The mystery of the death of Faith Glagolova is a free game of the free mind in a bloody mode. Grub's girlfriend: Vera just went to consult in the German clinic who was next to her in recent days

The mystery of the death of Faith Glagolova is a free game of the free mind in a bloody mode. Grub's girlfriend: Vera just went to consult in the German clinic who was next to her in recent days
The mystery of the death of Faith Glagolova is a free game of the free mind in a bloody mode. Grub's girlfriend: Vera just went to consult in the German clinic who was next to her in recent days

16-08-2017, 23:16

For 62, I left the life of Vera Glagolev.

Today's news about the death of the actress shocked the world. For relatives, friends, colleagues and fans of faith, the verbal, her death became a real shock. Recently, everyone even admired her beauty and charm at the wedding of the younger daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin. Close to remember: she danced on the holiday and took congratulations. And a month later, the actress was not alive.

In the media periodically appeared information that the faith of Witalevna has health problems, but the actress itself refuted the information. In May, the domestic press began to discuss the cause of the long stay of the Glagolev abroad, already then in the media there were assumptions about whether she had an oncological disease, but all this remained at the level of rumors.

All points over "and" were arranged today, after the close surroundings of the faith verolev reported her death. Family and colleagues actresses commented on the death of a loved one. Spouse Glagolovaya Kirill Shubskaya reportedly informed: "Yes, she died. After prolonged disease. " The journalists asked where Vera Vitalevna was at the time of death, but Shubskaya gave an ambiguous answer: "What does it matter - where?", Although later the publishing house "Star" said: "She died not in the United States."

The children of Faith Veroleva commented on the death of mom on their pages in Instagram. The eldest daughter - Anna Nahapetova wrote: "If you really love our mother just pray about the newly represented servant of God's faith." Younger - Anastasia Shubskaya Snapshot Mom signed: "Our favorite ... Unique and only ... There are no words and no strength ... You are there, and we feel it ...".

Spouse Anastasia Shubskaya Alexander Ovechkin expressed his feelings about the death of the mother-in-law on the social network: "Our favorite Vera Vitalevna ...... It is impossible to believe and realize! We love you and always be loved !!! ".

The death of the verbal and her creative family was unexpected. The producer of films actresses and part-time friends. Actress Natalya Ivanova said that she spent the last days of life in the clinic under Baden-Baden. However, earlier in the press reported that the actress was in America. "" ... I have seen her just a week ago. Now documents are issued for the repatriation of the body to Russia. The question of where farewell and funeral will be known later, "added Natalia Ivanova.

Nikas Safronov said that before his death he managed to "sketch" a portrait of a famous actress for evil rock, she could not see the final version of the work. However, now the artist wishes to perpetuate this work the image of the verbal. "I think that if the inhabitants, and the creative environment want, on the house where she lived, they will install a commemorative board," the actress Yevgeny Gerasimov said a close friend and colleague.

And although the Glagolev itself denied the fact of having a disease, she had to fight for life. However, it did not prevent her from building creative plans. So, in an interview with RIA Novosti Yevgeny Gerasimov, he said that the actress was going to play in the picture of Konstantin Fana "Moscow in love." The verbal was not destined to please their fans again. Nothing is known about the further fate of the picture.

Friend of Vera Valevna Valery Garkalin said that in its plans there was a realization of his producer potential: "I have no words to comment on this grief. This real mountain is irreparable, I can't even find words, I do not add up in suggestions, I'm desperate. She was very close to me by a person, we collaborated a lot, worked together. It seemed to me that her new life would begin in connection with the fact that she began to engage in filmorezhsours and successfully did it, and now everything broke out and nothing happened. "

So far, it is not known what caused the death of the actress. However, the Publisher KP.Ru reports that Glagolev ruined a cancer. That is why she was abroad for a long time. To the question, whether the problems with health are the cause of the stay of the actress outside the country, Glagolev answered "no".

