Complete parsing of a complex sentence. Analysis of composition proposals online

Complete parsing of a complex sentence.  Analysis of composition proposals online
Complete parsing of a complex sentence. Analysis of composition proposals online

Many PC users may need to parse a sentence. This may be due to standard school curriculum classes, teaching philology and linguistics at a university, or other related purposes related to syntactic analysis of verbal constructions. At the same time, the parsing itself presupposes the possession of the necessary knowledge base, therefore, a number of users may have a need to facilitate this process in some way, in particular, through the use of auxiliary online resources. In this article, I will show you how to parse a sentence online, and what resources will help us with this.

As you know, the classical parsing of a sentence is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Determination of the purpose of the statement of the sentence (narrative, motivating, interrogative);
  2. Determination of the emotional coloring of a sentence (exclamation-not-exclamation);
  3. Determining the number of grammatical bases in a sentence (one base is a simple sentence, two or more bases are complex);

If simple sentence, then it is also necessary to determine whether it is one-part or two-part, widespread or not, complicated or not, what parts of speech are expressed by the members of the sentence, to draw up a sentence scheme.

If complex proposal, then it is necessary to determine the union or non-union connection, the method of communication (intonation, subordinate, compositional), to determine the type of complex sentence (non-union, compound, complex) and so on.

Parsing sentences online - implementation features

The abundance of syntactic parameters and the richness of options for composing sentences make parsing with the help of robotic systems rather difficult. Therefore, there are quite a few resources on the network that carry out syntactic or related analysis of a sentence (text). Below I will describe a number of such resources and tell you how to use them. - the resource allows you to perform text analysis

The resource is one of the most famous resources of this kind. The capabilities of this site, according to the developers, allow for morphological and syntactic analysis of the text online, as a result of which the user receives statistics about the available text.

To work with this resource, follow the specified link, paste the text into the window, enter the check number below, and click on "Analyze".

Advego - semantic text analysis

The popular content exchange Advego boasts a built-in semantic text analysis tool that can also come in handy for parsing. This tool determines the total number of words used, the number of meaningful and unique words, the amount of "water" and so on.

To work with the resource, you must register. Then go to the "SEO-text analysis" tab at the top, on the page that opens, insert the required text into a special window, and click on "Check".

Semantic Analysis Tool for Advego resource

The resource is a powerful linguistic tool that allows you to parse various English sentences using tools such as Linguistic Knowledge Builder, PET System parser, Answer Constraint Engine generator, and others.

To work with this service, go to the resource, insert your English-language proposal into the special line, and click on the "Analyze" button on the right. The system will process the offer and give you the result.


The corresponding philological and linguistic forums (in particular,, and others) can help you to parse a sentence online. You can register on one of these forums, and in your post ask experts to help you parse the sentence you need.


Parsing a sentence presupposes possession of an appropriate knowledge base, without which such parsing will simply be impossible. At the same time, the resources available on the network on this topic are rather scarce, and due to a number of conceptual reasons, they cannot carry out a full-fledged parsing of the sentence (this is especially true for Russian-language resources). Therefore, in this regard, I recommend either replenishing your knowledge base, or asking for help on the forums of philologists - you will definitely be helped in the necessary parsing.


Offer - this is a word or a group of words that are related in meaning, from one word to another, you can put a question. The sentence expresses a complete thought.

The first word in a sentence is capitalized, with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark at the end of the sentence.

Each sentence is pronounced with a purpose.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are : narrative, interrogative. incentive.

Declarative sentence is a sentence in which something is reported (narrated).

Interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks about something.

Incentive offer - This is a sentence in which you are encouraged to action, advised or asked to do something.

By intonation offers are exclamation and non-exclamation.

Exclamatory sentence is a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling. An exclamation mark (!) Is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence.

Non-exclamation sentence - This is a sentence that is pronounced calmly, without strong feelings. A non-exclamation point (.) Or question mark (?) Ends at the end of a non-exclamation point.

The offer contains the main and minor members.

The main members of the proposal is a subject and a predicate.

