How to get green out of paints. How is the blue color as a result of mixing paints and is it possible

How to get green out of paints. How is the blue color as a result of mixing paints and is it possible
How to get green out of paints. How is the blue color as a result of mixing paints and is it possible

Blue is basic color, along with red and yellow. Blue presents a cold color gamut. In the Panton palette, developed in the middle of the XX century. - 180 shades of blue, each of which has its name and number.
When mentioning this color, in the imagination there are infinite images of the sea and sky, space, condensed twilight, lunar light.

How to get a blue color in its absence in the palette?

It is believed that blue can be obtained by mixing green and yellow, but, in practice, the combination of these colors gives olive. Blue is unique and unique. It is impossible to get it by mixing paints.

Traditional color circle

To achieve the desired color or its shade, you can use the color circle.
Basic colors, which include blue, red and yellow, in the mixing process form orange, green, brown and purple.

How to create a classic blue color mixing method

If you have blue, but you want to get another shade, take advantage of the available colors to get the desired tone. The shade is extremely important when creating a work of art, as well as in the design and design of the interior.

In standard sets of acrylic paints, the color of ultramarine is presented as blue, bright and at the same time dark shade with purple notes.

In order to create a brighter tone, we mix 3 pieces of blue + 1 part white.

How to get royal blue

This shade can be characterized as a blue at the junction with lilac.
We mix blue and manezheno pink in equal proportions. In order to make a shade lighter, add white.

How to get a dark blue color

Sometimes the main blue in the colors palette looks too bright and light. In order to get a longer shade, 3 pieces of blue mix with 1 part of black. Thus, the resulting color will be more darkened.

How to get gray-blue

Such a shade perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the sky and water smooth on a cloudy day.
To do this, mix the basic blue color with brown. As a result, a dark gray-blue shade will be obtained, to clarify which will help the white color.

Without presence in your arsenal of the main blue, it is impossible to obtain it using the method of mixing other colors, but if the base blue is available, you can experiment with the creation of its new shades and tones.

    Take paint. Any kind of paints is suitable - even those that are painted furniture or walls - but best (and the final) will exercise with several small oil or acrylic paint tubes. For a start, let's see what happens if we mix only two colors - red and blue.

    • Note: Black can be obtained by mixing the colors. Black pigment, of course, exists, but its use is too striking. It is better to get dark colors by mixing transparent main colors: the shadows also have shades that depend on the time of day and other factors.
    • Read the "Other Tips" section below to obtain recommendations for the choice of the best Madzhenta and Ciana.
  1. Mix red and blue. Everyone knows that red and blue with mixing give purple color, isn't it? Indeed, but this is not the bright, living violet. Instead, they form something like this:

    • Not very pleased with the eye,? This is because red and blue absorb more, but reflect a smaller spectrum, giving a dark, dirty violet instead of living and bright.
  2. Now try the following: Mix Madzhenut with a small amount of Ciana - and you will see the difference. This time you get something like this:

    • Majer - a tincture of purple, cyan - blue-green shade, often called bright blue or turquoise. Along with the yellow, they are the main colors in the CMYK model based on the subtractive color formation scheme (color obtaining by subtracting individual components from white). This scheme is used in printing, including in color printers.
    • You can see that the use of real primary colors - Madzhentes and Ciana - as a result, gives a much stronger and lively shade. If you need a more rich purple, add more blue. To get a dark purple, add black.
  3. Mix the pigments to get basic and secondary colors. There are 3 main color pigments: cyan, Majer and yellow. There are also 3 secondary colors obtained by mixing two main:

    • Cyan + yellow \u003d green
    • Cyan + Majer \u003d Blue
    • Majer + Yellow \u003d Red
    • Cyan + Majer + Yellow \u003d Black
    • At subtractive mixing of colors, the combination of all colors gives black.
  4. "Familiarize yourself with the information below. In the "Mixing of Paint" section, more detailed recommendations for obtaining a wide variety of shades are given, including bright, dark and grayish. The "Tips" section presents an extensive list of colors and combinations that can be used to get these colors on the palette.

    Mixing Light: Additive Colors

    1. Take a look at your monitor. Look at the White Areas on this page and close as much as possible. Even better if you have a magnifying glass. Climbing the eye to the screen, you will see not white color, but red, green and blue dots. Unlike pigments that work, absorbing color, the light is additive, that is, it works, folding light streams. In the movie screen and displays, whether it is a 60-inch plasma TV or a 3.5-inch Retina display in your iPhone, an additive method of mixing colors is used.

