Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic "Winter landscape. Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group "Breaking the White City e-fizminutka for the eye" Rainbow "

Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic "Winter landscape. Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group "Breaking the White City e-fizminutka for the eye" Rainbow "

Subject:"Decorate the Easter egg."
Chuprinyuk Zinaida Anatolyevna-tutor.

Purpose: To form the ability to create a decorative composition.
Integration of educational areas: "cognitive development"; »Socio-communicative development"; »Artistic and aesthetic development"; " Physical development".
Educational: To introduce children with the art of miniatures on the egg, to acquaint with various decoration techniques.
Developing: independent search for fine-expressive equipment, figurative thinking, creative imagination.
Speech: Continue expanding vocabulary, connected speech
Educational: instilling respect for folk traditions, sensitive attitude to loved ones, the desire to please them with their gifts.
Equipment: saucer with painted eggs, one unpainted, illustration with images of painted eggs.
Distribution Material: Mural shape - oval on cardboard, gouache, unpleasant with water, stand for brushes, tassels, individual drawing napkin, napkin.
Preliminary conversation: Orthodox holidays and traditions.


The tutor takes a saucer with painted eggs - one unpainted.
See what a miracle, who put us in a saucer?
Answers children ...
Educator: That's right, it is. What is the difference?
Responses of children ...
This is (unpainted) Ordinary chicken egg. And it is a real miracle of nature. Sins chicken eggs, he warms, and a small chicken hatches out of it. Egg symbol of life and sun.
Other egg is not simple: gold painted,
Like a bright toy! Here are stripes, curls,
Many little rings, stars, circles and hearts.
Educator: What holiday symbol is the painted egg?
Responses of children ...
Educator: Which of you would like to tell about this holiday ...
Children's statements ...
Educator: Easter-chief spring Christian holiday. Christiania is people who believe in Christ the Savior. The holiday has been preserved to this day. Easter is celebrated every year. They are preparing for him in advance: they put order and cleanliness in their homes, baked cakes, they prepared cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs.
Our ancestors came up with painting eggs. It is customary to give a painted egg and pronounce the words: Christ is risen, and the answer should be said: truly resurrected - kiss as a sign of crowd and love for loved ones.
If the egg was painted in one color- it was called a painted. What colors your parents painted eggs. Responses of children ...
Educator: They took Luca's husks cooked her in the water, and then eggs were cooked in this water. They were brown. If there were spots, spectures, strips of another color painted on a colored background - these eggs were called sprinkles. If the ornament was drawn on the eggs, plot paintings - they were called Pyanki.
Fiz. Minute.
Productive activities.
Educator: Let's go to our workshop (sit down at the tables.
Why we will start work, consider illustrations, what decorations are applied on the form. A little from the history: Masters of eggs were made of wood, porcelain, clay, bones, precious metals - painted with various colors, decorated with beads, precious stones. In confectionery, chocolate and sugar eggs were sold.
See how you can paint the egg, there are various ways of decoration: plant patterns, ornament. You can use them in your work, but also come up with your own.
Our ancestors believed that he was starting to paint, the master should have pure thoughts (think of good), to paint with an open-gray heart and great love. If everyone is thinking about their loved ones, you will have a wonderful creation. And your fantasy and creativity will help you.
We have a real exhibition of souvenirs.
What are your souvenirs wonderful.
What (oh com) you thought when they were preparing them.
We looked at our ancestors in the past. And folk wisdom reads: "No past there is no future."

The abstract Node in the preparatory group on decorative drawing "Sovka -Sova".

