Helpless as a Japanese proverb thrown into the sea. Japanese proverbs about love and relationships

Helpless as a Japanese proverb thrown into the sea.  Japanese proverbs about love and relationships
Helpless as a Japanese proverb thrown into the sea. Japanese proverbs about love and relationships

The Japanese are the nation inhabiting the country of Japan. The total number of Japanese people in the world is over 130 million. Of these, 127 million live in Japan itself and 1.5 million in Brazil. They speak Japanese.
The traditional religion of the Japanese is Shinto. Some of the Japanese profess Buddhism, which remained the state religion of the Japanese until 1868. Shinto has experienced a significant influence from Buddhism.
On this page you can find ancient Japanese folk proverbs about love, about life, about nature, about family, about work with translation, the most frequently used proverbs in Japan.

  • The eggplant will not grow on the stem of the melon.

  • Pampering a child is like leaving him alone.

  • Misfortune never comes alone.

  • Without polishing and the diamond does not shine.

  • The slacker is chatty.

  • Take your umbrella before you get wet.

  • More useless than writing numbers on flowing water.

  • Useless as a lantern during the day.

  • Heartless children Father's house haut.

  • Remember gratitude no less offense.

  • The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of the Buddha.

  • Near the clever children, and without learning, read.

  • Those close in spirit are drawn to each other.

  • A flea's head is not chopped off with an ax.

  • God lives in an honest heart.

  • Wealth and nobility, obtained by dishonest means, disappear like a cloud.

  • A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier.

  • Skill is more important than strength.

  • A lot of luck will cause a lot of little trouble.

  • You can't live more than one life.

  • Great misfortunes come from small causes.

  • Great talent matures late.

  • A big actor needs a big stage.

  • The brothers quarrel among themselves, but defend themselves from strangers.

  • Ford, according to the instructions of the infant, who is carried on his back, do not cross.

  • Drop the buddhas, don't worry about the gods.

  • He blinded the Buddha, but forgot to breathe his soul.

  • If you sleep in the boat, spreading the sails, you will not see the shore.

  • In big matters, little flaws are not pondered.

  • In raising children, the mother has seven shares, and the father has three.

  • In a village without birds and bat- bird.

  • Happiness comes to a house where people laugh.

  • Both sides are to blame for the fight.

  • In friendship, also know the border.

  • There are seven failures and seven successes in life.

  • Everything in life is changeable.

  • In excess, the medicine is poison.

  • V beautiful dress and the groom is good.

  • In rags and a courtier for a beggar, in silks and a groom will pass for a prince.

  • Waves are louder in shallow waters.

  • There are no shortcuts to science.

  • Ignorance is bliss.

  • Keys are not given to a thief for safekeeping.

  • Defeat is the guarantee of victory.

  • In the dark, dog droppings do not stain.

  • In joy there is a seed of sorrow, in sorrow there is a seed of joy.

  • V different places their customs.

  • In the dispute, the winner is the one who shouts louder.

  • In fear and the devil will be seen.

  • They do not interfere in a marital quarrel.

  • In the body of a giant, it is difficult for the mind to act.

  • In difficult times, you do not know either parents or children.

  • An arrow is not fired at the smiling face.

  • It's important to get started.

  • Do not spit up.

  • Great self-interest seems unselfish.

  • Great talents mature slowly.

  • A loyal vassal does not serve two masters.

  • Fun, taken to the extreme, gives rise to sorrow.

  • The branches that give coolness are not chopped.

  • The wind and the cherry blossom cannot be good friends.

  • A branch is no more perfect than a tree.

  • In the evening a drunkard is a lazy person in the morning.

  • Things are like their masters.

  • The item for sale is decorated with flowers.

  • She looks like a goddess, but at heart a witch.

  • Seeing someone else's flaw, correct yours.

  • The owner of the golden mountain is also greedy.

  • To a lover, the road seems short even in a thousand ri.

  • First - leaving, then - medicine.

  • In time of peace, do not forget about the danger of war.

  • There is no time to warm your hands during a fire.

  • Water takes the form of a vessel, and a person is drawn from his friends.

  • Water cannot extinguish a fire from afar.

  • The age of a man is his spirit, the age of a woman is her face.

  • Devils always hover around good deeds.

  • The ox clings to the ox, and the horse clings to the horse.

  • Will will pass through the rock.

  • The crow imitating the cormorant will drown.

  • Education is more important than origin.

  • Fighters are not lent to the enemy.

  • No outpost will stop time.

  • Time does not wait for a person.

  • It all starts with one.

  • Anything that blooms will inevitably fade.

  • The universe is the temporary abode of all that exists.

  • Flared up - ruined the case.

  • Meeting is the beginning of parting.

  • Every thing has its own time.

  • Yesterday the abyss, and today the shallow water.

  • He fed the dog, and he bit it.

  • The endurance of a horse is learned along the way, the temper of a person - over time.

  • He straightened the bull's horns and rolled his neck.

  • Tall trees the wind breaks rather.

  • Arrogant people don't thrive for long.

  • The fortuneteller does not know his fate.

  • Where stupidity reigns, the mind is forced to hide.

  • Where there is sorrow, there is joy.

  • Where there is good, there is evil.

  • Where people grieve, grieve you.

  • Where there is no sense of duty and no human eye, everything is possible.

  • Where power is right, right is powerless.

  • Where there is happiness, there are many devils.

  • The general of a shattered army is better off not talking about battles.

  • You can't line up heroes.

  • The wind will not break the flexible willow.

  • The eyes are as eloquent as the lips.

  • Foolish is he who eats puffer soup *, and he is foolish who does not eat it. (* puffer - poisonous fish)

  • Your anger is your enemy.

  • Rot the tree while it is young.

  • It is easy to speak - difficult to do.

  • Talking about the future is making the mice laugh under the floor.

  • Talk about a needle as a club.

  • A hungry dog ​​is not afraid of a stick.

  • It is not difficult for a hungry person to cook.

  • A hungry tiger is not assigned to guard a pig.

  • Chasing a deer, you don't notice the mountains.

  • Pride leads to failure, and humility is rewarded.

  • Grief, like a torn dress, must be left at home.

  • The master is the boat, and the servants are the water: the water holds the boat on itself, but it can also overturn.

  • States perish, but mountains and rivers remain.

  • Even a greyhound horse in old age is no better than a nag.

  • Even from skillful hands, water seeps out.

  • Even close friends need to be spaced apart.

  • Even for a thief ten years need to learn.

  • Even the excellent is excelled.

  • Even parents and children in money matters strangers.

  • Even when you are thirsty, do not secretly drink from someone else's source.

  • Even a fool can have talent.

  • Even the devil at eighteen is good.

  • Give in order to receive.

  • There are no two truths.

  • The day I thought about it is a happy day.

  • Money and parents with children will quarrel.

  • Money clings to money.

  • Trees are planted by ancestors, and descendants use their shadow.

  • Fighting sparrows are not afraid of humans.

  • Celebrity kids are rarely famous.

  • To buy cheap - to lose money.

  • Good fame has gone out the gate, and bad fame has already run for a thousand ri.

  • Good done in secret is clearly rewarded.

  • A kind heart is better than a pretty face.

  • Argument is stronger than violence.

  • A house with solid foundations will never fall into decay.

  • At home he is brave, but among strangers he is cowardly.

  • Dragon and tiger don't get along.

  • Fire is not extinguished with wood.

  • A friend who helps in trouble is a true friend.

  • Friends feel sorry for each other in misfortune.

  • No medicine can cure a fool.

  • Fools always gather in crowds.

  • A bad person tries to justify his mistake, a good person tries to correct it.

  • If at the top there are people with a conscience, the bottom lives in peace.

  • If the seller's compliments are skillful, then the product is bad.

  • If you love your son, send him on a journey.

  • If you do not care about the distant future, it will be bad in the near future.

  • If you hit the mud, the spray will fall on you.

  • If we are to take cover, it’s under a big tree.

  • If handled skillfully, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

  • If you want to kill the general, kill his horse first.

  • The thirsty person does not choose.

  • A pitiful apology after a blunder.

  • The heat has passed - and the shadow is forgotten.

  • To desire a lot is not to desire anything.

  • Wife and tatami, the newer the better.

  • A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

  • Life experience is the father of wisdom, memory is its mother.

  • Life cannot be lived if you do not maneuver.

  • Life is hard to live, and easy to die.

  • Guarantee for money, never for a person.

  • Excessive modesty hides pride.

  • Vouch for yourself, never for others.

  • Good goes bad, bad goes good.

  • There is still a bottom behind this bottom.

  • Worries are poison to health.

  • Tomorrow tomorrow's wind will blow.

  • A hunted bird is hammered into the bosom of a man.

  • The ant decided to move Mount Fujiyama.

  • Employed and illness does not take.

  • The evil inflicted on others will return to you.

  • Evil cannot defeat good.

  • Famous things are not always as good as they are said to be.

  • The knower does not speak, and the speaker does not know.

  • And Buddha only endures up to three times.

  • And in singing and dancing, you need to know when to stop.

  • Both good and evil are in your heart.

  • And to hell you can get used to.

  • And the stone can blurt out.

  • And Confucius was not always lucky.

  • And the wise man is wrong one thousand times.

  • And the ants can destroy the dam.

  • And there are scratches on pearls.

  • And the hunter can fall into the trap.

  • And a simple matter can be confusing.

  • And a rare guest will get bored on the third day.

  • And the falcon flies, and the fly flies.

  • And stupid parents have smart kids.

  • And the devil's horns break.

  • The player is bad, but he loves to play.

  • Of the vices, the greatest is debauchery, of the virtues, the highest is filial duty.

  • Benefit from the loss.

  • Excessive courtesy turns into flattery.

  • Treason is always covered up with loyalty.

  • Sometimes death is mercy.

  • Sometimes the devil cries.

  • Sometimes running is winning.

  • Look for shellfish in a dry field.

  • Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

  • True knowledge is not conspicuous.

  • He is looking for a sweet, and the pie is on the shelf.

  • Everyone is dearer to himself.

  • Like water from a frog.

  • Like a crowd of blind people feeling for an elephant.

  • As soon as the trouble is over, dress up.

  • What a soul is at three years old, such is it at a hundred.

  • As the master is, so are the servants.

  • As father is, so is son.