      Mix light to get basic and secondary colors. As in the case of subtractive colors, there are 3 basic and 3 secondary colors obtained by mixing the main. The result may surprise you:

      • Mixing red + blue \u003d Majer
      • Blue mixing + green \u003d cyan
      • Green mixing + red \u003d yellow
      • With additive mixing of colors, the combination of all colors gives white color.
      • Please note that the main additive colors are secondary subtractive, and vice versa. How can it be? Know that the action of the subtractive color is a combined process: it absorbs some colors, and we perceive what remains, that is, reflected light. The reflected color is the color of the light stream, which remains when all other colors are absorbed.

    Modern color theory

    1. Undertaking a subjective nature of color perception. The perception and identification of a man in color depend on both objective and subjective factors. While scientists can determine and measure light to a nanometer, our eyes perceive a complex combination of not only tone, but also saturation and brightness of color. This circumstance is also complicated by the same way as we see the same color on different backgrounds.

      Tone, saturation and light flows - three color measurements. It can be said that any color has three dimensions: tone, saturation and lightness.

      • Tone It characterizes the color position on the color circle - red, orange, yellow, and so on, including all intermediate colors, such as red-orange or orange-yellow. Here are some examples: Pink refers to the tone of the Majer or Red (or something average). Brown belongs to orange tone, because brown is dark orange.
      • Saturation - This is what gives rich, bright color, like on a rainbow or color circle. Pale, dark and muted colors (shades) are less saturated.
      • Svetlota Shows how close is close to white or black, regardless of color. If you make a black and white photo of colors, it will be possible to say, which of them are lighter, and which is darker.
        • For example, bright yellow is relatively light color. You can brighten it even more by adding white and making it pale yellow.
        • Bright blue in nature is dark and is low on the light scale, and the dark blue is even lower.

    Mixing paints

    1. Follow this instruction to get any color you need. Majer, Yellow and Cyan are the main subtractive colors, which means that you can get any other color, but they themselves cannot be obtained from other colors. The main subtractive colors are used when mixing pigments, such as ink, dyes and paints.

      Colors with low saturation (inadequate colors) are three main species: Bright, dark and muted.

      Add white to get bright colors. Any color can be lit by adding white to it. To obtain a very light color, it is better to add the main color to white to add the main color to not spending excess paint.

      Add black to get dark colors. Any color can be darkened by adding black to it. Some artists prefer to add complementary (optional) color, which is opposite of this color on the exact color circle CMY / RGB. For example, green can be used to darken Madhenu, and Madzhenu is to darken green, because they are opposite each other in a color circle. Add a black or complementary color in a little bit, not to overdo it.

      Add white and black (or white and color, complementary source) to get muffled, grayish colors. By changing the relative amount of added black and white colors, you can get any desired level of lightweight and saturation. For example: add white and black to yellow to get a light olive. Black darkened yellow, turning it into olive green, and white brighten this olive green. Various olive-green shades can be obtained by adjusting the amount of the added paints.

      • To obtain an unsaturated color, such as brown (dark orange), you can adjust the tint in the same way as to obtain a bright orange - adding a small number of colors near the color circle: Madgents, yellow, red or orange. They will make brown brighter by simultaneously changing his shade. But since the brown is not a bright color, you can also use colors located on other sides of the triangle, such as green or blue, which darken brown, at the same time changing its shade.
    2. Get black. This can be done by mixing any two mutually complementary, as well as three or more equal to each other in the color circle of colors. Just do not add white or any color containing white if you do not want to get a gray shade. If the resulting black is too inclined to some color, neutralize it, adding a little complementary color to this color.

      Do not try to get white. White cannot be obtained by mixing other paints. Like the three main colors - Madzhenut, Yellow and Cyan, - they will have to buy, if, of course, you do not work with materials like watercolor, for which Paper itself serves instead of blell, if necessary, the paper itself serves.

      Develop an action plan. Think about tone, lightness and saturation of your colors and the colors you want to get, and make appropriate changes.

