Fashion for minimalism can be dangerous. Why be minimalist? Let's find out if you are the right way, or you are only a man "what is fashionable, then I wear what is relevant then I say"

Fashion for minimalism can be dangerous. Why be minimalist? Let's find out if you are the right way, or you are only a man
Fashion for minimalism can be dangerous. Why be minimalist? Let's find out if you are the right way, or you are only a man "what is fashionable, then I wear what is relevant then I say"

). A person seeking to limit any public undertaking with minimal tasks, sizes, from excessive caution, fear of risk, lack of courage.

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

Watch what is "minimalist" in other dictionaries:

    minimalist - A, m. Minimal, E ADJ. , it. minimal. Bedroom., Design A person seeking to limit any public undertaking with minimal tasks, minimal sizes, from excessive caution, fear of risk, lack of courage. Eras. 1948. Supporter ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    M. 1. Adherent minimalism [Minimalism II]. 2. Representative of minimalism [Minimalism II]. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    Minimalist, minimalists, minimalist, minimalists, minimalist, minimalists, minimalist, minimalists, minimalist, minimalists, minimalist, minimalists (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyaku") ... Word forms

    minimalist - Minimal East, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    minimalist - (2 m); MN. Minimal / Stom, R. Minimal / Stow ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    minimalist - (Lat. Minimum) 1. That is CE SA Zadornoluva with the name in his own politics of the program 2. TOј SATO BARU NUMMAL ... MACEDONIAN DIFTIONARY

    BUT; m. Minimalism supporter. ◁ minimalist, and; MN. Rod. Current, dates. fabrics; Well ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    minimalist - but; m. See the DJ. Minimalist Supporter Minimalism ... Dictionary of many expressions

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Last updated: 06/07/2019

"Less - more". Throughout his career, Architect Ludwig Mies van der Roee repeated this phrase, which was actually first adopted by his mentor Peter Berrens at the beginning of the 20th century. Minimalism is one of the approaches to creative undertakings, which goes with its roots in the architecture and art of the 20th century. He had a long influence practically on all artistic disciplines: from music to products, from design to fashion. Ironically, although all the things that we tend to consider minimalistic are easily identified by their blissful simplicity and clarity of the target, the minimalism movement itself is still not amenable to categorization.

Minimalist architecture is straight lines, open-plan spaces and concrete and glass surfaces. Comes from (and often interchangeable C) of international style of modernism. Minimalist music, created by Terry Riley, Steve Raihich and Philip Glass seems to be the first listening, oddly enough, has a lot of flying notes. In fashion, the word "minimalist" could be easily applied to the almost invisible branding and the addiction of Mason Martina Marezhel.

In addition, when "less - more" becomes "how much this is enough?", The minimalist approach caused lively, even aggressive answers. When composer John Cage showed the premiere of his most famous composition, 4'33 " (consisting of four minutes, 33 seconds of silence) in 1952, people just gone. "They did not laugh, they just annoyed ... And they were still angry," he thought in an interview with 1982. When Charles Andre "Equivalent VIII" (rectangular pile of bricks) was exhibited in the Tate Gallery in 1976, it was vandalized in a blue vegetable dye. The rigidity of minimalism reductionism was paroded in mass entertainment.

"They did not laugh, they just annoyed ... And they were still angry" - John Cage

However, although all this cannot be ignored, it is also true that minimalism is currently somewhat orthodoxy both in high and in popular culture. Once the mysterious tongue sculptural stogs of the late artist Donald Judda became sacred. Repeating loops and impulses created by composers such as Cage and Reich, found their way in everything: from the surrounding electronics The ORB to People's Music Sufan Stevens. Architectors on demand, such as David Chipperfield (a man standing at Valentino Temple Store in New York) and the Japanese duet, which created SANAA, were described as neo-minimalists. Jonathan Yves, Apple Design Head, is clearly minimalist. The most popular invention of the company, iPhone is a vivid example of a less acceptable approach.

Indeed, the term "minimum" is now so carelessly broken that you have to remind yourself that he meant something completely concrete in different media and at different times. And to track the history and development of minimalism is not easy, because many of those who have been declared minimalists were far from self-identification of themselves with this label. Having said this, there are a number of exceptional personalities that will always be associated with minimalism, due to the exclusive economy of gestures and goals of their work. If you think about bringing the order to your life, you will certainly be happy to get acquainted with minimalists who will definitely give a lot of inspiration.

Ludwig Mies van der Roe

Mist Van der Roe - a towering figure of the architecture of the 20th century. He was born in Germany in 1886 and went to learn to the German artist and the architect Peter Bensha, working together with Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius before starting his own practice. He was the head of the Bauhaus school between 1930 and 1933, before leaving Germany and go to Chicago.

By combining the elements of Russian constructivism (especially putting an emphasis on industrial materials and design efficiency), clean lines and bright colors of the Dutch group de Stijl and freely extending space of the Prairie style Frank Lloyd Wright, he developed an architecture that was for functional honesty and delivered from excess decoration. Its works are filled with light and ease, openness and transparency, glass and steel. He developed a series of what is now the cult buildings, specifying and defining modernism. Barcelona Pavilion 1929, a revolutionary single-storey structure, built of subtle materials, such as marble and onyx, which blurred the ideas of internal and external space. Farnsworth House, Final Modernist Glass Box. Lake Shore Drive residential buildings in Chicago, a model for all skyscrapers from glass and steel, completed in 1951. Also his work Seagram Building in New York in 1958, the masterpiece of corporate modernism.

Frank Stella

In art, the term "minimalistic" is usually applied to a certain set of artists, mainly working in New York, which arrived after the powerful abstract expressionists - Jackson Pollock, Villem de Kuning, Mark Rotko and the rest.

For abstract expressionists, art was still a burst of something from the soul on canvas or a gigantic struggle for exaltation. It was heroic and personal. On the other hand, minimalism returned to Malevich, Mondriana, Bauhaus and De Steyl. It concerned the form, geometry and material - optics, and not emotion, metaphor or symbol.

Stella graduated from Princeton in 1958 and immediately moved to New York. Weedly clever and already immersed in the art scene, he had a big idea at an early stage. He made paintings that were about ... paint. Its fully black stripes of the late 1950s are considered the starting line of minimalism. "Art eliminates unnecessary. Frank Stella found it necessary to draw stripes. There is nothing else in his picture, "commented Andre. Stella simply said: "What you see is what you see."

Donald Judd

Although the artist Stella was a sweater of this, artistic minimalism showed itself most powerful in three dimensions. There were carefully controlled compositions of Dan Flavin colored fluorescent lamps. There were hypname glass cubes Larry Bella. There was a conceptual geometry of Sola Levitta. But the most strikingly simply "concrete items" Donald Judda. Especially its vertically aligned, precisely designed stainless steel boxes, anodized aluminum or plexiglass.

Donald Judd, almost ten years older Stella, studied philosophy and history of art. In early 1960s, he worked as an art critic and theorist. His work became extremely influential, and as an artist, his work moved through painting and engraving on the tree to its original steaks.

Donald Judd was intended to break ties with the Great European Tradition. Its "specific objects" were not sculptures in the traditional sense. His works did not imagine anything. They were just objects in space. And the space they created is a negative space - was the same part of the sample, as well as the object itself. "The actual space is more powerful and specific than paint on a flat surface," he said.

Judd also insisted that his art could be manufactured by qualified manufacturers who could do it even better. He later developed a model of designer furniture - and his influence on modern design was even deeper, but he always tried to insist that his desk was a table, and not the "specific object".

John Wesus

Although this term was applied to the Mexican architect Louis Barragan and the Japanese Tadao Ando, \u200b\u200bthe fact that most people now consider minimalist architecture are illustrated by John's work, whose reputation and influence are much outweigh its actual result.

When he appeared on the architectural scene in the early 1980s, the wise seemed to be sent to the sky, contributing to calm and order after disorder and dissonance postmodernism (architectural movement that had a certain meaning on paper, but not so much in bricks and construction mortar ). Its minimalism was in the architecture, which reiterated his soul and a sense of hill - the idea that, oddly enough, was in direct contradiction with a mission of minimalism in art.

John Wesus did not start learning a formal architecture until he was 30 years old, and he never completed him (the cause of residual weakness among some of its fully qualified peers). But by the time he started, he had already a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he wanted to do. As for Lloyd Wright back in the 1920s, the Japanese architecture had a key influence on the wise. He traveled and taught in Japan, seeking to become a Buddhist monk, but instead I went to the designer's circle and architect wide Kuramat.

When he finally came to creating spaces, be it a monastery in Bohemia, the Calvin Klein store at Madison-Avenue or a house in Tokyo, they were the temples of perfectly performed emptiness: elegant balance, best materials, ideal proportion, clean white or gray projections and Slow motion of light and shadow. It was material meditation, but, in a clear connection with the work of Judd, they demanded the most sharp corners, the most stringent permissible deviations. Ludwig Misa Van der Roeh had aphorism: "God is hidden in small details."

Naoto Fukasava

Japan has a great influence on minimalist design. Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa, along with his friend and Briton, Jasper Morrison, who came to determine the minimalistic design. Fukasava designed furniture and electronics, taking strong functionalism of the Rams diet and bringing into it a more organic feeling of a clean form. He also worked as a consultant and designer Muji (he developed the famous wall CD player). You can evaluate a network of Japanese stationery as champion of everyday, available minimalism. Its rice stove for MUJI and the air humidifier for its own ± 0 (plus minus zero) of the brand - elegant bends and the present buttons and displays are hardly illustrated by the fact that Fukasava called the "super normal" design. These are objects that turn the visual and functional economy in a kind, art.

- What is minimalism and how people can go to minimalistfindlymu sideways?

Sometimes the presence of a small amount of something can be better than the presence of a large number of one or another subject or thing. (Minimalism (eng. Minimalism from lat. Minimus is the smallest) - style in design, characterized by the conciseness of expressive means, simplicity, accuracy and clarity of the composition. Rejecting classic techniques of creativity and traditional art materials, minimalists use industrial and natural materials of simple geometric shapes, neutral Flowers (black, gray) and small volumes. The origins of minimalism lie in constructivism and functionalism. - From the author). In principle, the minimalistic lifestyle means the preservation of only the most important things and getting rid of extravagance, considers fashionable blogger P.Ountөgs.

People with such a type of lifestyle are called minimalists. Minimalism is aimed at eliminating all material things that distract us from something more important and valuable in life. The word "minimalism" may seem new or modern and create the impression that you must have a modern and luxurious lifestyle, but in fact it is more connected with the creation of a simple, modest and peaceful lifestyle.

- Minimalism becomes popular in Japan and South Korea, right? When this concept was presentedinMongolia?

Japan is one of the countries to the greatest extent of the influence of minimalism. Nevertheless, the Mongols took this lifestyle and developed it quite significantly. For example, the family of Mongolian shepherds nomaded with one wagon. They were able to put all their furniture and housing (yurt) into one wagon. Nomadic Mongols needed only in Dalel or traditional Mongolian clothes, a blanket and a mattress. What could be more minimal than that? Japanese researchers last year conducted a survey and made a list of countries with the lowest values \u200b\u200band needs. As a result, Mongolia occupied first place, Japan followed, and in third place is Germany. I consider it proof that the Mongols have long implemented a minimalist lifestyle, noted Blogger Ouu.

- Advantages and disadvantages of minimalistirich lifestyle.

In fact, it is very helpful to lose affection for material needs and reduce frustration and distraction that come with them. Nevertheless, I'm not sure that this can be viewed as an advantage, because everyone has his own eyes and attitude to things, recognized Ouu. - In general, I think that the word "savings" best describes the advantages of a minimalist lifestyle.

Minimalism also affects the fashion. Currently, more and more people, especially young people, are preparing minimalism. Reading about it, I thought that it would be most effective to get rid of extra elements in our clothes to take a simpler lifestyle.

Nevertheless, I fully agree that the minimalistic fashion and style can be very boring. But this is the work of the stylist, more like a debt - make an image more stylish and less boring. The key to minimalistic fashion is the presence of a very small amount of high quality clothes. It is true that you can buy many fashionable things for the money that spend on one high-quality wardrobe subject. However, you must remember that the values \u200b\u200bof these things are completely different.

Recently, small trick is gaining popularity, helping to follow minimal fashion trends - a monochrome combination of colors. It is cheaper than one color clothing. Suppose you buy a green dress. You will need to buy suitable shoes and bag to complete the outfit. But if you buy clothes of the same color or, possibly, similar shades, then you will not have to spend more money for accessories or other fashion items.

An important rule of minimalistic fashion is to wear simple clothes. Nevertheless, we cannot but include new fashion trends in our style. I write articles and organizing small meetings, trying to help people become a stylish minimalist.

I came to the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a minimalist gradually and live with her about four years. At first I did not even suspect that the worldview to which I was going to be called a simple word "minimalism". I wonder what I absolutely did not read anything and did not look at minimalistic themes, but ... there is one consideration: it seems to me, some ideas because of their popularity are simply twisted in the air: it seems that you are consciously not producing any information on the topic, and then - And you find yourself right in the epicenter of events.

How did i start living like minimalist

Live as minimalist \u003d to give up different forms of litter

Use plastic paint banks as flower pots; do from bushings from toilet paper Organizers for socks and tights; Cut from bottle from shampoo Stand-cups for pencils ... Once I happened to see the stands under the hot, to which the covers from the cola and sprites were glued as the legs. Optimizer solution? Not. It is just another climbing option. Where? Probably from the Soviet past with its deficit and formed on this soil of thinking.

Keep lists of income and expenses

It may seem that it has nothing to do with the principles of minimalism or has, but very mediocre. But I think that studying your relationship with money is a prerequisite if you decide to live as minimalist.

My example: under the influence of the ideas of minimalism, I began to keep records of income and expenses. Every evening I write down all incomes and spending - it takes just a couple of minutes.

In addition to controlling your finance, there is another nice bonus: you understand how many small, stupid and unnecessary expenses happen - and gradually begin to reduce them. I'm about such trifles as a cup of coffee or tea, a bottle of water (after all, you can take water from home or tea in the thermos), the pie on the go (there are at least it is in general) - for the month they are alone, a completely decent amount is given on them!

Become minimalist \u003d buy only necessary

Before any purchase, ask yourself questions:

  • Do I need it?
  • Do I have things that perform similar functions? (if about technician)
  • Do I often use it? If very rare - maybe it will be cheaper to take rent?
  • For what reason, I want to buy it - for myself or to others know that I have it?
  • What is it combined with? (if we are talking about clothes, shoes, decorations or other accessories)

Be minimalist is not easy to save

The main difference between savings and minimalism - in the approach to spending. A person who saves, refuses purchases forced, he may suffer from the fact that he does not buy something, with regret to think about the impossibility of buying. Another important indicator: imagine that you have more money - would you buy this thing?

A person who adheres to the principles of minimalism, rather refuses extra purchases consciously - because it understands that it is not necessary to overload your home and the life of things that without a new acquisition can be done - he does not suffer if he refuses spending.

Reasonable thrift

At the same time, minimalism implies. I often remember the words from the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki: "My new golf club, at the cost of $ 400, began to cost $ 150 after the first hit by it."

How can this be used? BUY HAVE! On the sites of type "From hand to hand", in groups in social networks, a sea of \u200b\u200babsolutely new or used 1-2 times is sold daily from hands. The thing absolutely did not lose its properties or appearance, and the price will be at times less.

Minimalism is different!

Fashion dictates - not only minimalism, but also its details. The image of minimalist, which is now presented on the Internet: You wear black, gray and white, you have one pearl thread, you live in absolutely white walls and hold one minimalistic picture on the wall and a vase on a completely empty table. Well, or something like that.

Article in the topic: Are you ready to wear 33 things for 3 months? Read O.

It is funny to read how entire battles unfold under some posts: my minimalism is better! No it's mine! No it's mine! Fu - But it's not a minimalist at all, well, what is minimalism, when they have four boxes toys for children, you want to live as a minimalist - leave one box.

I remember how I laughed after one post with photos of the author's minimalist interior: in the kitchen there were multicolored mugs on the shelf - maybe a dozen. Under the post, of course, there was a comment: they say, ahaha, which one of you is a minimalist - so many mugs, and even colorful, yes you are a shopaholic!

Funny? Funny and sad. It is sad that a good idea of \u200b\u200brefusal from superfluous began to be perceived only as something external that some framework appeared: here it is still a minimalist, but after it (for example, after the tenth cup) - no longer. Is it possible to give up at all from everything? So that all people had the same minimalistic set of 3 mugs-3 plates-3 forks?

Is it possible to compare the minimalism of the family with three children with minimalism of a young unmarried guy? Or stick this family for the fact that they are only nominally called minimalists, and how much do they have anything? ..

It seems to me that minimalism is fortunately, this is a universal worldview. And everyone can apply it to his life situation to the extent that is ready and based on its own needs.

Do you adhere to the principles of minimalism? What helped you become a minimalist, what prevents from living like minimalist?

At the peak of fashion: everyone is broken, reduce the amount of garbage produced daily and go to the store with ecosums. Minimalists tell inspirational stories of their lives. Someone managed to lose weight, simplifying its diet. Someone became an instagram star, because the masterks learned to combine the things of solely black and gray (however, how minimalism combines with the infinite departure of photos in the social network, an open question). And someone has the story of minimalism suddenly turns into a history of illness.


A young mother talks about how his life simplified: she does not buy new things, abandoned the salon dyeing of the hair, forgot, when the last time went to the manicure. Minimalist story, isn't it? Then it turns out that she is already half a year to go to the doctor, but everything is no time. She also accidentally tells that the time is calmly to eat alone or go to sport a couple of times a week she also has no: the husband works, the mother cannot help, everyone has to do. "I just don't need a lot," a young woman is justified. Behind these self-configurations often costs strong fatigue, and probably the postpartum depression, when nothing pleases, I don't want anything and one day looks like another, but you simply have no strength in such a sad life.

The best thing to be done in this situation is not to write off everything for fatigue or a large number of cases, but insisted on a visit to the psychiatrist. And also to share my duties with my husband if in half, then at least in a slightly different proportion compared to the same - sometimes two or three hours per week give a psychotherapeutic effect, and "minimalism" immediately turns into a healthy hedonism, when a shopping has to be very , and manicure.

I somehow met the story of one girl. That with pride told about his experience minimalism, shared his impressions from change, which brought her beloved man into her life. The girl suddenly "sobbed" the decorations and limited himself to wearing one pair of earrings. On all events, including the solemn, she put on one set of clothes in the style of Causual. She stopped using cosmetics and did not spend money even on the most ordinary hand cream from the neighboring supermarket, because the beloved said that all this manifestations of "non-harmonious consumerism." Thornators through the vigorous tone showed out despair. Then it turned out that it was not a minimalistic approach to life to go to the exhibition or a theater, which is also not a minimalistic approach to life, which means it is completely unacceptable.

Depression, which develops against the background of relations with an overwhelming and excessively powerful partner, is a common story. The victim can represent what is happening as a man's care about her well-being, but it is given to a sad expression of a person or deliberately positive tone, and sometimes longing that the longing seems to be through her appearance.

Depression must be treated. And to be treated by no means a refusal of all pleasures in life - it will only aggravate the state of a person. In case of suspicion of depression, a psychiatrist needs to be consulted, which will help you choose drug support and develop a further action plan for exit from the "Energy Pit".

Obsessive compulsive disorder

There should be no object on horizontal surfaces. Floors are not just clean, but sterile. White walls, floors and other surfaces in the house are very minimalist, moreover, any dirt is immediately visible. Hands should also be kept clean, but the usual wash here will not help - you need a special gel, and it is desirable not to touch any subjects outside the apartment, and if such a need arose, you can contact them only after multistage processing.

Sometimes an obsessive-compulsive disorder or other psyche diseases "pretend" by the desire for minimalism. Surprisingly, how correctly selected drugs and work with a psychotherapist turn a person from a fanatical "minimalist", which certainly throws out from the house by 27 things every day (no more, no less, is unbearable anxiety) in an ordinary person who can fall asleep in "Street" Clothes under the series or forget the harmful bottle of milk on the table.

Minimalism as a way of residence of psychological injury

The special type of "minimalists" is excessively leaning hostesses who do not throw any food, even if it is a petrified piece of duplex cheese or a piece of meat from the freezer, which was put there four years ago and is safely forgotten. Of all this, they are inventing cunning recipes with long-term heat treatment, a disguise of an unsightly type of lying eating or a strange lift. This is called "reasonable consumption." However, from a medical point of view, such concern for ecology causes except for chronic problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such "minimalists" love to share their unique recipes with the public: in any culinary community there is no no yes and there will be a story about the pretended sausage, cheese with molds are not at all noble origin, two forgotten sausages, crackers made from a worm bread three years ago And about how it all turned into an amazing salad.

It is not surprising that regular use of foods, richly arched by bacteria, becomes poor mood and bad digestion from overly leaning people, as well as hurt sarcasm from others.

There is a simple food, avoid "food garbage" with a large number of added sugar and trans fats - a great goal for any supporter of minimalism. Unlike dishes prepared from the ceased to be edible, but reanimited because of the pathological leaning of food.

Often psychological problems cost such curious behavior. When several generations of people had complex relationships with food because of hunger, wars, an unstable economy and an extremely limited choice of products, attempts to "revive" three spoons of boiled rice of weekly limitation and the crab wand dried from time to time - a lesser from possible angry, which chooses a injured psyche . However, the consultation of the psychotherapist can a lot of life for the better and teach finally get rid of the unselected food through the garbage bucket, and not publishing recipes on Facebook.

Personal Changes in Brain Diseases

First, the person becomes minimalist. It ceases to buy new clothes, and then hygiene products. Next, he dramatically reduces the frequency of hikes into the souls and strongly explains this by the fact that our planet is on the verge of an environmental catastrophe, and there is somehow not before the choice between floral and honey soap, while finally strange in behavior does not become so obvious to scare Anxiety and turned to the doctor. Sometimes "culprits" are organic changes in the brain, a disease that disrupts the integrity of nerve cells and changes their function. Sometimes the treatment helps to return everything to normal. Sometimes helping nothing. It all depends on the type of illness and its gravity, as well as from the stage of change in the brain.

In some cases, fanatical and some fancy, with a distinct tinge, madness minimalism becomes the first call in the history of the disease. And the patient detects a brain tumor, a neurodegenerative disease (for example, Alzheimer's disease), multiple sclerosis.

The minimalist philosophy is useful for the formation of new neural bonds in the brain, and the excess of things, objects and events, on the contrary, makes attention to scattered, worsens the quality of life. However, painful fixation on any topic, even on such a useful and sound, can be the first sign of serious illness.