According to the source close to the family of the actress, it will be buried in Russia. How exactly the body is delivered to the verbs unknown, there are many speculations on this subject, but neither of them have not yet been confirmed. About the time and place of farewell to the actress is also nothing known. Family of the deception is not yet commented on this.

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky said: "Vera Vitalevna possessed outstanding personal and professional qualities, was a man of rare charm and beauty. Truly folk artist. Millions of people in our country admired her inimitable, bright, always sincere play. " In turn, Joseph Kobzon expressed regret on the death of the hero of his time: our art was much poorer, because the wonderful actress was gone, a wonderful woman who gave birth to three beautiful children, girls ... At the wedding of the eldest daughter, we would seem most recently , nothing foreshadowed either grief or trouble. "

Actress, director, spouse, mother, colleague and just a great man Vera Vitalevna Glagolev left a huge trail in the history of modern cinema. It personifies the whole generation of actors whose creativity has grown up new talents. The whole country grieves in such an invaluable loss.

Alena Ivanova - RIA VistaNews correspondent

No one was waiting for trouble.

The death of the verbal, 61-year-old actresses, director, shook not only fans, but also her loved ones, family members, friends, that is, people who knew everything about her and communicated daily.

No one knows the details of what happened to faith in Germany. She left suddenly, "the actress is told yesterday, producer Natalia Ivanova. - Cyril Shubsky, her husband called me this afternoon, and said: "An hour ago, faith was faithful." Feeling loss, shock - not to convey words. Too for everyone unexpectedly.

We are constantly rewriting with us, because now I am in Spain. She called, wrote not only to me, but also to all his friends. She is an open person, very friendly. From the category of people who do not have enemies.

The last message from it came yesterday. And today we had to discuss questions about our new film on the phone. We finished shooting the social drama "Clay pit." In September, they had to fly to Kazakhstan, to shoot there the last block. And the plans are the next project, the scenario to which we have almost written, the film about the love of Turgenev and Polina Viardo. Absolutely working atmosphere.

In June, there were very complex shooting in the city of Aleksin near Tula. Faith felt fine. She worked at 12 o'clock a day, everything went on schedule, minute per minute. Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with a strong character, especially in matters relating to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya played a wedding with Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was at this wedding, absolutely happy. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

- Who was next to her in recent days?

Kirill Shubsky, one of the daughters. What is connected to the exacerbation of her illness, because of what the crisis happened, I do not know. I know that a few days ago, faith and family went to Germany for consultation. She even used to be consulted in different clinics. But he did not like to tell about his sores. She was completely sick at all. And suddenly such ...

The operator of the last film of the verbal version of her illness: it was even difficult to suspect that it was a catastrophe!

On the last film of Vera Vitalevna "Clay Yama", about the last days of her work, about how no one has understood how serious her illness, Alexander Nosovo painting operator told. Alexander Nikolaevich knew the artist for 20 years, worked a lot with her.

She is a real cinematographer! Vera Glagolev is a courageous, ironic person who loved life very much, a person who did not give up to the last, "says the cameraman. - All this story with her illness is not yesterday. And all these years she stood firmly. She called me on August 12, said, as usual, Boyko, we so fun with her talked! Even scary to think, I do not believe that it is no longer. We have plans, we have a commencement, we have a lot of things, a picture in the installation, routing ... We had a lot of things on September scheduled. We have not yet removed our cinema.

Rules of Life Faith Glagolova

Several quotes about an important actress and director

About happiness

Now for me the main happiness is the opportunity to work. I still have many called the actress, and break this stereotype is very hard, that's trying.

About work

Significant age roles are not so much. Play moms and grandmothers do not really want. Of course, if mom has some story in the picture is another matter. But basically are offered roles just backgrounds: she has a daughter or son, with whom everything happens.

About raising children

I have always been a demanding mother and tried not to raise my daughters with rampors.

About seven.

I am very sorry when families fall apart among my friends. It is always very painful. Although you can not teach love, but try, it seems to me. Because sometimes it happens that something will say something in the cast, they will be offended without thinking. It seems to me that you have to be wiser in this situation and try to keep your family, your world. Especially if there are children. It is necessary to be tolerant. And to aspir the child abandoned with gifts, give money ... it still does not pay off by losing the child.