      • For example, the shade of green can be closer to cyan or yellow - its neighbors in a color circle. It can be lit, adding white. Or darke, adding a black or complimentary color to it, namely purple, mandgeni or red, depending on the shade of green. It can be muffled by adding black and white, or make an unsaturated green little brighter, adding (bright) green.
      • One more example. You mixed red and white to get pink, but pink came out too bright and warm (yellowish). To adjust the warm shade, you will have to add a little mandgen. To muffle the bright pink, add white, complementary color (or black) or both. Decide whether you want to get a darker pink (add only complementary color), grayish pink (add white and complementary color) or just lighter pink (add only white). If you plan to adjust the shade of Majsenty and muffle the pink green or cyan (complementary madzhen and red), you can try to combine these actions using the color located between the Maj Centr and Cyan, such as blue.
    3. Mix the paint and start to create a masterpiece! If all this seems to you impossible, you just need a little practice. Creating a reference book for your own needs is a good way to practice in the use of the principles of color theory. Even printing it from a computer, you will provide you with useful information for the time you have no practice yet and you cannot work at an intuitive level.

    Samples of colors and methods for receiving

    • Select the color you want to get and follow the instructions below. Each sample gives a number of possibilities; You can adjust the amount of paint used to get exactly the color you need. For example, any light color can be lit or darken, adding more or less than white. Complementary, or optional, colors are colors located opposite each other on the RGB / CMY color circle.
    • Red: Add a little yellow or orange to Madzhente.
      • Light red (salmon pink, coral): Add to red white. Use less white and more red to get coral.
      • Dark red: Add to a red little black (or cyan). Cyan complementary red.
      • Muted red: Add to red white and black (or cyan).
    • Yellow: Yellow can not be mixed by other colors. You will have to buy it.
      • Light yellow: Add to yellow white.
      • Dark yellow (olive green): Add to yellow little black (or purple blue). Violet blue complementary yellow.
      • Digid yellow (light olive): Add to yellow white or black (or violet blue).
    • Green: Mix cyan and yellow.
      • Light green: Add to green white.
      • Dark green: Add to green some black (or mandgenis). Majer is complementary green.
      • SERO GREEN: Add to green white and black (or mandgenis).
    • Cyan (turquoise blue): Cyan can not be mixed by other colors. You will have to buy it.
      • Light cyan: Add to white cyan.
      • Dark cyan: Add some black (or red) to cyan. Red complementary cyan.
      • Gray-blue: Add to the cyan of white and black (or red).
    • Violet blue: Mix Madzhenta with Cyan or Blue.
      • Light purple blue (lavender): Add to purple-blue white.
      • Dark purple blue: Add a little black (or yellow) to violet-blue. Yellow complementary purple.
      • Serious purple blue: Add to purple-blue white and black (or yellow).
    • Purple: Mix Madzhenut with a small amount of cyan, blue or purple blue.
      • Light purple: Add to purple white.
      • Dark violet: Add to purple little black (or green lime). Green lime complementary purple.
      • Digid violet: Add to purple white and black (or green lime).
    • The black: Black can be obtained by mixing any two complementary colors or three equivalent on the exact color circle CMY / RGB colors, such as red, green and blue. If instead of the pure black you got a dark color, correct it by adding the complementary color to it.
    • White: White cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. You will have to buy it. To get a white warm shade (such as cream), add a little yellow. To get a white cold shade, add some cyan.
    • Grey: Gray is a mixture of black and white.
    • Mixing paints, add them a little to adjust the color. You can always add more. This is especially true when working with black and blue, which are inclined to dominate other colors. Add software to a little more than once until you reach the desired result.
    • To find out the complementary color, resort to help your own eyes. This is an old reception: look closely on the color, then remove the look at the white surface. Because of the "color fatigue" of the eye you will see the opposite color.
    • The choice of basic colors when buying can be difficult. Look for Madzhent not containing white and blue pigments (PW and PB). The best purple and red pigments, such as PV19 and PR122. Good cyan PB15: 3. Also good PB15 and PG7. If you need art paints or glazes, you can try to choose a color using the printer. Print the sample from the computer on the printer to take it with you to the store, or find the main colors on the walls of packaging with flakes or cookies.
    • You need one color triangle of colors that provide a picture of a visual balance, and another color triangle - to determine colors, which neutralize each other, as complementary colors for these tasks differ slightly. So, ultramarine is well combined with lemon yellow and other beautiful yellow shades, but to darken these yellow, use purple. Additional information on this issue can be found on the network.
    • How many tubes with different colors actually need to write a picture? In the book of Jean-Louis Morella about watercolor painting, it shows how, using the Cyan-Yellow-Majer's color triangle, get almost any desired color of everything from four or five, but this can be done with the help of listed three plus white (as white in watercolor Painting is the paper)!
      • The best spectrum of shades can be obtained when mixing colors close to the main colors of CMY, but to get a darker shade, one - and even better two - should be darker than these basic colors, for example, Persian blue or cobalt blue, raspberry alizarine.
    • What are you writing? The necessary colors are completely dependent on what you write. For example, ultramarine, neapolitan yellow, Siena Luggy and Belil will be useful for remote landscapes, if not needed bright green and yellow colors.

