of works of other types of art, primarily visual and fiction.

Such techniques are raised music perception At a higher stage, are a way to actively analyze music.

When selecting the work for the hearing, we rely on that music respond to two leading principles - high artisticity and accessibility. Then music causes interest in children and positive emotions.

Along with listening to music, it is important to use and active musitization. which contributes to improving self-esteem - overcoming behavior ambivalence. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group. Music therapy in active form includes the game on musical instruments, sampling therapy (vocal therapy, choral singing), and dancing (choreotherapy).

To perform simple pieces, you can use even such simple toolslike a drum, triangle, xylophone. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and are an improvised game. Dynamic adaptability develops, the ability to the mutual hearing. Since these are group music therapy, the game is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, between them - communicatively - emotional relationships that this process be quite dynamic. The most important thing is that the child through the game on the musical instrument is expressing.

Valotherapy Especially indicated by depressive, inhibit, egocentric children. Mostly group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time, the moment of "anonymity" of feelings, "shelter" in the total mass is of great importance here, which creates a prerequisite for overcoming contact disorders, to approve their own feelings and healthy experiences of their bodily sensations.

Singing must be focused on folk songs. Taking 5 years in Russian folk art, we noticed that children had increased interest in Russian folk creativity, children became liberated, emotional, they began to form moral and personal qualities to the works of Russian folk creativity, His songs, dancing and dance, playing children's musical instruments. We use optimistic songs, as well as those that encourage reflection and deep experiences. Songs are selected according to the setting of the group. Placing a group - a vicious circle. The presenter sings together with everyone. When a certain state of the group is achieved, each participant is given the opportunity to offer a song, put forward to the fought. Singers are connected to many with overcoming shyness, as he seared to enter the center of attention.

To guide this work requires musical Knowledge And skills, if the educator himself is not a musician, he works in conjunction with the music director who gives the necessary advice.

Choral singing is an efficient tool raising not only aesthetic taste, but also initiatives, fantasies, creative abilities of children, it the best way Promotes development musical abilities (singing vote, rhythm feelings, musical memory), the development of singing skills, contributes to the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal - choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of a collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of the worldview of children, has an organizing and disciplining effect on children, brings up a sense of collectivism, friendship.

Along with the song, elementary melodic and rhythmic improvisations are used, which are reduced to exercises in tension and relaxation.

It has a special value combination of singing with dance movements , as well as improvisation of free dance under the sounds classical music. Dance is form social contactThrough the dance improves the ability to relationship, mutual understanding. Therapeutic value represent rhythmic, oscillatory movements to music in three tact.

Dance-motor therapy It can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and unconscious. With the help of dance and motor therapy, a child can use movement for a more complete expression of itself and to maintain its individuality in contact with other children. Dance and motor therapy is the only appearance Therapy, where a lot of free space is used. Motor behavior expands in dance, helping the awareness of conflicts, desires, and can help resolve negative feelings and exemption from them.

Using music therapy in the mode of mode

Retail moments.

For what is used.

The result of exposure.

Age group.

The proposed musical repertoire.


Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics.

Used to create an emotional background.

Used to raise emotional activity, cheerfulness.

Delivers joy to the child, has a beneficial effect on his body. A positive effects are not only for children, but also on their parents - it is imposing confidence, contact between people is easier.

Music is an active effective means of emotional correction, helps to enter the desired emotional state.

Junior group.

Medium group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. Group.

Average gr

Senior gr.

Preparation. c.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers" from the ballet "Nutcracker",

M.Morusorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River".

V. Motsart "Little Night Serenade",

M.I. Glinka "Waltz Fantasy".

P.I. Tchaikovsky "April",

G.V.Sviridov "Music Box".

N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The introduction of "three miracles",

I. Straus. "On the beautiful Blue Danube."

Music accompaniment to the music by the head.

Audio cassette rhythmic music.


(in warm time of the year).

Observations, in the process of the Tru-Dove Affairs, after the Games of Great Mobility

Specifies a certain life rhythm, produces a mobilizing effect, expressed in gaming form. Causes an emotional response when observed for wildlife objects. For removing increased muscle load.

Positive effect on the development nervous system Child.

All age groups.

Observations: S.V. Rushmaninov "Italian Polka",

V.Agafonnikov. "Sani with bells."

Child labor: R.N.P. "Oh, you, Songy ...", I. Straus. Polka "Trick - Truck".