  • What are the verses - such is the song.

  • The eve of the holiday is better than the holiday itself.

  • Quality is more important than quantity.

  • When a madman is running, reasonable ones also run after him.

  • When they talk about the future, the devils laugh.

  • When the coffin is closed, the deeds will be assessed.

  • When clam and snipe fight, the fisherman wins.

  • When there is money, and the devil will serve.

  • When the heart is light - and the gait is light.

  • When there are many helmsmen, the ship swoops down on the reef.

  • When you get drunk, you forget about the thirst.

  • When violence enters the courtyard, justice leaves.

  • If you drink poison, so to the bottom.

  • Quantity makes the devil strong.

  • The ear is ripening - it bends its head; a person gets richer - lifts his head.

  • Those who are not destined cannot be saved.

  • The end of the chatter is the beginning of the case.

  • When you run out of money, love also ends.

  • Makes a horse for a deer.

  • Beauty is a sword that chops off life.

  • Beauty does not come with happiness.

  • Crooked branch - crooked and shadow.

  • Meekness often breaks strength.

  • Large fish are not found in the swamp.

  • A major betrayal is like loyalty.

  • He who is poor is also stupid.

  • Who is in power, from that and God does not ask.

  • He who is stupid at forty will not become clever.

  • The malt tastes good to those who are hungry.

  • Whoever goes ahead subjugates others.

  • Whoever lies, he steals.

  • He who loves people lives a long time.

  • He who justifies himself is incriminating himself.

  • Whoever can swim can drown.

  • Whoever drinks does not know about the dangers of wine, who does not drink, does not know about its benefits.

  • Whoever was born under the roar of cannonade is not afraid of cannon volleys.

  • He who did not obey himself cannot command.

  • Those who are too smart have no friends.

  • He who is patient does not succumb to poverty.

  • He who is in a hurry will not become a master.

  • Those who have been begging for three days will never lose the habit.

  • Those who feel ashamed also feel duty.

  • The marten brags while the ferret is gone.

  • A merchant is an enemy to a merchant.

  • Purchased is cheaper than donated.

  • Easily found is easy and lost.

  • It's easy to follow etiquette when you're full.

  • The goose flew in the tail, but took the lead.

  • An extra thing is an extra concern.

  • Let the boatman rule the boat.

  • Lying is the first step to stealing.

  • The lotus grows in the swamp, and the white one.

  • A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

  • It is better to be the enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad person.

  • Better a cake than a flower.

  • Better fifty sen now than a hundred later.

  • Better to crash precious stone than to survive with tiles.

  • The best God is the one we worship.

  • Loves to stir up tea.

  • Love and hate are one.

  • The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a crackling cicada.

  • You will not be full of love.

  • People are everywhere in the same way.

  • People who talk a lot know little.

  • I seem to people on horseback, to myself - on foot.

  • People tend to worship power.

  • Small fish are crowded where large ones.

  • Jack of all trades do not master any art deeply.

  • Mastery is learned in comparison with mediocrity.

  • Metal is tested on fire, man - on wine.

  • The bag of desire has no bottom.

  • Youth does not happen twice.

  • The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.

  • The brigands accuse the mountain brigands of crimes.

  • He takes revenge on a guy from Edo, and beats his grandfather in Nagasaki.

  • It is not water for a wise person, but a loved one - serves as a mirror.

  • On an empty stomach and rice with tea is good.

  • You can't hang a door on every mouth.

  • They don't complain about the gift.

  • On the snow and even frost.

  • A hand does not rise to a dog wagging its tail.

  • A patched lid is also suitable for a cracked cauldron.

  • The imposed relationship does not last long.

  • You must be able to speak and hear.

  • A true warrior is one who has mercy.

  • The drawn bow will weaken sooner or later.

  • Start climbing up from the bottom.

  • Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

  • If you won’t bend, you won’t stand up.

  • There is no need for someone who works all the time.

  • The title is not important, the upbringing is important.

  • Those who do not know are calm.

  • Not all people are evil devils.

  • Do not do evil - you will not be in eternal fear.

  • Don't trust the person who praises you.

  • Do not delay the one who is leaving, do not drive away the one who has come.

  • Doesn't even know the first letter of the alphabet.

  • A seed that is not sown will not sprout.

  • Do not despise the enemy if he seems weak; do not be afraid of the enemy if he seems strong.

  • Don't make a decision after listening to only one side.

  • It's not scary to retreat, it's scary not to continue the fight.

  • Don't judge people by their appearance.

  • The sky is silent, people speak for it.

  • You cannot become an elder from the beginning.

  • Necessity is the mother of invention.

  • The non-drinker does not know how tasty water with a hangover is.

  • Misfortune will turn you into a jewel.

  • There is no enemy more dangerous than a fool.

  • There are no children who are not like their parents.

  • There are no illusions - there are no disappointments.

  • There is no place like home.

  • There is no light without a shadow.

  • There is no such difficult situation from which there would be no way out.

  • Failure is the foundation of good luck.

  • The dishonestly acquired does not go for the future.

  • Neither the old nor the young know when their hour will come.

  • The lower classes are learning from the current government.

  • Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

  • No one stumbles while lying in bed.

  • Nobody feels their own weight.

  • Pour new wine into new wineskins.

  • The night traveler will not be delayed by the sunset.

  • Well, he got happiness - with a small shell!

  • The need will come - eat the last seeds.

  • Was needed - they made a tiger, the need passed - they turned into a mouse.

  • Needed like a fan in winter.

  • Needed like a hilt to a kitchen knife.

  • Ask the sailors about the sea.

  • A person is judged more correctly after death.

  • There is no dispute about customs.

  • A monkey and a monkey with a crown on his head.

  • A monkey, and that one falls from the tree.

  • Scorched by the soup, you blow on the salad.

  • Education is what remains after you forget everything.

  • Look back at yourself three times a day.

  • Fire cannot be extinguished.

  • He avoided fire, but got into the water.

  • The fire burns brighter before extinguishing.

  • One God has forgotten - the other will help.

  • One general has succeeded, and the bones of thousands of soldiers are rotting.

  • One rotten peach will spoil a hundred good ones.

  • One dog will bark - after it thousands will raise howls.

  • One swallow does not make summer.

  • One leg is sore - and the other is swollen.

  • One victory is not worth much.

  • One fatigue for all the labors got.

  • Kill two birds with one stone.

  • One effort, two successes.

  • A circle with one hand, and you can't draw a square with the other.

  • Borrow a shed - you will lose the whole house.

  • The wait is always long.

  • The ocean does not neglect small rivers either.

  • A fallen chrysanthemum will not return to the bush.

  • You will not hear the truth from a harlot.

  • Great intelligence is not far from stupidity.

  • There is no benefit from the former strength.

  • There is no cure for falling in love.

  • You can be saved from everything except death.

  • There is no cure for stupidity.

  • Blind devotion is not far from infidelity.

  • From the tiger remains the skin, and from the person - the name.

  • Treat poison with poison.

  • Answer good for evil.

  • Give the keys to the thief for safekeeping.

  • Differs like the moon from the turtle. (i.e. not at all different)

  • When you are wrong, do not be ashamed to correct yourself.

  • The hairdresser doesn't do his own hair.

  • The pen (with which they write) is mightier than the sword.

  • Strangers come to feast, theirs to grieve.

  • The writer does not recognize the writer.

  • They cry not when there are no children, but when they are.

  • You can't get the spit back.

  • The bad master blames the tools.

  • A bad speaker is verbose.

  • A bad owner grows a weed, a good one grows rice, a smart one cultivates the soil, a far-sighted one educates a worker.

  • Dance when everyone is dancing.

  • They recognize their owner by things.

  • They beat on the protruding pile.

  • All deeds are judged by one deed.

  • The stories are always better than they really are.

  • Devils live in the neighborhood of the temple.

  • Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

  • Victory or defeat depends on chance.

  • Once you win, tighten the straps of your helmet.

  • Lucky - and horse manure will turn into miso.

  • Suspicion breeds ghosts.

  • Thinking - make up your mind, but when you decide - don't think.

  • Rise and decline are in the order of things.

  • A fire and a fight are not entertaining in their home.

  • Late repentance cannot be corrected.

  • As long as there is life, there is also hope.

  • While we are alive we do not value, but died - we regret.

  • Conquer some with the help of others.

  • Will fall in love, and any handsome man will seem.

  • Sometimes one moment is dearer than treasure.

  • There is always an ebb tide after the tide.

  • Lost always seems great.

  • The need for food is stronger than love.

  • You will recognize the revered temple by the gate.

  • Poets, without leaving their homes, know about the beauty of nature.

  • Truthful speeches are not beautiful beautiful speeches are not true.

  • The righteous do not dream.

  • The celebration is after work.

  • Subject and shadow sympathize with each other.

  • The fortuneteller does not know his fate.

  • Habit becomes character.

  • The time will come - and bitter will turn into sweet.

  • The diligence of the new employee lasts twenty days.

  • The time comes, and the mulberry garden turns into the sea.

  • Cause and patch can be pasted anywhere.

  • The reasons are in the father, the effects are in the children.

  • Trouble has come - rely on yourself.

  • Having walked fifty steps, do not laugh at the one who walked a hundred.

  • Spilled water cannot be collected in a bucket again.

  • Against mercy, the sword is powerless.

  • There is no weapon against reasonable arguments.

  • The running water does not deteriorate.

  • The past is a mirror of the present.

  • The past is in the past and the present is today.

  • Forgive others, but don't forgive yourself.

  • Straight person that straight bamboo is rare.

  • Dust, piling up, forms mountains.

  • Let them no longer praise, if only they do not scold.

  • A running mill has no time to freeze.

  • Rejoice, too, if others rejoice.

  • A raging sparrow is not afraid of a person.

  • How can swallows and sparrows know the thoughts of a stork?

  • Revelry destroys a person.

  • Strife in the home sows poverty.

  • You can't call a dog by swinging a stick.

  • One step difference turns into one thousand ri difference.

  • Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

  • Sword wounds heal, tongue wounds remain.

  • Debauchery robs both money and energy.

  • Disheveled hair at the hairdresser's.

  • They grow like bamboo shoots after rain.

  • The child is behind her, and she is looking for him.

  • A child born during the day is like a father; a child born at night is like a mother.

  • Great speeches are not for ordinary ears.

