Composition of the present century and the past century in comedy grief from wits. Comedy A.S

Composition of the present century and the past century in comedy grief from wits.  Comedy A.S
Composition of the present century and the past century in comedy grief from wits. Comedy A.S

The modern realities of Russia involuntarily cause a cry from the heart of any person who is not indifferent to its future and present. The state of decay in which it found itself, Russia, perishing in corruption, lawlessness and poverty, like the entire Russian people.

For clarity, I would like to cite some amazing figures and facts that clearly confirm that Russia is not in Europe or even in Asia in many respects: in terms of corruption, in terms of life expectancy, in terms of investment in science, and the like, it is located in Africa! It is even worth saying more - it is not the Russians who should be offended for such a comparison, but the Africans! The Africans have an explanation for their backwardness: for four centuries they were mercilessly exploited and destroyed by "aliens" - the racists and colonialists, and the Russians, for the last four centuries, who colonized, who spread rot on the Russians, except for the Russians themselves? ..

Mortality in Russia

Over the past 20 years, more than 7 million Russians have become extinct in Russia. According to this indicator, Russia is ahead of Brazil and Turkey by 50%, and Europe - several times.

Every year Russia loses in terms of population an entire region equal to Pskov, or a large city such as Krasnodar.

The number of suicides, poisonings, homicides and accidents in Russia is comparable to the death rate in Angola and Burundi.

In terms of male life expectancy, Russia occupies about 160th place in the world, behind Bangladesh.

Russia ranks 1st in the world in terms of absolute population decline.

According to UN estimates, the population of Russia from the current 143 million people by 2025 will decline to 121 - 136 million.

The figures reflecting the crisis of the family in Russia are also horrifying: 8 out of 10 old people living in nursing homes have relatives who are able to support them. But, nevertheless, they were sent to the shelters! Relatives refused them.

Today in Russia there are from 2 to 5 million homeless children (after the Great Patriotic War there were 700 thousand of them).

In China, there are 1 billion 400,000 thousand people, and only 200 thousand homeless people, i.e. 100 times less than in the Russian Federation! This is what children mean to the Chinese! But caring for the elderly and children is the key to a prosperous nation.

80% of 370 thousand children in orphanages have living parents. But they are supported by the state!

The Russian Federation ranks 1st in the world in terms of the number of children abandoned by their parents.

All these figures indicate erosion, disintegration of family values ​​in the country ...

The statistics of crimes against children are also terrifying. According to the data of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, in 2014, 100 thousand minors became victims of crimes, of which 1,700 children were raped and killed (according to these figures, we even surpassed South Africa). This means that 4-5 children are killed in Russia every day.

In 2015, 9,500 sexual crimes against minors were committed in Russia - of which 2,600 were rapes, 3,600 were non-violent sexual intercourse (in 2 years, sexual crime has grown almost 5 times). Only South Africa is ahead of us in these crimes.

Drug addiction and alcoholism

30 thousand Russians die annually from drug overdose (the population of a small town).

Vodka kills 70,000 people a year. In Afghanistan, 14,000 of our soldiers were killed during the war!

According to the World Health Organization, there are 15 liters of pure alcohol per citizen of the Russian Federation per year, despite the fact that if the consumption of pure alcohol per person is more than 8 liters, then there is a threat to the survival of the nation.


The size of bribes in Russia has multiplied tenfold, and the courts between Russian oligarchs in London have become a laughing stock for the world business community.

Impunity in the legal sphere has reached the point that a criminal case has been initiated against the lawyer Magnitsky who died in prison - that is, they decided to try a dead person who, of course, cannot defend himself! In Europe, such an incident last happened in the 17th century, when Cromwell was dug out of the grave and hanged on the gallows - so to speak, justice, in pursuit!

In an annual survey by Transparency International, Russia dropped to 154th place out of 178 countries in terms of corruption in 2014. Thus, neighboring with Guinea-Bissau and Kenya.

So, in the light of the above figures, we can safely speak about the decline of national morality - and, ultimately, the responsibility for this lies with those who held them in power.

And now some dry facts, for example, does the average Russian know that:

Over the past 10 years, 11,000 villages and 290 cities have disappeared in Siberia.

The average density of Siberia and the Far East is 2 people per 1 sq. Km.

The average density of the central part of Russia is 46 people / sq. km.

The average population density of China is 140 people / sq. Km.

The average population density in Japan is 338 people / sq. km

For whom were Siberia and the Kuriles conquered and developed? For the Chinese or the Japanese, it turns out that way!

