New Year's drawings on the windows of white paint. Decorate a toothpaste window

New Year's drawings on the windows of white paint. Decorate a toothpaste window
New Year's drawings on the windows of white paint. Decorate a toothpaste window

Tradition to decorate the glass with drawings, was quite widespread during the time of the USSR. Basically, this honorary mission was imposed on the younger, and gave them great pleasure. New Year's drawings on the window along with mandarins, Olivier and the irony of fate or with a light steam safely moved and in new times. Soon the pictures on the windows received decent development, because at the disposal of the current children turned out to be much more funds to express the flight of fantasies in the picture.

What do you draw? Yes, all that will be your soul! Previously, cards were used as auscant, from where and dealt with characters. Today, many use stencils. You can make them yourself, buy already ready-made stencils for drawing on windows in a special store or print stencil downloaded from the Internet. To make stencil yourself, you need to choose the New Year's drawing like and print it in an enlarged form. Then take a transparent folder and attach the selected New Year's drawing from above. Then everything will depend only on your imagination; New Year's drawings on the windows of stencils you invent at home, so choose to cut out any convenient tool to cut it. It can be manicure scissors, a paper knife, timed and even a medical scalpel. There is another way to make a new year's window - glue with a scotch with a back side of the glass like a picture and simply draw on it.

What can be drawing?

  1. Watercolor, which is mixed with gouache (mostly white)
  2. Gouache, as well as gouache with sparkles
  3. Toothpaste
  4. Special paint for drawing on glass.
  5. Stained in paints (children), which will allow to make and reusable stickers: the image is applied to the film, after the window can be calculated for the new year. Good for those who have no desire to bother with laundering glass.
  6. Tassels, foam sponges.
  7. Artificial snow, which is removed by a special tool.

There are small tricks: so that your picture looks holistically and understand, limit the four colors. After drying, it is necessary to circle the contours of the details in the black gouache.

Why do you draw? Many adults quietly strongly grieved the prospect of glass laundering from these arts. Maybe someone considers drawings on windows in winter with an obsolete way to decorate the interior, and someone does not suspect him at all. It costs it once to decide on it, and the painting of windows for the new year is simply becoming a family tradition that will give children the joy of creation. Yes, and adults are often far from less pleasure to be connected to this process. Well, what is an hour and a half with a sponge in hand in comparison with joyful perepannyy facesties of your kids, with a coziness atmosphere and a special warmth, fairy tales and a holiday?

Draw on glass

For the picture on the glass, take drawing stencils on the window and special paints for glass or use watercolor or ordinary gouache.

  • First choose the picture or make your outline on the paper sheet. With the copy of the copy, transfer the picture to the glass. After that, it is necessary to circle the pattern, which turned out on the surface of the glass, contour black paint. It will serve as a limiter between parts of your drawing - will not give to mix different color paints.
  • You need to wait until the black contour is dry. Then it begins * New Year's painting of windows * in the form of coloring the picture with flowers, which are specified in the sample.
  • If you need to give a fluffy, blurred view of some part of the figure, then you can use an ordinary knitting needle for this. Only hurry until the paint dried.
  • Give the drawing to completely dry. Then apply paints with sparkles (well, if of course they are needed by idea).

How to draw a chicken tree gouache

Now we will tell you about New Year's drawings on the windows of a gouache and we will draw a Christmas tree. The methods of presenting the Christmas tree quite a lot. Naturally, the best will be the one that can be done from nature. When you depict the Christmas tree, you do not need to highly detail the needles - otherwise your work will take a mass of time.