Subject - This is the main member of the sentence, which names who or what the sentence is talking about. The subject answers the question who? or what? The subject is underlined with one line.

Predicate - this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject, calls what the object does. The predicate answers one of the questions: what does it do? what are they doing? what will it do? What did you do? what will he do? The predicate is emphasized by two lines.

Members of the proposal

The main

Examples of Information
Subject - the main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences a state, has a certain sign.
Answers the questions:
Who? What?
Predicate - the main member of the sentence, which names the action, state or sign of the subject.

Answers the questions:
What is he doing? What? What? Who it?

Subject and predicate are the basis of the sentence.


Examples of Information
Addition- a minor member of the sentence, which denotes an object.

Answers questions about indirect cases.

Definition- a minor member of the sentence, which denotes the attribute of the subject.

Answers the questions:
Which? Whose?

Circumstance- a minor member of the sentence, which denotes the time, place, mode of action.

Answers the questions:
Where? When? Where to? Where?
Why? What for? And How?


1. Role in language Expresses a thought that is complete in meaning and intonation.
3. Types of sentences by the number of grammatical bases Simple ones - one stem, complex - two or more grammatical stems.
4. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement Narrative (contains message); interrogative (contains a question); incentive (motivation for action).
5. Types of sentences for intonation An exclamation point, in which a thought is accompanied by a strong feeling, and a non-exclamation point.
6. Types of proposals for the presence or absence of secondary members Common (except for the main members, there are also minor ones) and uncommon (they consist only of a grammatical base).
7. Types of proposals for complexity May be complicated by appeals, homogeneous members

Parsing a sentence

We explain why punctuation marks are placed in a sentence in one way or another. Parsing order. And, at the end, we parse the subordinate clauses and the main clauses as simple sentences. Errors in parsing a simple sentence §4. We highlight the grammatical basis of all the simple sentences that make up the complex.

The sentence is declarative, non-exclamatory, complex, a union connection, a means of communication a subordinate union because, a complex sentence. We select the desired phrase from the sentence. We indicate which part of speech is the main and dependent word. Next, we indicate in what syntactic way this phrase is connected.

It is important to follow the parsing order. Next, we parse the words that are included in this turnover by the members of the sentence. First, we note that in this sentence, there is direct speech. We indicate the direct speech and text of the author. We draw the scheme of the proposal. First, we indicate which sentence for the purpose of the statement - interrogative, narrative or incentive. We find conjunctions with the help of which simple sentences are connected in a complex one.

We read them out, we name the number of simple sentences that make up a complex one. We determine what the meaning is the relationship between simple sentences. In terms of meaning, we establish how simple ones are formed in a complex sentence. I. Parse the proposal by members. II. Divide the sentence into parts, number the parts in order. III. Make a descriptive analysis according to the following scheme: 1. According to the purpose of the statement: - narrative, - interrogative, - incentive.

In a simple sentence:

A direct object is an object in the accusative form without a preposition, referring to a member of a sentence expressed by a transitive verb. They connect mainly parts of a complex sentence, but they can also be used in a simple sentence to connect homogeneous and heterogeneous members. If we have a proposal in front of us, then select phrases from it. Naturally, the characterization of a phrase differs from that of a sentence, because a phrase is not an independent syntactic unit, like a sentence.

But a simple sentence has only one grammatical basis, while complex sentences have more than one. Therefore, for the latter, it is important to identify the nature of the syntactic connection between the parts. That is, the parsing schemes for simple and complex sentences have important differences. Getting started parsing, it is important to understand which syntax units you are parsing and what is required for this.

In a sentence with homogeneous members.

1. Determine the main and dependent words, highlight the main thing, and put the question to the dependent from him. 3. Determine the type of syntactic connection: coordination, control, adjoining. The second simple sentence: two-part, grammatical basis we went with the class, common, not complicated.

An example of parsing a complex sentence

A sentence with direct speech, direct speech is in preposition in relation to the words of the author. The author's words are a simple sentence, two-part, uncommon, complete, uncomplicated.

