Winter fairy tales to children. Winter fairy tales for children New New Year's fairy tale for children

Winter fairy tales to children. Winter fairy tales for children New New Year's fairy tale for children
Winter fairy tales to children. Winter fairy tales for children New New Year's fairy tale for children

If it seems to you that the knowledge of thematic New Year's fairy tales is limited to the "Snow Queen" and the story about Chuki and Gope, then you are mistaken. It is worth familiar with the list presented below, and the memories of the childhood come from childhood like a snowball. For the New Year's subject, I do not only rather stories about the grandfather of frosts, snow maiden and other characters who are heard from each kid. Tales of wonders occurring in the winter, on the eve of one of the most beloved holidays, are also able to create a charming magic atmosphere. I will tell you about the nettle children's classics and interesting updates that can become an excellent gift for the Christmas tree.

1. Of course, to start standing with Russian folk fairy tales. I have preserved a collection, published in the late eighties, so I did not work with illustrations. Today you can see a huge number of collections in which there are fairy tales like "Morozko", "Frost - Blue Nose", "By whining kettling", "chanterelle of sister and gray wolf", as well as works P. Bazhova "Silver Kopytza ", Brothers Grimm" Grandma Vyuga ", S. Marshak" Twelve months ".

2 . How without tales Gianni Rodari! Chippolino and Gessomino can still wait, but in the "amazing book of fairy tales and poems" you will find stunning stories, which can only occur on the eve of the new year. There you have about cats, saving holiday, and about shopping shops with gifts with magical properties. Reading I recommend planning for an hour earlier than usual, because the child will ask also. By the way, it was in this book that I found New Year's poems that children will tell Santa Claus on matinees. In the book there are a lot of them! Gianni Rodari has a few more New Year's stories: "Planet of New Year's Eve", "Travel of the Blue Arrow".

3 . The writer Elena Rakitina for me has become a discovery not so long ago. Unlike some new-fashioned authors, its syllable is so simple and accessible to understand that children listen to fairy tales, without breaking down. "Adventures of New Year's toys", I think, no exception will not. In the reviews left by users, whose opinion often coincides with mine, it is written that stories are easily memorable and fascinating. The publication is intended for children of primary school age.

4 . The book "Christmas Dwarfs", written Haygen Vil, is so beautifully decorated that I would like to replenish the collection of children's literature. The story about the lean-gnomes, which are celebrating Christmas for a month, tasent each other with unusual gifts and hammering a touch. Five-seven-year-old child should like.

5 . I can not not mention one of my favorites in childhood stories written by the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson. In the publication "Magic Winter", the author tells an amazing story about the Milashny Mumina-Trolls. The main character with a girlfriend after dangerous adventures and amazing meetings staged a grand festival in the forest. The child's adventure of fabulous characters will definitely like her!

6 . Children's fairy tales Andersen has long become a classic, but it seems to me that some of them are too sad. For example, "Girl with matches", "History of the Year" and "Snowman", despite the New Year's theme, I would not read the children-preschoolers. Too bitty finals. But the fairy tale "Christmas tree" (saw the version of the translation of the Christmas tree) is excellent and with Heppi Endom.

7 . Cheerful adventures of Uncle Fedor, the ball and the Matroskin like and adults and children. In the collection "Winter in Prostokvashino" E. Uspensky there is a story about how the heroes met the New Year.

8. Familiar to everyone since childhood, the story of two workers, written by A. Gaidar, is relevant today. "Chuk and Gek" is an excellent family fairy tale with instructive notes, which is completed by the happy celebration of the New Year.

9. Recently came the book "Christmas miracle. The stories of Russian writers, "in which the works of N. Leskova, F. Dostoevsky, A. Kookin, A. Chekhov and other geniuses of Russian literature. This high-quality edition in solid binding will be an excellent gift for a child over 12 years old who likes to read. Here and classic fairy tales with a cheerful end, and Christmas were. Excellent acquisition for home collection.

10. And, of course, the story of Charles Dickens, the twin-chair of the Christmas and New Year's books. These works are suitable for children of senior school age. In amazing stories, good and evil are intertwined, they are filled with mystical characters. At the end of each story, the epic isolation is waiting for us, in which good will be defeated.

New book market

Among the expected innovations of children's literature, a lot of books dedicated to our beloved holiday are also represented. What and our babies are ready to please the publishers?