  • The speech of the Buddha, and the heart of the snake.

  • I drew a tiger, but it turned out to be a mongrel.

  • Rice cakes do not grow on trees.

  • Parents love their children more than their parents' children.

  • Parents are working, children are enjoying life, grandchildren are begging.

  • They give birth to a body, but not a character.

  • The mouth is the cause of both our illnesses and our misfortunes.

  • You can't shake a sleeve that isn't there.

  • The rosy apple praises itself.

  • You won't be lost in hell with money.

  • With money comes worries.

  • You can't get off a ship that has departed.

  • He is rude to his subordinates, but creeps on the ground in front of his superiors.

  • Keep your ears open with those who are silent.

  • It breaks off the tongue - it will spread throughout the world.

  • Sake is the first of a hundred medicines.

  • Himself in rags, but a heart in brocade.

  • You don’t respect yourself - who will respect you?

  • They correct their behavior according to the behavior of others.

  • His own unwilling brother.

  • They have not noticed their bald head for three years.

  • Do everything you can, and only then rely on fate.

  • It is fashionable now - it is useless tomorrow.

  • Check seven times before doubting a person (first impressions can be deceiving).

  • You can't catch a hare sitting on a tree stump.

  • Strong attachment can turn into intense hatred.

  • Strong in evil is strong in good deeds.

  • The strong growls, the powerless squeals.

  • A strong falcon hides its claws.

  • To say "I hate" is to say "I love."

  • Modesty is the adornment of wisdom.

  • Watching other people's manners, correct yours.

  • The gilding peeled off, and the wooden Buddha remained.

  • The blind snake is not afraid of anything.

  • A blind man does not need glasses and a flashlight.

  • Too much is as bad as too little.

  • You can't tax words.

  • The servant, like the falcon, must be fed.

  • It happens that after a fire they get rich.

  • What happened twice can happen a third time.

  • Death does not choose the time.

  • First a person drinks sake, then sake drinks a person.

  • Treat an old man like a father.

  • Collect with a pinch, scatter with a handful (measure income with expense).

  • The falcon is against the sparrows, and the mouse is against the cat.

  • Doubt breeds truth.

  • Having grown old, people become children again.

  • It is not difficult to grow old, but it is not easy to gain intelligence.

  • Compassion is the beginning of philanthropy.

  • The mountain shook with a roar, but one mouse gave birth.

  • A hurrying crab will not fall into its hole.

  • You will not stumble over a mountain, but an anthill.

  • He who is just treats himself strictly, while others are condescending.

  • You can't cover up a quarrel with a hat.

  • Try to win on failure too.

  • The old adage will not deceive.

  • Old rivers never dry up.

  • A hundred-day sermon is canceled out by one ugly act.

  • A chipped sword is only good for the kitchen.

  • The suffering of a person is not noticeable from the outside.

  • Sufferers of the same disease sympathize with each other.

  • An arrow at its end cannot penetrate even thin silk.

  • In an effort to straighten the branches, do not dry out the root.

  • The walls are listening, the bottles are talking.

  • Similar things converge.

  • Happiness comes through the fun gates.

  • Happiness and unhappiness live close.

  • Talented people are painful, and beauties have a miserable fate.

  • Talents do not inherit.

  • The tiger protects its skin, the man's name.

  • Only by throwing yourself into the water can you swim to a new place.

  • The protruding nail is hammered.

  • Three daughters are ruin.

  • You need a cane before you fall.

  • It is difficult to say what is in the soul of a constantly laughing person.

  • Anyone is susceptible to vanity, like rashes.

  • Have godly man full of trouble.

  • Others seem to be doing better.

  • Others have redder flowers.

  • He who has a cheerful disposition will pass through the iron.

  • Whoever has a wound on his leg is also afraid of an ear of reeds.

  • The observer from the side has eight eyes.

  • The grains of pepper are small, but pungent.

  • Locusts have 5 abilities, but not a single talent. (runs, but not fast; flies, but not high; crawls, but only on the ground; swims, but not for long; digs, but shallow)

  • In humans, appearances are deceiving.

  • The escaper does not choose the road.

  • Convenient case is easy to use, easy and overlooked.

  • A person who has left becomes more and more a stranger every day.

  • The one bitten by the snake is afraid of the rope.

  • Smiling doesn't hurt anyone.

  • It's easy to die, it's hard to live.

  • A fallen leaf brings back the arrival of autumn.

  • The lost fish seems big.

  • Diligence is the mother of success.

  • Success breeds new success.

  • Make way for fools and madmen.

  • Having conceded, you will win.

  • It's too late for a drowned man to call the boat.

  • The drowning man grasps at straws as well.

  • Scientists talk about books, butcher talks about pigs.

  • Learning is like pushing a cart uphill.

  • It's never too late to learn.

  • Pinch yourself and find out if it hurts another.

  • A fake friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.

  • Whether the bow is good depends on the hand pulling it.

  • Good and bad in a person depends on the environment.

  • Good medicine tastes bitter.

  • Good meat doesn't smell.

  • Any instrument is good for a good craftsman.

  • A good merchant doesn't lay out all of the merchandise at once.

  • Well done, well rest.

  • If you want to know yourself, ask others.

  • If you want to get to know a person, get to know his friends.

  • A person is supported by his mind, like a bird - by wings.

  • A man and still a boy at fifty.

  • A person does well what he loves.

  • If you curse a person, you yourself will fall into two holes.

  • Man will find everywhere a green hill where to leave his ashes.

  • You understand human good and evil with the help of your friends.

  • Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice fields better.

  • How prettier rose, the longer the spines are.

  • Rather than waiting yourself, it's better to let them wait for you.

  • The more carefully they hide, the sooner it becomes known.

  • Black walnut and you can't wipe it off white in three years.

  • Honesty is the best policy.

  • A clean source is clean and a stream.

  • Read a sermon to Buddha.

  • Excessive obedience is not yet devotion.

  • What is expensive is soundly, what is cheap is rotten.

  • That faces, that hearts - two are not alike.

  • What's on your mind is on your face.

  • What about grieving, what cannot be turned back?

  • What comes from the heart, it reaches the heart.

  • What to evaluate the skin of an unkilled badger?

  • What's scary is curious

  • To let the tiger into the jungle.

  • It takes two to fight.

  • To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children.

  • Strangers will stroke you more painfully than your parents will hit you.

  • You can endure someone else's suffering for at least three years.

  • To swim, you have to throw yourself into the river.

  • You can't stop the flow with the sixth.

  • The egoist is always dissatisfied.

  • Etiquette must be observed even in friendship.

Used literature: "Japanese" (V.A. Pronnikov, I. D. Ladanov; Publishing house "Nauka", Main edition of oriental literature; Moscow, 1985)

Japan is a country with a very peculiar culture and etiquette. For a Russian and even a European, there will be a lot of outlandish behavior in their behavior. Workaholism, respect for elders, modesty in communication - all this expresses folk art: hokku poems, fairy tales, proverbs. Japanese customs are presented in them in a very holistic manner.

The appearance and character of the Japanese

For example, in the Country rising sun known popular expression: "He who feels shame also feels a duty." These words contain not only the characteristics of the Japanese. It is known that for a long time in Japan, great attention was paid to the appearance of a person, his clothes. By it it was possible to very clearly determine the social status. And the higher he was, the stricter the requirements were. Samurai could not bare their bodies, which caused certain difficulties. For example, they visited the bathhouse, covering their faces so as not to be identified. This is an example of a case where a sense of duty is associated with shame and increased demands.

Customs and Proverbs: Japanese Etiquette Requirements

Courtesy and respect are one of the most characteristic manifestations of the Japanese nature. For example, even the modern exchange process business cards in Japan is very different from what it would be in Europe. Business cards are transmitted simultaneously with two hands. At the same time, you cannot immediately put the paper in your pocket: you need to study it for some time and show interest in what you have written. Popular requirements, customs, instructions, and reflect many proverbs. Japanese customs are very strict: "Etiquette must be observed even in friendship," says the popular teaching.

Japanese Versus Biblical Teaching

The winged expressions of the Land of the Rising Sun sometimes convey wisdom that is similar to the teachings of other peoples. For example, such words: "Where people grieve, grieve you too." They are in many ways similar to the phrase from the Bible: "Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep." In fact, this elementary truth greatly facilitates communication with people, understanding. To do this, you do not need to graduate from the faculties of psychology - it is enough to turn to ancient sources: be it Japanese wisdom or biblical commandments.

Man and his environment

Japanese sayings and proverbs have absorbed folk wisdom, helping ordinary people in their practical life for centuries. Another lesson largely reflects the truth that is currently being experimentally proven by scientists-psychologists. “The good and the bad in a person depends on the environment,” “If you want to know a person, get to know his friends,” say the proverbs. Japanese sayings, which have existed for more than one century, are trying to confirm modern experiments.

Psychological experiment

For example, psychologists conducted an experiment: students were told to solve mathematical problems. Moreover, one group consisted only of nationally and socially similar, while in the other class there were representatives of various Asian countries, who, as you know, have good mathematical abilities. All other things being equal, those students who solved problems in a society of their own kind showed the best results. The influence of the environment on a person is so great.

And if such results were shown in a short-term experiment on solving problems, how enormous then can be the influence of friends and loved ones on a person!

The Japanese: a nation of workaholics

As mentioned, the Japanese are known for their hard work that goes beyond all imaginable boundaries. “Diligence is the mother of success,” says the wisdom of the Land of the Rising Sun. This is very significant in modern life in Japan. For employees of Japanese companies, their own career... Their priority is the prosperity of the organization in which they work. To avoid health problems for subordinates, managers strictly monitor that employees leave work on time. Also, in Japan, one cannot help but take the prescribed vacation. This way of life is reflected in Japanese proverbs. With the transfer to another company, nothing changes - the traditions on the island are the same everywhere.

Acquaintance with the proverbs of a particular country enriches our understanding of the people who created them. National peculiarities of the people are captured in proverbs with extraordinary expressiveness and spontaneity. At the same time, they clearly express the common thing that makes one another and brings together the most diverse peoples.

In the linguistic creativity of the Japanese people, proverbs and sayings occupy an important place. They form an organic part of his spiritual culture. Those who want to get to know Japan and its people better cannot ignore his proverbs and sayings. A significant part of them are constantly in use, they are widely used both in everyday conversation and in public speaking, in the press, literature.

