Funny names of Russian settlements photo. Funny names of real cities, villages, streets, rivers and t

Funny names of Russian settlements photo. Funny names of real cities, villages, streets, rivers and t
Funny names of Russian settlements photo. Funny names of real cities, villages, streets, rivers and t

It cannot be said that in the territory of Russia there are very diverse names of settlements. In 45% of the names are repeated. The most common: Mikhailovka, Berezovka, Pokrovka, and settlements with the title of Aleksandrovsk there are as many as 166 pieces. But there are such names that the city has glorified to the whole country, and without an attractive history of Glory came to the settlement only because of the name.

Moscow region also boasts interesting names to its villages. One of these is Durykino. By the way, the units of residents who still have to live here are even proud of this title, because it was given by Peter I. In the construction of the king, a huge number of eggs were required, a cry was given throughout the country. Residents of modern Duykino stopped and brought to the place of construction of the walls not fresh, but boiled eggs. Then the king and nicknamed the inhabitants of the village of Fools, with time the name was also stuck.

A settlement called Radio (Odintsovo District) can be included in the list of cities with funny names. Although the origin of the name is very trivial. The settlement was formed around the end point of the host antenna, on the site of the polygon for testing of radiolinear lines.

In Solnechnogorsk district there is a village called black dirt. There are two versions of the origin of the name. According to one of them, the name of the settlement is associated with a robust, which flows there and has very turbid waters. On another legend, allegedly Catherine II, stopping along the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow, came out of the carriage and stained its snow-white shoes. The queen seemed that the land here was too black and began to call the village - black dirt.

Mamyri is another unique name of the village in the Moscow region. According to one of the legends, the name comes from the French expression Ma Marie! That is, "Mama Marie". The legend says that in ancient times some Frenchman called one of the villagers on dating, constantly repeating the "Mama Marie". So local residents and nicknamed their settlement.

According to another version, the local landlord before his death married the Frenchman and, having stolen the death, rewritten the village with her husband, pointing out the "village of Mon Mari to convey such something" in the hereditary document. In the future, they simply corrected the name under a more consonant Russian language.

By the way, in the New Fominsky district also has a village with the same name.

There is a New Lyal city in this area (Sverdlovsk region). About 12 thousand people live in it. The official date of the foundation is considered to be the first mention of the settlement in the chronicles from 1723. That year, a copper smelter plant began to build, near the village of Karaulskoe. However, historians are very doubted that the date of the foundation can be considered 1723.

And why the city was called Novaya Lyal (Sverdlovsk region), it is not clear at all, no documented data exists. Like most Ural cities, this one was founded around an industrial enterprise for copper extraction.

The lower segments in the Sverdlovsk region have an interesting name, but the city got its name because of its location - on the Serga River. It was founded on the basis of the railway and the cast-pelvil plant. At the time of founding in the district, about 20 mines were developed.

Another city is dir, the Sverdlovsk region located on the river of the same name. The date of the foundation is considered to be 1773 years. The origin of the name is not known. There is a version that translated from the Mansi language means "rocky shores". Indeed, the city of Rezh Sverdlovsk region stands on the river of the same name, where more than 60 large rocks. According to another version, the name comes from the word "duct". But there are more origins of the name of the river. In the distant times when the first settlers appeared in the place of the modern city, one of them, having seen the cluster shores at the location of the river in the Neva, exclaimed: "Batyushki, and he would see the Neuv." So the name "Dir" appeared.

There is a number. It is believed that the first fortress in these places appeared 800 years ago. And the name of the settlement received due to the sedimentary breed having a gray-whitish color called "Okoka" used for construction. So the name is preserved - the city of Owchka, which has long played a huge defensive role for Russia.

There are interesting names in the Pskov region. For example, the city is the bottom. Small in size and number of residents, a little more than 7 thousand people. This name is associated with the Russian word "bottom", which has several values, in particular means the lowest part of the valley. But the city is famous for the events of 1917. It is believed that here at the railway station Nicholas II signed his renunciation from the throne.

On the river Morning there is a small settlement - the city of Treeshovo. According to one of the versions, the town was called by the name of the owner of these lands - Lieutenant Puttova (1766).

Volgograd region

There are a village with an interesting name in this area - the Tsanta. In fact, the word "Tsats" from Kalmyk language means "Buddhist chapel". And Buddhists in this area are so called clay figurines that put together with the dead as a symbol of positive energy.

Irkutsk region

There is a village of Lohovo in the Irkutsk region, which can be included in the list of cities with funny names. Surely many heard about this settlement, as even a television scandal on renaming (2005). Then the locals have become on the defense of the name and even collected a rally against renaming. So, it remained on the map of the village of Lohovo, which was called, by the way, in honor of Mikhail Lokhov, a local rich farmer who did a lot for these places.

