Where is the heat contest. Festival "Heat" in Baku became the main event of the summer

Where is the heat contest. Festival
Where is the heat contest. Festival "Heat" in Baku became the main event of the summer

July 27 in Baku starts the Music Festival "Heat". A grand gala concert with the participation of the most striking Russian artists, creative evenings of Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva and Gregory Leps - guests of the festival and spectators of the first channel waiting for a fantastic musical marathon in four days long. About how the idea of \u200b\u200bthis festival was born, his creator Emin Agalarov says.

How was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Festival "Heat" born? Why in Baku?

I always dreamed of such a big musical event in the hometown of Baku, but the idea itself was born spontaneously. In my spa settlement on the banks of the Caspian Sea, Sea Breeze Resort, we held every summer concerts of Russian stars: Grigory Leps, Timati, Leonid Agutin, Craig David and many others. Two years ago, our joint performance with Gregory Viktorovich Lepsov, which was sold a record number of tickets, where Sergey Kozhevnikov was also present. Seeing the vast interest of the public, we threaten decided to make something more than solo concerts. As a result, decided to organize a music festival here, on the coast. This is an incredible atmosphere contributing to fully relax and plunge into the holiday of music. In Baku, in general, very warm people and with great love takes and waiting for every artist. This is a special city with its unique culture and traditions, but at the same time modern, where very significant cultural events are held.

Who came up with such an unexpected name?

The name "Heat" seemed very harmonious to us for the summer festival

Of course, the festival cannot accommodate all those wishing to perform. How is the selection of participants "Heat"? Do you oriented on your colleagues on the music industry or do you have a fundamentally different concept, and you guide exclusively personal preferences?

We invite the brightest and most popular artists who know and listen to the different audience: it can be young performers at the peak of popularity and legendary, long-faced artists, such as: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Grigory Leps and others.

What is the most difficult when organizing a festival of such a scale?

The most difficult thing is primarily a logistics., This year about 800 people fly: artists and their teams, organizational staff, journalists. Logistics included flights, accommodation in hotels, transfer, rehearsal schedule, performances, etc. Very difficult and creative part, as we have many different artists and conceptual days to which special musical numbers are preparing. This is a global project, and we work out it at all levels very carefully.

What is the moment of the first, last year, the festival remember you most?

In general, the atmosphere was very festive. From the point of view of special moments of the music program, the song "Blue Eternity", the Great Muslim Magomaeva, which we performed at the closure of the festival along with Philip Kirkorov, Alexey Vorobyev, Nikolai Baskov and Gregory Leps, as well as the anthem of our festival, written by Maxim Fadeev, which Performed all artists. There was a grand firework.

Prizes and contests - no, we have no competitive foundation. But in the plans to make a separate "heat" premium, which we will spend next year. We can be compared with the largest musical festivals, and, in my opinion, our festival is the hottest.

The event of this level and such a scope is definitely a very significant cultural event for Baku. However, rumors about the possible transfer of the festival to Moscow. Do you plan to continue to hold the "heat" in Azerbaijan?

What will be the program of the festival this year? What surprises and miracles do you cook this year? Who will be the "heat-2017" nail?

This year the festival will follow the four days, from July 27 to July 30. We will have special evenings dedicated to the anniversary of large artists. The first day will be a grand opening, where all performers will sing their brighter hits. On the second day there will be a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sofia Rotaru. Artists will sing her the most famous songs, as well as she spoke to the solo program itself. July 29, the audience is waiting for the creative evening by Alla Pugacheva with the participation of all stars, and the last, fourth day of the festival is devoted to the anniversary of Gregory Leps. For four days, we will hear favorite and new songs, we will see unique rooms prepared specifically for the "heat", new duets and different collaborations. Every day we expect up to 10,000 spectators! We have a fan zone, a parquet, as well as the VIP zone.

Will the "heat" festival be translated on some of the federal TV channels?

Of course, the festival will broadcast the "Channel One", and the leaders will be Yana Churikova, Andrei Malakhov and Maxim Galkin.

From July 27 to July 30, in Baku at one of the most beautiful resorts of Sea Breeze Resort on the bank of the Caspian Sea, the international music festival "Heat" will be held for the second time.

The organizers of the festival are: the musician and businessman Emin Agalarov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Grigory Leps, founder of the Russian Radio and the Golden Gramophone Prize Sergey Kozhevnikov.

