Grisha Dobrozlonov who live well in Russia. "People's Intercessor" Grisha Dobrons (on the poem

Grisha Dobrozlonov who live well in Russia.
Grisha Dobrozlonov who live well in Russia. "People's Intercessor" Grisha Dobrons (on the poem

The poem "Who in Russia live is good" already in his name contains a question, the answer to which was worried during the times of Nekrasov of any enlightened person. And although the heroes of the work do not find someone who lives well, but the author still gives the reader to understand who he considers happy. The answer to this question is hidden in the image of Grisha Dobrosaklon, the hero appearing in the last part of the poem, but far from the latter in the ideological plan.

For the first time readers get acquainted with Grisha in the chapter " Good time - Good songs, "during the feather, thanks to which the image of Grisha in" Who in Russia live is good "is initially associated with the concept of folk happiness. His father, Parish deque, enjoys love with love - no wonder his name is on the peasant holiday. In turn, the deac and sons are characterized as " simple guys, good, "on a par with the men, they kit and" drink vodka on holidays. " So from the very beginning of creating the image of Nekrasov, it makes it clear that Grisha shares his whole life with the people.

Then the life of Grisha Dobrosoblon is described in more detail. Despite its origin from the spiritual estate, Grisha from ornamental years was familiar with poverty. His father, Trifon, lived "Popple the last peasant" Even a cat with a dog preferred to escape from the family, without standing hunger. All this is due to the fact that the dejacious "light temper": he is always hungry and forever looking for where to drink. At the beginning of the head of the sons lead him, drunk, home. He also praises with children, but whether they are filled with, and I forgot to think.

It is not easier to griece and in the seminary, where the already scant food is selected "Hapuga Economy". Because Grisha "Eashadow" face - sometimes he can not sleep from hunger until the morning, everything is waiting for breakfast. Nekrasov emphasizes the attention of the reader several times on this feature of the exterior of Grisha - he is thin and pale, even though with another life could be a great man: he has a wide bone and red hair. Such appearance of the hero partly symbolizes all Russia, having prerequisites for free and happy lifeBut so far I live quite differently.

Grisha since childhood is not a sign with the main problems of the peasantry: unbearable labor, hunger and drunkenness. But all this is not angry, and on the contrary he temper the hero. From fifteen years in it matures a firm conviction: it is necessary to live solely for the benefit of your people, no matter how poor and poor it is. In this decision, he strengthens his memory of the mother, a caring and hardworking blast, who lived because of his works a short century ...

The image of the Mother Grishina is an image of a hotly beloved Nekrasov Russian peasant, bad, unrequited, and at the same time carrying a huge gift of love. Grisha, her "Favorite Son", did not forget the mother after her death, moreover, her image merged to him with the way all the vachlachin. Last Maternal Dar - Salted Song, testifying to depth maternal love - will accompany Gris all life. Her he sings in the seminary, where "sullenly, strictly, hungry."

And longing for the mother leads it to a selfless decision to devote his life to others, as deprived.

Note that songs are very important for the characteristics of Grisha in the poem "Who in Russia live well" Nekrasov. They briefly and accurately reveals the essence of the ideas and aspirations of the hero, its basic life priorities clearly visible.

The first of the songs sounding from the mouth of Grisha gives his attitude towards Russia. It can be seen that he perfectly understands all the problems that weighing the country: slavery, ignorance and shame of the peasants - all this Grisha sees without embellishment. He easily selects words capable of terrifying any, the most insensible listener, and his pain manifests itself native country. And at the same time, the song sounds hope for coming happiness, faith in the fact that the welcome will is already nearing: "But you will not die, I know!" ...

The next song Grisha - about Burlake - enhances the impression of the first, detailed depressing the fate of an honest worker, descending in the Kabachee "Honestly htched pennies." From private fate, the hero moves to the image of the "all of Russia mysterious" - the song "Rus" is born. This is full of sincere love of the anthem of his country, in which faith hears in the future: "Raint is raised - innumerable." However, someone needed, who would have become at the head of this rati, and this fate is designed to Dobros.