J. Kerr "Happy New Year, Moulauli!" - Tale for the smallest with a happy ending.

"New Year. Terribly confusing business "- stories for young detectives who want to get to the truth and learn whether Santa Claus really exists.

J. Yurie "New Year's book of rabbit stories - lyrical and very touching stories about the family of rabbits, in which there will be much and much will happen. They are alternately and become heroes of stories.

A. Usachev "ABC Santa Claus", "New Year in Zoo", "Santa Claus and Deadmorosovka" - a series of books about New Year's adventures and miracles.

"House of Santa Claus" - a great gift for the baby-two-year-old in the form of a card book with a 3D effect.

Reading with the kids of the book or acquiring their older children for independent reading, you not only customize them on the magic of New Year's Eve, but also expand their horizons, develop intelligence. Give children a real miracle!

In the house of Dr. Rodkova, there were always two Christmas trees at Christmas; One was called a big tree. She was done on the first day of the holiday for children, Mashi and Vasi, and invited their little friends and acquaintances. On the other day, Masha and Vasya themselves did a Christmas tree for children of janitor, cooks, thrush, water carriage; There were also children of poor patients whom their father treated. This Christmas tree was called Mald.

Cooking for this small tree began long before Christmas. Masha, who has already been rather well sewed, began to alter and repair their and married dresses that were fraught with or of whom they have grown, lifted little scarves. Vasya also chined old toys, lined old books and pictures, made new boxes.

On the first day of the holiday, when mom with a nanny, after dinner, began to remove a big tree, Masha asked to let her go to the kitchen and comprehend something delicious for her guests.

Look, Masha, not evaporate only his dress, - Mom said, - or it's better enough while old.

I'd rather put on a big apron, my mother, and I will be careful. And the old dress is still cooked for a small tree.

Masha went to the kitchen, tied a large apron and with the help of an Avdoti's kitchen cooked chocolate, which herself rubbed on the grater, then prepared the dough for the biscuits. There was a little more sugar, and Masha ran after him in the room. Passing past the halls, she heard that the old man was grinding something ...

Oh he! How does he cover here? You can't catch it.

What is there? - asked Masha. - Who will shine?

Yes, here on the Christmas Tarank or Prusak. It should be climbed when she was heated in the kitchen. Posters, so as not to leave, and I will bring a brush and his marks.

Masha came up and looked.

Leave it, nanny, please, it's not a cockroach and not a stub, but a screech, with big mustes, you know what summer there was a lot in the forest!

Anyway, it is necessary to throw away, - continued to grind the nanny, - and then, if it is easy, the Christmas tree is such an elegant, and suddenly there will be such a rubbish on it.

No, no, nanny is honey, - Masha shouted almost with tears, "Leave, please leave it! Mom, tell me Nyan, so that it is left. He is so good. And we will have exactly the summer. On the courtyard snow, and we have a green tree and live bug on it crawls.

It was decided to leave the beetle-screech.

Masha calmed down, took the sugar and went again to the kitchen to continue his breeding.

In the evening, guests began to gather. Before everyone came Sonya and Lisa, cousins \u200b\u200bof Masha. While the Christmas tree was not yet lit, Masha invited them to her room, stuck on a large chair a clean napkin, put a tea device and began to poison their guests with chocolate with pies and biscuits of his cooking. Came and small white-skinned to try the car cakes.

When the tree was lit, everyone was called into the hall. There were danced, played in Zhmurki and Phanti, in the ring and rope. The evening passed unnoticed and very fun.

When all guests went away, Masha still did not want to sleep and asked to let her stay in the hall to start making a male tree from the evening.

Just stay not long, "Mom said," and see not soul. " And then you must be tired today.

Left alone, Masha took the laces, ribbons and scissors, brought cooked things and began to decorate their small tree.

One side was almost ready; Masha looked at her, saw that everything was fine. She wanted to continue cleaning, but it was too late, and she wanted to sleep. Leaning on the table, she thought, to continue her to clean the Christmas tree or postpone until tomorrow. At the same time, she remembered about the zuchaniphana. Somewhere he, poor? Must be killed somewhere in the corner, frightened by noise and light. And she was remembered by these beetles-screenshots in the summer in the grove, when she was with the oral and nanny walked for mushrooms and berries. How good and fun was in a grove, where many of the same Christmas trees like that that stands in front of it, a lot of colors, and birds, and bugs! "Was the summer coming again?" - she thought. Suddenly she heard that someone quietly calling her: "Masha, Masha!" She looked back. There was no one in the room. But the same quiet, a thin voice continued to call it. Masha raised his head and saw on the extreme branch of the trees of Zhuka-Skripun, who took the mustache and nodded her head her head.

