The problem in the poem is dead souls. The main theme of the poem "Dead Souls" is the topic of the present and future

The problem in the poem is dead souls. The main theme of the poem
The problem in the poem is dead souls. The main theme of the poem "Dead Souls" is the topic of the present and future

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - one of the most mysterious writers 19th century. His life and creativity are full of mysticism and secrets. Our article will help qualitatively prepare for the lesson of literature, to the exam, test tasks, creative works on the poem. When analyzing the work of Gogol "Dead Souls" in grade 9, it is important to rely on additional materialto familiarize yourself with the history of creation, problematics, deal with what artistic means Uses the author. IN " Dead soulsah "Analysis is specific because of meaningful scale and composite features Works.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1835 -1842. In 1842 the first volume was published.

History of creation - The idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot was prompted by Gogol Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The author of about 17 years worked on the poem.

Subject - Morals and the life of landowners in Russia of the 1930th century, the gallery of human vices.

Composition - 11 heads of the first volume, the united manner of the chief hero - Chichikov. Several heads of the second volume that survived and were found and published.

Direction - Realism. There is a poem and romantic traitsbut they are secondary.

History of creation

Nikolay Vasilyevich wrote his immortal brainchild about 17 years. He considered this work as the most important mission in his life. The history of the creation of the "dead souls" is full of gaps and mysteries, as well as mystical coincidences. In the process of working on the product, the author fell ill, being on the verge of death, he suddenly healed miraculously. Gogol accepted this fact for a sign of over, who gave him a chance to finish his main work.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"dead souls" and the very fact of their existence as social phenomenon Sugagated Gogol Pushkin. It was Alexander Sergeevich, according to the author, he pushed him to the idea to write a large-scale work, able to reveal the entire essence of the Russian soul. The poem was conceived as a work in three volumes. The first volume (published in 1842) was conceived as a collection of human defects, the second - gave the heroes to realize their mistakes, and in the third volume they change and find the way to the right life.

Being in the work, the work was ruled many times by the author, his main idea, the characters, the plot, remained only the essence: the problem and the plan of the work. The second volume of the "dead souls" Gogol finished shortly before his death, but for some information he himself destroyed this book. According to other sources, she was transferred by the author to Tolstoy or someone from close acquaintances, and after - lost. It is believed that this manuscript is still kept by the descendants of the Supreme Society of the Gogol environment and someday will be found. The third Tom the author did not have time to write, but his estimated content has information from reliable sources, future bookHer idea and general characteristics were discussed in literary circles.


Meaning of the name "Dead souls" double: this is the phenomenon itself - the sale of dead fortress shower, rewriting them and transferring to another owner and the image of people like Plushhina, Manilov, the Society - their souls are dead, the heroes are deeply lenty, vulgar and immoral.

main topic "Dead souls" - vices and morals of society, the life of the Russian man of the 1830s of the 19th century. The problems that the author raises in the poem, the old, as the world, but are shown and disclosed as it is characteristic of the researcher human characters and shower: thin and largely.

The main character - Chichikov bores at the landowners of the dead, but still listed serfs that need him only on paper. Thus, he plans to get rich, receiving payment for them in the guardianship. The interaction and cooperation of Chichikov with the same fraudsters and charlatans, as he himself becomes central theme Poems. The desire to get rich by all possible methods It is typical not only by chikchiku, but also many of the heroes of the poem is a disease of the century. What Gogol's poem teaches, is located between the lines of the book - the Russian person is characteristic of adventurism and thrust to "easy bread."

The conclusion is unambiguous: the most the right way - Live according to the laws, in Lada with conscience and heart.


The poem consists of a complete first volume and several preserved heads of the second volume. Composition is subordinated main Goal - Reveal the picture of Russian life, modern author, create a gallery of typical characters. The poem consists of 11 chapters, is saturated with lyrical deviations, philosophical reasoning and wonderful descriptions of nature.

All this, from time to time, breaks through the main plot and gives the work unique lyricity. The work ends with colorful lyrical reflection on the future of Russia, its strength and power.

