Oblons and gallery: Comparison of images. Stolz and Oblons Comparative Characteristics Match Portrait Characteristics of Oblomov and Stand

Oblons and gallery: Comparison of images. Stolz and Oblons Comparative Characteristics Match Portrait Characteristics of Oblomov and Stand
Oblons and gallery: Comparison of images. Stolz and Oblons Comparative Characteristics Match Portrait Characteristics of Oblomov and Stand

Ingenious Roman Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov introduces us with two diametrically opposing images: the characteristics of them can take pages and pages. After all, they are completely different: in its temperament, in their own relation to life and worldview. Ten years wrote his gonchars! What do you think expensive readers would "steam" academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Literature, a decade, composing a novel in the form of a "single-layer" cake? What is easier for a corresponding member - to compose a story about two friends! One - without a measure of lazy. The other is amazingly efficient. No. Written something about all of us! And we will try to prove it. It will help us in this study of Oblomov and Stolz.

The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Outlook Outlook Externally - a complete loose man with dark gray eyes, preferring a passive lifestyle, lying on the sofa, nonesthelnia. In all his appearance, careless is visible, but his face is spiritualized. And the thought is present in it constantly, it glows in the eyes, hiding in the wrinkles of the forehead, is twisted with her lips. However, this thought "Zezaba", it has no practical application. Comparative and galley - obviously not in favor of Ilya Ilyich. He is an offacarious landowner. He has 350 serfs. Good, good mansion in St. Petersburg, cottage, village house. The misfortunes have no idea how to care for all these property in his property. He is like a child, he first robs the clerk, and then bring the fraudsters Micah Andreevich Tarantyev and Ivan Matveevich Muhoyarov.

It is formed, but has no practical experience. Under the influence of the first failures in the service, he was formed by the psychological "complex of the sloth", to overcome which Ilya Ilyich is not forces.

The image of Andrei Stolz

According to the story of the novel, they are familiar and friendly from school: brooms and gallets. The comparative characteristic indicates the proximity of their caste origin. Andrei Stolz was born in the family of German-clerk Ivan Bogdanovich and a simple, but educated Russian woman. The ratio of his status with the status of a friend-landowner is similar to the relationship owner of the business - top manager. From the children's years, the Father regular classes in sciences, as well as rapidly educated in it. Andrei is a dried man with his shoulder cheeks, dark skin and greenish expressive eyes. He is hyperactive: constantly, like a shark, is in motion. The writer responds about his hero, as if he consists of alone muscles and tendons. He knows the languages, is smart, so it is precisely him and the trading company-employer as an agent in Belgium. In addition, Stolz is able to creatively use his knowledge. Therefore, colleagues prefer to invite it to develop projects. Different belongs to the money of bugs and gallets. The comparative characteristic indicates the latter the latter.

Secret subtext of Goncharovsky images?

The fact that, by and large, the images of the gallery and Oblomov are not independent, and allegoric, the author of the novel shows in their relations with Olga Ilinskaya. On the one hand, it can neither conquer, nor to hold, but invariably attracts with its romanticism, a clean children's soul, the inactive Ilya Ilyich. On the other hand, Stolz, who became her husband, pathologically does not feel the difference between business cooperation and mentality. In a romantic wedding trip to Paris, he, to put it mildly, is inconclusive.

Why did Goncharov created these two images: bug and gallery? Comparative characteristics of these images - just instructive conclusion? Contrasting characters? Or maybe it is necessary to watch it wider? After all, each of us certainly knows how many "gallets" in it and how many "Oblomov" in it. What is a dream that does not touch the feet of the Earth. The dream is global, deprived of any desire to implement. What is gallez? This is a landiness, a business grip, a sense of partnership. So asked the same question: "If you create something global, is it possible to discount the dream in principle?" (As you know, Stolz avoided dreaming.) It is unlikely.

And you, dear readers, agree with the conclusion below? To create a truly successful person, promoting fantastic projects, you need to mix in one glass of 30% dreamer-Oblomov and 70% of the fanatics of the gallery. Do we wanted to say goncharov? After all, a reception son appeared in the gallerty family. Of course, properly educated will make a business grip. Well, the ability to dream? The genes are still, you know ...

