In Khabarov, portrait of Mila biography. Writing on the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila

In Khabarov, portrait of Mila biography. Writing on the picture Khabarova
In Khabarov, portrait of Mila biography. Writing on the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila

Picture of the artist V. I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" Very interesting in your decision.
The central picture figure is a cute girl. The girl, obviously, school age, comfortably settled in a deep chair. She pressed his feet with himself and faded in a book. Mila even forgot that her legs were shods in slippers, and in the shoes got into the chair. It can be assumed that the heroine finally took a book that he had long dreamed of reading. Pose Heroine Picture suggests that the girl compets characters, she is passionate about reading. Obviously, the story is already coming to completion, and therefore the face of the heroine expresses such a concentration and immersion in the event of the plot. I will test the heroine. Mila has thin features. Her blond hair neat strands falls on the shoulders. For some reason, it seems that the face of this girl rarely expresses such concentration.
Over the head of the girl you can see a small white lamp.
Probably the evening came, and the girl rests with a book on his knees.
The composition of Khabarova's painting composition is very interesting. Rectangular canvas, the central part of which occupies a round chair. It was the chair with a girl sitting in it, is the center of the composition of the painting. It is distinctly highlighted by the artist - cozy, large, deep, in which you can get a job with your favorite book and have a pleasant evening, competing heroes. The blue tone of the courtyard of the chair also testifies to the desire of the artist to portray the peace of mind. The framing of the chair is bright beige wallpapers on the walls and heat-brown, slightly reddish floor, presumably wooden or parquet. Paul sparkles in the rays of electric light, shaking the matte blue chairs. Almost amber color Thin legs of the chair emphasize the "sunshine", the dentusion of the mood of the picture. Khabarov managed to portray a relaxed passion for the girl, vacationing with a book in his hands.
An interesting detail in the picture is white curly skates lying next to the chair, in the lower right corner of the picture. This item is curious and from the point of view of the plot of the paintings, and composite. Skates as if reflected by their white color shown in the upper left corner of the wall lamp. Two white stains emphasize the heat-amber color solution and a dark saturated blue chairs. From the skates to the lamp you can spend a diagonal trait.
As for the plot of the picture, in it, skates also play not a latter role. If you give the will of fantasy, you can imagine how a girl of Mila after school rushes on a skate rink in his hands. And consequently, on the street Winter, Frost, ice frozen and turned into a sparkling crystal mirror. Mila with friends riding on the ice. Probably, she rides well, and skates are frequent satellites. After all, otherwise they would lay in the closet and covered with dust. But no wonder the artist portrayed curly skates next to the chair in which the girl settled. In addition, Mila sits in a chair in sports pants. So, Mila after school visited the rink with friends, after which he returned home. Perhaps the blizzard rose, the winds are raging, the snow flakes fall onto the ground with a snow-white bedspread. And the girl, removing the upper clothes and carelessly throwing skates, took the book and comfortably settled in the chair.
I liked the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila." A girl sitting in a chair with a book in his hands seems like a fond of nature. She likes sports, but also books too. No wonder on her face such enthusiasm. Mila completely plunged into the lines of the book. It becomes interesting what she reads. And it seems that the pages of the book describe adventures, traveling to distant countries.

Now in front of me is the reproduction of the picture of Khabarov. Portrait of Mila. When you look at his work, you understand the masterpiece can be created with ordinary household situations and for this it is not necessary to portrait famous personalities.

Khabarov Portrait of Mila

Khabarov portrait of Mila wrote in 1970, and today, getting acquainted with the paintings and the artist himself, we have to write in his picture for the 7th grade.

He will begin his Khabarov from the central composition, namely, with the main character, which the artist depicted. This is a beautiful girl who has a slender and slightly thin body. By the name of the paintings, we understand that her name is Mila.

About the work of the artist Khabarova, a portrait of Mila in his essay, I will say that this is a wonderful job in which the author will depict Mil for reading the book. What is this book, we cannot know, but judging by her state, she was slightly disassembled, they have already read it many times. So, this is a very exciting book. Yes, and on a mile, we see how fond of reading. Nothing can distract it. In addition, she reads the book already on the last pages, which means that the plot is immediately happening, and it is impossible to tear off, I know.

