Test: Draw a little man and find out what your character is. Interesting psychological pictures for knowledge of themselves Psychological tests Drawing

Test: Draw a little man and find out what your character is. Interesting psychological pictures for knowledge of themselves Psychological tests Drawing
Test: Draw a little man and find out what your character is. Interesting psychological pictures for knowledge of themselves Psychological tests Drawing

The desire to sort it up from time to time after everyone arises: it happens that at work or in the family something is not laid, inside there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, but, waking up in the morning, I want to change something first. The best thing to be done in this situation is to listen to the inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often psychological painting tests Help to know ourselves better than a qualified specialist! The visual test you're going to go through, send you straight to your own subconscious: answer quickly and get the most truthful result.

"So simple!" Invites you to look at the image above and immediately answer what you rushed first. And in the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. Well, ready?

Psychological tests in drawings

  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that rushed into your eyes is a man and a woman in the foreground, you are the one whose energy is moving forward, and the mind acts immediately. Inside you are a powerful, bright, fiery energy, and you are ready to plunge into your favorite business. Your desires are stronger, and passions are frantic.

    You know perfectly, what you want, and confidently go to the goal. When you are happy, you literally shine with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the turbulent energy, give yourself a moral and physical rest, more often change the situation, enjoy soothing flavors, practicing meditation and find time for walking in the fresh air.

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  2. Face
    If the first thing you saw a face in the picture, an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature is hidden under your appearance. Especially brightly your character features are manifested in moments of strong emotional shocks, immense happiness and love. You have a calm and harmonious lifestyle, lovingness and positive type of thinking.

    You easily start friendship and quickly find a common language with people of the most different character, and your fragile nature is just as easy to hurt as charm. Perhaps loved ones are given, why are you so calm and at times careless, when everyone around the seat is not found, but you simply are lucky to be born with such an enviable character.

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  3. Figure in the foreground
    We are confident, you are a focused, smart and extremely curious person, because the first saw the barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You often have a thoughtful and silent, but at the same time feed the special love to all sorts of disputes and debates, because all the hundred is confident in your own right. Ask questions and just as quickly find answers to them - what you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head keeps a lot of outstanding ideas that you are happily sharing with others. In general, you are an excellent organizer and purposeful leader, however, your stubbornness and excessive self-confidence can deliver a lot of trouble. To maintain energy in a healthy equilibrium, communicate only with friendly people, learn how to manage a hot-tempered temper and avoid aggressive situations.

    © Depositphotos.

Of course, conduct professional personal tests and interpret their results can only graduate psychologist, and our home test for subconscious - just a way to figure out once again without interventions from the outside. Pleep 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness - confident

M. A. Shevchenko

Psychological Picturesque tests for children and adults


Currently, the use of psychological painted tests has become very popular in many areas of life. The basis of their application is the principle of projection on paper through the drawing of the psychological state of children and adults, reflection and disclosure of the nature, feelings, emotions, desires, identification of interpersonal relations, etc.

In this book, in addition to the actual instructions for the use of a number of painted tests, a brief description of the development of children's graphic manifestations, the evolution of the picture and its psychotherapeutic meaning, as well as the analysis of the figures that reveal the psychological and emotional state, with the drawings made both by children and adults. A significant advantage of painting tests compared to other methods of personality research, for example, compared with the verbal survey, is the absence of fear of the client (subject) in the process of testing, which allows to give the most accurate and objective assessment of its personal characteristics, emotional and psychological state.

In an affordable and simple form, the book gives a description of the diagnostic techniques of foreign and domestic authors for testing children and adults; This technique is based on artheterapeutic activity. Some artistic expression techniques developed and tested by foreign specialists in the field of artepepics are presented; Techniques contain valuable comments and explanations on their use.

Artherapy - a treatment method based on the use of artistic creativity. There are a number of specialists in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, which believe that artistic creativity has a beneficial effect on health, and therapeutic techniques and exercises have diagnostic, medical, corrective, educational potential and really increase the quality of psychotherapeutic, psychological, medical and pedagogical impact. The use of the artheterapeutic method in pedagogical professional practice creates the necessary and fairly organic conditions for the development of the child, given its age characteristics and opportunities. Actual use of arterpia and as an effective means of psychological and psychotherapeutic impact on children and adolescents with various deviations.

The methodical material presented in the book provides an opportunity to a specialist to choose those appliances, which in the best way correspond to the individual characteristics of the client (subject).

The book "Psychological Picturesque Tests for Children and Adults" is intended for both professional psychologists, psychotherapists, and for everyone who needs to be able to understand people - for teachers, doctors, managers. It may also be useful for those who wish to understand their own psychological state.

The book describes the method of diagnosis on the drawing of mandalas for children and adults.

Mandalas refer to the directions of artherapy and are used by psychologists and psychotherapists as a powerful method of deep diagnostics and integration, as a means of psychological assistance for a variety of human states.

Currently, there are many methods for diagnosing their psychological condition and knowledge of themselves. One of these methods is the diagnosis of the drawing and colors of the mandala.

