Complete the plan for the work of n nosov on the hill. N

Complete the plan for the work of n nosov on the hill.  N
Complete the plan for the work of n nosov on the hill. N

Lesson summary on literary reading, conducted by Rybakova N.V. in class 2

THEME. N.Nosov "On the Hill". Training in drawing up a picture and quotation plan.

OBJECTIVES: 1. To acquaint students with the content of the story.

2. To learn to divide the text into parts, to make a plan, to find the main idea, to present the read in detail.

3. Develop reading skills, coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.

3. To cultivate diligence and respect for other people's work.

EQUIPMENT: textbook, proverbs, snowflakes.


1. Organizational moment. Emotional attitude.

We have a literary reading lesson, a communication lesson. I am very glad to see you and our guests at our lesson. Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other! Let's create a good mood: stretch out your palms to each other and smile, and now sit down. - I wish that a kind and sunny mood will accompany you throughout the lesson.

2. Checking homework.

* Brief retelling of the story "Living Hat"

What can you say about the guys? What are they? How they showed themselves at the moment of meeting with the "live" hat: bold;






Do you think such a case could have happened in reality? Very good!

3. Speech warm-up.

Ok - ok - ok - the snow is falling

Ip-ip-un - I hear the snow creak

Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver

Read the first sentence with interrogative intonation.

Read the end of the second sentence with exclamation intonation.

In the third sentence, put the logical stress on the word snow.

Read the clean phrase in a whisper and slowly.

Now read it loud and fast.

4. Setting the goals of the lesson.

What kind of works are they?

Today we will read another story of this writer and we will learn to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give a hint: the title consists of two words.

Children solve the anagram:


What is a slide? Explain.

- “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of something. "

They also call the flight of a sports plane a slide, or a glazed cabinet for beautiful dishes. This means that the word "slide" is ambiguous.

At home we can see a pile of salt, a pile of sugar, a pile of flour, a pile of seeds, etc.

What hill does Nikolay Nosov offer us to find out about? (about the snow slide)

Guys, do you like to be on the slide? Why? What can you do on the slide?

What do you think this story will be about?

Let's check if your assumptions are confirmed.

We will also answer 2 questions:

* To confess or not to confess to the committed misconduct?

* Why are Nosov's stories not getting old?

5. Preparation for primary perception of the text a.

- Open the textbook on page 60. Now I will read this work to you, and you need to carefully monitor and underline incomprehensible words with a pencil.

(reading the work by the teacher)

Guys, what incomprehensible words did you underline?

Dictionary work.

Strike - quickly, with a sharp sound, carry something over something. (V

story - skates in the snow)

Fanerk a - a thin sheet of wood

Dvornitskaya - room for the janitor(Find the interpretation of this word at the end of the textbook)

Fours - a pose in which a person stands while leaning on both hands and legs.

6. Checking the primary perception of the text

What impression did the story make on you?

What was your favorite moment in the story? Why?

Physical education

We're getting higher

We reach the roofs with our hands.

One, two - got up

Three, four - hands down.

7. Analysis of the work, selective reading

Who is the main character of the story? (Kotka and his friends)

What were the guys doing?

Read how they built the slide.

And what did Kotka do when the guys worked?

Why didn't he come out? (didn't want to work, but wanted to ride)

What is he? (cunning)

What happened when the guys left for lunch?

Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.

Why did he sprinkle sand on the hill? (he couldn't climb it)

What came of this? Read it.

How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch?

(they scolded Kotka and made him cover the hill with snow).

Kotka immediately agreed to do this? (no, he suggested waiting for the snow to fall)

Did Kotka enjoy working? - Confirm with words from the text ...

Do you think Kotka has changed? (yes, it got better).

Who helped him get better? (his comrades)

Find a proverb that expresses the main point of the story:

1. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

2. Measure seven times and cut one.

3. He knew how to make mistakes, be able to and get better.

Why did you choose the proverb under the number 3?

You have completed the assignment correctly. Kotka was helped to correct the mistake by his comrades who worked with him.

Everyone in childhood has to solve a very difficult question:

- "How to tell the truth?"

- "To confess or not to confess to the committed misconduct?"

What did Kotka do? How do you feel about this action of the hero?

- What does this story teach us? (If you've done something bad, don't hide it. Confess, ask for forgiveness)

Physical education (Relaxation)

The cilia go down

The eyes are closed.

We are resting calmly

We fall asleep magically ...


We were resting calmly

Sleep magically fell asleep,

We open our eyes together,

And we get to work.

8. Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a quotation plan.

The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them.