The simplest way to respond to an invalid input token string is to end parsing and print an error message. However, it is often helpful to find as many errors as possible in a single parsing attempt. When an error is encountered, the parser skips the input tokens one at a time until one of a specially defined set of sync tokens is found. Occasionally, when an error is encountered, the parser can locally correct the input stream to allow it to continue working.

Naturally, this strategy is powerless if the real error occurs before the point where the parser detects the error. When such productions are triggered, an error is recorded, but the parser continues to work as usual. The word order in a sentence means the sequential arrangement of its members.

Changing the usual, direct order of words in a sentence leads to their semantic and emotional emphasis. Parsing a simple sentence has become a part of the practice of elementary and high school. This is the most difficult and voluminous type of parsing. The structure and meaning of a simple sentence is studied starting from grade 5. Let's start with the simplest: help the kids get ready for parsing in grade 5.

Let's show with examples the differences between the level of requirements in the parsing format. Analysis is constantly practiced in the classroom and participates in grammatical tasks of control dictations. Parsing a complex sentence in grade 5 is educational in nature and is not a means of control.

The content and structure of such sentences can be very diverse. Stage 2: Determine the intonation and emotional coloring of the sentence. At this stage of parsing a sentence, look at the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. Step 3: Find the grammatical foundations in the sentence. Step 4 for a simple sentence: Find the main terms and characterize the sentence.

And finally, we indicate what its grammatical meaning is. Next, you need to talk about how this proposal is built. First, the predicate and the subject are determined, then the secondary ones, which are part of the first - the subject, then - the predicate. We determine the meaning of the entire given compound sentence - opposition, alternation or enumeration. We explain what kind of complex sentence it is, pay attention to how it is built, how the subordinate clause is connected to the main sentence and what it refers to.

Next, you need to parse the sentence by members, while indicating which parts of speech they are. First, let's take a look at parsing a simple sentence with examples. Parsing requires knowledge and skill. The first simple sentence: one-part, with the main term - the predicate was not asked, common, not complicated. Parsing - In computer science, parsing is the process of matching a linear sequence of tokens (words, tokens) of a language with its formal grammar.

Words and phrases are the components of each sentence in writing and in speech. To build it, one should clearly understand what kind of connection should be between them in order to build a grammatically correct statement. That is why one of the important and difficult topics in the school curriculum of the Russian language is the parsing of a sentence. With such an analysis, a complete analysis of all the components of the statement is carried out and the connection between them is established. In addition, the definition of the structure of the sentence allows you to correctly place punctuation marks in it, which is quite important for every literate person. As a rule, this topic begins with parsing simple phrases, and after that, children are taught to parse a sentence.

Parsing rules for phrases

Parsing a specific phrase taken out of context is relatively straightforward in the Russian syntax section. In order to produce it, they determine which of the words is the main one, and which one is dependent, and determine which part of speech each of them belongs to. Next, you need to determine the syntactic relationship between these words. There are three of them:

  • Harmonization is a kind of subordinate relationship in which gender, number and case for all elements of a phrase determines the main word. For example: a train moving away, a flying comet, a shining sun.
  • Management is also a type of subordinate connection, it can be strong (when the case connection of words is necessary) and weak (when the case of the dependent word is not predetermined). For example: watering flowers - watering from a watering can; liberation of the city - liberation by the army.
  • Adjacency is also a subordinate type of connection, however, it refers only to unchangeable and non-inflected words. Such words express dependence only in meaning. For example: horseback riding, unusually sad, very scary.

An example of parsing phrases

The parsing of the phrase should look something like this: "speaks beautifully"; the main word is “speaks”, the dependent word is “beautiful”. This connection is determined by means of the question: says (how?) Beautifully. The word "speaks" is used in the present tense in the singular and third person. The word "beautiful" is an adverb, and therefore a syntactic connection is expressed in this phrase - adjoining.

