How to draw frost patterns. Drawing "Frosty patterns

How to draw frost patterns. Drawing
How to draw frost patterns. Drawing "Frosty patterns

Svetlana Borisova

i] Objectives: Teach children draw frost patterns in lace styles. Create conditions for free, creative use of various decorative elements: point, circle, curl, leaf, petal, shaded, wavy line, straight line. Improve the technique of drawing the end of the brush. Develop a feeling of shape and composition.

Materials: Pictures of patterns on the winter windows, pictures of Vologda lace, samples of decor elements: point, circle, curl, leaf, shaded, wavy line, straight line, white paper sheets, blue paint, thin brushes, water jars, napkins.

Travel course:

The educator asks children about the time of year.

Guys, what time of year is it. (Winter)

What happens in winter? (Snow, cold, frost)

Did any of you see that Draw Frost on the windows? (Patterns)

The tutor shows a picture of the pattern on the window and at the same time hesitate to listen to the fairy tale "Grandmother of Verteyn" in the statement of L. L. Yakhnin. (see below)

After reading the fairy tale shows pictures of the Vologda Lace.

Look at the pictures of patterns and Vologda lace. What can you say about them? Similar these pictures? What are they like? (Patterns on the windows fabulous, bizarrely intertwined, like threads in lace)

Today you will decorate your "windows" frosty patterns. Look at the pictures of frost patterns carefully. In order for the drawings to be fabulous, beautiful, various decor elements use for drawing. It is a point, circle, curl, leaflet, petal, shaded, wavy line, straight line.

The tutor shows decor elements.

Before you proceed to work, dismiss a little.

Fizkultminutka "Snow"

Like a hill snow, snow, (stand on socks, hands up)

And under the slide snow, snow, (squat)

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow, (get up, hands on the sides)

And under the Christmas tree snow, snow. (wrap yourself with hands)

And under the snow is sleeping bear, (swaying from side to side, hands

bent in the elbows, in front of the breast, palm from yourself)

Quieter, quieter, not noise! (finger to lips, whisper)

And now take your sheets of paper, think what kind of pattern you would like to draw on your "window" and proceed to work. So that the patterns were air, painted the end of the tassel, do not dial a lot of water.

Independent activities of children

Children perform work


The educator assesses the work of children. Exhibition is drawn up

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node for artistic and visual activities in the middle group "Frosty patterns" Objective: to acquaint children with unconventional equipment drawing, expand the ideas about nature in the winter. Tasks: educational:.

Objectives: Teach children to draw frost patterns in lace style; Expand and diversify the shaped row (creating a situation for free,.

An abstract of open classes on drawing in unconventional techniques "Frosty patterns" in the middle group Educator: Musaeva Oksana Yuryevna Topic: "Frosty patterns" Purpose: Enrichment of the visual experience of preschoolers by non-traditional techniques.

Abstract artistic development classes in the senior group "Frosty patterns on our window" The abstract of direct educational activities on artistic development in the elder group "Frosty patterns on our window" (familiarization.

Tasks: Call interest in the winter phenomena of nature; help learn a new drawing method - a candle; Improve skills and skills in.

Subject: "Frosty patterns on the window" Purpose: Expand the ideas about beauty in winter. Tasks: Educational: Teach children draw patterns.

An abstract of classes in the middle group "Frosty patterns" Purpose: Call the children interest in winter phenomena in children. Develop visual observation, the ability to notice unusual in the surrounding.

Every winter you can watch the windows of magnificent patterns that frost drew. They are very diverse and intricate, mysterious and just great.

How are Ice patterns formed on glass?

The air indoors is much warmer than on the street, and the humidity is lower. But near the glass, the temperature may be lower than the point of dew, that is, the values \u200b\u200bwhen steam begins to condense in the dew. Small ice crystals are formed and ice drawings appear on the window.

Why are Ice patterns are always different?

Because changeable conditions inside the room and on the street: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed. Even glass thickness, and its purity play a role.

First, frosty patterns are formed on the surface of the glass, and when their thickness becomes so big that the output of the heat is slowed down, the ice patterns begin to grow in thickness.

"Vegetable" patterns appear with high humidity and gradual decrease in temperature. First, the glass becomes wet, and then the moisture freezes, forming the bizarre "thickets". The process begins with the bottom of the glass, because there is more water. Yes, and the drawing is larger there, and it becomes smaller to the top.

If the cooling process was rapidly, and the moisture did not have time to drain down the glass, then the "woody" pattern throughout the window will be the same size.

Window glasses can not be perfectly smooth and smooth, they almost always have small defects and scratches. They contribute to the formation of another frosty pattern. First, ice crystalline arise along scratches, forming a strip, and then curved stems begin to be branched from it.

Once frosty patterns on the window appear when complying with certain conditions, it means that if you change them, the glasses will remain clean. Lower air humidity or do not allow strong cooling glass (make good windows thermal insulation) and frost will not draw anything on your window.

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  • Continue to form knowledge of the people's decorative and applied creativity, on the decoration of the specified shape with the use of natural motives, the ability to combine traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • Develop the ability to compose the composition of the drawing, figurative representation and fantasy; Fasten the skill of graphic image;
  • Rail a aesthetic taste and accuracy.

