Russian folklore: Origin and place in Russian culture. Public value of folklore why people who have gone out of life

Russian folklore: Origin and place in Russian culture. Public value of folklore why people who have gone out of life

In modern life, people continue to be due to their simplicity, digestibility, the ability to undergo various transformations without prejudice to the content, some genres of classical folklore fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, sending, signs.

Some of them, for example, folk fairy tales, children's lullabies, perform the former role-educational, informative, entertaining. True, if some lullabies, for example, or dining are still transmitted by orally, then fairy tales are usually read by children on books.

Other genres of folklore, for example, folk natural signs, lost their initial functions. In modern conditions, the folk predictions of weather are often not triggered, since the natural environment has changed, ecological equilibrium has been broken. In addition, the forms of absorption and transmission of people will have changed. A modern urban person meets with them, for example, reading a tear-off calendar or listening to radio programs focused on a reminder of traditional folk culture. Functioning and transmitting, thus, folk signs acquire other cultural meaning. In modern ordinary culture, folk signs go into the sphere not even memory, but rather reminders, in the scope of curious. They are retelling familiar, neighbors, but they are very quickly forgotten - until the next reminder.

And in the village, traditional folk signs have largely lost their vital necessity, in demand for the successful management of agricultural work. Here, on the one hand, the need for weather projections is obvious - due to climate change, on the other hand, new signs based on personal experience and observations are being developed. As a result, signs, as one of the forms of popular knowledge, has been preserved, but its content and place in the daily culture of people changed significantly.

They reached our time and quite fullly exist in the ordinary mass consciousness traditional signs and folk superstitions (faith in the fact that some phenomena and events are a manifestation of supernatural strength or serve as a foreshadow of the future). It is difficult to find a person who, at least once in his life, did not say aloud, that salt wanted to the quarrel, it means that someone recalls, to meet a woman with a blank bucket, and the dishes are happily. Signs are a rather bright example of the existence of elements of traditional ethnoculture in modern culture. Household, repeating behavioral situation and accompanying their ordinary comment, signs easily and effortlessly transmitted "by inheritance" from generation to generation.

The highest view of the art, the most talented, the most brilliant is folk art, that is, what is being captured by the people that the people were preserved that the people were carried through, century ... the people cannot continue the art that does not represent values.



Consultation for parents "Role and Place of Folklore in the life of a kindergarten"

Today, interest in folk creativity is increasing everywhere. It is understandable: in it you need to look for the origins of our characters, relationships, historical roots. Adults draw the attention of children to the folk origins, the roots of our, rites, traditions, customs that were in oblivion for a long time. Recall the famous statement of M.I. Kalinin about folk art: "... the highest view of the art, the most talented, the most brilliant is folk art, that is, what is captured by the people that the people were preserved that the people were carried through, century ... The art that does not represent values \u200b\u200bmay be preserved. The admission of children to folk culture is a means of forming patriotic feelings and spiritual development. Spiritual, creative patriotism must be vaccinated in early childhood.

Interest and attention to folk art, including musical, recently in our country has increased even more. True artistic and natural soil for musical education of the child is the folklore of the people to which it belongs to as an environment in which art is organically fused to life and the worldview of people. Folk art gives children meetings with singing and sincere melodies, with genuine, alive, bright, shaped and affectionate native language.

Russian folklore - the soul of Russian art, Russian music. The work of folk folklore is priceless. Life itself is in them. They are instructive with purity and immediacy. Acquaintance with musical folklore works always enriches and engraves. And the sooner the person is in contact with him, the better. The same organic, natural and necessary should be the music for the child today. The child is available and understandable folk creativity, which means that it is interesting. Childhood is a period of flourishing in a person's life. This is the time when the child is similar to the flower, which stretches with its petals to the sun. Young children react very sensitively to each word, said by adults. Because our task is to instill with children love for the beautiful, teach them the skills and skills of the game in the team, develop such qualities in the kids as kindness, sense of partnership and nobility.