More than 80 artists will take part in the Heat Festival, among which: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Philip Kirkorov, Stas Mikhailov, Vera Brezhnev, Valery Meladze, Grigory Leps, A-Studio, Nikolay Baskov, Dima Bilan, Valery, Loboda , Ani Lorak, Emin, Glory, MBand, Potap and Nastya, Burito, Christina Orbakayte, Sergey Lazarev, Serebro, Alexey Vorobyev, ILO, Egor Cre, Iowa, Christmas tree, Monatik, Jah Khalib, Max Barsky, glitch'oza and many others . Leading concerts: Yana Churikova, Andrei Malakhov and Maxim Galkin.

This year, the organizers and participants of the festival prepared a grand program. On the stage installed right on the beach, July 27, will pass the grand opening. On the other days of the audience will be waiting for concerts dedicated to the legendary artists: the second day of the festival will be dedicated to the anniversary of Sofia Rotaru, which this year turns 70 years old, the Creative evening of Alla Pugacheva and the closing of the festival will take place on the Creative evening of Gregory Leps, where artists will delight unexpected Duets and bright hits! Fans of the festival who will not be able to attend these days in Baku will appreciate the scale of the show on TV: the broadcast of all days will lead the "Channel One".

Panorama of the Caspian Sea and extraordinary oriental flavor - all this is an integral part of the festival, including his television version, therefore, viewers and viewers will be able to feel themselves with direct participants in the event. Leading and artists will appear both on the main scene and other auxiliary scenes and in the hall. The organizers were trying to use all the technical capabilities of the territory to involve the audience in the interactive process.

The annual Music Festival "Heat" for the first time passed in 2016 (July 9-10) and immediately received the status of the most expected and discussed summer event. Given the number of the audience, the festival has become the most large-scale musical event in the CIS countries: the event collected more than 60 most popular artists, 10,000 spectators and more than 150,000,000 television viewers in Russia and the CIS! The festival was remembered by bright rooms, including on water, premieres of songs and a unique atmosphere!

The festival is held in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, historically colorful and at the same time modern city, where many important international cultural and sports events have passed: "Eurovision 2012", "Formula 1, Grand Prix of Europe", "European games 2015 "and many other significant events. The city located on the Caspian coast has always been famous for friendliness and hospitality, and sandy beaches still attract both locals and tourists from distant and neighboring countries. In Baku and its surroundings, there are also enough monuments of history and culture so that the visit to the southern capital leaves the most unforgettable impressions.

All information about the International Music Festival "Heat" can be obtained for: http://zhara.az/ and social networks: Instagram @Zharafest, Facebook (

All guests met the organizer of the festival - artist, businessman and patron Emin Agalarov. Four days, a good hundred artists lit on the stage, danced in the evening events, bathed in the Caspian Sea, enjoyed the hospitality of Azerbaijan and fell native dishes. And three evenings "Heat" turned out to be "personal." Two of them were devoted to the anniversaries - Gregory Leps and Sophia Rotaru. And one more - Alla Pugacheva, which arrived at the festival, disagreeing his fear (but about it is slightly lower).

Grand Final Festival "Heat"

Main outfits

Every day of the festival, a large evening concert began with a red carpet. All stars tried to promote each other. So, the glucose bravely changed the outfits, and each time surprised - then sophistication, the openness of dresses and costumes.
Valeria on the red carpet in one day came in a transparent cape on top of the swimsuit, demonstrating the perfect figure.
Diana Arbenina, whom everyone is used to seeing in coarse and sneakers, this time chose a female tuxedo and studs. And Nargiz Zakirova appeared at all in the outfit, similar to Monastic, adding it to his handbag in the form of Tomik Bible.


Sophie Haccheva, which is used to seeing together with Baskov, on the "heat" appeared on the track for the first time - despite the fact that Nikolai was also a member of the festival. The singer finally commented on the upcoming wedding of his former groom with Victoria Lopierva.

We have long parted with Nikolai, just did not advertise it, "Sophie told us. - Any relationship has a finale. We have this. We have been friends with Kolya, and he even invited me to his wedding

Myself Nikolay Baskov also appeared on the track. Highly thinned artist gladly photographed with fans, but on all the questions of journalists about the upcoming marriage with the model, which will be held in less than two months, responded by persistent silence.

Nikolay Baskov sang inspired, and about the coming wedding preferred to pose

Lolita lit!