Is the order of the drawings consistent with the events of the story? (No)

Let's arrange the pictures in order.

What picture is missing?

We have it turned out a picture plan... Let's give each picture a title.


1. Construction of the slide by the guys.

2.Sly man on a slippery hill.

3.Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.

4. The guys made a friend work.

5.Kotka liked to work.

This outline will help us divide the text into parts and draw up another outline - a quotation one.The quote is an accurate, verbatim excerpt from the text.

Find in the text that part that you would attribute to the first point of the plan (to the second, etc.). Where does it end?

Approximate plan:

  1. "The guys worked all day - they built a slide in the yard"
  2. "And Kotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment - what a sly one!"
  3. "Just climbed the hill - thump nose!"
  4. "He began to drag sand from a box up a hill"
  5. "Skates don't ride on the sand!"
  6. "The guys came running here"
  7. "Take the shovel now!"

9. Generalization of the material.

What impression did the story make on you?

Was there a similar situation in your life? Tell us about it.

Choose the words that you think fit this story:


For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"?


To amuse the reader, to play a trick on someone.

Help to see actions, reflect on them.

Awaken imagination.

Help the reader distinguish between right and wrong?

So, all the conclusions are correct, and I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive a friend for an ugly act and help him not to do this in the future.

10. Reflection

Choose and continue any offer

* In today's lesson, I learned ...

* In this lesson I would praise myself for ...

* After the lesson, I wanted ...

* Today I managed ...

I propose to compose a syncwine for today's story.

1) - n. Guys

2) - adj. Friendly, hardworking

3) –3 verbs. Worked, built, watered

4) - phrase: Work well together

5) - n. Well done!

Write your name on your snowflake, rate the lesson and mark yourself. And now I ask you to go to the board with your snowflakes - estimates. Stick them onto the board. Look what a beautiful slide we have! You like? You are satisfied?

11. Summing up the lesson.

- Guys, what author's work did we meet today?

What kind of work have we read?

- Name the main characters of this work.

The main characters of Nosov's story "On the Hill":

1. The guys who built the slide.

2.Kotka Chizhov, a sly guy from apartment 6

Guys, did Kotka do a good deed towards others? Do you condemn him?

What is the main point of this story?

It's fun and interesting to watch someone else's work, but your own work can be a joy.

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. What was the second question?

Why are Nosov's stories not getting old?

Can we answer this question?

Nosov's stories teach several things. First of all - do not break away from the team and do not be lazy. If Kotka had worked with the guys who called him from the very beginning, then the stupid idea of ​​filling the hill with sand would not have occurred to him... Second lesson lies in the fact that before doing something, you need to think about whether it was so well thought out. Well third lesson physical labor, which can bring joy and moral satisfaction, should not be forgotten.

12. Assignment to the house.

1. Expressive reading of the entire work (pp. 60-63)

2. Retelling on behalf of Kotka.

3. To pick up proverbs for N. Nosov's stories.

Only after good work comes good rest.

He who loves to work has something to boast about.

They do not punish with labor, but correct them.

KOU Abolmasov basic secondary school

February 20212

THEME ... N. Nosov "On the Hill". Creative training

I will retell.

GOALS : 1. To acquaint students with the content of the story.

2. To learn to divide the text into parts, to make a plan, to find the main idea, to present the read in detail.

3. Develop reading skills, coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.

3. To cultivate diligence and respect for other people's work.

EQUIPMENT : tutorial, presentation


1. The beginning of the lesson.

Emotional attitude

We have a literary reading lesson, a communication lesson. It is pleasant to communicate with a cheerful, benevolent person. Let's start the lesson with the game "Hello, neighbor!"

So, turn to each other, hold hands and smile ...

D children in chorus pronounce the text:

Hi, neighbor!

Smile back at me.

I want you not to be sad

Gave everyone smiles today.

Breathing exercises

Let's do breathing exercises and prepare our voice for work:

* inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;

* smell the flower;

* extinguish the candle.

Ok - ok - ok - snow is falling Slide 1

Ip - un - un - I hear the snow creak

Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver

Read the end of the 1st sentence with interrogative intonation.

Read the end of the second sentence with exclamation intonation.

In the third sentence, put the logical stress on the word snow.

Read the clean phrase in a whisper and slowly.

Now read it loud and fast.

2. Communication of the topic of the lesson, its goals.

What kind of works are they?

Today we will read another story of this writer and we will learn to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give a hint: the title consists of two words.