Originally the book was conceived as satirical work, it affected general composition. In the first chapter, the author introduces the reader with the inhabitants of the city, with the main character - Pavl Ivanovich Chichikov. From the second on the sixth chapter the author gives portrait characteristic landowners, their unique lifestyle, kaleidoscope, etch, and morals. The following four chapters describe the life of officialhood: bribery, self-government and self-employment, gossip lifestyle of a typical Russian city.

main characters


To determine the genre of the "dead souls", you need to turn to the story. Hogol himself determined him as a "poem", although the structure and scale of the narration is close to the story and the novel. Prose art Named by the poem due to his lyricity: large number lyrical deviations, comments and comments by the author. It is also worth considering that Gogol held a parallel between his children and Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin": the latter is considered a novel in verses, and the "Dead Souls" - on the contrary, the poem in prose.

The author emphasizes the equivalence in its product of the epic and lyrical. Criticism adheres to another opinion about genre features Poems. For example, V. G. Belinsky called the work of Roman and with this opinion it is considered to be reckoned, as it is quite substantiated. But according to tradition, the Gogol work is called the poem.

According to N. V. Gogol, the theme of the poem was to be all the modern Russia. The conflict of the first volume of the "dead souls" writer took two types of contradictions inherent in the Russian society halves XIX. century: between imaginary content and real insignificance of dominant sections of society and between the spiritual forces of the people and its ordinaliers. Indeed, the "dead souls" can be called an encyclopedic study of all the urgent problems of that time: the state of landlord farms, moral appearance landlord and official nobility, their relationship with the people, fate of the people and the Motherland. "... what a huge, what kind of original story! What a variety of pile! Everything Rus will appear in it," said Gogol Zhukovsky about his poem. Naturally, such a multi-faceted plot determined a kind of composition. First of all, the construction of the poem is distinguished by clarity and clarity: all parts are interconnected by the plot-generating hero of chikchikov, traveling in order to get a million. This is a vigorous dealers looking for profitable connections, entering numerous dating, which allows the writer to portray the reality in all its faces, capture socio-economic, family-household, moral and legal and cultural relations in serfdom of Russia. In the first chapter, exposure, introductory, the author gives overall characteristics provincial gubern city and introduces readers with the main acting persons Poems.

The following five chapters are devoted to the depiction of landowners in their own family-household life, in their estates. Gogol masterfully reflected in the composition of the landlords' closure, their cutoff public Life (I didn't even hear the box about the companion and Manilov. The content of all these five chapters is built one by one general principle: appearance The estate, state of the economy, the Lord's house and its interior decoration, the characteristics of the landowner and its relationship with chikchikov. In this way, Gogol draws a whole landowner gallery, in its aggregate recreation overall picture Fastener society.

The satirical orientation of the poem is manifested in the very consistency of the submission of landowners, starting with Manilov and, completing the plush, which already "turned into a spherical on humanity." Gogol showed terrible degradation human soul, Spiritual and moral fall of a korestolyubant destroyer.

But the most vividly realistic manner and satirical pathos writer manifested themselves in creating images of Russian landowners. Gogol puts forward the moral and psychological essence of the hero, his negative traits and typical signs, such as, for example, the beautiful dreaminess and complete misunderstanding of the life of Manilov; Nonzhoy lies and disintegration at Nozdrev; CULTIMITY AND HEALTHENIES OF SOBACEVICH AND PR.

The latitude of synthesis of images is organically combined with their explicitly designated individuality, the vital touch, which is achieved by exaggerated concretizing their typical features, sharp outright of moral traits and their individualization of acuction techniques is supported by the outcome of the existing persons.

For portraits of landowners issued close-up, in the poem it follows satirical image The lives of the provincial officials, which is the socio-political power of the nobility. It is wonderful that Gogol elects the entire province city with the subject of his image, creates collective image provincial bureaucrat. In the process of the image of landowners and officials, the image of the main character of the narrative - Chichikova is gradually deployed to readers. Only in the final, the eleventh chapter Gogol reveals his life in all details and finally exposes his hero as a deft bourgeois predator, a fraudster, a civilized scoundrel. Such an approach is due to the author's desire to fully express Chichikov as a socio-political type, expressing a new one, is still concerning, but already quite viable and quite strong phenomenon - capital. That is why its character is shown in development, in collisions with many of the most different obstacles arising from its path. It is remarkable that all other characters of the "dead souls" appear in front of the reader psychologically already extinguished, that is, outside the development and internal contradictions (the exception to some extent is the Plushkin, which is given a descriptive prehistory). Such static characteristics emphasizes the stagnation of life and the entire lifestyle of the landowners and contributes to the concentration of attention on the characteristics of their characters. Across the whole poem Gogol parallel scene lines The landowners, officials and Chichikov continuously holds another one - the people associated with the image. Composition of the poem writer all the time persistently reminds the presence of the abyss of the alienation between simply nations and ruling estates.