  1. First you need to define the window, the coloring of which will be more suitable for your design and place in the landscape, where your spruce will be located. Draw here with thin lines cone.
  2. To obtain multipleness and depth, determine the area inside the Christmas tree.
  3. New Year painting on the windows start with mixing black and green paints. Draw in this color a broken line. The same color along the line contour start drawing various strokes silhouettes of branches.
  4. Please note that the inner branches until the top of the tip and to the borders of the cone should not reach.
  5. Then we turn to the external branches. For their image, take the green gouache. Spend lines determining the location of the branches. The end of all lines should be bent up.
  6. Draw the branches of the Christmas tree. Strive to ensure that most of the branches are located under the line.
  7. New Year's drawings on the window can be made volumetric. The ate, in addition to side branches, there are branches that are located right on us. You need to take a lighter tone and draw them with small strokes almost on the axis of the Christmas tree. Thus, it is necessary to draw all the external branches until the top of the top. And not necessarily draw their symmetrically comparatively tree trunk. It is advisable to even disrupt the symmetry at the very top.

With Christmas tree figured out, it's time to consider how to draw snowflakes on the windows!

Do you know why snowflakes are white? All because air is enclosed in them. The light of different frequencies is reflected on the surfaces between air and crystals, and dissipates. And snowflakes consist practically 95 percent out of the air, which creates low density and slow down speed.

The largest snowflake (diameter about 38 cm) was witnessed in 1887 in the United States. Mostly snowflakes with a mass of 0.004 g have a diameter size of approximately 5 mm.

And now we will tell me how to draw New Year's pictures on the windows - a snowflake on the glass.

  • Snowflake consists of an even amount of rays. You may first seem to draw a snowfish too simple. Perhaps this is the case, but only if there is a snowflake on the first step of the pattern of the rays of snowflakes symmetrically. Try to more accurately make the markup - then your snowflake will be beautiful and smooth.
  • Then draw the crystalline shape of the snowflake. You have already painted a small circle in the center, give now to draw the main part of the crystal. To do this, in places of the hexagon connection, put points and connect these lines. A bit retreating, you need to duplicate the angles with short strokes from all sides of the rays.
  • Shape of snowflake rays. It is necessary to connect the corners already selected before that the corners that go to the center of the snowflake. Then the first rays of the crystal, slightly narrowed to the center. Top rays draw in the form of pointed swords. It turned out the main contour of the snowflake. Next, you can draw a snowflake arbitrarily adding various patterns.

Now you know how to draw snowflakes on the window. You can also cut the snowflake and glue it on the windows. If you do not want to cut a snowflake, you can make a Christmas tree or snowman. In general, any shapes associated with the New Year are suitable. Figures need to be lubricated with soapy water, then glue the window. For a better effect around the figure, it is snowing with a white guashi. If you apply an artificial snow, the drawing will look more natural.

Dare, you will succeed!

Before the new year, it remains a little more than a month. So it's time to stock ideas how to decorate your home. The easiest way to create a fabulous mood is to decorate the windows of an apartment or office. How to do it, look in our photo specification.

1. Stickers on the windows. The easiest way is to purchase special stickers in the store and decorate windows, window sills and even walls. Fortunately, a variety of such jewelry today is great and their combination will allow you to show individuality.

2. Drawings on the windows. This method is also simple, although a little more time-consuming than buying stickers. Our grandmothers and mothers used this method. He is very soulful and truly filled with the feeling of magic, the waiting for the holiday and miracle.

So, we reserve toothpaste or dental powder, toothbrush, white paper and foam sponge. We proceed to the magic stages:

Cut the snowflakes. If you forgot how this is done, you can download the template on the Internet.

We smell a little snowflake with water and glue it to the window. At the same time, the excess water needs to be blown.

Divide the toothpaste and tooth powder in a small capacity.

Saving a toothbrush into the solution, shake it (to remove the first large drops), and then spend your finger on the bristle, directing the splashes on the glass and snowflake.

When the splashes are dried, carefully remove the snowflake from the glass.

Washed off toothpaste from glass easily and simple.

With it, you can simply draw the fabulous paintings on the windows. And if you attract children, there will be no borders to be delighted.

Stencil paints will help speed up the painting process. For drawing small parts, when the solution on the window slightly snacks, use a dry brush or toothpick. On top of the toothpaste, the drawing can be painted with colored paints.

3. Paper snowflakes. Ancient, but this is not less exciting and colorful way of New Year's decoration. We fold a sheet of paper, cut out lace beauty and glue on the windows.