About your two marriages

We lived with Rodion (the first husband verbal - Red.) 12 good years, happy. Another thing is how it all ended. But for 25 years I live with Cyril, and everyone addresses me: you have a new husband?! Very funny. Well, the truth is 25 years old is a very long time. Already about the insults with Rodion everything is forgotten, and there is even some gratitude. Because if this did not happen, I would not meet Kirill, my wonderful husband.

About beauty

Of course, I am aware of how old I am ... But it is not necessary to be able to me. The peers who are still running with the pigtails, do not condemn. But I don't want to be like them.

About balance in life

I will say a scary thing that, for me, happiness consists of two parts - my family and my work. If the balance suddenly between these parts of my life is disturbed, then I feel discomfort.


Love may be near, try not to pass by.

// Photo: Interpress /

This loss for many has become a shock. The actress and director had a terrible disease - a stomach cancer. Doctors fought for her life for two years, but they could not save. Vera Glagolev died on August 16, 2017. On the eve of the anniversary, friends told "Starkit", as she changed their fate.

"I got acquainted with faith in childhood," says Aerna Babenko. "I remember my mother included the film" Oh you ", and she sang it ... From the voice so promoted that he began to tear tights on himself. Mommy swore, and I seemed to be under hypnosis ... Many years later, faith invited me to film "Damn Wheel". Even the script did not really look, thought only about the meeting with the idol. At rehearsals, literally appreciated her femininity, which manifested itself in every detail: in gestures, in a manner of communication, in style. She did not part with the phone, he was constantly broken. Strange dialogue remembered: someone called her panic - complained about the broken crane. She went out several times aside, explained to the interlocutor how to repair him. Imagine, she, elegant blonde, disassembled in such things! "

Glagolev, despite employment, always found the time for the family, which was her support, rear.

"Somehow, at the premiere of faith presented the book of poems of his Pope - gathered them all and published a collection," continues Babenko. - I really liked the idea. Returning home, asked Father to write memories of life. Then secretly released the book and handed him! "

One of the nearest girlfriends director was Marina Mogilev, they were friends for about 15 years.

"Vera always knew how to be close when someone is difficult. For example, thanks to her, my pregnancy has become the most interesting period of life, - shares actress with "Starhit". - She did not give to immerse themselves in the experiences, because childbirth aged 40 is a responsible and risky step. All the time drove to the concerts of Zhvanetsky, then at Spivakov, then at the evening of poetry ... When Masha appeared, he loved to give her beautiful things. My daughter still walks in these dresses. Once he staged a photo session "Masha in orders from faith" and sent her. She, of course, appreciated our joke! "

Glagoleva loved not only to make gifts, but also to enlighten the girlfriends, advised books, films. "It is not enough of it," adds Marina. - Frequently opening mail. Faith constantly sent interesting articles, and then we could discuss them on the phone. Two days before the windows did not, got a mail with traditional assurance: "Be sure to look!" There was a reference to the film of the young director Edward Bordukova "Box". Faith until the latter did not lose interest in what is happening around. Her place in my life is now empty, and it is unlikely that someone will take ... "

The daughter of Faith Veroleva has not yet come to the fact that their mother is no longer alive. Anna Nakapettova and Nastasya Shubskaya left touching posts dedicated to a relative, on pages on social networks.

Vera Glagolev hid her disease. No one could believe that the director is oncology, because at the beginning of the summer last year she had fun at the wedding of Nastasya with Alexander Ovechkin. However, despite the efforts of the physicians, the star was still unable to overcome cancer.

August 16, 2018.

Exactly a year ago, the actress Vera Glagolev left the life. She fought with an oncological disease.

Vera Glagolev / Photo: Globallook

Vera Glagolev died exactly a year ago. Artist, where came to the planned survey. For several years, the actress fought with an oncological disease.

more on the topic

Only the closest friends and relatives and relatives also knew about the diagnosis of verbawa, since faith preferred to hide her disease from the public and fought with oncology. Unfortunately, the disease won. The end of the artist was a big surprise for her friends, colleagues and fans. Until the last days, faith fought with the disease and tried not to show his pain even the closest people, although the last weeks of life were very heavy for her.