Relaxation: N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow-Rod", songs, dance of birds.


(falling asleep and awakening)

Used for the emo-rational relaxary of the nervous system and muscles of the child. True, gentle music helps children fall asleep.

Archive pressure is normalized, breathing is stimulated.

Yasery gr.

Junior groups.

Senior groups.

Lullaby: "Hush. Quieter

"Speed, a small princess", "the arrival of spring", "falling asleep kid", "Spent", "Sleep, my baby, fall asleep."

G.V. Sviridov "Sad song", F. Shubert. "Ave Maria", "Serenada", Ts.A.Kui. "Lullaby".

V.M. Motsart. "Music box", N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. "Three miracles. Protein, P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Dance of small swans."

Individual music therapy.

To optimize the emotional state of the child; To overcome the hyperactive child; To stimulate creative (creative) abuse in individual activity.

Normalization of the emotional state, the removal of physical and emotional stresses, an increase in creative work, the manifestation of the initiative. Communication increases.

All age groups.

Average gr.

Senior gr.

Preparation. c.

A.T.Greschaninov. Babushkin Waltz, A.T.Grechaninov. "Maternal caress."

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz Fakez-Minor, L.V. Betchen. "Sumok", N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snegoo-ka", scene of melting Snow Maiden.

N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. "The Sea" (final of the 1st action of the opera "Tale of Tsar Saltan"), K.V. Glük. Opera "Orpheus and Evridika", "Melody", R. Stanrin. Humoresque.

Use of music therapy in various types of children's activities.



For what is used.

The result of exposure.

Age group.

Used musical repertoire.

Musical classes.

The perception of music contributes to common intellectual and emotional development.

Education of interest in music, the condition of pleasure, admiration.

Junior group.

Medium group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. Group.

A.K.Ladov. "Rainstick", Ts.A.Kuy. "Lullaby".

M.I. Glinka "Children's Polka", Rus. nar. Song "Ah You, Songs ..."

M.I. Glinka "Waltz Fantasy", P.I. Tchaikovsky "Mazurka".

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", S.V. Rushmaninov "Italian Polka"

Physical classes.

Relaxation method - used to relax children and restore respiration.

Removal of muscle load, normalization of a general physical condition.

All age groups.

I. Straus. "Tales of the Vienna Forest", P.I. Tchaikovsky. April, A.Vivaldi. "Winter", I. Straus. "On the beautiful Blue Danube."


Developing creative imagination and fantasy, to create a certain psychological and emotional attitude, associative connections.

Forms the aesthetic feelings of children, causes an emotional response, an increase in the productivity of creativity.

All age groups.

Russian folk melodies,

E. Grig. Morning, M.Morusorgsky. "Dawn on a Moscow River", K. Herbissi. " Moonlight", P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz colors from the ballet "Nutcracker".

Fiction (familiarization with poetic texts, descriptive stories.)

To create a certain emotional attitude, for a more complete perception of the literary image.

Increasing interest K. literary works, Formation of aesthetic feelings.

Medium group.

Senior preschool age.

Chopin. Nocturne №1.2., P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", K. Herbissi "Moonlight", R.Shuman "Dreams", D.Last "Lonely Shepherd", K. Sinding "Spring Rust", K. Sen Sanx "Swan" from the suite "Carnival of Animals", P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of Little Swans".

In musical therapy there are two directions:

First - perceiving activities when the baby sing, play on the instrument, and he listens;

Second - It is built on the "Liberation of Creative Forces" method, thanks to this, the child creates in music, dancing, implies ringtones with a voice or on a musical instrument.

Music therapy can be effective method Treating children's neurosis that today are increasingly affecting more and more children. Therefore, children should gradually master not only good skills in the field of intellectual operations, but also by the skills and skills of life in modern society, to know how to cope with his requirements and overcome subjective difficulties, inevitably arising on life path each person. One of these means and is music therapy.

With the help of music therapy, you can create optimal conditions for the development of children, raising aesthetic feelings and taste, getting rid of complexes, disclosure of new abilities.

Music therapy contributes to the formation of character, behavior standards, enriches inner world A child with bright experiences, along the way, raising love for musical art and forms the moral qualities of the person and aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding. Children should develop through the knowledge of the cultural heritage, to bring up to be able to increase it.

The level of development of children in preschool institutions will be higher if traditional forms, methods and means of learning and education will be combined with music therapy.

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