Children solve the anagram:

A N K E G O R Slide 3

3. Preparation for the initial perception of the text

We already know how many books there are in the world, but there is one, from a series of special ones, that knows everything about the word. This book is our guest:


How many of you want to know everything about the word "slide"?

- “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of something. "

They also call the flight of a sports plane a slide, or a glazed cabinet for beautiful dishes.

There is the concept of "Red Hill", it is very old. This is the name of the first week after Easter.

At home, we can see a pile of salt, a pile of sugar, a pile of flour, a pile of seeds, etc.

What hill does Nikolay Nosov offer us to find out about? ( about the snow slide)

What is needed to build a snow slide?

Building a slide is not an easy job. It takes a lot of strength and patience.

Guys, do you like to be on the slide?

What do you think this story will be about?

Vocabulary work

We read in syllables, and then in whole words: Slide 5

SGRE-BA-LEE - RAKED (Find a word that is close in meaning:



TRU-DYAT-SYA - WORK (Match the word with the opposite

meaning: lazy)


VZOB-RAL - SIA - VZOBRANA (Replace with synonym)

DVOR-NITS-KA-I - DVORNITSKAYA (Find the interpretation of this word in

dictionary on page 214 of the textbook)


FOUR-REN-KI - FOURS (How do you understand this word?)

NA-POR-TIL - NAPRATED (Find a word that is close in meaning:

4 .. Primary perception of the text

Whose reading did you enjoy the most?

5 .. Checking the primary perception of the text

Emotional evaluative conversation

Who liked the story?

What was your favorite moment in the story? Why?

Physical education

Like snow on a hill, snow

And under the hill there is snow, snow.

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

And under the tree there is snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the tree.

Quiet, quiet, do not make noise!

6. Analysis of the work, selective reading

Who is the main character of the story? ( Kotka and his friends)

What were the guys doing?

Read how they built the slide.

And what did Kotka do when the guys worked?

Why didn't he come out? ( didn't want to work, but wanted to ride)

What is he? ( cunning)

What happened when the guys left for lunch?

Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.

Why did he sprinkle sand on the hill? ( he couldn't climb it)

What came of this? Read it.

How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch?

(scolded Kotka and forced him to cover the hill with snow).

Kotka immediately agreed to do this? ( no, he offered to wait until it snows)

Did Kotka enjoy working?

Confirm with words from the text ...

Do you think Kotka has changed? ( yes it got better).

Who helped him get better? ( his comrades)

Close your eyes and imagine that a year has passed. How did Kotka become?

Find a proverb that expresses the main point of the story:

1. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Slide 6

2. Measure seven times and cut one.

3. He knew how to make mistakes, be able to and get better.

Why did you choose the number 3 proverb?

You have completed the assignment correctly. Kotka was helped to correct the mistake by his comrades who worked with him.

Physical education(Relaxation)

The cilia go down

The eyes are closed.

We are resting calmly

We fall asleep magically ...


We were resting calmly

Sleep magically fell asleep,

We open our eyes together,

And we get to work.

7. Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling

The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them. Slide 6

Is the order of the drawings consistent with the events of the story? (No)

Let's arrange the pictures in order.

What picture is missing?

We have a picture plan. Let's give each picture a title.

Plan. Slide 7

1. The construction of the slide by the guys.

2. Sly on a slippery hill.

3. Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.

4. The guys made a friend work.

5. Kotka liked to work.

Find in the text the part that you would attribute to the first point of the plan (to the second, etc.). Where does it end?

What must be said in this part?

I think many of you are ready to retell the text right now. But I want to complicate the task. Maybe someone will try to retell the text on behalf of Kotka?

8. Generalization of the material

Choose the words that you think fit this story:




For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"?

To: Slide 9

1. To amuse the reader.

2. Play a trick on someone.

3. Help to see actions, reflect on them.

4. Awaken imagination.

5. Help the reader distinguish between right and wrong?

So, all 5 conclusions are correct, and I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive your friend for an ugly act and help him not to do this in the future.

9. Lesson summary.

Everyone has a snowflake on their desk. Take it. Write your name on it, rate your work in the lesson, and give yourself a mark.

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.


  • To acquaint children with NN Nosov's story "On the Hill" and the author's biography.
  • To develop the mental activity of students, the skills of fluent and correct expressive reading.
  • Learn to feel, define and predict the mood of the work; consolidate the skill of accent reading.
  • To form the ability to convey the mood and feelings of the heroes by intonation, to draw up a story plan.
  • Cultivate communication skills

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, multimedia lesson accompaniment, envelopes with title cards of parts of the plan.


Lesson start

1) Emotional attitude

A cheerful bell rang
We begin our lesson.