Simple sentence parsing scheme

Parsing a sentence is a bit like parsing a phrase. It consists of several stages that will allow you to study the structure and relationship of all its constituent components:

  1. First of all, the purpose of the statement of a single sentence is determined, they are all divided into three types: narrative, interrogative and exclamatory, or incentive. Each of them has its own sign. So, at the end of a narrative sentence telling about an event, there is a period; after the question, of course, there is a question mark, and at the end of the incentive - an exclamation mark.
  2. Next, you should highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence - the subject and the predicate.
  3. The next step is to describe the structure of the sentence. It can be one-part with one of the main members or two-part with a full grammatical base. In the first case, it is additionally necessary to indicate what exactly the sentence is by the nature of the grammatical basis: verbal or noun. And then determine whether there are minor members in the structure of the statement, and indicate whether it is widespread or not. At this stage, you should also indicate whether the proposal is complicated. Complications are considered homogeneous members, addresses, turns and introductory words.
  4. Further, the parsing of the sentence involves the parsing of all words according to their belonging to the parts of speech, gender, number and case.
  5. The final stage is an explanation of the punctuation marks put in the sentence.

An example of parsing a simple sentence

Theory is theory, but without practice it is impossible to fix a single topic. That is why in the school curriculum a lot of time is devoted to syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. And for training, you can take the simplest sentences. For example: "A girl was lying on the beach and listening to the surf."

  1. The sentence is declarative and non-exclamatory.
  2. The main members of the sentence: the girl - the subject, lay, listened - the predicates.
  3. This proposal is two-part, complete and widespread. Homogeneous predicates act as complications.
  4. Parsing all the words of the sentence:
  • "Girl" - acts as a subject and is a feminine noun in the singular and nominative;
  • "Lay" - is a predicate in a sentence, refers to verbs, has a feminine gender, singular and past tense;
  • "Na" is a preposition, serves to connect words;
  • "Beach" - answers the question "where?" and is a circumstance in a sentence expressed by a masculine noun in the prepositional case and the singular;
  • "And" - a union, serves to connect words;
  • "Listened" - the second predicate, a feminine verb in the past tense and the singular;
  • "Surf" - in a sentence is an addition, refers to a noun, has a masculine gender, singular and is used in the accusative case.

Designation of parts of a sentence in a letter

When parsing phrases and sentences, conditional underscores are used, which indicate the belonging of words to one or another member of the sentence. So, for example, the subject is underlined with one line, the predicate - with two, the definition is denoted with a wavy line, the addition - with a dotted line, a circumstance - with a dotted line with a dot. In order to correctly determine which member of the sentence is in front of us, we should ask him a question from one of the parts of the grammatical base. For example, the definition answers the questions of the name of the adjective, the addition is determined by the questions of indirect cases, the circumstance indicates the place, time and reason and answers the questions: "where?" "where?" and why?"

Parsing a Complex Sentence

The order of parsing a complex sentence is slightly different from the above examples, and therefore should not cause any special difficulties. However, everything should be in order, and therefore the teacher complicates the task only after the children have learned to parse simple sentences. For the analysis, a complex statement is proposed, which has several grammatical foundations. And here you should adhere to the following scheme:

  1. First, the purpose of the statement and the emotional coloring are determined.
  2. Next, the grammatical foundations in the sentence are distinguished.
  3. The next step is to define a bond that can be done with or without a union.
  4. Next, you should indicate through which connection the two grammatical bases in the sentence are connected. It can be intonation, as well as compositional or subordinate conjunctions. And immediately draw a conclusion what the sentence is: complex, complex or non-union.
  5. The next stage of parsing is the parsing of the sentence in its parts. It is produced according to the scheme for a simple sentence.
  6. At the end of the analysis, a proposal diagram should be built, on which the connection of all its parts will be visible.

Connecting parts of a complex sentence

As a rule, to connect parts in complex sentences, conjunctions and union words are used, before which a comma is necessarily placed. Such proposals are called allied. They are divided into two types:

  • Compound sentences connected by means of conjunctions a, and, or, then, but... As a rule, both parts of such a statement are equal. For example: "The sun was shining and the clouds were floating."
  • Complex sentences that use such conjunctions and union words: so that, how, if, where, where, since, though other. In such proposals, one part always depends on the other. For example: "The sun's rays will fill the room as soon as the cloud passes."