Roman Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" on the right occupies an important place in the baggage of the Russian classical literature of the nineteenth century. The work that reveals the characters of people living at the same time in the same society cannot not attract attention, but the lives of two friends, Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, deserve separate attention.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - the character is ambiguous and very curious. He holds his days on his beloved sofa, being in the eternal half and a certain similarity of the state of relaxed apathy. He is not interested in any active working activity, nor the farm, nor self-development - his whole life is similar to the sluggish flow of the river, measured and unhurried. It can be noted that the parents of Ilya Ilyich were encouraged such a lifestyle - he was brought up in love and tenderness, and sometimes too much worked out, which led to the formation of a frankly infantile attitude to life in conscious age. Dreams, feces and memories of happy childhood - this is what the world of Oblomov is.

Oblomov's childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, is the exact opposite of the main hero of the novel. Stolz hardworking, and this trait was given to him from the earliest years of life. Andrei Ivanovich's parents on his example showed a hero, as it is important to be a business and active person, so that it is simply not to live in vain life. But, in my opinion, in the style of the life of the gallery there are a number of delusions - the character literally "lives" by work, his whole life is scheduled for the clock and minutes, there is no place for unexpected and ordinary human joy, not a durable constant neothe need to work and trite Everything's under control.

Despite the fact that Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts absolutely different, their friendship lasts not one decade. Stolz respects Oblomov for his kindness and honesty, and the bugs appreciate high moral qualities and decency in each other. Watching the story of their friendship, you begin to think about what kind of minor characters of character, life guidelines and goals can be, if the main thing lives in the soul - good, justice, openness and readiness to help and maintain.

In my opinion, in the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov shows readers, as it is important to respect and appreciate each other, even if we are talking about completely unlike each other. Neither the gallery nor the Oblomov cannot be called perfect people, but they are able to demonstrate their best qualities and be faithful friends, and it is worth a lot.

Option 2.

Goncharov, creating a novel called "Oblomov", showed the readers two certain types of people. Such different people. And both are inherently unfortunate ... Drawing images of Oblomov and Stolz, the author imprinted in them different quality from each other. It cannot be argued that the qualities of any of the heroes presented are negative. No, this is a kind of flaws, which sometimes you do not pay attention. And often from habits too hard to get rid of ...

Ilya Oblomov ... Real Dreamer, True Romantic. Since childhood, he rose careless. The child did not know what an obligation and curiosity is. He was all his life away from glory and luxury. The hero rose homely, completely unprepared to life circumstances.

The mother at an early age of his son was too tired of him, because of what the brooms came out of a family with a sloppy and inexperienced person. The character loves to remain in the world of fantasy, which forgets about reality. That is often his pastime in dreams, rarely hero blades through the streets. Oblomov is not able to work, it is too gentle and weak for work activity. However, the character is notable for the fact that in any situation he has a feeling above all. Not material in priority, but the spiritual component!

What to say about the gallery? This character is a complete antipode of Oblomov. It is brilliantly dressed, well educated, working man. Since childhood, he showed curiosity to all oddities in this world. His mother from an early age has managed to enter the gallery art, to introduce a boy to music and books. Father did not infringe upon the freedom of his own child. He knew that if a person is wondering, it means that, in no case, this curiosity should not be excluded. Otherwise, the child will lose any addiction to the world. Therefore, the hero often left for the night of the house, in order to explore new terrain and outskirts. He himself was responsible for his own life. He himself took over the punishment for disobedience. Already in the early period of childhood, the child has learned important qualities of adults. Responsibility, integrity, desire for perfection. Became galvanized by a successful man. He has excellent work that brings huge income. The wardrobe is chic. However, the hero will not careize family relationships. It is tied in numbers and calculations. His calling is to work as a car. But for this nothing has nothing at all ... feelings do not go out ...

Comparing two heroes of Roman Goncharov, it should be noted that gallets and brooms are completely different personalities. If the first worker, then another valid dreamer. For gallets, it is important to set goals and reach them. For Oblomov draw in the head of paradise life. But, which is noteworthy, the governing gallery was originally eager to be with a broom. Why? The answer is simple: Oblomov had real feelings. Sincere smile, beautiful eyes, children's slurry. All this attracted. However, because of the fear of Ilya, the beloved doves could not find each other. But with the heroine gallery was not happy. They did not even have children. So understand where the right choice!

Essay of brooms and galley

One of those touched upon Alexander Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov", is friendship between absolutely different people and how it is capable of changing a person in one direction or another.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov Son of hereditary nobles. Rosa is a cheerful, cheerful, active boy, but the parents of their excessive care made a lazy, passive, not a purposeful man, who does not have the opportunity to exercise a person. It was spoiled. I did not strive for knowledge either in the guest house or at the university. There was always overweight, often complained about health.

