Problems of work Master and Margarita (Bulgakov Mikhail). Problems of Work Master and Margarita (Bulgakov Mikhail) Philosophy as a sign of high classics

Problems of work Master and Margarita (Bulgakov Mikhail). Problems of Work Master and Margarita (Bulgakov Mikhail) Philosophy as a sign of high classics

Roman Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", which the writer devoted 12 years of his life, is considered to be a real pearl of world literature. The work was the peak of the creativity of Bulgakov, in which he touched upon the eternal themes of good and evil, love and betrayal, faith and disbelief, life and death. In the "Master and Margarita", the analysis is needed the most complete, since the novel is characterized by a special depth and complexity. A detailed analysis plan for the work of the "Master and Margarita" will allow grades of grade 11 better to prepare for the lesson of literature.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1928-1940.

History of creation - The source of inspiration for the writer became the tragedy of Goethe "Faust". The initial records were destroyed by the rampant eggs, but after restored. They served as the basis for writing a novel over which Mikhail Afanasyevich worked for 12 years.

Subject - The central theme of the novel is the confrontation of good and evil.

Composition "The" Master and Margarita "composition is quite complex - this is a double romance or novel in the novel, in which the plot lines of the master and pontium of Pilate are being conducted parallel to each other.

Genre - Roman.

Direction - Realism.

History of creation

For the first time, the writer thought about the future novel in the mid-20s. The impetus for his writing was the brilliant work of the German poet Goethe Faust.

It is known that the first sketches to the novel were made in 1928, but neither the master nor Margarita did not appear in them. Central characters in the initial version were Jesus and Woland. There were also a lot of variations in the name of the work, and they all spin around the mystical hero: "Black Mag", "Prince of Darkness", "Kopito engineer", "Voland's tour". Only shortly before his death, after numerous edits and meticulous criticism, Bulgakov renamed his novel to Master and Margarita.

In 1930, extremely displeasing written, Mikhail Afanasyevich burned 160 pages of manuscript. But two years later, finding a miracle of the survivored sheets, the writer restored his literary work and again began to work. Interestingly, the initial version of the novel was restored and published 60 years later. In the novel called "The Great Chancellor" there were neither margaritis nor the master, and the gospel chapters were reduced to one - "Gospel from Juda."

Bulgakov worked on the work, which became the crown of all his creativity, until the last days of life. He infinitely made amendments, reworked chapters, added new characters, corrected their characters.

In 1940, the writer is seriously ill, and was forced to dictate the rifle of his faithful wife Elena. After the death of Bulgakov, she tried to publish a novel, but for the first time the work saw the light only in 1966.


"Master and Margarita" is a complex and incredibly multifaceted literary work, in which the author was submitted to the court of reader many different topics: love, religion, sinful essence of man, betrayal. But, in fact, all of them are only parts of a complex mosaic, a skillful framed main topic - Eternal confrontation of good and evil. At the same time, each topic is tied to its heroes and intertwined with other novel characters.

Central theme The novel, of course, serves the topic of all-consuming, long-faced love masters and margaritas, which can survive all the difficulties and tests. Introducing these characters, Bulgakov incredibly enriched his work, gave him a completely different, more terrestrial and understandable to the reader.

No less important in the novel is problem of choicewhich is particularly colorically shown on the example of the relationship between Pilate and Yeshua. According to the author, the most terrible vice is cowardice, which caused the death of an innocent preacher and life punishment for Pilate.

In the "Master and Margarita" writer brightly and convincingly shown problems of human defaultswhich do not depend on the religion or from social status or the temporary era. Throughout the novel, the main characters have to deal with moral issues, choose one or another path for themselves.

Main thought The works are the harmonious interaction of good and evil forces. The struggle between them is as old as the world, and will continue until people are alive. Good can not exist without evil, as well as the existence of evil is impossible without good. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe eternal opposition of these forces is permeated by all the work of the writer who sees the main task of a person in choosing the right path.


The composition of the novel is characterized by complexity and originality. In essence, this roman in Roman: In one of them, it is told about Pontius Pilate, in the second - about the writer. At first it seems that there is nothing in common between them, however, during the novel, the relationship between the two storylines becomes an obvious.

At the end of the work, Moscow and the ancient city of Yershalaim connect, and the events occur simultaneously in two dimensions. Moreover, they occur in the same month, a few days before Easter, but only in one "novel" - in the 30s of the twentieth century, and in the second in the 1930s of the new era.

Philosophical line The novel is represented by Pilate and Yeshua, a love-master and margarita. However, the work has a separate story line, To the edges filled with mysticism and satire. The main characters of it are Muscovites and a width of Woland, represented by incredibly bright and charismatic characters.