For a country with such a wealth of natural and water resources, it is shameful to have 50% of the population poor.

The above figures are able to easily confuse any sane person. It is safe to say that he knows about all the above facts - it is only interesting what he thinks about this?

Tragically, it is worth noting that, obviously, this is not the limit, not the worst, we have not yet touched the “bottom”, and the people have not yet matured to the ability to be horrified at themselves and, finally, to gain the courage to ask “where we live?". The Russians sniffed the stench in the entrances and toilets! The Russians are accustomed to the fact that murders take place around them on a daily basis. Russians are accustomed to the fact that people in Russian cities and villages are literally fighting for their lives.

The Kremlin only pretends that it is fighting corruption by sacking dozens of Interior Ministry generals, middle-level officials, and governors. He generously replaces their execution with a "well-deserved rest" in Dubai and the Cote d'Azur! Is the government seriously thinking of ending corruption in this way? But, on the other hand, all over the country you elect a candidate to the local government with “I am a thief” written on his forehead, and then you are surprised that the government is corrupt!

And the question arises past the will whether half of the nation should die out and the Russians should "shrink" to the Urals so that the people wake up (namely the people, and not a tiny group of thinking people!) And demanded from the authorities not pleasant soothing news and regular promises, but the truth, and above all - admitting how bad it is now! Remember: a catastrophe struck in 1941 — Stalin was forced to do this. In 1956, the Bolsheviks felt that they were facing retribution for decades of terror, and this was what Khrushchev was forced to do.

And today it is approaching a demographic and moral catastrophe, which I have never experienced!

It is worth noting that the answer of the majority in this case is painfully predictable. It was voiced many times and it is absolutely obvious that if at least a third of those who read this article agreed with its content, then Russia would be a different country!

And so today it is just a forced statement of the terrifying realities of our time.

Oleg Rudenko

The opinions expressed in the "Opinions" section convey the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily reflect the position of the editorial board. The editors of the site are not responsible for the accuracy of such materials, and the site performs exclusively the role of a carrier

The modern culture of Russia in the 21st century requires a multilateral and deep examination. It is closely related to the past centuries. Its current state of culture is directly related to the accumulated experience. Perhaps, outwardly, she somewhat denies him, to some extent even plays with him. Next, let's take a closer look at the current state of culture in Russia.

General information

The culture of modern Russia is part of the global one. She transforms, recycles and absorbs new trends. Thus, in order to trace the development of culture in modern Russia, one must pay attention to world phenomena in general.

Today's situation

Nowadays the problems of the modern are of paramount importance. First of all, we are talking about a powerful factor in social development. Culture permeates every aspect of human life. This applies both to the foundations of material production and needs, as well as to the greatest manifestations of the human spirit. The culture of modern Russia is increasingly influencing the solution of program goals. In particular, it concerns the building of a rule-of-law state, the disclosure of human creative abilities, strengthening and culture in modern Russia has an impact on many areas. This applies to personality, lifestyle, thinking, leisure, everyday life, work, and so on. There is a special institution - the Department of Culture. Depending on the status, he decides and coordinates certain issues. As for its social influence, it acts, first of all, as a necessary aspect of the activity of a social person. That is, it is observed that it is regulated by certain rules that have been accumulated in traditions, symbolic and sign systems, and new trends.

The main difficulties

Today, the development of culture in modern Russia is fraught with a number of issues. They were set by the very life of society. Currently, all guidelines are aimed at something qualitatively new. Thus, there is a sharp turn in the understanding of innovative and traditional trends in social development. On the one hand, they are required in order to deeply master the cultural heritage. On the other hand, you need to be able to go beyond the usual notions that have already outlived theirs. The Department of Culture should also undergo corresponding reorganization changes. It also requires overcoming a number of reactionary traditions. They have been planted and developed over the centuries. These traditions were constantly manifested in the consciousness, behavior and activities of people. To adequately address these issues, it is necessary to understand how culture develops in modern Russia.

Impact of progress

The emergence of the modern world has contributed to significant changes in human consciousness. The eyes of people are turned to the limits of life. Self-awareness turns into a trend. The orientation towards their historical and cultural forms was renewed. The future is seen primarily in the processes of expanding international relations. All countries should be involved in the world cultural and historical process. There have been significant social changes. Questions about the originality and peculiarities of Russian culture come to the fore.