Throughout the poem, the statement of the people as positive hero merges with the glorification of the Motherland, with the expression by the author of his patriotic and civil judgments. These judgments are scattered throughout the work in the form of penetrated lyrical deviations. So, in the 5th chapter Gogol, famous "live and wagon Russian mind", his unusual ability to verbal expressiveness. In the 6th chapter, he drawn with a passionate appeal to the reader to keep in himself until the end of the life is truly human feelings. In the 7th chapter this is speech On the role of writers, about the different "lots". The 8th shows the separation of the provincial nobility and the people. The last, 11 chapter, ends with an enthusiastic hymn homeland, her excellent future.

As can be seen from the head to the chapter, the topics of lyric retreats are becoming more and more social significance, but labor people It appears in front of the reader in the steadily increasing progression of his merits (mention of the dead and runaway men of Sobeshevich and Plushkin).

Thus, Gogol reaches the poem of the continuously increasing tension in the composition of the poem, which in aggregate with increasing dramaticness reports " Dead souls"Exceptional enormity.

In the composition of the poem, the image of the road passing through all the work should be emphasized with which the writer expresses hatred of stagnation and aspiration forward, hot love for native nature. This image contributes to strengthening the emotionality and dynamism of the whole poem.

The amazing art of Gogol in the layout of the plot affected the fact that many of the most different introductory episodes and author's retreats caused by the desire wider and deeper to recreate the then reality then, strictly subordinate to the embodiment of certain ideas of the writer. Such author's retreats as thick and thin, about the "Russian person's passion to be found with those who at least one rank was His higher," O "Lord big hands and Lord middle Hand", about the wide typical of the images of the nostroid, boxes, dogs, plush, make up the necessary social background for the disclosure of the main ideas of the poem. In many author's retreats, Gogol signed the metropolitan theme, but in the limiting satirical nude, this" dangerous "topic sounded in the included in Composition of the poem "Tale of Captain Copeikin", told by the provincial postmaster. In its inner sense, in his idea, this plug-in novel is an important element in the ideological and artistic sense of the Gogol poem. She gave the author to the opportunity to include the topic of heroic 1812 in the poem and thus still Circumciate to reject the heartlessness and arbitrariness of the supreme power, cowardice and the insignificance of the provincial nobility. "Tale of Captain Kopekin" on a short time Distracts the reader from the stale world of Plushy and officials of the provincial city, but this change of impressions creates a certain artistic effect and helps to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, its satirical orientation.

The poem's composition not only superbly deploys the plot, which is based on a fantastic Chichikov Aventure, but also allows Gogol with the help of extra-made episodes to recreate the full reality of Nikolaev Rus. All of the above, convincingly proves that the composition of the poem is different high degree artistic skill.

In accordance with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - show the way to achieving the spiritual ideal, on the basis of which the writer thinks the possibility of transformation as state system Russia, its public device, and all social layers and each individual person - are determined by the main topics and the problems set in the "Dead Souls" poem.

Changes, from the point of view of Gogol, should not be external, but internal, that is, it is about the fact that all state and social structuresAnd especially their leaders, in their activities should focus on moral laws, christian ethics. So, the eternal Russian trouble is bad roads - it is possible to overcome not to change the bosses or tighten the laws and control over their execution. For this, it is necessary that each of the participants of this case, first of all, the head, remembered that he is not responsible for a higher officer, and before God. Gogol called on every Russian man in his place, with his position to do the case as the highest - Heavenly - the law.

In her first volume, the emphasis was made on all those negative phenomena in the life of the country that need to be corrected. But the main evil for the writer does not consist in social problems as such, but for the reason they arise: the spiritual cloak of the modern man. That is why the problem of the surning soul becomes in the 1st volume of the poem central. All other themes and problems of the work are grouped around it.

"Be not dead, and live souls!" - Calls on the writer, convincingly demonstrating what the hell is the one who has lost the living soul falls. Under the "dead soul" is understood not only a purely bureaucratic term used in Russia XIX. century. Often " dead soul»They call a person mosted in concerns about stupid. The symbolism of the definition of "Dead Souls" contains the opposition of a dead (oblique, frozen, prudent) beginning and a living (spiritual, high, light).

