Class hour "Proper posture is a basis for health. What gives a man right posture

Class hour
Class hour "Proper posture is a basis for health. What gives a man right posture

The posture is the most familiar posture in which a person is in motion and alone. Since childhood, we are told: "Syi smoothly! Hold your back straight! " And this is not good. Not only makes us more beautiful. Bad posture is the cause of many diseases, so it is very important to produce the right posture.

To check how correct you are posture, take a look at yourself in the mirror. The shoulders are nominated forward, and the spin is snugged, as if you drag a heavy bag? No, that will not do. Raise your chin and straighten your shoulders - you will see, you will even breathe it easier to breathe. There is another way to check the correctness of the posture. Stand your back to the wall, leaning against it with all my body, only take the heels forward about 7 cm. Now try to push your hand between the lower back and the wall, while your shoulders and the head should still touch the walls. If you succeed, it means that the posture is correct.

With proper posture, the body weight is distributed evenly, And you are firmly standing on both legs. The chin and chest raised, the shoulders are striking, the stomach is drawn, and his muscles are slightly tense. The knees must be straightened. Some women who do not know how to properly wear high-heeled shoes walk on semi-bent legs - and it instantly spoils posture. But you do not need to strain the muscles strongly and trying to stand exactly, like a tin soldier - you will not achieve anything. Stand calmly and even slightly relaxed, but not lowering the shoulders and not a hubby back.

Why do I need the right posture? The formation of proper posture is important not only for beauty. Incorrect posture can lead to painhers in the lower back, overvoltage of the muscles of the shoulder belt, impaired the anatomical structure of the spine, and in the elderly - to osteoporosis. The wrong posture is fraught with dangerous consequences at school age when the spine has not yet fully formed. It can lead to spinal curvature - scoliosis (lateral curvature), kyphosis (round spin, "hump") and lordose (bending of the spine forward). The curvature of the spine, in turn, become the cause of diseases of the internal organs, the normal location of which in the body turns out to be violated.

Incorrect posture occurs for several reasons. Often, adolescent complexes associated with appearance interfere with the formation of proper posture. The guys who began to grow faster classmates, and as a result were above them, as well as girls with early formed breasts often hurt, trying to hide their "dissimilarity." And schoolgirls who did not reach the growth, early begin to walk on heels, which also leads to the disorders of the posture. Often the cause of posture violations becomes the fact that a person is incorrectly sitting in the workplace (at study, work or just at home at the computer). Admit yourself how often do you sit at the computer, leaning up left and leaning the cheek on your hand?

It is very important to form and maintain the right posture. Since most of us leads a sedentary lifestyle, it is very important that the chair and the table be comfortable and ensure the correct position of the spine. We stayed in more detail on this in the article about. If you, on the contrary, have to stand for a long time, periodically lift one leg and put it on a chair to give the spine to relax. Do not stay for a long time in one place, be sure to make small breaks and warm up. You can even try to diligently, without getting up because of the table, and again start work.

In order to maintain the right posture, you can put a small pad or tightly rolled towel under the lower back, and if your neck is tired - there are special head restraints. Women with lush breasts are very important to choose the brain properly, who will support her chest well, will not pull the shoulders forward and force to slouch, give the correct position to the spine. It is not necessary to abuse high heels - they violate the balance and create a load on the lumbar spine. It is very important to sleep correctly - orthopedic mattress and comfortable, not too soft pillow will help you maintain posture.

To form and maintain correct posture, you can do. But the most important thing in maintaining the right posture is a permanent self-control. First you will be difficult to follow myself, the shoulders will also knock down to go down, and the back - to curb. But gradually you will learn to keep your back smoothly, without noticing, and the correct posture will become your constant companion.

About the posture, all, of course, heard since childhood. Ordinary phrases of parents: "Sit right!", "Not stunned", "Keep your back smoothly", "Well, what is your posture!". Many are interpreted about her: both parents, teachers and doctors. So what is posture, how it is right is formed, and why it is so important to keep this today will be discussed in the article.

Definition of the term

Now we learn what posture is and what it can be. So, this word denotes the ability of a person to keep his body in different positions. The posture can be two types:

1. Right.

2. Incorrect.

In the first case, this is a familiar natural pose of standing person. Here, people without excess active stresses can keep the housing and head correctly. A person with an impeccable posture of a light gait, the shoulders are slightly lowered and reserved back, the stomach is pulled up, the chest is stripped.

In the second case, a person does not know how to keep his body properly, walks and stands on semi-bent limbs, sludge, lowers his head and shoulders, protrudes the stomach. Incorrect posture not only spoils the figure, but harms his health. With such a manner, to keep itself from many inhabitants of our planet complicates the activities of the authorities, which is eventually poured into a solid bouquet of various ailments.