The brilliant Creator of the Language and the greatest teacher - the people created such works of the artistic words that lead to all the steps of its emotional and moral development.

Children's musical folklore is a special area of \u200b\u200bfolk art. It includes a whole system of poetic and musical and poetic genres of folklore. Children's musical folklore carries a huge educational charge. Its value is that with it, we easily install with a child (children) emotional contact, emotional communication. The first acquaintance of the child with the musical folklore begins with small folklore forms: chastushki, sweepers, booms, readers, sentences, spells, songs - non-pieces, which were created by the people in the process of work in nature, in everyday life - this is singing lullaby, playing games. Folk music enters the life of a child from early childhood. The first music that the baby hears is the Mother's Song - Lullaby. It is they who make up its most important musical impressions. How often mother sang them to us. The intonation is full of warmth and tenderness, peace and calmness. There are many different lullabies.

Lullaby - the first for children is musical and poetic information. And since they hear the songs before bedtime, during falling asleep, the memory most valuable covers and fills the intonational turnover, motifs, words sounding in the songs. Therefore, the singing of lullaby songs a child is of great importance in his musical education, in the development of creative thinking, memory, the formation of a balanced psyche. In folk carrier songs, they often turn to the child by name, and it is very important for communicating with him. In my musical classes, the toddles are affectionate and gently sing the simplest lullabies, trying to burn bunnies, bears and dolls. These aesthetic impressions, obtained by them from the earliest childhood, I hope will remain unforgettable for all their lives. But in order to cause a child from a child, motor excitement, cheerful backed, the Pestushki is used, it means to nurse, raise, wear in your arms. Pests sweat naturally and simply, keeping the natural voice timbre, its warmth.

Pottushki, Lullaby Songsplay A huge role in the spiritual development of a person, in its moral and aesthetic upbringing. They touch the heart, nourish love for their land and their people. Little children are not yet available in full concept about homeland, but we know that it is in early childhood a love for her originates. For the child, Motherland is a mother, close to native people surrounding it. This is a house where he lives, the courtyard, where he plays, is a kindergarten with his educators, friends. From what he hears and sees a child from childhood, the formation of his consciousness and attitudes towards the surrounding. Developing feelings, character traits that invisibly connect a child with their people, I use folk songs, dances, dance, vibrant folk toys in my work. All this wealth of Russian folk art helps children to learn the language of their people, its morals and customs, its character traits.

Children's musical folklore reflects various types of musical activity of the child:

  • Hearing - perception.
  • Singing.
  • People's choreography.

With Russian folk songs and melodies, I begin to get acquainted with the younger group. These are such songs like: "Cockerel", "Ladushka", "Bunny", "Sun", "forty - forty", etc .. They are simple for children aged from the age of three years and understandable in content Reflect the world around the world. The text of the song is very concise, built on the repeat of one musical phrase, do not require a rapid pace, are not fulfilled, with good diction. Sound resistance are used to create a bright image and cause an emotional response from a child. People's melodies are natural and therefore is easy for perception and memorization, and the possibility of their own performance is delivered to the kids real joy. Folk dance and dance music has a simple rhythmic pattern and allows you to improvise movements. Folk moving dance games are formed in children orientation in space, coordination, attention, the ability to control their actions, obey the rules of the game.

Based on its experience, I can say that acquaintance with the children's musical folklore develops interest and attention to the world around the world, the people's word and folk custom, brings up artistic taste.

What is a modern folklore and what includes this concept? Fairy tales, epics, legends, historical songs and much more - this is the legacy of the culture of our distant ancestors. Modern folklore must have another presence and live in new genres.

The goal of our work is to prove that the folklore exists in our time, specify modern folk genres and provide us with a compilation of modern folklore.

In order to search for signs of oral folk art in modern times, it is necessary to clearly imagine that this is the phenomenon - folklore.