By the way, from the snowflakes of different magnitude, you can create various pictures, such as a Christmas tree:

Or such beauty:

4. Paper decorations. You can also attract the whole family to this painstaking case. Very exciting process - create magic from ordinary white paper.

Download special stencils on the Internet, apply a drawing on paper and cut down gently. Now it remains only to stick on the window. How it is done, you, of course, know: with the help of soap water or scotch.

By the way, the owner of the coming 2017 is a rooster.

5. Garlands from New Year's toys. Very nice on the windows look garlands from Christmas toys. Collect them in various ways:

You can create garlands and snowflakes:

6. Electric garlands.The special sense of the holiday creates a window decorated with an electric garland. Today is a huge selection of garlands. Calling for help fantasy, you can create a real fairy tale on the window.

New Year's decoration made of carved snowflakes has long been traditional. Often, this paper lace is riveted on the threads and hang on the ceiling, as well as window and doors. However, we look prettier on the transparent surface of glass and mirrors.

Ways to create decorations with snowflakes cut out of paper

Beautiful paper cuttings can do everything, there would be a desire. How to fold the sheet of paper for cutting is known to all from early childhood, but we offer you to cut the intricate snowflake on the schemes below.

Sizes of snowflakes can be made different and snowflakes. Fill the contour drawn on the glass as it is shown in the photo. New Year is the time of fantasies and your imagination can tell you another interesting circuit or image.

Cut out the New Year's Garlands

With your own hands, you can cut an interesting garland, which consists of threads and cardboard figures. Large cuttings will perfectly decorate window windows in kindergarten rooms if it are animal figures.

The photo shows that these are just folded napkins.

Garlands on the textile window are a wonderful original decoration, in which the taste and talent of children and hostesses who created this beauty for the new year will exceed the taste and talent.

Landscape decorations on the windowsill

In addition to cutting snowflakes, people with rich artistic imagination cut landscape contours from trees, animals, huts, churches, urban houses, familiar outlines and placed on the bottom of the window, and at the top there are stars, month and snowflakes. On the windowsill for the new year sometimes there are compositions of two or three captures. The contour bands have one after another and the composition is obtained volumetric, especially if there is a backlight between the individual bands on the windowsill, it looks particularly beautiful if the backlight is blinking and color. The composition can perfectly decorate your windowsill, and the backlight will allow you to see the beauty from the street you created.

New Year painting toothpaste

For many years, the windows of windows are painted with diluted with dental powder. The tassel is drawn on the glass of the Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or any winter motive looks pretty and elegant.

In this pattern, snowflakes are cut and glued with pieces of scotch.

Decorations created with stencils and templates

For those who find it difficult to draw, anything on sale are stencils and patterns. New Year's drawings made on window windows, using templates often have some plot. You can choose the templates yourself and create your own picture on the glass.

Wonderful New Year's drawings, applying templates, even children can create on the windows, while experiencing great pleasure and pride.

Tychka method of creating drawings

For a twitching way to create a window decoration for the new year, a piece of foam rubber is required, which is cooled with a tube and tightly fastened. This can be done with a scotch tape or tape, and get a "post", a comfortable stuff for applying paint. In our time, the dental powder is very rarely found on sale, so now, to decorate the window glasses use toothpaste.

It is squeezed out on a saucer and macate in a paste of Tychk, then the tile movement is applied to the paint on the stencil on the glass or the mirror. Stencils will perfectly serve you when decorating large windows in offices and small mirrors.

Tychka you can portray fir branches. A wide lines of future branches are applied by the tych, and then remove the paint with a wooden wand making strokes depicting on the needle drawing or the required contours and outlines of the figures.

Drawing parts make after the paste will dry a little. The same chopstick is painted white strings, on which drawn toys are suspended.

Creating snowflake negatives on glass

Toothpaste can be created by the negatives of snowflakes. A large-sized cut-off snowflake is applied on the glass, it can be glued with a scotch or water, but so that the snowflake fits tightly to the surface. After that, the toothbrush makes a toothbrush in the scales diluted with water and spend the spray on the bristle. This method of applying paint is called "spray technique".

