Fairy Winx Decorations in good quality. Children's coloring online for girls

Fairy Winx Decorations in good quality. Children's coloring online for girls
Fairy Winx Decorations in good quality. Children's coloring online for girls

If you like drawing, if you do not tear off from the color, if you admire the wizards from the Winx club, then the game of Coloring Winx for girls invites you to be interested in relaxing for the creative process of coloring your favorite heroines.

Club wizards Winx

All girls fascinate stories about magic fairs and fabulous kingdoms. Young artists gladly paint coloring with such characters, fashion fans dressed them in dress up games, others - play various plots from their lives.

In his cartoon, Winx Club Director Izhinio Straphphy Displayed a magic dimension from the fantasies of girls. In this wonderful world, sorcerers are rapidly, they make their evils of the witches, the evil monsters seek to seize the world, and the strength of good in the face of Fay is struggling with evil. His main characters are 6 brave girls endowed with magical forces.

Cartoon Winx was so loved to girls all over the world, which, according to his motives, developed a lot of different games: coloring, dressing, florillers, puzzles, etc. Now every girl can participate in the adventures of brave heroines in the beloved genre of the game.

Main heroines coloring

In the game of Coloring Winx for girls, young artists is given the opportunity to reveal their creative talents and paint winx to their taste. On the screensaver, the coloring is welcome and invited to play the wizard of Stella, Muse and Leila together.

Press the "Play" button and find yourself in the game itself. At the group picture, members of the magical division of the fight against evil Winx were frozen. Their eternal enemies of the Trix witches were put on the photo of the fairies spell, so they became black and white. So the villain wanted to spoil the photo album of the girls of Winx, in which they led the chronicles of their victories.

Winx wizards are very much calculated on your artistic talents. After all, the spell will be able to remove the girl who sincerely loves and knows how to draw. Take it rather in the game tassel and start drawing. Relocation side of the game field you will find an infinite palette of tones to pick up the appropriate color in the coloring.

In the foreground sits the princess Aisha or Leila from Andros planet. Its distinctive ability - the ability to control the Pink Morphyx substance. Usually in games in girls brown hair, blue eyes and dark skin. But you can create a completely different image in the coloring.

Behind, to the right of it, Tekne sits in the game, and on the left - muse. Fairy Teknov presents the planet Zenit and half android. If the cartoon colors stick in the coloring, then the hair is needed to paint into fuchuyvy color, and the blouse is in the lilac.

Muza from the planet melody. In the coloring of this oriental beauty make black hair. In the game in the background itself, the bright girls of Winx Club are coloring. In the center of the club leader - Bloom. Her hair coloring the color of gold, and make eyes azure. To the left of her Fairy, which opened her magic talents and led to the measurement of Magiks - Stella. In games, she is a spectacular blonde with green eyes. On the right in the coloring of the flora - the ladies of the forces of the Earth with Rusy Hair.

At its discretion, you can paint the girls like in a cartoon, or create a new image. Show talent!

Who does not like to draw?

It is difficult to submit a child who would not like to draw or color pictures. He always has several albums, paints, sets of pencils, markers and chalks. In the summer, on the street, the road was deceived by the creations of novice artists and sharks float along the asphalt river, the sidewalks overproof the flowers around which drawn butterflies and bees flit. There they arise at home, over which the sun begins, and the little men are smiling next to the clearing. They fly away to anywhere air balls, jarked puppies and kittens. Similar paintings are settled and in the notebooks of the defones, and even colored ballpoint handles go to the move. In the apartment there are pieces of paper with drawings of a child, on the refrigerator and walls are sure to hang the most successful images, and parents as a gift always receive independently completed postcards. Gradually, the apartment accumulates a ton of waste paper, broken pencils, spoiled markers, blurred water water. Periodically, the general cleansing are arranged in order to get rid of the unnecessary trash, but the artist and enterprise are not crowded on the defense of their creativity, the artist and the enterprise is not crowded. But after all, you do not lose your child so useful and creative classes just because the house turns into a warehouse of waste paper. Coloring Winx will come to the revenue, which will always stay at hand and do not lose your useful area.

