Description 6 Chapters Dead Souls. Analysis of the poem Gogol "Dead Souls

Description 6 Chapters Dead Souls. Analysis of the poem Gogol "Dead Souls

Analysis of 6 chapters dead souls and got the best answer

Answer from music lover [Guru]

Chichikov, approaching the village, sees many wilds and streets. But he notices some special dilapidation of peasant houses: rotten logs, flush roofs. The Delician House also left the best impressions, since "some strange castle looked with disabled disabled person": two windows of all were open, and even then fallen. Only the garden "one was quite picturesque in his picture launch." Nature takes its own, everything is free and beautiful in it.
But from the contemplation of natural beauty, Chikchiku had to be abandoned to switch to the presented house and the host itself. Near the house was still sadder than published. Time was bothering him on the glory: "nothing noticeably was a reviving picture - neither dismissed doors, nor who came from somewhere, no living hassle and worries at home!". All this was rather strange and amazing for Chichikov.
However, Pavel Ivanovich was surprised even more when he saw the "Kleisant" figure, which sent him to the house. But it was not the last thing that surprised the guest.
The mess in the rooms was extraordinary. There were a lot of things, starting with the furniture and ending with "many all sorts of all": "Lemon, all dried", a glass with some kind of liquid and three flies, a piece of somewhere raised rags and the other, not the necessary trash. All this resembled a storage room: "There was no way to say that a living being in this room was inhabited."
However, nothing compares with the shock, which he experienced Chichikov when he learned that this "key manner" is actually a rich landowner Plushkin. Having learned this, our hero involuntarily retreated back.
From the portrait characteristic of Plushin, we learn that it was a thin old man, except that his chin was noticeable forward: "Little eyes have not worn around and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice."
The clothes did not differ from Nishchenskaya. It was easy to think that this is the impoverished landowner. But we see the eyes of Chichikov everything is good, literally flooded Plushkin rooms. In addition, this landowner had about a thousand souls, the barns were broken from the abundance of goods. Only here everything has long been gone.
Chichikov did not know where to start a conversation. He got used to start like this: "Heard about the virtues and the rare properties of the soul, the database is praised personally, the tribute to ...". However, it was not the case. No "rare properties of the soul" could not be speech, as Plushkin is the most remarkable soul. "Savings" and "order" - that's where I decided to start chikchiki. Although the house in Plushina reigned, of course, stamina and mess.
Plushkin immediately made it clear that the uninvited guest should not count on the treat and even on the hay for the horse. The business conversation was quite exactly the business conversation, although at first the Offer Chichikov surprised Plushkin.
It is interesting to trace the change in the expression of the old man. "Joy, so instantly that seemed on his wooden face" from the realization that Chichikov is willing to pay gravity for dead peasants, replaced by a concerned expression. Finally, the hero began to glance at Chichikov with suspicion. But nevertheless, he calmed down, though not for long. Each thing in Plushkina's house argued that greed it was not borders: it is a tenant limbo, and a paper candle, and a candle replaced by rauchinka, and a tear to which chikchiki naturally did not touch.
How could a person get to this? The answer is in the history of the life of Plushkin. It should be noted that Gogol in his poem gives biographies only two people: Chichikova and Plushkin. Chichiki is the main acting person in the poem. And what is the plushkin here? It's just that the last stage of the death of a person, when there is a misappropriateness for himself.

Analysis 6 Chapters Dead Souls

  1. Chichikov, approaching the village, sees many wilds and streets. But he notices some special dilapidation of peasant houses: rotten logs, flush roofs. The Lordskoye house also left the best impressions, since some strange castle looked like a strange disabled person: two windows were open from all, and even then fallen. Only the garden one was quite picturesque in his picture launch. Nature takes its own, everything is free and beautiful in it.
    But from the contemplation of natural beauty, Chikchiku had to be abandoned to switch to the presented house and the host itself. Near the house was still sadder than published. Time was bothering him on the glory: nothing noticeably liven up the picture of neither the dispersed doors nor the people came out from somewhere, no living hassle and worries at home!. All this was rather strange and amazing for Chichikov.
    However, Pavel Ivanovich was surprised even more when he saw the figure of the key, who sent him to the house. But it was not the last thing that surprised the guest.
    The mess in the rooms was extraordinary. Here were a lot of things, ranging from furniture and ending with a lot of all sorts of all:, all the dried, wineglass with some kind of liquid and three flies, a piece of somewhere raised rags and the other, not the necessary trash. All this resembled a storage room: in no way it was impossible to say that there was a living creature in this room.
    However, nothing compares with the shock that Chichikov experienced when he learned that this key was actually the richest landowner Plushkin. Having learned this, our hero involuntarily retreated back.
    From the portrait characteristic of Plushin, we learn that it was a thin old man, except that his chin was noticeably lit forward: small eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice.
    The clothes did not differ from Nishchenskaya. It was easy to think that this is the impoverished landowner. But we see the eyes of Chichikov everything is good, literally flooded Plushkin rooms. In addition, this landowner had about a thousand souls, the barns were broken from the abundance of goods. Only here everything has long been gone.
    Chichikov did not know where to start a conversation. He got used to start like this: herself about the virtues and the rare properties of the soul, even the database of respect to bring a debt. However, it was not the case. No rare properties of the soul could have been and speech, as Plushkin is the most dead soul. Savings and order - with which he decided to start chikchiki. Although the house in Plushina reigned, of course, stamina and mess.
    Plushkin immediately made it clear that the uninvited guest should not count on the treat and even on the hay for the horse. The business conversation was quite exactly the business conversation, although at first the Offer Chichikov surprised Plushkin.
    It is interesting to trace the change in the expression of the old man. Joy, so instantly appearing on his wooden face from awareness that Chichikov is willing to pay gravity for dead peasants, replaced by a concerned expression of the face. Finally, the hero began to glance at Chichikov with suspicion. But nevertheless, he calmed down, though not for long. Each thing in Plushkina's house argued that greed it was not borders: it is a tenant limbo, and a paper candle, and a candle replaced by rauchinka, and a tear to which chikchiki naturally did not touch.
    How could a person get to this? The answer is in the history of the life of Plushkin. It should be noted that Gogol in his poem gives biographies only two people: Chichikova and Plushkin. Chichiki is the main acting person in the poem. And what is the plushkin here? It's just that the last stage of the death of a person, when there is a misappropriateness for himself.

1. Composition building.
2. Scene line.
3. "Dead" Plushkin's soul.
4. Analysis of the episode.
5. The symbolic image of the "dead" shower.

The plot composition of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" is built in such a way that there can be considered three ideological lines or directions logically related and intertwined parts. The first reveals the life of landowners, the second - urban officials, and the third - Chichikov himself. Each of the directions, manifesting, contributes to a deeper manifestation of two other lines.

The action of the poem begins with the arrival of the new person in the provincial city of Nn. There is a tie of the plot. Immediately in the first chapter of Chichikov gets acquainted with almost all the heroes of the poem. In the second chapter, the plot movement is manifested, which is happening with the main character going on a journey through the surrounding villages according to their own need. Chichikov turns out to be among the one, then another landowner, and the interesting feature is visible. The author as if specifically puts his heroes so that every new character is even more "of the other". Plushkin The latest, schemes have to communicate in chikchiku in this row, and therefore, it can be assumed that it is the most antichelistic essence. Chichikov returns to the city, and, in front of the reader, the colorful painting of the life of urban officials unfolds. These people have long been forgotten about the meaning of such words as "honesty", "justice", "decency". Positions held fully allow them to lead a prosperous and idle life in which there is no place to aware of public debt, compassion for the near. Gogol does not try to exacerbate attention on the most public top of residents of the city, but fleeting sketches, quick conversations - and the reader is already known about these people. Here, for example, General, at first glance and good like a person, however, "... It was sacrificed in some kind of picture disarray ... Self-sacrifice, generous in a decisive minute, courage, mind - and to all of this - a fair Slide of selfish, ambition, pride and petty delicacy of personal. "

The dominant role in the plot of works is given to Paul Ivanovich Chikchiku. And it is he, his quality of character, his life is under the scrutiny of the author. Gogol is interested in this new species of people who appeared in the then Russia. Capital acts as the only aspiration, and for the sake of him they are ready to deceive, growl, flatter. That is, "dead souls" is nothing but a way to consider as much as possible and understand the urgent problems of social life of Russia of the time. Of course, the plot is built so that the main place in the poem is the image of landowners and officials, but Gogol is not limited to the description of reality, he seeks to push the reader to think about how tragic and hopeless the life of a simple people is expensive.

Plushkin turns out to be the last in the gallery of landowners passing before the eyes of the reader. Chichot's landowner accidentally learned from Soba Kevich, who gave a rather unfavorable recommendation to his neighbor in the estate. In the past, Plushkin was a man experienced, hardworking and enterprising. He was not deprived by the mind and everyday smelting: "Everything flowed alive and was accomplished by measured: Mills were moving,
valynny, worked cloth factories, joinery, spinning; Everywhere in everything included a temper view of the owner and, as a hardworking spider, he ran his thoroughly, but frustrated, at all ends of his economic cobweb. " However, everything went to the rush soon. Wife died. In Plushkina, who became a widow, suspicion and misappropriate. Then the eldest daughter came down with the headquarters-Rothmistrome, the son instead of civil service chose the military, and was excited from home. The younger daughter died. The family collapsed. Plushkin turned out to be the only keeper of all riches.

The absence of a family, friends led to even greater exacerbation of suspicion and misfortunes of this person. Gradually, it lowers even lower and below until it turns into "some kind of bandaged in humanity." Even the prosperous farm is gradually falling apart: "... He became increasingly to the biders who came to take economic works from him; The biders were traded, traded and finally threw it at all, affirming that this demon: not a man; The hay and bread were rotten, the clashes and the stogs turned into clean manure, even though the cabbage was in them, the flour in the basements turned into a stone ... To the cloths, canvas and homemade matters were terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. " He imposed a curse on all those who remained in living children than even more aggravated his loneliness.

In such a distinguished state, he saw chikchiki. In the first moments of dating, the protagonist could not intelligible for a long time who is in front of him: a woman or a man. The most intimate creature in the old dirty bathrobe was made by Chikchikov for the key. However, after the main character, he was very surprised and shocked by learning that the owner of the house was standing in front of him. The author, describing the wealth of Plushkina, immediately talks about how previously a premature man will Morbit His peasants, and even himself, wears all the ribs instead of clothes, whereas foods are disappeared in his storerooms and basements, bread and loaf. Moreover, the preservation of the landowner leads to the fact that the entire shopping house turns out to be lit by all sorts of trash, because walking down the street, Plushkin collects any items and things forgotten or left by serfs unattended, brings them to the house and dumps into a bunch.

In a conversation with Chikchikov, the owner complains of his life, netting on the fortress, which robbed him. It is for them responsibility for such a distressed landlord. Plushkin, who owns a thousand souls, cellars and barns, full of all sorts of snack, trying to treat Chikchikov dried up moldy cake, remaining from the arrival of his daughter, to drink suspicious liquid, which was once tincture. In the descriptions of Plushkin, Gogol tries to prove to the reader that such a history of the landlord's life is not an accident, but predetermined the course of events. And here in the foreground is not so much a personal tragedy of the main character, how many established conditions of social being. Plushkin with joy agrees to the transaction with a conveyed Mr., especially since all the costs of paperwork he takes over. The landowner does not even think about the landowner, why the guest is "dead" souls. Greed is so mastered by the owner that he is not reflection. The main care of the owner is how to save paper that is required for the letter to the Chairman. Even the gaps between the lines and words cause him regret: "... I began to write, exposing letters similar to the musical notes, holding a rumble of hands, which was told on all paper, pumpingly scarring a string on the line and not without regret, That still there will be a lot of clean space. " During the conversation, the protagonist learns that Plushin also has fugitive serfs, which also introduce it into ruin, because they have to pay a revision.

Chichikov proposes to make a owner another deal. Stormy trade unfolds. From the excitement of Plushin trembling his hands. The owner does not want to give up two kopecks, only to get money and hide them to one of the bureau boxes. After completion of the transaction, Plushkin carefully recalculates cash bills several times, carefully stacked them in order to never already take it out. The painful desire for the accumulation is so mastered by the landowner, that he is no longer able to part with the treasures falling towards him, even if his life or well-being of his loved ones depends on it. However, human feelings have not yet completely left the landowner. At some point, he even reflects, does not give a chischiku watch for his generosity, but noble gust
quickly passes. Plushkin again plunges into the pulp of miserness and loneliness. After the departure of the random Mr. The old man slowly bypasses his storerooms, checks the warders, "who stood on all the corners, with wooden blades in an empty barrel." The day in Plushkin ended as usual: "... I looked into the kitchen ... I was interrogative with Cashey and, who chose everyone to the last for the stealing and bad behavior, returned to my room."

The image of Plushkin's brilliantly created by Gogdlem, as it should not be clearly shown to readers, the actors and death of his soul, all that is human in man. Here, how can not be brighter, all vulgarity and the lowestness of the serfseer appears. The question inevitably arises: whom the writer calls the "dead" souls: the poor deceased peasants or officials and landowners who manage life in Russian counties.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is the most mysterious and mysterious classic of Russian literature. His works are filled with mysticism and secrets. Getting acquainted with the work of this greatest writer, readers, everyone in their own way, understand the deepest meaning laid down in his works.

In this paper, we will try to determine the role of the garden in the sixth chapter of the poem "Dead Souls" N.V.Gogol, and also find out the meaning and function of each element.

Plushkin - purgatory

All the journey of Chichikov's entrepreneur is a trip to hell, nose and paradise. Ad-nanilov, box, nozrev and sobekevich; Purgatory is Plushkin. It is not by chance that his estate is in the middle, in the sixth chapter.

Gogol represented his creation in one row with the Divine Comedy Dante, which consists of three parts: "hell", "purgatory", "paradise". By analogy with this product, the author decided to hold Chichikov: the first volume is blood pressure, the second volume is purgatory, the third volume is paradise. This is the opinion of the Honored Teacher of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Belyaeva. We, analyzing the chapter, will adhere to this point of view and take a plush to fitting.

Manor is a domicile house on the village, with all the hips, garden, garden, etc., therefore, as a purpose to determine the meaning and function of the garden in the sixth chapter, we will touch on with the need and those homesteads that are mentioned next to him (home) .

In Plushin, something is left for something, he has a soul. This is confirmed, in particular, the description of the transformation of Plushkin's face when it came to his comradist. An important distinguishing feature is that the plush has live eyes: " Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice ..." In his village there are two churches (the presence of God).


In our chapter we are mentioned, the house and garden are mentioned. The house is even twice: at the entrance to the estate and when leaving it. The house is seen by Chichiku when he drives up to the manor.

Pay attention to the windows denoting the "face" of the house: the facade - from face.- face, and window- from " eye"- Eye. The author writes: "From the windows, only two were open, others were forced by shutters or even clogged with boards. These two windows, on their part, were also sunbathing; On one of them, a glued triangle made of blue sugar paper ". The triangle on one of the windows refers to the "Divine Symbolism". The triangle is the symbol of the Holy Trinity, and the blue is the color of the sky. The house symbolizes the descent in darkness before revival, that is, to get to paradise (in this case, the garden), you need to go through the darkness. The garden is behind the house and, thus, it grows freely, leaving the village and disappearing in the field.


The garden is one of the favorite artistic literature images. The garden landscape is typical for the Russian tradition, especially poetic. So, refers to the garden A.S. Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin; "Launch" E.A. Bratynsky; "Garden Deaf and Wild" U A.N. Tolstoy.Gogol, creating a landscape of Plushkin Garden, entered this tradition.

The garden, like the image of Paradise, is the inhabitant of the soul. And if we proceed from the fact that Plushkin, as mentioned above, discovers signs of the soul, the garden in the sixth chapter of the poem "Dead Souls" is the soul metaphor of our hero: " Old, extensive, stretching behind the house Garden, who was over the village and then disappeared in the field, overgrown and stirred ..." The garden Plushkin has no fences, he goes beyond the village and disappears in the field. Behind him there is no dogland, he is granted to himself. He seemed implanious. Like a soul.

The garden is the kingdom of plants, therefore it is always important that it grows in it and how. In the Plushkin Garden, Gogol mentions Birch, hops, elder, rowan, forest hazel, Coupjnik, Clane, Osina. Let us dwell on the first Plushkin trees mentioned in the garden - Berez. Birch plays the role of space tree connecting earth and spiritual levels of the universe. The roots of the tree symbolize hell, trunk - earthly life, krona paradise. Bereza was devoid of top, but not all the crown. You can see the parallel with a plush image, who still has a soul, unlike Manilov, Boxes, Nozdrova and Sobeshevich.

The author compares birch with a column. The column symbolizes the world axis holding the sky and connecting it from the earth; Also symbolizes the tree of life. From this it follows that the soul of Plushkin stretches towards the sky, to paradise.

The breakdown, which ended the trunk of birch, is represented as a bird. Bird - a symbol of the human soul liberated from the flesh. But the bird is black. Black - a symbol of the night, death, repentance, sin, silence and emptiness. Since black absorbs all other colors, he also expresses denial and despair, is the opposition to white and denotes a negative start. In the Christian tradition, black symbolizes grief, mourning and sorrow. White - divine color. Symbol of light, purity and truth.

Let us dwell on some other plants whose relationship with Plushkin and our understanding was able to install. This is: Hop, Iva, Cupjik. " ... Duplety Drying Barrel Willow, Gray Cupjeznik, thick bristle Sticking because of Willow, the withered deadlock, confused and crossed leaves and bruises ..."This fragment resembles a description of the appearance of Plushin:" But here he saw that it was the key to the key than the key: the key to at least not shaves the beard, and this, on the contrary, brill, and seemed quite rare, because the entire chin with the bottom of the cheek looked like a scraper From iron wire, some clean on the stable of horses " . Vegetation on the face of Plushkina, like a gray-haired, hard Cupjik. However, the scraper from the wire is already losing touch with the garden: it is not a live flesh, but metal.

Hop has grown all over the garden. He grew to Ponizu, he wrapped up to the middle of Berezu and from there he quit down, clinging to the tops of other trees, hung in the air. Hop is considered a plant connecting man with a spiritual world. Thus, in the Plushkin Garden there is not only horizontal infinity, but also a vertical that connects the earth with the sky. Broken in Bereza, it is restored by hop.

Next is mentioned Kleon. Klyon - symbol of youth, youth of beauty, love, fresh strength, life. These values \u200b\u200bare joined and the values \u200b\u200bof the fire. Fire - symbolizes the sun and sunlight, energy, fertility, divine gift, cleansing. In addition, the fire is a mediator that binds the sky and the Earth. Of course, it is impossible to think about the possible transformation of Plushkin, but Gogol's spiritual transformation, apparently, hopes.

Then follows aspen description. Aspen is a crying symbol and shame. Crow is a symbol of loneliness. The life of Plushin gives the basis for the other.

Thus, everything that was or maybe in a man's best, living, goes to the garden. The world is human dim and dead, and the Garden of Bucino lives and shines. The garden, as a place of stay of the soul, allows you to remember that in the Gogol world there are a glimpse of life.

In front of you a summary of the chapter of the work "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol.

A very brief content of the "dead souls" can be found, and the below presented below - quite detailed.
Total content on chapters:

Chapter 6 - summary.

Pretty soon chikchiki drove into the middle of an extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Special dilapidation was noticeable in all rustic buildings. Then the Lord's House appeared: " someteading disabled people looked at this strange castle " When Pavel Ivanovich drove into the courtyard, then one of the buildings saw a strange figure. This man scolded a man. Chichikov could not for a long time to understand how the floor is this figure:

the dress on it was completely indefinite, very much like a female hood, on the head cap, which rustic yard worn women.

The guest decided that this is a key, and asked her where the Barin could be found. The key led Chichikov in the room.

The house reigned a full confusion: the furniture was sticky, on the tables lay a lot of things all sorts, in the corner of the room there was a bunch of some things. Chichiki was able to consider a piece of wooden shovel and the sole of an old boot. In the house, the guest saw that she had a matter after all with a man, and not with a woman. This is a creature and turned out to be a plush.

Pavel Ivanovich was very surprised by such a Nishchensky view of a landowner owned by a thousand souls, full of barns of all the dangle, inventory of canvas, cloth. Tree, dishes, etc. Not satisfied with this, Barin went through the streets of his village every day and picked up everything he came across. Sometimes he even attracted from the peasants.

There was a time when Plushkin was just a leaning owner. He had a wife, 2 daughters and son. The landowner was heard by a clever man, they were called to learn to lead the economy. Soon the wife died, the eldest daughter escaped with an officer. In the landlord began to be discovered. The son did not obey his father and signed up in the regiment, for which the inheritance was deprived, the youngest daughter died. Plushkin remained alone and every year became more stupid. He himself forgot what riches he has. Gradually, he turned into an intimate creature, which was found by his chikchiki.

Pavel Ivanovich could not start a conversation attracted by such a picturesque type of owner. Finally he started talking about the peasants. The dead shower in Plushkin numbered more than one hundred and twenty. The owner was delighted when he learned that the guest was taken to pay for them to submit, and he still wishes his case with a clerk. The speech came about the runaway peasants, whom Plushkin had more than seventy. Chichiki immediately decided to buy these peasants and offered twenty-five kopecks per soul. After the bidding, new acquaintances came up on thirty kopecks per soul. At the joys of Plushkin, I wanted to treat Chichikova Liqueur, which got into different goats, and last year's cake. Pavel Ivanovich refused than he had gained even more location of the owner. Immediately made a bunch, and for the power of attorney, the owner, fastening the heart, allocated the quarrel of the old paper. In addition, Pavel Ivanovich issued twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks for runaway peasants and made Plushkin write a receipt.

Colored by itself. Chischikov spread up with the owner and ordered to return to the city. Arriving at the hotel. Pavel Ivanovich found out about the new guarantor who came to the new guarantee, he posted on the air in the room, ate the easiest dinner and climbed under the blanket.