Folklore - folk creativity, most often it is oral; Artistic collective creative activity of the people, reflecting his life, view, ideals; Poetry, songs, as well as applied crafts, visual arts, created by the people and applied folk masses, but these aspects will not be considered.

Folk creativity originated in ancient times and is the historical basis of all world artistic culture, a source of national artistic traditions, an expressant of popular self-consciousness. The works of folklore (fairy tales, legends, epics) help recreate the characteristic features of the folk speech.

Folk arts everywhere preceded the literature, and many nations, including us, continued to develop on her occurrence along and next to her. Literature was not a simple transfer and filling folklore through writing. It developed in their laws and produced new forms other than folklore. But her connection with folklore is obvious in all directions and channels. It is impossible to name a single literary phenomenon, whose roots would not go to the age-old strata of folk art.

A distinctive feature of any work of oral folk creativity is variability. Since over the centuries, the work of folklore was transmitted orally, most of the folklore works have several options.

The traditional folklore created by centuries and reached us is divided into two groups - the ritual and non-heavenly.

The ritual folklore includes: calendar folklore (carols, passengerous songs, spring), family folklore (family stories, lullabies, wedding songs, etc.), Ozkazional (conspiracy, shallows, spells).

The non-stop folklore is divided into four groups: folklore drama (parsley theater, windscreen drama), poetry (chastushki, songs), folklore of speech situations (proverbs, sayings, teasers, nicknames, curses) and prose. Folklore prose is again divided into two groups: a fabulous (fairy tale, anecdote) and non-sucking (legend, legend, fasting, a story about a dream).

What is "folklore" for a modern person? These are folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs, the epics and other creativity of our ancestors, which was created and was transferred from the mouth to the mouth once a long time ago, and it came to us only the form of beautiful books for children or lessons in literature. Modern people do not tell each other fairy tales, do not sing after the work of the songs, do not cry and are not treated at weddings. And if something is composed of "for the soul", it immediately writes it. All works of folklore seem incredibly distant from modern life. Is it so? Yes and no.

Folklore, translated from English, means "People's Wisdom, People's Knowledge." Thus, the folklore should exist at all times as the embodiment of the consciousness of the people, his life, ideas about the world. And if we do not face the traditional folklore daily, then there must be something else, close and understandable to us, what will be called modern folklore.

Folklore is not a constant and institutional form of folk art. Folklore is constantly in the process of development and evolution: chastushki can be executed under the accompaniment of modern musical instruments on modern topics, folk music can be influenced by rock music, and modern music itself can include folklore elements.

Often, the material that seems frivolous, and there is a "new folklore". Moreover, he lives everywhere and everywhere.

Modern folklore did not take almost anything from the genres of the classical folklore, and the fact that he took, changed beyond recognition. "Almost all old oral genres go to the past - from the ritual lyrics to the fairy tale," says Professor Sergey Nezlutov (the largest Russian folklorist, head of the center of Semiotics and typology of Folklore RGU).

The fact is that the life of a modern person is not connected with the calendar and the season, there is practically no ritual folklore in the modern world, we have only signs.

Today, the great place is occupied by non-heavenly folklore genres. And there are not only amended old genres (riddles, proverbs), not only relatively young forms ("street" songs, jokes), but also texts that are generally difficult to attribute to any particular genre. For example, urban legends (about abandoned hospitals, factories), fantastic "historical and local history essays" (on the origin of the title of the city or its parts, about geophysical and mystical anomalies, about the celebrities attending it, etc.), stories about incredible incidents, Legal incidents, etc. The concept of folklore can also include rumors.

Sometimes, on our eyes, new signs and beliefs are formed - including in the most advanced and educated groups of society. Who did not hear about cacti, allegedly "absorbing harmful radiation" from computer monitors? Moreover, this sign has a development: "The radiation absorbs not any cactus, but only with star needles."