Signs of correct posture

  1. The position of the head and spine is direct.
  2. Symmetric should be the outlines of the adapter and neck.
  3. The blades are located at one level.
  4. The line of the clavicle must be horizontal.
  5. The same leg length.
  6. The position of the buttocks must be symmetrical.

What is posture, we defined. Now it's time to consider how independently a person can find out, in order his back and figure or no.

Own diagnosis

It is necessary to approach the wall and, turning his back, cuddle to it with a population, blades and buttocks. At the same time, the heels are necessary for several centimeters to retain from the wall. Now you should try to insert your hand between the wall and the lower back, while you can not pull the shoulders and the head from the surface. If you have it, it means that there are no problems with the posture.

Causes of violations

What is the correct posture, it is clear, now you need to determine which factors lead to its violation. The reasons must be founded in childhood, and this may be such circumstances:

Invalid body position during classes (stuff, throwing one leg to another).

Conduct most time in front of the TV, at a computer.

Wearing on the back of heavy briefcases, which make the posture wrong.

Formation of proper posture from the child

The boys and girls spine at a young age forms their bends, the muscles are formulated gradually, and the baby is easier than an adult, to get used to a certain position of the body in space.

The formation of posture in children must be under the supervision of an adult. How should parents help the child to preserve this important indicator characterizing physical development? To do this, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

Mom with dad should follow how their kid sits, whether his posture is chosen correctly during the execution of lessons. The child should not slouch, hold the shoulders not on the same level, lean the side.

It is necessary to build a son or daughter. It is important to pick up the table, as well as a chair that would approach the growth of the offspring. It is also necessary to provide a schoolboy to the proper lighting of the desktop (local, as well as general).

You need to buy a child high-quality shoes that would not give up, did not constrain movements.

It is important to acquire the right backpack, a portfolio (preferably with an orthopedic back), and not put a lot of books and unnecessary things there.

It is necessary to attach the child to the morning gymnastics. Very important during the growth period of the baby. You can make hiking - they will also benefit the posture.

It is advisable to burn a son or daughter on swimming classes, because it perfectly affects the correct usual position of the child's body.

You can learn to tempt yourself and teach to this event and your offspring.

It is important that the baby felt correctly. Food must contain fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, greens.

An important factor in the development of the right posture is the selection of furniture for sleep. Boys and girls should relax on hard mattresses, and the posture is also important in which children sleep. It is advisable to darish on the stomach, and better - on the back, and not roll up with the eagle.

We must not forget about the use of the Sun, because it, as many know, helps strengthen the bones and form the right posture. Therefore, it is necessary to go out in warm sunny weather to the street with your child (but not in the most sun) and engage in interesting and healthy classes (playing football, basketball, tennis, etc.).

Posture and flatfoot: Are these concepts associated?

In the body of a person, everything is closely interrelated, therefore, if a failure occurs in one of the organ, the rest suffer. This can be said about flatfoot, which leads to how it happens?

With a smooth foot, the center of gravity changes and the person deflects back, the equilibrium is disturbed, and when walking the body, the body bends forward. A chain reaction is formed, which leads to the development of shortness. Naturally, flatfoot is not a deadly disease, however, if it is present, then a person is experiencing a lot of other problems: he quickly gets tired legs, they suffer their knees. Therefore, in order not to launch such a chain reaction, it is necessary to follow your child since childhood; It is necessary to observe how he walks, attend the children's orthopedic. And if a specialist detects some problems with legs, then all the recommendations of the doctor should be performed so that the Spring does not appear flatfoot, which subsequently leads to a number of problems.

Now you know what posture is and to which consequences can cause the wrong manner of seating, standing, lying. We found out what recommendations should adhere to people who wish to keep smooth and learned also about what the connection between flat-refining and posture.

Incorrect posture can lead to a number of diseases that we do not even suspect. The curvature of the spine becomes the main cause of health problems in developed countries.

Spine is not just the rod of our body. Together with the skeleton, it serves to protect the internal organs from external damage. If the position of the spine is different from normal, then the body turns out to be greater than the outside, and various diseases begin to occur:

  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Breast pain
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Vision problems
  • Hormonal Balance Violations
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Weakening of the body's immune system
  • Kidney disease
  • Menstrual pain
  • Pain in joints, muscles, neckline
  • Obesity
  • Dental pain
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Incontinence
  • Neuralgia of sedlication nerve

The problem is that most of us think that these diseases are a consequence of improper treatment. Such people continue to take various medicines, while the cause of their diseases is the curvature of the spine, and you need to make a maximum effort to correct the posture and not exacerbate the state of the spine. Medicines save you from pain, but do not eliminate the causes.