At the end of the novel, the plot lines are connected in one for all points - eternity. Such a kind of product composition constantly keeps the reader in voltage, causing genuine interest in the plot.

main characters


Genre "Master and Margarita" to determine very difficult - so many people is a work. Most often it is defined as a fantastic, philosophical and satirical novel. However, it can easily find signs and other literary genres: realism is intertwined with fiction, mysticism is adjacent to philosophy. Such an unusual literary alloy makes the work of Bulgakov truly unique to which there are no analogues in the domestic or foreign literature.

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 4233.

There is a difficult fate for the share of works. During the life of the author, only the first part of his novel was published

"White Guard", a book of fantastic and satirical prose, a cycle of stories "Notes of the Young Enemy" and numerous newspaper fells. Only in the sixties, the writer came wide

kaya Fame and, alas, posthumous glory. Mikhail Afanasyevich was born in Kiev on the Vozdvizhenskaya Street in May 1891. His father was a teacher of the Spiritual Academy, the mother in his youth worked as a teacher. The house on the Andreev descent, the atmosphere of family heat, intelligence and education remained forever in the consciousness of the writer.

After graduating from the first Kiev gymnasium, he enters the medical faculty of the university. Like other figures of Russian culture, published from the dispenser and gained an excellent education, Mikhail had clear ideas about the honor of the Russian intellectual, which never changed.

It can be safe to say that the final product A, which made all the ideas and thoughts of the writer, who sounded in earlier works, became the novel "Master and Margarita?. It is not surprising that the novel this polyphonic is rich in complex philosophical and moral problems, captures a wide range of topics. A lot of critical articles were written about the "master and margarita", the novel investigated literary criticism of different countries of the world. The novel contains several layers of meaning, it is unusually deep and complicated.

We will try to briefly describe the problems of the work and its connection with the main heroes of the novel. The deepest philosophical problem is the problem of the relationship between power and individuals, power and artist - is reflected in several storylines. The novel is atmosphere of fear, the political persecution of the 1930s, which the author himself encountered. Most of all the topic of oppression, the persecution of an extraordinary, talented personality is present in the fate of the master. No wonder this image is largely autobiographical. However, the theme of the government, its deep impact on psychology and the soul of a person is also manifested in the history of Yeshua and Pilate.

The originality of the composition of the novel is that the story-based story based on the evangelical story is in the plot fabric of the story about the fate of the Moscow inhabitants - the story of Yeshua Ga-Nochri and Pontius Pilate. Here is a subtle psychologist a. Pilate - carrier of power. This causes the duality of the hero, his spiritual drama. The government that the prosecutor is endowed with, conflict with the impulse of his soul, not deprived of a sense of justice, good and evil. Yeshua, selflessly believing in a bright start in man, can not realize and take the actions of power, its blind despotism. Faced with the deaf power, the poor philosopher dies. However, in the soul, the pilate of Yeshua marked doubt and repentance, which tormented the procurator for a long century. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bpower is connected in the novel with the problem of mercy and forgiveness.

To understand these issues, the image of Margarita and the posthumous fate of two heroes loving each other are important. For and mercy above revenge, above personal interests. Margarita grims the apartment of Critique of the Latunsky, who destroyed the master, but reject the proposal to destroy his enemy. After the Bala at Satan

the heroine is primarily asking for the suffering Frido, forgetting his own passionate desire to return the master,

Indicates its heroes the path of mental update, transformation. Roman with his mysticism, fantastic episodes challenges rationalism, bosomism, vulgarity and meanness, as well as Gordin and sincere deafness. So, Berlioza with his self-satisfied confidence in tomorrow the writer leads to death under the wheels of the tram. Ivan Homeless, on the contrary, it turns out to be able to transform, refusing past misconceptions. There is another interesting motive here - the motive of spiritual awakening occurs with the loss of the fact that in the oblique society is considered reason. It is in a psychiatric hospital that Ivan Homeless is decided not to write more of his miserable poems. Condemns the militant atheism, which does not have a true moral basis. An important idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, approved by his novel, is the thought of immortality of art. "Manuscripts are not burning," says Woland. But many bright ideas live among the people of Olagoda-ary students who continue the case of the teacher. That is Levin Matvey. Such and Ivanushka, who master instructs "Write a Continued" of his novel. Thus, the author declares the continuity of ideas, their inheritance. Unusually interpretation of the Bulgakov "Evil Forces" function, devil. Woland and his retinue, being in Moscow, returned to life decency, honesty, karaly evil and lie. It was Woland that leads the masters and his handicress in their "Eternal House", giving them peace. Peace's motive is also significant in bulgakovskynovel.