Chapter 1

Figure and Psychological Picturesque Tests

Evolution of children's drawing

The development of each child is very individual, but indisputable is the fact that the child can draw, without learning to write.

The psychologist of the kind Kellog collected and studied over a million children's drawings, showing that they evolve in a certain way - from the first base "kleks" towards consecutive characters.

Kellog proved that the drawings of two-year children are not aimlessly smelling of paints and 20 types of characters can be distinguished. Points, lines and circles, drawn by a children's hand, reflect individual muscle movements that are not controlled visually. According to Kellog, each child should be able to draw such signs, and children who are not able to do it are underdeveloped.

Fig. 1. "Doodle"

Tracking the development of a child from the earliest childhood, one can see that the skills of artistic creativity, in parallel with the complementary, develop in stages in a certain sequence. So, by the year-one and a half, the child is capable of tapping on paper or draw "doodle" (Fig. 1).

By three years, the child usually depicts something resembling letters, and also draws the circles of all sizes, sometimes with two points inside, so that the image can resemble the human head. Symbolically circle for the child during this period can designate anything: flowers, animal, etc.

To three and a half or four years old, the child already shares the body to the head, often heavily inferior to the sizes of the head; Sometimes it reflects in the image of the men elements of clothes. At the same time, the child begins to write large printed letters and numbers, often inverted mirrored (Fig. 2, 3).

Fig. 2. Numbers

Fig. 3. Mother

Fig. 4. Horse

Fig. 5. War

By five years, the child is already able to write their name are printed and letters, the obvious meaning appears in its drawings, they are soulful. With special pleasure five year old children draw different animals, birds, all kinds of household items, trees, flowers (Fig. 4).

Moreover, the boys of five to six years actively paint the panoramas of hostilities (Fig. 5), depict the bloody scenes, show interest in drawing comics. Girls most often draw beautiful girls and dolls in different outfits (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Girl in a sports suit

In the future, at the age of ten years, children increasing the desire to realistically display in the figure all seen.

From the earliest childhood and throughout the life for a person, there remains consistently great psychotherapeutic meaning of the figure.

Chapter 2.

Test "My Family"

Picturesque test "My family" can be used for children from four to five years. The main purpose of the test is the diagnosis of intra-family relationships. In psychological practice, this test is one of the most informative.

Very often, parents atmosphere of family relations are assessed positively, while the child is perceived quite differently. In the "innocent" children's drawing, you can clearly see not only the psychological condition of the child, unconscious or hidden problems, but also its attitude towards each family member and the perception of the family as a whole. Having learned what kind of child sees the family and his parents, it is possible to effectively help him and try to correct the unfavorable climate in the family.

The task

Give a baby sheet of paper for drawing a4 format, simple pencil, eraser. Ask a child to draw a family, including himself, and also offer him - by his desire - add to the drawing and other details.

The instruction may be even easier if you just say: "Draw your family." This option gives greater freedom, and the drawing itself almost always reflects family relationships, what are they in the perception of the child.

When the drawing is completed, it is necessary to ask the child to identify the drawn figures, and for ourselves to note the sequence with which the child painted them.


Do not ask for a child to draw a family directly after the family quarrels; Control or suggest during drawing, as well as discuss with someone received the result with a child.

In addition to the order of the image of family members, it is important to see how much the child presses the pencil, drawing a member of the family, what is the ratio of the size of the drawing to the size of the sheet, and how long the child draws.

In the interpretation of the design of the family, the parents and teachers must also take into account the age characteristics of their child, the presence or absence of the visual skills.

Start the drawing estimate is best with test indicators.

Test indicators

(Psychomotor Tonus Indicators)

Press pencil

Weak Press - Low self-esteem, sometimes passivity; Asthenium, sometimes depressed.

Strong pressure is high self-esteem, sometimes impulsiveness, emotional tension.

Very strong push (pencil tear paper) - hyperactivity, aggressiveness.

Changeable pressure is an indicator of the child's emotional instability.

The value of lines and hatching

Wide strokes or strokes, image scale, lack of preliminary sketches and Dorivovok talk about confidence and decisiveness of the author's drawing.

An unstable, lubricated image containing many distinct intersecting lines indicates an increased excitability and hyperactivity of the child.

Lines not communicated to the end indicate impulsiveness, emotional instability.

The shading that comes out for the contours of the figure is the indicator of the emotional tension of the child.

Location pattern

The location of the pattern at the bottom of the sheet means low self-esteem. Accordingly, if the drawing is located at the top of the sheet, you can talk about overestimated self-esteem.

Interpretation of the picture

1. The minimum of the details performed in the figure indicates the closure of the child, and the excessive number of details indicates its hidden concern.

2. A family member, causing the greatest anxiety in the child, can be drawn either a very thick line, or drowning.

3. The size of the depicted relative, an animal or subject indicates its significance for the child. For example, a dog or a cat size more parents indicate that relations with parents are in second place. If dad is much smaller than mom, then the relationship with mom for a child is primitive.