On the anniversary of death, the actress Friends of faith remembered how much she did for them in life. Marina Mogilevskaya was one of the closest girlfriends Glagolova and supported communication with her until the last days of life. According to Marina, Vera has always supported her until recent days it was interested in what is happening around.

"Vera always knew how to be close when someone is difficult. For example, thanks to her, my pregnancy has become the most interesting period of life. She did not give to immerse themselves in the experiences, because childbirth aged 40 is a responsible and risky step. I often open mail. Faith constantly sent interesting articles, and then we could discuss them on the phone. Two days before the windows did not, got a mail with traditional assurance: "Be sure to look!" - Share Mogilev with "

The news of the death of faith verbelie caught surprise not only her fans, but even people from the close environment of the actress and director. As it turned out, she died after a long fight against stomach cancer. Vera Vitalyevna flew to a consultation in one of the German clinics (her brother Boris lives in this country), and a few hours after visiting the hospital, it did not.

Upon learning of death Glagoleva, her colleague Elena Curchaschenkin, the star of the Formula of Love "and" Gorky! "wrote on his page in the social network:

- When a woman betrayed, and more than once, and twice - loved men, and she gets up and continues to live, create, raise children, not show the kind, win, admire, remove movies. And this nasty pain is squeezed from the inside, bursts, does not allow sleep, does not pass with time. So the cancer begins. Here are my thoughts ...

According to friends, Glagolev did not like to share with their own problems and tried to hide them even from their relatives.

Only from the first love, discontinued in a 16-year faith with the opportunity to admire the object of attention with all my heart, the actress has a sense of incredible purity, romantic flucha and light naivety.

"My first love is a very talented man, a musician," our heroine shared. - I thought that this is a feeling of something else, the feeling of joy, when you go by hand.

By the time the family of their parents broke up in front of the future movie star and her elder brother Boris.

Once on the summer holidays, Verochka and Boria went with the father of Vitaly Pavlovich camping on the kayaks. Pope colleague and her child sailed with them.

Returning to Moscow, the children complained to her mother that during the journey dad too much paid a lot of attention to someone else's toet and constantly fought with her offsk. Credited scandal. Vitaly Pavlovich gathered things and left home. Soon he left the well-established capital to the north, where he started a new family.

With the first husband - Rodion Nakapetov - Glagolev met when she was 18, and he was 30. Together with a friend working on Mosfilm, faith, who was fond of archery and became a sports master, came to watch the film.

In the buffet, a girl in trendy trumpet pants, arched from the hip, notifies the operator Vladimir Klimov. He also invited her to samples in the tape "On the edge of the world ...", which Rodion took off.

"Roman Nakapettov and faith started at my eyes," Actor Vadim Mikheenko told the author of these lines, who played one of the roles, Father Egor Bourieva. - Rodion insisted that we were attentive to each other, because love was played, bright emotions. Once she broke to me to the hotel room, although I did not let her, because I spent time with a prostitute. Seeing this disgrace, she began to treat Nahapetov differently - he never allowed such liberty.

According to Mikheenko, from the verbal at that time the eye was impossible to tear off.

"Rodion terribly jealous of her to me," continues Vadim. - Once my familiar American came to Moscow, and we gathered in the cafe in the evening with the guys and girls. There was a faith. But soon there flew Nakhapetov and led a loved one. I understand it: when you work with a person, you can not be distracted by some other things, cross the face. I calmly relate to this, and Rodion is tremendous. I studied this trepacy.

The couple had two daughters - Anya and Masha. The appearance of children did not prevent a successful career of spouses. Faith and starred her husband (they have five joint paintings), and received invitations of other directors.