There are two ways, "says Grisha, - one of them is wide, but on him there is greedy to the temptations of the crowd. There is an eternal struggle for the "Blade Goods". It is according to it, unfortunately, the wanderers-main heroes of the poem are directed at first. They see happiness in purely practical things: wealth, honors and power. Therefore, it is not surprising that they cannot meet with Grisha who have chosen another path for themselves, "close but honest." There are only strong and loving souls who want to stand up for offended. Among them - and the future popularism of Grisha Dobrons, who fate prepares "the path of nice, ... Chakhotku and Siberia". This road is not easy and does not bring personal happiness, and yet, according to Nekrasov, only so - in unity with all the people - and you can become truly happy. The Girsoft Dobroblon "Pravda Great" Song gives him such a joy that he runs home, "jumping" from happiness and feeling "immense forces". At home, his delight confirms and divides the brother, responded about the grishine song as "Divine" - i.e. Finally recognize that on his side the truth.

Test on the work

Gregory Dobrozlon appears in the epilogue of the poem, it is impossible to compare about its meaning with a simple completion of the work.

The image and characteristic of Grisha Dobrosaklon is an attempt by the author to instill optimism and faith in the reader to the future.

Description of the father of the hero and life in his house

Grigory - Son of Dyachie Trifon. Father takes a lower step among servants of the church. Father is very poor, imagine how the priest family lives difficult. He is poorer

"Smeady the last peasant".

In the house of Trifon, two rooms are camork. One has a furnace that smokes. Another - height more than 2 meters (soot), suitable for summer only. There is no cow, horses in the farm. Dog and cat left the trifon. Mother was kind and caring. She lived not long. The woman thought about the most pressing - about salt, she as in the song "Salney" had to be prepared for a son on tears. Two images - Mother and Motherland - merged into one. Make their life better became the goal of Grisha.

Study Hero.

Dyack sent her son to the spiritual seminary. So it was put on Rus. Gregory lives in terrible poverty, but his thrust is striking. In the night of the night, the guy wakes up and is waiting for the morning when they bring a sick. The food was tasteless and not satisfying. At seminars saved Hapuga Economy. In the description of the seminary there is no data on teachers, subjects, classes. Nekrasov here is a stingy word: dark, cold, sullenly, strictly, hungry. For each adherence, a terrible picture rises. Why color words that dark in reality. The father is proud of the success of the Son, but does not try to improve his existence, he himself was always hungry.

Character Grigory

You can already be discussed from the description of children's years and study. distinctive features The character of Gregory. He firmly goes to his goal. This desire is not available to many, but young people have already appeared, who carried knowledge and light in the masses. Gregory shares smart thoughts with simple peasants. He gets food in return. Nekrasov emphasizes that the hero is special person. He has a gift from God, the ability to see in the usual important, convey the word to the heart. Gregory is a leader. He is fascinating. Slaves, beggars, offended hear and understand the speech of the guy. They are conquering the sincerity of the seminarist. He falls like a girl, but does not allow anger to break out. Dobrons talented. He writes songs that people sow.

Dreams of heroes

Grigory - an intercessor, warrior, a bold man. He outlined his way from ornament. She also listened to the mother's song, he understands how great the song power, as she penetrates into the people. Songs - soul of the people. They transmit problems and treat them, restrain the negative impulses, bring up optimism and faith in themselves. Gregory with the help of songs is trying to raise the peasants to protect his rights. The educated young man sees what is the cause of Russian poverty:
  • fastener;
  • severe malnutrition;
  • ragged drunkenness among men;
  • terrible poverty and hunger;
  • greed and laziness of Baria;
  • ignorance of a simple people.
Gregory is insulting for the country he loves the whole soul. There is no such patriotism from any of the heroes of the poem.

Prototype Grisha

N.A. Nekrasov picked up the name of the name of the character who was prototype. Dobroblonov - Dobrolyubov. The basis is common - good. These are people who are good in the masses of the people. Based on the surnames, you can find out important characteristics. One inclines people to good deeds, the other - loves everyone and hopes that every person is originally good. The Hero of the Poem and Publicist has a lot in common:
  • unique dedication;
  • hardworking;
  • giftedness and talent.
Unites literary Character and real face Childhood tragedy. They were left without a mother who left the power in the soul and raised the character of sons. The hero and his prototype seek to change the world around them.

Choosing a hero

Gregory is a representative of revolutionary young people who will provide a worthy life in the future. The fate of the hero is a bright way, loud name, the fame of the intercession and defender, but in the same row there are a charity and Siberia. Grisha reflects a lot. The young poet came to the conclusion that people have two ways to happily. But one will lead a person to wealth, power and honor. This happiness is based on the achievement of material well-being. The second way is spiritual happiness. It implies unity with those who serve, with the people. The second way is heavy and thorny. Gregory urges to go to the cherished goals, make happy as possible more people: "Evgoto - having fun on all Saint Rus" will live a burgache, burlack and a simple man. Such as a character of the poem, already hundreds, but the author believes that they will become even more. All multi-million Russian people wakes up and falls on the path of struggle.