After graduating from studying, he enters the service where the rank of college secretary receives. But his career does not develop on simple nonsense, Ilya sends documents not by the address.

At the thirty-two years, the bugs only lies on the sofa, not seeking to find a lesson. He is a dreamy home. The estate of parents brings only losses, because Ilya does not want to do them, and in financial matters is not strong.

In communicating with women is always tacty. He was in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, which caused a lot of suffering. As a result, I also associated myself with a wretcher with a widow of wheat, she did not demand anything from him and it was completely satisfied.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, on the contrary, taught in rigor, was always inquisitive, an intelligent boy. Sought to know knowledge. It is quite hardworking and nor a drop is spoiled. Rose strong, brave, self-confident man. Andrey Lucky, the cheek is not quite, the skin is dark. Traveling a lot, reads books, loves life as it is. Healthy and health comes from him.

Thanks to the purposefulness and hard work, gallery becomes a secured person. In society, he is respected.

In relations with Olga Ilinskaya, behaves like a real man and achieves the goal - marries his beloved woman.

Andrei has always been a realist, so dreaming is meaningless for him. In his head there is always clear goals, and he knows exactly how to achieve them.

Bugs and galley since childhood Best friends. If possible, they always came to help each other. Andrei helped Ilya in life, domestic problems, and Ilya Andrey is simply spiritual conversations that helped to return sincere equilibrium.

The life of the teenager is very complex. This is a difficult age in which you should expect many problems. They are very hard to cope with them. Most adults say that the life of a teenager is light, because they live in the parents' house

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    The characters of the main characters in the Goncharov Roman "Oblomov" are solely true and talentedly depicted by the author. If the task of the artist is to grab and catch the vital essence, an inaccessible understanding of the ordinary man, then the great Russian writer coped with her brilliantly. His main character, for example, personifies the whole public phenomenon, named in his honor "Oblomovochina". The phenomenal friendship of Oblomov and Stolz, two antipodes, which seemed to be irreconcilable, to arguing with each other, or even despise each other, as often happen to communicate completely different people, were not less worthy of attention. However, Goncharov comes against stereotypes, associating antagonists with a solid friendship. Throughout the novel, it is not only necessary to observe the relations of Oblomov and Stolz, but also interesting to the reader. The collision of two life positions, two worldviews is the main conflict in the Romanov Roman "Oblomov".

    Differences of Oblomov and Stolz find it is easy. First, the appearance of the appearance is thrown into the eyes: Ilya Ilyich is an attendant barin with soft features, plump hands, slow gestures. His favorite clothing is a spacious bathrobe that does not argue movements, as if protecting and warming a person. Stolz - taut, slim. Permanent activity and business interview characterize its practical nature, so the gesticulation has a brave, the reaction is fast. It is always dressed in a descending way to rotate in the light and make a proper impression.

    Secondly, they have a different education. If the little Ilyusha parents, nannies and other inhabitants of the crushing were holly and cherished (he grew up a worn boy), Andrei brought up in rigor, his father taught to conduct a business, giving him his own way to his way. The gallery, as a result, did not have enough parental caress, which he was looking at his friend's house. Oblomov, on the contrary, was too clouded, his parents were spoiled: he is not suitable for anything or the work of the landlord (care for the estate and its profitability).

    Thirdly, their attitude to life varies. Ilya Ilyich does not like fuss, does not spend their efforts to please society or at least split into it. Many condemn him for laziness, but is it too lazy? I think that there is no: he is a non-conformist who is honest to himself and to others. Nonconformist is a person who defends his right to behave not as accepted in modern society. Oblomov had courage and resistance to silently, calmly stick his position and go their way, without changing the trifles. In his manner, a saturated spiritual life is guessed, which he does not expose to a social showcase. Stolz on this showcase lives, because the miner in good society always benefits the Delta. It can be said that Andrei did not have another exit, because he was not a barin, his father earned capital, but no one would leave the villages inheritance. He inspired him from childhood that he himself must earn a living, so Stolz adapted to circumstances, developing hereditary qualities: persistence, hard work, social activity. But if he is so successful in modern standards, why is the gallery needed bugs? From his father, he inherited loopedness on affairs, the limited practical man who felt, and therefore was subconsciously stretched to a spiritually rich broken one.

    They stretched to the opposite, feeling the shortage of certain properties of nature, but could not be adopted by good qualities from each other. None of them could have done Olga Ilyinskaya happy: and with one, and with another she felt dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, this is the truth of life: people rarely change in the name of love. Oblomov tried, but still retained loyalty to its principles. Stolz also enough only for courtship, and after the routine of the joint life began. Thus, the similarity of Oblomov and Stolz manifested in love: they both failed to build happiness.