The gallery of landowners and officials shown in the 1st volume of the poem. "Dead souls" shown in the 1st volume can be withstanding only " alive soul»People, perfected in author's lyrical devices. The originality of Gogol's position is that it not only opposes these two starts, but indicates the possibility of awakening the living in the dead. So the poem includes the theme of the resurrection of the soul, the topic of the way to her revival. It is known that Gogol suggested showing the way to revive two heroes from 1 th Tom - Chichikova and Plushkin. The author dreams that the "dead souls" of the Russian reality will be revived, turning into a truly "living" soul.

But in the modern world, the death of the soul was reflected in the most diverse sides of life. In the poem "Dead Souls", the writer continues and develops general topicthat passes through the PSE his work: the derivation and disintelligence of the person in the ghostly and absurd world Russian reality.

Now she is enriched with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is true, the high spirit of Russian life, which it can and should be. This idea penetrates main topic Pois: thinking of a writer about Russia and her people. The present Russia is a terrifying picture of the decomposition and decay, which touched upon all the sectors of society: landlords, officials, even the people.

Gogol in an extremely concentrated form demonstrates the "properties of our Russian breed". So, the thriftingness of Plushkin turns into misfortune, dreaminess and guilty Manilov - in justification of the laziness and sorry. The delets and the energy of Nozdrev are wonderful qualities, but here they are excessive and are aimless, and therefore they become a parody of Russian hero.

At the same time, drawing extremely generalized types of Russian landowners, Gogol reveals the topic overlooking RusWith which the problems of the relationship between landowners and peasants, the profitability of the landlord economy, the possibility of its perfection are correlated. At the same time, the writer condemns not serfdom And not landowners as a class, but the way they used their power over the peasants, the wealth of their lands, for which they are engaged in the economy. And here the main thing remains the topic of cloaking, which is not so much with economic or social problemshow much with the death process of the soul.

Two essential themes Copyright reflections - the theme of Russia and the topic of the road - merge in a lyrical retreat, which completes the first volume of the poem. "Rus-Troika", "the whole inspired by God," appears in it as a vision of the author, who seeks to understand the meaning of her movement; "Rus, where are you rushing?" Give an answer. Does not give a response. " But in that high lyrical pathos, which permeates these final lines, the belief of the writer sounds that the answer will be found and the soul of the people will appear alive and beautiful.

The poem "Dead Souls" According to Gogol, was supposed to present "all of Russia", even if only "from one side", in the first part, so talk about the presence in this work of some one or more central heroes It would be wrong. Chichiki could become such a hero, but in the amount of all three-part design. In the 1st volume of the poem, he stands in a number of other characters that characterize different types integers social groups modern writer Russia, although it also has an additional feature of the binder hero. That is why there should be not so many separate characters as the entire group to which they belong to: landowners, officials, the hero of the acquirer. All of them are given in satirical lighting, as their souls are dead. Such and representatives of the people who are shown as a component real Russia, and the living soul is only in those representatives people's Russiawhich is embodied as the author's ideal.

According to N. V. Gogol, the theme of the poem was to be all the modern Russia. The writer took two types of contradictions inherent in the first half of the XIX century conflict, the writer took two types of contradictions inherent in the Russian society and real insignificance of dominant sectors of society and between the spiritual forces of the people and his ordinaliers. Indeed, the "dead souls" can be called an encyclopedic study of all the urgent problems of the time: the state of landlord farms, the moral appearance of the landlord and the official nobility, their relationship with the people, the fate of the people and the Motherland. "... what a huge, what is the original story! What a variety of bunch! All Russia will appear in it, "Hogol Zhukovsky wrote about his poem. Naturally, such a multi-faceted plot determined a kind of composition.

First of all, the construction of the poem is distinguished by clarity and clarity: all parts are interconnected by the plot-generating hero of chikchikov, traveling in order to get a million. This is a vigorous dealers looking for profitable connections, entering numerous dating, which allows the writer to portray the reality in all its faces, capture socio-economic, family-household, moral and legal and cultural relations in serfdom of Russia.

In the first chapter, the exposure, introductory, the author gives the overall characteristics of the provincial provincial city and introduces readers with the main employees of the poem.