In addition to the structure of the folklore itself, the structure of its distribution in society has changed. Modern folklore no longer bears the functions of the people's identity as a whole. Most often by carriers of folklore texts are non-residents of certain territories, but members of some sociocultural groups. At tourists, at the ready, parachutists, patients of one hospital or students of one school there are signs, legends, jokes, etc. Each, even the smallest group of people, barely realizing its community and difference from all others, immediately acquired his own folklore. Moreover, the elements of the group may vary, and the folk texts will remain.

As an example. During the hike, the fire jokes, that if the girls dried the hair by the fire - to be bad weather. The whole camping of girls from the fire is distilled off. Once at a hike with the same travel agency, but with completely other people and even instructors in a year, it can be found that the sign is alive and they believe in it. The girls are still distilled off from the fire. Moreover, opposition appears: it is necessary to suck underwear, and then the weather will work out, even if someone from the ladies still broke through with wet hair to the fire. Here, not only on the face the birth of the new folk text in a certain group of people, but also its development.

The most bright and paradoxical phenomenon of modern folklore can be called a network folklore. The main and universal feature of all folk phenomena is to exist orally, while all network texts - by definition written.

However, as the Deputy Director of the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore Anna Kostina notes, many of them are inherent in all the main features of folklore texts: anonymity and collectivity of authorship, variability, traditional. Moreover: Network texts clearly strive for "overcoming writing" - from here and widespread use of emoticons (allowing you to designate intonation), and the popularity of "Padonskaya" (intentionally wrong) spelling. Merry Unnamed texts are already widely walking in the network. Absolutely folklore in spirit and poetics, but unable to live in purely oral transmission.

Thus, in modern information society, folklore does not lose much, but also acquires something.

We found out that there are little from the traditional folklore in modern folklore. And those genres that remained have changed almost unrecognizable. New genres also appear.

So, today there is no folklore ritual. And the reason for its disappearance is obvious: the life of modern society does not depend on the calendar, all ritual actions that are an integral part of the life of our ancestors, they have come to no. Thunder folklore also highlights poetic genres. Here and the city romance, and the yard songs, and the chastushki for modern themes, as well as such completely new genres, like rhobs, screams and sadistic poems.

Prosaic folklore lost fairy tales. Modern society costs already created works. But there are anecdotes and a lot of new non-bargaining genres: urban legends, fantastic essays, stories about incredible incidents, etc.

The folklore of speech situations has changed beyond recognition, and today it resembles a parody more. Example: "Who early gets up - he lives far from work," "I do not have one hundred percent, and I have a hundred clients."

In a separate group, it is necessary to allocate a completely new and unique phenomenon - a network folklore. Here and "Padonsky", and network anonymous stories, and "letters of happiness" and much more.

Having done this work, we can confidently say that the folklore did not stop his existence of the century back and did not turn into a museum exhibit. Many genres just disappeared, the same remained changed or changed their functional purpose.

Maybe after a hundred and two hundred years, modern folk texts will not be studied in literature lessons, and many of them may disappear much earlier, but, nevertheless, a new folklore is a presentation of a modern person about society and about the life of this Societies, his self-consciousness and cultural level. Wonderful on the wealth of ethnographic details, the characteristics of various social groups of the worker population of Russia in the middle of the XIX century left V. V. Bervy Flerovsky in his book "The position of the working class in Russia". His attention to the peculiar traits of life and culture of each of these groups is found even in the names of individual chapters: "Worker-Tragging", "Siberian farmer", "Zauralsky worker", "Worker-Attorney", "Mountain Worker", "Russian Procelet " All this is different social types representing the Russian people in a specific historical setting. It is not by chance that Bervy Flerovsky found it necessary to allocate the characteristic of the "moral mood of workers in the industrial provinces", realizing that there are many specific signs that distinguish it from "moral mood"<работника на севере», а строй мыслей и чувств «земледельца на помещичьих землях» не тот, что у земледельца-переселенца в Сибири.