"Raint rises - innumerable, the strength in it will affect the uncomplicable!". Song "Rus" - anthem about happiness, the strength of the faith of Russian youth. The sounds of music and the meaning of words penetrated the heart and raised the spirit. The young man shared his optimism, the author through him supported the ideas of friends - revolutionaries.

To countrymen mine

And every peasant

Huggly fun

All Saint Rus!

N. A. Nekrasov. Who lives well in Russia

In the form of a folk intercessor Grisha Dobrosaklon embodied author's ideal positive hero. This image was the result of the thunderstood N. A. Nekrasov about the paths leading to the happiness of the Russian people. Truthfully, but very ethically, the poet managed to display the best features of Grisha's character - an optimistic fighter, closely connected with the people and believing in his great and bright future.

Ros Grisha in poverty. His father, trifor, a rural dna-chok, lived "the poorer of the sorry of the last peasant," was always hungry. Mother Grisha, Doma, - "Batherslessnesslessness, at everyone who helped her on a black day." Grisha himself is studying in the seminary, which for him was "cormal". No matter how bad they fed them in the seminary, the young man was the last piece of bread shared with his mother.

Early, Grisha thought about life, and at fifteen years he had already firmly knew, "who would give his whole life and for whom will die." In front of him, as before any thinking man, he clearly saw two roads:

One spacious road - a car. Passions of slave ...

This path moves the greedy to the temptation of the crowd, for which even the thought of "life of sincere" is ridiculous. This is the road of the silence and cruelty, because "for the benefits of Brenny" there is "Eternal, inhuman Enough-War".

But there is both the second road: the other is close, the road is honest, there are only souls of strong, loving, on battle, for work ...

Gregory Dobrosaklon chooses this particular path, because he sees his place next to the "humiliated" and "obee-femen." This is the road of folk intercessors, revolutionary-nurses, and Grisha is not alone in his choice:

Many Rus also sent the sons of his marked the seal of God, for honest ways ...

Grisha has not only a light mind and honest backing heart, it is endowed with the gift of eloquence. He knows how to convince the men who listen to him and believe him say, console them, explain that in the appearance of such people as Gleb-Traitor, they are not guilty, but "fasten", which gave birth to "sins of the landlord", and Sins of Gle-Ba and Unhappy Yakov. Material from site.

No crepe - Gleb will not be new in Russia!

Gregory is better than the rest, understands great power Words because he is a poet. His songs raise the Spirit to the peasants, please the Vakhlakov. Another young Grisch can attract the attention of the disadvantaged people to the idea of \u200b\u200bprotest and lead. He believes that the folk power is "conscience calm, the truth is live-tea," therefore feels "in the chest of its strength".

His happiness of Gregory Dobrosaklons finds in love for his homeland and the people, in the struggle for his freedom, and this he not only answers the question of the wanders about who happy lives in Russia, but also is an impersonation of the understanding of the True appointment of his creativity , own life.

Grisha Dobrons: Character History

"Who lives fun, freely in Russia?" Russian schoolchildren try to find an answer to this question along with. The poem of the writer about the wanders of men in the searches happy man called encyclopedia folk wisdom. Epic work "Who lives well in Russia" contains many characters, and only at the end appears the main characterThat turns out to be lucky, - Grisha Dobrozlov. " Folk intercessor"It seems that the Motherland gets up from his knees, and the people gained true freedom.

History of creation

The idea to write an epic in verse about the life of the Russian people, as a summary of the experience and observations of the revolutionary poet, came to Nikolay Nekrasov at the end of the 1850s. As a basis, the writer took personal impressions of communication with ordinary people, and also relied on some literary works.

Thus, the main source of inspiration was the "Notes of the Hunter". Here, Nekrasov spied the colorful images of the characters and central senders. And only in 1863, when the country has lived for two years without the shackles of serfdom, the writer sat down, as a result, spending 14 years on collecting material.