Materials and equipment: Paper for watercolor, gouache or watercolor, candle, Vologda lace, disk with works of Russian and foreign composers, samples of frosty patterns, "Procedure for performing work", a letter from Santa Claus and an A4 envelope, decorated with a new year's symbolism.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting goals.

Teacher:Dear Guys! We came to Message from Santa Claus! We read the letter:

"Dear children! Best in the world! I became completely old, I can not think of new patterns on the windows.
Help! Send your drawings with patterns! Send you an envelope! I hope for your fantasy and fiction.
Your Santa Claus. "

Let's help my santa Claus, draw patterns?

Tune in to fantasy, you will help the poem about the frost artist:

Frost - the artist is the best,
In the city goes.
Then the cheeks are nourishes,
All the nose will pour
And at night he, while I slept,
Came with a magic brush,
And drew on the window
Sparkling leaves.

III. Conversation:

- Draw Frosty Patterns to help us here these products. (The teacher shows the Vologda lace. They can be broken on the tissue of blue or black.)

- Who knows how they are called? (Lace.)

- Yes, it is lace. They are flying with a special hook and various threads. These weave are engaged in many Russian lands. Especially in the north, in the Vologda region. The fate of this type of art is happy. We still use lace to decorate our dwellings and clothes.

- Tell me, what natural forms do we see in them? (Leafs, Flowers, Curls.)

- Right. Folk masters have always peased in plants form for the manufacture of their products!

- What else can we portray in the form of a frost pattern? (Children's responses.)

- Now I will make up the riddles, and the deposits will be answered by my question.

1. Only a white pattern that lace weave,

With the flicker of stars of these compared (snowflakes).

- There is not a single snowflakes in the world, but they all arise in one rule. Their rays are located as it were in mirror reflection.

(Draw on a snowflake board.)

Walked overnight everywhere
And we have a miracle in the apartment
Behind the window house disappeared
There is a magical grew ... (forest)

Correctly can depict the forest.

3. Children, and what else can be depicted in the form of a frostite pattern on the window, fantasize. (5-6 replies.)


IV. Explanation of the work stages.

  • What is on the table? (Artist's tools.)
  • Do you know how to work with all? (I do not know how to candle.)
  • I will teach you, but first of all it is necessary to determine the procedure.
  • How to locate a sheet of paper? Horizontally or vertically? Recall where and how frost paints his patterns? (On glasses, vertically.) Place a sheet as well.
  • And in what parts of the window most often are patterns? (On the bottom of glass and sides.)
  • What time of day it is better to consider patterns on the glass? (Early in the morning and in the evening) paints What color do we need? (Blue and white.)
  • No, guys, the white paint should not be needed today, since its function will perform a candle. Wax of candles does not let water and does not paint paper. Bands spent with a candle will remain white.
  • Listen carefully to work:
    1) Think out the pattern composition.
    2) Apply the drawing on paper with light strokes and lines.
    3) Pencil drawing circle a candle with a strong pressure on the dry sheet
    4) Cover the sheet with water without paint.
    5) Not giving a sheet to dry, evenly apply blue paint.
    (On the board are placed cards with a phased image of the work: a pencil, a candle, a glass with a tassel, a jar with blue paint.)

V. Getting to work.

On the board, the teacher places samples of drawings.

Fig. one

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

1. The selection of classic works (quiet) sounds.
2. The teacher points to the mistakes of children.

Guys who will work out, refers it and attaches with a magnet to the board. This is our exhibition.

At the end of the lesson we will admire our drawings.

Vi. Summarizing. Exhibition. Analysis of work.

1. What work did you like most? Why? Explain.

(Work Analysis.)

2. Have you received pleasure from working in class?

- What's new learned about the artist?
- What folk creativity met?
- What instruments of the artist do you know?
- Which one for you is new?

What was the most interesting in the lesson?

House Task: draw houses with parents candle

And now we will take our drawings, on the opposite, we will write our wishes to the Grandfather Frost and send in this fabulously beautiful envelope.

    In order to draw a frosty pattern on the glass it is not necessary to be a great artist. This is even a child. The main thing, if you draw on paper, first make the background, and then draw on it with white pencils.

    If you are drawing on the window, you can use materials such as acrylic paints, toothpaste. Here are some examples of work:

    With small kids, you can make a simple frosty pattern on the window.

    To do this take the cardboard. Malanika scotch tape make a semblance of a window frame on him. Then the surface is painted in a blue gouache.

    When our base is dry, then you dilute the white gouache, take the straw and blow up on the window

    And you can draw a white gouache with a thin tassel on the glass.

    Draw frost patterns similar to those that drawsqot; Frost on the windows

    Berm paper, tassels and paints (gouache) - blue and white, and water.

    You can first draw the windows, the window frame - let them be blue, the rash area and the paint are walking, so that the white patterns are better visible on it.

    Now it's interesting - take the old, unnecessary toothbrush, type white paint, and paint the prayers with the entire bristly side of the bristly face as you like. You can use any other suitable tools with bristles - they turn out to draw so that the smears consisting of thin lines are obtained. Do not dial too much paint.