The era of capitalism and especially imperialism brings new substantial transformations in the social structure of the people. The most important factor that has a huge impact on the entire course of social development, on the fate of the whole people as a whole, is the emergence of a new one, the most revolutionary in the history of human-class humanity, the entire culture of which, including folklore, is a qualitatively new phenomenon. But the culture of the working class should be studied specifically historically, in its development, national, regional and professional features should be taken into account. In the working class, there are different layers, different groups that differ in the level of class consciousness, cultural traditions. Large methodological importance in this regard retains the work of V. I. Ivanov "Development of capitalism in Russia", where various conditions are specifically investigated, in which the formation of the working class detachments in industrial centers, in the industrial south, in the situation of "special life" in the Urals .

The development of capitalist relations in the village breaks the rural community, splits the peasantry into two classes - small producers, some of which are constantly proleeled, and rural bourgeois - foul. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe one allegedly peasant culture in the conditions of capitalism is to tribute the petty-bourgeois illusions and prejudices, and the undifferentiated, non-critical study of the peasant creativity of this era can only strengthen such illusions and prejudices. The social heterogeneity of the people in the context of the struggle of all democratic forces of Russia against the royal autocracy and serfdom for political freedom stressed V. I. Ivanov: "... The people struggling with autocracy consists of bourgeoisie and proletariat." From the history of society it is known that the social structure of the people who committed the anti-refortion revolution in England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, was just as heterogeneous. It is also known that, using nationwide conquests, the bourgeoisie, coming to power, changes the people and itself becomes anti-people. But the fact that at a certain stage of historical development was one of the component elements of the people, could not affect the nature of the national culture of the relevant era.

The recognition of a complex, constantly changing social structure of the people means not only what the class composition of the people changes, but also that the relationship between classes and groups within the people is developing. Of course, since the people constitute first of all the working and operating masses, it determines the community of their class interests and views, the unity of their culture. But, recognizing the principal community of the people and seeing primarily the main contradiction between the exploited masses and the dominant class, as V.I. stressed Ivanov, "requires that the word (people) not covered with a misunderstanding of class antagonism inside the people."

Consequently, the culture and art of the people in the class society, "folk creativity" is class in nature not only in the sense that it opposes the ideology of the dominant class as a whole, but also that it is complex, and sometimes contradictory His classroom, ideological content. Our approach to Folklore Therefore assumes the study of the expression in it as common ideals and aspirations, and not in all the coincidences and submissions of certain classes and groups that make up the people at different stages of the history of society, the study of reflection in folklore as contradictions between all people and the dominant class And possible contradictions "inside the people". Only this approach is a condition for a truly scientific study of the history of folklore, coverage of all its phenomena and understanding them, no matter how contradictory, no matter how incompatible they seem with the "ideal" ideas about folk creativity. Such an approach serves as a reliable guarantee and against the foddle-armant idealization of the folklore and against an arbitrary exclusion from the field of folklore of whole genres or works, as it happened more than once at the time of the domination of dogmatic concepts in folkloristic. It is important to be able to judge the folklore on the basis of not speculative a priori ideas about folk creativity, but taking into account the real history of the masses and society.


1. Oreinian folk creativity Kik Art of a national word
2. Sayings of great writers and pedagogov on the role of folklore in a person's life
3. Classification of folklore
4. Classification of folklore in volume: small forms
5. Large forms
6. Conclusion
7. List of references