Middle and high school students regularly face the problem of how to conduct analysis in the Russian literary language.

Parsing is done in accordance with a certain scheme. This topic in the school course allows identify the sentence structure, to characterize it, which reduces punctuation illiteracy.

In contact with

What the parsing shows

There are four main types of parsing: phonetic, morphological, compositional and syntactic. The latter is understood as the analysis or parsing of syntactic units with paramount highlighting the grammatical basis... The analysis is performed according to the approved algorithm of actions: underline the members + characterize them + draw a diagram.

Schoolchildren, having studied eleven grades, sometimes do not know what the parsing of a sentence is. They talk about analysis as analysis by composition. This is incorrect, since only individual lexemes are parsed according to their composition. As for the bunch of words expressing a complete thought, then in elementary school the process is referred to as analysis of the proposal by members. At the same time, in middle and high school, it takes on a deeper meaning. Based on this, it is necessary to remember once and for all that the analysis of the composition proposal in the Russian language classes is not performed.

The answer here is obvious - everyone knows the subject, indicating an object or object, and the predicate - to actions taken first... To make the speech clearer, and the statement complete, the main members are supplemented by minor ones, which have a set of features.

Secondary members of the proposal allow you to reveal a complete picture of the events taking place. Their purpose is to clarify describe the actions of the main predecessors.

The next step is to parse the proposal for. This refers to how its members are expressed. Each one has several options, you must choose the right one by asking the question:

  • despicable - noun, local;
  • tale. - ch., Cr. adj., noun;
  • def. - adj., Local, number;
  • add. - noun, local;
  • st. - adverb, noun with a preposition.

Taking into account the above, a more or less clear idea of ​​what is the parsing of a sentence is emerging. In short, it is a complex analysis of related lexemes that express a complete thought.

Characteristics of syntactic units

You need to know the criteria that a token possesses in order to carry out a detailed description. The characterization of a sentence in the text assumes a certain algorithm.

Determine the view:

  • by the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive);
  • by emotional-expressive coloring (by intonation) - exclamation or non-exclamation.

We find the grammatical basis.

We tell sequentially about each member of the sentence, the means of their expression.

We describe the structure of the syntactic unit. For a simple sentence:

  • by composition: one-part (defin.-lich., undefined-lich., generalized-personal, impersonal, naming) or two-part;
  • by prevalence: widespread or non-widespread;
  • completeness: complete or incomplete.
  • what is complicated: homogeneous members, interjections, treatment, introductory constructions.

Determine to which type is a complex sentence:

  • compound sentences (SSP) - they are indicated by simple parts connected by a compositional union;
  • complex sentences (SPP) - we establish the main, as well as the subordinate word, relying on the question and the peculiarity of the construction (what does the subordinate clause refer to), we determine the type of the latter;
  • non-union complex sentence (BSP) - we establish how many simple parts a syntactic unit consists of, having determined the meaning of each (simultaneity, sequence, opposition, etc.).

We give the reasoning for what reason we put these are the punctuation marks.

If the task involves drawing up a diagram, then we do it.

Parsing a complex sentence is more difficult.

There is more parameters for analysis.

After the complex sentence from the examples has been disassembled into simple parts, we proceed to analyze each of them separately.

Following the algorithm, the student will not have problems with completing the assignment under the number 4.

How to make a diagram

It is not always enough to parse a simple sentence correctly to get an excellent score. The student must also be able to draw up diagrams of the described units.

  1. Highlight the subject, underlining with one line, and the predicate with two strokes.
  2. Find minor members, highlighting them according to generally accepted rules.
  3. Sentences with a turnover or a participle are highlighted as follows and are indicated in the final scheme. The adverbial turnover is highlighted on both sides with vertical lines, and a dot / dotted line is underlined. Participial stands out from both sides with vertical lines, and is underlined by a wavy line.
  4. The union is not included in the scheme of a compound sentence; it is taken out of the framework of the basis. But complex sentences include it in the subordinate clause. Conjunctions and union words are enclosed in an oval.