Japanese politicians often refer to proverbs and sayings both in their official speeches and in conversations with state and public figures Russia and other countries. So, for example, representatives of the Japanese government, speaking of the need to develop good-neighborly relations between Japan and Russia, often refer to the popular wisdom, which says: "A close neighbor is dearer than a distant relative." Imagery is generally quite characteristic of the Japanese language. Japanese speech is replete with metaphors, allegories, comparisons, many of which have become sayings. Japanese folk proverbs and sayings help to more clearly imagine the image of a gifted, hardworking people, to feel the poetic beauty of their language.

The Japanese treat this wealth with great care and attention, systematically publish collections of proverbs and sayings, which constitute a set of judgments about the life of the people, a set of apt characteristics, observations. They express the people's assessment of the existing reality, their views on life and the description of it as it would like to see it. In major bookstores in Japan, you can find up to a dozen different collections of proverbs and sayings. There are reputable publications here that claim to complete list proverbs and sayings, dating from ancient times, and including more than five thousand proverbs, as well as small-format collections, which contain the most commonly used proverbs and sayings, the number of which does not exceed three, and sometimes two hundred units. Editions "Kokugo" (" Native language") And school readers will certainly contain a special section, which contains the most colorful proverbs and sayings. This section is called "Kotovadza", which translated into Russian means "proverb", "proverb", "dictum", "aphorism". Thus, this word in Japanese, however, as well as in others oriental languages, more succinctly in its content (meaning) than in Russian.

The bulk of the proverbs that have survived to this day were created by the working people, in a figurative, artistic form, reflecting their work experience, their attitude to existing reality. The Japanese people have so branded injustice political system: "Where the power is right, the right is powerless", "whoever plunders, they lead to the chopping block, and whoever plunders the country, they put him on the throne", "the rich man will squeeze out sweat and blood."

The attitude of the Japanese people to the class of the haves is unambiguous: "the rich man becomes dirtier from money, like a spittoon from garbage", "a loafer is rich because workers are poor." On the omnipotent power of money in society Japanese people says: “whoever has money, the Buddha has his face to that,” “money and shame wash away,” “money and power in hell,” “money makes people strangers,” but, on the other hand, he notes that of all diseases the worst is poverty. Folk wisdom about rulers says: “the ruler is like a boat, and the people are like water: it can carry, or it can turn it over,” soul ".

As you know, the Japanese people are not religious. This is confirmed by proverbs. The Japanese do not have a single proverb or sayings like the Russian "without God, not to the door." On the contrary, popular wisdom claims that the Japanese "calls for God when trouble comes," and recommends: "Do everything you can, and for the rest, rely on God (fate)." The Japanese people are ironic about the worshipers: "if all the monks were righteous, there would be too many Buddhas." Language is the greatest wealth of a people. It has been created over the centuries. The grammatical structure and its lexical composition are changing, but the thoughts and aspirations of the people, its experience, which find their concentrated expression in aphorisms, proverbs and sayings, remain in it. They are passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, almost unchanged, telling about history, culture, way of life and customs, as well as about the national character of the people.

1. Abu hachi torazu.
letters. Horsefly and a bee cannot be caught at the same time (you cannot catch).

2. Abura o motte yuen o otosu.
letters. Soot (from oil) is removed with oil.
Fight fire with fire.

3. Ada ni hei about kasu.
letters. Lend fighters to the enemy.
Play into the hands of the enemy.

4. Ai shite wa sono shu about wasureru.
letters .. If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness.
Love is blind. Love is blind.

5. Aiken ni te about kamareru.
letters. My beloved dog bit my hand.
To repay good for evil.

6. Aisatsu yori ensatsu.
letters. Better money than friendly words.
You can't sew a fur coat out of words.

7. Aita kuchi e (ni) botamochi.
letters. A pie flew into the open mouth.
Like manna from heaven.

8. Akago no te about nejiru (hineru).
letters. To twist the baby's arms.
As easy as pie.

9. Aki no ogi.
letters. (Needed like) a fan in the fall.
Like a fish umbrella.

10. Akidaru wa oto takashi.
Empty barrel thunders louder.

11. Aku wanobeyo.
The bad always lasts a long time (lasts).

12. Akuji mi ni kaeru.
letters. Evil (inflicted on others) will return to you.
As it comes around, it will respond.

13. Akuji senri ni tsutawaru (o hashiru).
letters. The thin glory extends to a thousand ri *.
The good glory lies, but the thin one runs.
* ri is a measure of length equal to 3.9 km.

14. Akusai wa rokujunen no fusaku.
letters. A bad (angry, grumpy) wife is like a crop failure sixty years in a row.
An evil wife is a misfortune for life.

15. Akusen mi ni tsukazu.
Badly acquired for the future will not be found.
The dishonestly acquired quickly melts away.

16. Ame harete kasa about wasuru (wasureru).
The rain ends - the umbrella is forgotten.
After the rain, the umbrella is forgotten.

17. Amma ni megane.
letters. Glasses to the blind.
Like a fish umbrella.

18. Ana no mujina about nedan suru.
letters. Negotiate a price for an uncaught badger.
The badger is still in the hole, and they are bargaining for the price.
Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.

19. Aoide tsuba haku.
letters. Spit up.
Spit against the wind.

20. Ari no ana kara tsutsumi mo kuzureru.
letters. And the dam (dam) collapses from the ant burrow.
A drop wears away the stone.

21. Ante no itoi, nakute no shinobi.
letters. While we are alive we do not value, but died - we regret.
What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry.

22. Asaoki wa sammon no toku.
letters. Getting up early brings three mona * profits.
Whoever gets up early, luck awaits.
* mon - old small coin.

23. Ashi about agai.
Wash your feet (i.e. stop doing anything unseemly); "Tie"; wash your hands.

24. Ashimoto kara tori ga tatsu.
letters. (As if) the bird (unexpectedly) flew out from under his feet.
Like a bolt from the blue.

25. Ashimoto no akarui uchi ni.
letters. (Go) until it is light under your feet (until it gets dark).
Strike while the iron is hot.

26. Ashita (asu) no hyaku yori cube no goju.
letters. Than a hundred tomorrow, fifty is better today.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

27. Ashita (asu) no koto o ieba oni ga warau.
Ashita no koto about ieba tenjo de nezumi ga warau.

letters. To talk about the future is to amuse the devils.
letters. When they talk about the future, the mice in the attic laugh.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

28. Ashita (asu) no koto wa ashita (asu) anjiyo (anjiro).
letters. We will think about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow.
The morning is wiser than the evening. Everything has its time.

29. Atama ga ugokeba about ga (mo) ugoku.
letters. If the head moves, then the tail does not stay in place either.
Where the needle goes, there is the thread.

30. Atama no ue no hae mo owarenu.
He can't even drive flies from his head (about a weak-willed or helpless person).

31. Atama no ue no hae oh oh
Drive the flies from your head (i.e. mind your own business and do not interfere with others).

32. Atama soru yori kokoro o sore.
Shave not your head, but your soul (i.e., take care of the beauty of the soul rather than the beauty of the face).

33. Atara kuchi ni kaze o hikasu.
(There is nothing) to let the wind in your mouth in vain (i.e. it is better to be silent).

34. Atarashii sake wa atarashii kawabukuro ni more.
Pour new wine into new wineskins (i.e. new content needs new form).

35. Ato no kari ga said ni naru.
The goose flew in the tail, but took the lead.

36. Ato wa no to nare, yama to nare.
letters. After me, even a wasteland, even a mountain.
After us, even a flood.

37. Atoashi de suna about kakeru.
When leaving, throw sand with your foot (i.e., not only betray the person who did you good, but also harm him).

38. Atsumono ni korite aemono (namasu) about fuku.
letters. Scorched by the soup, blow on the salad.

39. Atsusa wasurete kage wasuru.
The heat has passed - and the shadow is forgotten.

40. Ayaukikoto tora no o o fumu ga gotoshi.
It's like stepping on a tiger's tail.

41. Baka ni tsukeru kusuri nashi.
There is no cure for stupidity.

42. Baka about miru.
letters. See the fool.
Stay on the beans.

43. Banji wa futokoro * to sodan no ue.
letters. Count on your pocket.
Stretch your legs along the clothes.
* futokoro - pocket, purse.

44. Bimbo hima nashi.
The poor have no time (for fun).

45.Bimbonin no kodaku # * san.
Poor people (always) have many children.
The wealth of the poor is children.
* hereinafter, the ith sign will be denoted as #.

46. Buta ni shinju.
letters. The pig is pearls.
Cast pearls before swine.

47. Chi ni ite, ran o wasurezu.
letters. Living in peace, do not forget about the war.
If you want peace, prepare for war.

48. Chisha mo senryo ni isshitsu ari.
letters. And the wise man is wrong once in a thousand.

And there is a hole in the old woman.

49. Choben bafuku ni oyobazu.
letters. The long whip will not reach the horse's belly
Skill is more important than strength.

50. Chichin ni tsurigane.
A paper lantern - a copper bell (about completely incompatible things).

51. Damarimushi kabe about sukasu (horu).
letters. A silent bug gnaws at the wall.
Still waters run deep.

52. Dare shimo waga mi wa kawaii.
letters. Everyone is dearer to himself (more expensive).
Your shirt is closer to your body.

53. Dasoku.
Snake legs (draw) (i.e. do something completely unnecessary, unnecessary).

54. Deichu no hachisu (hasu).
letters. Lotus in the mud.
The lotus grows out of the mud, but itself remains pure.
A pearl in a dung heap.

55. Deru kui wa utareru.
They beat on the protruding pile (about intolerance to everything outstanding).

56. Doku ni mo kusuri ni mo naranu.
letters. No poison, no medicine.
Not a candle to God, not a damn poker.

57. Doku about kuwaba sara made.
letters. If you drink poison, so to the bottom.
Once you've taken the poison, lick the saucer too.
Seven troubles - one answer.

58. Dorobo ni kagi about azukeru.
letters. Give the key to the thief for safekeeping.
Let the goat into the garden.

59. Dorobo o toraete nawa o nau.
letters. Twist the rope after the thief has already been caught.
After a fight, they don't wave their fists.