It is believed that, through the oral folk creativity, the child not only mastering his native language, but also, mastering his beauty, conciseness, comes to the culture of his people, receives the first ideas about it.
Folklore - fertile and no replace source of moral education of children, since it reflects all real life with evil and good, happiness and grief. He opens and explains the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Promotes the development of the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, gives excellent samples of the literary language.
In order to maximize the educational effect with the help of oral folk creativity, it is important not only to be represented by a variety of genres, but also maximally included in all the vital processes of the child. For example, familiarity with lullaby songs will help children grow balanced and benevolent people.
It is very important that the child from childhood learns the essence of moral concepts and human values. In the process of development, the child is formed as a person, acquires characteristic features of character, features that affect the behavior of a person in life, the child appears his own worldview.
The most important task facing our society is currently its spiritual, moral revival, which is impossible to implement, without absolcing the cultural and historical experience of the people created by the centuries of a huge amount of generations and enshrined in the works of folk art. Another K.D. Shushinsky, putting forward the principle of nationality, said that "the language there is the living, most abundant and durable connection, connecting the tales, living and future generations of the people in one great, historically living whole."
At an early age it is very important to speed up the "birth" of the first conscious words in the child. Increase the stock of words will be helped by small genres of folklore, in which his attention is attracted to subjects, animals, people.
With the help of small folklore, you can solve almost all the tasks of the methodology for the development of speech and along with the basic methods and receptions of the speech development of younger students, you can use this material.
The significance of the folk folklore is very large in the adaptation period. Well-chosen, with expressiveness told speaking helps to establish contact, cause positive emotions.
1. Oral folk creativity as the art of a folk word.

It is believed that folklore is oral folk creativity, the folk art of the word, abroad it is called more - folk knowledge or folk wisdom. Folklore is called verbal art, which includes proverbs, chastushki, fairy tales, legends, myths, patters, riddles, heroic epos, epics, legends, etc.
It is known that the works of oral folk creativity arose in a distant antiquity, but today we use them, often even unaware and not realizing this (I sing a couple, tell the jokes, we read fairy tales, make the riddles, say sayings, singing folk songs, repeat the spears and Much more).
Folk patters, songs, riddles, fairy tales, proverbs use in their speech adults and children growing young people and senior people. But few people clearly imagine how the oral poetic folk creativity lives and there is an oral-poetic folk creativity, and, even more less, a smaller number of people are aware of the values \u200b\u200bof folklore and is familiar with his story.
No one, unfortunately, will not recognize the names of those distant creators who have consolidated wonderful fairy tales, busy riddles, folk songs, moral proverbs and proverbs living for many centuries. The only thing we can with confidence say that the author of Folklore is always a living and developing poet whose name is the people. It is the people that we are obliged to preserve and improve all folk treasures of poetry.
So, living out of time, moving from the letter to descendants, from one storyter, poet, singer to another, folklore works are enriched with the features of modern worldview, new traits of life. Nowadays, already updated ancient fairy tales continue to live, and along with them arise (and always arose) new songs, jokes, proverbs, riddles, etc.
2. Populations of great writers about the role of Falclora in a person's life ...


Living out of time, moving from the letters to descendants, from one storyter, poet, singer to another, folklore works are enriched with the features of modern worldview, new features of life. In our time, already updated ancient fairy tales continue to live, and along with them arise (and always arose) new songs, jokes, stories, conspiracies, proverbs, riddles, etc.
Live connection of literature with folklore is confirmed by the work of the best writers of all nations. But no matter how tangle the connection of works of writers with people's poetry in class society, collective and individual creativity is always distinguished by the method of creating artistic works.
The presented classification is most common among researchers. However, it is worth understanding that the types of Russian folklore mutually complement each other, and sometimes do not fit into the generally accepted classification. Therefore, when studying the issue, a simplified version is most often used, where only 2 groups of genres - ritual and non-stop folklore are distinguished.
We see that most scientists belong to the small genres of folklore proverbs, sayings, riddles, patterings, and otherwise their opinions are diverged.
Mirth to understand that, in contrast to small forms, the following large works include the following large works: fairy tales, legends, epics, historical songs, lyrical songs, ballads, chastushki.