Mila is beautiful, tender, she has blonde hair. Dressed in homemade clothes. It is located in a cozy chair, which the author depicted in blue color. Probably such a decision, he wanted to attract the attention of the viewer to his picture, so that we focus on our attention exactly on the girl, and not on the surrounding details that were not so much.

The chair is deep, and it seems very cozy and comfortable. It is worth it in the corner of the room, the wall hangs on the wall, and next to the floor lie skates. Perhaps Mila only recently came from the street, where she was skating with her friends, and maybe, on the contrary, only going to go and cooked the skates that need to capture with them, but the reading process was so fascinated by the girl that she forgot about everything. There is only a mila, a book, and those heroes that live in the work.

Picture of Khabarova Portrait of Mila attracts with his mentality and warmth. You look at her and you understand how it is perfectly to take away home after the walk, and before bedtime, read your favorite book, comfortably setting in the chair.

Valentin Khabarov is a wonderful Soviet artist, whose paintings are always interested in their plots reflecting a whole era. The portrait of Mila Valentin Iosifovich wrote his cloth in 1970. He showed that his generation was very loved to read. Books at that time mean a lot, and it was real magic, which man always turned into his free time. They read a lot at that time, but were fond of reading not only adults, but also children.

Picture of Valentina Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" is interesting on how the author of the canvas builds an image. So, in the center of the picture there is a girl herself. It can be seen that she is school age, but when Mila got a free moment, she, she got comfortable in a chair on thin legs, immediately began to read. The viewer to draw attention to the fact that the girl is comfortable to sit, despite the fact that the chair is deep. But Mila, pursing the legs, is passionate about the development of the plot in her book. The girl was so heavily fascinated by reading that even forgot to take slippers and straight in them in the chair. Maybe it was today she came across a book that she had long dreamed of. Therefore, the heroine of the painting is so hurry to read this work. By how the girl sits, as she presses her knees and squeezes her hands, it is noticeable that Mila is experiencing because the plot develops and how the fate of the main characters is developing.

In the thickness of the book, which is already read by the girl, it can be determined that it will soon be a reader and the heroine of the painting can already exhale. But while she does not notice anything around, and her eyes are chained to the stricme in the book. The face of Mila reflects the concentration and immersion in the plot of the book, while the actions of the action occurs.

Valentin Khabarov perfectly and very accurately and depicted in detail and girl. Mila has a cute and bright face with subtle features. Its thin and blonde hair, barely reaching the shoulders, neatly spacious and laid. Eyes, not taking off, look in the book. Over the girl's head, the viewer sees a snow-white lamp. It is small, round shape. On the wall it was placed so that he always shone on the chair, where, probably, many family members read books. Most likely, the evening came, and the girl was specifically sat down in this chair to turn on the lamp and read under brighter lighting.

Interestingly and chair that the artist put on a central place in the picture. Chetko Valentin Iosifovich draws it. It is cozy, big, deep. It can always be pleasant to bring the evening, reading the book. And the pose of the girl, and the chair also points out that this evening is good and calm.

The chair itself is dark blue, but it is standing on the high brown legs of the tree. The color of this chair is perfectly combined with wallpaper on the walls. They are beige with a hint of heat-brown. This color gamut painting is perfect and the color of the floor is reddish. Paul parquet and clean. On its surface reflects light glare from the lamp, which is on on the wall and complements the main lighting in the room.

Artist Valentina Khabarov managed to portray a girl who confidently reads, but at the same time she feels a relaxed and resting book. The unexpected detail in the whole composition is the skates that lie next to the chair. They are white and curly. Maybe, quite recently, the girl was on a walk, but, returning, immediately began to read the book that was able to interest her so much.

And here I want to pay attention to the clothes of the girl. She is dressed in a snow-white shirt with short sleeves. But the girl, despite the fact that in the street Winter will not frown at all. Therefore, it becomes clear that the apartment is very warm. But on the legs of Mila, sports pants are dressed, which means that quite recently the girl was engaged in sports: I rode, played snowballs, ran through the snowy streets of the city. But not only fun and moving entertainment like the girl. She attracts reading. Therefore, barely closed the door and removing the upper clothes, Mila immediately began to finish the book that she was so interested.