By idea folk poem Showed the detailed fate of the most different layers of society - from the peasants to the state ruler. The main characters seeking happy people in Russian land should have passed the way from their native villages to St. Petersburg, where even a meeting with the king will happen. Travel time stretched for a year, staining in eight parts. However, the conceived was not destined to come true - a seriously ill-friendly author managed to give the world only four chapters.

As the parties are readily printed in the magazines "Contemporary" and " Domestic notes" Today the poem looks like it was published, because the author did not have time to clarify the "correct" composition:

  • "Prologue";
  • "Fat";
  • "Peasant woman";
  • "Pier on the whole world."

The last chapter did not reach the reader during the life of Nikolai Nekrasov. She was published three years after the author's death, and that with serious censorship edits. Before death, the writer has changed the plan, having passed main thought, and did open Finalwhere the most significant character appears - Grisha Dobrons, who became the desired lucky man.

There was no time to study the image, so the readers saw only a hint of the intended outcome of the poem. Feeling the end of life, Nikolai Alekseevich crushed:

"One thing about something deeply, this is what did not finish his poem" who lives well in Russia. "

The writer tried to make the poem as accessible to perception ordinary people, so I tried to bring rhythm folk tales, Added scolding songs, promscar and sayings, dialect words.

In the work there was a place for details from fairy tales: a strain tablecloth, a number "seven" (so much wanderers went to search for happiness), a bird who can speak human voice, the uncertainty of time and place ("in which land is guessing" echoes the phrase from the folklore "in some kingdom, in some state").

Plot and image

One day, "on the poleglass" met seven peasants, between which the dispute was set about who in Russia live well. Everyone voiced his own assumption: Surely, the lucky ones are among the Popov, landowners, officials, merchants, boyars. And finally, the king live freely. It was not possible to come to a certain opinion, so the men went to search for a happy person to personally make sure of its existence.

The road leads travelers on the Volga, where the heroes get acquainted with peasants who hide from the crazy old landowner with the abolition of serfdom. In return, the relatives of the rich after his death promise the men to give off the floodborn meadows. However, the word does not restrain.

The rumor that in a kind of city lives "kind" and lucky "governor", leads the wanderers to Matrey Timofeevna. However, this disappoints them, arguing - there is no female happiness in Russia and in risen. In the chapter "Pier to the whole world", the men of the village are arranged on the Volga on the death of the landowner. Among the housing poles and Grisha Dobrons appears, the 17-year-old son of the priest.

The author created the image of a people's intercessor with a difficult history of life. The young man was born in the family of Lazy Beggaching Dycachka and breadcrumbs from a deaf sat down. Hungry childhood, a seminary, where I also had to fall out ... Do not die with the hunger helped the support and generosity of peasant neighbors helped, so love for simple people with early years originated in the heart of the hero.

From the characteristic of the character, it is clear that Grisha Dobrons sees happiness not in personal good, but that the people make it easier and easier to live. The meaning of his life path contains phrase:

"... and fifteen years
Gregory knew firmly already,
What will live for happiness
Illegal and dark
Native corner. "

Analysis of the image I. public position Nekrasov answer the question why kindness is happy. The hero is a mansion in the place of the characters of the poem, it is distinguished by the rebellious character and special perception of life. Other characters Demonstrate the submission of fate, become victims of circumstances. And Grisha - a fighter embodied the fruit of the author's reflection over the paths that would lead russian people To well-being.

According to critics, the character becomes a continuation of the image, the hero of the work of Ivan Turgenev "fathers and children", but unlike him literary Labor Nekrasov is not alone, the revolutionary fire has already thoroughly broke out in the minds of people.

The poem contains a description of the intelligent democrat, born and grown in a poor outback, which is looking for the truth in the books and kills the time for the minds. Dobrons - the poet singing a song permeated revolutionary optimism. The author's attitude to the hero is warm: Nikolai Nekrasov invested his own features and thoughts about the celebration of democracy.

The art canvas of the work of Skarsan from random meetings and conversations, in it a separate destiny, and all together creates a picture of the poor, dirty and drunk Rus standing on the threshold of changes.

The work never fell into the field of vision of directors. Although in 1989, the Poem's namesake appeared - the film "Who in Russia live is good" with, and in roles. But the picture does not turn around with the Nekrasovskaya poem: actions unfold in the postwar years of the 20th century.