Kaluga region

There is a city with a ridiculous name in this area - cheap. One of the versions of the origin of the title goes during the Mongol-Tatar yoke. When all cities be taken in the district, in except for Kozelsk, the inhabitants of the modern village of Cheach were asked for the walls of the fortified town. The inhabitants of Kozelsk were cleared and let the village, with whom Tatars were held. So behind the village and the name of the cheap is preserved, that is, people who sell their fellow practically for nothing.

Oryol Region

There is another city in this area with a funny name - Mamrino, by the way, the birthplace of Zyuganov G. The settlement gave the name of the landowner, who, according to legend, was terrible and was very cruel.

Buryat AO

There is a village with a funny name in this area with a funny name. The name appeared in Soviet times due to the fact that the most profitable business for the local population was trading in manure. So Selu and gave the official name. Although there is another, which was previously - Drali, named one of the Buryat brothers, the founders of the villages in these places.

Kemerovo Region

The official name of the village of Old Worms - Starochervovo. However, the popular name has passed more and even is at a bus stop located on the track. It is believed that the official name comes from the word "Chervovo", that is, red. In the former times from copper and gold alloy, which was produced here, worked Chervonians. And where did the name of the old worms come from, it is not clear, or due to the fact that the gold killers in the process of work very much resemble the worms, or due to the fact that such a name is easier to pronounce.

Ryazan Oblast

This area also boasts by the cities of Russia with unusual names. One of these is good bees. Typing such a name with Borutnsky. Previously, when there was a waste, the monks of the theologian monastery were collected here honey on a natural apiary. In this context, the word "kind" means "benign" or "best".

By the way, there are still interesting villages in the area - good honeycomb and apiary.

Voronezh region

There is in this area the village of Khrenova. It is based on the XVIII century. In the old days on the banks of the River Bityug, where the village stands, it was a billet forest. Later, the Eagle Count on these lands founded the equestrian plant. By the way, the School of Riders works in the village to this day.

According to one of the versions, the name was given due to the fact that horseradish grown in these places. According to another version, when Catherine II passed here, he simply said a "bad road" and the name of the settlement was entrenched.

There are villages in these places with the most interesting name - vytrojask. In ancient scriptures from the XVI century, the village is mentioned under the name of Vyodrozhsky. According to one of the versions, the name is given due to the large population of the outdance in these places. But since the village is on the way, where Ekaterina II often passed, then without history it was not dealt with. They say that once the queen walked in these places and the otters were frightened. In honor of this "noble" event, the meetings of the otters and the queen, we decided to rename the village from Vyodrogogogo to Võruprovsk. But the most interesting thing is that the locals argue that the otter in these places has never been.

Transbaikal region

In Petrovsk-Transbaikalsky district, probably, very funny people had previously lived. Here there is a village of Khokhotuju, which stands on the river of fools, and nearby another river with the name like the village - Khokhotuy. The village appeared during the construction of Transsib (1899).

Although there is a version that the name happened from the Buryat word "Hogot", which is translated as "Birch". On another legend, from the word "Khokhtotui", that is, "the place where the road runs."

In Russia, there are many villages, villages and cities with unusual names. Photos of such names regularly appear on the network, where they are true and curiosity. Some of them are heard of truly strange and funny. However, it is worth noting that most of these names are heard fun only now, when some words received a double meaning. The meaning of the words of other names has already been lost, these or other words received either completely different meaning, or disappeared from the Russian language completely.

In the old days, when these settlements were just built or formed, it was often given names based on several basic principles. First, by name and surname. Such settlements such as Ivanovo, Davydovo, and so on, could be called named and the name of living families in the village, by the name and surname of the founders of the settlement or by the name of Elders. Secondly, settlements in antiquity were called on the characteristic surrounding nature - Berezovo, Posnosovo, Penkovo \u200b\u200band so on. Thirdly, the villages could call the activities of their inhabitants - pots, carpet. Fourth, the villages are called the location - the end, goes, drying, pubis and so on.

One way or another, some names seem completely unthinkable today. Many are perplexed who could come up with such strange and names that can sometimes seem likely offensive. It is worth knowing that if you understand the etymology and history of one or another name, it becomes clear that nothing funny and offensive in them was not in them, and they all appeared in good reason, have a special meaning and can even tell the fascinating history of the occurrence of the settlement .

Do you like to spend time actively and fun? Visit the Rope Park in Repino, Leningrad Region. Fascinating time and unforgettable emotions.

Strange, unusual and funny names of settlements photo

Problems with fantasy among the Russian people, of course, no. But with the names of the majority of settlements, apparently, they did not particularly bother. As a result, we have: approximately 44% of the names are repeated. A third of them is named by name (Ivanovka, Mikhailovo, Aleksandrovka ...), and a quarter - by nature (Sosnovka, Berezovka, Kalinovka ...). It is understandable: before, without "brainstorming" and creative agencies somehow managed. But there are among 165 thousand rural settlements, 1300 urban-type settlements and 1100 cities of Russia Real "Pearls" of the extraordinary folk thoughts! Cut in the memory of the names - about a thousand. Together with the regional editors, "KP" we chose two hundreds of them the moststs, in our opinion, strange and funny.