Masha, "said Zhuk-Skripun," you are a kind girl, you didn't let me throw away. " But I can not stay here. Let's go with me in a grove, I will make a holiday for you.

As you can, - Masha said, - at night and in such a cold go to the grove! We and the roads will not find; Yes, I could put on my warm fur coat, and you will just freeze.

Do not be afraid, - answered the beetle, - we will have warm and light. Just let's go rather to get home in time.

Masha agreed, and they went. Dear beetle told her about his living - to be, and she did not notice how they came. It seems as if now just came out of the house, but the grove is. And a strange thing, there was no snow in the grove, and Green grass, and at least Masha came out in one dress, but she was not cold at all. Only the grass was a few cheese, as if dew. Zhuk went ahead, fell with his mustache, where you are sleeping, and pointed her the road.

Finally, they came to an excellent clean cleaner: young Christmas trees grew around, and the grass and moss were growing. The beetle stopped.

Here our house, "he said," a little bit, and go. Must be, guests are waiting for us.

Masha was bent and saw that under the large forest there was still little fishing fishing racks from tiny Christmas trees, the epic, moss, herbs and flowers. The storms of strawberries treated them, and there were multi-colored mushrooms in places.

As, - Masha was surprised, - did you have berries and mushrooms?

It is cooked for our friends, barefoot guys. As soon as the sun goes, they will resort here with crowds, and then they will have fun!

The Skripun Beetle gave her a paw, and Masha continued to go to her hand in the handset from Moss and Trestov.

Finally, they approached the arch of two fir bumps. Behind her, the whole bushes of colors were visible: wild poppy, bells, Pavits, Lily Shelov, forget-me-not; And in the grass, and many greenish lights lit in the colors, and there was noise and crackling and whistle and buzz. Masha stopped in amazement.

We will enter, "said Zhuk-Skripun, is our dance hall. Musicians are all already gathered, Svetliki lit their lanterns: it must have begun the ball.

They entered. Indeed, the ball was already in full swing. The grasshoppers saw on their violins, flies and beats buzzed, beetles and ladybugs sang, butterfly flew, and all this was crowded, spinning, fluttered around flowers and sang to different voices.

We will also dance, "said Zhuk-Skripun and applied to Masha his front paws. - I will introduce you to our guests.

But Masha did not have to meet them. She all knew them long ago and loved. She began to circling with them, climbed onto flowers, breathed their fragrance, saw droplets of sweet dew.

How are you good and fun! - Masha spoke, tired of dancing and left to relax on the Lrangee Line.

Stay to live with us, - asked her beetle-crepun, - you are so kind and good, we loved you so much. Stay! You will be your queen ...

Saying this, the beetle sank to her knees.

No, "Masha said," I can't stay with you. " I need to rush home, take care of your friends, barefoot guys. I still have a Christmas tree for them. Conduct me as soon as possible. When we move in the summer in the village, I will often come to you.

I can't spend you, "said Zhuk-Skripun," I know the way only in a grove, and how to get to you in the city, I don't know. Stay better with us.

I can not, I can not, - said Masha. - Goodbye!

And she ran off the grove.

Masha, Masha! - I was heard as if someone's familiar voice was away. - Masha, wake up!

She woke up. Mom stood on her and walked her.

And where is the screenshots? She asked, rubbing her eyes.

I will find the beetle tomorrow, "Mom said," and now go to sleep soon. "

Waking up the other day, Masha, together with Vasya, began to take a particularly diligently to clean the Christmas tree. And when her little guests were gathered in the evening, she tried to be so fun, as it was having fun at a guest at the beetle-screech.

V. Dal "Girl Snow Maiden"

There were an old man with an old woman, they had no children nor grandchildren. Here they came out for the gate on the holiday, look at the children, how they ride some of the snow, they play snowballs. The old man raised the lump and says:

And what, the old woman, I have a daughter with you with you, yes so white, yes such a round!

The old woman looked at the lump, his head shook and says:

Well, you will do - no, it's nowhere to take.

However, the old man brought a lump in the snow in the hut, put it in the pot, covered with a ham and put on the window. Sun asked, noded the pot, and began to melt the snow.