Maybe at that time the wind is raging the wind, knocking in the window, it falls the snow with beautiful and snow-white flakes, but the heroine of Khabarov's paintings is not interested in the heroine and she thinks only about what the final final will be such an interesting . Maybe the girl herself will begin to compose books, which will then be children. And I want to believe that the fate of this sincere and such a calm character of the painting is good and in life it is only waiting for good luck.

In his picture, the artist Valentin Khabarov showed that childhood in the girl is carefree, that it can safely run and jump, enthusiastically spend the evening for reading the books liked, play sports. It is hard to tear the eye from this web, and she really like the audience.

To write an essay by "Portrait of Mila" Khabarova need a work plan.

Work plan

Introduction. About the artist V. I. Khabarov.

1. About the portrait and its plot.

2. Portrait heroine: clothes, shoes, book.

3. The interior of the room and the overall composition of the picture.

Conclusion. Impressions from the portrait.


In joining the composition of the "Portrait of Mila", Khabarova must be said that today the artist Valery Iosifovich Khabarov is 73 years old. People of this generation were born in the difficult war years, and they had to grow in a unsettled, hungry, post-war time. Then it was not easy for everyone, it was necessary to work a lot, there was no time for entertainment.

The artist Valery Khabarov studied a lot, and after all, study is also labor. After high school, he graduated from an art school, an art institute in Moscow, and then she was still engaged in the creative workshop of the famous artist. As a result, he became a famous master, a member of the Union of Artists, received various awards for his work, participated in a variety of domestic and foreign exhibitions.

The greatest popularity of hubarov acquired as a portraitist. When describing the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" can not be remembered and other wonderful portraits. Such, for example, the Karpov chess player and the Keeper of the museum in Borodino Shatov.

Portraits made by Khabarov, in particular, "Portrait of Mila", the essay on which we understand, are interesting, because they are made in a special, slightly tense manner. Their heroes seem to be seized by some kind of idea or activity: here the grandmaster Anatoly Karpov stands, leaning on the table and disturbing the interlocutor. Mila girl is absorbed by reading a book. And the elderly keeper of the museum Konstantin Shatov looks at the portrait so wisely, as if he was witnessing the battle of Borodino, and all the events of those years remained in his memory.

A feature of the letter of the artist in his essay on the "portrait of Mila" can be called some sharpness of the image - this can be found in the works of representatives of the so-called naive painting. But this angularity does not spoil portraits, on the contrary, she gives them a special charm.

About the portrait and its plot

We now turn directly to the description of the "portrait of Mila" Khabarova.

The cloth "Portrait of a girl in the chair" (as it was originally called) was written in 1974. It is considered one of the most famous works of the artist. The heroine of the portrait called Mila Haldevich, so the picture is often called the "Portrait of Mila".

Unfortunately, the history of the "portrait of Mila" Khabarova and about Mile Haldevich almost nothing is known. Is that we can assume her age and for some details guess how and where she lived.

Portrait Heroine: Pose, Clothing, Shoes, Book

Here we turn to the description of the appearance of a person in the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila".

The portrait shows a girl 12-13 years old, climbed with his legs on a chair and enthusiastically reading a book. The girl is completely immersed in reading: her mouth is half open, as if she persuades phrases in mind, bringing the plot to the junction. Probably, so we all look from the side when they are passionate about something. We are as if we are inside yourself, as in some wonderful capsule. Maybe therefore the artist portrayed his heroine inside a round chair, pursing his legs.

The last pages of an interesting book will turn over the last pages, and the girl is in a hurry. These pages are always the most fascinating, so there is nothing surprising that the girl, running from the rink, hardly time to undress, grabbed the book.

This picture offers many options for presenting previous and subsequent events, and this is just always an interesting viewer (or, for example, the reader) of the artistic work. We, discussing these alleged events, as if we participate in creating a picture on a par with the artist.