    In these two images, Goncharov reflected contradictory trends in the society of that time. The nobility is the support of the state, but its individual representatives cannot take an active part in his fate if it were because it went fine for them. They gradually push out people who have passed a harsh school, more skillful and greedy gallets. They do not have that spiritual component that is needed for any useful work in Russia. But the apathetic landlords will not save the situation. Apparently, the author believed that the merger of these extremes, a certain golden mean - the only way to achieving the welfare of Russia. If you consider a novel at this angle, it turns out that the friendship of Oblomov and Stolz is a symbol of uniting different social forces for the common goal.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

    Roman "Oblomov" is one of the iconic works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical topics. An important role in the disclosure of the ideological meaning of the work plays the analysis of the relationship in the book of two main male characters. In the novel "Oblomov", the characteristic of Oblomov and Stolts reflects them completely different, opposed by the author of nature.
    In the plot of the works of the heroes are best friends from the small years, if possible, helping each other even in adulthood: gallery gallery - by the decision of many of his urgent problems, and Ilya Ilyich Andrei Ivanovich - pleasant conversations, allowing to return a sacheant equilibrium.

    Portrait characteristics of heroes

    The comparative characteristic of the brood and galley in the novel of the Goncharov "Oblomov" is given by the author himself and most noteworthy when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflecting a snap, which any of its decision takes on the deck of heart, even if the mind leads the hero to the return conclusions. The appearance of an introverted breakdow fully corresponds to its character - its movements are soft, lazy, rounded, and the image is inherent excessive sparkiness, not characteristic of a man.

    Stolz, both internally, and externally, absolutely not similar to Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is rational grain, in all matters, he relies only to the mind, while the beings of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero not only represent something secondary, but also unavailable, it is not clear to its rational reflection. Unlike the "Walked, not by the years" Oblomov, Stolz, as if consisting of "bones, muscles and nerves". His life is a rapid race forward, the important attribute of which is the permanent self-development and continuous labor. Oblomov's images and galley seems to be a mirror reflection of each other: an active, extrovert, successful in society and on the career panel of the gallery is opposed to a lazy, apathetic, who does not want to communicate with anyone, and even more so again go to the service, broom.

    Differences in the upbringing of heroes

    When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the images of heroes, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew. Despite the "delaying", as if shelting a twisted twentieth and laziness, the Wednesday of the Oblovka Little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child than at first very similar to the gallery. He wanted to learn how to learn how to learn about the world around the world, but the excessive care of the parents, the "greenhouse" education, the vacation of obsolete, disturbing themselves and aimed at the ideals of past values, made a decent continuer of the traditions of "Oblomovshchy", the "Oblomovsky" tradition of the worldview - lazy, introverted living in its own illusory world.

    However, the gallery also did not grown as it could grow. At first glance, the connection in its upbringing of the strict approach of the German Father and the tenderness of the mother of the nobility of Russian origin would be to become Andrei a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author indicates, gallez grew "Cactus, accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, spiritual heat and softness, since his father predominantly raised, which does not consider that the man needs to vaccinate sensitivity. However, the Russian roots of the gallets, until the end of the life, were looking for this sincere warmth, finding him in a broom, and then in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe crushes denied them.

    Education and Career Heroes

    The inconsistency of the characteristics of the gallery and Oblomov is already manifested in the youthful years, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to find out as much as possible about the world around the world, tried to instinate the love of books to Ilya Ilya, to light the flame in it, which would make him strive forward. And the gallery succeeded, but at all for a short time - as soon as the bugs remained himself, the book was less important for him than, for example, sleep. Somehow, rather, for parents, Ilya Ilyich ends up the school, and then the university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences can be useful in life. Even the only failure in the service became the end of his career for him - it was too hard for a sensitive, soft broom to rebuild under the tough rules of the capital, distant from the norms of life in a crushing.

    The gallest, with his rational, active look at the world is much easier to advance through the career staircase, because any failure was more likely to be another incentive than defeat. The continuous activities of Andrei Ivanovich, high performance, the ability to like others did it with a useful person at any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the father of purposefulness and continuous thirst for the knowledge that his parents have developed in childhood.

    Characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz as the carriers of two opposite began

    In the critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolts, the opinion is common that the characters are two opposites, two types of "extra" heroes, which in the "clean" form can not meet in real life, even though "obcomments" - a realistic novel , consequently, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for the apathy, laziness and dreamability of Oblomov, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even similarity with a certain gallery mechanism are becoming clear.