So the old men hear - they are sick something in a pot under the vet; They are to the window - look, and in a pot there is a girl, whlen, like a snowball, and a round, like a lump, and tells them:

I am a Snow Maiden girl, from the snealing snow of the scoltana, sighting the sun.

Here the old men were delighted, they took her out, oh, but the old woman is more like to sew yes, and the old man wrapped in the Snow Maiden in the Towel, began to nurse and dream:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden,


From the snealing snow scoltana,

Svetny Suncrow!

We will walk you,

We will feed you,

In color dress ride

Mind to teach!

So the Snow Maiden grows on the joy of old men, and so so smart, such a reasonable that such people live only in fairy tales, and they do not happen.

Everything went to the old men as an oil: and in the hut is good, and in the yard is good, the cattle overwhelmed the winter, the bird was released on the courtyard. That's how the bird was translated from the hhel, there was a misfortune: I came to the old Lisa bug, I was attached to the sick and my bug to silence, a thin voice to kill:

Bug, bug, white legs, silk tail, let me warm up in a gauge!

Bug, all day after an old man running in the forest, I did not know that the old woman in the pound sworn was squeezed over the sick fox and let her go there. And the bowl of two chickens strangled yes home dragged. As the old man found out about this, so the bug was nailed and drove from the courtyard.

Go, "says," where do you want, and I don't get in the guard! "

So the bug went, crying, from Starikov Yard, but regretted the bug just an old woman yes girl Snow Maiden.

Summer came, the berries began to sleep, so the name of the girlfriends Snow Maiden in the forest on the berry. Old people and hear do not want, do not let. Steel girls promise that the Snow Maiden, they will not get out of the hands, and the Snow Maiden ashes his berries to look like a forest. Missed her old men, gave the body and a pie piece.

So the girls ran with the Snow Maiden under the handle, and how the berries came to the forest and they saw the berries, so everything about everything was forgotten, ran away on the sides, the berries take yes auck, in the forest

There is a bear, the tricks are cracking, the bushes bent:

What about the girl, about what, red?

AU-AU! I am a Snow Maiden girl, from the sneelest snag, the sighted sun is twisted, scored me girlfriends at the grandfather, at the grandmother, got into the forest and left!

Peel, - said the bear, - I will bring you home!

No, Bear, - answered the girl Snow Maiden, - I will not go with you, I'm afraid you - you eat me!

Bear gone.

Gray wolf runs:

Peel, - said the wolf, - I will bring you to the house!

No, wolf, I will not go with you, I'm afraid of you - you eat me!

The wolf went.

Fox Patriyevna:

What, maiden, cry, what, red, sobbing?

AU-AU! I am a Snow Maiden girl, from the snealing snow of the scoltana, sighing the sun, they scored my girlfriends at the grandfather, at the grandmother in the forest on the berries, and in the forest, and left and left!

Ah, beauty! Ah, clever! Oh, my coremake! Fuck soon, I will bring you to the house!

No, fox, flattering words, I'm afraid of you - you will head to the wolf, you will give me a bear ... I will not go with you!

Fox became around the tree to dress up, look at the girl Snow Maiden, savor her from the tree, and the girl does not go.

GAM, GAM, GAM! - Slap dog in the forest.

And the girl Snow Maiden shouted:

AU-ay, bug! Ahu-ay, honey! I am here - a Snow Maiden girl, from the snealing snow of the Skatana, sighing the sun, scored me girlfriends at the grandfather, have a grandmother in the forest on the berry, the forest was put on and left. I wanted me to carry me, I did not go with him; I wanted to take a wolf, I refused to him; She wanted to save fox, I was not given to deception; And with you, bug, I will go!

That's how the dog's dog was assisted, so waved his fur and was as follows!

Snow Maiden with a tree peeling. The bug ran up, she was lying, everything was licked and led home.

There is a bear behind the night, the wolf on the plog larrine, the fox on the bushes is sching.

The bug barks, poured, all is afraid of her, no one proceeds.

They came home; Old people with joy week. Snow Maiden drank, fed, slept sleep, the lober covered:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden,


From the snealing snow scoltana,

Svetny Suncrow!

We will walk you,

We will feed you,

In a color dress ride,

Mind to teach!

The bug was forgiven, drove up with milk, accepted in grace, put on the old place, the runt of the yard was forced.

V. Stepanov "Silver Key"

Before the new year, I wanted a hare of carrots. And where to take it in winter? Winter is not summer.

The hare went down to the ravine, and there, under the pine, the forest spring beats. The hare was leaned toward the spring, began to drink water and found a silver key at the bottom itself.

