Dog heart bead before surgery. The story "Heart of a Dog": a characteristic of Sharikov

Dog heart bead before surgery.  The story
Dog heart bead before surgery. The story "Heart of a Dog": a characteristic of Sharikov

The subject of the work

At one time, the satirical story of M. Bulgakov caused a lot of talk. In "Heart of a Dog" the heroes of the work are bright and memorable; the plot is fantasy mixed with reality and subtext, which openly reads a harsh criticism of Soviet power. Therefore, the essay was very popular in the 60s among dissidents, and in the 90s, after the official publication, it was completely recognized as prophetic.

The theme of the tragedy of the Russian people is clearly visible in this work, in "Heart of a Dog" the main characters enter into an irreconcilable conflict with each other and will never understand each other. And, although the proletarians won in this confrontation, Bulgakov in the novel reveals to us the whole essence of revolutionaries and their type of a new person in the person of Sharikov, leading us to the idea that they will not create or do anything good.

There are only three main characters in "Heart of a Dog", and the story is mainly taken from Bormental's diary and through the dog's monologue.

Characteristics of the main characters


The character that appeared as a result of the operation from Sharik the mongrel. The transplant of the pituitary gland and genital glands of the drunkard and rowdy Klim Chugunkin turned a cute and friendly dog ​​into Polygraph Poligrafich, a parasite and a bully.
Sharikov embodies all the negative features of the new society: he spits on the floor, throws cigarette butts, does not know how to use the restroom and constantly swears. But even this is not the worst thing - Sharikov quickly learned to write denunciations and found a vocation in killing his eternal enemies, cats. And while he deals only with cats, the author makes it clear that he will do the same with people who will stand in his way.

Bulgakov saw this base strength of the people and a threat to the entire society in the rudeness and closeness with which the new revolutionary government decides questions.

Professor Preobrazhensky

An experimenter using innovative developments in solving the problem of rejuvenation through organ transplant. He is a renowned world scientist, a respected surgeon, whose “speaking” surname gives him the right to experiment with nature.

I got used to living on a grand scale - a servant, a house of seven rooms, luxurious dinners. His patients are former nobles and the highest revolutionary ranks who patronize him.

Preobrazhensky is a solid, successful and self-confident person. The professor is an opponent of any terror and Soviet power, he calls them "idlers and idlers." He considers affection to be the only way to communicate with living beings and denies the new power precisely for radical methods and violence. His opinion: if people are accustomed to culture, then the devastation will disappear.

The rejuvenation operation gave an unexpected result - the dog turned into a man. But the man came out completely useless, not amenable to education and absorbing the worst. Philip Philipovich concludes that nature is not a field for experiments and he should not have interfered with its laws.

Dr. Bormental

Ivan Arnoldovich is completely and completely devoted to his teacher. At one time, Preobrazhensky took an active part in the fate of a half-starved student - he enrolled in the department, and then took him as an assistant.

The young doctor tried in every possible way to culturally develop Sharikov, and then completely moved to the professor, as it became more and more difficult to cope with a new person.

The apotheosis was the denunciation that Sharikov wrote against the professor. At the climax, when Sharikov took out his revolver and was ready to use it, it was Bromental who showed firmness and toughness, while Preobrazhensky hesitated, not daring to kill his creation.

The positive characterization of the characters in Heart of a Dog emphasizes how important honor and dignity are for the author. Bulgakov described himself and his relatives in many aspects of both doctors and would have acted in many respects the same way as they did.


The newly elected chairman of the house committee, who hates the professor as a class enemy. This is a schematic hero, without deep reasoning.

Shvonder fully adores the new revolutionary government and its laws, and in Sharikov he sees not a person, but a new useful unit of society - he can buy textbooks and magazines, participate in meetings.

Sh. Can be called Sharikov's ideological mentor, he tells him about the rights in Preobrazhensky's apartment and teaches him to write denunciations. The chairman of the house committee, because of his narrow-mindedness and ignorance, always disguises himself and gives up in conversations with the professor, but this hates him even more.

Other heroes

The list of characters in the story would not be complete without two au pair - Zina and Darya Petrovna. They recognize the superiority of the professor, and, like Bormental, are completely devoted to him and agree to commit a crime for the sake of their beloved master. They proved this at the moment of the second operation to transform Sharikov into a dog, when they were on the side of the doctors and exactly followed all their instructions.

You got acquainted with the characteristics of the heroes of Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, a fantastic satire that anticipated the collapse of Soviet power immediately after its appearance - the author back in 1925 showed the essence of those revolutionaries and what they are capable of.

Product test

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is the main negative character in the story "Heart of a Dog", the man who the dog Sharik turned into after the operation of Professor Preobrazhensky. At the beginning of the story, it was a kind and harmless dog that the professor had picked up. After an experimental operation to implant human organs, he gradually took on a human form and behave like a human, albeit immoral. His moral qualities left much to be desired, since the transplanted organs belonged to the deceased recidivist thief Klim Chugunkin. Soon, the dog, who had been converted into a human, was given the name Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov and was handed a passport.

Sharikov became a real problem for the professor. He was rowdy, harassed neighbors, molested servants, spoke obscenely, got into fights, stole and drank a lot. As a result, it became clear that he inherited all these habits from the previous owner of the transplanted pituitary gland. Immediately after receiving a passport, he got a job as the head of the department for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Sharikov's cynicism and soullessness forced the professor to carry out another operation to turn him back into a dog. Fortunately, he retained Sharik's pituitary gland, so that at the end of the story, Sharikov again became a kind and affectionate dog, without boorish habits.

The subject of the work

At one time, the satirical story of M. Bulgakov caused a lot of talk. In "Heart of a Dog" the heroes of the work are bright and memorable; the plot is fantasy mixed with reality and subtext, which openly reads a harsh criticism of Soviet power. Therefore, the essay was very popular in the 60s among dissidents, and in the 90s, after the official publication, it was completely recognized as prophetic.

The theme of the tragedy of the Russian people is clearly visible in this work, in "Heart of a Dog" the main characters enter into an irreconcilable conflict with each other and will never understand each other. And, although the proletarians won in this confrontation, Bulgakov in the novel reveals to us the whole essence of revolutionaries and their type of a new person in the person of Sharikov, leading us to the idea that they will not create or do anything good.

There are only three main characters in "Heart of a Dog", and the story is mainly taken from Bormental's diary and through the dog's monologue.

Characteristics of the main characters


The character that appeared as a result of the operation from Sharik the mongrel. The transplant of the pituitary gland and genital glands of the drunkard and rowdy Klim Chugunkin turned a cute and friendly dog ​​into Polygraph Poligrafich, a parasite and a bully.
Sharikov embodies all the negative features of the new society: he spits on the floor, throws cigarette butts, does not know how to use the restroom and constantly swears. But even this is not the worst thing - Sharikov quickly learned to write denunciations and found a vocation in killing his eternal enemies, cats. And while he deals only with cats, the author makes it clear that he will do the same with people who will stand in his way.

Bulgakov saw this base strength of the people and a threat to the entire society in the rudeness and closeness with which the new revolutionary government decides questions.

Professor Preobrazhensky

An experimenter using innovative developments in solving the problem of rejuvenation through organ transplant. He is a renowned world scientist, a respected surgeon, whose “speaking” surname gives him the right to experiment with nature.

I got used to living on a grand scale - a servant, a house of seven rooms, luxurious dinners. His patients are former nobles and the highest revolutionary ranks who patronize him.

Preobrazhensky is a solid, successful and self-confident person. The professor is an opponent of any terror and Soviet power, he calls them "idlers and idlers." He considers affection to be the only way to communicate with living beings and denies the new power precisely for radical methods and violence. His opinion: if people are accustomed to culture, then the devastation will disappear.

The rejuvenation operation gave an unexpected result - the dog turned into a man. But the man came out completely useless, not amenable to education and absorbing the worst. Philip Philipovich concludes that nature is not a field for experiments and he should not have interfered with its laws.

Dr. Bormental

Ivan Arnoldovich is completely and completely devoted to his teacher. At one time, Preobrazhensky took an active part in the fate of a half-starved student - he enrolled in the department, and then took him as an assistant.

The young doctor tried in every possible way to culturally develop Sharikov, and then completely moved to the professor, as it became more and more difficult to cope with a new person.

The apotheosis was the denunciation that Sharikov wrote against the professor. At the climax, when Sharikov took out his revolver and was ready to use it, it was Bromental who showed firmness and toughness, while Preobrazhensky hesitated, not daring to kill his creation.

The positive characterization of the characters in Heart of a Dog emphasizes how important honor and dignity are for the author. Bulgakov described himself and his relatives in many aspects of both doctors and would have acted in many respects the same way as they did.


The newly elected chairman of the house committee, who hates the professor as a class enemy. This is a schematic hero, without deep reasoning.

Shvonder fully adores the new revolutionary government and its laws, and in Sharikov he sees not a person, but a new useful unit of society - he can buy textbooks and magazines, participate in meetings.

Sh. Can be called Sharikov's ideological mentor, he tells him about the rights in Preobrazhensky's apartment and teaches him to write denunciations. The chairman of the house committee, because of his narrow-mindedness and ignorance, always disguises himself and gives up in conversations with the professor, but this hates him even more.

Other heroes

The list of characters in the story would not be complete without two au pair - Zina and Darya Petrovna. They recognize the superiority of the professor, and, like Bormental, are completely devoted to him and agree to commit a crime for the sake of their beloved master. They proved this at the moment of the second operation to transform Sharikov into a dog, when they were on the side of the doctors and exactly followed all their instructions.

You got acquainted with the characteristics of the heroes of Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog, a fantastic satire that anticipated the collapse of Soviet power immediately after its appearance - the author back in 1925 showed the essence of those revolutionaries and what they are capable of.

Product test

At the beginning and at the very end of the novel, Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is a kind and harmless dog. However, after the unsuccessful experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky, the monstrous homunculus Sharikov appears.

This hero is a kind of personification of an anti-rational society that does not have stable ideas about moral values, refuses the experience of previous generations, does not recognize traditions and historical wisdom. With the help of the operation, the professor managed to turn the "cutest dog" into a kind of human being by transplanting a human pituitary gland into the dog. But Sharikov's behavior does not at all resemble the behavior of a reasonable person. The so-called "illegitimate son" of the professor plays the balalaika, swears and swears, throws cigarette butts on the floor, sleeps in the kitchen on the floors, watches Zinka at night, steals, behaves indecently, writes denunciations of his own "dad" and even threatens him.

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The professor is faced with a difficult task - to make an intelligent person out of this creature with a "dead soul". In just two months, Sharikov makes a long way from absolute "nothing" to significant "everything." Having enlisted the support of the authorities, as a representative of the "labor element", Sharikov receives a passport and gets a decent, managerial position. Polygraph Poligrafovich is now in charge of the subdivision of cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Now it is a useful member of society, which can be used in the fight against class enemies, because they prevent Sharikov from living in harmony with his, albeit human, but terribly "lousy" heart. The actions of “citizen” Sharikov are filled with such immorality, cynicism and heartlessness that the professor has no choice but to destroy the results of his experiment. He performs one more operation and everything returns to its original position: the rude Sharikov again turns into an affectionate Sharik.

Updated: 2012-08-22

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In 1925, as a response to the events taking place in the country, M. Bulgakov's satirical story "Heart of a Dog" appeared. And although it was originally supposed to be published in the Nedra magazine, it was only published in 1987. Why did it happen? Let's try to answer this question by analyzing the image of the main character, Sharik-Polygraph Poligrafovich.

The characterization of Sharikov and who he became as a result of the experiment is an important point for understanding the idea of ​​the work. Moskovsky, together with his assistant Bormenthal, decided to determine whether a pituitary transplant contributes to the rejuvenation of the body. The experiment was decided to be carried out on a dog. The deceased lumpen Chugunkin became the donor. To the professor's amazement, the pituitary gland not only took root, but also contributed to the transformation of a good dog into a man (or, rather, a humanoid creature). The process of its "formation" is the basis of the story, which was written by M. Bulgakov, "Heart of a Dog". Sharikov, whose characteristics are given below, is surprisingly similar to Klim. And not only externally, but also in manners. In addition, the new masters of life in the person of Shvonder quickly explained to Sharikov what rights he has in society and in the professor's house. As a result, a real devil burst into the calm, familiar world of Preobrazhensky. First, Polygraph Poligrafovich, then an attempt to seize the living space, finally, the open threat to Bormental's life caused the professor to carry out the reverse operation. And very soon a harmless dog again lived in his apartment. This is the summary of the story "Heart of a Dog".

Sharikov's characterization begins with a description of the life of a homeless dog, picked up by a professor on the street.

Dog street life

At the beginning of the work, the writer depicts winter Petersburg through the perception of it by a homeless dog. Frozen and thin. Dirty, matted coat. One side was badly burned - scalded with boiling water. This is the future Sharikov. The heart of a dog - the characteristic of the animal shows that he was kinder than the one who later turned out of him - responded to the sausage, and the dog obediently followed the professor.

The world for Sharik consisted of the hungry and the well-fed. The former were angry and strove to harm others. For the most part, they were "lackeys of life", and the dog did not like them, calling them "human cleansing". The latter, to whom he immediately attributed the professor, he considered less dangerous: they were not afraid of anyone, and therefore did not kick others. This was originally Sharikov.

"Heart of a dog": characteristics of the "home" dog

During a week in Preobrazhensky's house, the Sharik has changed beyond recognition. He recovered and turned into a handsome man. At first, the dog treated everyone with distrust and kept thinking what they wanted from him. He understood that he would hardly have been given shelter for nothing. But over time, he got so used to a nourishing and warm life that his consciousness became dull. Now Sharik was simply happy and was ready to demolish everything, if only he would not be sent out into the street.

The dog respected the professor - after all, it was he who took him to him. He fell in love with the cook, as his property was associated with him with the very center of paradise in which he found himself. Zina was perceived as a servant, who she really was. And Bormental, whom he bit on the leg, called him "bitten" - the doctor had nothing to do with his well-being. And although the dog arouses sympathy in the reader, already now you can notice some features, which will later be indicated by the characteristic of Sharikov. The story "Heart of a Dog" initially identifies those who instantly believed in the new government and hoped to get out of poverty overnight and "become everything." In the same way, Sharik exchanged freedom for food and warmth - he even began to wear a collar that distinguished him from other dogs on the street with pride. And a well-fed life made him a dog, ready to please the owner in everything.

Klim Chugunkin

The transformation of a dog into a human

No more than three months passed between the two operations. Dr. Bormental describes in detail all those changes, external and internal, that occurred to the dog after the operation. As a result of humanization, a monster has turned out that has inherited the habits and beliefs of its "parents". Here is a brief description of Sharikov, whose heart of a dog got along with part of the proletarian's brain.

Polygraph Poligrafovich had an unpleasant appearance. Constantly swearing and swearing. From Klim he passed on a passion for balalaika, and, playing it from morning to evening, he did not think about the peace of others. He was addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, seeds. For all the time I have not become accustomed to order. From the dog he inherited a love for delicious food and hatred of cats, laziness and a sense of self-preservation. Moreover, if the dog could still somehow be influenced, then Polygraph Poligrafovich considered his life at someone else's expense quite natural - the characteristics of Sharik and Sharikov lead to such thoughts.

Heart of a Dog shows how selfish and unprincipled the protagonist was, realizing how easy it is to get whatever he wants. This opinion of him only strengthened when he made new acquaintances.

Shvonder's role in Sharikov's "formation"

The professor and his assistant tried in vain to accustom the creature they had created to order, to observe etiquette, etc., but Sharikov became impudent and did not see any barriers in front of him. Shvonder played a special role in this. As chairman of the house committee, he had long disliked the intelligent Preobrazhensky, already because the professor lived in a seven-room apartment and retained his old views of the world. Now he decided to use Sharikov in his struggle. At his incitement, Polygraph Poligrafovich proclaimed himself a labor element and demanded to allocate the square meters due to him. Then he brought Vasnetsova to the apartment, which he intended to marry. Finally, not without the help of Shvonder, he concocted a false denunciation against the professor.

The same chairman of the house committee gave Sharikov a job. And now yesterday's dog, dressed in, began to catch cats and dogs, experiencing pleasure from this.

And again Sharik

However, everything has a limit. When Sharikov attacked Bormental with a pistol, the professor and the doctor, who understood each other without words, resumed the operation. The monster, generated by a combination of slavish consciousness, Sharik's opportunism and Klim's aggressiveness and rudeness, was destroyed. A few days later, a harmless cute dog again lived in the apartment. And the failed biomedical experiment identified a very exciting social and moral problem for the writer, which Sharik and Sharikov help to understand. Comparative characteristics ("A dog's heart", according to V. Sakharov, - "smart and hot satire") shows them how dangerous it is to invade the field of natural human and social relations. It was the depth of the meaning of the work that caused the story of the merry transformations of the heroes for many decades to be banned by the authorities.

The meaning of the story

"Heart of a Dog" - Sharikov's characteristic confirms this - describes a dangerous social phenomenon that arose in the Soviet country after the revolution. People similar to the protagonist often found themselves in power and destroyed by their actions the best that had developed in human society for centuries. Living at someone else's expense, denunciations, contempt for educated intelligent people - these and similar phenomena became the norm in the twenties.

One more important point should be noted. Preobrazhensky's experiment is an intervention in the natural processes of nature, which is again proved by Sharikov's characterization in the story "Heart of a Dog". The professor realizes this after all that has happened and decides to correct his mistake. However, in real life, everything is much more complicated. And an attempt to change society in revolutionary violent ways is initially doomed to failure. That is why the work does not lose its relevance to this day, being a warning to contemporaries and descendants.