Lolita in Baku, perhaps, overshadowed everyone. At one of the concerts, the actress appeared in a jumpsuit, sewn from a fine grid with a simulation of tattoos. In this outfits at different times, many stars of Western show business were performed - from Cher to Rihanna. The singer unexpectedly devoted the song "At the" Titanic "of the soloist of the Rammstein group Tille Lindemann, who was a special guest of the event, and threw off the cape - and no matter how naked appeared on the stage in all its glory, forcing the crowded hall to eat. At the same time, quite critical estimating his far from a thin figure and the likely consequences of his act, leaving the scene, Lolita, a joking tone, told the leading evening Maxim Galkinu:

The most outfit lolita that is being discussed so far

Maxim, which watched your wife - arrived at me! I believe that a good person should be a lot and want to stay the only fat woman on our stage

The shovel of the singer, of course, did not remain aside from the attention of the Internet community. In social networks, on the same evening, an active discussion of its act began. And some praised - that well done, really a girl without complexes. Others wrote angry comments. And the third did photojaba from photos. Moreover, Lolita did not attack them on their authors or to smooth out, and he did quite creatively: gathered the most interesting photomontizes and published them with funny comments on her page in one of the social networks.

German hostage "Heat"

As we have already told, the Honorary Guest of the festival was the leader of Rammstein Tille Lindemann. The musician arrived in Baku from Germany at the personal invitation of Emin Agalairov. The artist gladly photographed with Russian artists, he lit in the evening events. But, apparently, his heart conquered Svetlana Loboda. Throughout the entire festival, Tille practically did not part with the singer - at all events appeared invariably with her.
It must be said that it was Svetlana that helped his companion very original to joke. Tille never went to the scene, but at the same time he was happy to be photographed with all those wishing. And as soon as the social networks began to appear numerous photos of Lindemann in an embrace with the pop stars of the Russian scene, his fans immediately began to write comments from the irony: "Tille, and whether you keep you hostage? Morni, if so. "

Tille Lindemann enjoyed very popular with Russian fans, but his heart gave his lobode

Thille thinking, with the help of Svetlana Loboda, the musician took off a short video where he sits at the table, holds a piece of paper with the inscription: "Help!" ("Help!") And blinks hard. Svetlana immediately posted this mini-clip in his blog. We hope that Lindemann's fans the joke appreciated.

Defeat fear

Of course, Alla Pugacheva became the most expected star "Heat". She flew to Baku on a private plane along with Maxim Galkin, Christina Orbakaite and Philip Kirkorov. All this company went to Azerbaijan the day after the wedding Nikita Presnyakova. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Alla Pugacheva practically does not fly by airplanes: in the prima donna Aerophobia, and it prefers to air transport. The actress has even their personal car that clings to the composition. But this time Alle Borisov had to overcome her fear. Otherwise, she would not have time from the wedding of the grandson to come to the "heat" - I would have to donate something. Pugacheva decided to sacrifice himself - and the misfortunes of his fear, set as a plane. Priaudonna, though he violated his this promise a few years ago, which would not sing more, but in recent years it is rare enough, and therefore every such exit is an event already.

Alla Pugacheva appeared truly in the royal dress

Moreover, after Alla Borisovna refused its traditional balachonov, everything is interested in what the star will appear in the next way. And this time the singer did not deceive expectations: she went to the microphone in the air pink dress. From above there was a ribbon with improvised orders. Silted designer and stylist Alisher. He is fully responsible for changing the image of Pugacheva, and precisely with his light hand, dimensionless balachons went into the past.

Secret of youth from Sofia Rotaru

One evening of the festival was entirely dedicated to Sofia Rotaru. And no accident - after all, the singer turned 70 years old. True, looking at the People's Artist of the USSR, in no case do you not give it so many years. Sofia Mikhailovna flew to Baku, accompanied by a powerful "Support Group": Together with her, the Sister Aurik, Son Ruslan, Svetlana's son and 16-year-old granddaughter of Sonya arrived at the heat festival.

Sofia Rotaru and journalist Vadim Vernik at the "Heat" festival

Nobody calls me a grandmother, "the artist told me from the scene. - Our family has a Sonya senior and Sonya younger. And I never heard my grandchildren called my grandmother. What is the secret of my youth? In love. I love life, I love loved ones, I love my audience!

At the end of the festival, Emin Agalarov promised that the next year there would be even more stars and more "heat".

Photos of the press service of Emin Agadarova and the Festival "Heat"


On the banks of the Caspian Sea, the 2nd International Music Festival "Heat" was held. And, I must say, the name justifies yourself: first, on the street this afternoon was without a small 40 degree, and secondly, artists who took part in the opening concert were not in childish.