We must not forget about bright, wonderful expressiveness and satirical sharp pictures of Moscow life. There is a concept "BulmOSCOW MOSCOW ", which appeared thanks to the writer's talent to march the details of the world and recreate them on the pages of their works,

The problems of the novel "Master and Margarita" are complex and diverse, understanding it requires serious research. However, it can be said that each reader penetrates his depth in its depth bulgakovskyplan, discovering new faces of the writer's talent. The reader with a sensitive soul and developed mind cannot but love this unusual, bright and attractive work. That is why talent and won so many sincere fans all over the world.

Problems of the novel "Master and Margarita"

Literature and library studies

Most of all the topic of oppression of the persecution of an extraordinary talented personality is present in the fate of the master. Margarita grims the apartment of the critic of the Latunsky destroying master but rejects the offer to destroy his enemy. After the ball, Satan, the heroine is primarily asking for the suffering Frido forgetting about his own passionate desire to return the Master. It was Woland that leads the masters and his girlfriend in their eternal house gives them peace.

8. Problems of the novel "Master and Margarita"

The deepest philosophical problem is a problemrelationship between power and personality The authorities and the artist are reflected in several storylines. The novel is atmosphere of fear, the political persecution of the 1930s, which the author himself encountered. Most of all the topic of oppression, the persecution of an extraordinary, talented personality is present in the fate of the master. No wonder this image is largely autobiographical. However, the theme of the government, its deep impact on psychology and the soul of a person is also manifested in the history of Yeshua and Pilate. The originality of the composition of the novel is that the story-based story based on the evangelical story is in the plot fabric of the story about the fate of the Moscow inhabitants - the story of Yeshua Ga-Nochri and Pontius Pilate. Here the subtle psychologist Bulgakov is revealed. Pilate - carrier of power. This causes the duality of the hero, his spiritual drama. The government that the prosecutor is endowed with, conflict with the impulse of his soul, not deprived of a sense of justice, good and evil. Yeshua, selflessly believing in a bright start in man, can not realize and take the actions of power, its blind despotism. Faced with the deaf power, the poor philosopher dies. However, in the soul, the pilate of Yeshua marked doubt and repentance, which tormented the procurator for a long century. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bpower is connected in the novel with the problemmercy and Forgiveness.

To understand these issues, the image of Margarita and the posthumous fate of two heroes loving each other are important. For Bulgakov, mercy above revenge, above personal interests. Margarita grims the apartment of the critic of the Latunsky, who destroyed the master, but rejects the offer to destroy his enemy. After the ball, Satan heroine is primarily asking for the suffering Frido, forgetting his own passionate desire to return the master.Bulgakov points out its heroes the path of spiritual update, transformation. Roman with his mysticism, fantastic episodes challenges rationalism, bosomism, vulgarity and meanness, as well as Gordin and sincere deafness. So, Berlioza with his self-satisfying confidence in tomorrow the writer leads to death under the wheels of the tram. Ivan Homeless, on the contrary, it turns out to be able to transform, refusing past misconceptions. Here is another interesting motive -motive of spiritual awakeningcoming with the loss of the fact that in the oblique society is considered reason. It is in a psychiatric hospital that Ivan Homeless is decided not to write more of his miserable poems. Bulgakov condemns militant atheism, not having a true moral basis. An important idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, approved by his novel, is the thought of immortality of art. "Manuscripts are not burning," says Woland. But many bright ideas live among people thanks to students who continue the teacher's work. Takov Levi Matvey. Such and Ivanushka, who master instructs "Write a Continued" of his novel. Thus, the author declares the continuity of ideas, their inheritance. Unusually interpretation of the Bulgakov "Evil Forces" function, devil. Woland and his retinue, being in Moscow, returned to life decency, honesty, karaly evil and lie. It was Woland that leads the masters and his girlfriend in their "Eternal House", giving them peace.Motive rest Also significant in the Bulgakov novel. We must not forget about bright, wonderful expressiveness and satirical sharp pictures of Moscow life. There is the concept of "Bulgakovskaya Moscow", which appeared thanks to the talent of the writer, notice the details of the world and recreate them on the pages of their works.