60. Ebidetaiotsuru. *
Fishing for sea bass for shrimp (i.e. sacrificing little for more).
* Ebitai is an abbreviated version of a saying.

61. Edo no kataki about Nagasaki de utsu.
Attack (someone) in Nagasaki, (wanting revenge) on the enemies living in Edo
(i.e., pour out anger at an uninvolved person)

62. Ekisha mi no ue shirazu.
letters. The fortuneteller does not know his fate.
Shoemaker without shoes.

63. Ensui wa kinka about sukuwazu.
A nearby fire cannot be extinguished with distant water.

64. Eyasuki mono wa ushinaiyasushi.
What is easy to get is easily lost.

65. Eyo ni mochi no kawa about muku.
letters. Peel off the crust from the tortillas (mochi) and eat only the middle.
Go crazy with fat.

66. Funa dorobo about riku de ou.
The one who stole the boat is not chased by land.

67. Fude wa ken yori tsuyoshi.
letters. The hand is mightier than the sword.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
What is written with a pen cannot be knocked out with an ax.

68. Fuko wa yoku kasanaru mono da.
letters. Trouble often stacks on top of one another.

69. Fukochu ni mo saiwai ari.
letters. And in misfortune there is happiness.
There is a silver lining.
70. Furukawa ni mizu taezu.
letters. Old rivers never dry up.
A house with solid foundations will never decline. (On the strength of old customs.)
An old horse will not spoil the furrow.

71. Gaden insui.
letters. Conduct water to your field; those. take care only of their own interests.
Paddle under yourself.

72. Gakumon ni chikamichi nashi.
There are no shortcuts to science.

73. Gishin anki about shozuru.
letters. Fear breeds black devils.
Fear has big eyes.

74. Gusha mo ittoku.
And there is benefit from a fool.

75. Gyuto o motte niwatori o saku.
letters. Cut the chicken with the butcher's ax.
Than the bull is slaughtered, the chicken is not slaughtered.
Shoot the sparrows with cannons.

76. Hadaka de otosu tameshi nashi.
letters. There was no case when naked lost anything
The naked has nothing to lose.

77. Haifuki to kanemochi to wa tamaru hodo kitanai.
A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier.

78. Hajime areba owari ari.
letters. If there is a beginning, there will be an end.
Everything (in the world) comes to an end.

79. Hajime ga daiji.
letters. It's important to get started.
Down and Out trouble started.

80. Hajime no kachi wa kusogachi.
letters. The first victory is worthless.
The one who laughs last laughs well.

81. Hajime wa hito sake o nomi, nakagoro wa sake ga sake o nomi, owari wa sake hito o nomu.
First the person drinks sake, then sake drinks sake, and at the end the person drinks sake.

82. Hakidame ni tsuru.
letters. Heron on a pile of rubbish.
A pearl in a dung heap.

83. Hana ni arashi.
On flowers - a storm (about the vicissitudes of fate).

84. Hanayori dango *.
letters. Better a cake than a flower.
The nightingale is not fed with fables.
* dango - rice cake.

85. Napa wa oritashi kozue wa takashi.
letters. I wanted to break the flowers (sakura), but the branches are tall.
The eye sees, but the tooth doesn’t.

86. Hachiju no mitsugo.
letters. And at eighty as a three-year-old child.
Old is that small.

87. Hashi ga nakereba watararenu.
It is impossible to cross the river without a bridge (about the need for appropriate means for any business).

88. Hebi ni kamarete kuchinawa ni ojiru.
letters. The one bitten by the snake is afraid of the rotten rope.
Burnt in milk, they blow on the water.

89. Hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri wa tatanai.
letters. Where there is no fire, there is no smoke.
There is no smoke without fire.

90. Hi about mini yori akiraka da.
letters. Clearer than looking at fire.
As clear as day.

91. Hi about sakete mizu ni ochiru.
letters. Avoid fire, but get into the pool (into the water).
Out of the frying pan into the fire.

92. Hiza to mo sodan.
At least consult your knees.

93. Hiru ni wa me ari, yoru ni wa mimi ari.
The day has eyes, the night has ears. Day has sight and night has hearing.
(that everything secret becomes clear)

94. Hisashi o kashite omoya o torareru.
letters. Borrow a shed - you will lose the whole house.
Give me a finger, I will cut off my hand.

95. Hito no fundoshi * de sumo about toru.
letters. Fight in someone else's fundoshi.
To rake in the heat with someone else's hands.
* fundoshi - loincloth for wrestling sumo.

96. Hito no furi about mite waga furi * about naose.
letters. Watching other people's manners, correct yours.
Learn from the mistakes of others.
** furi - manners, behavior.

97. Hito no hana wa akai.
letters. Others have redder flowers.
The neighbors have more beautiful flowers.
Others seem to be doing better.

98. Hito no hatake ni kuwa o ireru.
letters. Stick a hoe into someone else's field.
Poke your nose into other people's business.

99. Hito no kuchi ni wa to wa taterarenu.
letters. You can't hang a door on every mouth.
You can't put a scarf on every mouth.

100. Hito no mono yori jibun no mono.
letters. Your own thing is more valuable than someone else's.
Your shirt is closer to your body.

101. Hito no odoru toki wa odore.
Dance when everyone is dancing.

102. Hito about norowaba ana futatsu.
letters. You will curse a person, you yourself will fall into two holes.
Don't dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

103. Hito wa hitonaka, ta wa tanaka.
It is good for a person among people, for a field among fields.

104. Hito wa zen aku no tomo ni yoru.
letters. Good and bad in a person depends on his friends.

105. Hitsuyo wa hatsumei no haha.
letters. Necessity is the mother of invention (invention).
Necessity for inventions is cunning.

106. Homeru hito ni wa yudan su na.
Be careful with someone who praises you.

107. Honeorizon no kutabire moke.
One fatigue for all the labors got.
A lot of efforts, little sense.

108. Horeta yamai ni kusuri nashi.
letters. There is no cure for falling in love.
Love is not a potato: you cannot throw it out the window.

109. Horete kayoeba senri mo ichi ri.
letters. For a lover, even a thousand ri seems to be one.
There are no distances for lovers.

110. Hotoke no hikari yori kane no hikari.
letters. The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of the Buddha.
Money opens all doors.

111. Hotoke no kao mo sando.
letters. And Buddha will get angry if he is stroked more than three times on the face.
There is a limit to all patience.

112. Hotoke tsukutte tamashii irezu.
He blinded the Buddha, but forgot to breathe his soul (not to finish the work, not to do the most important thing).

113. Hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu.
It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

114. I ni za shite ama o miru.
Sitting in a well, the sky is viewed.

115. I no naka no kawazu taikai about shirazu.
The frog living in the well does not know about the sea.

116. Ichi o kiite ju o shiru.
letters. Hearing one, understand ten.
Hearing little, understand everything.

117. Ichikabachika.
letters. One or eight.
Hit or miss.

118. Ichimai no kami ni mo omoteura ari.
letters. Even a sheet of paper has both a front and a back.
The medal has two sides.

119. Iitai koto wa ashita (asu) ie.
letters. Tomorrow, say what you want to say now.
The morning is wiser than the evening.

120. Ikiuma no me about nuku.
He will be able to take out an eye even from a live horse (about a cunning and dexterous person).

121. Ikkyoryotoku.
letters. One effort, two successes.

122. Inochi wa kinka no tsuyu no gotoshi.
Human life is fleeting like the morning dew.
Human life is like the morning dew.

123. Inu ni sakana no ban.
Instruct the dog to guard the snack.
Let the goat into the garden.

124. Inu to saru.
letters. (Live) like a dog with a monkey.
Like a cat with a dog.

125. Inu wa mikka kaeba sannen on about wasurenu.
If you feed a dog for three days, it will feel grateful for three years.

126. lrimame ni hana ga saku.
letters. When the roasted beans bloom.
When the cancer whistles on the mountain.

127. Iroha no "i" no ji mo shiranai.
Doesn't even know the first letter of the alphabet.

128. Ishi no ue ni mo sannen.
letters. You sit on a stone for three years, and the stone will heat up.
Patience and a little effort.

129. Ishibashi about tataite wataru.
Walk along the stone bridge, tapping it with a stick (about unnecessary precaution).

130. Isogaba maware.
letters. If you're in a hurry, take a detour.
The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

131. Isseki nicho.
letters. Kill two birds with one stone.
Kill two birds with one stone.

132. Iu wa yasuku okonau wa katashi.
Easy to say, hard to do.

133. Iwanu ga hana.
letters. Silence is a (wonderful) flower.
Silence is gold.

134. Jibun no atama no hae oh oh.
letters. Get the flies off your head.
Don't stick your nose in someone else's garden.

135. Jibun no bon no kubo wa miezu.
letters. In himself (on his face) he does not see a rowan the size of a tray.
In others, he will notice a speck, but in himself he does not even see a beam in his eye.

136. Jibun wa jibun, hito wa hito.
letters. I am me, and other people are others.
Your shirt is closer to your body.

137. .Jipkudehotoke.
letters. Meet Buddha in Hell (about unexpected deliverance from trouble).
Friend is known in trouble.

138. Jinsei asatsuyu no gotoshi.
Human life is (short) like morning dew.

139. Jozu no te kara mizu ga moru.
letters. Even skillful hands spill water.
The horse has four legs, and he stumbles.
And there is a hole in the old woman.

140. Junto toiro.
letters. Ten people - ten shades of color.
Every man to his own taste.
Tastes could not be discussed.

141. Kabe ni mimi ari.
And the walls have ears.

142. Kaeru no ko wa kaeru.
letters. The baby frog is a frog.
From frogs, frogs will be born.

143. Kafuku wa azanaeru nawa no gotoshi.
letters. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.
Happiness and unhappiness live close.

144. Kagi no ana kara tenjo nozoku.
Consider the ceiling through the keyhole (on the narrowness of the horizon).

145. Kaiinu ni te about kamareru.
letters. Be bitten by your own dog.
Feed the snake on your chest.

146. Kame no ko yori toshi no ko.
letters. Long (life) experience is more reliable than a tortoise shell.
Wisdom comes over the years.

147. Kamu uma wa tsui made kamu.
letters. A biting horse stays biting to death.
What is in the cradle, so is the grave.
Leopard change his spots.