Stressed the hare to the Losenka.

Come on, "says," change. I am a silver key to you, and you are carrot.

I would be happy, - Salo sighed, - only I have, except for a bruson berry, there is nothing, and they end. Go better to hamster.

You have a good key, - a hamster hamster praised. - Just for my storage room. Only I have, except wheat grain, there is nothing, and they end. You're better on the village of buried, to people.

She pounded the hare over his shoulder bag and crushed into the village: through the field, through the river, through the birch carriage.

He stopped the hare in the leftmost hut. Only I wanted to knock on the window, as where the master's dog jumped out. She lay, buried.

The hare was frightened and the nude washed.

The hare fell into the forest, moved enough, and meets Santa Claus goes. Going, a silver key is looking for. He showed the hare him his find - he is the key and there.

Well, the hare, - Santa Claus was delighted, - now I wish everything you wish.

Me, grandfather, except for carrots, nothing needs. Only where to take it in winter? Winter is not summer.

True, not summer, - Santa Claus smiled. - And the silver key is what?

Santa Claus slapped in his hands - a three horses harvested in Sani appeared. And on the sleigh - the chest.

He opened his Santa Claus with his silver clavicle and began to get gifts from the chest.

Lamberry - for the slot. Sevens - for a hamster. Carrot - for a hare.

And we are with you - New Year's Pie.

S. Kozlov "As a donkey, Hedgehog and a bear met the new year"

The entire pre-New Year week in the fields raged the blizzard. In the forest in the snow, so much so much that neither the hedgehog nor the donkey nor a bear all week could come out of the house.

Before the new year, the blizzard subsided, and friends gathered in the house at the hedgehog.

This is what, "said Bear," we have no tree.

No, "the donkey agreed.

I do not see her, "said Hedgehog. He loved to express intricate on holidays.

We must go search, "said the bear.

Where do we find it now? - Surprised donkey. - in the forest - dark ...

And what are the drifts! .. - Hedgehog sighed.

Still, you need to go beyond the Christmas tree, "said the bear. And all three came out of the house.

The blizzard subsided, but clouds had not yet dispersed, and no stars were visible in heaven.

And no moon! Said Ollik. - What is the Christmas tree?!

And to the touch? - said the bear cub. And crawl along the snowdrifts. But he did not find anything to the touch. Only big trees came across, but they would still not fit in Yezhikin a house, and the little everything with his head was snowing with snow.

Returning to the hedgehog, the Donkey with a bear was buried.

Well, what is this new year! .. - Bear sighed. "This is if any autumn holiday, so the Christmas tree, maybe not necessarily," Oll thought. - And in the winter without a tree - it is impossible. "

Hedgehog, meanwhile, boiled samovar and plunged tea in the scenes. Bear he put a jar with honey, and the donkey is a plate with ramps.

She did not think about the Christmas tree, but he was sad that he had already had a half-seater, as his clock clock broke, and the Watchmaker was promised, but did not arrive.

How do we learn when there will be twelve hours? He asked the bear.

We will feel! Said Ollik.

How will we feel? - surprised by the bear.

Very simple, - said Orsil. - At twelve hours we will have exactly three hours to sleep!

Right! - Hedgehog was delighted.

And about the Christmas tree you do not worry. In the corner we will put a stool, I will stand on it, and you hang toys on me.

What is not a Christmas tree! - shouted a bear.

So they did.

In the corner put a stool, hedgehog got up on the stool and fluttered needles.

Toys - under the bed, - he said.

A donkey with a bear got toys and hung on the top paws of the hedgehog in a large dried dandelion, and on every needle - in a small fir bone.

Do not forget the light bulbs! - said Hedgehog.

And there were three mushroom mushrooms on his chest, and they messed up fun - they were red.

Are you not tired, tree? - asked the bear, sitting down and sneaking from a saucer tea.

Hedgehog stood on a stool as a real Christmas tree, and smiled.

No, "said Hedgehog. - And how long is it? Donkey dreamed.

Five minutes to twelve! - said the bear cub. - As a donkey falls, there will be exactly the new year.

Then pour me a cranberry juice, "said the hedgehog.

Do you want a cranberry juice? - asked the bear with the donkey.

Donkey almost completely slept.

Now they must beat the clock, "he murmured.

Hedgehog neatly, so as not to spoil the dried dandelion, took a cup of cranberry juice into the right paw, and the bottom, pouring, began to beat the clock.