Description: This master class is designed for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Objectives: Learning to depict a gouache on the sheet owl.
Educational: Expand the presentation of children about the forest bird-owl, about the peculiarities of the external
appearance, lifestyle.
Artistic: To introduce the background to fill the background (paint the background with lines in one direction), learning drawing without prior pencil sketch. Training to possession of brushes of different sizes. Learning to create a composition using existing skills and skills with gouache. Develop a creative imagination.
Educational challenges: Educate accuracy and love for creativity,
Fantasy and imagination.
Material for classes: Watercolor sheets, a set of gouache 12 colors; Dry bed, protein brushes №5 and 2, napkin for brush, jar with water, illustration with the image of owls or toy-owl.
Preliminary work: reading the book of Snegiva "Pro Birds", V. Bianki "Owl".
Travel course.
1. Organizational part.
Educator: I want to guess the mystery:
She has big eyes,
Predatory beak - always crochet.
At night she flies,
Sleeps on the tree only during the day.
Children: Owl.
Educator: That's what is Owl. The teacher shows the kids illustration with the image of the owl.
Educator: "At Owl - a big head, which she can tweer in all directions, almost no neck, or rather, it is not visible due to a magnificent motley plumage that saves owls from winter cold. Rounded wings and a wide short tail helps her silently fly. Owl is a predator who hunts only at night. Nature awarded this bird with one feature: the huge eyes of the owls do not like the bright daylight, and, if you pull it out of the nest, it will be helpless, because in the light of her big eyes almost do not see. Therefore, in the afternoon she sleeps and does not get out of his hollow, and at night she sees great in the dark. The bird has sharp claws and a beak curve. Most of these predatory birds eat exclusively rodents and bring in great favor. "At night, silently owl flies over the night polar. The mouse is pretty, sheschitis foliage, Owl will catch it and returns to the heap. "
G. Snegrev
Educator: Let's play with you a little.
Fizkultminutka "Owl"
In the forest dark (lift hands up, moving your fingers)
All sleep long ago (Close your eyes, hands under the cheeks)
All birds sleep,
One owl is not sleeping (hands on the sides, wave up - down)
Flies, screaming.
Big head, (Hands Show big circle)
On bitch sits
Head sprinkle (turns head left - right)
In all directions looks
Yes suddenly - how to fly (cramped hands, running on the spot)
2. Practical part
Educator: I suggest to portray this amazing bird. We draw not easy owl, and polar.
Steps to perform work.
First, we need to draw snow over which our owl flies. What do you think that color can we use? What color snow at night?
Children: Blue, blue, purple, lilac, emerald.
Educator: It is these colors that we take. We need to fill the entire sheet with cold shades of blue.

Then we take white paint and draw in the center of the sheet oval, this is the torso of our owl.

Then draw your head and paint it with white.

Then draw the tail.

Now wings.

Now you need to draw feathers on the breast and the neck of our owl.

Feathers on wings and tail.

Now the feathers at the ends of the wings and the tail

Now all white feathers are in the blue.

My head dried. Now you can draw your eyes. Owl's eyes are big, whatever she could see in the dark. Draw also beaks and eyebrows.

Once Owl we have a polar, snowflakes fly around it.

Whatever Owl could see her pupils.

Educator: Here is our owl and ready! And now our handles will rest.
Hand warm-up during work
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - alternately bend your fingers on one hand
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - alternately bend your fingers on the other hand
Ten fingers, two hands, - twist the hands of hands, "like lanterns"
All your assistants!

3. Final part.
Pictures are hanging on the board. Let's look at our owls what they did. What picture do you think the most cheerful owl seems to you? What is the most angry? What sad?
Why are long claws and sharp beaks? How do you think owls bring?
At the end of the occupation, the game "Sovka - Owl" is held.
One of the children is put on the hat - the mask of the owl. Owl sits on a highchair (in Duples).
Children-birds run into the center of the group's free space - "on the clearing" fly.
Sovice - Owl, big head,
In the afternoon sleeps hard, it sits on the oak.
And how night comes,
Wakes up
Hunt is going to hunt.
Flies, shouts: "U-ya!
Owl flies, birds freeze in place or sit down. Owl is looking for children who move, and picks up with them in the hollow.

Alla Mokretrova

Purpose: To acquire children to the amazing world of art, to develop fantasy, creativity, imagination.

Tasks: To summarize and consolidate the knowledge of children about different genres of painting (landscape, portrait, still life); Secure the ability to read poems on memems.

Intensify children's knowledge of the main colors and obtaining additional colors from them.

Continue learning to make patterns based on popular painting, using knowledge, skills, the skills obtained earlier; Perform a pattern in a specific sequence.

Develop creative activity, observation, feeling of color, independence.

Preliminary work: Viewing reproductions and subjects of folk craftsmen, reading and memorizing poems, swees, didactic games.

Demonstration material: Reproduction of paintings to different genres of painting (Portrait, Landscape, Still Life). Pictures - deposits to mysteries. Reproductions of paintings "In the north of wild" I. I. Shishkin, "Gracchi flew" by A. K. Savrasov, "Autumn. Red Dubok "I. E. Grabar," Berezia "A. A. Rylov. Samples of decorative paintings (Mezenskaya, Permogorsk, Khokhloma).