    What you need

    • The palette is well suited a disposable paper.
    • Mastichein (any size)
    • Watercolor paper or used canvas (they can be bought with the nearest artistic store; ready-made canvas fit well)
    • Capacities with water or solvent for washing of brushes
    • Synthetic brush to your choice (well suite №8 round or number 6 flat)
    • Bottle with sprayer so as not to give water soluble paints dry
    • Paper towels for removing pollution and brushes cleaning
    • Color circle
    • Paints
    • Bathrobe or old shirt, which is not sorry to doll
    • Gloves

Choosing paint for the interior, even for watercolor drawings, is easy to make a shade. Paper testers may not coincide with the tone in reality.

Do not worry, there is an output to achieve the necessary shade! Read on, what kind of paints mix to get blue.

In contact with

Creating a classic shade

Unfortunately, which components did not mix, without the most primary tone, it would not even get closer to the creation of the required shade .

The same rule is subject to red and yellow kel.

If the color is too dark in your palette, the white paint will help to clarify the white tones.

If on the contrary, it is necessary to darken the shade, then in the mixture it is necessary to add more dark tones - black, gray or brown.

Important! If you mix the kokes to create a small drawing in the interior, then you can mix them in a small dishes manually. If you want to paint the whole wall, tonue the ingredients in the bucket using a building mixer.

How to comply with proportions

How to get a blue color when mixing:

  1. Get a gentle ultramarin, mixing the blue and white parts in the 3: 1 ratio.
  2. To create a shade with light blue light, increase the portion of a white flatter. The ratio of blue to white - 2: 1.
  3. To obtain a more transparent, easy tone, stir them in equal proportions.

FROM owl! Heavenly color is perfectly suitable for painting a boy's children's room.

Get a more rich heavenly helps turquoise tone.

A complex recipe from three ingredients will help create a sea wave color.How to make blue color with turquoise and white? Take 2 pieces of blue paint, 1 part white and turquoise. Enjoy sea blue.

It is interesting! Red, blue, yellow - called primary, because by mixing other tones it will not be possible to achieve the desired shade. What should I know what colors should be mixed to get blue? To achieve shades and original texture game, create art masterpieces.

Dark tint

In the case when you want to make a color more dark, the mixing recipe is a bit more complicated. It all depends on what the final result and how saturated tone are you trying to achieve. How to successfully mix different colors to get a dark blue color:

  1. You need two paints: black and aquamarine. If the tone is made to decorate parts, then stir the mass with a tassel or a wand in a small container. For painting walls, the tint is needed by a construction mixer, a special nozzle on the grinder.
  2. There are no proportions. Add a black kel to the main paint or a few milliliters.
  3. The resulting mixture is best tested on a sheet of white paper and let dry. If the shade is satisfied with you, stop the tinting. If not - add even more black.

Tip!Overhemked? Lighten up a few tones with a white color. Interfere gradually so that I don't have to add black again.


Ultramarin looks like an artificial, which is not found in nature. Purple will help create a damp sky color paint. Magical color will help create an interesting tone that you can paint the ceiling in the nursery, and bright glowing star stickers will create imitation of the night sky. How from purple get blue:

  1. Mix blue paint with purple in proportions 3: 1.
  2. For the ceiling, dye dress up for about 10 minutes by a building hook.
  3. Take a ready-made mass on a small segment of the wall. Do not forget that you need to apply interior kel in 2-3 layers.

Favorite female shade - Royal Ultramarin.

To get such a noble tone on the verge of night blue and sea waves, you need acid purple kel or pink. The recipe is similar to the previous tinting:

  1. It will take 2 tones: acid purple (pink) and ultramarin.
  2. The proportions of blue and pink - 3: 1. Sometimes pink needed a little more.
  3. Rate the result, causing a dye to a small area.

Tip! To get violet, mix red with blue in equal proportions.

From yellow

To create an emerald-blue ultramarine, you need yellow. The resulting shade is similar to the glitter of precious stones. It is appropriate to apply for decorating small elements to make a fantastic picture. How to get blue from yellow:

  1. Mix yellow and ultramarine kokes in equal shares.
  2. To obtain a pastel version, add white. The recipe for proportion depends on the desired degree of pallor.