After splashing, you should wait until the paste will dry and carefully remove the snowflake. Snowflake should be selected with a large pattern, since the small pattern due to splashes will not work with clear outlines.

Snowflake obtained "Spray technique"

In times, when many things of our life were not yet ordinary, people having artistic abilities to decorate the windows, they took a flat piece of soap similar to the Portnov chalk and simply painted their patterns on the glass for the new year.

The skill of this woman is admirable. Similar drawings require a confident hand of the wizard.

Decorations created from Christmas toys

Those who are insecure in their artistic abilities have the opportunity to decorate the window pasumes, hanging on the new year on color tapes New Year's Christmas tree toys, colored balls or stitched hearts. The decoration will be bright, cheerful and joyful.

The main thing when decorating windows to the new year is the desire to create a festive mood at all, it should appear not only from relatives and loved ones, but also in those who are outside the windows.

We recommend reading:

New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays that adults and children love. Therefore, it is important to prepare for him in advance. People start to decorate their own dwelling from the end of November.

Decoration of window and doorways does not take much time. To decorate at home you will need a blowing materials. And the necessary tools will have any homeowner. We will be happy to help you with original ideas, how to decorate windows for the new year.

Paper Toys - Wonderful Decorations

"Festive crafts" is one of the most popular requests. It is also worth remembering, you definitely need the appropriate patterns. Cut them out and make up toys with your own hands.

Window openings have a significant impact on the overall impression of the interior. In the process of decorating the premises, they should pay enough attention. Make sure that the design is made in a single style.

The use of paper snowflakes is considered a practical option. The symbol of the year should also give the tribute to the reverence. The mistress of the upcoming year will be a dog. Be sure to display its image on the window. New Year's motives can be different: Figure of Santa Claus, garland, tree.

Such homemade were quite recently called stencils or just stickers. Today they have a different name - "outturience", and apply them to decorate when they are preparing for the following holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • Halloween;
  • The 14th of February;
  • International Women's Day.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, not only at home, but also shop windows, glass doors of institutions, stained glass cafes. People create a festive atmosphere in the workplace.

Christmas homemakes do it yourself

How to independently make outtasses? All family members can be connected to this creative process: from Mala to Great. For stencils, it is enough to prepare ordinary paper. However, if desired, homemade craftsmen can take advantage of other materials:

  • foil;
  • metallized paper;
  • patch.

Snowflakes with snowmen - have long become traditional compositions, so it can be said that they are slightly involved. Pofantize and create your own pre-New Year masterpiece! Let presents in your composition there will be gifts, christmas trees, deer with garlands and the main characters - Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

And do not forget about the dog. She can also be the heroine of your composition. Make a New Year's stencil help images or drawings.

Prepare the following tools:

  • Stencil cutting board
  • Scissors with smooth and rounded ends
  • Simple pencil
  • Gum
  • Ruler
  • Pekal
  • Stationery knife

Large elements cut with a stationery knife, and for smaller details, use scissors.

Recommendation: those who can draw, not necessarily spend their time in search of suitable images. Draw them yourself. If you do not have the talent of the artist, it does not matter - print a picture from the Internet. If there is no printer, you will increase the image you like, lean the paper sheet to the monitor and circle the contours.

How to work with stencils?

Distinguish several methods:

Take a new sponge and make it a small brush. For paint preparation, you will need to mix the toothpaste with water. Apply an image on the window glass and wait until it dry out. The resulting composition resembles snow.

Make your own hands New Year's decorations and glue them to windows with a slicer of soap. You can prepare a special adhesive composition, mixing flour with water.


Perform the main composition on gouache glass. Use paper outtashes to complement the image.

In order to get a picture-stencil, press the wet stencil to the surface of the window and the soap solution circle the desired contours. As a tool, use a sponge or tassel. Any irregularities easily fix the toothpick.

The main method of fixing the stencil to the window is transparent tape.