Handout: Strips for laying the colors of rainbow, palettes, gouache, brushes, napkins, "non-breaking", sheets of paper with an unfinished pattern.

Node's move.

Music sounds "Children love to draw."

Today I want to invite you to the magic country drawing. In this country, fabulous wizards live in this country: elegant girls and pencils and boys are walking along the streets, they run out of the paints, proudly stroke the sheets of paper. Residents of drawing like to ask questions and make riddles. I think you can do all the tasks of the wizards of drawing, and this journey will be interesting for you.

And at ten years, and six, and five

All children love to draw.

And everyone freely draws

All that interests him:

Flowers, drawings, forest and fairy tales ...

Everything drew, there were paints.

Yes a sheet of paper on the table,

And the world in the family and on earth!


On the wall hangs a long time ago

On the canvas everything is full:

Forest and river, and car,

And called .... (picture).

Task first: call the picture and artist.

In the year four times, and they are all friendly.

These four times the guys know should!

Four artists, as many paintings!

White paint was painted one in a row.

White forest and field, white meadows.

Osin has snowed branches like horns. (Winter - a picture "In the north of wild ..." I. I. Shishkin).

The second blue sky and streams.

In the blue puddles, sparrows were splashing.

In the snow, transparent ice floes - lace.

The first protaly, the first grass. (Spring - the painting "Gracchi flew" by A. K. Savrasov).

On the picture of the third paints and not read:

Yellow, green, blue is.

Forest and field in the village, blue river,

White, fluffy in the sky cloud. (Summer - the picture "Berezov" A. A. Rylov).

And the fourth gold painted the gardens,

Niva yields, ripe fruits ...

Everywhere Beads - Berries ripen on the forests, who is this artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn - Painting "Autumn Red Dubok" I. E. Grabar).

Nature is drawn in all these paintings, and in one word we will call ... Landscape (reading the poem "Landscape" according to Mural).

Task Second: Game "Board Lord" - riddles about vegetables, fruits, dishes, man.

Fluffy and green tail on the garden Goredely grew,

Vanya deftly grabbed: get out of the light ... (carrot).

Believe me - do not believe, we come from America.

In the fairy tale we are Senoras, in the garden ... (tomatoes).

And on this garden, a hide and seek

Green cunning, young ... (cucumbers).

Name in one word - vegetables.

Yellow citrus fruit in solar countries grow.

But he was an acidic taste, and his name ... (lemon).

It looks like a redhead ball, only here does not rush to jump.

In it, useful vitamin is ripe .... (orange).

They know this fruit kids, they love to have his martyrs.

It comes from hot countries in the tropics grows ... (banana).

Name in one word - fruit.

I will dine from it, from deep or shallow.

And such a tableware is called (plate).

She loves everyone, on a silent, beautiful

With one hand cutie, blue. (a cup).

He slistly whistles, the water quickly heated.

Name in one word - dishes.

What pictures can all these objects meet? Still Life (reading the poem "Still Life" in MoneMoshem).

The beloved daughter is chubby ... (cheeks).

Your helpers are a look - a dozen friendly fraternity.

How to live nice when they are not afraid of work.

And, like a good boy, obedient every ... (finger).

On earth, he is all smart, because everyone is stronger.

It is not known about this not the first century, well, of course ... (man).

Name in one word - man.

The picture on which a person is depicted is called ... Portrait (reading a poem "Portrait" in Mural).

Task third: unusual paints.

Colors are divided into basic and extra. What are you knowing the main colors? Right. Red, blue, yellow - basic. With these colors, you can get additional colors. Let's try and we become wizards and get new colors on the artist's subject. What is it called? (palette) - mixing paints on palettes.

We take our main paints,

These paints are not simple

Of these, all others consist.

Three colors, three colors, three colors,

Guys, isn't it?

And where is the green, orange to take?

And if we are paints on couples mix?

From blue and red - this

We will get color ... (purple).

And the blue we mix with yellow.

What color do we get? (green)

And the red plus yellow, for all it is not a secret,

Let us give us ... (orange) color.

Where can I meet all these colors together? In the rainbow - children lay the colors of the rainbow.

Dynamic pause "Rainbow".

Z. Berezina

Rainbow in the sky fun fun.

Rainbow in the sky - like a rocker. (Hands up, slopes to the right - left).

Look, people, the beauty of what!

Over the earth plays a rainbow colored. (Hands up, crawl straight hands).

And over it, repeating paints again,

Suddenly a new rainbow is different. (Hands up, slopes to the right - left).