The lifestyle we lead, forms our bodies. Provide the body with sufficient nutrient elements, fluid and physical activity, and it will be able to overcome all the difficulties and cope with stress. But if you "wallet in it bad fuel", then it also like the car will not work. A man is born to move, as the movement along with the right nutrition strengthens the muscles and helps us fight gravity. If you see a suton man, know, gravity won it. Since in our daily life, most of us moves little or performs some kind of motor activity, we need to play sports additionally. If you have serious problems with posture, it would be nice to find a specialist who can determine which area needs to be strengthened, and which is no longer being in tension, where it is necessary to do more "stretching exercises", and where power.

Increase your physical activity at the expense of stretching exercises and exercises on flexibility aimed at weakening muscle pressure in the external areas of your body. Typically, these zones are the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, loin, shoulders.

Use stabilizing exercises. They are needed to secure the correct position of the joints with the muscles. You can contact such groups of exercises as Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, classic choreography. But be careful, since not all these complexes are equally suitable for various types of posture disorders.

Turn on the strengthening exercises to all parts of the body, but with an emphasis on the back.

Enable functional exercises, i.e. Those who allow you to run, stand, sit down, pull, lean. You can find them in everyday life. For example, instead of climbing the elevator, go along the stairs.

Think about the right posture to the remaining 23 hours. One hour of physical education classes will not be able to give a meaningful effect, if in the other 23, you will slouch at the table, so control the position of your body during the day.

From a long time in price were proud of beautiful to become. The gait, the overall silhouette, the ease of movements, the overall drawing of the female (and the male figure too) depends on the proper post-deployed shoulders, a straight back, raised head.

From what a good posture depends

The posture determines the features of the structure of the spine, flexibility, the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles supporting it. In the youth and young years, the spine remains quite flexible, but if not engaged in strengthening it with the help of exercise, for a long time to adhere to monotonous incorrect positions at the seat at work, during the rest, when walking, muscles and a binder becomes weaker, the usual lack appear, and Sometimes the curvature of the spine.

Good posture is needed not so much for beauty, but mainly for health. Slender man has much higher performance. In the case of the appearance of narrowness, the chest is squeezed, the heart and lungs work worse, there is a violation of proper breathing and blood circulation. The muscles so that they function are productively and long, you need to consume a lot of oxygen. And in the case of an outstanding thoracic, the lung capacity becomes lower, breathing goes into a shallow category.

How to check the correctness of the posture

Try to become straight, strain your knees. If you lose your balance, it means that it is necessary to urgently do the improvement of posture.

Women of the East are famous for the grace of gait and posture, special flexibility of the back. All because from the very childhood they get used to wear on the head of gravity - jugs, baskets, and it strengthens, disciplines, develops the muscles of the back, is also involved right. It is worth trying to you when you are busy with any work around the house, to attach some thick volumes on your head and continue our business: wipe the dust, revenge the floor. Perhaps this will not get right away, but over time you will definitely catch.

Unnecessary fears

Trained strong and elastic muscles are able to create a beautiful outline of your shape. Do not be afraid that developing strong muscles, you will look rude. In women, well-developed fatty tissue is well developed, its thin layer is evenly distributed throughout the body, softens the pattern of muscles, gives feminine roundness and softness. In addition, the beauty of the lines is possible in the presence of developed muscles. If this is not, the skin or restrains loose pillows of fat, or the bones are flat.

In order to strengthen the spine, improve your posture, it is useful to perform exercises that are associated with active muscle stretching. Try to include stretching in your daily complex of exercise.

Adult man answers himself for himself and for his health. That is why, as soon as we grow, we are predatory to hear persistent: "Retails of the back". However, the formation of posture, both the right and pathological, does not end with our maturity. Who needs the right posture, and how to form it yourself?

Posture (manner hold) - This is fixed in the subconscious, automatic maintaining a certain pose of the body when moving and in a static position (standing, sitting, lying).

Proper posture (beautiful manner hold on) - This ability to automatically maintain the body in the position when the spine most corresponds to physiological bends. What does it mean?

The spine of man has physiological bends that compensate for each other, keeping the overall position of the body direct.

The spine is bent:

  • in the cervical department - C-shaped, smooth deflection forward
  • in the breast, C-shaped, smooth deflection back
  • in the lumbar department - C-shaped, smooth deflection forward
  • pelvis slightly raised back

The expression "direct spin", from the point of view of physiology is not entirely true. This is a position in which a person preserves healthy spinal bends as much as possible.

Right posture it is:

  • raised head, chin slightly up
  • straight, back shoulders
  • at the same time, smooth back and retractable belly
  • a little reserved pelvis, without deflection in the lower back
  • lean legs, feet come into contact with the internal parties

If you are comfortable to stand in this position, then you have the right manner to stay. Please note that the blades, shoulders, clavicle should be located at the same altitude, be symmetrical. Violation of the straight line shoulders, the blades says about the presence of a side curvature of the back - scoliosis.