BAM! BAM! BAM! He sentenced him.

Already three, "said the bear. - Now let's hit I! He threw a paw on the floor three times and also said:

BAM! BAM! BAM! .. Now your turn, donkey!

The donkey hit the floor by the coolest three times, but said nothing.

Now again I! - shouted hedgehog.

And all, having dried, listened to the latter: "Bam! BAM! BAM! "

Hooray! - shouted the bear, and the donkey fell asleep at all.

Soon fell asleep and a bear.

Only hedgehog stood in a corner on a stool and did not know what to do. And he began to sing songs and sang them until the morning, so as not to fall asleep and do not break the toys.

A simple fabulous advent of preparation for the new year began in Instagram. Every Sunday I will lay out a fairy tale, and Zhenya task to her in our profiles. I invite you to take part. My profile in instagram @maminiskazki (unexpectedly, yes? ;-))

But while I share with you my first fairy tale.


He lived, there was one girl, called her Marusya. A good and cute girl was Marusya. Mom helped, cleaned the toys, she did not quarrel with her older brother. And every year before the new year, I wrote a letter of my letter to Santa Claus and asked him to bring her gifts.

So like and that year: Marusya, it was, gathered to write

Dear friends, readers, guests, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I wish you all more health, smaller seals, the house so that the full bowl and the magic and the fairy tale you do not go to the side!

As a gift from me, you have such a New Year's fairy tale with a Sonechkin pattern - it is simple, the plot is neoriginal, but it seems to me that the tale came out very sweet and creates a festive mood.

Gift for animals

In the evening, the first lit in the sky. All forest inhabitants hid themselves in their houses: minks, dupels, nests and bertogs, only a few animals gathered on the clearing near the fluffy racking chips, covered with snow, like a warm blanket. There were a lap ribbons here, his best friend Hedgehog Krunosik, blockers tick and Tamochka, Oleshka and Lanyushka, and the Sieva Soviet, who kept speech in front of her friends. Those who listened carefully.

Here I have this new year fairy tale born about a monkey, the symbol of the upcoming year. I invite you to write New Year's magic fairy tales for the project.

Santa Claus and Monkey

Through three days before the New Year, just when it was necessary to pack and lay gifts in the bag, an unexpected incident happened. Snow Maiden fell ill. For the first time in life I got sick.

And it was like. On the eve they dressed up a Christmas tree near the Trem of Santa Claus. Bunnies, squirrels, Putah Forests saw the decorations that the Snow Maiden endured from the house in the boxes.

Dear friends! There are only two weeks left to the most magical holiday, the new year. I wanted not to just write for you another New Year's fairy tale, but to make a real New Year's gift. In this I agreed to help the beautiful children's artist Ekaterina Kolesnikova.

We have done for you and your children a small Christmas e-book with illustrations. The book is designed for children, ranging from 2.5 years. Older kids can read the book on their own. The main heroine of the book, of course, the lamb!

Dear readers! Congratulations on your first winter day! The new year is already on the way, and you can even declare the official start of preparation for the holidays! We are with a wonderful children's artist Catherine Kolesnikova ( [Email Protected] Com, Profile in Instagram: Kolesnikova_ekaterina) decided to please you with the first New Year's fairy tale in honor of the start of winter. I can't move away from the theme of Baba Yaga after the last number of our magazine (I will show you the other day, what kind of heel and I smeared with the Sonechka), so I also got a tale. 🙂

On the forest edge in a small hut ... On Courish legs there was a Baba Yaga bone leg. She was, in general, not evil in character, just grumbling a little.

Before the start of the long New Year holidays, it remains quite a bit, and you have work, preparation for the holidays, the choice of gifts, and absolutely no time to relax, and maybe there is no "New Year's mood", which is still talking about.

Do not be sad! We picked up for you short stories and the story of your favorite authors who and the mood will improve, and the time does not take a lot. Read on the run and rejoice in the new year and Christmas!

"Gifts of Volkhvov."

14 minutes

Readers know this story is hardly by heart, but still a year from year to remember him on Christmas Eve. The story of two "stupid children", sacrificing the most expensive things for each other, inspires us for more than a century. Her moral is that: no matter how poor you are, love makes you and rich, and happy.

"New Year's Eve Father and a Little Daughter."

11 minutes

A very short and bright story about a person who spent the best years of life to some unknown reader work and not noticed how his daughter grew up.