In the composition of the "Portrait of Mila", Khabarova can be noted that the heroine of the portrait is most likely a purposeful, movable, developed girl. She reads a lot (Lazyka would not have forced himself to read such a thick book to the end), engaged in sports (it can be seen on her posture, abandoned skates and for the fact that her pants were infreed at her). And it is not at all at all prone to the girls' concerns about their appearance: there is a simple T-shirt on it, and the straight hair is simple and modestly scattered along the shoulders.

But jeans ... It is necessary to recall that the portrait was written in the 1970s, when jeans in Soviet stores were not yet traded, they could only be purchased in the black market. And it suggests that Mila - from a secured family, with connections. She can afford such a luxury as denim pants for a teenage girl. But even these jeans speak in favor of her modesty - a mile is once distracted into the street and walks with friends, she is all in his studies and their extracurricular activities.

Room interior and general composition composition

In writing on the picture, Valery Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" will try to describe the surrounding heroine atmosphere.

Most likely, Mila is a city resident. This is reported to us the interior, "hit" on the canvas. Parquet, elegant lamp, quite exquisite for the time round, like a bowl, chair.

According to the memoirs of the elderly, people in the 1970s lived modestly. Unless, of course, it was not representatives of the party top. Many products could not be bought due to the deficit. Everything had to be "getting". It has not yet been so felt in large cities, but in the province, and even more so in the villages, it was difficult to find even good books. Although it is difficult to believe it now.

So, Mila, most likely, lived in a major city, where they were a rink and a decent library. Probably, she had a mother and father, that is, a complete family.

Conclusion. Impressions from the portrait

In conclusion of an essay by the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" can be noted that I liked in this picture. For example, the fact that it is written is realistic, although not as masterfully, as paintings by Surikov, Tropinin, Fedotova are written.

And there is some fabulous in it. It doesn't seem that Mila Haldevich is an ordinary girl, such as everything. And the features of her face, and the interior depicted - everything is not ordinary, not everyday.

Maybe the artist, as a representative of the direction "Socialist Realism", specially embellished the life of the simplest girl from the Typical Soviet family? After all, artists of those years and had to show the usual events of life and ordinary heroes. Khabarov reflected the comfort and softness of the world of Mila in the picture. But for all this softness, there is no relation. Social and family conflicts are clearly no place in this calm, prosperous, full of life.

Finishing the description of the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila", we note that over the years this work will cause an increasing surprise in the audience. Too much has changed since then. The modern girl, rather, would keep a smartphone or an e-book in his hands. Paper volumes gradually go into the past. And it is difficult to meet a person today, with such hobbies of the reading book.

On the statement of these controversial considerations, we will finish an essay by the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila."

The life of the Russian artist Valery Josefovich Khabarova is amazing and multifaceted.

Life and creativity V. I. Khabarova

The full name of the picture is "Portrait of a girl in a chair", she was written in 1974 by the artist Khabarov Valery Iosifovich. The author is known not only in Russia, but also in France, Italy, Germany, USA. The artist was born in 1944, on August 4, in the city of Michurinsk Tambov region. The war deprived the boy's boy, so he brought up with his mother Zinaida Dmitrievna. Valery's creative abilities began to show early, his first teacher was Platitsin A.V. According to the recommendation of the teacher, the boy was taken to the Ryazan Art School in 1958. And in 1967, Khabarov V.I. Enters the Moscow Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. His training continues in the creative workshop to 1977.

In the same year, he marries Guryanova I. The most portrait of his genre and remains the portrait. In each of his creation, he invests a special meaning.

The most popular creations of the artist "Portrait V. I. Kushilova and S. A. Gonozova, written in 1989; "Portrait of a boy", "Still-life with the Verba", "Portrait of K. Shatov", written in 1977.

In the product "Portrait of a girl in a chair" reveals a lot of Khabarov "Portrait of Mila" considers the apotheosis of his creativity. Writing V. I. Khabarov also icons for the Ilinsk Church in the city of Michurinsk. Impressive expressiveness, the depth is distinguished by the Virgin Mary with a baby in his arms. Most of his works are kept in the Museum-Manor A. M. Gerasimov.