148. Can ooite koto sadamaru.
letters. When the coffin is closed, then the person's affairs (will be assessed) will be determined.
After death, a person is judged more accurately.

149. Kane ga areba ku ga ari.
With money comes worries.

150. Kane ga kane o umu (mokeru).
letters. Money gives birth to money.
Money is money.

151. Kane about kaseba tomo about ushinau.
To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

152. Kane wa tenka no mawarimono.
Money travels all over the world (i.e. it moves from one to the other).

153. Kao wa kokoro no kagami.
The face is the mirror of the soul.

154. Kariru toki no Ebisugao *, kaesu toki no Emmagao **.
When he borrows - the face is like an angel's, when he gives - like a devil.
* Ebisu is the god of wealth and trade.
** Emma is Buddha. lord of hell.

155. Kasshite i about ugatsu.
letters. Feeling thirsty, dig a well.
Go hunting - feed the dogs.
Having caught the thief, twist the rope.

156. Kassuru mono wa mizu about erabazu.
The thirsty person does not choose.

157. Kateba kangun, makereba zokugun.
letters. In case of victory, these troops are government forces, in case of defeat, rebel forces.
Whoever won is right.
Winners are not judged.

158. Kawa ni mizu about hakobu.
letters. Carry water to the river.
Travel to Tula with your samovar.

159. Kawaii ko ni wa tabi o saseyo.
letters. Send your beloved son on a journey.
If you love a child, treat him strictly.

160. Kawara wa migaite mo tama ni naranu.
No matter how you grind the tiles, they will not become a gem.

161. Keiken wa chie no chichi nari, kioku wa sono haha ​​nari.
(Life) experience is the father of wisdom, memory is its mother.

162. Keiko to nam mo gyugo (gyubi) to nam nakare.
letters. Better to be the beak of a rooster than the tail of a bull.
Better to be the first in the village than the last in the city.

163. Keisei ni makoto nashi.
You will not hear the truth from a harlot.
A street woman cannot be sincere.

164. Ki kara ochita saru no yo.
letters. Like a monkey falling from a tree.
Like fell from the moon.

65. Kikai wa eyasushiku ushinaiyasushi.
Convenient case is easy to use, easy and overlooked.

166. Kiku wa ichiji no haji, kikanu wa iss`ho no haji.
letters. Asking is shame for one minute, not knowing is shame for life.
Don't be ashamed to ask, be ashamed to remain ignorant.

167. Kimben wa seiko no haha.
Diligence is the mother of success.
Diligence is the mother of well-being.

168. Kinka de te about aburu.
Warm your hands when there is a fire nearby.

169. Kireina hana ni wa toge ga aru
A beautiful flower has thorns.

170. Kitaru mono wa kobamazu, saru mono wa owazu.
letters. The one who comes (well) is accepted, the one who leaves is not delayed.
Who will come - I will not turn away, who will leave - I will not chase.

171. Kobo fude about erabazu.
letters. For Kobo * any brush is good.
The scythe is to blame for the bad mower.
* Kobo is a famous calligrapher of the 9th century.

172. Kobo ni mo fude no ayamari.
letters. And Kobo's brush was wrong.
There is enough simplicity for every sage.

173. Koji ma ** oshi.
Around good deeds (always) devils hover.
** ma - demon, evil spirit

174. Kongoseki mo migakazuba tama no hikari wa sonawazaran.
Without polishing and the diamond does not shine.

175. Kono kimi ni shite kono shin ari.
letters. As the master is, so are the servants.
What is the pop, so is the parish.

176. Kono oya ni shite kono ko ari.
letters. As parents are, so are children.
The apple does not fall far from the apple tree.

177. Konya no shirobakama.
letters. The dyer has an unpainted hakama *.
Shoemaker without shoes.
* hakama - part of the Japanese costume in the form of trousers.

178. Kotoba okereba (oki wa) shina sukoshi.
letters. Many words, but few things.
I call a lot, but little sense.

179. Kotoba wa kuni no tegata.
letters. Words are a bill of exchange of the motherland.
They recognize the native land by the spoken word.

180. Kuchi ga areba miyako e mo noboru.
letters. The language will bring it to the capital.
Language will bring to Kiev.

181. Kuchi to hara wa chigau.
In words, one thing, but another in mind.
On the tongue is honey, and under the tongue is ice.

182. Kuchi yori dereba (daseba) seken.
letters. It breaks off the tongue - it will spread throughout the world.
The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won't catch it.

183. Kuni yaburete sanga ari.
States perish, but mountains and rivers remain.

184. Kurushii told no kamidanomi.
letters. Pray only in difficult times.
Thunder will not strike - the man will not cross himself.

185. Kusai mono mi shirazu.
Anyone who smells bad does not feel his stench (that is, a person does not know his shortcomings).

186. Kusatte mo tai.
Though stale, but tai *.
* Thai is a fish of the perch family.

187. Kusuri mo sugireba doku.
In excess, the medicine is poison. Everything is good in moderation.

188. Kyoboku kaze tsuyoshi.
letters. On tall trees and the wind is stronger.
The wind breaks tall trees rather.
To whom much has been given, much will be demanded from that.

189. Kyodo no sue roko about ugatsu atawazu.
letters. An arrow at its end cannot even pierce silk.
There is no benefit from the former strength.
There was a horse, but he drove around.

190. Kyosaibyo ni kakaru.
letters. Being susceptible to a disease called wife anxiety.
To be under the shoe of the wife.

191. Kyucho futokoro ni hairu.
letters. The hunted bird is hammered (to the person) in the bosom.
Drowning man and grabs at straws.

192. Kyuso neko about kamu.
The hunted mouse (itself) bites the cat (about the courage of despair).

193. Kyuso no utena wa ruido yori okoru.
letters. And the nine-tiered tower starts from the ground.
All great things start small.

194. Ma ga warui toki wa ma * ga warui no da.
letters. If you are not lucky, then you will not be lucky.
Trouble has come - open the gate.
Trouble does not come alone.

195. Magareru eda ni magareru kage ari.
letters. The twisted branches and the shadow are curved.
Crooked branch - crooked and shadow.

196. Mago ni mo isho.
letters. In a beautiful dress and the groom is good.
The dress colors the person.

197. Makanu tane wa haenu.
letters. Unsown seed does not grow.
You will not sow, you will not reap.

198. Makeru wa kachi.
Defeat is the guarantee of victory.
Having conceded, you will win.

199. Mate about uete hie about eru.
Plant beans, but get millet (about an unexpected result).

200. Mamushi no ko wa mamushi.
letters. The child of the snake is the snake.
As parents are, so are children.

201. Man wa son o maneki, ken wa eki o uku (manson ken`eki).
Pride leads to failure, and humility is rewarded.

202. Marui tamago mo kiriyo de shikaku.
letters. And the round egg can be trimmed so that it becomes square.
And a simple matter can be confusing.

203. Masa ni zuboshi da
letters. Right on the bull's-eye.
Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

204. Me kara hana e nukeru.
letters. (He is such that) will crawl from eye to nose.
(He is) quick, resourceful, quick-witted.

205. Me ni irete mo itakunai.
letters. It does not hurt, even if you put it in the eye (that is, value something very much).
Protect like the apple of your eye.

206. Me to hana no aida.
letters. Between the eye and the nose, i.e. Very close.
Two steps away; a stone's throw.

207. Meijin ni mo shisonji * ga aru.
letters. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.
For every sage, simplicity is enough.
And there is a hole in the old woman.

* shisonji - miss, oversight.

208. Mekura hebi ni ojizu.
letters. The blind are not afraid of snakes.
A drunken sea knee-deep.
The paths are not ordered for fools.

209. Mi no hodo about shire.
letters. Know your limits.
Every cricket know your six.

210. Mikka bozu.
letters. Bonza for three days.
(about those who do not like or do not know how to bring the matter to the end)
Seven Fridays a week.
Fickle person.

211. Mimi o ooute suzu o nusumu.
Stopping the ears, steal the bell.

212. Minamoto kiyokereba nagare kiyosh
If the source is clean, so is the stream.

213. Minasoko * no hari about sagasu.
letters. Look for a needle at the bottom of the river.
Look for a needle in a haystack.
* minasoko - bottom (rivers, etc.).

214. Mino ** kite kajiba e iku.
letters. Wearing a straw cloak, go to the fire.
To the fire and with straw.
** mino - straw raincoat (against rain).

215. Mizu wa hoen no ki ni shitagai, hito wa zen`aku no tomo ni yoru.
letters. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured, and a person is recruited for good or evil from his friends.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

216. Mochi *** wa mochiya.
letters. Buy mochi from a mochi maker; for rice cakes - go to the cake-maker.
The master's work is afraid.
*** mochi is a rice cake.

217. Mochimono wa nushi ni niru.
letters. Things are like their masters.
They recognize their owner by things.

218. Moraimono no ana o sagasu na.
letters. Do not look for flaws in gifts.
They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

219. Mu yori and wa shojinai.
letters. “No” does not mean “is”.
Nothing will come of it.

220. Muri ga toreba dori hikkomu.
letters. Where foolishness reigns, there reason hides.
Where there is strength, there is a grave for the mind.
With the strong, the powerless is always to blame.
Strong hand- the lord herself.

221. Nagareru mizu wa kusaranai.
letters. The running water does not smell bad.
Running water does not bloom (does not deteriorate).

222. Nai sode wa furarenu.
letters. You cannot shake a sleeve that is not there.
No, and no trial.

223. Nakitsura ni hachi.
letters. A tear-stained face and bees sting.
All the bumps fall on poor Makar.
Trouble has come - open the gate.
Trouble does not come alone.

224. Nanakorobi yaoki.
letters. Fell seven times, rose eight times.
Striped life; ups and downs(about the vicissitudes of fate).

225. Narai sei to naru.
letters. Habit becomes character.
Habit is second nature.

226. Neko ni koban *.
letters. For a cat - chervontsy.
Cast pearls before swine.
* koban - old gold coin.

227. Nen ni wa nen * o ireyo.
letters. Be especially careful.
Seven times measure cut once.
* nen- attention.

228. Nennen oite nen kashikoshi.
letters. Every year you get older and smarter.
The older, the smarter.

229. Nemimi ni mizu.
letters. Water in the ear of the sleeper.
Like snow on your head.
A bolt from the blue.

230. Nigashita uo wa okii.
The lost fish (seems) big.

231. Nikai kara megusuri.
letters. Put drops in your eyes from the second floor.
Dead poultice.

232. Nikko o mirazu kekko to iwazu.
Seeing no nikko, don't say kekko (fine).

233. Ningen ni kawari wa nai.
People are everywhere in the same way.

234. Ninki wa ninki o yobu.
Success breeds success.

235. Nishi to ieba higashi to iu.
letters. When they say west, he says east.
(He always) contradicts.
When they say to him: "haircut", he says: "shaved."