In the "New Year's Eve ..." there is a cold and hopelessness, which the author himself experienced in the abrupt Petersburg room in the scary 1922, but there is also warmth that only close people can give. In the case of the Hero Green, this is his daughter, Taving DREP, and in the case of the writer himself - his wife Nina Mironova.


25 minutes

Sasha is a thirteen-year-old teenager out of a poor family, a puffy, angry, accustomed to tolerance and insults. On the Christmas Eve, he is invited to the Christmas tree in a rich house, where the boy surrounds the pure and happy children of the owners. In addition to this, he sees the first love of his father. A woman who is still remembered.

But in Christmas, as we remember, miracles happen, and the heart of Sasha, which still squeezed iron vices, melts when looking at a toy angel. In one moment it disappears its usual rudeness, hostility and worn.

"Tree". Tuva Jansson

15 minutes

Charming story about unknown science, but so favorite mumi-trolls. At this time, Tuva Jansson described how familiar readers family celebrated Christmas. Not knowing what it is and how it is celebrated, the mumi family managed to arrange a real holiday with a Christmas tree and gifts for whitles (even more mysterious animals).

The story, of course, children's, but also adults under the New Year will also be pleasant to re-read it.

"Anniversary". Narin Abgaryan

20 minutes

A realistic story, devoid of even a hint of magic, nevertheless leads to the most joyful pre-New Year thoughts. "Anniversary" is the story of friendship, old and just acquired, breaking with the unpleasant past and hopes for the fulfillment of all promises, data with the onset of the new year.

"Not only under Christmas."

30 minutes

A spoon of tar in our barrel of honey: A satirical story about how Christmas suddenly became a daily unbearable torture. At the same time, the whole of the holiday, his religious and moral subtext came to no due to the love of people to Mishur. Masterpiece from the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature Henry Böll.

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1 hour, 20 minutes

It was necessary to go for a deal with the feature of Oksana for the sake of Cherevychki Oksana for the deal with himself, adults and children knew. "Night before Christmas" is the brightest, funny and atmospheric thing in the Gogol cycle "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", so do not consider work, take the time of the sake of pleasure to spend time with your favorite heroes.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 20 minutes


New Year's holidays are already on the nose, and therefore it is time to actively prepare for the holidays. And, first of all, should be taken to the leisure of children who need not just to take in these holidays, but also to splash a little magic for the right mood. What mom and dad will help the right fairy tales on Christmas and New Year's topics.

Visiting Santa Claus

Age: for preschoolers.

The books of this Finnish author are loved and revered by the parents of the whole world: they were transferred to 24 languages, they celebrated prestigious awards and sold considerable circulations.

The story about Santa is almost a classic literature of this little snow country. From the book you will learn all the truth about Santa Claus, you can say first-hand about deer and dwarves, about their breakfasts and pigtails on beards, about everyday life and preparation for holidays, and much more.

If you and children have not yet found your festive mood - draw it out of the book!

Age: for schoolchildren.

The list of christmas fairy tales will be not complete without this wonderful book of a talented, the well-known writer.

Childhood is the time of wonderful stories and fantasies, among which the Nutcracker is a real pearl.

Of course, it is better to choose this book for older children who will already be able to catch the author's hidden irony, find quotes, submit every character.

Age: from 12 and older.

This christmas book of Dickens has become a real sensation immediately after the first publication itself, in the distant 1843 year. According to the plot, the works were removed not one kinocartine, painted a beautiful cartoon, and the scary image of the scrooge was actively used in a wide variety of cinema and theater.

Age: for schoolchildren.

The book contains instructive, surprisingly good and warm New Year's fairy tales for adult children and are not yet very adults.

In each fairy tale - its cozy and touching story of love.

Age: 6+.

In this wonderful story on the eve of the New Year suddenly come to life ... Neither someone is there, according to the classics, and snow women. And, it turns out, each woman (snow, naturally) is its own character. And desires - their own. And actions ...

This Children's "Thriller", filmmed almost immediately after the first publication of the book - in 1959.

This work should stand on the bookshelf of each child.

Age: 8+.

A wonderful continuation of the book about the salvation of a fairy tale is even more entertaining, cheerful and magical.

According to the plot, December 31 disappears. And only three Baba Yagi can save the holiday, which have already managed to acquire the experience of the rescue team.

If you have not read this excavatic story to your child - it's time! It is worth noting that the author a little visited his heroes, which no longer spoiled the magic fairy tale.