Bulgakov widely illuminates the problem of customer and society relationships and facesthe loneliness of a creative personality. Master's novel, the meaning of his life, not accepted by society. Moreover, he strongly reject criticism, even being unpublished. What did the master wanted to tell people? He wanted to convey to them the need for faith, the need to search for truth. With solitude wizard consonantloneliness of Pilate Pilate. He would seem to be all for a happy life: money, power, fame ... This is exactly what should encourage people around him to communicate with him. But upon the first acquaintance with the Pilate, we notice some kind of tomorrow of his soul. He has not yet felt lonely, but it's not by chance that Yeshua tells him: "The truth is primarily that you have a headache ..." Yeshua sees conscience in it, he sees the non-equilibrium to people (because the expression "headache" has a figurative meaning) . The loneliness of Pilate is not only evidence that he moved away from the ordinary bustle and approached the understanding of truth. This is also a punishment. The punishment for the fact that he was neglected by consideration, preferred to fulfill the law of Yerschalaimsky, putting the highest law.

Margarita in the novel is a carrierhuge, poetic and inspirational lovewhich the author called the "eternal". And the more unattractive, "boring, curves" appears before us by the alley, where this love arises, the more unusual it turns out this feeling that broke down "zipper". Margarita is fighting for the masters. Agreeing to be a queen on a great full moon ball, she returns masters with Voland. Together with him, she goes into eternity with him under the spokes of cleansing thunderstorm.

One of the most interesting problems of the novel "Master and Margarita" -the problem of creativity. Bulgakov described brightly and expressively described the world of literary conjuncture, which represented the world's word writer. It can be said that here the Bulgakov uses the method of comparing the types of writers. The master managed to rise above the society, almost separated himself in the basement. He almost did not have acquaintances in Moscow. This gave him freedom to create what the conscience of a moral man, the feather of a free writer and the talent of the Master. And sooner or later he had to show his romance to the world. And then he began to judge people like Latowsky. Did they understand that they raise her hand on the creation of eternal? Perhaps they understood how from time to time and on them, as on Berlioz, found fear. It was a hidden fear of the fact that in addition to the authorities, which feeds them and raishes on someone, there are higher strength. But they are accustomed to live without making themselves questions. The main thing - if only it was satisfied. It is not by chance that the scene in the restaurant is so similar to the scene of the Great Bala of Satan. There is no doubt and an ironic image of the corridors and the Cabinets of the Writer Union, where the inscriptions are completely distant from creativity. This is a peculiar distributor of material goods, and only. Not a single relationship to creativity is not. So, the irony of hippopotamus and korovyva, who reflect on loud about the talents of Griboyedov's houses, is fully understood. This writers do not need certificates about who they are, - just read several pages of their works. But they pretend to be great writers. Ivan Homeless is quite successful first fits into this circle. But it is endowed with a living soul, although it has an undeveloped mind. Just this young man was brought up in a discernibility in an era, when temples and souls were destroyed. Faced with incomprehensible, he is deprived, first of all, lies and refuses writing. He is young, and the author hopes that he will also understand the truth. Ivan Evroa became a professor, however, did not reach the freedom, without which creativity is impossible. Did its master acquire? Yes and no. After all, he could not fight for his novel. Therefore, she deserved peace. The fate of the master, as well as the fate of Ivan the homeless, is the fate of those who tried to honestly and uncomprombly to figure out where the truth, and where is a lie, and know the truth. It is on them that the city of Bulgakov is hoped and the city of Bulgakov.

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"Master and Margarita" is a work of a fantastic re-lizma, leading tradition from Goethe, Hoffman, Gogol, Welfman. The realistic image of reality is combined with phantasmagoria, deviliad; Satira is intertwined with deep psychologism and lyrical emotional tonality.

In the novel, the events unfold in three philosophical-temporal plans: the real present is a satirical image of the morals and the customs of Moscow 1920-1930. and a dramatic story about love and work, about the master and margarita; Fantastic plan - the adventure of Voland and his suits in modern Moscow; The final of the novel, in which Voland's retinue is worn into the sky and in the demon, turning into the knights, and Margarita goes into infinity; The historical plan is represented by biblical stories: on the one hand, this is a book that Mas-Ter, on the other, on the other hand, transfers Woland into the depths of historical biblical times.

Satirical "The aspect of the Roman is associated with the image of the modern writer of Moscow and its inhabitants. Bulgakov shows many typical features of Moscow ordinary people. In the scene in the varnight, there are no-mindedness, vulgarity, challenging, greed of Muscovites. There are a phantasmagoric image of the institution singing by choir as a satirical symbol of a good-breeding of the thoughts and feelings of "citizens" of the country; Grotesque about the costume, signing paper without its Owner Petrovich. The activities of the massolist with his cash registers, dachas, tickets, with his "best in Moscow" in Moscow, is lit. with its "best in Moscow", where the buffetter sells sturgeon "second freshness", with a mandatory membership card, "brown-out, smelling dear skin, with a gold wide border ", Without which the writer is not a writer at all, whether it is even worthy-evous.