Decided to create a panoramic composition for the new year? Then the following tips can be useful for you:


Small elements are also important, with their help, you can make beautiful compositions. Place the branches of ate, stars, snowflakes with garlands from above.

Note! If the first time decorate the windows in the house before the new year, do not choose complex stencils. When you want experience, you can make the outturnta of any complexity.

If you take materials with various textures or textures, you can create modern masterpieces.

Snow landscapes with toothpaste

Production of festive vettynanok - a fascinating occupation for people of different ages. Snow patterns are applied with a brush with pasta. This technique allows to achieve the maximum effect, and the costs will be minimal.

To create a picture, you need to use:


  • Finished outtasy
  • Toothbrush with pasta

To start, take the stencil candles or angel. Sharp corners are better cut with a stationery knife, then the products will be neat, like factory.

The output is lowered into the water or soap solution and pressed to the window. Excess water should be blown out with a dry sponge or paper napkin.

Singing a small amount of toothpaste into a container, add water and mix well. Apply a homogeneous mass on the brush that you will make splashes on the glass. A unique decoration can occupy the entire surface of the window, the bottom or the upper part.

Stencils are cleaned when the paste is completely dry, and the snow landscape is ready.

Original decoration options

If you are interested in interesting design ideas, then you should not be limited to using ready-made stencils. They are sold everywhere: in specialized stores and supermarkets.

To use finished stickers will not be difficult: they are easy to glue to any surface. After the holiday, stencils can be carefully removed and removed into the box until next year. There are no traces from the crafts on the glass.

Almost the same stickers you can make it yourself. Prepare the following:

  • Universal polymeric glue
  • Transparent file.
  • Picture

The glue is applied along the edges of the picture and put a sheet into a transparent file. It is necessary to wait about 10 hours so that glue is dry. Remove the resulting polymer sketch. Relief decoration is a curable substance. Such stencils can be attached to the mirrors, kitchen facades and other furniture.

Homemade garland

Alternative jewelry on the windows to the New Year is the New Year's garlands, you can buy them or make it yourself.

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • Label or durable thread

Skate cotton balls. They need to be rolling on the line. Between the balls should be about the same distance.

The length of the "Snow rain" can be equal to the height of the window opening or be a little shorter. Garland looks more beautiful when there are many threads on it. In order to secure decorations, a fishing line is applied, fixed on the eaves or between the slopes.

Beautiful snowflakes are perfectly suitable for decorating garlands. In addition to them, you can hang small Christmas balls with a color rain on the threads. Paschers, looking into your windows, it will seem that it is snow.

If household connects to the manufacture of garlands, it will go quickly. You will definitely decorate all the rooms, working only in the evenings when the whole family is assembly.

Helpful advice! Place your homemade garlands by stepping out one step from the window. In this case, the glass drops on the glass, and homemade looks more effectively.

Electric garlands are a traditional classic, in modern interpretation of the model are presented in the form of a luminous grid. However, it is already difficult to surprise this.

Creative ideas - note!

Impressive paper panoramas that are glowed - a new way to decorate the opening windows before the holidays. The creation of such compositions is required time, but it is worth it. And the tools will need ordinary:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors

On dense paper, apply a new year pattern that is repeated. Use Fountains of Forest Beasts, Christmas Eve, Dominations and Other Suitable Elements. You can take images from the Internet.

It looks beautiful when the garlands length corresponds to the length of the window sill. So that you have such a decoration, glue together several paper sheets.

Select each sheet at the bottom of 3 or 5 cm. This will be needed, for the stability of the composition. Paper strips put parallel to window glass. Garlands and LED ribbons are installed between different compositions.

With the onset of dark decorations beautifully glow, when they are light from electric garlands or from headlamps passing by cars. The effect of shifting creates a unique New Year's atmosphere.

When there is no time for the manufacture of homemade, transform the window by opening with reservoir means that you can find. Let it be an artificial Christmas tree, Toy Santa Claus with a bag of gifts or a candle.

Windows, decorated with inspiration and love, will give the bright impressions of the owners of the dwellings, which are waiting for New Year's miracles.

Finally, another couple of useful tips for those who want to prepare for the holiday as follows.

The windowsill for you acts as a scene. Its decoration is a creative process. Romantic mood creates candles in stylish candlesticks. Put them on the windowsill, and the Christmas toys and fir branches look good between them.

Candles can be put on a small tray. If we put the sprigs of coniferous trees, the room will fill with nothing inclusive aroma. The composition is originally compiled from the candles of different heights.

To turn the windowsill in place to set the New Year's fairy tale, use souvenir toys. Let the main active heroes be a bearish and dolls in your fairy tale. Well complement the composition of the asterisk, garlands or tinsel.

Choose any fabulous story of the New Year's fairy tale and begin to create. Make a figure of the year symbol - a yellow earthen dog. Let it be on guard of well-being all year. The symbol of the year can be a soft toy or craft from paper.

To add a New Year's wish, make a stencil. If you write beautifully, then make an inscription from hand. Take advantage of watercolor paints and brush. Letters can be made using a toothpaste tube. Create any snow patterns - you will not find such a decoration anywhere.

Stock Foto Jewelry on windows for the new year

There are two ways to create a joyful festive atmosphere in the house: visit the supermarket or pre-New Year Fair to buy a ready-made decor, or issue the interior of window applications, paper toys and compositions made by your own hands. The most successful is the compromise option, in which the factory garlands, candles and balls are complemented by unique handicraft garlands, toys and crafts.

Natural composition of dry branches

For the manufacture of domestic crafts or drawing on glass, various materials are used, which are easy to detect in the bathroom or in the kitchen: toothpaste, slices of soap, starch or flour for alee, tape. The toothpaste can be easily replaced by a white gouache, but it is used for a long time and willingly because of suitable properties: even the dried "aquafresh" or "Silka" is wonderful with clean water, and also has a light pleasant smell.

If there are no real balls, they can always draw them

In addition to adhesive and coloring compositions, everything can be found in the orphanage, school table or in a box with New Year's accessories:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • multicolored foil;
  • fiberglass and beads;
  • beads and sequins;
  • old christmas toys;
  • pieces of fabric, yarn and skin;
  • wooden and metal parts;
  • tinsel;
  • chains, etc.

The choice of material depends on the crafts. For example, wonderful decorations for windows for the new year are obtained from ordinary white paper. This is primarily snowflakes, Christmas trees and thematic toys Origami. Thick cardboard will be useful when making stencils or patterns for drawings on glass, and colored paper strips - for a fun chain-garland, which can be decorated with window opening.

Paper Christmas trees and stars - Traditional Christmas figures on the window

As tools, constant home "helpers" are usually used:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • sewing needles (with a set of threads);
  • tassels of all sizes;
  • sponges;
  • toothbrushes;
  • plugs, etc.

Almost all listed tools and materials can be found at home, and if there are no, they are easy to purchase them in the store, spending a very modest amount.

How to decorate the window for the new year

Usually decorate not one definite place in the apartment, but all or some rooms, so the design of windows to the new year should be harmoniously combined with the decoration of the rest of the interior. This is expressed in the selection of the same shades, repetitive motifs, patterns, ornaments. One like the white-gold festive gamma, another abundance of red, and the third is a combination of blue with a silver tint. It is better to start training when the main style is already selected and the palette is defined.

Sometimes only white color

Paper decorations

If there is no experience in preparing for the holiday or not enough free time, we offer the easiest and winn for the windows decoration to the new year of paper sheets, white or color. Even kids, barely learned to keep scissors in handles, snowflakes are glad. Usually used simple, but effective blank scheme:

So fold a sheet of paper for cutting 6-coal snowflakes

You can come up with hundreds of beautiful openwork patterns, experimenting with trimming edges of the workpiece. For more experienced lovers of preparation for the new year, there are its "branded" schemes, and newcomers can first borrow ready templates:

To cut a realistic snowflake, you need to try

Complex schemes, but they are worth

Original options for 8-, 6- and 4 coal snowflakes

Cutting a large number of snowflakes of different sizes and shapes, you can glue them to the glass with a brays or soap solution in different ways:

In the form of a New Year tree and in chaotic order

The paper is suitable for the preparation of flat or volumetric compositions from houses, winter trees, animals, fairy-tale heroes.