"He heard his strength in his breast,
His sounds of graceful hearing
Sounds radiant anthem of noble -
He sang an embodiment of the happiness of the people! "
"He prepared fate
Path nice, Name Loud
Folk intercession
Chakhotka and Siberia. "
"Sorry - Sorry Skullochi ..."
"And I will be happy to paradise, but a door where?"
"Lader - the abyss! Thread - the abyss. "
"Oh Mother! About home!
Do not be sad about yourself, -
You, native, sorry. "
"Smart Russian peasants,
One is not good
That they drink to dive
In the piva, in the ditch roll -
It's a shame! "

Each poet, defining the creative credo, is guided by its own motives. Someone sees the meaning of his work in the glorification of the Motherland, for someone creativity - the opportunity to express your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov considered his duty to service the people. All his work is imbued with the ideas of protecting the Russian people from the arbitrariness of the authorities. Therefore, he saw a citizen primarily a poet:

Poet you can not be
But the citizen must be ...

In the poem "Who is in Russia to live well" - the main product of his life - the central way becomes people's poet Grisha Dobrons. This poem of Naffes never finished - prevented incurable disease, whose symptoms he felt in 1876, when the work was in full swing. But a dying poet for recent months Unbearable torment still wrote the latest songs.

Almost all the poems of Nekrasov, you can see the image of a real citizen who sought to make an ideal for everyone honest people Russia. In the poem "Who in Russia live is good", the search for this ideal continues throughout the development of action. The peasants depicted by the poet show themselves with persistent seekers of truth. After all, the plot of works begins with "Seven temporary-shakes ... have come together and set aside who lives having fun, freely in Russia".

Nekrasov did not idealize the peasants, knowing that many were and "Slaves last", and canvas, and born lackers. In mass scenes hears the multi-chain peasant: here and drunk voices, and sympathizers, and label aphorisms. The poet, since childhood he spent time with peasants, well studied their speech, which made it possible to make the language of the poem colorful, bright, truly creative.

Gradually, individual heroes are allocated from the folk mass. First with a naked "Drunk", "Ubogonky", I survived in your age. He is sure that it is impossible to live in Rus to a sober person - he will simply not be able to withstand unbearable labor. If it were not for drunkenness, peasant riots would not be avoided.

Relying on moral ideals People, Nekrasov created images of immigrants from the peasant environment who became fighters for the happiness of the people. And only in the final part of the work - the chapter "Pier on the whole world" - an image of a popular intellectual appears. This is Grigory Dobrozlonov. The poet did not have time to finish this part of the poem, but the image of the hero looks all the same with a holistic one.

Grisha is a leaving of the so-called disturbed medium, he is the son of the batturry and a deceka. Only the dedication of his mother and the generosity of the surrounding people did not allow Grisch himself, and his younger Brata Savva "Babies in Earth" Extract. Halfland childhood and harsh youth helped him get close to the people, determined life Path young manbecause already at a fifteenth age "Grigory firmly knew already"For whom he will die and whom will dedicate his life.

In the mouth of the hero put the author first "bitter songs", reflecting the bitter time. But closer to the end of the chapter begin to sound and " Good songs" Brighter allocated "Rus" and "Environment of the Dolly World". In the form of Grisha Dobros, the features of many revolutionaries of that time were embodied, even the name of the hero is consonant with another famous surname - Nikolai Dobrolyubova. Like the revolutionary Democrat, Grisha Dobrons - a fighter for the interests of the peasants, he is ready to go "for humiliated" and "for offended" to be the first there.

The image of the gris is realistic, but the generalized, almost conditional. This is an image of youth, aspiring forward, hoping for the best. He is all in the future, so the image of the hero turned out to be indefinite, only scheduled. Gregory is not interested in wealth, do not worry about their own well-being, he is ready to devote the lives of "So that every peasant lived freely and fun on the whole of Holy Rus!" That is why fate literary hero Predefined: life prepares Grisch "The path is nice, the name is a loud of folk upright"but at the same time - "CHAKHOTKA AND SIBERS". But the young man does not frighten the upcoming tests, as he believes in the triumph of the case, which is ready to devote all his life.

Almost all the contemporaries of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov passed just through Siberia, earning a consumers. Only "Souls are strong, loving", by the thought of the author, enter glorious, but hard way Fight for the happiness of the people. Thus, responding to main question Poys: "Who lives well in Russia?" - the author gives an unambiguous answer: fighters for folk happiness. This idea and reveals the whole point of the poem.

  • Images of landowners in the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia"
  • The image of Savelia in the poem of Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia"
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