- We have a literary reading lesson, a communication lesson. It is pleasant to communicate with a cheerful, benevolent person. Let's start the lesson with the game "Hello, neighbor!"
- So, turn to each other, hold hands and smile ...

Children pronounce the text in chorus:

Hi, neighbor!
Smile back at me.
I want you not to be sad
Gave everyone smiles today.

- I am very pleased to see rays of curiosity and creativity in your eyes. I feel that you are ready to listen and hear me
- Who wants to become a real reader?
- And what should be done for this?
- Be able to read correctly! To read quickly and correctly, we will conduct a short speech warm-up, warm up our speech apparatus.

Slide 2: Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus.

(The deeper we breathe, the stronger the effect of the exercise): inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale, hold your breath, exhale; stand up, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight, 1,2 - take a deep breath (to yourself), 3 - hold your breath, exhale - a smooth count from 1 to 10 (or until you have enough breath);


Slide 3:

Ok-ok-ok - snow falls.
Ip-ip-ip - I hear the snow creak.
Re-re-re - mountains in snowy silver.

- Read the end of the 1st sentence with interrogative intonation.
- Read the end of the second sentence with exclamation intonation.
- In the third sentence, put the logical stress on the word snow.
- Read the clean speech in a whisper and slowly.
- Now read it loud and fast.

2) Communication of the topic of the lesson, its goals

Slide 4:

After completing the next task, you will find out with the work of which writer we will get acquainted today. Do you know the names of these writers, which of their works have we already studied?
Insert the missing letters and you will find out the name of a wonderful children's writer

Ag * Niya Bart *
Chukov * cue K * rney
Mikhalko * Sergey - NOSOV

Slide 5:(portrait)

Slide 6:(a story about the biography of N.N. Nosov

- What works of this author do you know? Slide 7.
- Today we will read another story of this writer and we will learn to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give a hint: the title consists of two words.

Children solve the anagram:

Slide 8: A N K E G O R Slide 9.

3) Preparation for the primary perception of the text.

- We already know how many books there are in the world, but there is one, from a series of special ones, which knows everything about the word. This book is our guest: "INTERPRETING DICTIONARY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE". Slide 10.
- Who among you wants to know everything about the word "slide"?
- “A hill is a hill that rises above the surrounding area. It's a bunch of something. "
- And they also call the flight of a sports plane a slide, or a glazed cabinet for beautiful dishes.
- There is the concept of "Red Hill", it is very old. This is the name of the first week after Easter.
- At home we can see a pile of salt, a pile of sugar, a pile of flour, a pile of seeds, etc.
- What hill does Nikolay Nosov suggest to us to find out about? ( about the snow slide)
- Tell me, what is needed to build a snow slide?
- Building a slide is not an easy job. It takes a lot of strength and patience.
- Guys, do you like to be on the hill?
- Why?
- What do you think this story will be about?

Dictionary work. Slide 11.

- We read in syllables, and then in whole words:

SGRE-BA-LEE - RAKED (Find a word that is close in meaning: collected)
TRU-CHILD-SYA - WORK (Match the word with the opposite meaning: lazy)
VZOB-RAL-SIA - VZOBRANA (Replace with synonym)
DVOR-NITS-KA-I - DVORNITSKAYA (Find the interpretation of this word in the dictionary on the textbook page)
FOUR-REN-KI - FOURS (How do you understand this word?)
NA-POR-TIL - PORTRAIT (Find a word that is close in meaning: broke)

4) Primary perception of the text

5) Checking the primary perception of the text

Emotional evaluative conversation

- Who liked the story?
- What moment of the story did you particularly like? Why?

Physical education: Slide 12.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky
As in a fabulous picture.
We will catch them with our hands
And we'll show mom at home. (Children raise their arms above their heads and make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.)
And around there are snowdrifts
The roads were covered with snow. (Stretching - arms to the sides.)
Do not get bogged down in the field so that
Raise your legs higher. (Walking in place, knees high.)
There is a fox galloping in the field,
Like a soft red ball. (Jumping in place.)
Well, we go, we go (Walking in place.)
And we come to our house. (The children sit down.)