In 1987, Nakhapetov finished work on the ribbon "on the outcome of the night", the places in which for his wife, alas, was not found.It is this picture that was purchased to show in the United States, and broke their marriage. Nahapetov decided that he had a chance to gain a foothold in America, and unwarked thinking flew over the ocean. In secret from the family, patiently waiting for his return to his homeland, he spun a novel with a US citizen, film producer Natalia Shatpnicoff, born in the family of Russian emigrants. Porrows with faith, he became Natasha's husband.

"Life is a difficult thing," the Nakhapetov comments on me. - I am sure, faith and without me would take place in life. To some extent, I helped her at the beginning of a career, attention was paid to her, and then played her talent and charisma. Then she herself became a director ... When our girls were small, they talked more often with the verbawa, and then they did not become common, the daughters stopped needing care. Although I have never interrupted relationships, they often have at home in America. By the way, I brought up my wife of my wife Natasha and also consider it my own.

In 1991, 35-year-old Glagolev met a 27-year-old businessman Cyril Shubsky. It happened in Odessa during the Golden Duke festival. Fascinated by the Galanity of the Young Millionaire Vera will not think that he suggested that he to invest in domestic cinema. Kirill refused, but did not cease to care for the actress, and later they got married.

My daughter was born Nastya, the most who became the wife of Hockey Player Alexander Ovechkin.

"When our father, Rodion Nakhapetov threw her mother, she was insanely hard, she loved him very much," said the elder daughter, Aktrica Anna recalled. - I was later happy that my mother had a new man. Cyril to us with my sister Masha treated as native daughters. When Nastya appeared, he did not make any differences between us, many men to their native children do not belong to us as it. They were crowned with her mother in the church, and we carried the crowns with Masha, who then they put on their heads. Everything was beautiful.

Ironically, both husband faith was born on the same day - January 21. That's just Rodion Nakhapetov comes Cyril Shubsky to the fathers. The first husband of the actress is older than 20 years old. Alas, just like in the Union with Nakhapetov, during a marriage with the shubski our heroin had to go through the subloature treason of her beloved.

When they were not with a verbal daughter and four years old, Cyril as part of the delegation of the National Olympic Committee, where he entered, flew away on a business trip to Lausanne. In Switzerland, TV presenter Yulia Bordovsky introduced a millionaire with a girlfriend - Gymnast Svetlana Khrokina.

- Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he sketched his light cashmere coat on my clutch shoulders, "described Chorokina this moment in his memoirs.

According to the gymnast, her new acquaintance immediately decided to give her a mobile phone. In order for the first desire to hear her voice.

- Crazy at that time a gift! - clarified a gymnast. "We often called up, if any opportunity, he flew to Moscow to support me at the championships and the Russian Cups, was in the Support Group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in Sydney. He always turned out to be near, both in the most difficult and the happiest moments of my sporting life.

A few years later, Chorkina realized that he was pregnant from a married man. True, Shubsky did not at all delighted this news. At his insistence, an athlete gave birth to Los Angeles under someone else's name:

- The person from whom I was waiting for a child, hid me from everyone. I did not want to advertise our relationship, so he tried to show me from compatriots to anyone, he recalled Chorcina. And clarified that after the appearance of their son Svyatoslav in July 2005, a point was delivered in an exhausting relationship.

The millionaire officially recognized the millionaire once a few years later, when in his marriage with the verbal, who managed to forgive the fabulous long campaign to the side, the world and consent again returned.

"Wisdom in relations comes only over the years," Vera Vitalevna sighed. - I could leave behind everything bad what was between us.

Destroyed plans

In recent years, Glagolev was engaged in raising his grandchildren and went to work with his head.

"I just don't believe in the death of the winder," Actor Valery Garkalin barely restrains tears. - So smart, tender, talented. I did not know about her terrible illness ... when my beloved wife Katya was alive, we were friends with families - she and Cyril and I am with Catherine. And then my spouse did not become and I had two heart attacks. I have ceased to communicate with many, but I constantly held a connection with the tread, at least by phone. I was glad for her that she smoothly became a director, removed the real psychological paintings, each of which became a discovery for me. Her life beat the key ...