Give a miracle painful mom

The beauty of this I will not be posing! (Hands forward, cramped with straight hands).

Task fourth: "Find out and call painting."

In the slender silhouettes Mother's Rus to know.

Mezenskoy painting is called,

In each picture is welcome.

In your heart, will be called

Neckless fairy tale it.

Khokhloma painting - scarlet berries Rossel.

Groves, Merseys, Silk Breaks

Sunny - honey gold foliage.

The leaf of the three-haired is in the painting Permogorsk.

Our northern side of folk craftsmen is full.

The painting that is decorated with Tuesks and boxes.

On the craftsmen of Permogorsk in Russia goes with a rumor.

The task of children is given: Find among the items of the People's Applied Arts of Khokhloma, Mezen, Permogorsk Masters.

Well done! And with this task you coped. And now you will be masters - artists. Wizards drawing offer you a contest "Dorisuy Pattern".

Electronic fizminet for eye "Rainbow".

Children teach patterns.

Khokhloma painting is a grass ornament.

Mezen painting - Berdo.

Permogorsk painting - border.

Sounds of calm music.

Outcome: Everyone has a mug of basic colors, and I suggest to evaluate our journey. If I really liked it - yellow, not very - red, did not like it - blue.

Purpose: Develop interest in folk creativity, to Gorodetsky painting.


  • To introduce the variety of options for solving the composite tasks of Gorodetsky painting.
  • Learning to get pink and blue plasticine color by mixing red and white plasticine, blue and white plasticine.
  • Secure the end of the fishery, flavor, painting elements.
  • Secure the skills obtained earlier, knowledge and techniques of plasticine in the appliance smear, "droplets", spirals, blades, curls, wavy lines.
  • Develop creative activity and interest in plasticine drawing.
  • Educating the ability to evaluate the work of peers.


  • Magic book (box decorated under the book).
  • Envelopes with samples of city colors
  • Patterns of cutting powder made of yellow cardboard,
  • Plasticine red, pink, blue, blue, green and white colors.
  • Stacks.
  • Wet wipes for hands,
  • Sample work done
  • Visual material on Gorodetsky painting (including - on the stages made of drawing on the elements of Gorodetsky painting - bud, leaf, chamomile, rosean).
  • Three samples of boards with different compositions of patterns.

Preliminary work: The story of the teacher about the history of folk crafts, the viewing of products of decorative - applied art, vocabulary work: Rosan, bathing, bud, bodice, garland, submarine; Didactic games "Make a pattern", "Collect the whole".

Educator: Guys, in the library I took the book, I really liked it, I want to introduce you to her. Here is the first page and the fairy tale is written on it, listen to her.

"In some kingdom, in some state, there was a mighty, beautiful people. With all his heart they loved these people their land. He admired her, mad in their songs and fairy tales. They knew how to create beauty. All that they did from the tree for home (box, shelves, panels) they decorated with bright, elegant painting.

The best craver was Dasha. Simple items of her tassel turned into fabulous. Slava disassembled about her throughout the earth. She ordered the king to take her to the palace. When Dasha saw royal soldiers, she understood everything and did not want to live in captivity. She ran on a high steep shore, waved his hands and rose into the sky. She turned into the eyes of a soldier in a beautiful firebird. She flew, and brightly burned her feathers in the sun. Since then, the beauty of the beauty is flies over the ground and drops his feathers to the ground. Who finds feathers, begins to notice beauty and becomes a master.

Guys, would you like to find such feather-birds?

Children: (children's responses).

Educator: Let's see what the book will tell us about. (The tutor turns the page, and there are envelopes with the image of the feather-bird feather. In envelopes there are flowers made based on Gorodetsky painting.)

Guys, see what I found in the book, there are envelopes here. What is shown on it?

Children: (children's responses).

Educator: (The tutor distributes envelopes to children.) Yes, the firebird presented us with their feathers.

See what is in envelopes?

Children: Gorodetsky flowers.

Educator: - Right!

Let's remember from which elements Gorodetsky patterns consist. To do this, I will make riddles, and you show and say the lesions:

1. Like a miracle here and blooms there ... ( rosan).

2. She is round, like a cup, and her name ... ( chamomile).

3. It will not be hot in the heat. She is in the water, she ... ( bucavka).

4. He is not a catchy, he is inconvenient ... ( bud).

Educator: Well done! What else will the book tell us?

The educator takes three boards painted (different composition of patterns), and one without patterns.

Children with the educator view patterns on the proposed samples, paying attention to the airlessness of painting - the elements of each other are not touched.

Educator :

Gorodetskaya painted unusual

The composition is symmetric here.

Bouquets collected flowers of unusual beauty.

Drawings are bright flicker

Village white live lives.

On the first board, two rounded floral garlands are located on top and bottom. (show). On the second board, Garland stretches right in the middle. On the third board, too, rounded garlands, but they are located in the corners. All of these garlands in the center there is a large flower - Rosan from different sides of the flower draws medium-sized flowers - chamomile, bathing.

Educator : Oh, what happened to this board? Where is the painting? Children, look at the same boards of ugly, not painted, I turned out a lot. What to do? How to correct the situation?

(Children answer that it is necessary to paint the boards.)

Educator: (Opens a book and pulls out plasticine from there.) I do not understand anything, why was Plasticine in the book? We have painted the city painting in the past classes. Probably the book suggests us to try to draw a city painting plasticine.

Educator: Let's take a little rest.

Fisminet "Flowers".

Once - three of the three colors rose ( squatted, get up)

To the sun stretched high: ( stretch on socks)

It became nice and warm! ( watch up)

The breeze flew, the skeleton shook ( rock up to the left - right above the head)

Left swung - low rusted. ( leaving left)

Right swung - lowered low. ( bend to the right)

The breeze run away! ( fresh finger)

You do not break the flowers! ( sat)

Let them grow, grow,

Children joy will bring! ( slowly lifting hands up, open fingers),

After fizminutka, children take plasticine and pass to their places.

Educator: We have a little rested and sequence carefully, I will show how to make a city painting plasticine.

The bouton: make a ball, press it with a finger to the cardboard on the planned place. It turns out a circle, the ball is still a ball, but less than the size, strip - roll the harness from plasticine and press a finger.

Chamomile: Circle - Ball, Petals - Sticks.

Rosan: Circle - Ball, Petals - Balls of different magnitude.

Leafs can be performed like this: - roll the shelf, flatten with your finger, then smear the finger and pull out the tip. Then the stack of dilutions, which in the figure we performed black paint.

Completion of work - Village, roll down with two fingers (large and index) small balls and decoration of their work.

Educator: Before starting to create beauty, perform visual gymnastics:

"Gorodetsky Pattern"

Right batting (View to the right)

Left Rosan, (view left)

At the top of curls (view up)

At the bottom of the petal. (look down)

In a circle, we will circle. (Circular eye movements clockwise)

Everyone learn about Gorodetskoy pattern. (Circular eye movements counterclockwise)

Now Pomorgham,

Close your eyes. (eyes closed with palms)

And comes around the darkness.

On the black field, horses run,

By black sky, clouds float.

Birds fly, flowers bloom.

And the guys rest rest.

Open eyes, everyone smile.

And for the work, you will try together.

Practical stage.

Children under music perform work. An individually tutor tells the children, the composition, filling of space, the painting technique of plasticine, sends children to create its own ornament.

At the end of the lesson - an exhibition of children's work, discussion of them. The emphasis is on the correctness and accuracy, compliance with the rules of the city painting (a combination of colors, symmetry, composition). Especially note if the children under the painting to the sample of the teacher managed to make their own, individual.

Approximate questions for analyzing work:

Tell me what elements of painting did you use? (2 children.)

Are the work done carefully?

Select operations where Rosans are accurately made. (3 children.)

Why did you choose this job?

Educator: You are real artists!

We performed the same task, and everyone turned out to be different from other work. This is because you are different, it should be: after all, adult artists also draw differently, the same items.

And we now know that you can draw not only paints, but also plasticine. "

We painted flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

Beauty That is no end

This is all for the city.

Who draws Gorodets

Oh what is he well done!

And leaves and flowers -

This is all for beauty.

Gorodetsky patterns

How much eye joy

Smart craftsmen

Maybe among us.


  1. Solomennikova O.A. The joy of creativity. Moscow 2001
  2. Komarova, TS, Antonova, A.V., Zatsepina, M.B. "Beauty. Joy. Creativity »[Text]: the program of aesthetic education of children 2-7 years / T.S. Komarov, av. Antonova, M.B. Cheapin. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000. -128 p.
  3. Konovalov, A.E. Gorodetskaya painting [Text] / A.E. Konovalov. - m.; Progress, 1988. - 89С.