6) Analysis of the work, selective reading

- Who is the main character of the story? ( Kotka and his friends)
- What did the guys do?
- Read how they built the slide.
- And what did Kotka do when the guys worked?
- Why didn't he come out? (Didn't want to work, but wanted to ride)
- What is he? ( Cunning)
- What happened when the guys left for lunch?
- Read how Kotka tried to climb the hill.
- Why did he sprinkle sand on the hill? ( He couldn't climb it)
- What came of it? Read it.
- How did the guys react when they ran up the hill after lunch? (They scolded Kotka and made him cover the hill with snow).
- Kotka immediately agreed to do it? (No, he suggested waiting for the snow to fall)
- Did Kotka like working?
- Confirm with words from the text ...
- What do you think, has Kotka changed? ( Yes, he's gotten better).
- Who helped him become better? ( His comrades)
- Close your eyes and imagine that a year has passed. How did Kotka become?
- Find a proverb that expresses the main idea of ​​the story: Slide 13:

1. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
2. Measure seven times and cut one.
3. He knew how to make mistakes, be able to and get better.

- Why did you choose the proverb under the number 3?
- You have coped with the task correctly. Kotka was helped to correct the mistake by his comrades who worked with him.

Physical education (Relaxation) Slide 14.

The cilia go down
The eyes are closed.
We are resting calmly
We fall asleep magically ...
We were resting calmly
Sleep magically fell asleep,
We open our eyes together,
And we get to work.

7) Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling. Slide 15.

- The artist drew pictures for this story. Consider them.
- Does the order of the drawings correspond to the events of the story? (No)
- Let's put the pictures in order.
- What picture is missing?
- We got a picture plan. Let's give each picture a title.

Planning a story(by groups).
- Guys, you have envelopes on your table. Try to make an outline for this story. On the cards, you must put the number in order, and in the text find the beginning and end of each part, marking them with a pencil.


  • The construction of the slide by the guys.
  • Sly on a slippery hill.
  • Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.
  • The guys made a friend work.
  • Kotka liked to work.

- I think many of you are ready to retell the text right now. But I want to complicate the task. Maybe someone will try to retell the text on behalf of Kotka?

8) Generalization of the material

- Choose the words that you think fit this story: Slide 16.


- For what purpose did Nikolai Nikolaevich write the story "On the Hill"? Slide 17.

  • To amuse the reader.
  • Play a trick on someone.
  • Help to see actions, reflect on them.
  • Awaken imagination.
  • Help the reader distinguish between right and wrong?

- So, all 5 conclusions are correct, and I hope that you guys will now be able to distinguish good from bad, and forgive your friend for an ugly act and help him not to do this in the future.

9) Lesson summary

- Everyone has a snowflake on their desk. Take it. Write your name on it, rate your work in the lesson, and give yourself a mark.

- And now we will build our own hill. You attach all your snowflakes to the board.

10) Setting and commenting marks

11) Differentiated Homework

  • Re-read the story and prepare its retelling according to the plan in the textbook.
  • Choice of creative task (optional):
    • draw a film strip for the story;
    • continue the story. “The next day the children decided to build a fortress ...”.

The name of the protagonist of Nosov's story "On the Hill" is Kotka Chizhov. Kotka is a cunning boy. When the guys were making a slide in the yard, he sat by the window and looked at them. The guys called him to help, but Kotka refused, pretending that he could not leave the house.

But as soon as the slide was finished and the yard was empty, Kotka immediately went out into the street. He decided to go ice skating. But it was not interesting to ride in the snow. Then Kotka decided to slide down a brand new slide. However, when he tried to climb on it, he fell - it was very slippery. Then Kotka began to think and came to the conclusion of how to climb the hill.

There was a box of sand in the yard, which was sprinkled on the yard when it got slippery. So Kotka covered the entire hill with sand, after which he calmly climbed to its top. But he did not manage to slide down - the skates did not ride on the sand. At that moment, the guys who were building the hill came out into the yard and began to find out who had spoiled it. Having learned that Kotka was the culprit, they forced him to cover the sand on the hill with snow, and then poured water over it again.

And Kotka liked to fix the slide so much that he additionally made steps with a shovel to make it easier to climb.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Nosov's story "On the Hill" is that before doing anything, you need to think about the consequences of this. Kotka guessed how to climb the slippery hill, but did not think how he would move off it when it ceased to be slippery. If the hero of the story thought well, he could immediately make steps and not spoil the slide. The story teaches you to appreciate the results of someone else's work. Kotka covered the hill he had not built with sand and thus spoiled it. And the guys had to re-fill it with water so that they could ride.

In the story, I liked the guys who built the slide. They know what friendship and mutual assistance are, because they built the slide with joint efforts. And when the slide was ruined by Kotka, they did not give up, but restored it, at the same time teaching Kotka a lesson in hard work.

What proverbs fit the story "On the Hill"?

You don't need much intelligence for stupid actions.
He outsmarted himself.
Managed to spoil, manage and fix.