Let's start with the Perm Territory. There is a stupid village. We do not know why it is so ...

Or here is the village of Succino. I wonder how local residents belong to this name.

No less interesting how residents of the village of dudes are presented. "My name is Valera. I'm a dude "? By the way, the tablet in the village, as you see in the photo, I asked ... But in the dumps it does not soar.

And there is a village pot in the Perm Territory.

And the village of the horns convenered to them.

There are sparrows.

And there are mosquitoes. Hmm, who will risk go there in the summer?

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev true_KPru.

And Putino village. Also available.

But the village of hamster. "It seems someone eats too much!?" - I remembered from the fairy tale about Winnie Pooh.

In addition, in the Perm Territory there are such interesting settlements such as Balagura, Pakli, hares and ... Freedom!

We will be transferred to the Krasnodar region. There are not only settlements delight, but also rivers. There are, for example, rivers Herot, sheep, Kura - Sezter ..

And from the villages, the battery, for their homeland, turkey, khushka, five-thaws. Among the farms are an oasis, the first blue, the middle scobs, the first, labor Armenia, a wide gap.

But the coolest, perhaps the name of the village in this region is a fun life. You will pass by - and everything, the fun life ended ...

In Bashkiria, there are also settlements with life-affirming names. For example, the village is ahead. What is not daily motivation?

- Where are you going ?

- I'm ahead!

By the way, the locals call that they are headed, then in advance ... who like it. And how correctly - we have not yet found out.

Also in Bashkiria, the village of Friendship (local Klinchut is friendship). And there is Mars, Paris and Venice. In general, straight universe in miniature.

Let us turn to the Irkutsk region. There is a village of Zada. Against the background of the pointer, they love to photograph from the back ... but in popularity among lovers of Selfie Zada \u200b\u200bwent around the village with the sonorous name Lochovo.

In the Kemerovo region there is an antibes village. And with her, drachienino and blinking.

The Tyumen Region is famous for a considerable list of funny names. There is a coat, partisans, expathed, vagina, half, full, shortness of breath, Goldobino, sour, beautiful, angry, elbows, bad, kinder, wool, political studio, shot.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as in Bashkiria, also has its own Paris. And Fershanpenauaz is available. And even the village of Leipzig with Berlin.

In Udmurtia, there are such unusual villages: Flour-Katy, Bondiek, subhuma, Kosolapovo, Caparaway, Foal, Babino, Luke, Chur, Ultrasound. Both villages: skates, Rabegalovo, Birch, Red Fatar, Banner, Roosters, Kabaniha, Kozlovo, Banes, Small game and Big game, Challenge, Capture, Vanya-Chuo, Adam.

But the most creative people seem to live in the Pskov region! There are lit cities, a whole, tringle ... and villages: ulcers, Torchilovo, grandmother, badgers, big Want, SOS, grace, new Opel, pubis ...

... Kissels, wratbles, kisses, teeth, krivoshalpa, Lambions, undercakes ...

... as well as aliegius, wets, tumors, ass, redhead, Alahu, grandfather, Lyshi Fly, Zanogi, quickly, big wands, new life.

In the Sverdlovsk region there are such cities: Lower Sergi, dir, Novaya Lyalya (and the village of Old Lyalya is all the Novolynsky District District). And the villages are the upper bias, the lower bruise, Laya, Red Adu.

In the Yaroslavl region - Mount-Dirt, Wheat, Zhupeevo, Bukhachovo.

In the Voronezh region there is crap.

In Kaluga - the village of Tisch. The name is quite harmless and in the case: because there is a livestock farming here.

In the Lipetsk region there is a dusty village. In Vologda - whole two villages with the name end (and in Russia there are such eight).

In Crimea, there is a city of Saki, from which local made the city of Psaki. Thus, they allegedly banned the entry of the famous American.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory of Unusual and Funny Names, too, a lot. So, for example, in the Priargunsky district there is a village of fool. Here is the village of Nickname, which is named by the family of a mining engineer. There are large bots in Sretensky district. Not far from the regional capital there is a villager. And in Chernyshevsky district there is a village of Ukuuri. In the Khokok district - Khokhotuy.

And in the Murmansk region there is a village of Africand. Under the snow, African looks particularly exotic.

In the Saratov region there is a village of Loch.