New Year's industrial landscape on the windowsill and urban sketches on the glass

Pictures on templates and stencils

To facilitate the difficult work of fans decorators, invented templates and stencils. You can purchase ready-made sets of New Year's topics in the store or download from the Internet, and then print them and use for the new year to transfer images to the windows.

Christmas plot on a night window

What patterns differ from stencils? Templates are driven by contour, and then the pattern is painted or left in its original form. Stencils usually immediately use as painting, although it is also possible to circulate on the inner contour.

Spray technique using stencil

On photoinstructions - a mirror, but for transferring to window glass the same actions are performed.

Cut from paper snowflake (house contours, animal, tree).

We glue with a soap solution with a snowflake on the window. You can use conventional water, because after painting the stencil immediately you will have to spare.

We divor the toothpaste with a small amount of water, but so that it does not flow, but remained a little thick. We take a toothbrush and loose in the cooked solution.

My finger is removing the brush brush and let go of the splashes purposefully lay in the field of the stencil. It looks beautiful when there are more splashes in the center, and they dissipate along the edges.

Gently spare paper stencils, trying not to lubricate the spray.

It turned out a slight new year image of snowflakes. To decorate similar patterns window, it will take quite a bit: a toothpaste path, an old toothbrush and paper for stencils.

When working with stencils, instead of a tassel, you can use a sponge for washing dishes. Sut off a piece of soft foam rubber, roll it into a roll, tying a thread or scotch, so that it turned out a peculiar "brush". Then we rinse cutouts on the stencil.

Technique work with a sponge

A few more fun stencils and templates on the windows for the new year:

Decorative suspensions and garlands

The garlands are made to hang everywhere: on the Christmas tree, on the walls, under the ceiling. They decorate the houses outside, decorated trees in the garden and small architectural forms in the yard. For windows, this is also a suitable decoration, because as a place of attachment is successfully used cornice for curtains.

Artificial greenery garland with bumps and snowflakes suspended on the threads

The garland can be made from anything, in fact, these are various items suspended on a thread or ribbon. Traditionally, the flags, light New Year's balls, stars, jewelry from beads or glassware are born on a thick thread or durable lace. Children love to produce lanterns or caps of colored paper and attach them to threads. Interest with snowflakes and wool pieces depicting snow.

Luxury natural composition on homemade garlands background

Instead of long garlands, it is possible to use a concise, but refined decor - New Year's pendants from Christmas tree toys, tinsel and glass.

Suspension from Christmas balls on satin ribbons and glittering gold and silver garland

Stars on the kitchen window, unexpected decoration from citrus, hearts, pupa

Decorations for the windowsill do it yourself

So that the window for the new year is truly beautiful, according to tradition, not only glasses are decorated, but also window sills. Fantasy of lovers of the winter holiday does not know borders: along with the familiar Christmas trees, snow maiden and grandfathers appear natural compositions from branches and moss, romantic arrangements with candles, puppet snow-covered houses.

Remember the magic snowball, inside which the present snowfall begins at easy shaking? It is difficult to make such a toy with your own hands, but we will look at how to decorate the windowsill for the new year with the help of ordinary glass cans. Behind the glass, as in that ball, a small winter fabulous world with houses, forest animals and christmas trees.

New Year's gifts under tin lids

There are two options for designing compositions in banks:

  • at the bottom of the jar, closed with a lid;
  • on the lid of an inverted can.

Both options are equally popular, but the second - with an inverted can - is more often used if the vessel is too deep and to the bottom it is difficult to reach out. Establish objects on the lid is much easier.