The most common violation of the position of the back is a stuff. This is an enlarged back of the back back in the thoracic. A suton man's shoulders are lowered forward, head is tilted down, the belly is slightly progressed forward. Have a good walk, it is impossible to keep a good gait. The back curve changes all movements.

The weakness of the back in the thoracic department is formed in childhood. Similar to that shortage of movement, the total weakness of the muscles, the habit of a relaxed pose sitting. This violation in adults acquires the dimensions of the epidemic due to the passion for the gadgets. Saving clocks of fixed postures "Bend back, a low-tilt head in the" Sitting "position contributes to the formation of pathological automatism.

Proper posture - what is it needed for?

Developing and maintaining the correct posture is necessary for two reasons:

  1. Conservation of physical health
  2. Saving and maintaining healthy psychological status

Both reasons are closely intertwined, separating one of the other extremely difficult. As a mental state of a person affects his health, so his mood affects the Manera to keep himself. Conversely - the physical position of the body affects the mood and self-satisfaction of a person.

Violation of posture leads to the pathological spine torsion. Why is it dangerous to health?

The spine is protection for the spinal cord and is responsible for the correctness of the transmission of nerve impulses (innervation), which regulate the activities of the entire body. Expanded spinal inflection leads to a violation of blood supply to the department of internal organs. Further failure in the work of the body is developing, since the pathological situation makes it adapt.

Possible health problems due to improper posture:

  • Enhance arterial pressure. Lack leads to the occurrence of chronic muscular clamp in the collar zone and shoulder belt. This disrupts the blood supply of the brain - the body corresponds to a compensatory increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is the most common cause of disability in adulthood.
  • Chronic back pain, neck, lower back. Osteochondrosis, radiculitis in adulthood.
  • Pathology of digestive organs - gastritis, colitis, ulcer of the stomach and intestines, gastroduodenitis, gallstone disease.
  • Pathology of the urinary sphere. Kidney disease, urinary incontinence, impairment of the menstrual cycle, inflammatory diseases of the prostate.
  • Violation of hormonal status.
  • Headache, dizziness, violation of vision.

The solid list of internal diseases should become the best motivator in order to observe the correct posture.

What is the right manner "keep your back"? When a person goes, dropping his head or pulling it into the shoulders, then it seems that he is either sick or deeply depressed. The habit of sludge, gives a person of unsure in itself, weak, broken circumstances. And on the contrary, a smooth back, the head raised testify to a person as a strong and prosperous personality.

The inner state of a person is reflected on his appearance. However, the position of the body, the facial expression is capable of influencing self-treatment. If you have a bad mood, try straightening your back, straighten your shoulders, smile. Let these mechanical actions. Hold the body for a few minutes. You will feel the "weather" inside you begins to change. The smile becomes more and more natural, and the shoulders hold everything easier.

On the relationship of thoughts, emotions, moods with the regulation of internal vegetative functions, all psychosomatics are built. From here it is clear why you need the right manner "keep your back" - to maintain a positive psycho-emotional status, which means good health.

You need to have a strong back since childhood. When a person finishes growing, it is impossible to correct the pathological curvature of the back - the unconscious patterns are fixed for life. This explains the individuality of the movements of a person, his gait, the usual expression of the face, carry himself.

All life to comply with the right posture can be easily, if in childhood a child:

  • spends a lot of time on the street in rolling games
  • does not watch TV more half an hour
  • does not sit for hours at the computer
  • has a bright place for games at home
  • has an elastic mattress and a flat pillow
  • it has a properly organized place for school sessions

Note! All the life of the child should be organized in such a way that it can save without much effort (and the child has a right posture from birth to a smooth back in any position of the body.

Take care to choose the right thing to choose a briefcase. It should be a wipe with two straps. It is not necessary to wear on the back - not in hand and not on one shoulder, since the constant skew of the back will form a scoliotic (side) curvature of the spine. The height of the ward is about 30 cm. His weight with all contents should not exceed 10% of the weight of the child.

Requirements for the preparation of lessons:

  • Lighting on the left side
  • The height of the table should be such that to its working surface from the eye of the child was 30-35 cm
  • Chair of such a height so that the legs of the seated child be bent at right angles. If the chair is high, you can substitute a bench
  • The chair's seat should not be deeper than the length of the thigh child. The back should be brought to the back. The back of the chair is needed with the physiological bending under the spine

If the child's workplace is organized correctly, it will not be difficult for it to maintain a smooth back of 40-45 minutes. After that, you need a mandatory physical workout.

How to fix the stuff?

The best treatment of the slope is prevention. However, if the wrong posture is already formed, then you should go to the orthopedist. This doctor examines the subject of pathological changes in the spine and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Lack, if she did not switch to kyphosis, there is no disease. This is a vicious habit of improper body position. "Treat" the stuff of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the torso, massage and conscious back control. A comprehensive approach over time reforms the unconscious reactions of the body and the posture will be corrected.