The following five chapters are devoted to the depiction of landowners in their own family-household life, in their estates. Gogol masterfully reflected in the composition of the chair of the landowners, their convergence from public life (the box even did not hear about the companion and Manilov). The content of all these five chapters is built on one common principle: the appearance of the estate, state of the economy, the Lord's house and its interior decoration, the characteristics of the landowner and its relationship with chikchikov. In this way, Gogol draws a whole gallery of landowners, in its totality reconculating the overall picture of a serf society.

The satirical orientation of the poem is manifested in the very consistency of the submission of landowners, starting with Manilov and, completing the plush, which already "turned into a spherical on humanity." Gogol showed the terrible degradation of the human soul, the spiritual and moral drop in the korestolyubets.

But the most vividly realistic manner and satirical pathos writer manifested themselves in creating images of Russian landowners. Gogol highlights the moral and psychological essence of the hero, its negative features and typical signs, such as, for example, the beautiful dreaminess and complete lack of understanding of the life of Manilov; Nonzhoy lies and disintegration at Nozdrev; CULTIMITY AND HEALTHENIES OF SOBACEVICH AND PR.

The latitude of synthesis of images is organically combined with their explicitly designated individuality, the vital touch, which is achieved by exaggerated concretizing their typical features, sharp outright of moral traits and their individualization of acuction techniques is supported by the outcome of the existing persons.

For portraits of landowners, discharged by a close-up, in the poem follows a satirical image of the life of the provincial officials, which is the socio-political power of the nobility. It is wonderful that Gogol elects the entire provincial city with the subject of his image, creates a collective image of a provincial bureaucrat.

In the process of the image of landowners and officials, the image of the main character of the narrative - Chichikova is gradually deployed to readers. Only in the final, the eleventh chapter Gogol reveals his life in all details and finally exposes his hero as a deft bourgeois predator, a fraudster, a civilized scoundrel. Such an approach is due to the author's desire to fully express Chichikov as a socio-political type, expressing a new one, is still concerning, but already quite viable and quite strong phenomenon - capital. That is why its character is shown in development, in collisions with many of the most different obstacles arising from its path. It is remarkable that all other characters of the "dead souls" appear in front of the reader psychologically already extinguished, that is, outside the development and internal contradictions (the exception to some extent is the Plushkin, which is given a descriptive prehistory). Such static characteristics emphasizes the stagnation of life and the entire lifestyle of the landowners and contributes to the concentration of attention on the characteristics of their characters. Through the entire poem, Gogol parallel to the plot lines of landowners, officials and Chichikov continuously spends another one - the people associated with the image. The composition of the poem writer all the time persistently reminds the presence of the abyss of alienation between the simple people and the ruling estates.

Throughout the poem, the statement of the people as a positive hero merges with the glorification of the Motherland, with the expression by the author of his patriotic and civil judgments. These judgments are scattered throughout the work in the form of penetrated lyrical deviations. So, in the 5th chapter Gogol, Slavs "Living and Warrant Russian Mind", his extraordinary ability to verbal expressiveness. In the 6th chapter, he drawn with a passionate appeal to the reader to keep truly human feelings until the end of life. In the 7th chapter there are talking about the role of writers, about their different "diets". The 8th shows the separation of the provincial nobility and the people. The last, 11 chapter, ends with an enthusiastic hymn homeland, her excellent future.

As can be seen from the head to the chapter, the topics of lyric retreats are becoming increasingly social significance, and the labor parties appear before the reader in the steadily increasing progression of its merits (mention of the dead and runaway men of Sobeshevich and Plushkin).

Thus, Gogol reaches in the composition of the poem of the continuously increasing tension, which, together with increasing dramatic effect, reports "dead souls" exceptional enact.

In the composition of the poem, it should be particularly emphasized through the way the image of the road, with the help of which the writer expresses hatred for the stagnation and aspiration forward, hot love for his native nature. This image contributes to strengthening the emotionality and dynamism of the whole poem.