236. Nita mono fufu.
letters. Husband and wife are alike.
Husband and wife are one Satan.

237. Nita to wa oroka tsume fu # tatsu.
letters. They look like two nails.
They look like two drops of water.

238. Nito about ou mono wa itto about ezu.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

239. No am taka wa tsume about kakusu.
letters. A strong falcon hides its claws.
A capable (talented) person does not demonstrate his talents.
Deep waters flow quietly.
Deep rivers flow calmly.

240. Nodo kara te ga deru.
letters. A hand protrudes from his throat.
(So ​​they say when you really want to eat or drink something.)
So tasty.

241. Nodomoto * sugireba atsusa o wasureru.
letters. When I swallowed the hot piece, I forgot that it was hot.
When you get drunk, you forget about thirst (that is, when the danger is over, you forget to learn a lesson from it; having received help from someone, you forget about gratitude).
* nodomoto - throat.

242. Nokorimono ni wa fuku ga aru.
letters. The leftovers are happiness.
The leftovers are sweet.

243. Nochu * no kiri.
Awl in my pocket.
Murder will out.
* nochii - in your pocket.

244. Norikakatta fune de ato e wa hikenu.
letters. Once you've gone by ship, you can't turn back.
Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

245. Nurenu mae no kasa.
You need an umbrella before you get wet.

246. Nusubito ni kane no ban about saseru.
letters. Instruct the thief to guard the money.
Let the goat into the garden.

247. Nusubito o toraete (tsukamaete) nawa o nau.
Having caught the thief, twist the rope.
Go hunting - feed the dogs.

248. Nyobo to tatami wa atarashii hodo ii.
Wife and tatami, the newer the better.

249. Obi * ni mijikashi tasuki ** ni nagashi.
letters. Too short for obi, too long for tasuki.
Not a candle to God, not a damn poker.
No poison, no medicine.
Neither this nor that.
Not two, not one and a half.

* obi - a belt for a kimono;
** tasuki - tape for tying sleeves during work.

250. Oboreru mono wa wara o mo tsukamu.
The drowning man grasps at straws as well.

251. Oboreru ni oyonde fune about yobu.
letters. Call the boat to the drowned man.
Dead poultice.

252. Obuu to ieba idakareru to iu.
letters. Put (the child) on his back - he wants to be picked up.
Give him a finger, and he will bite off his whole hand.

253. Ogoreru mono hisashikarazu.
letters. Arrogant people don't thrive for long.
Pride goes before a fall.
254. Oki mo tsukazu iso ni mo tsukanai.
letters. And it does not go into the open sea and does not stick to the shore.
I lagged behind one side, and did not stick to the other.

255. Omoinaka ni areba kotoba soto ni izu.
What's on the mind is on the tongue.

256. Omoute kayoeba senri mo ichiri.
letters. If you set out on a journey of your own free will, then a thousand ri seems to be one.
Hunting is worse than bondage.

257. On about ada de kaesu.
To repay good for evil.

258. Onaji ana no tanuki (kitsune).
letters. Badgers (foxes) from one hole.
Two of a Kind.

259. Oseji ga yokereba shinamono ga warui.
letters. If compliments (of the seller) are skillful, then the product is bad (the quality of the product).
If a salesperson is overwhelmed with compliments, their product is worthless.

260. Oshitsuketa en wa tsuzukanu.
letters. The imposed bond does not last long.
You can't be cute.

261. Osoku tomo nasazaru ni masaru.
Better late than never.

262. Otoko no toshi wa ki, onna no toshi wa kao.
The age of a man is his spirit, the age of a woman is her face.

263. Owari ga daiji.
letters. The main thing is the end.
The end is the crown of the whole business.

264. Owari yokereba subete yoshi.
letters. If the end is good, everything is fine.
All is well that ends well.

265. Oua no utsu yori tanin no naderu ga itai.
Strangers will stroke you more painfully than your parents will hit you.

166. Pittari ataru.
letters. Hit right on target.
Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

267. Rainen no koto about ieba oni ga warau.
letters. When they talk about the future, the devils laugh.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

268. Raku areba ku ari.
letters. If there is joy, there is also sorrow.
Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.

269. Rakka eda ni kaerazu.
The fallen flower will not return to the branch (about the irrevocability of love).

270. Rei mo sugireba burei ni naru.
letters. Excessive courtesy turns into impoliteness;
or Rei sugireba hetsurai to naru.
Excessive courtesy turns into flattery.
Everything is good in moderation.

271. Ri ni fu # tatsu wa nai.
There are no two truths.

272. Rokuju no tenarai.
letters. It's not too late to study at 60.
It's never too late to learn.

273. Ron yori shoko.
Evidence is more valuable than reasoning.

274. Rui on motte atsumaru.
Birds of a feather flock together.

275. Rui wa tomo o yobu.
Birds of a feather. Two of a Kind.

276. Ryo yori shitsu.
letters. Quality is more important than quantity.
Less is more.

277. Ryosha wa kei tari tei tari muzukashi.
letters. It is difficult to determine who is the older brother and who is the younger.
Both are good. Two of a Kind.

278. Ryoyaku ku # chi ni nigashi.
A good medicine tastes bitter.

279. Ryu no kumo o etaru ga gotoshi.
letters. Like a dragon in the clouds.
Feel like a fish in water.
Be in your element.

280. Ryuko aiutsu.
letters. The dragon and the tiger fight each other.
Found a scythe on a stone.

281. Ryuto dabi.
letters. The head of a dragon, and the tail of a snake.
A loud start and an inglorious end.

282. Ryuto dabi ni owatta.
The mountain gave birth to a mouse.

283. Sake o nomu to uchitokete kuru.
letters. When you drink sake, you become frank.
What's on the mind of a sober is on the tongue of a drunkard.

284. Sake wa hyakuyaku no cho.
letters. Sake is the first of a hundred medicines.
Sake is the best medicine.

285. Sannin yoreba Monju no chie.
letters. Where there are three, there is the wisdom of Monju himself.
Mind is good, but two is better.

286. Saru mo ki kara ochiru.
letters. The monkey falls from the tree.
The horse has four legs and it stumbles.

287. Saru mono wa nichinichi ni utoshi.
letters. A person who has left becomes more and more a stranger every day.
Out of sight, out of mind.

288. Sawaranu kami ni tatarinashi.
letters. God, whom you do not touch, will not bring evil upon you.
De call the wolf from the chopper.
Don't be dashing while it sleeps.

289. Sei wa muzukashiku, shi wa yasushi.
Life is hard to live, and easy to die.

290. Seijin ni yume nashi.
The righteous do not dream.

291. Seinen kasanete kitarazu.
Youth does not come twice.

292. Sen aru toki wa oni o mo tsukau.
When there is money, and the devil will serve.

293. Sendo okute fune yama ni noboru.
letters. When there are many helmsmen, the boat runs aground.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.

294. Sennaki otoko wa ho no naki fune no gotoshi.
A man without money is like a boat without a sail.

295. Senri no michi mo ippo kara.
letters. The path of a thousand ri begins with one step.
Down and Out trouble started.

296. Senryoyakusha ni hinokibutai.
letters. The best stage for a major artist.
A big ship has a great voyage.

297. Shaberu mono ni shiru mono nashi.
letters. People who talk a lot know little.
The empty barrel thunders louder.

298. Shi wa toki on erabazu.
Death does not choose the time.

299. Shichinin no ko wa nasu to mo, onna ni kokoro yurusu na.
Do not trust your secrets even to the woman who bore you seven children.
Do not open your heart to a woman, even if she bore you seven children.

300. Shika about sashite uma to nasu.
letters. Point to a deer, but say that it is a horse.
Pass white as black.

301. Shingen wa binarazu, bigen wa shinnarazu.
Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

302. Shippai wa seiko no moto (haha).
letters. Failure is the basis (mother) of good luck.
Defeat is the mother of victory.

303. Shiranu ga hotoke.
Ignorance is bliss.

304. Shim mono wa iwazu, iu mono wa shirazu.
letters. The knower does not speak, and the speaker (nothing) does not know.
The knower is silent, the unknowing strum.

305. Shitashii naka ni mo kaki o seyo.
Even close friends need to be spaced (for a stronger friendship).

306. Shu ni majiwareba akaku naru.
letters. You touch the cinnabar, you turn red.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

307. Shuko wa kane o tokasu.
letters. The lips of the people melt metal.
The voice of the people is omnipotent.

308. Sode no hinu no wa onna no mi.
letters. The non-drying sleeve of a kimono is like a woman (with the sleeves of a kimono, women usually wipe away tears).
In women, the eyes are wet.

309. Sui ga mi o kuu.
Revelry destroys a person.

310. Su # kihara ni mazui mono nashi.
letters. Everything is delicious on an empty stomach.
Hunger is the best cook.

311. Sumeba miyako.
letters. The place where you live seems to be the capital.
Each sandpiper praises its swamp.

312. Sune ni kizu motsu mii wa susuki no ho ni mo osoreru.
letters. Whoever has a wound on his leg is also afraid of a thin ear.
A person with a bad conscience is afraid of everything.

313. Suntetsu hito on korosu.
The word can kill a person.

314. Surikogi de hara about kiru.
letters. (Try) to make a hara-kiri with a wooden pestle.
Carry water with a sieve.

315. Tabi wa michizure, yo wa nasake.
On the way (needed) a companion, in life - sympathy.

316. Tagei wa mugei.
To be able to do everything means to be able to do nothing.

317. Taigan no kasai.
letters. A fire on the other side.
My hut is on the edge.

318. Taikai no itteki.
A drop in the sea.

319. Taiki bansei.
Great talent matures late.

320. Taiko wa saikin about kaerimizu.
letters. In big matters, there is no time for small flaws.
The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.

hotoke - Buddha;
kaki - fence, hedge;
shu - cinnabar, paint;
sui - riotous life;
suntetsu - sarcastic remark, epigram.