These plots especially like the girls who find a special charm in all magic and mysterious. Little fairies remind the young rods themselves and therefore are close to them in spirit. Each girl passes in his growing stage when she imagines himself a little resident of the magic country, which is inhabited by fabulous creatures, creating magic and living in harmony with nature. In matinees in kindergarten and school, they love to dress up with fairy and flutter on artificial wings, and therefore the topic of Winx on Winx will not be left with them unnoticed.

Now you can forget about the spoiled dress, smeared paint floors, walls and furniture. Computer games Coloring Winx easily open online and you can always restart the game if the finished result seemed unsatisfactory. But when the picture I like it, the printout function on the printer will help save it in your album and create a whole collection with different images to show her friends and relatives at leisure.

  • Opening the next version of the coloring, you can show a fantasy and come up with an individual image for each fairie, coloring every item as it is like more.
  • And in order to take memory, look carefully on the proposed illustration in color, remember all the moments and then try to repeat it exactly with the original. Even if it was not possible to portray everything exactly from the first time, make so many attempts until both pictures are authentic.

Develop your artistic abilities playing Winx Coloring Games

Winx Coloring Games offer frozen frames from the cartoon series and, accepting for the next job, remember the submitted moment. This occupation is not only useful, but also excitement, because you know what happened in the cartoon in this scene, it becomes much more interesting to work on the drawing.

Similar coloring, it is always a rusty palette of paints. Many bright tones turn the image into a real kaleidoscope, the color fireworks caused by the young artist himself. Feel free to apply juicy shades, because with them the drawing becomes alive, saturated, cheerful, and joy is the main thing during the game and growing up!

In fact, each child at a certain stage - as a rule, at a fairly early age - the passion for drawing is awakened. Initially, he simply causes astonishment that the pencil or feltster, which he holds in his hands, is able to leave footprints on paper. Then he comes to mind not just inappropriately withdraw a variety of doodles, but try to portray something from what surrounds him. After all, the world, in essence, consists of the same lines that he can spend on a piece of paper. Some children covers the desire of self-improvement and they start learning to draw. At first, ourselves, and then, if the parents noticed in their Chad a tendency to fine arts - in circles or izostudiy. Well, many kids have their own craving for "beautifully, as in a cartoon, but it painted," realize with the help of old-kind books of coloring. Remember, were these in our childhood? They are now. But, of course, brighter and diverse - on any plots and with the most different popular among the children of heroes. And the generation that matures now is already growing on online format. Their advantage is obvious. First, the child receives the first computer handles and learns to understand the mouse. Secondly, their range is even more than that of paper products. You are unlikely to buy a child hundreds of such books. And on the Internet you can find thousands and thousands of beautiful, well-drawn illustrations for coloring. Among them, the child will choose those plots and heroes, co-authored pictures with the image of which he really wants to become. For example, Winx - Fairies from a popular cartoon - make especially attractive for girls. Not least due to the brightness of the paints, which developers of such children's entertainment seek to transfer the monitor screen. Of course, on our site you will find coloring not only with Winx, but also with other cartoon and fabulous heroes. And, of course, as in all other games here, your child will be able to play absolutely free.

Do you want to put your hand to the image of the favorite Heroine of the Aims of Winx? You can do it in Winx Coloring game!

If people are not creating - the world will stop. And let the Winx female are already drawn by the best multiplier artists; This does not mean that there is nothing more to bring in their image! Winx Coloring game How nothing else convinces that if you add a drop of creativity, familiar to pain the world can be very easily and easily transformed. Make it up to each shade, before every feature.


Winx Coloring Game for girls provides you with complete freedom of creativity! The picture shows all the Winx fae together, but you can paint each separately - after all, so much more convenient, agree. Choose color yourself, focusing only on your taste and your desires.

Want to have fun with friends? Well, how do you like the red face of Bloom and purple skin of the muse? Maybe after your intervention, the girls will look like real aliens, while retaining its features! This is your creativity, because it is known that the artist is enough to say "I see so," and this questions will end!

Or maybe you want to create the most romantic images? Want to carefully pick up the colors and make your favorite Fay Winx with stunning beauties, even better than they look in the animated series? Yes, the task is not from the lungs, but you can cope with it! Enough to let go of your fantasy to the will and afford to have fun as it should.

Office in Winx Coloring game

With the help of a mouse, dry up a tassel in the paint of the color you need and click on the patterns of the pattern that requires the painting. In the Winx game, an intellectual technology is implemented, which allows one click to paint all identical elements, even if they are separated by contours from each other.