On July 27, at 19:00, the passage began on the Red Track of the participants of the festival. During the opening ceremony, a gala concert took place with the participation of famous pop stars.

Popular hits 2017 were sounded. On the first day of the festival, the scene was: Vera Brezhnev, Grigory Leps, Emin, Loboda, Mband Group, Ani Lorak, Valery, Gluck`a, Anita Tsoi, Zhi Khalib, Max Barsky, Potap and Nastya, Egor Cre, ILO, etc.

Recall that more than 500 guests arrived in the festival in Baku, among whom are artists, musicians, dancers and their accompanying composition.

The second day of the International Music Festival was marked by the anniversary evening of Sofia Rotaru. In the first days of August, the 7th, the singer will be 70 years old, but the birthday greetings she began to receive now.

The concert, as always, was preceded by a red carpet, at which the star guests of the event not only demonstrated bold outfits, but also answered questions from journalists, shared their impressions from the grandiose event, the ideological inspirations of which are Emin Agalarov, Grigory Leps and Sergey Kozhevnikov.

Opened the concert, expected, Rotaru, fulfilling several of his hits for the audience in Ukrainian and Russian, "Farmanka", "One Kalina", "you are the best" and not only.

When I hear your applause, I feel happy, "the singer said from the scene, noting that he was very glad to hold an anniversary evening in Baku.

After the star of show business handed over to the colleagues on the workshop, which presented their versions of the hits of the performer to the audience.

So, Natalia Ionova sang for guests and participants in the festival "heat" song of the birthday girl "Moon, Moon", having prepared a memorable room with LED costumes.

To speak on the creative evening of Alla Borisovna - a great honor for artists, so the third day of the heat festival gathered a real starfall: Philip Kirkorov, Maxim Galkin, Christina Orbakaite, Diana Arbenina, group "Factory", Valery Meladze, Albina Janabaeva, A'Studio, Lyme Vaikule and others flew to Baku specifically to fulfill the songs of Pugcheva.

For me today, a special day, I think, as for everyone here artist. Alla taught me a lot, and most importantly - love. Love - the public, "said Philip Kirkorov, who this evening presented his new song" in the sky. "

The appearance of Kirkorov on the carpet caused the expected excitement and made the fans of smoothly chant: "Philip! Philip! We are waiting! We are waiting." The name of this phrase sounded no coincidence: the most loyal fans waited for the artist at the exit for more than 5 hours.

In the final, the fourth day dedicated to the work of Gregory Leps, the next star landing land was landed on the Caspian Sea: Sergey Lazarev, Alexander Marshal, Soso Pavliashvili, Iowa Group, Nargiz and the Artists of the Production Center Gregory Leps.

In the evening were the permanent Yana Churikov and Maxim Galkin. For three days, not only artists were mastered at the festival, but fans who met their idols on the track as relatives: Svetlana Lobod was affectionately called Svetoshkoy, and Gluck'Oz was familiar with the shouts: "On-Ta-Shen-ka!" Of course, before such a welcoming technique it was difficult to resist and therefore artists gladly photographed with all those wishing.

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Baku / Trend Life / - from July 27 to July 30 on the Caspian Sea coast - on the beautiful resort of the capital of Azerbaijan Sea Breeze passes the Heat Festival "Heat 2017", reports Trend Life.

In this regard, the SEA Breeze held a press conference dedicated to the festival, in which the organizers of the festival were attended by the singer and composer Emin Agalarov (Emin), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Grigory Leps, founder of "Russian Radio" and the Golden Gramophone Prize Sergey Kozhevnikov , as well as famous performers Valery, Ani Lorak, Gluck'Oza, Anita Tsoi, Svetlana Loboda. Before the start of the press conference, star guests left their autographs on the Poster of the Heat Festival.

As Emin noted, the program this year is two times extensive last year. "I want to thank my colleagues-artists who flew from different countries, interrupted holidays and touring tours, in order to speak in my hometown of Baku," the artist said.

Emin noted that the viewers and participants of the festival expect four awesome days. "" "Zhar" - Festival of Friendship, Music and Joy. Today we have a day of discovery, more than 50 artists will perform with the best hits. On the second day, we will have an anniversary concert of the amazing Sophia Rotaru. The third day is the evening Alla Pugacheva, the audience is expected to be special Surprises, as everyone knows that she is now rarely performing. On the final day, on the festival scene, we will celebrate the anniversary of Gregory Leps, "Emin said.