321. Takane no hana.
letters. Flower on the top of the mountain.
The eye sees, but the tooth doesn’t.

322. Tana kara botamochi.
letters. Sweet cakes from the shelf, i.e. unexpected happiness, luck.
Like manna from heaven.

323. Ten ni kuchi nashi, hito o shite iwashimu.
The sky is silent - people speak for it.
The voice of the people is the voice of God.

botamochi - sweet rice cakes

A new selection of Japanese proverbs examines Japanese proverbs related to time and different periods. One of the most precious resources, besides health and material wealth, a person has, of course, time. Therefore, the Japanese also boast a whole set of proverbs, fixed expressions, metaphors and idioms regarding this topic. The entire collection is conventionally divided into two parts: time and time intervals.


明日の事を言えば鬼が笑う ( あすのことをいえばおにがわらう) - literally: the devils laugh at what you are planning for tomorrow. Nobody knows what is in store for tomorrow, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans for the future.

And another version of the above proverb: 来年の事を言えば鬼が笑う (らいねんのことをいえばおにがわらう)

一刻千金 (いっこくせんきん) - every moment is valuable. In expressions when we can even besiege a person who is scattering his time: appreciate the moment!

烏兎匆匆 (うとそうそう) - another idiom-Sinism, meaning with haste a rabbit and a raven. Our expression “time just flies”, “time just rushes by”

送る月日に関守なし (おくるつきひにせきもりなし) - also regrets the haste of time

光陰矢の如し (こういんやのごとし) - and one more expression that “time rushes by”

歳月人を待たず (さいげつひとをまたず) – time waits for no one (lit. years measured for a person do not wait)

少年老い易く学成り難し (しょうねんおいやすくがくなりがたし) - time flies very quickly in youth, that you don't even have time to learn. The proverb makes sense that while young you need to value this time and learn as much as possible

喉元過ぎれば熱さを忘れる (のどもとすぎればあつさをわすれる) - there was already this proverb in another collection: sadness is gone - Forgotten God.

桃栗三年柿八年 (ももくりさんねんかきはちねん) - literally, it takes 3 years for a peach and chestnut to bear fruit. Everything comes to the one who knows how to wait. Time will put everything in its place. Everything takes time.

Time intervals and different periods

後の祭り (あとのまつり) - so they say when it's too late to do something. Our analogs: having removed their heads through their hair, they don't cry, it's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have fallen off

いざ鎌倉 (いざかまくら) - when it feels like it, when the rooster bites in one place. Expresses the meaning that while someone does not itch, when everything is already on fire - how to act

一年の計は元旦にあり (いちねんのけいはがんたんにあり) – literally: all plans for the year, you need to build on New Year's Day. Our analogue: prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart - in the winter

思い立ったが吉日 (おもいたったがきちじつ) - strike while the iron is hot (decide something as soon as a favorable day comes, without postponing until tomorrow)

渇して井を穿つ (かっしていをうがつ) - literally start to break through the well when thirst has overcome. Another analogy about “too late” and “Borjomi”

奇貨居くべし (きかおくべし) - another analogue about iron while it is hot, as well as the subtext of the idiom: do something while there is a chance, take the bull by the horns

危機一髪 (ききいっぱつ) - keep on the edge of the abyss, keep a close distance from danger. One more thing and….

危急存亡の秋 (ききゅうそんぼうのとき) - this idiom means: at the most dangerous moment, at the most critical moment

下衆の後知恵 (げすのあとぢえ) - would know where to fall - would spread straw. You can always be clever when something has passed. (literally: after being a boor, he became a sage)

善は急げ (ぜんはいそげ) – hurry up literally, doing a good deed. Another option about not letting go of the moment that is given to you from above

鉄は熱いうちに打て (てつはあついうちにうて) – well, and, in fact, the line-by-line translation itself about iron when it's hot

年貢の納め時 (ねんぐのおさめどき) – it's time for reckoning. Sooner or later you had to face it

六日の菖蒲、十日の菊 (むいかのあやめ、とおかのきく) - so they say, about what comes into your life too late, and when it is not needed. Literally, on the 6th day the iris is red, and on the 10th day it is chrysanthemum. Associated with the holidays. When there is a Japanese holiday, when it is decorated with irises on the 5th in the summer, as well as in the fall there is a holiday that is celebrated on the 9th. And in the proverb, the dates are clearly indicated a day later (May 5 is the holiday of irises, and the 9th of September is the holiday of chrysanthemums)

物には時節 (ものにはじせつ) - everything is good in due time, everything in due time and it is better to keep within this time

If the collection turned out to be useful, please share it on social networks.

Japanese proverbs: about fate, wealth and life turns. It was this topic that was chosen this time for the post of the next publication, which will be included in.

So, let's begin. Conventionally, all proverbs can be divided into 2 parts: about something happy and suddenly "rolling over" and "about fate, as an inevitability" (although the division is rather arbitrary: there can be a plus in the minus, which is discussed below).

First, the proverbs about "suddenly rolled over"

笑う門には福来たる(わらうかどにはふくきたる) – Happiness enters the laughing gate (in the house where happiness settles)

禍を転じて福と為す(わざわいをてんじてふくとなす) - After going through disasters and misfortunes - you will meet a happy fate. (In life, it is so conducted that when you exalt yourself, peaks await you that you never dreamed of).

勿怪の幸い(もっけのさいわい) - more of an idiom meaning unexpected happiness, a gift from heaven

残り物には福がある(のこりものにはふくがある) - Happiness can lurk in the leftovers (about a person who saw a good chance where others passed by)

好機逸すべからず (こうきいっすべからず) - do not miss your chance (forge iron while it is still hot)

鴨が葱を背負って来る(かもがねぎをしょってくる) - to nurture Napoleonic plans.

一富士二鷹三茄子(いちふじにたかさんなすび) - to see dreams, especially a dream on the first night of the new year is a good omen.

And now the second part, about the inevitability of fate and life turns

犬も歩けば棒に当たる (いぬもあるけばぼうにあたる) - The dog, sooner or later, will meet with a stick. proverb means "you can't get away from fate"

当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦 (あたるもはっけ、あたらぬもはっけ) - suppose there will be 8 trigrams (I-jin) and do not suppose, they will fall out anyway. The meaning of the saying is that predictions do not always come true, because there is a higher order.

一か八か(いちかばちか) - a firm statement about risks. Distantly reminiscent of our "pan or disappear"

一期一会 (いちごいちえ) favorite expression the author of this collection: once, one meeting, or, more adaptively, "one single chance in life", "we live once." The statement is related to the tea ceremony.

一蓮托生(いちれんたくしょう) - to share all the sorrows and sorrows together, “to be in the same boat”, “to be in the same trench”

一寸先は闇(いっすんさきはやみ) - you never know: where you will find - where you will lose

運根鈍 (うんこんどん) - luck, perseverance and patience, three components of success

運否天賦 (うんぷてんぷ) - to trust the chance. Let everything go to chance

鬼が出るか蛇が出るか (おにがでるかじゃがでるか) - lit. will the devil come out, or the snake ... Another analogue of the proverb “you never know: where you will find, where you will lose”, or “you never know what awaits you around the corner”

京の夢大阪の夢 (きょうのゆめおおさかのゆめ) - Dreams of Kyoto - Dreams of Osaka. This proverb is said when dreams are too far from reality as a warning that it will be hard to fall ...

苦しい時の神頼み (くるしいときのかみだのみ) - Gone are the sorrows - they forgot God. The saying represents the fact that we remember about God or someone only when we need them.

乾坤一擲(けんこんいってき) - another analogue of "pan or disappear", "all or nothing"

事実は小説よりも奇なり(じじつはしょうせつよりもきなり) - when reality looks more extraordinary than fiction (and you can't imagine in a dream)

弱肉強食(じゃくにくきょうしょく) - The strong always eat the weak. "Law of the jungle". Hi 日本語 総 ま と め 一級, where is this expression first encountered

勝負は時の運 (しょうぶはときのうん) - luck depends on chance (luck depends on how fate pleases you this day), or how the allegory “the strongest does not always win”

人事を尽くして天命を待つ (じんじをつくしててんめいをまつ) - Man believes, and God disposes

果報は寝て待て(かほうはねてまて) - everything comes to the one who knows how to wait

石の上にも三年(いしのうえにもさんねん) - everything comes to the one who knows how to wait, patience and work will grind everything

And more from the same opera: 待 て ば 海路 の 日 和 あ り (ま て ば か い ろ の ひ よ り あ り) - literally “if you wait, then the way to the sea will become good”, “everything comes to the one who knows how to wait”

袖振り合うも多生の縁 (そでふりあうもたしょうのえん) - even a chance meeting is already a will of chance

人間万事塞翁が馬 (にんげんばんじさいおうがうま) - Fortune is a capricious lady (a distant analogue of “you never know: where you will find, - where you will lose”)

明日は明日の風が吹く (あしたはあしたのかぜ が ふ く) - lit. Tomorrow will blow tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll see how it turns out. The morning is wiser than the evening

有為転変は世の習い (ういてんぺんはよのならい) - nothing lasts forever under the moon, changes - happen to many people

烏頭白くして馬角を生ず (とうしろくしてうまつのをしょうず) - literally "a crow's head is white, and a horse's horns grow." Once a year, the stick shoots. If we believe that this is impossible, this does not mean that it is actually impossible.

邯鄲の夢 (かんたんのゆめ) - empty dreams

地獄で仏に会ったよう(じごくでほとけにあったよう) - Meet Buddha in Hell. Means to find help in difficult situation literally out of nowhere

沈む瀬あれば浮かぶ瀬あり (しずむせあればうかぶせあり) - when one door closes, another opens

七転び八起き(ななころびやおき) - there are ups and downs

冬来たりなば春遠からじ(ふゆきたりなばはるとおからじ) - the fact that winter has come does not mean that spring is far behind. Our analogue “there will also be a holiday on our street”

山の芋鰻になる( やまのいもうなぎになる) - it may be that you come across a whole mountain of unagimo (such a dish). Again, "there will be a holiday on our street," and "you never know where you will find ..."

Today it turned out pretty large selection proverbs and sayings, please, if this collection was useful, share it on social networks