    This is the easiest way to draw patterns, distantly resembling frosty patterns on the glass. So it would be possible to draw with the children.

    There are more complex preds of drawing such frosty patterns with a joinery of the glue and the present glass. The fact is that it has a property, hanging, decrease in the amount.

    To do this, you can take real glass, and for starters to make it matte (for example, with sand, sandbreaker, sandblasting machine).

    Now carbon black is applied to the matte glass (the solution must be strong and still hot), a couple of millimeters thick. The jetty adhesive is made of tiled glue, which is soaked in water, after which the excess water needs to drain and heat the solution on the steam bath.

    In order for the glue faster drops, you can put the glass into the dryer and dry at a temperature of about 50 degrees, after which it is dried, it will break off with a thin glass of glass, and patterns will be visible on the matte surface.

    It is better to use a fairly thick glass so that the glue when drying does not bent the glass, instead of tearing away the PLN.

    Adhesive from glass glue can be used further, just add a new glue to it and rolling again.

    And you can draw the similarity of frosty patterns by watercolor, like on this video, just brush and paints.

    Draw - this is art. What machinery drawing you want to portray the frosty pattern known only to you. In my opinion, the easiest way is to draw like this: We type in the search engine frosty patterns And we get it, then choose your favor and copy or save. It is said that in nature there were no two identical snowflakes ...

    To draw frost patterns on the window glass, very similar to the real creations of Santa Claus, we will need beer and magnesia (or urea). They are likely to be found in the pharmacy. It is necessary to dissolve 50 grams of magnesia in half a glass with a light beer. The resulting liquid on dry glass is drawn patterns: various curls and suns. After the solution is dry, drawings from crystals are very similar to the real frosty patterns.

    First you need to make a stencil, thick cardboard is suitable, you must draw the desired pattern with a pencil and then cut this drawing to get the stencil itself. Then we apply stencil on the surface and paint the appropriate means as an option can be used toothpaste. There are toothpastes with a bluish tint, this tool is convenient because it will easily wash off later.

    There are quite a few ways to draw a frosty pattern of glass. In my opinion, the simplest thing is to get up opposite the window glass and, if you can put it, simply, gradually moving, to faint, pattern.

    Before drawing a frost pattern on paper, let's see which different patterns are in winter windows.

    Frost does not know how to draw the same patterns, so each drawing is unique and unique there are shaggy twigs or thin openwork laces, individual asterisks or a sun window is covered with an LGKA mesh - a cobweb.


    Now you can proceed to sketch.

    I - Take a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, a rubber band (sometimes we will arid the unsuccessful sketch), paint (you will need white with blue, to mix and get all the shades of soft blue), tassels and water in a glass.

    II - make an outline with thin lines of a pencil, placing the pattern as you like more, curls, waves in one direction, and you can draw a framing, as if an openwork frame on paper, with a clean center in the middle.

    III - we will install the drawing, add twigs and curls, arrhythmous eraser, and prepare for coloring.

    IV - Now you can make a light blue paint, mixing blue with white or add to blue a lot of water to achieve color transparency.

    Cover the entire sheet (background) blue paint, thick brush. Let's dry.

    V - Berm thin brush and white paint paint our sketch (thin pencil lines that look through the blue background).

    On the contrary, it is possible to draw blue frost patterns on a light background.

    Three Winter Pattern options.

    Frosty patterns in nature, these are unique drawings, which no longer repeat, they like snowflakes are diverse and new ones. But draw such a frosty pattern on paper, here is this plan.

    New year a wonderful holiday, which are waiting for adults and children. We are all of course we know that you have to decorate our home for the new year is a century-old tradition. And you can make it different ways, and one of them can paint the windows.

    And it's not necessary to be an artist, you should all work out. For you that this method of patterned glass is available to everyone. It can also be drawn on paper, but this has already been written by other authors in their answers.

    In order to have beautiful frosty patterns on the window window, you can use carbon black, it will give patterns when it starts to dry and decrease in the amount.

    And here are step-by-step actions on how to make a pattern on the glass of your window.

    Frosty patterns can be depicted in various ways.

    1. You can actually apply a candle drawing (paraffin), and on top of wide strokes to walk with a wide brush with a bluish watercolor.
    2. You can crate with a sheet of blue (or even better blue) gouache and scratch the drawings with a circular needle (or some other).
    3. You can make a stencil of paper, and then go to two possible ways:

    but) Spray the light blue gouache over the stencil;

    b) Make a crumb from a blue pencil styling (or blue, and even better - from both and mixed), and then with a cotton swab on a stick (it is better to spin cotton wool around a large tweezers) to rub the crumb on the surface, without pupping the stencil. Possible replacement of the tampon dry and very much a wide brush.

    I understand that the disadvantage of my answer is the lack of pictures. I do not describe the methods found somewhere on the Internet, I just remember what exactly did in childhood itself. The main thing is not to be afraid that there will be it does not look much; Ice crystals on glass can be so diverse that the similarities or nonsense can not be in principle.

    Even more photos of real frost patterns - here.