Age: 8+.

Surprisingly kind and touching fairy tale "From childhood", which remains relevant for more than a dozen years.

A light and fascinating magic story about traveling trains and his toy passengers will not leave any child indifferent. The Italian writer will introduce your children with dolls, with cowboy and indians, and even with a real doll general who escaped from the Signora Fairie store to one good, but poor boy Francesco.

The author of the work: Tuva Yanon.

Age: 5+.

One wonderful snowy series from a book about mumy trolls.

This tale will teach mutual and kindness, will tell you that you need to take care of those who are weaker than you, and the fact that it is important to be in any situations.

Age: 12+.

Here you will find fairy tales from your loved ones around the world Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, not only discontinuished in this book wealth of national folklore, but also gathered many families near the home "focus" to listen to terrible stories.

Age: 8+.

It is in Christmas that our world is changing: it is thawing the earliest hearts, the enemies will be laid, insults are forgiven.

A Christmas fairy tale in the magic Geningensky forest was born, about whose wonders now only one flower, which flourishes on the night of Christmas ...

Age: 3+.

If you are looking for a gift for the new year for your daughter or niece-baby - this is what you need. Along not a single child remained disappointed, and the Moms themselves become real fans of this book.

In this book you are waiting for the life of a solid rabbit family, every day of which is filled with funny stories.

Age: 6+.

The story is conducted on the face of a little wiki, to which the hands of the parents do not reach (well, they have a child once).

So you have to invent all sorts of entertainment with my godfather.

Age: for preschool.

In this good New Year's history, the author collected the funny adventures of animals, falling into a snowy storm on the way to her companion-badger. Alas, all gifts are carried out by the wind, and you will have to go to visit without them. Well, if only some miracle happens.

The wonderful book for kids is simple, understandable, precisely transmitting the feeling of Christmas wonders.

Age: 4+.

Alice Girl (Olennok) loves the new year. But so cold and hungry winter does not promise holidays. However, Alice does not lose optimism and even time to make a desire for a falling asterisk ...

Think, only people believe in miracles? And here is not! Beasts from the magic forest also dream of a fairy tale and want a holiday.

And if you want to strongly, then it will definitely happen.

Age: 6+.

Somewhere far, in the northern part of the country, there is a village with the name of Deadmorosovka. True, no one sees it, because it is covered with the most fabulous invisible bedspread. And they live there, naturally, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Well, and their adorable helpers are snowmen.

And once, having blinded 19 new helpers and assistants, Snow Maiden with Santa Claus decided to teach their literacy ...

Fascinating and cheerful fairy tale, which your child will definitely ask to read again.

Age: for kids.

This author from England is known not only by wonderful children's stories about Willy, but also fantastic illustrations that he himself for his books and draws. More than 7 million copies of his books found their owners in various countries of the world.

Willyman Willy works in an ordinary old park. And almost immediately lives - his house under the tree. Beasts from the park adore Willie for his kindness. Once, a strong frost hit the winter cold evening. The first to uncle Willie knocked a squirrel ...

A wonderful fairy tale that will not only be a good "manual" for a child, but also a chic instance for your home collection of fairy tales.

Age: 8+.

An interesting book in which children get acquainted with 8 "cases" about the celebration of the New Year.

This detective Reader for modern children in which you will find adventures, and an investigation (an attempt to expose the New Year), and real sensational materials, and even a bit of history, encyclopedia, a bit of recipes and special materials for creativity and fantasy flight.

Age: 6+.

Beautiful children's fairy tale of the Swedish writer and artist about Petson and the charming kitten of Findus. In this book they have to prepare for the holiday. There is a lot of things, you need to have time not only to dress up a Christmas tree, but also to buy treats. And anything, if not for one nuisance with which they would definitely deal with, thanks to unexpected guests.

In Russia, the works of Nurdquist appeared only in 1997, and today the joy of readers in our country can also find the entire series of these wonderful books.

Age: for preschool.

The stories about the little Santa Claus can be found in a series of four beautiful books (which can be easily bought and one - plots are independent and read in any order).

Everyone knows about Santa Claus. And everyone knows that he is not alone. But there is one that you have never heard about. He is quite small, although Santa Claus is already. And what is the most hijacked - he is forbidden to cut gifts. Every year the same thing: no one perceives him seriously. But there is still a yield!

This wonderful book will tell you that in any situation there are advantages, and that being yourself is not so bad, even if you are not like that.