Important! Before you draw up a proposal outline, you need to learn how to graphically designate homogeneous members. They are enclosed in a circle, and an address that is not a member of a syntactic unit is denoted in the scheme by the letter "O" and is separated by two vertical lines. Do the same with introductory words.

Proposal schema it's easy to compose with direct speech... It is important here to separate one part from the other, i.e. the author's words from direct speech, putting the appropriate punctuation marks between them.

Sample parsing a simple sentence

We write down an example and proceed to the analysis.

I have not seen a lake more magnificent than Baikal.

Stage I: analysis of the proposal by members:

  • "I" - vile, expressed by a lich. places;
  • "I have not seen" - a simple ch. skaz., expressed verb. in the form will express. tilt last vr .;

Stage II: Finding out which members of the proposal make up the grammatical basis. Here it will be - "I have not seen", so we are dealing with a simple sentence.

In a specific example, all minor members have joined the predicate:

  • did not see (what?) the lake - add., expressed n. in R.P .;
  • lake (which one?) is more magnificent - non-conform., opred, expressed adj. in sv. degree;
  • more magnificent (what?) Baikal - add., expressed n. in R.P.

Stage III: at the end of the process give general description of a simple sentence In russian language:

  • by structure - two-part, widespread, complete;
  • for the purpose of the statement - narrative;
  • by intonation - non-exclamation, therefore, at the end a punctuation mark is put - a dot.

Stage IV: parsing a simple sentence assumes the schema [- =].

More problems are caused by parsing a sentence with an adverbial turnover. See below for examples.

Sample: A grove could be seen beyond the swamp, blazing with birches.

Characteristic: narrative, non-excl., Simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate deep. about.

Scheme: [, I deuterich.turn I, = -].

Complicated by homogeneous terms and turns, syntactic units are parsed in a similar way.

Simple adverbial sentences should be objectively assessed. They indicate which member the entire turnover is, then its parts are disassembled into words.

Sample: The moon had just got out from behind the hillock and was illuminating translucent, small, low clouds.

Characteristic: narrative, non-excl., Homogeneous skaz. are connected by a non-repeating union "and", therefore a comma is not put between them, and commas must be put between the definitions, they have a non-union connection, simple, two-part, widespread, complicated by homogeneous skaz. and def.

Scheme: [- = u = O, O, O].

Parsing complex sentences

The home exercise in Russian regularly contains a compulsory task under the number 4. There are various examples here: SSP, SPP, BSP.

Whenever you parse a complex sentence, start with finding the grammatical basis.

It is necessary to analyze complex sentences based on the definition of the main and subordinate clauses.

The parsing of syntactic units with several subordinate clauses is carried out according to the general plan, as it were done analysis of the composition proposal, but with an indication of the type of subordination and a combination of these types. Below are examples of complex sentences with examples, with diagrams, clearly demonstrating the analysis.

Sample CPS with Sequential Submission: The toddlers reported picking those daisies that their grandmother loved.

Characteristic: narrative, non-excl., Complex, allied, its parts are connected by a subordinate link with consistent subordination, consists of two simple ones.

Scheme: [- =], (what = (which = -).

Sample SSP: Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully.

Characteristic: narrative, non-excl., Complex sentence, has two grammatical bases, union, compound. The union "and" expresses simultaneity. 2nd simple sentence is complicated by homogeneous conditions. states.

Scheme: [- =], and [=].

Sample BSP: The wind howls, the thunder rumbles.

Characteristics: narrative, non-excl., Complex non-union.

Scheme: [- =], [- =].

Parsing a Simple Sentence

How to parse


If you have before your eyes sentences, examples with schemes, then visual memory automatically triggers. It helps well with control dictations and independent ones. Thus, you can learn automatically and parse without error suggestions (if the examples are selected correctly), highlight all the criteria necessary for the analysis.