The amazing art of Gogol in the layout of the plot affected the fact that many of the most different introductory episodes and author's retreats caused by the desire wider and deeper to recreate the then reality then, strictly subordinate to the embodiment of certain ideas of the writer. Such author's retreats as about thick and thin, about the "Russian person's passion to be found with those who at least one ranks were higher," about the "gentlemen of the big hands and the gentlemen of the middle hand", about the wide typical of the images of Nozdrev, Boxes, Sobevich, Plushin, make up the necessary social background to disclose the basic ideas of the poem. In many copyright devices, Gogol concerned the metropolitan theme, but in the limiting satirical nude, this "dangerous" theme was performed in the "Tale of Captain Cappeykin" included in the composition of the poem, told by the provincial mail. In its inner sense, in its idea, this plug-in novel is an important element in the ideological and artistic sense of the Gogol Poem. She gave the author with the opportunity to include the theme of the heroic 1812 in the poem and thus still sharperly reject the heartlessness and the arbitrariness of the supreme power, cowardice and the insignificance of the provincial nobility. "The story of Captain Kopekin" for a short time distracts the reader from the stale world of Plushy and officials of the provincial city, but this change of impressions creates a certain artistic effect and helps to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, its satirical orientation.

The poem's composition not only superbly deploys the plot, which is based on a fantastic Chichikov Aventure, but also allows Gogol with the help of extra-made episodes to recreate the full reality of Nikolaev Rus. All of the above, convincingly proves that the composition of the poem is characterized by a high degree of artistic skill.

The poem "Dead Souls" was conceived by Gogol as a grandiose panorama of Russian society with all his features and paradoxes. Central problem Works - spiritual death and revival of representatives of the main Russian estates of that time. The author denounces and rifles the vices of landowners, sales and detrimental passions of officialhood.

The very name of the work has a dual value. "Dead souls" are not only dead peasants, but also other actually living characters of the work. Calling them dead, Gogol emphasizes their devastated, miserable, "dead" diligence.

History of creation

"Dead souls" - the poem, which Gogol devoted a significant part of his life. The author repeatedly changed the concept, rewritten and reworked the work. Initially, Gogol conceived "Dead Souls" as a humorous novel. However, in the end, I decided to create a work that refuses the problems of the Russian society and will serve him with spiritual revival. So the poem "Dead Souls" appeared.

Gogol wanted to create three volumes of the work. In the first, the author planned to describe the flavors and the decomposition of a serfdom of that time. In the second, give their heroes hope for redemption and revival. And in the third intended to describe the future path of Russia and its society.

However, Gogol managed to finish only the first Tom, which appeared in the press in 1842. Until his death, Nikolai Vasilyevich worked on the second volume. However, before the death itself, the author burned the manuscript of the second volume.

The third volume of the "dead souls" was never written. Gogol could not find an answer to the question of what would happen next with Russia. And maybe just did not have time to write about it.

Description of the work

Once, in the city of Nn it appeared very interesting character, highly distinguished against the background of others older than the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. After his arrival, he began to actively get acquainted with the important persons of the city, visited the pears and lunches. A week later, the visits were already on "you" with all representatives of urban nobility. Everyone was delighted with a new person who suddenly appeared in the city.

Pavel Ivanovich goes beyond the city to apply visits by the notable landowners: Manilov, Box, Sobevich, Nozdreva and Plushhina. With each landowner he kindly, to everyone trying to find an approach. Natural freeness and resourcefulness helps Chichikov to get the location of each landowner. In addition to empty conversations, Chichikov talks with the gentlemen of the peasants who died after revision ("Dead Souls") and seizes the desire to buy them. The landowners can not be in a sense, why Chichikov needs such a deal. However, agree on it.

As a result of his visits, Chichikov acquired more than 400 "dead souls" and rushing faster to finish things and leave the city. Useful dating, headed by Chikchikov upon arrival to the city, helped him to settle all questions with documents.

After a while, the landowner said the box in the city that Chichots buy "dead souls". The whole city found out about Chichikov's affairs and perplexed. Why buy dead peasants to buy such a respected Mr. Infinite senses and conclusions are pernicious even on the prosecutor, and he dies from fear.

The poem ends with the fact that Chichikov rush leaves from the city. Leaving the city, chikchiki with sadness recalls their plans to buy dead souls and pledge them in the treasury as alive.

main characters

Qualitatively new hero In the Russian literature of that time. Chichikova can be called the representative of the newest, which is just the class - entrepreneurs, "acquirers" in serfs. The activity and activity of the hero is profitably distinguished by him against the background of other characters of the poem.

The image of Chichikova is characterized by its incredible polyhedral, multipleness. Even in the appearance of the hero, it is difficult to immediately understand what a person is and what he is. "A gentleman was sitting in a brich, but not a bad outdoor, nor too thick, nor too thin, it is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young."