    Comparison of gallez and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are not only typical for their time, but also are images trendicious for any time. Oblomov - a typical son of rich parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and strengthened care, a fearful family from the need to work, to solve something and actively act, because there will always be "Zakhar", which will do everything for him. Stolz - a man who has been involved in the need to work and work from a small years, while deprive of love and care, which leads to a certain inner coherence of such an personality, to the lack of understanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprovership.

    Test on the work

    Comparative Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

    Lazy always going to do something.

    Luke de Clapier Wuhang.

    Roman "Oblomov" was written by I.A. Goncharov in 1859. When the work was published, it captured the entire attention of society. Critics and writers called the novel "The Sign of Time" (N.A. Dobravubov), "the capital sustained thing, which has not been for a long time" (L.N. Tolstoy), a new word appeared in everyday life: "Oblomovshchina". I.S. Turgenev once noticed: "While there will be at least one Russian - until" Oblomov "will be remembered."

    Starting reading this work, if you feel honest, I was a little annoyed. From the first chapter, the image of Oblomov was incomprehensible to me, and even ... I fell some dislike for this character. Not to the work itself, namely to it. I can explain - I was very indignant to my mastering my laziness and apatine. It was unbearable. And as I was glad, learning in the process of reading this novel that Oblomow has, as the Dobrolybov, "Antidiet" - His friend, Andrei Stolz. Strange, but why I was very happy. I noticed that Goncharov was not attempting to take this antithesis - it shows two opposites, originally conceived as opposition to the West and Russia. But I learned about this a little later, in the lesson of literature ...

    What about comparing these characters? Take, for example, the image of Oblomov in the novel. It is not painted with satirical, but rather with a soft, sad humor, although his laziness and inertness often appear grotesque, for example, in the first part of the novel, the day of Oblomov is described, during which the hero is long and painfully can not get together forces to get up from the sofa . This appears to us the main character. And why wonder? Everything comes from childhood! Recall the crushing, the village, where Ilya lived in childhood ... Oblomovka - the village of rest, blessing, sleep, laziness, illiteracy, stupidity. Everyone lived in her pleasure without experiencing any mental, moral and mental needs. Oblomov residents had no goals, no troubles; No one thought, why was a man, peace. And it was in this atmosphere that they grew up and, I will not be afraid of this word ... "brought up" Ilya Ilyich Oblomov ... Next, in the process of reading, we learn about his study in the boarding house, where he "... listened to those who talked teachers, because nothing else to do It was impossible, and with difficulty, from then, with sighs learned the lessons asked him ... "about also later he treated the service. True, at the very beginning he dreamed of serving Russia, "until the strength becomes." But laziness and indifference to life were so deep that all his noble dreams remained unfulfilled. It turns into sloths and lesion. The surrounding accustomed to this. But do not think that the bugs are hopeless. All the forces and all positive qualities are revealed in his novel with Olga Ilinskaya, which, however, is broken due to the inability of Oblomov in the root to change his lifestyle and make serious practical steps.

    What galstit? Stolz eating a complete antipode of a broom. Half German by nationality, he grew up in an atmosphere of mental and physical labor. Stolz from childhood is accustomed to order and firmly knows that in the life of everything you can achieve only difficulty. He repeated this thought is tirelessly. This is natural, because Ilya Ilyich was cultivated as "an exotic flower in a greenhouse." Stolz grew "Cactus, accustomed to drought." And just all this was the soil for the further lifestyle of the friend Ilya Ilyich. Andrei is energetic, not deprived of charm, creates an impression of a reliable person. As for me, but I see a strong and straightforward personality in the gallery, I don't understand why Chekhov said nothing about him. Stolz is a supernergistic, muscular, active, firmly standing on his legs, who has begun a big capital, a scientist, a lot of traveling. He has friends everywhere, he is respected as a strong person. He is one of the main representatives of the trading company. He is cheerful, cheerful, hardworking ... This is the difference between Oblomov, which is evident.

    For the antithesis gallery and Oblomov, the opposition of the West and Russia is visible. Stolz is depicted by Goncharov as a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality, combining German pragmatism and Russian spirituality. It is clearly idealized by the author who sees behind the gallery and to him the future of Russia, the possibility of its progressive development, it is plotted by the fact that it is the gallery Olga Ilinskaya that gives his hand. In this, in my opinion, and is the main comparison of Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov.