Why is faith in God necessary at all? Does modern man need God?

Why is faith in God necessary at all?  Does modern man need God?
Why is faith in God necessary at all? Does modern man need God?

Why does a person need faith in God? Is it really necessary to believe in God only within a specific framework, the strict framework of religion? Why simply cannot be believed in God? Simply because He exists… And if a person believes in God, follows the commandments, and also strives to get rid of sins, but does this separately from the concept of “religion”… What in this case? Can such a person be saved? Or will he be punished for disobedience driving himself into the boundaries of religion???

In discussions about the hijab, such a question was raised. I will try to answer it, but you should not take it as agitation for anything. Since I am a Muslim, examples will be given from Islam. I would be very glad to hear other opinions, examples and views on this issue in the comments or new articles.

And so, let's start with this: why believe in God at all?

To put it simply, because God is worthy to be believed in. Do you know the feeling of respect, admiration and gratitude for someone?

Faith is different. Often a person holds the Koran, the Bible, another book of the wisdom of the Origins in his hands, says that he believes, even tries to teach others, but in fact he is just kind of bargaining with God:
“See, I believe in You. You read it to me in case of anything.”
God created man in his own image and likeness. Man is given the greatest freedom - the freedom to choose between dark and light. Man is given a soul. Everything visible is subject to man, and he, man, is free, even in relation to God, to love him or not. No one and nothing can control a person apart from his will. God wants the love of a person in return for his love, but God wants the love of a free person, perfect and like him. Now let's look at today's humanity. Many people talk about God. They talk about their power of love for the Creator. And they lie to themselves. For it is impossible to love someone without seeing Him, without feeling, without understanding.
Many say: "I believe in God." What exactly do they believe in? Do they believe that God exists?

Many people have been wondering lately: “Why do we need faith in God?”. This question is heard from TV screens, it is discussed in blogs and articles, directly or indirectly it is asked by acquaintances and friends. The reason for this most often lies in the misunderstanding of what faith in God is. There are many myths and misconceptions about belief in God.

Myth one: faith in God is needed only by weaklings.

I always achieve everything in my life myself, I don’t need some kind of “mythical” God who will do something for me. There are disabled people, there are weak people who are not capable of anything, so they need God.

This is often thought by people who simply cannot see God's daily help. People take it for granted that the sun rises in the morning, that spring is followed by summer, that there is a certain order in the universe. We do not see God's help in the fact that outside the window is beautiful weather and the downpour does not pour like a bucket, changing all our plans.

You know why this believer with whom you were arguing about faith did not get tired a little and answered calmly, and even as you said it seemed to enjoy it, while you were overcome with anger because you probably could not wake him up, and you won’t be able to. because we Muslims know and are convinced of this that we will be resurrected after death and Allah will ask us for all our deeds and Allah will throw all sinners into hell, and sinful Muslims will also be there, but they will not stay there forever but for the time being.

And to your question, why does a person need faith? I have a counter question for you: why do you live at all and why do you exist in general? whether only for the sake of eating, drinking and drinking, copulating, etc. you get up every morning go to work come with robots sleep hugging your spouse in the morning there will be a new day and everything will be repeated slightly, which will change but no more. What is the point in such a life. Islam makes it clear why God created man. so that he does not get confused in such matters.

I'll start from the end: “who benefits” 😉 It is beneficial for those who receive income from faith. That is, to the church and its ministers;
But as for the rest of the issues - this is what I can say: people, while they were primitive, ignorant of the world and frightened by it, needed two things: protection and explanation. In order to protect themselves from the vicissitudes and dangers of this terrible life, they needed some FORCES that could be called for help in case of emergency, when their own strengths and knowledge were not enough. That's why people invented gods. Well, it went on like this.
In addition, faith is a way not only of protection, but also of facilitating existence. After all, believing is easy and pleasant. Thinking is harder. Living “by the rules” is easy and pleasant (especially if you internally accept them). It is much more difficult to analyze whether these rules correspond specifically to you, the society in which you live, the time in which you live.
Hoping for the mercy of God is great. And it’s hard to work on your own destiny.

Should modern man believe in God?

Once a philosopher said: "God died a long time ago, people just don't know about it."
Religion has always walked alongside man. Whatever ancient civilizations archaeologists find, there is always evidence that people believed in deities. Why? Why can't people live without God?

God is a supernatural supreme being, a mythological entity that acts as an object of worship. Of course, hundreds of years ago, everything inexplicable seemed fantastic and awe-inspiring. But why worship the mythical creature of the present man?

Modern science takes a giant step forward every day, explaining what used to be considered miracles. We have interpreted the origin of the Universe, Earth, water, air - life. And they did not arise in seven days. Once people attributed all catastrophes to the wrath of God. Now we understand that an earthquake is a consequence of the movement of the earth's crust.

Everyone can believe in God, for this it is not necessary to have any special abilities or belong to a special social stratum. Regardless of the family and environment in which a person grew up, he can be an atheist or be a believer. No one knows what determines a person's attitude to religion. However, this attitude can change dramatically during life, for example, an ardent atheist can become a clergyman, or vice versa.

In someone's soul, faith is hidden, hiding behind external disbelief, and due to certain events and incidents in a person's life, it can break out. In this case, it is forced atheism, unconscious, nurtured by accidents of fate. Very often a person, arguing that he does not believe in God, thus simply tries to convince himself of his absence. It is simply vital for him, this is a response, a defensive reaction. Committing sins, a person is then tormented by his own conscience.

If there is a body, there must be a spirit!

Az reh, you will be Bozi, and all the sons of the Most High. You, like men, are dying, and like one from the prince you fall.

In order for a person to actively act throughout his life and achieve his goals, he simply needs faith. Without faith, convincing that a person is able to do something or achieve something, he is simply not viable. The greatest successes in the history of mankind in the building of states, on the battlefields, in science, were achieved thanks to the faith of entire peoples and individual madmen who continued to strive for the goal no matter what. Just as the greatest tragedies were associated with the loss of faith - when people lost confidence in the future, and knowledge did not turn into convictions, civilizations collapsed. Faith, therefore, is the backbone of the human psyche, which is overgrown with all the other psychological properties of the individual. And people without faith cannot exist. can.

Faith is a property invested by the Creator Himself and is inherent only in man.
Every person on earth daily exercises faith in something, hoping to receive what he believes in. I'll start with the little things: You are standing at the bus stop because you believe in the arrival of the bus (otherwise you would have gone on foot).
You work for a whole month, not yet receiving a penny for your work, just because you believe that you will still receive a reward later.
You go to university for many years just because you believe you will eventually get your degree, get a good job, and have a good old age. All this (and much more) requires faith; and the more distant the reward, the weaker the faith (as is the case with people). Not every person will put a large amount of money in the bank for a long time, because he does NOT believe that he will ever be able to use it.

Why is faith in God necessary at all?

What is the goal of each individual Christian? Why does a Christian follow his teaching?

Why do you believe in your God? Why do you need this faith?

In short, because God is worthy of believing in Him. According to your personal qualities.

I will try to explain this with examples. I think you are familiar with the feeling of respect, admiration and gratitude that other people, their actions, works of art, etc. could arouse in you. For example, I am fascinated by Handel's music. People show me disinterested kindness, it causes me gratitude and a desire to somehow respond.

I learn about someone's good, worthy deeds (Mother Mary hides Jews and runaway prisoners of war from the Nazis; Jean Vanier devotes his life to caring for disabled children; Mahatma Gandhi seeks to establish peace and justice in his country).

Don't worry, I'm not going to write a treatise on this subject at all. And this is precisely the topic for a treatise with all historical, cultural and psychological aspects.
I will touch on only a small part of this issue. I used to say that one of the merits of the Soviet regime was that there was no place for religion in it. Taking into account the fact that I fled from the union to a country where there is a place for any religion, but there is no press of ideology that crushes everything else, I somehow don’t want to talk more about any advantages of the Soviet regime.

As you understand, the point here is not at all in religious freedoms, not freedoms, but simply in freedoms, not freedoms.
Having arrived in the states almost 20 years ago, I watched with great interest how former Soviet people changed or did not change here. In everything: in clothes, demeanor, interests, etc.

Some of them immediately directed their steps to the church or synagogue. Ask such people, they will answer that they believe in God.

Many people believe in God, but each in their own way. And even those who say that they do not believe in God at all, somewhere deep down they still believe, if not in God, but in Someone or Something that takes place in their soul, destined for God.

Although, it also happens the other way around: those who claim to believe in God, in fact, do not believe in Him, but in the place in the soul where God should be, they put something else, which in fact is not God, but is their god.

But wait, what is “faith” anyway? Who will give a complete and precise definition of this term? A believer will say that "faith" is "trust." Maybe you are right. However, there is "trust" and there is "faith". Or are they synonyms?

I will not go into every possible definition of "faith." I'm even too lazy to get into the "smart books" called explanatory dictionaries. And I don't look at Wikipedia. I better open the book.

I believe that faith in God is nothing more than a fear of the unknown. everything that we do in the name of God, it turns out, is done in the name of ourselves. does that make any sense?
once I heard the phrase “All religions were invented by man. we worship God. it means that we all worship ourselves, which is not reasonable.” and yet it makes sense.
personally, I think that we should not believe in any super duper strong beings who, as we think, for everything good (and it may turn out to be not good) after death will send us where, where it is better than on Earth. We must believe in ourselves. It doesn't matter what happened. you have to do what is right now.

Faith is different

Faith can be both constructive and destructive. It all depends on how the person believes. For example, there is certainly nothing good in a fanatical faith. The fanatic believer is out of touch with reality. He lives in a completely different world, which bears little resemblance to the real one. In his world, faith is the most basic, the most important. Anyone who disagrees with him automatically becomes an enemy. It is these people who kindle religious wars, go to violence and murder in the name of their faith. If we talk about such faith, then yes, indeed, it is better to be an unbeliever than to do terrible things hiding behind the name of God. Fortunately, far from all-believing people are just that.

There is another faith, when a person simply sincerely believes in higher powers and tries to live in such a way that these forces do not disappoint. Although, such a belief also has its pitfalls, but there are fewer of them.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God; For whoever comes to God must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6.

A sincere believer wants to please God in everything. But beautiful words, great deeds and noble deeds do not attract the attention of the Creator. God responds to faith. It touches God and releases His favor into our lives.

As you know, a person consists of a body, soul and spirit. With body and soul, we will not be able to feel God in any way, because He is a spirit and lives in a sphere invisible to physical eyes. There are many invisible things in the world around us. We do not see love, but does this prove that love does not exist at all? You can never see faith, but only it touches the invisible God. It is only through faith that you can talk to Him and be sure that He hears you and answers your prayers. By faith you can acknowledge Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life.

Is believing in something good or bad? Some believe that every person needs faith, because without it it is simply impossible to survive in this far from ideal world. Others believe that it is precisely because of faith that people begin to be lazy and let everything go by itself, because they are sure that higher powers will help them, and if they don’t help, then they themselves will not be able to cope with anything. This is especially true of faith in God. Now there are many atheists, especially among young people, because they believe that faith hinders the development of a person and gives him unnecessary and stupid hopes. But still, is it necessary for us to believe in God and what does faith give to a person?

Faith is different

Faith can be both constructive and destructive. It all depends on how the person believes. For example, there is certainly nothing good in a fanatical faith. The fanatic believer is out of touch with reality. He lives in a completely different world, which bears little resemblance to the real one. In his world, faith is the most basic, the most important thing. Anyone who disagrees with him automatically becomes an enemy. It is these people who incite religious wars, go to violence and murder in the name of their faith. If we talk about such faith, then yes, indeed, it is better to be an unbeliever than to do terrible things hiding behind the name of God. Fortunately, not all believers are exactly like that.

There is another faith, when a person simply sincerely believes in higher powers and tries to live in such a way that these forces do not disappoint. Although, such a belief also has its pitfalls, but there are fewer of them. For example, a person may try to comply with all biblical laws and therefore deny himself many of the joys of life: from food to sex. True believers take these matters very seriously. They have their own principles and morals that society cannot break. No matter how much you tell a believing person that he is wrong and such behavior does absolutely no good to anyone, and deprives him of many of the joys of life, he will still find reasons to continue holding on to his faith and will consider this form of behavior the most correct. Such a belief in God does no harm to anyone, but still from time to time it can negatively affect the believer’s loved ones, as he begins to forbid something to them or because of his prohibitions for himself, those around him indirectly suffer. For example, a believer may forbid eating meat during fasting and his family members will have to put up with it, or a believer will refuse sex before marriage, even if they have been dating a girl for several years. Accordingly, such a belief is also not absolutely positive. Although believing people consider it the only true one and do not understand those who simply believe.

Those who really just believe in God have their own view of religion. They do not consider it necessary to fast, go to church, and so on.

Such people are sure that God, if he exists, is such an all-powerful and wise being that he can hear you wherever you want and no matter how you express your thoughts. That is, it is not necessary to turn to him with a prayer. You can just ask for something, the main thing is that the desire is really good. Such people also believe that God will not punish smoking, sex, and so on, as long as we do not harm anyone. Such believers, one might say, live in accordance with the saying: "Trust in God and don't make a mistake yourself." Naturally, they can ask God for help, but at the same time they themselves try to create those conditions that will be most favorable and convenient for fulfilling the request. Such people are aware of the ten commandments and really try to act in accordance with them. That is, a person is sure that if he really does something bad in relation to other people, then God will punish him. But as long as he tries to be kind and fair, there will be no complaints against him. We can say that such a belief is the most adequate. It is impossible even for atheists to cling to it, since it cannot slow down the development of a person. Rather, on the contrary, it gives faith in one's own strength and people try to reveal their capabilities, believing that someone from above helps them. Such faith is creative, because a person who believes in God always tries to remain good and help those close to him so that they also do not do stupid things. Such people never impose their opinion on religion and faith, generally try to be less concerned with any confessions and sects, and simply live in such a way that they are not ashamed of the wasted and misused years.

So, is faith necessary?

No one can answer this question unequivocally, well, except perhaps those who are absolutely sure that God exists, that is, true believers. But whether their faith is necessary is still worth arguing. But if we talk about ordinary faith, without special prohibitions and excesses, then, probably, it is still necessary for a person. Each of us needs hope that everything will be fine, that the black streak will end and the white one will begin. And yet, since childhood, we believed in miracles. And if this faith is completely taken away, then disappointment comes to the soul, namely, disappointment becomes the cause of people's anger, their deep resentment of life. A person who suddenly stopped believing in miracles can become withdrawn and depressive. Looking at this world, he understands that there is nothing special, nothing wonderful in it, and because of this, interest in life disappears, and faith gives us the opportunity to believe that there is still something special, albeit invisible to our eyes, that when life ends, another, magical world awaits us, and not emptiness and darkness. In addition, the realization that you have an invisible helper, your guardian angel, who will not leave you in difficult times, will direct you on the right path and at some point will create a small miracle to help you. But people who believe in higher powers really notice such miracles, and this makes them feel better at heart.

In fact, belief in something special, bright and beautiful has never harmed anyone. On the contrary, it has always given strength and confidence in the future. Therefore, if a person believes in this way, and does not try to enslave, destroy, kindle a war, and so on with the help of faith, then people need such faith. It is thanks to such faith that we are not completely disappointed in our world and in the people who surround us. When something bad begins to happen around us, those who believe ask for help from the guardian angel, and often, they really start to get better. But those who do not believe, more often give up, are more often disappointed and feel unhappy. They can be very intelligent, thus confirming that atheism helped them develop their mental capabilities. But none of them can be called truly happy, because they are disappointed in the world around them and do not believe in anything good. Therefore, if we talk about whether people need faith in God, then the answer will be more positive than negative, because no matter what we say, each of us really needs faith in a miracle.

Once a philosopher said: "God died a long time ago, people just don't know about it."
Religion has always walked alongside man. Whatever ancient civilizations archaeologists find, there is always evidence that people believed in deities. Why? Why can't people live without God?

What is "God"?

God is a supernatural supreme being, a mythological entity that acts as an object of worship. Of course, hundreds of years ago, everything inexplicable seemed fantastic and awe-inspiring. But why worship the mythical creature of the present man?

Modern science takes a giant step forward every day, explaining what used to be considered miracles. We have interpreted the origin of the Universe, Earth, water, air - life. And they did not arise in seven days. Once people attributed all catastrophes to the wrath of God. Now we understand that an earthquake is a consequence of the movement of the earth's crust, and a hurricane is a consequence of air currents. Today, scientists are finding clues in biblical cataclysms that are not so difficult to interpret. Why didn't people look for an explanation for this many years ago?

Religion - salvation or opium for the people?

Religion played a huge role here. As you know, the Bible was written by people and edited by people too. I think that in the original writings and in the modern book that everyone has in their home, we would find many differences. You need to understand that religion and faith are a little different things.

The Church has always inspired fear in man. And the church is not only Christian. In every faith there is a semblance of heaven and hell. Man has always been afraid of punishment. It is known that the church had colossal power over society. Above itself, only a doubt about the existence of the Almighty could be burned at the stake. Religion was used as a means of intimidation and mass control. Over the years, the church has lost trust among the people. What is the Inquisition worth, which destroyed thousands of people throughout Europe. In Russia, for example, those who missed the service on Sunday were publicly beaten with a stick on Monday. During the Stalinist repressions, priests violated the sacrament of confession by passing information to the KGB. The church fought against "heretics" - dissident people who could ask uncomfortable questions.

Even now, there are many religious movements that simply zombify people using trust and various psychological tricks. For example, "White Brotherhood", very popular in the early 90s. How many people were left without apartments, savings and families. It seems, well, how a sane person can believe in salvation from a dubious subject. It turned out - maybe. But, unfortunately, people are not taught these stories. As before, various religious movements "brainwash" gullible citizens. And the people believe them, even if tomorrow they say to drink poison in the name of God. What God needs these senseless sacrifices.
In our modern time, we can safely discuss on any topic. Many theologians have made arguments for the existence of God, just as many atheists have refuted them. But there is no clear evidence for the existence of God, just as there is no evidence that he does not exist. Everyone makes his own choice of what to believe and to whom he prays.

What gives us prayer and why should we believe?

Prayer is a petition. Ask and it will be given to you. But don't we shift the responsibility to God for our laziness when we ask for what we can achieve ourselves: a house, a car, a job. If it does not work out, you can simply answer - God does not give. If we cannot arrange a personal life, it is easiest to answer that God decided so, rather than look at ourselves from the outside and start doing something about our shortcomings.

It is proved that human thought is material. What we think, wish, dream and ask for can come true. Our word is magic. Sometimes we ourselves do not know how we can injure or inspire a person. Perhaps words, together with thoughts, have great power. So what is it: the influence of God or the unexplored possibilities of the human brain?

During true prayer, a person seems to be transferred to another dimension, where time slows down. Maybe in this way we become a little closer to God?

I remember one episode from "Dr. House" when the patient's husband, an atheist, prays for his wife. When asked by House why pray if you do not believe in God, he replied: “I promised my wife that I would do everything for her recovery. If I don't pray, it won't be all."

What gives us faith? Faith inspires a person, makes him confident in his abilities. But we believe that God helps us, and not in our own strength. There are many stories about how faith saved people from cancer, drugs, alcohol ... But maybe this power was already in these people? Maybe faith in God just provoked some special hormone in a person?

There is a lot of information for reflection ... But for some reason we pray and believe when nothing more can be done.

Soul Anatomy

But what about irrefutable evidence of the existence of the afterlife? Let's think about the soul. Back in the 19th century, there were attempts to weigh the human soul. And the American doctor succeeded. As a result of many experiments, he found that the change in the weight of a living and dead person becomes a little more than 20 grams, regardless of the initial body weight.

In the 20-21 centuries, research continued, but the theory of the existence of the soul was only confirmed. I even managed to remove her exit from the body. It is worth considering the experience of people who have experienced clinical death. Complete strangers can't tell the same stories.

Why can't I give up my faith in God

I am a modern thinking person who is used to doubting everything and looking for evidence. But I can't give up my faith in God. Faith gives me peace of mind, confidence that help will come at a difficult moment. I remember the movie "What Dreams May Come", where after death a man and his children go to their own paradise. The husband - in the pictures of his wife, and the son and daughter - in the country that they believed in in childhood. And it was faith that helped to pull a wife out of hell, who got there after a suicide. And I want to have my own paradise. After all, according to our faith, it will be given to us.

Well, there are more questions left than answers... Modern man is used to relying on medicine, science, technological progress, but he cannot give up faith, hope, love and, in fact, God.

In the past, world history knows many examples when, thanks to a person's Faith in God, wars, catastrophes, terrible mass diseases of people were stopped.

Any inexplicable miracle or phenomenon of nature, society, people explained by Divine intervention.

Gradually, with the advent of technological progress, Faith began to lose its power, and modern man has little faith in the power of God, and yet it is Faith that can fill a person with the necessary energy to achieve what he wants.

It may not necessarily be Faith in God. A person can believe in Destiny, the power of the Universe.

It is important for him to feel his involvement in something great and powerful. To know that there is Power above him, which strangles with him in unison and, depending on his thinking, sends into his life what he requests, or rather deserves.

After all, what are the thoughts, requests and prayers - such a return from this super-strong substance up there and around us.

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We conducted a survey on the topic: Does modern man need God?

Needed. People should at least believe in something, the majority believes in God. Faith helps in life.

Victor Dmitrievich, 62 years old

It is needed not only for modern man. God is always needed. He sets up a person for the good, gives spiritual discipline, calls for conscience.

Natalya Alekseevna, 57 years old

Needed. How can one live without God? How to live without faith? It's impossible.

Salavat, 37 years old

God is something so bright, kind, good, in which one wants to believe, because there is a lot of dirt in the world, but one wants good.

Sergey, 36 years old

I don't know, I can't say anything.

Irina Petrovna, 45 years old

Of course, God is needed, especially in difficult situations. He helped me when I turned to Him, especially on the control ones.

Alina, 13 years old

A modern person may need it, but I am not modern, I was born in 1941. What I need now: peace, a good pension and health. And health will be, then everything else will be. I think so.

Petr Pavlovich, 69 years old

Definitely needed. My little granddaughter from the age of four began to be interested in this, asking different questions. When she was 5 years old, we read the adult Bible in the evenings with her. I ask: "Anechka, do you understand everything?" She says: "Grandma, I understand everything." Here, a small child understood everything, and I myself began to learn this at more than 60 years old. We went with her to Sunday school in the Sorrowful Church to Father Evgeny. I think that if a person does not have a spiritual life, then he does not live, but exists. And if my granddaughter finds a foothold in life - faith, I will be glad and calm for her.

Inna Dmitrievna, 76 years old

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