4. If the child drew himself a little, unspoice, then he currently has a low self-esteem; If your own image is large, you can talk about the child's confidence in yourself and the making of the leader. A very small, helpless figure of a child, placed surrounded by parents, can express the need for care for him.

5. If someone from family members did not draw a child, it may mean a negative attitude towards this person and the complete lack of emotional contact with him.

6. The one whom the child drew the closer to his own image, is close to him. If it is a person, then he is depicted by the hands with a figure corresponding to the child's tested.

7. In the presentation of the child, the most intelligent person has the biggest head.

8. Large extended eyes in the picture drawing - a sign of a request for help or anxiety about anything. The eyes-dots or slits, the child draws a person, in his opinion, independent and not asking for help.

9. A man drawn up without ears is a symbol of what he "does not hear" a child or anyone in the family at all.

10. A person with an open big mouth is perceived by a child as a source of threat. The mouth of the mouth is usually endowed by a person hiding his feelings and is not capable of influence others.

11. The greater the person's hands, the most powerful he is in the eyes of the child. The more fingers on their hands, the stronger and capable of a person for a child.

12. The legs drawn as if hung in the air who do not have supports belong to a person who, according to a child, has no independent support in life.

13. The absence of hands and feet in humans often testifies to the reduced level of intellectual development, and the absence of only legs is on low self-esteem.

14. The least significant character is usually placed on the side of everyone and has fuzzy outlines of the figure, sometimes erased by an eraser after the start of drawing.

Figure talks about the prosperous condition of the child

1. If the child gladly took to draw a family.

2. If the figures are depicted in a proportional ratio: the relative growth of parents and children is observed, respectively, their age.

3. If a child depicts all family members without exception.

4. If an easy or minimal hatching is used.

5. If all the figures are located on the same level, depicted by the hands (some variations in the same sense are possible).

6. If, when painting a picture, the child chooses bright, saturated tones.

Figure reflects the alarms in relationships

1. If the child refuses to draw, it is a sign that unpleasant memories are connected with family.

2. Excessively large proportions of parents are an indicator of their authoritarianism, the desire to command children.

3. If the child drew himself big, this is an indication that it is focused on herself, as well as a confrontation rate with his parents.

4. Extremely small image of a child testifies to his small importance in the family.

5. Drawing at the last stage, the child demonstrates its underestimated status among other family members.

6. If in the figure, the child painted all family members, except for himself, then this indicates a sense of own inferiority or a sense of lack of community in the family, a decrease in self-esteem, suppressing will to achievements.

7. If the child portrayed himself, we can talk about the egocentricity inherent in this child inherent in the conviction that all family members are obliged to think only about him, and he doesn't have to think about any of them.

8. A very small image of all family members is a sign of anxiety, depression, depression.

9. The image of all family members in cells is a sign of the alienation and lack of friendship, family community.

10. If the child depicts himself closed with his hands face, so he expresses unwillingness to be in the family.

11. Half-headed head (anonym from the back) of a child means that he is immersed in himself.

12. The image of a large mouth, lips in itself - a sign of hidden aggression.

13. If the child begins with images of the legs and feet, it can also be attributed to the signs of anxiety.

14. An alarm signal is the predominance in the drawing of dark tones: black, brown, gray, purple.

Availability of other details in the picture

The image of the sun or lighting devices is the lack of heat in the family.

An image of a carpet, TV and other household items indicates the preference to the child to them.

If a child draws a doll or a dog, it may mean that he is looking for communication with animals and toys due to lack of heat in the family.

Clouds, and especially clouds, may be a sign of negative emotions in a child.

Depicting a house instead of a family, a child shifts its unwillingness to be in the family.

Color in Figure

Very often, the child exhibits the desire to color the drawing. In this case, he should give a box of color pencils (at least 12 colors) and provide complete freedom. What do colors mean, and what can you tell the additionally painted drawing?

1. Bright, bright, saturated colors indicate the high life tone of the child and its optimism.

2. The predominance of gray and black flowers in the figure emphasizes the lack of cheerfulness and speaks of fears of the child.

3. If the child painted himself into some one color, and if this color is repeated in the image of another family member, it means that the child is experiencing a special sympathy.

4. Failure to use color pencils can mean low self-esteem and anxiety.

5. The preference of the red tones in the picture indicates the emotional tension of the child.

Analysis of the drawings to the test "My family"

Veronica, 19 years old

Veronica from a prosperous family, but the girl is somewhat closed, and it is concerned about the mother. Therefore, it was decided to test tested. At the request to portray your seven Veronica with desire and very diligently began to draw (Fig. 7). The first she painted dad, then mom, after his younger sister, a cat and last of themselves. Thus, apparently, Veronica assesses himself as an unfamiliar family member. The family is friendly, as everyone is drawn by holding hands and on the same level. Hands in all family members are drawn, and this is also an important indicator of normal intra-family communication. True, Dad holds hands in his pockets, which speaks of his closed position in the family and some closure in communication. Everyone has a clear foot of the legs, which indicates the confidence of the position of all family members. In general, the drawing turned out to be positive and well reflecting the psychological climate of the family.

Fig. 7. From left to right: Cat, Father, Mother, Sister, Veronica

Nikolai, 6 years old

Recently, Mama Nicholas is very disturbing the behavior of the Son, who stopped listening to her, often exhibits aggressiveness. In the figure (Fig. 8), the boy depicted all members of his family disparately, which means that the child does not feel mutual understanding and family heat. The lack of all family members of the ears only confirms this. Everyone lives and hears only himself, ignoring the opinions of others: the ears - the "body" of the perception of criticism and any opinion of another person about themselves.

Fig. 8. From left to right: Brother, Dad, Mom, Nikolay

But dad, with a big head, in glasses, he portrayed the largest, emphasizing his dominant role in the family. The head is the most important part of the body, and the most intelligent member of the family, according to the child, in the picture will certainly be endowed with the biggest head. Nicholas painted himself closer to her mother, but above her height, and this indicates confrontation of relations with her and the orientation of himself. The look attracts the fact that Nikolai depicted himself with a sharply exaggerated brush. Similar image of a hand brush speaks of a high need for communication and that this need is not satisfied. A two-year brother is drawn by the last and at a considerable distance from Nicholas. It is very likely that the appearance of the baby in the family changed the inner state of the boy. Often, the elder child in this case begins to feel loose attention to him, frightens, worries, worries, jealous. The clouds in the figure also reflect some disadvantage in the family and alarm of the boy.

Test "Dynamic Family Figure"

The test is very good with children of senior preschool and school age. The use of this test provides psychologists and parents the opportunity to obtain more voluminous information about the distribution of roles in the family, as well as about the specific role of each of the family members with the eyes of a child. Thus, the test "dynamic pattern of the family" can be made both as a supplement to the "My family" test, and separately from it.

The task

For testing, the child will be needed: a sheet of paper for drawing, a simple pencil and eraser. Ask a child to draw a family so that it becomes clear from the picture than is busy with each family.

Children do not always be eagerly taken for this task, as the image of a person in dynamics often seems quite difficult for them. Nevertheless, it is this test that can serve as a good additional source of information, since usually such a family drawing is very expressive and able to tell about many things.

Lada, 14 years old

In the picture (Fig. 9) the girl very accurately displayed what each of the family members do. The first Lada painted Mom, apparently returning from the store, - her bag in her hands, on which "Magnit" is written. It is clear that mostly mom goes to the magnet shop for products. Then Lada painted his older sister, who studies at the university.

Fig. nine

Then - himself dancing to the music. Lada is engaged in dancing and very successful in this. Dad she painted the last, next to the computer.

If you look closely, you can see that the dad girl painted a bow on the shirt, thereby wanting to emphasize some of his aristocraticity. Children always paint parents as they see or want to see them.

In general, the drawing reflects the positive mood of the girl and the distribution of the roles of each of the family members.

Test "Family of Animals"

The test can be used for both adults and children, starting four years old. Due to the neutrality of the test, it is usually performed very willingly, so in the figure there is often a direct projection of real and real family relationships.

The task

An adult or child is offered to portray his family in such a way that each of the family members was located under the guise of different animals. Then a sheet of paper in a horizontal position is placed, a simple pencil is issued, an eraser. Upon completion of the test, the drawing should be discussed.

As an example, the drawing of the family of animals of the fourteen years of the Lada is given (Fig. 10), the dynamic pattern of the family of which was leading higher. For more information, the girl was invited to perform a drawing of the "family of animals", which would have revealed the relationship between all family members and the emotional atmosphere in it.

Fig. 10

Lada willingly painted his whole family in the form of animals in the following order. The very first is a senior sister, depicting it as a cat. Thus, the sister for it is the most significant in communication. The dad-lion is highly towers over the rest of the family members, his hands are hidden, and this indicates a closed position of the father in the family. Mama-hare is significantly inferior in the growth of Pape Lerl, in addition, it is open and friendly. Lada painted himself in the image of monkey. The monkey refers to small animals and symbolizes the weakness and quietness. It is clear that these qualities should manifest in the family and the author of the picture.

The drawing is located at the bottom of the sheet, which indicates a similar self-esteem of the girl. This is the fact that Lada drew himself last.

Test "Family of Trees"

This test is applicable for both adults and children. It can serve as a good addition to all previous tests, especially when it is important to identify the inner state of a person. Oddly enough, it is through a pattern of a tree that is easiest to transmit its own emotions and a psychological state, as well as family relationships.

The task

The test need to give a sheet of paper A4 format, pencil and eraser, and then ask to draw all family members in the form of trees.

Analysis of the drawings to the test "Family of trees"

Alina, 13 years

According to parents, the girl does not develop relationships with classmates, no friends. The behavior in the family has changed - Alina became more closed and increasingly shows discontent and aggression. Naturally, it is disturbing parents. Run a picture of the family girl refused, but to draw my family in the image of the trees agreed, although not quite willingly. As we see (Fig. 11), in addition to members of their family, the girl portrayed and friends in the image of a climbing plant with a lot of spines - it is friends and make up the main problem. In addition, Alina herself, without any request, on the reverse side of the figure wrote: "I want to have new friends and these spines will be pulled out, and then I will be pleased." Alina itself painted in the formation of a tree with red fruits, which indicates its aggressive state. Parents were recommended to communicate more often with the girl, not to leave it alone and be extremely calm with her.

Fig. eleven

The problem situation was temporary and was due to an adolescent period, sensitive to form communication skills with peers.

Sergey, 12 years old

In the form of trees, Sergey drew only her grandparents, which they love him very much (Fig. 12). The drawing is unusual because the boy through the image of the roots was able to show the sexual difference between the grandparents, and through the branches of the trees to convey their interpersonal relationships. After the drawing was completed, Sergey wrote: "Grandma and Grandfather love each other." However, the boy is not an orphan, he has a mother and dad who are often leaving for a long time on a business trip. The categorical refusal of the child to draw parents is likely to have a serious basis, and parents should think about their attitude towards the Son.

Fig. 12

Chapter 3.

Press pencil

Weak push - asthenia; passivity; Sometimes a depressive state.

Strong push - emotional tension; Rigidity ; impulsiveness.

Superpical pressure (pencil tear paper) - conflict; hyperactivity; Sometimes aggressiveness, acute excitement.

Features of lines

Stroke lines - anxiety as a person's trait.

Multiple lines - anxiety as a state at the time of the examination; stressful state; Sometimes impulsiveness.

Sketch lines - the desire to control their alarm, to keep yourself in hand.

Washing lines that do not fall into the desired point is impulsivity; Organic brain lesion.

Lines not communicated to the end - asthenia, sometimes impulsiveness.

The distortion of the shape of the lines is organic brain damage; impulsiveness; Sometimes mental illness.


There are no eyes - asthenia.

Empty eyes, without pupils and iris - asthenia, fears.

Eyes with a buried iris - fears.

Eyes with eyelashes - demonstrative manner of behavior, the significance of opinion about himself.

Eyes with blood vessels - hypochondria, neurotic state.

The eye shape is distorted - a neurotic state.

Big ears are interested in information, in some cases suspicion, anxiety.

The absence of ears is a closure, unwillingness to come into contact with others, hear someone else's opinion.

The mouth, ajar in combination with the language: Without drawing lips - large speech activity, with the drawing lip - sensuality.

The mouth open is the ease of concerns and fears, in some cases distrust, anxiety.

Mouth with teeth or fangs - verbal aggression, in some cases protective.


The head, increased in the amount, is an assessment of the erudition of its own and others.

The head is absent - impulsivity, in some cases mental illness.

Two or more heads - conflicting desires, internal conflict.

The shape of the head is distorted - organic brain damage, in some cases mental illness.


A lot of component parts and elements are powerful energy.

A small amount of component parts and elements - energy savings, asthenia.

Figure consisting of sharp corners - aggressiveness. A circular figure is a hut, closure, closure of its inner world.

Everyone would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from. The best way to self-knowledge is a psychological projecting drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something, what we do not think about, the result shows not a logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through unconsciously projected on paper.

To go through the following test, you need privacy. No one should distract you from the process. Take paper sheet, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet to the same four parts and number them so that it looks like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like:

  • in the first sector, draw a point in the middle
  • in the second sector, draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "\u003d" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should have something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what has come to mind immediately.

In the first three sectors, just try what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. No need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds to the sector. After that, go to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that sails on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not waste long time.

Decoding drawings

Sector first

This sector depicts your closed or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are closed personality. The same applies to, for example, drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of points, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more items you inflicted, the better. The exception is only circles. They should be as small as possible.

Sector second

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness as well as level egoism. You can consider yourself a kind person, if what you painted, in any way connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the square of contact, the more selfish. Open people often paint the wall, which speaks of their aimed at the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this suggests that you need to think about - perhaps you are an egoist.

Sector Third

This sector will show how much you think successful or successful at the opposite sex - can you easily communicate and flirt. Dorivovka elements should be as little as possible and they should not touch the sign equally (so most calls it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex, usually draw a smiling smiley, so that something like "\u003d)". Worst of all, if the drawing is symmetrical and strongly chopped - this is an indicator of your insecurity in communicating with the opposite sex.

Fourth sector

Everything is extremely simple. This sector shows you what you are in love and B. relationships. If the sea was restless, then you prefer a dynamic love that breaks his head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is a calm, warmth and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what happens around it. Any excesses like sails or people (about which there was not a speech), stars, livestock, moon, the sun - talk about your romanticity. If nothing is it, then you are hard with character, and the romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest test can show every person his true face. Psychological tests of the individual of this kind are the most accurate, since the subject does not need to think - only the emotional part of the brain drives them. We wish you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

So, in order for the test results as accurate as possible, you can not read the key before you draw a task. It's in your interests, so show the power of will and do not look at the answers ahead of time.