Tip! To create a fantastic color with overflow, do not stir the paint carefully. Lazy method of caller will create an interesting pearl effect.

From green

Berlin Azure - Pet designers not only interior, but also clothes.

Deep color is associated with the depths of the sea and the distant galaxy. How easy it is from green to get blue:

  1. We connect two kolas: aquamarine and green in equal shares.
  2. Mix with technology for homogeneity texture.

Surprisingly, when adding a third white ingredient, the kel will not be pale.

How to make the paint of the desired shade

How to be if there is no main kole, but you need to make a blue paint? An interesting tone, similar to sapphire shine, is obtained by mixing red and green. Such a tinting will not give pure ultramarine, but when adding black and white paint, you can achieve interesting and unusual shades.

Useful video: how to mix colors

Combine the combinations of warm shades with gentle pastel, blue tones - with cold. Change the proportions to your taste, competent tinting is the key to successful repair. Experiment and create your own color gamut!

In the interior of the premises, the finishing of the walls of various types of plasters and staining with their paints. But not always in building stores you can pick up your favorite palette. Do not despair. Modern technologies allow you to get the desired result. Mixing colors of standard shades allows you to get the desired result. The following question arises, how to mix paint to get a beautiful tone? Let's try to get the answer.

There are quite a lot of tones. But the production of paints is based on the use of standard colors. Now in fashion, non-standard colors that can be obtained by mixing dyes. How to mix color correctly, the following recommendations of specialists will be prompt.

It is known since childhood that three colors are the basis of all tones: red, blue, yellow.

For other options, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. The combination of the main dyes gives a large range of different halftones.

The secret of the formation of a new kolker by mixing colors, this is the use of major dyes in a different proportion. For example, when mixing blue colors with yellow get green. If you continue to add yellow to the resulting substance, then you can get tones that are increasingly approaching it. It all depends on the volumes that are connected.

On video: how to get a new color.

Nuances connect dyes

Mixing paints of chromatic shades, which are placed next to each other in the color circle, give a pretty bright palette. If you mix the dyes that are located on the opposite sides of the circle, we obtain achromatic tone, that is, with a predominance of gray.

To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to understand not only in the color scheme, but also ensure that the solutions are suitable for chemical composition. Otherwise, you can get unforeseen results. If the color when mixing paints initially turn out to be bright, then with time it starts to darken and gray. For example, the connection of lead whitewash and a kinnar of the Red Koller gives the original bright pink, but after a while he will lose his saturation. This also applies to oil paints. They are very susceptible to solvents.

The most optimal option to achieve a high-quality saturated flaper is the connection of the minimum amount of paints. The comparability of materials is required. The mixing table will help in their selection.

Traditional mixing options palettes

When independently obtaining a kolacher, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. Consider common options for obtaining the desired color.


Red is a representative of the main kolker. To obtain various red shades, it is necessary to adhere to the rules:

  • The tone of carmina, which is as close as possible to the fuchsia, is connected to the yellow 2: 1. As a result, we get red.
  • Connecting pink color with yellow, we get orange.
  • To obtain the scarlet, it is necessary to take red and yellow in proportion 2: 1.
  • To achieve a red palette with a soft effect, a red and pink paint is mixed. To achieve a lighter tone, it is better to add white paint.
  • If you add a dyed color dye to the main red paint, then we get burgundy.
  • Achieve a dark-red can be mixed with the colors of red and purple in a 3: 1 ratio.


There are basic colors to which blue. To obtain the desired blue kole, it is necessary to use this basic color. We get the blue in the blue palette white. With an increase in the volume of the white shade will become lighter. To obtain a moderate tone, instead of white use turquoise.

To obtain blue colors and shades, you need to follow the following scheme. Add in blue:

  • yellow and get blue-green;
  • red, in the end we get purple;
  • orange will provide gray;
  • black will give the opportunity to form a dark blue.


How to mix paint to get green and its shades. The main rule is mixed with yellow and blue dyes. The bright palette of green shades is achieved by combining the main colors in different volumes and adding additional dyes. Additional colors are black and white.

How to get the color of khaki? For this, two elements are connected: yellow and blue, with the addition of brown tinting. For the result obtained, the amount of substance is important. Olive color can be obtained if you take a green yellow tone. Make a mustard shade harder. A red, black and little green is added to yellow.

Green does not apply to basic color. To get it mix colors of paints of yellow and blue. But, to obtain a saturated green tone, it is necessary to use green paint prepared in production. If the green paint was made independently, then the tones will not be bright.