1. Anikin V.P. Tutorial for universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Higher School, 2004. - 735 p.
2. Zueva T. V., Kiddan B. P. Russian Folklore. Tutorial for higher educational institutions - M.: Flint: Science, 2002. - 400 p.
3. Zueva T.V., Kiddan B.P. Russian Folklore, 2003, p.141-143
4. Efremov A.L. Formation of personality in the field of amateur team. - St. Petersburg., 2004. - 107 with
5. Karpukhin I.E. Oral folk creativity, 2005,
6. Usova A.P. Russian folk creativity in kindergarten. -M.: Enlightenment, 1972. -78c.
7. Ushshinsky k.d. Election Ped. So.: 2 t. - M., 1974. - T. 1. - p. 166
8. Ushinsky, K.D. Education of man / k.d. Ushinsky; Cost. S.F. Egorov. - M.: Karapuz, 2000. - 255 with

The role of folklore in the development of children

The concept of "folklore" in translation from English means - folk wisdom. Folklore is verbal, oral artistic creativity, which emerged in the process of becoming, forming a human speech. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to overestimate the influence of the folklore on the development of the child.

In the process of social development, various forms and types of oral verbal creativity - folklore arose. At the same time, some species and genres of folklore lived a very long life. Like any other creativity, art, folklore is able to have a significant impact on the development of the child, while the wisdom of many generations of peoples is laid in the folklore, which means that the influence of folk creativity on the development of the child will only be positive.

First of all, folklore helps to develop speech. What is the difference between many folklore works, whether the proverbs, parables or fairy tales? They are characterized by wealth, filled, the brightness of speech, intonational nuances - this can not not affect the speech of the child. The sooner you begin to acquaint the baby with folklore, the more likely you will do it, the greater the chances that your child will begin to speak, earlier will learn to communicate with his thoughts, his emotions.

Meanwhile, the correct question is one of the collateral of the success of a person in the modern world. Competent, emotionally saturated speech will allow you to quickly and easily find a common language with any people, to organically fit into any team.

This, in turn, leads to the formation of adequate self-esteem, to the feeling of what has found his place in this world, to self-confidence. After all, each parent is striving for his baby to be confident in herself, in his power, and therefore it makes sense to acquaint his child with folk art as soon as possible.

One of the folk forms are sayings and proverbs, which are a special kind of poetry, which in centuries absorbed the experience and wisdom of many generations. Using in their speech, sayings and proverbs, children can learn more concisely, brightly and clearly express their feelings and thoughts, learn to paint their speech, develop the ability to creatively use the word, figuratively describe items, giving them bright and juicy descriptions.

Another interesting genome of folklore are riddles. Fingering and guessing the riddles has a very strong positive impact on the development of the child's speech. Riddles enrich children's speech due to the meaningfulness of some concepts, helping to notice the secondary meaning of the words, and also form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the word figurative meaning is. In addition, properly chosen riddles will help you to learn the grammar and soundtroke of the Russian speech. Radiation of the riddles allows you to develop the ability to generalize, analysis, helps to form the ability to make independent conclusions, develop the ability to concisely and clearly allocate the most expressive, characteristic signs of phenomenon or subject.

Finally, special attention should be paid to the folk lyrics, which occupies a special place in the world of folklore. The composition of the lyrical folklore is much more diverse many folk genres, whether it is a heroic epic or even fairy tales. So, the first folk songs of the baby hears immediately after birth - moms lull kids in gentle, calm lullaby songs, and sometimes mom is lulling and has not yet born baby.

In addition, parents entertain children with fun, playing with their handles and legs, fingers, throwing on their hands or knees. Which of us did not hear, did not play with my child in "Sokok-Crow, who cooked" or in "Ladushka-Ladushka". Many pests accompany the first conscious movements of the child, helping him to "fix the material passed", associate their actions with sound accompaniment, by selling a connection between actions and speech.

Summarizing, it can be said that the folklore in the development of children plays an essential role. Folklore not only develops the oral speech of the baby, but also allows you to train it with moral standards. Folklore works are a unique means for transmitting wisdom accumulated by many generations.

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