Stage 1. Take a sheet of paper (or draw in the graphics editor in the computer does not matter). Draw a composition on a sheet, a holistic picture on which: House, lake, tree, sun, road, fence and snake.

Stage 2.After the drawing is completed, see the key-rays and decrypt the picture.

it is you. This object shows a person's self-esteem: the greater the tree in the overall scale of the drawing, the more confident in itself. If the tree branches stretch up you are an optimist, sociable and cheerful man, down pessimist, or just you just have a bad mood at the time of the test.

House Man's attitude to money. A large and complex house in the picture means that material values \u200b\u200bare very important for a person. If the house is small, for example, wooden, one-story money for you is not important. The one who drew a cottage with many drawn parts can be considered materialist.

Lake personifies mom. From how close the lake is located to the tree depends, how close your mother is to you. If the lake is in the drawing of large sizes, then mom is for you authority, if it is a small opinion for you in life not decisive, or you already have your own children.

The sun Symbolizes father. The treated sun above the tree means that the father is a defender, you are calm and good to you. If the sun is somewhere behind the tree, breaking through because of him, - Father is not a major person for you. The farther from the tree the sun, the less your father means for you in life. The sun depicted is not completely in the corner of the sheet may mean that you have grown without a father.

Road This is your career. If you drew a straight and wide road, it means success in activities. Narrow and winding path of complexity in affairs. If the wide road leads to your home, it means that you have achieved a lot in life. Drawn road, which goes over the edge of the picture. Search for your place in life.

Snake Your attitude to sex. What it is more, the greater the importance for you has sex. If you drew a snake away from the tree, on the edge of the sheet you are dissatisfied with sex. Winding, carefully drawn snake means a variety of human intimate life.

Fence This is your character. If you drew the usual wooden fence you are kind and honest person. If the fence is iron and has sharp bars you have a difficult, severe character. The fence from stone shows that man is strong and volitional.


The location of the items and their neighborhood is of great importance. If the house is drawn across the road from the tree your material path only on the start or there are obstacles.
The sun over the lake, and there is a harmonious family near the tree.
A beautiful snake is drawn next to the tree that does not concern the lake there are conditions for sex (live separately).
The tree and the lake is divided into a disadvantage fence to mother or quarrel with her.

(projective tests to help parents, teachers interested in ...)

Projective tests are used in the work of a psychologist for: a) the diagnosis of the internal emotional state of the child and b) pulling out the outward problems, deeply sitting in the subconscious of an adult.

One of the most common projective pattern tests is test DDH. - "House. Wood. Human". It works with archetypes and therefore very accurately diagnoses problems from our subconscious.

But the same can be said about adults! Smart arguments of an adult man about themselves and their affairs - do not clarify, and more often only more confuse the situation. After all "Language is used to hide the truth"...

For more information with this asbetic position of psychoanalysis, I send you to the article.

And we go to the first part of the DDH test - actually, to the drawing Man.

I remind you that the drawing test should be created easily and relaxed, without thinking that "you do not know how to draw." If you know how to draw - create a drawing in the style of "Naive".

Nevertheless, draw "Tip-Lump", nasupo - also should not.

Creating a drawing, you need to try, you need to try to put everything in it with a rapid mood, you need to hurry, but also do not worry about what you do not draw like a real artist from the Academy.

1. Take a sheet of paper A4.
2. Take a simple pencil.
3. Draw, not in a hurry, your little man.

And now, if you finished drawing, carefully read

The key to the test.

The first thing we will do - pay attention to

Press a pencil.

Weak Pressdiagnizes

  • a) or general physical lethargy
  • b) or emotional depression,

Strong pushdiagnizes

  • a) the strong emotional tension of this moment, or
  • b) impulse, impulsive in general.

Shaded \\ Unlocked Drawing

Unpainted pattern(White background) means immaturity, infantilism, unawareness to respond for their actions.

The shaded pattern can be shaded in different ways:

Strongly "fascinated" drawing (When the shadedness is simply striking) diagnoses:

Concern to some particular problem, fixing on it;
- Increased anxiety as a trait of character.

Cross stroke issues

Or a hypercontrol (a person constantly controls himself, plays a role, does not remove the masks, does not trust anyone);
- or permanent obsessive thoughts and an attempt to combat them.

Erase and fixing lines - Attempt to control your alarm and your behavior

Lines not communicated to the end
- clinical asthenia, exhaustion of the body.

Lines not falling at the desired point - Hyperactivity in children, impulsiveness in adults.

Accuracy of lines - an idea of \u200b\u200byour surroundings as a bearing threat.

Sizes of Figure

Large figure - anxiety and stress "here and now",

Giant Figure - the desire of expansion (filling around the whole world - by itself), the inability to build the borders ("all yours is mine"), impulsiveness

Little Figure - Depression, low self-esteem, chronic anxiety

Picture Location on Sheet

Figure top - a high self-evaluation

Drawing down - low self-esteem

Drawing in the corner - feeling of guilt, depression

Figure goes beyond sheet - Fear, (or impulsiveness)

Schemary or detail

Many diverse details in the drawing - Demonstration or creative imagination (often the same thing - closely intertwined)

Many monotonous details in the picture - This is either:

  • a) rigidity (urgency, standing "on their own", lack of interest in innovations),
  • b) anxiety "here and now",
  • c) the desire for perfectionism.