Information about general trends

What features of the culture of modern Russia can be seen now? There are a number of specific problems. Foreground is innovation and tradition in the cultural space. Thanks to the stable side of the latter, there is a translation and accumulation of human experience from a historical point of view. As for traditional societies, here the assimilation of culture is carried out through the confession of the examples of the past. Within the framework of tradition, of course, there may be minor variations. In this case, they represent the basis for the functioning of culture. From the point of view of innovation, creativity is much more difficult.

Progressive and reactionary trends

Creating a culture out of nowhere is not possible. Previous traditions cannot be completely discarded. The question of the attitude towards cultural heritage concerns not only its preservation, but also development in general. In this case, we are talking about creativity. Here, the universal merges with the unique. The culture of the peoples of Russia, or rather its values, are undeniable. There is a need to distribute them. Cultural creativity is a source of innovation. It is involved in the process of general development. A reflection of a wide range of opposing trends in the historical era can be traced here.

Features of the structure

What is culture in modern Russia now? Briefly considering its content, it can be noted that it is divided into several different areas:

  1. Religion.
  2. All forms in which the spirit of the people is manifested.
  3. Art.
  4. Technique.
  5. The science.
  6. Legal proceedings.
  7. Social and political structure.
  8. The nature of the army.
  9. Economy.
  10. Statement of upbringing.
  11. The nature of work, settlements, clothing.
  12. Writing and language.
  13. Customs.
  14. Morals.

In this case, the history of culture for understanding the level of its development is of paramount importance.

Modern realities

Now culture finds its embodiment in a multitude of created spiritual and material phenomena and values. This applies to new elements such as:

Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the cultural sphere is not homogeneous. The fact is that each component has common boundaries - both chronological and geographical. The culture of the peoples of Russia, in particular, its originality, is inseparable. She is in constant interaction. Dialogue takes place between many distinctive cultures. Interaction takes place not only in the present tense. It also affects the past-future axis.

The main differences

Distinction and culture took place already in the 20th century. The latter, as before, is filled with positive meaning. As for civilization, it has a neutral characteristic. In some cases, there is a direct negative "sound". Civilization is synonymous with material structure. We are talking about a fairly high level of mastery of the forces of nature. This is a powerful technological advance. He certainly contributes to the achievement of material wealth. In most cases, civilization is associated with the development of technology. This can be used for a wide variety of purposes. At the same time, culture has drawn as close as possible to spiritual progress.

Development features

The formation of a new image of culture is one of the most interesting moments. As for the traditional vision of world heritage, it is primarily associated with organic and historical integrity. The new image of culture boasts many associations. This concerns ideas, on the one hand, of the universal human ethical paradigm, and on the other hand, of a cosmic scale. In addition, a new type of interaction is being formed. It is expressed in the rejection of a simplified rational scheme for solving cultural problems. Nowadays, understanding other people's points of view is becoming more important. The same can be said for the following:

Given this logic of cultural communication, it is easy to understand that the principles of action will be appropriate.

Tipping points

It will be about the beginning of the 90s. last century. The national culture of Russia is still influenced by that period. Events developed under the influence of many factors. An accelerated disintegration of the unified culture of the USSR took place. Many national divisions were formed, for which the values ​​of the aggregate culture of the Soviet Union turned out to be unacceptable. This also applied to traditions. Not without a sharp opposition of different national cultures. In this regard, the tension grew. As a result, a single socio-cultural space disintegrated. The system, which used to be organically linked with the previous history of the country, found itself in a new economic and political situation. A lot has changed dramatically. This also applies to the relationship between authorities and culture. The state was no longer going to dictate its terms. Thus, the culture has lost its guaranteed customers.

Ways of further development

The common core of culture has disappeared. Its further development has become the subject of heated debate. The range of searches was very wide. This is a huge number of options - from apologizing for isolationism to following the models of the West. There was virtually no unified cultural idea. A certain part of society perceived this situation as the deepest crisis. This is what Russian culture came to at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, some believe that pluralism is the natural norm of a civilized society.

Positive points

The spiritual culture of modern Russia is closely interconnected with the elimination of the ideological barriers of that period. The fact is that this provided favorable opportunities for its development. However, in the course of this process, there was some loss of national characteristics. This was due to the economic crisis that the country was going through and the difficult transition to market relations. In the mid-90s, it was in the stage of an acute crisis. The country's striving for market development was a priority. Thus, certain spheres of culture simply could not exist without the support of the state. The chasm between mass and elite forms continued to deepen. The same was true for the older generation and youth. The unequal access to the consumption of goods, both cultural and material, increased sharply. The combination of the above reasons led to the emergence of a "fourth estate" in the country. We are talking about the mass media, which began to occupy the first place in culture. As for modernity, here the following elements are intertwined in the most bizarre way:

  1. Anarchy and statehood.
  2. Demonstrative apoliticality and huge deliberate politicization.
  3. Selfishness.
  4. Individualism and collegiality.
  5. Collectivism.

Role of the state

The revival of culture is the most important condition for the renewal of society. This fact is quite obvious. As for specific movements along this path, they remain the subject of fierce discussions. In particular, this concerns the role of the state in this process. Will it interfere with and regulate culture? Or perhaps she can find her own means of survival? There are several points of view on this matter. Some believe that culture needs to be free. This also applies to the right to identity. Thus, the state will undertake the development of strategic tasks for the "construction" of culture, as well as the responsibility for the protection of the national heritage. In addition, financial support for values ​​is needed. Nevertheless, all these issues have not yet been resolved. We are talking about the specific implementation of these provisions. Many believe that the state has not yet fully realized the fact that culture cannot be left to business. It needs to be supported, just like science and education. This comes to the fore in matters of maintaining the mental and moral health of the country. Domestic culture has many conflicting characteristics. Nevertheless, society cannot afford to be detached from its national heritage. Culture is disintegrating, and it is not adapted to transformations.

Possible options

As for the development paths, in this case there are many conflicting opinions. Some talk about the possible strengthening of political conservatism. That is, the situation can be stabilized on the basis of Russia's identity. In addition, the country's special path in history should be highlighted. Nevertheless, it can again lead to the nationalization of culture. In this case, we are talking about the implementation of automatic support for heritage and traditional forms of creativity. In other ways, foreign cultural influences are inevitable. Thus, any aesthetic innovation will be significantly hampered. What role can the conditions for Russia's integration play? It is worth taking into account the impact from the outside. Thanks to this, the country can be turned into a "province" when compared with global centers. Dominance of alien tendencies is possible in Russian culture. However, the life of society will become more stable. In this case, the commercial self-regulation of the structure plays an important role.

Key issues

Of course, we are talking about the preservation of the original national culture. It is also worth noting the importance of its international influence. Cultural heritage is being introduced into the life of society. Russia can join the system of universal human principles. In this case, she will become an equal participant in world artistic processes. The state must intervene in the cultural life of the country. The presence of institutional regulation is an urgent need. Only in this way will the cultural potential be fully utilized. State policy in the relevant areas will be reoriented radically. So, within the country, there will be an accelerated development of many industries. It should also be mentioned that physical culture in modern Russia has emerged from the crisis and is developing at a moderate pace.

Final points

Numerous and contradictory tendencies are characteristic of modern Russian culture. In this article, they have been partially indicated. As for the current period in the development of national culture, it is a transitional one. It is also safe to say that there are certain ways out of the crisis. What is the past century as a whole? This is a highly controversial and complex phenomenon. It is also greatly aggravated by the fact that the world was conditionally split into two camps for a long time. In particular, this applies to ideological signs. Thus, cultural practice was enriched with new ideas and problems. Global issues have forced humanity to accept the challenge. This was reflected in world culture as a whole. And not only on it. The same can be said about each national heritage separately. In this case, the dialogue of different cultures is a decisive factor. As for Russia, it is necessary to develop and adopt a correct strategic course. It should be noted that the situation in the world is constantly changing. Solving the "cultural" problem is a very difficult task. First of all, we are talking about the need to understand the existing deep contradictions that are inherent in domestic culture. And this applies to all of its historical development. Russian culture still has potential. It is sufficient to provide answers to the challenges posed by the modern world. As for the current state of Russian culture, it is very far from ideal. There is a need for a change in thinking. Currently, it is more focused on maximalism. In this case, a radical coup is needed. We are talking about a real reorganization of everything and everyone, and in the shortest possible time. The development of national culture will certainly be difficult and long.

Option number 1

1.The years of life of A.S. Griboyedov

2. In what year was the comedy "Woe from Wit" written

3.Explain the meaning of "speaking" surnames: REPETILOV, ZAGORETSKY

4. Who owns the following lines: "The comedy" Woe from Wit "... like a hundred-year-old man, around whom everyone, having outlived their time in turn, dies and falls, and he walks vigorous and fresh, between the graves of old and the cradles of new people .."

5. Correct the factual errors in the characteristics of the characters "Woe from Wit". Supplement their literary biographies with facts known from comedy:

Molchalin - a descendant of a noble family. He started in Saratov as a titular adviser. Through Famusov's assistance, he was transferred to serve in Moscow.

Renetylov is a member of the most secret union, whose meetings are held at the English Club. His career was not successful, but he finds his true vocation in literary activity: Repetilov is the author of popular vaudeville and epigrams. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Khlestova - a noble Moscow lady, is Sophia's aunt and sister-in-law to Famusov. In her youth, she was the maid of honor of Catherine I. At the ball in the house of Famusov comes with all his "servants" - several maids, two black maids, his beloved dog - an old Newfoundland. In contrast to all the other heroes of the comedy, he has sincere sympathy for Chatsky.

a)… God did not reward me with abilities,

I gave a kind heart, that's what I am dear to people

b) ... I sincerely confess to you

I am just like you, a terrible liberal.

And because I am straight and boldly explaining myself,

Where have I lost so much!

v) Modest, but nothing but

Leprosy and the wind on my mind

G) He is ready to forget himself for others,

Enemy of insolence

e) Famous person, respectable,

And he picked up the signs of darkness;

Beyond his years and an enviable rank,

Not today tomorrow general

7. Complete the phrase

a) The girls have a dream _________________

b) Pass us more than all sorrows _________________

v) No other sample needed, _________________

G) Who is poor, _________________

e) What does it mean to see the light! Where is it better? _________________

8. Creative work. Write a letter on behalf of one comedy hero. (The subject of the letter is a discussion of the ball in Famusov's house). For example:
Ah, my friend, I recently informed you of my intention to visit the Famusovs' house. I hasten to inform you that I was there last night. But what a boredom! As I appeared, immediately a crowd of fans fell down in front of me, and they declared me in chorus the most beautiful at this ball. O! It's so exhausting to be the object of universal adoration! One poor fellow, Chatsky, went crazy with me. He followed me wherever I went. But, really, the ball was not a success. And boredom is to blame for everything!
Yes, my friend, I say goodbye to you. And don't forget to visit me the other day. Goodbye.

Additional task



1. Name the years and facts of study of A.S. Griboyedov at Moscow University

2. Under whose leadership did A.S. Griboyedov serve in the Caucasus in 1822?

3. Name the signs of classicism in comedy:

a) _________________ b) _________________

c) _________________ d) _________________

4. Describe the occupation and duties of Famusov; Molchalin, Thomas Fomich, Kuzma Petrovich, Madame Rozier.

What realities of Russian life "of the present century and the past century" are included in the comedy as these characters appear on its pages?

5. Give your answer.

a) With the help of sisters from all over Europe to become related? ____________

b) What languages ​​are mixed in Moscow salons? _________________

v) Who offers Chatsky a notebook with new songs? _________________

G) What phrase does Chatsky's communication with Famusov begin with? _________________

e) The name of the deceased chamberlain with a key? _________________

e) “In my presence, other people's servants are very rare _______________

f ) Why do Moscow young ladies “cling to military men and women”? _________________

6. Determine by the verbal portrait of the characters of the comedy:

a) He is small with a head,

And gloriously writes, translates

b) Now retired, he was a military man;

And everyone who only knew before affirms

What is his courage with talent,

Of course, he would have been the Moscow commandant

v) To get ranks, there are many channels,

As a true philosopher, I judge them

G) Oster, smart, eloquent,

especially happy in friends ...

e) Merry creature, you, living ...

7. Complete the phrase

a) I would be glad to serve, _________________

b) When you wander, you will return home, _________________

v) I'm weird, but _________________

G) If you stop evil: pick up _________________

e) Happy _________________

8. What is interesting and instructive about the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov today?



1. In which country was Griboyedov on a diplomatic mission in the last year of his life? Under what circumstances did he die?

2. Where is A.S. Griboyedov buried? Which of the close people put up a monument to him, and what words are engraved on it?

3. What is the origin of the names and surnames of the characters in the comedy (Famusov, Sofia, Molchalin, Tugoukhovsky) and how would you translate and interpret their meaning in the context of the entire work? What is the common theme that unites them?

4. How would you explain the absence of names for some of the characters in the comedy (the Tugoukhovsky princesses are not named by name, but are numbered in order; regulars of secular living rooms are designated G. N. and G. D.)?

5. Finish ...

a) Name, patronymic of Chatsky? _________________

b) For what reason, according to Famusov, Chatsky does not serve? _________________

v) “And who hasn't been clamped down in Moscow? _________________

G) Who owns the gizmos: "... toilet, clever work - a pillow, a pattern made of beads, and a mother-of-pearl device"? _________________

e) Two talents of Molchalin? _________________

e) Who saved Khlestova's "little arapka-girl"? _________________

6. Determine by the verbal portrait of the characters of the comedy:

a) Serving, modest, there is a blush in his face, on tiptoe and not rich in words ...

b) Curly, with a hump of the shoulder blade,

Angry, all the cat's grips

Yes, how black, but how terrible….

v) He's a secular man

A notorious swindler, a rogue ...

Beware with him: carry much,

And don't get into cards: he will sell

G) Obese, restless, quick,

Such is the case everywhere, and from now on ...

e) Who else will settle everything so peacefully!

There the pug will stroke it in time!

Here in time to rub the card!

7. Complete the phrase

a) ... they are bothering to recruit teachers of the regiment, _________________

b) Oh! Gossips_________________

v) No sound of Russian, no _________________

G) He will reach the degrees known, _________________

e) Molchalins _________________

8. Why is the main character experiencing "a million torments"? What is the grief that brings Chatsky's mind?


Control test on the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

1 ... Correctly correlate the literary trends and their characteristic features, manifested in the comedy "Woe from Wit"?

A. classicism B. romanticism V. realism

1) the main character is lonely and not understood by others; opposes society; speech is saturated with tragic pathos; the motive of exile;

2) social and psychological typification; individualization of the hero; the principle of reflecting life truthfully, "without embellishment";

3) the unity of place, time and action of the work; certain roles - the role of heroes; the principle of speaking surnames.

2 . What kind of comedy genre is Woe From Wit?

A. philosophical B. family and household D. a set of varieties

B. social G. political E. satirical

3 . Note, what is the innovation of the system of images of the comedy "Woe from Wit"?

A. compliance with the "role" system; B. lack of division of characters into + and -;

B. the number of actors - more than 20; D. introduction of off-stage characters;

4 . Correlate the elements of composition and parts of the text of the comedy:

1.exposition 3.climax

2.set 4.decoupling

A. Molchalin confesses to Lisa that he does not love Sophia; Sophia and Chatsky hear everything;

B. dialogues of heroes in Famusov's house before Chatsky's appearance;

V. Chatsky's monologue "I will not come to my senses, I am to blame ..."

G. Arrival of Chatsky.

5 . Correlate the hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit" and the role to which he corresponds:

A. father, not knowing about his daughter's love 1) Chatsky

B. Lucky Hero-Lover 2) Sophia

V. subret (lively, cheerful servant) 3) Famusov

G. hero - resonator 4) Molchalin

D. love triangle heroine 5) Lisa

6 . Correlate the characters and roles that are assigned to them in the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov:

1. main characters 3. episodic

2.non-priority 4. non-stage

A. Khryumins, Tugoukhovsky, Khlestova

B. Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich, Marya Aleksevna

V. Chatsky, Molchalin, Famusov, Sophia

G. Skazozub, Liza, Zagoretsky, Gorich, Repetilov.

7 . Match the comedy character to his characteristic:

1. Chatsky 4. Skalozub

2. Molchalin 5. Zagoretsky

3. Famusov 6. Sophia

A. "And the golden bag, and marks the generals ..."

B. "He knows how to laugh everyone gloriously ... Austere, clever, eloquent ..."

C. "Beware of him: carry a lot, and do not sit in the cards - he will sell"

G. "Serious, modest ... here he is on tiptoe and not rich in words"

D. "People with a soul persecutor, scourge!"

E. "English klob old, faithful member to the grave"

8 ... Correlate the heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit" with their statements about Chatsky:

A. Sophia B. Famusov V. Liza

1. "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky"

2. "This dandy buddy is declared a brat, a tomboy."

3. "Not a man - a snake!"; "He is not quite all there"

4. "Dangerous man", "He wants to preach liberty"

5. “I am glad to humiliate, to prick; envious, proud and angry "

6. “He is small with a head; and he writes and translates nicely. "

9 . Correlate this statement with its author:

A. Griboyedov A.S. V. Goncharov I.A.

B. Pushkin A.S. G. Belinsky V.G.

1. “The comedy“ Woe from Wit ”is both a criticism of morals, and a gallery of living types, and an eternally sharp, burning satire ... moment and mores "

2. “Chatsky is not at all an intelligent person, but Griboyedov is very smart. Who is the main character in the comedy Woe from Wit? Answer: Griboyedov. And ... Chatsky? An ardent, noble and kind fellow, who spent some time with a very intelligent person (namely with Griboyedov) and was saturated with his thoughts, witticisms, and satirical remarks "

3. "In my comedy there are 25 fools for one sane person, and this person, of course, is in contradiction with the society around him."

4. “Chatsky is crushed by the amount of the old force, inflicting a mortal blow on it with the quality of the fresh force. He is the eternal denouncer of the lie hidden in the proverb: "One is not a warrior in the field." No, a warrior, if he is Chatsky, and, moreover, a winner, but an advanced warrior ... is always a victim "

10 . Match the characters in the play with the aphorisms they uttered:

A. Chatsky B. Famusov V. Sofya G. Molchalin D. Liza

1. "Happy hours are not observed" "

2. "My custom is this: signed, off your shoulders"

3. "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve."

4. "The hero is not my novel"

5. "In my years you should not dare to have your own judgment."

6. "The legend is fresh, but hard to believe"

7. "The taciturns are blissful in the world"

8. "Ah, evil tongues are worse than a gun"

9. "Well, how not to please a dear little man"

10. "Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived"

11. "Pass us more than all sorrows and the lordly anger, and the lordly love"

12. "However, it will reach the degrees of the known, because nowadays they love the dumb"

13. "Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world"

14. "He who is poor is not your match."

15. "And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us"

11. Who do you think Chatsky is the winner or the loser?

Additional task.

Answer one question in writing (optional):

1. Why is the main character experiencing "a million torments"? What is the grief that brings Chatsky's mind?

2. Who do you think Chatsky is the winner or the loser?

3. What do you think, are the "Silent people blissful in the world"?

4. Does Sophia cause you regret or condemnation? Option number 1

  1. 1795-1829
  2. 1824
  3. Repetilov - from fr. Répéter - to repeat; Zagoretsky - fanning the fire
  4. I.A.Goncharov "Million of torments"
  5. Molchalin named Famusov "rootless" and, apparently, did not belong to the number of noble nobles; transferred to Moscow from Tver (“And if it hadn't been me, you would have smoked in Tver”);

Repetilov is not a popular author, but only takes part in the compilation of a "vaudeville";

Khlestova could not be Catherine's maid of honor I (Catherine I died 1727)

  1. A- Repetilov

B- Zagoretsky

B- Lisa

G- Molchalin

D- Skalozub

7. a)… morning is so thin;

B) ... and the lordly anger, and the lordly love;

C)… when the father's example is in the eyes;

D) ... that one is not your match;

D) ... Where we are not!

Option number 2


2.General A. Ermolov

3. a) place; b) time;

C) speaking surnames; d) genre role

4.Famusov - bureaucratic manager... The hero reduced the range of his duties to a minimum: “Signed - off your shoulders”;

Molchalin - Famusov's secretary;

Kuzma Petrovich - chamberlain, "he was rich and he was married to a rich one ”,“ with a key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son ”(The key on the blue ribbon is a sign of the rank of chamberlain);

Madame Rosier is Sophia's governess.

5.а) ... three of the tabloid faces;

B) ... French with Nizhny Novgorod;

C) ... Molchalin;

D) ... How did Sofya Pavlovna look prettier with you;

D) ... Kuzma Petrovich;

E)… more and more sisters, sister-in-law of the child;

F) ... Because they are patriots.

6. a) about Chatsky;

B) Platon Mikhailovich Gorich;

C) Skalozub;

D) Chatsky;

E) Lisa.

7. a)… it is sickening to be served;

B) ... and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us;

C) ... who is not strange;

D) ... all the books would be burned;

D) ... the clock is not observed.

Option number 3

1.In Persia (Iran) in the rank of the Ambassador of Russia.Killed by religious fanatics in the attack on the Russian embassy in Tehran.

2. In the city of Tiflis in the monastery of St. David. Nina Chavchavadze, the poet's wife, author of the words inscribed on the monument: "Your mind and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russians, but why did my love outlive you."

3. Famusov - from lat.fama - rumor;

Molchalin, Tugoukhovsky - speaking surnames are correlated

With the concepts of "speak" - "hear" or "not speak" - "not hear"

Sofia - from the Greek sophia - wisdom. Another important theme of the play is the theme of the mind.

4. Faceless representatives of public opinion, carrying the rumor: "The fools believed, they pass it on to others ... And here is public opinion!"

5. a) ... Alexander Andreevich;

B) ... In that he does not find any benefit;

C)… lunches, dinners and dances;

D) Molchalin;

D) ... moderation and accuracy;

E) Zagoretsky.

6.a) Molchalin;

B) little arap girl;

C) Zagoretsky;

D) Famusov;

E) Molchalin.

7. a) ... more in number, at a cheaper price;

B) ... worse than a pistol;

C) ... a Russian person;

D) ... after all, nowadays they love the dumb;

D) ... bliss in the world.

Features of the cultural process in modern Russia.

The beginning of the 90s of the last century is characterized by the accelerated disintegration of the unified culture of the USSR into separate national cultures, for which not only the values ​​of the common culture of the USSR, but also the cultural traditions of each other turned out to be unacceptable. The sharp opposition of different national cultures led to an increase in cultural tension and caused the collapse of a single socio-cultural space.

The culture of modern Russia, organically connected with the previous periods of the country's history, found itself in a completely new political and economic situation, which radically changed a lot, above all - the relationship between culture and power. The state ceased to dictate its requirements to culture, and culture lost its guaranteed customer.

Since the common core of cultural life has disappeared as a centralized system of management and a unified cultural policy, the determination of ways for further cultural development has become a matter of society itself and the subject of sharp disagreements. The range of searches is extremely wide - from following Western patterns to apologizing for isolationism. The lack of a unifying cultural idea is perceived by a part of society as a manifestation of a deep crisis in which Russian culture found itself by the end of the 20th century. Others consider cultural pluralism to be the natural norm of a civilized society.

If, on the one hand, the elimination of ideological barriers created favorable opportunities for the development of spiritual culture, then, on the other hand, the economic crisis experienced by the country, the difficult transition to market relations increased the danger of the commercialization of culture, the loss of national features in the course of its further development. The spiritual sphere generally experienced an acute crisis in the mid-90s. The desire to direct the country towards market development has led to the impossibility of the existence of certain spheres of culture, objectively in need of government. support.

At the same time, the division between elite and mass forms of culture, between the youth environment and the older generation, continued to deepen. All these processes are unfolding against the background of a rapid and sharp increase in the unevenness of access to the consumption of not only material, but cultural goods.

For the reasons given above, the first place in culture began to be occupied by the mass media, which were called the "fourth estate".

In modern domestic culture, incompatible values ​​and orientations are combined in an outlandish way: collectivism, conciliarism and individualism, egoism, enormous and often deliberate politicization and demonstrative apoliticality, statehood and anarchy, etc.

If it is quite obvious that one of the most important conditions for the renewal of society as a whole is the revival of culture, then specific movements along this path continue to be the subject of fierce discussions. In particular, the point of dispute is the role of the state in regulating culture: should the state intervene in cultural affairs, or should culture itself find the means for its survival. Here, apparently, the following point of view has been formed: ensuring freedom of culture, the right to cultural identity, the state undertakes the development of strategic tasks of cultural construction and responsibilities for the protection of cultural and historical national heritage, the necessary financial support for cultural values. However, the specific implementation of these provisions continues to be questionable. The state, apparently, is not fully aware that culture cannot be left to business, its support, including education, science, is of great importance for maintaining the moral and mental health of the nation. Despite all the contradictory characteristics of Russian culture, society cannot afford to be separated from its cultural heritage. The disintegrating culture is not well adapted to transformations.

Various opinions are also expressed about the ways of developing culture in modern Russia. On the one hand, it is possible to strengthen cultural and political conservatism, as well as stabilize the situation on the basis of ideas about the identity of Russia and its special path in history. However, this is fraught with a return to the nationalization of culture. If, in this case, the automatic support of cultural heritage, traditional forms of creativity is carried out, then, on the other hand, foreign influence on culture will inevitably be limited, which will sharply complicate any aesthetic innovations.

On the other hand, in the context of Russia's integration under the influence from the outside into the world economic and cultural system and its transformation into a “province” in relation to global centers can lead to the dominance of alien trends in domestic culture, although the cultural life of society in this case will also be more stable for account of the commercial self-regulation of culture.

In any case, the key problem remains the preservation of the original national culture, its international influence and the integration of cultural heritage into the life of society; integration of Russia into the system of universal human culture as an equal participant in world artistic processes. Here, state intervention in the cultural life of the country is necessary, since only with institutional regulation is it possible to fully use the cultural potential, radically reorient the state cultural policy, and ensure the accelerated development of the domestic cultural industry within the country.

In modern domestic culture, numerous and very contradictory tendencies are manifested, partially indicated above. On the whole, the current period of development of national culture is still a transitional one, although it can be stated that certain ways out of the cultural crisis have been outlined.