Mixing dyes that have a white and green shade make it possible to get a light green, and if you add a little yellow, then you can admire Salad.

Other shades

Let us turn to other tones. What shade is one of the popular? Very often in the interior are gray tone. It will work if the black color is mixed with white. The more white, the brighter will be the resulting result.

It is also very often in demand gray, which has a silver metallized shade. Silver color when mixed, it turns out if you use different additives, for example, antimony.

So, in order to have the kel, which is suitable for a particular interior, you need to mix dyes. What colors to mix to get everything correctly, will prompt the recommendations that are given above. The resulting paints will rejoice for a long time.

How to get the desired shade (1 video)

During the decoration of surfaces of walls, furniture and other items, the question arises about mixing them to obtain the desired color. In stores you can not always find the desired color or shade, so you can use the mixing table. Creating a color manually from girlfriend, is also economically profitable.

Features when working with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints - inexpensive material with which it is easy to operate, it dries relatively quickly. But the disadvantage is the narrow palette of colors, so you need to create the desired shade manually. Get burgundy, lilac, turquoise, sandy, color wenge, lilac, and others can be mixed with paints.

There are some rules when working with acrylic:

  1. The painted surface should be smooth, clean, without oil and fat spots. Previously need to be cleaned of the previous finish. It is not recommended to apply a new layer of paint to the old;
  2. Before staining the walls need to be aligned with putty, and then apply several layers of primer. Primer use for better grip and smaller consumption;
  3. Before use, acrylic needs to be dissolved with water or special solvents, but it is better to make it in a separate container, with a portion of paint. It is necessary in order not to spoil the entire volume at once, but only how much you need to use.
  4. After operation, the used rollers and brushes need to rinse well with water, otherwise they will become unsuitable for further work. You also need to wash other tools that have been used. The top of the bucket with paint need to wipe so that in the future it was possible to open the lid.
  5. Most often, painting occurs in 2-3 stages, and for an effective result, it is necessary to do it in one direction. To simplify and accelerate the work, you can take a pulverizer.

Important! Also, do not forget about the precautionary measures, before work it is better to cover or stick all the places and objects that will not be exposed to staining. It is possible to work with the material at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees and not higher than 27 degrees.

Another major rule of application is the use of paint first in a small area or a very separate surface. When creating the desired shade, it is better to try it on the draft. You also need to wait for a complete drying, because after the color becomes a bit darker or lighter, depending on the type of paint. And already if, the color coincides with the expected desired result, you can start staining the surface or decorating objects.

What colors must be purchased

Tinting is the name of science, which studies the mixing styles and getting the desired shade. It is this science that helps to get a lilac color, as well as fuchsia, an elephant bone, a sea wave or sea when mixing paints. In the theory to create many colors, it is enough to have yellow, red and blue. But in this case, you can get a narrow spectrum.

To create a wide palette, it is enough to buy such a kite:

  • Red;
  • Yellow;
  • Brown;
  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • The black;
  • White.

These colors are quite enough to apply the main hammies. For decoration of drawings, gold, silver, mother-in-law are also used, and other additional klooms.

Mix features

How to confuse and get the desired shade can be found by consulted with a specialist in the store, when buying.

Tip: Major Mixing Rule - You can not connect dry and liquid kel. They do not combine.

There are 4 main places - white, red, blue and green. With their help, there may be many others. For example, khaki can be obtained by mixing brown and green. And get a brown color when mixed, you can from red and green. Beige - take brown and white.

Work with a table

Working with the table is to find the desired color and shade, and next to the line, the necessary kokes for mixing will be indicated. For example, get purple color when mixing acrylic paints, you can mix red and blue when mixing. And to make it light or dark, it is enough to add a little white or black sofa, respectively. The disadvantage of working from the table is that it does not specify the amount of the added pigment - the ratio. Therefore, when mixed, practice is needed and color.

Here you can simply take and mix the kokes first in the same proportion, and then add another for the desired shade. Or use specialized tables that have developed specialists to work with the material.

For example, to get an orange color when mixing acrylic paints, it is enough to mix red and yellow.

Colors mixing table for acrylic paints


Title color

Required kernels


White and black


Red, blue, black


Yellow, White and Green


Blue and black


Red, Brown, Yellow, Black

Dark green

Green and black


Red and yellow

Working with paints is simply, the only difficulty is to create the desired shade, without proportions. But, if you deal with the mixing table and practice, as well as know the rules for working with acrylic, you can create a unique and unique interior design with your own hands and relatively cheap.