Figure schematic - Possible completely different options (attention!):

- all the same impulsiveness,
- Low emotionality,
- closure as a character trait,
- Depression "here and now"

View of the Figure (An Fas, Profile ...)

Figure stands back - negativism, conflict,
Figure in profile - negativity,
Figure in "Three Quarters" nothing means means only the ability of the author draw,
Figure Face - nothing means.


Rich \\ poor man - looping on the topic of money,
Military - aggressiveness (healthy or not - will show other details),
King, Princess - very high self-esteem,
Robots and aliens - they are drawn by people who experience loneliness in a group that do not fit into the team, introverts,
Clown, jester - low self-esteem,
Caricature image of man - Demonstration, negativity, the desire to "get away from the conversation."


If (except for genitals) some parts of the human body in the picture are missing, missed - it always means one thing: a person denies the function of this part of the body. For example, "Forgetting" to draw ears, a person shows that he does not want someone or hear something. This is often interpreted as closeness for criticism. However, this may mean that the person is simply tired of criticizing a particular person, and not from criticism at all as such.

Enlargement of any part of the body
- always means an increased interest in its function,

Distortion on the right side of the picture - non-compliance with social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms.

Too big torso - dissatisfaction of needs,

Too short torso - low self-esteem.

Too elongated figure
Maybe talk about:
- asthenia,
- either about the character of the introvert.


Long hands - passion for accumulation,

Short hands:
- the nature of the introvert
- the tendency does not go to the end, "retreat"

Hands pressed to the body- severe internal tension,

Hands compressed in fists - Attempt to openly show protest,

Palms are absent - lack of communication or inability to communicate,

Very big palm - very high dissatisfaction with the need for communication,

Shaded (buried) brushes and fingers
- conflict,


Long legs - the desire for autonomy from other people, family members (desire to escape),

Short legs
- Depression,

Widespread legs:
- either the nature of the extrovert
- either the need for a support

Tightly cooled legs
- the nature of the introvert

Small or not drawn feet:
- impracticality, weak orientation in domestic issues,
- passivity,
- Sometimes - dependence on other people.
- Clearly painted legs - self-confidence.

Do not want or do not know how to draw? Not a problem! This exercise can be done usingpsychological maps !

Exercise 1 on the cards "1000 roads": "Alleged parts of the body."

The need for this exercise is its high environmental friendliness, accuracy and novelty!

So, you remember the "Gold Aza" of this test: even ineptly drawing a "man", experimented should not forget to draw a little man, excluding that genitals, which, from modesty and fear, seem "concerned", usually no one draws anything Psychologist, by the way, does not require this :)

But! If something "ordinary and decent" is still skipped, it means one thing: you deny the function of this part of the body!No ears in the picture - it means that in life I do not want to listen to someone ...

And let's in-jungle confess the unconscious and do all the same, but with the help of "1000 roads!"

So even better - you do not need to draw and disappear from what you do not know how to draw.

This, by the way, (natural shame and irritably from inability to draw - although psychologists denied) one of the reasons for the "nervousness of the lines", the "evil hatching" and the general poor quality of the pattern, including grotesque and satire in the figure of figures.

Not the client "neurotic and psychopath", just his adult, naturally infuriates right here and now that he was not taken to draw him in childhood, but now they are exhibiting a fool and make it seems to show their inefficiency in some kind of practice, like running in bags Or catching apples on the mouth of the mouth.

And you would not be informed by the request of the psychologist "to dance on skates" or "Run about Aria Lensky", if you do not know how? The psychologist should not turn into an animator at the wedding and remember - with the client you need to work ecoly and try not to humiliate with your creative requests to "present something" and other jokes.

That's why we will work with the "1000 roads" cards, "drawing" thus part of the body of our little man!

In our exercise "Body as a whole, a silhouette" there are only the following concepts:


    Hands and brushes,

    Legs and feet,

    "Right" and "left" part of the picture.

Let's start?

The first position right and left parts of the drawing

Ask the client to imagine (present) your little man with the help of (spontaneous !!!) 1000 roads.

Explain to the client that a person (as well as in any object) has the right and left side separated by an imaginary axis of symmetry.

Explain to the client that a living person is always asymmetrical, because his "left side" is always creative and "magic", children's, and the right side is a business, adult, serious and responsible for our communications with the world (and housing and public utilities).

And now let the client pull out spontaneously (thinking well) two cards and put them next - to the right and left, speaking:

    this is how the "children's" part of my little man looks symbolically

    and this is how his adult face of the person looks like.

    He, as it were created from these two halves!

Now analyze the cards!

How to read "right-left"?

This question is asked often, but here everything is very simple: we always read the drawing as we, the audience, see him! It is the easiest way, and more correctly (but if your client wants to argue - God is with him, let him read the drawing as he "sees").