It is difficult to understand and cover the nature of the main character. He is changed, many-sided, is able to adapt to any interlocutor, give the person the right expression. Thanks to these qualities of chikchiki easily finds mutual language With landlords, officials and conquers the right position in society. The ability to charming and place necessary people Chichikov uses to achieve their goal, namely, getting and accumulating money. Another father taught Pavel Ivanovich to deal with those who are richer and carefully treat money, since only money can be paved in life.

Chichiki earned money not honestly: deceived people, took a bribe. Over time, Chichikov's Machination is gaining increasingly scope. Pavel Ivanovich seeks to increase his condition by any ways, not paying attention to any moral standards and principles.

Gogol determines Chichikova as a person with a subsection nature and also considers him a soul dead.

In his poem, Gogol describes typical images The landowners of the time: "Ukrainian" (sobekevich, box), as well as not serious and wasteful gentlemen (Manilan, Nozdrev).

Nikolai Vasilyevich masterfully created in the work of the manilov landowner. By one in this way, Gogol meant a whole class of landowners with similar features. The main qualities of these people are sentimentality, permanent fantasies and lack active activities. The landowners of such a warehouse allow the economy on Samotek, do not do anything useful. They are stupid and empty inside. That was the manilov - in the soul is not bad, but the mediocre and stupid Pozer.

Nastasya Petrovna Box

The landowner, however, is significantly characterized by the warehouse of the nature of Manilov. The box is a good and neat mistress, everything in the estate is getting laid. However, the life officer's life spins exclusively around its farm. The box does not develop spiritually, it is not interested in anything. It does not mean absolutely nothing that does not concern her farm. A box is also one of the images under which Gogol meant a whole class of such limited landowners who do not see anything further than their farm.

The author unequivocally refers to the Nostrode landowner to not serious and wasteful gentlemen. Unlike Sentimental Manilov, energy boils in Nozdreva. However, this energy of the landowner is not allowed for the benefit of the economy, but for the sake of its momentary pleasures. Nozdrev plays, wasting money. It is distinguished by its frivolousness and idle attitude to life.

Mikhail Semenovich Sobekevich

The image of a companion, created by Gogol, echoes the bear with the image. Something from a big wild beast is in the appearance of the landowner: badness, powerfulness, power. Sobesevich cares not the aesthetic beauty of his things around him, but their reliability and durability. For coarse appearance and harsh character, the tricky, intelligent and quirky man hides. According to the author of the poem, such landlords, as Sobesevich, will not work to adapt to the coming changes in Russia and reforms.

The most ordinary representative of the class of landowners in gogol poem. The old man is distinguished by its extremely misfortune. Moreover, Plushkin Zhadalad not only towards his peasants, but also towards himself. However, such savings make Plushin a truly poor man. After all, it is his misfortune that he does not allow him to find a family.


Gogol has a description of several urban officials. However, the author in his work does not differ differently between them. All officials in the "dead souls" - the shaky of thieves, passing and casnocrads. These people truly take care of their enrichment. Gogol literally describes the image of a typical official of the time, rewarding it with not flattering.

Analysis of the work

The plot of the "dead souls" laid an adventure, conceived by Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. At first glance, Chichikov's plan seems incredible. However, if you deal with the Russian reality of those times with its rules and laws gave opportunities for all sorts of frauds related to serfs.

The fact is that after 1718 in Russian Empire The peasant census was introduced. For each serf peasant Male Paul Barin was supposed to pay tax. However, the census was rare enough - every 12-15 years. And if someone from the peasants escaped or died, the landowner was forced to pay the tax for him. Dead or escaped peasants became burned for a barrine. This created a favorable soil for a different kind of fraud. Chechikov himself hoped this kind of attorney.

Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol knew perfectly how it was arranged russian Society With its serfdom. And the whole tragedy of his poems was concluded that Scam Chichikov did not contradict the current Russian legislation. Gogol denounces a distorted human relationship with a person, as well as a person with a state, speaks of absurd laws acting at the time. Because of such distortions, events are becoming possible, which contradict common sense.

"Dead Souls" - classicWhich, as no other is written in the style of Gogol. Frequently, Nikolai Vasilyevich basically laid some joke or comical situation. And the more funny and unusual situation, the more tragic it seems the real state of affairs.