Portrait Description Khabarova "Portrait of Mila"

A deep meaning is filled with a portrait of Mila Holdowvich. It is worth studying the picture description detail. Khabarov "Portrait of Mila" sees under a special angle. It depicts a girl of 12 years old, reading a book with interest. The depth of the foreground expressively emphasized the game of halftone - light and dark, bright and muted, warm and cold. A blue chair against the background of warm shades of walls and gender, bright details of the girl's clothing - everything here is represented in a single composition and harmoniously fits into a common idea. The game of contrasts creates the impression of the fullness and the end of the image. It is surprising that the foreground is not at all opposed to the background.

Much tells Khabarov, "Portrait of Mila." An essay-description of his paintings reveals the essence and meaning of all his creativity. The picture has an extraordinary magnetic property. Each detail on it is impregnated with special filling heat and comfort. Looking at the picture, as if you feel how warmth is bottled by the body after a long winter walk, when you enter the cozy portrait of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" allows you to see how the household genre in the picture very successfully connected together with the portrait image of the girl.

Portrait Art

But not only wanted to transfer the author in his work. Many artists write pictures of famous people of that time. But history is usually hiding in the monotonous and the usual way of simple people. Habits, traditions, culture deeply penetrated into their life. It is believed that the portrait is a link between the past and the present. This is a history mirror.

Look at the portrait - it's like reading a whole book. According to the appearance of the picture, you can learn a lot about the world around the hero. It is no coincidence that the modern school program includes a description of the picture. Khabarov "Portrait of Mila" writes on a language understandable for modern day.

Requirements for a portrait

This artist always takes care not only about external similarity, he tries to pass the feelings, thoughts and character of a person. Before the first waving brushes, the author will definitely ask: "Who is this man in front of me? What does he represent? Is it strict, or kind? What loves? What is the Hero? What dreams? ". In such a genre, like a portrait, you need to think over every detail, capture every feature of the face, each detail of the Mimici to tell us more about a person and about history. The art of a portrait originated for a long time and had a cult importance, but alone alone in a separate genre in the Renaissance Epoch. But at all times, the main requirement to the portrait was the external similarity and disclosure of human essence.

What does "Portrait of Mila" says

Through the paints and the canvas, the artist is able to capture the brilliance of the eyes, blush or pallor. According to them, it is possible to draw conclusions about the mood of the depicted person and get in touch with its inner world. An experienced master in addition to the image on canvas, will always give the will of fantasy for the viewer. So in the picture "Portrait of Mila" can be reflected in many ways. The description of the portrait of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" allows you to see focus on the face of the girl, which speaks of a great passion for reading. It can be assumed that the girl is fond of figure skating and literally recently came either from workout or from a rink, where the fun spent time with friends. Cleverly lying skates talk about a hurry, with which the girl sat down for the book. The exciting plot read in the eyes of the girl. Perhaps this is an adventure novel or historical narration about the sovereigns of the knights.

Imprinted thoughts V. I. Khabarova

If you carefully consider the description of the portrait of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila", then you can see a special depth and significance of the picture for the author. On the girl, home apparel - T-shirt and jeans. Blonde hair is scattered over shoulders. It is an ordinary girl of our time. Nobody has not exactly depicted a passion for young people, their permanent employment, like a Khabarov, "Portrait of Mila." An essay-description of his creativity Much makes it possible to understand. In the general composition of the painting, it is read that the author reflected himself in childhood. Perhaps this is his desire and dreams, or sadness of the past childhood - the most carefree period when you can safely read the book you are interested in and walking with friends. This is the time of real personal freedom, flights of thoughts and fantasies. When even the usual blue armchair of amber-colored with legs, standing in the corner of the room, becomes your own world for you, in which you leave to be alone with you. Description of the painting V. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" is a special meaning. Creative individuals have their own subtle vision of the world. Therefore, in the picture V. I. Khabarov, they are captured by the important points that we overcome with sight and cease to appreciate. This is the time of children's thoughts, unaware of outsided emotions, and reflecting only your vision of the world.