You remember that: " Any distortion in the right part of the figure mean non-compliance with social norms and conflicts with people who control these social norms ".

What card pulled the customer's hand? Harmonious? Peaceful? Or aggressive, problematic? How does the client person pushes this card? (It is most important!)

So what is his relationship with society norms and with society at all? How does he solve conflicts? How does it apply to people? Are there people on this map in general?

Now it's time to carry out therapy - after all, the problems you saw the victim!

Come up with a mini-fairy tale on this map with the client, the purpose of which is to redeem the conflict, calm fears - help in this client! The fairy tale on a problem map may begin "for the rest," but it is obliged to "in health"!

And now we also analyze the "left" - creative and childish-magical side of our little man.

What makes our girls are made from? .. ..

What is there with the client with imagination and with "spiritual thoughts", with humor and with the "Flight of Consciousness"? By analogy, notice the problems of the second card (if any), listen to the client's story about the map and write the second, healing fairy tale with it.

Is the symmetry harmonious?

You should be alert if both maps have adult clients, or both "fantastic." In the first case, he himself blocked the canal of wonders, self-healing and growth, in the second case, he is simply unable to withstand the battle with housing and communal services, even the most simple.

I compose fairy tales, align the balance, joyfully "landing" a card that requires a healthy landing (show the client that the society is also great and not hurt), and "raise" a card that requires fairy tale and dreams.

The second position of the legs of the body

The first two cards are like "coat of arms" of your little man. They bang up the table as a symbol of work as a banner on the tower.

Now ask the client " fold a little man "from" 1000 roads "cards: Torch, two handles and two legs.

Let the client thinks not in a hurry, luffing, with taste, and says out loud: "Here is his handles (both cards are drawn at the same time), here is his legs, here is his body whites ..."

And now we look at the cards and remember the basics, adapting them (essentially) to our new job.

Legs. Feet is the most important.

"What is it worth" man? " What is his support - symbolic, philosophical? Is he good where he found himself (is it not swamp)? Is it purely there, is it safe? (Ask the client, as he likes it). And who is there on the map - lies, crushing the legs up? Why does not go to the appointment, tired or what? From what?

And who left the traces here? And who is here for three hours already, guessing from foot on foot?

And who flies on the wings, not having? And who goes here in a carriage, using a horse's legs?

The legs are grounded and support, the lack of fear of being, clarity and boldness, the ability to live and survive, do not fall in the dirt.

Sometimes the weakness of the legs compensates for something else (fantastic wings, for example, or carriage with horses - carry me you).

Your task is to find out - and how good is it "Other" compensates for the client the weakness of his "real legs"? .. maybe not compensate for?

The client must tell the story of the map, and you register whether he has problems on the "legs", "stability", "confident movement" and "grounding".

How to strengthen the legs to the client? Correct its story as you can find it necessary, using symbols and images of legs, shoes, magic drugs, food, - according to your feeling and spontaneous insight. The foot of the client must be. Strong. And walking.


Hands are attitude towards money and property, to accumulation and greed. As well as attitudes towards aggression, to war, to armament. Finally, to communicate, to friendship, to mutual aid.

In general, hands are: rumbling, skipping on the head with fists and, finally, friendly outstretched, with a mandaring in an open palm ...

And what are your hands from your client? What do two cards "1000 roads" say? What can I fix it here? How many sessions?

Torso. Heart or womb? ...

There are people who have a huge heart that takes all the body. And there are people who are the main thing - it is a belly, whiskey. And best of all, if only it is equal. And if not, then we have or unscrewed hysterics or an animal, stupid and also unsconent.

Your client pulled one card - a little man's body. What does the card "1000 roads" say? And the client himself says it? What is there anymore - Hearts or Bruka? Balance, psychologist, align the balance of the customer!

    Ask the client: "What and how do your loved ones eat?". Let them answer in detail.

    Ask: "What dreams of your billionaire, what can he cry about?"

Exercise-2 sit down the little head or "type"

So, everything is ready for us, it remains on the shoulders to plant your head. The head is a social thing ... Therefore, we take a deck of "1000 lives".

Let the client (as it should think and making the sacred pause) pulls at random from the deck "1000 lives" the head of his little man! Ta da yes dame !!

And now the client must say a few words about his man. Pay attention to the following accents:

    the theme "Rich \\ Poor" - Customer looked at the topic of money,

    the theme "Kings, monarchs, princesses and queens" - the client has an overestimated self-esteem, infantile,

    the topic "Military" - aggressiveness, and healthy, constructive or not - you will understand

    the theme of any "fiction fictional creatures", "cyborgs" - the client is very lonely and strong introvert, it is difficult to talk, he is too early

    the topic "Not a man and caricature on a decent person, a criminal, scoundrel and scoundrel" - a strong negativity in general, unwillingness to work with a psychologist.

In general, it is better for you to look at the scheme, but listen to what the client himself says! You can adjust the "head" of the man in the same way as in the previous part of the work!

Want to know how else you can work with psychological cards? Come in ourofficial Online Store .

Elena Nazarenko