And in Omsk - Babez, Big Beach, Big Murles, Volchanka, Zagadino, Lena, Pub. In Samara - the village of Cats (this is twin the cities of Myshkina Yaroslavl region). In Penza - Tatar Pendel, Chulpan, Bogdanha, a bright way, Rubezh, traffic police. In the Vladimir region allocated: the village of Red Gorbatka, the village of Bor, the village of Lyhaya. In Bryansk - Mamay, Bibiki, Zaitsev Dvor, Crimea, Varna, Bald, New Scales, Summary, Gobiki, Bumbinki, Bosakovo, Flushing, New Light, Cheerful, Hooks, Bobrik, Runlevo, Gun, Liezubovka, Spoons, Angry, Shiryaews, Shapkino ... And in the Khabarovsk Territory there is Condon village. In the Smolensk region - the village of Bodnev. In Tambov - Big Rzhax.

In Mordovia, you can find settlements with such names: Piccsy, Cudnik, Red Warrior, Syrosatino, Saleevsky Maidan. In Chuvashia - a large Murashkino village, an experienced village, the village of Khachiki. In Mari El - the village of Sumok.

In the Trinity Administrative District of Moscow there is a Babenka village.

And in the Ryazan region there was once a village lost paradise. Now no one lives there. This is a tract. It seems a much more friendly atmosphere - good bees in the local village.

In the Kostroma region there is a Piankovo \u200b\u200bvillage.

The Altai Territory distinguished himself by the villagers, a clean mane, a mosquito, a son-in-law, a high mane, a goodwill, Beshentsevo, Rasidity, Valley of Freedom, Lococcuit, True.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you can find Minerla, oblique spoons, Shalobolino and cucumbers.

There you will also intrigute the village with the mysterious name of the mystery. Why mystery? It's a secret…

By the way

5 interesting facts about settlements of Russia

1) The village "Central Manor of the Orthodox Name of the 40th anniversary of the Great October" is the longest name of the settlement in the country. I wonder if the needs of local residents are annoying to pronounce or inscribe this wow-th-long name somewhere in documents?

2) Verkhnenovoktlumbetyevo and ancient times - the longest phenyal names of settlements. It seems there, from the very childhood, and everyone is ready for work by a speaker on TV. After all, you will unsubscribe from where you ...

3) the names of two letters in Russia are 46 settlements. Of these, 11 - Yar. And there is also, for example, the three villages in the Komi are three villages with such a name. Remember this to grab the rivals, playing in the "Cities-Sala".

4) There are only two settlements in the country with the title on J. This is Yoshkar-Ola and Josefovka (village in the Smolensk region).

5) And the title of 27 settlements of Russia begins on the letter. Almost all of them in Yakutia. This, for example, Ytyk-Kuel and Shlym. In general, the city in our country is absolutely for all letters, eliminating the soft and hard sign, of course.

Big Pissa (settlement in Komi-Odory district)
Large pups (village in Tver region.)
ul. Moldustive (Smolensk region)
Mandy (Mongolia)
Cheap (village in the Kaluga region)
ul. New Russian Descent (village jacket)
Such (village on Sakhalin)
Tukhlyanka (River on Sakhalin)
Baklanny (village in the Bryansk region)
Lochovo (village on Mozhaisk w.)
FACTAK (New Guinea)
Big Stalkino (village in the Novogorod region)
Envipped (village in Tver region.)
DNO (city near Pskov)
Trusso (village in the Komi Republic)
ul. Okoyna (Kaluga)
Cocaine Mountains (River in Perm Region)
Kosyakovka (village in Bashkiria)
Kurilovka (village in Saratov region)
Shiryaevo (village in the Samara region)
Brokes (village in the Nizhny Novgorod region)
Yokosuka (city in Japan)
Big Kuyash (village in Chelyabinsk region)
Inna (village in Chukotka)
Cool farm (village in Lipetsk region)
Cool (village in Komi)
Bulls, bullie (villages in Belarus)
New Algasi (collective farm in the Ulyanovsk region)
Novopozornovo (village in Kemerovo region)
Bald Bald (River in the village Zarya, Ukraine)
Swampling harness (village in Novgorod region)
Old worms (village in Kemerovo region)
Top conception (village in Chekhovsky district)
Durakovo (village in the Kaluga region)
Hare bubble (river in Kemerovo region)
Kozyavykino (village in Kemerovo region)
Tsats (Volgograd region)
Cancer (village in Lipetsk region)
Zvernozha (river in Moscow region)
Moudovoevo (village in Belgorod region)
Yes, yes (village in the Khabarovsk Territory)
Vobl (River in the Ryazan region)
Khrenova (village in Voronezh region)
Blinds (village in the Brest region)
Big Bukhovo (village in the Vologda region)
Svetina (village in Odintsovsky district)
Blue Lephagi (village in Voronezh region)
Zhabino (village in Mordovia)
Konchinino (village near Dmitrov)
Gardening (River in Dmitrovsky district)
Dudes (village in Perm region)
Trashka (Drower in the Ulyanovsk region)
Holodrankino (village under Magnitogorsk)
Waterproof (village in Ulyanovsk region)
Red grave (Donetsk region)
Kundrewich (River under Volgograd)
Wanted (village under Ternik)
Good bees (in the Ryazan region)
Soda Uyu (store name in Bishkek)

I traveled from Novosibirsk in the winter in Sheregesh (Ski Resort in Mountain Shoria) by car. So, on this route there is a village Musokhranovo :-) Many (in winter!) Stop being photographed under the sign, and especially angry then in Photoshop change the "X" and "C" in Photoshop.
Fleas (Pskov region, Bajanitsky district)
BLAVA (Orenburg region)
Bukhachovo (Tver region, Bologovsky district)
Accounting (Moscow region)
Black dirt (Moscow region,
Solnechnogorsk rn)
Goats (Tver region)
Vagina (Tyumen region)
Lobkovo (Tver region, Kashinsky district)
Pops (Volgograd region, Kotovsky district)
Scrotum (Kaluga region, Meshovsky district)
Siskovsky (village in the Volgograd region)
Kakkorkovaya (Stanitsa? Volgograd region)
Tumors (Pskov region, Novel district)
Drochevo (Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district)
Kalino (Arkhangelsk region, Mezensky district)
Kaka (Republic of Dagestan, Akhtynsky district)
Kakino (Nizhny Novgorod region, Gaginsky district)
Urine (river in the Moscow region, Podolsky district)
Sica (Republic of Dagestan, Tabasar district)
Exchange (Tambov region)
Lower Blavkovo (Kaluga region, Savior Demensky district)
Machene End (Tver Region)
Khrenische (Voronezh region, Bobrovsky district)
Big and Small Lohovo (Tver region, Ostashkovsky district)
1st and 2nd Matyukovo (Tula region, Suvorov district)
Pankino (Moscow region, Shatursky district)
Mamrino (Oryol region)
TahtiMukai village and Dramukai (Krasnodar Territory)
Kalishchevo (suburb of St. Petersburg)
Village Moshonka (Tver region, Lake Seliger)
Village Cook (Tver Region)
Udslyaevka (village, Samara region)
Fools (village, Krasnoyarsk Territory)
Kileakovka (village, Volgograd region)
Neconry (Lithuania)
Suwalki (Poland)
Maza (River, Smar region)
Radio (village, Moscow region)
In Sochi, there is "Katkova gap"
Kiska (village, Poltava region, Ukraine)
Konoplyanka (village, Ukraine)
Bladishchevo (village, Moscow region)
Coffins (village, Ukraine)
B.Ladi (on the highway Kiev-Kharkov there is with. Big beds ... near the track a huge stop, on which healthy letters are written: B. Lyady :-)))
Gadyushnik (village, Ukraine)
Support (village, Kiev region, Ukraine)
Small bulls (village, Western Ukraine IV-FR. Area)
Dry (River, Ukraine)
Half (in Ukraine)
Big Swing (if you go through the Borov highway towards the area, there will be a settlement)
On the way from Tara to Omsk are located:
R. Bernja;
from. Shoe;
from. Schuevosis;
R. Nyukhalovka;
from. Taksk;
R. Bye;
from. Kurbanovo;
from. Big Murles;
R. Inhley;
from. Starokarasuk;
from. Chebacles;
from. Respectful bias;
R. Avulha ...
River hole (village Belousovo, Kaluga Region)
Lomla (Ivanovo region)
Place Bukharovo (Ivanovo region)
Village Paris (Chelyabinsk region)
Castle Upper Mamon and Lower Mamon (Voronezh region)
In the Omsk region there is a place where people clearly lived with a special fantasy ... There are rivers Yi, Tui, Sik, ay, urn, Miss, decoration, Kuyara. In general, do not list ...
D. Flywater! (Voronezh region) "
In the Sverdlovsk region there are villages a large and small bruise.
Pindushi village (Medvezhiegorsky district, Karelia)
der. Shamordino (Kaluga region)
Vasa River (Kaluga Region)
der. Matyukovo (Kaluga region)
In Ryazanskaya area there are villages of Tyukovo and Pyleovo, good honeycomb, Kondobyevo and many others.
Village Golubinka and Kunashak (Chelyabinsk region)
In Ukraine, in Vinnitsa region there is a city of Kryzhopol,
Village of Konchinka (Tula region)
Street traffic deadlock (Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine)
And in the Ulyanovsk region, there is a village under the title of inside the villain, but there is a village of Sichaphea in Karelia.
from. Small Homuts (Voronezh Region)
Not far from Nizhny Novgorod there is a village "Gnilitsky courtyards"
On the way from Rostov-on-Don in Armavir (in my opinion, in the Krasnodar Territory) I saw the village of South-North !!! The story is: there were two villages separated by the river - North and South. And then they combined them)))))
I wanted to offer you to add a large goat to the common collection, which is in the Pozlyl district of the Kaluga region
Additions at the ultimate request of Schurika:
Alupka (Ukr. Alupka, Krymskotat. Alupka) The city on the southern coast of Crimea is included in the Yalta Region of the Republic
15 kilometers from Kursk on the highway Moscow-Belgorod there is a chicken village, and in the Staroscolsky district of the Belgorod region there is a river Svlya.
In Zaraia district, the Moscow region there are such villages as:
And a little away towards Ryazan the village called Klinbeldin ...
Villages Khachiki and Ishaki.
In the Samara region there is a degraded borgon.
The village of Sukaevka, and in five kilometers from him there is a village of Mochaleevka.
Fuchaniotovo village in Kuznetsk region.
In Voronezh region there are populated points: Khrenova, Blue Lipyagi, Komyag
By the Bryansk region:
R. Rotten
d. puddles,
pos. Pookyovo
d. Borodynka,
PGT. Mamai
pos. Happy,
d. Chapai,
R. Duck
River Dreams,
d. Bobrik,
pos. Calf,
pos. Oak.
In the Ryazan region not far from Uhlovo, is H. Verekkin (?)
In the Pskov region on the border with the Republic of Belarus, there is a settlement called Lobok ...
In our Altai Territory there is a village of edema. In winter, often the snow flashes the field and remains vodka))
We still have the village of Ebunovo)))
We have in the Oryol region near the town of Livna there is a settlement of moisture.
Balakovo (Saratov region), N / P Tupilokino.
Village Zalyupeya (Kotlassky district, Arkhangelsk region)
Near the city of Sochi there is the village of Top Bou.
Cucumber Village (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Abania District)
Rural settlement Chuvash Eshtebenkino (Samara region)
Village Love Labor (Samara region)
In the Tyumen region there is still a merry mane village.
Volctera, Cousing, Antonata (Perm Region)
Ponozovo (Udmurtia)
Schnyaevo (Saratov region)
In the Udmurt Republic there is a village Pedonicovo.
1. Load (Republic of Buryatia, Bichur district)
2. Head head (Magadan region, Olsky district)
3. Lobby (Bryansk region)
4.The showroom of the old woman (Republic of Belarus)
Village Dzellyanchevo (Mozhaisk district)
Village Borduki (Shatursky District)
Village Kerva (Shatursky district)
Village Skuping Potudan (Voronezh region)
Village Corn (Belgorod region)
Village Kudrevatik (Ivanovo region)
P. Oorevo (Dmitrovsky district)
In Slovakia, too, there is a lot of interesting things: the village of Figa, Urine, Croatian coffin, Polish rabbit, gathering, Zhabocrek, mares
In the Sosnovsky district of the Tambov region until recently, small navels were village.
When you go from the Perm Territory to Udmurtia, on the way there are several points with funny names: engine, horse, airplane, tractor. Funny. Where do you live? In the tractor!
Village Pypsino (Ivanovo region)
In the Oryol region there is a village of Pelica.
In the Altai Territory there is a town Orlean, a pity just not new.
pos. Ushmary (Domodedovo District)
a) not far from Gatchina there is a village "Lyadino"
b) on the highway SPb-Narva there is a village "Gomantovo"
c) in the Pskov region, the Krasnogodsky district, the villages "Sun" and "Tears"
Village Paris (Ural)
Glukhov (Ukraine, Sumy region)
Lime Valley (Ukraine, Sumy region)
Kobeliki (Ukraine, Poltava region)
Lochwitsa (Ukraine, Poltava region)
Red Baran (Tatarstan)
Goat forehead (Saratov region)
Butyrov (Saratov region)
Brigaria (Saratov region)
Russian Pendant (Penza Region)
Muscle (Ryazan Region)
Shushpan-Olshanka (Tambov region)
Papus Mountain (Mordovia)
Noodle (Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Macha Rodnikov (Penza Region)
FLB (Saratov region)
When I drove from Gelendzhik to Archo-Osipovka (Krasnodar Territory), on the way I met the village "Wide gap".
In the Komi Republic there is the village of Mandakh.
In the Simferopol highway, you first pass the river the river, then a little further River Ryzhika, everything, as they say, editable :)
In the Chelyabinsk region there is a river uy, and there are ai ah, ah is right in our city of Zlatoust. Ah - Means "Moon" in Tatar :))
On Vyatka (Kirov region) there is a village Bonotuli. Normal name, because At the local dialect: BVD - splashing the water to the stove in the bath.
Here are funny names in Kuban:
- a broken boiler (big Sochi)
- a supervisor (Mostovskaya district)
- Economic (Crimean district)
- Has Kura-Tsetse (hot-moving area)
- a battery (Temryuk district)
-Hutor Merry life (on the border of the Krylovsky and Pavlovsky district). It is on the federal highway and right behind the sign "Merry Life" is a cemetery)
- Staromyshastovskaya and Novomyshastovskaya
Krasnichlye - village on the left bank of the Ponoy River in the Lovozzersky district of the Murmansk region.
In the Chita region there is a village Gazimur Kavyucchi. Charm. Not far to Khokhotuy and Duldurg.
There is a village of Loch in the Saratov region
In the Khabarovsk Territory there are two rivers with the title: Small heaps and big heaps
In the Udmurt Republic there are villages of Nyrgynd and Byrgynda.
Village Big Mami (Verkhneuslonian District)
Cat village (Alkeevsky district)
Village new mustache (Muslyamovsky district)
Vedem Shirty village (Bugulminsky district)
Village Pravas (Tetyush district)
Sorry Sorry (Nizhnekamsky district)
And in the Ruza district of MO, there is Mars village))).
Beautiful tumor seat (Nevelsky district of the Pskov region).
Louchi (Karelia)
Huhamakh (Finland)
Shchedrishchevo (Donetsk region)
"Huhamakh" (Finland)
Railway station Huchcumyaki (former military town) in Lachdenpokhsky district of the Republic of Karelia, and the post office is called Hukhoyymak. Translated from the Finnish Language of Huchcumyaki (Hukhoyemyaki) means "Filina Mountain". After being located on the shore of the wonderful lake Pikeyarvi (Zaoleachey Lake), and the school in which I studied there was called Lankyarvikül. Such here are unusual hearing name!
There are three interesting villages in the Ryazan region: our, yours and dreams and great.
Under Kislovodsky (Stavropol Territory) there is a village of Jaga Jag.
Village Beachie (Khabarovsk Territory)
The village of Large Sodom (Saratov region) Non-residential pos. Estonians (Saratov region) The village of Old Boars (Republic of Bashkortostan, Krasnokamsky district) And a couple of years ago, somewhere in Russia disappeared from the map Settlement Economic cleans.
The following settlements were passed in the Chuvash Republic (although I do not know what they designate in the local language, but for the Russian ear and the eyes are funny, I'm sorry!): Mikakasa, Yaushi, Oppukassi. And in the Vladimir region, a turn on Puzzling Mountain and the village (or the village) is Lyhaya fire. And in the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a terror village, the village of the sun.
In the Kirov region a long time ago is a story: "For Suna, for Puzhow, for the funele and for Warm." Suna, thaw, pepper, warranty rivers of the Kirov region.
Village Soskovo (Taldomsky district, Moscow region.),
Village Chemodurovo (Moscow region, Resurrection District)
Kalische - village on the West Bank of Selijarovsky Plesa. Currently, the village of Sigovka, the remainshkovsky district is administratively included in the village. The Kalichensky lake is 80 kilometers from St. Petersburg, in the vicinity of the city of Sosnovy Bor.
But in Slovenia, there is a radio "Czkka" in the city of Novo, the village of Zovnyach, the Mountain of Govnik in Nats. Park "Triglav" and Viaduct "Black Cal" on one of the autobahn (in the detour of the eponymous village). And many other names are pretty fun: Mrzli-student, jerlets, in the edge, Pokoimishche, Schmarier, Skmariet, Clap, Kralya, Scholtiny ...

Villages with the name of Krenovo in Russia as much seven! This one is in the Ivanovo region. Photo: Andrei Kara

Tupitsa, Succino, Bukhachovo, Lochovo, Khrenovo ... Among the 170 thousand settlements of the country we chose those by which you can not drive without emotions

Problems with fantasy among the Russian people, of course, no. But with the names of the majority of settlements, apparently, they did not particularly bother. As a result, we have: approximately 44% of the names are repeated. A third of them is named by name (Ivanovka, Mikhailovo, Aleksandrovka ...), and a quarter - by nature (Sosnovka, Berezovka, Kalinovka ...). It is understandable: before, without "brainstorming" and creative agencies somehow managed. But there are among 165 thousand rural settlements, 1300 urban-type settlements and 1100 cities of Russia Real "Pearls" of the extraordinary folk thoughts! Cut in the memory of the names - about a thousand. Together with the regional editors, "KP" we chose two hundreds of them the moststs, in our opinion, strange and funny.

Let's start with the Perm Territory. There is a stupid village. We do not know why it is so ...

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev

Or here is the village of Succino. I wonder how local residents belong to this name.

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev

And Putino village. Also available.

But the village of hamster. "It seems someone eats too much!?" - I remembered from the fairy tale about Winnie Pooh.

In the Kemerovo region there is an antibes village. And with her, drachienino and blinking.

The Tyumen Region is famous for a considerable list of funny names. There is a coat, partisans, expathed, vagina, half, full, shortness of breath, Goldobino, sour, beautiful, angry, elbows, bad, kinder, wool, political studio, shot.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as in Bashkiria, also has its own Paris. And Fershanpenauaz is available. And even the village of Leipzig with Berlin.

In Udmurtia, there are such unusual villages: Flour-Katy, Bondiek, subhuma, Kosolapovo, Caparaway, Foal, Babino, Luke, Chur, Ultrasound. Both villages: skates, Rabegalovo, Birch, Red Fatar, Banner, Roosters, Kabaniha, Kozlovo, Banes, Small game and Big game, Challenge, Capture, Vanya-Chuo, Adam.

But the most creative people seem to live in the Pskov region! There are lit cities, a whole, tringle ... and villages: ulcers, Torchilovo, grandmother, badgers, big Want, SOS, grace, new Opel, pubis ...

Kozvovki, wratbles, kisses, teeth, krivoshalpa, Lambons, undercurrent ...

And also a fat, wets, tumors, ass, redhead, Alahu, grandfather, Lyshi Fly, Zanogi, quickly, big wands, new life.

In the Sverdlovsk region there are such cities: Lower Sergi, dir, Novaya Lyalya (and the village of Old Lyalya is all the Novolynsky District District). And the villages are the upper bias, the lower bruise, Laya, Red Adu.

In the Yaroslavl region - Mount-Dirt, Wheat, Zhupeevo, Bukhachovo.

In the Voronezh region there is crap.

In Kaluga - the village of Tisch. The name is quite harmless and in the case: because there is a livestock farming here.

In the Lipetsk region there is a dusty village. In Vologda - whole two villages with the name end (and in Russia there are such eight).

In Crimea, there is a city of Saki, from which local made the city of Psaki. Thus, they allegedly banned the entry of the famous American.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory of Unusual and Funny Names, too, a lot. So, for example, in the Priargunsky district there is a village of fool. Here is the village of Nickname, which is named by the family of a mining engineer. There are large bots in Sretensky district. Not far from the regional capital there is a villager. And in Chernyshevsky district there is a village of Ukuuri. In the Khokok district - Khokhotuy.

And in the Murmansk region there is a village of Africand. Under the snow, African looks particularly exotic.

In the Saratov region there is a village of Loch.

And in Omsk - Babez, Big Beach, Big Murles, Volchanka, Zagadino, Lena, Pub. In Samara - the village of Cats (this is twin the cities of Myshkina Yaroslavl region). In Penza - Tatar Pendel, Chulpan, Bogdanha, a bright way, Rubezh, traffic police. In the Vladimir region allocated: the village of Red Negotia, the village of Bor, the village of Lyhaya. In Bryansk - Mamay, Bibiki, Zaitsev Dvor, Crimea, Varna, Bald, New Scales, Summary, Gobiki, Bumbinki, Bosakovo, Flushing, New Light, Cheerful, Hooks, Bobrik, Runlevo, Gun, Liezubovka, Spoons, Angry, Shiryaews, Shapkino ... And in the Khabarovsk Territory there is Condon village. In the Smolensk region - the village of Bodnev. In Tambov - Brostrox.

In Mordovia, you can find settlements with such names: Piccsy, Cudnik, Red Warrior, Syrosatino, Saleevsky Maidan. In Chuvashia - a large Murashkino village, an experienced village, the village of Khachiki. In Mari El - the village of Sumok.

In the Trinity Administrative District of Moscow there is a Babenka village.

And in the Ryazan region there was once a village lost paradise. Now no one lives there. This is a tract. It seems a much more friendly atmosphere - good bees in the local village.

In the Kostroma region there is a Piankovo \u200b\u200bvillage.

By the way

5 interesting facts about settlements of Russia

1) The village "Central Manor of the Orthodox Name of the 40th anniversary of the Great October" is the longest name of the settlement in the country. I wonder if the needs of local residents are annoying to pronounce or inscribe this wow-th-long name somewhere in documents?

2) Verkhnenovoktlumbetyevo and ancient times - the longest phenyal names of settlements. It seems there, from the very childhood, and everyone is ready for work by a speaker on TV. After all, you will unsubscribe from where you ...

3) the names of two letters in Russia are 46 settlements. Of these, 11 - Yar. And there is also, for example, the three villages in the Komi are three villages with such a name. Remember this to grab the rivals, playing in the "Cities-Sala".

4) There are only two settlements in the country with the title on J. This is Yoshkar-Ola and Josefovka (village in the Smolensk region).

5) And the title of 27 settlements of Russia begins on the letter. Almost all of them in Yakutia. This, for example, Ytyk-Kuel and Shlym. In general, the city in our country is absolutely for all letters, eliminating the soft and hard sign, of course.

And what funny names of settlements of Russia do you know? We are waiting for your comments!