The singer and composer said that many artists come to the festival with families, so for example Sofia Rotaru came to Baku along with her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

"Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru flew yesterday night, she has a gorgeous mood. So, the best place to stay in Baku is, of course, the coast of the Caspian Sea," added Emin

Sergey Kozhevnikov and Emin did not disclose the details of how they managed to convince Alla Pugachev to come to Baku.

"Alla Borisovna Pugacheva has not been in Baku for a long time, and for her it is like a return in the past, and at the same time the opportunity to see what the city has become today. So we can say that one of the factors became curiosity," the leather workers stressed.

Speaking about the program of speeches, Sergey Kozhevnikov said that every jubilee chose the songs that he will sing himself, as well as songs that one or other performers can perform more successfully. Of course, the organizers listened to the opinion of artists.

The organizers also stressed that this year more than 32 thousand spectators are expected, the festival will be presented on the air of the First Channel (Russia), and is also planned to be broadcast in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Grigory Leps spoke about his anniversary evening, which will be held on July 30, stressing that the audience is waiting for new songs and unexpected reading of compositions performed by other artists.

At the press conference, the singers said not only about creativity, but also how difficult for them to stay from gastronomic temptations in Baku and not try delicious dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.

According to glitch'OZ, she tried the most delicious pilaf in Baku. "Even a busy rehearsal schedule and speeches will not interfere with the dishes to enjoy Azerbaijani," said glitch'OZ.

As Valeria noted, she arriving in Baku, it necessarily tastes the Kutabs with greens that can only be enjoyed here.

"I interrupted my tour ten days before the" heat ", did not go anywhere to relax, the village at home was engaged in sports, it was hurt, and tried to keep the form. I was preparing for 10 days to relax in the full program," Anita Tsoi said.

According to Svetlana Loboda, for the artists it so happened that the festival "heat" is the biggest event, they relate to it in a special way.

"Baku is a city in which there is a very tasty, hospitably and always a great atmosphere. From last year's festival there were such amazing memories that I agitated all the artists to come here. I wish everyone to enjoy the sea, Baku and our Star Company," Loboda stressed Loboda .

Ani Lorak noted that he envies everyone who lives Baku in a stunning beauty atmosphere.

"The first festival was phenomenally, and this year all the artists sought to come to Baku on the" heat ". Baku is a hospitable city, I adore him. No diet I do not follow here, we are enjoying life here, and of course, I do not torment me the conscience for The fact that I try to dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine, "Ani Lorak shared the impressions.

On the opening day of the festival, July 27, a gala concert will be held, which will take part - Leonid Agutin, Loboda, Grigory Leps, Emin, Jah Khalib, ILO, Vera Brezhnev, Egor Cre, Monatik, Valery, Max Barsky, Olga Buzova, Burito , Pizza Group, Julia Parshuta, Potap and Nastya, Tree, MBand, Ani Lorak, Rauf Akhmedov, Anita Tsoi, Alexey Vorobyov, Group "Time and Glass", Gluc'oza, Azad Shabanov, Alexander Reva, Julianna Karaulova and a lot others.

July 28 - Anniversary concert of Sofia Rotaru, as well as performances by Emina, Valeria, Polad Bulbuuloglu, Timur Rodriguez, Potap and Nastya, Group "Artik & Asti", Singer Loboda, Glory, Ani Lorak, Gregory Leps, MBand, Groups, Time and Glass ", Irina Dubzova, performers alekseev, glitch'oz, aisel and others.

July 29 - Creative evening Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Alessandro Safina, Lyme Vaikule, Stas Mikhailov, Group a "Studio, Dima Bilan, Christina Orbakayte, Loboda, Gregory Leps, Valery Meladze, Emin, Ani Lorak, Oleg Gazmanov, Diana Arbenina, Nigar Jamal, Glory, Group "Factory", Alexander Panayotov, Emilia.

July 30 - Creative evening Gregory Leps and performances by Alla Pugacheva, Stas Mikhailova, Emina, Sergey Lazarev, Valeria Meladze, Nargiz Zakirova, Dima Bilan, Lolita, Wattanga Kikabidze, Nikolai Baskova, Roya Ayhan, Stas Piehi, Singers Loboda, Miri Yusif, Vladimir Presnyakova, Diana Arbinina, glitch, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Marshal, Iowa Groups, Alexander Panayotova, Romadi, Fame and others.