Figures under a glass cap

Brief instructions for making crafts from inverted cans:

  • we find several different in size of glass cans with spinning covers;
  • lay out the inverted covers up the inside;
  • lay on the lids miniature figures of animals, snowmen, people, as well as Christmas trees, houses, etc.;
  • twist banks by checking whether figurines are suitable for size;
  • if the composition is successful, open banks and glue selected items.

Then finally tighten the banks - original decorations for the new year for the windowsill are ready!

From the same glass cans you can make beautiful candlesticks. Glass walls are painted by paints, which, when heated, do not distinguish harmful substances, and put small candles inside the vessels. The upper part is decorated with bells, mini-garlands, tinsel.

Magic lamps for windowsill

Candlesticks with bumps

New Year in Bokalch

Unusual and at the same time natural compositions are obtained from natural materials: cones, twigs of coniferous and deciduous trees, moss, acorns, dry grass, coriance, etc. They are perfectly combined with artificial snow, serve as an excellent background for miniature figures of bullfighter, deer, will be engaged , bear.

"Trees" of dry branches

From dried branches, you can build a snow-covered "tree" and consolidate it in a jar or a vase. To revive the picture, on the branches of Sadim Snegire, Sinitz or Dyatlov. But since the tree is New Year, and therefore the magical, then grow on it can all that wish: ginger cookies and sugar gingerbread cookies, golden beads and small Christmas balls, key chains with photos of relatives and just satin bows.

Just cones growing from small chocks

The composition can be made much brighter if the glass vase is replaced with a gilded bottle, and the twigs together with the wrecks on it decorated with sparkles. The easiest option is to buy decorative hair polish, silver or gold, and gently treat every branch.

And golden balls and red berries look festively

When we decorate the windowsill for the new year with your own hands, we always try to make something personal, individual, so homemade compositions look warmer, homemade and family.

Candles and illumination

Flickering lights - a mandatory component of a fun and mysterious winter holiday at the same time. Even simple white pictures on the windows for the new year look different if they are highlighted with multi-colored garlands or candles. If the windows framing from Christmas tree or pine branches revitalize with sparkling illumination, it will look much brighter and more vigorous.

Interestingly beat the topic of lights of candlesticks

So that the candles look more status and solemnly, they are installed in bronze or crystal candlesticks and decorated with Mishur, "rain" or beads. But there are many options when and without pathoral candlesticks you can create a cozy and romantic atmosphere.

Candlestick "House", which can be made with your own sheets of plywood and refined vintage arrangement

Installations of installing candles on the windowsill

Electric garlands - the most spectacular New Year's entourage. Neon, white, multicolored lights even the most boring atmosphere turn into a festive. Often with thin threads the electric hoist decorate the New Year's fir, and also hang them along the walls or under the ceiling. No less advantageous they look as decor of windows and window sills.

Illuminated winter composition on the windowsill

Suspension from stars and luminous twig in a vase

New Year's windows as part of the interior design

Decoking the room for the new year, it is necessary to adhere to the rule of proportionality. If you decorate decorate and chest, and the window, and the table in the center of the room, and even install the Christmas tree, then you need to do it extremely gently. A large number of bright decorations turns a slight festive atmosphere in Balagan and rapidly bored. Sometimes enough easy decoration of window glass.

Snowflakes toothpaste instead of frosty patterns

You can create an unobtrusive festive background with the help of the same flickering electrogyards, raised at different points of the room.

Room illumination with electric garlands

Sometimes one barely noticeable barbell reminds about the upcoming celebration.

Paper round chore

With the New Year decor, even the winter landscape becomes more cozy and warmer.

Window on the terrace

With the help of a festive design you can emphasize the style of the room.

Christmas Gamma Country Style

Video: how to decorate windows for the new year

Video sequence with interesting ideas:

How to cut paper stencils:

Snowflakes on stencils toothpaste:

New Year's Town from Watman:

Decorating the windows to the new year is useful, interesting and nice. If you devote several evenings to this creative activity, then for the holiday the interior of the room will be transformed with a magical way: snowflakes will appear on the glasses, and the windowsill are fabulous compositions from domestic crafts.