Satira in the novel occurs everywhere, where Woland and his retinue turns out. They are cruel to evil, they open it, ridicule, mocking over him. Fantastic and satyric, wagging, create an absurd, phantasmagoric picture of Moscow of the 1930s.

The philosophical layer "Masters and Margarita" includes any problems. One of the mains is the problem of creativity and fate of the writer.

In the master of Bulgakov embodied his attitude towards creativity, his thoughts about creativity. The master is all in the power of imagination, he is not from this world. He is a devotee: "The apartments and weeks fly outside the windows, we replace each other of the seasons - and the master does not raise the head over the manuscript." Roman does not promise him success and recognition. He is destined only to survive the shortest minute: "Oh, how I guess! Oh, how I was guess! " - He will enthusiastly, having heard the story of the homeless about Pontius Pilate. The fate of the Mas-Tera is revealed by the philosophical essence of creativity - a condom to miserable bustle, vanity, pride, continuity of the Du-Khovna Communication of the present and the past, selflessness.

Bulgakov does not accidentally call his hero master, not a writer. The master is even insulted when Ivan Homeless Best-clisters: "Oh, yes, you writer!" "The master" darkened face, he threatened Ivan Kulak, then said: "I am a master." The master is more than a writer. There are several shades of meaning: respect for perfect ownership of skill, dedicated to the ministry of the highest spiritual task, in contrast to the social order of artisans-writers of the 20-30s. It is believed that there is a hint of the proximity to the Order of the Masons, which is indicated by the Master's Cap with the letter "M".

In difficult conditions, the Master supports love. The power of love is trying to cure margarita fear, which is difficult to do, as this is not an individual mental illness, but a bone of time - the action takes place in the 30s - years of terrible repression.

The second problem is rewarding for good and evil. Since in real life, it is not necessary to wait for justice, then Bulga-Coves as an instrument of reward put forward Woland. Woland is the power that "Eternally wants evil, but does good." Woland at Bulgaco-Wa is not opposed to Yeshua. He objectively develops good, punishing the diamonds, Soglyatayev, fraudsters. Woland Ra-Certains Justice, returning a burnt manuscript, giving him peace as a reward for creativity.

The philosophical aspect of the novel is connected with the biblical chapters - the image of the Eashai and Pilate Pilate, which are antagonists. Yeshua - an internally free person, although externally weak, tried. Pontius Pilate personally brave, he is a wonderful commander, but before the government he has fear. He is spiritually incomprehensible, and it defines its stupas. Material from site.

The story of Yeshua and Pilate is represented by Bulgakov as a dra-ma ideas. Humanly pilat sympathizes Yeshua, he is even ready to pardon him. But it is only as long as we are talking about the Caesar power. When Yeshua declares that the time will come when there is no Caesar power, his fate is decided. Fear in front of Caester turns out to be more than Pilate itself. He shouts to drown out this fear: "I do not share your thoughts! Never coming the kingdom of truth! " Pilate shouts to zip-sew and own doubts. The image of Pilate is tragic, since in it potential opportunities are overlapped by slave slave.

Yeshua acts as an embodiment of pure ideas of faith and good. The idea of \u200b\u200bgood is weak in everyday practice, but it is able to support the spirit of man. Bulgakov did not share the UTO-pic hopes to achieve the celebration of justice only by Slao. Since the speech of Yeshua has no words about punishment, Bulgakov brings the idea of \u200b\u200bretaliation beyond the image of Yeshua, includes the image of Woland. Yeshua, defenseless in earthly life, is strong as a prostinement of human ideals. In the history of Yeshua and Pilate, the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bguilt and retaliation is embodied. Pilate punished immortality. His name is illustrated not by the exploits; It has become a symbol of a fabulous, the pharis. Immortality of this kind of terrible death.

Fantastic adventures of Voland and his suits, the spiritual match of Yeshua with Pontiya Pilat, the fate of the master and Margarita are united by the motive of faith in justice. In the end, it will eventually triumph, but it is achieved with the help of the devilish power. Bulgakov in the modern effect of him did not see the real power that could restore justice.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • philosophical ideas of Master and Margarita
  • problems of Roman Master and Margarita
  • satyric image of Moscow Master and Margarita
  • problems and ideas of RTMAN Master and Margarita
  • master and Margarita Image of Prokhor Petrovich

M and M (1929-1940) - the peak of the creativity of Bulgakov. Problems: Psychological, social, but the main: moral and philosophical. Roman Bulgakov is called philosophical, philosophical and moral. This is a deep philosophical novel, Roman-tragedy. Roman Master of the Master is full of miracles and built on a reliable basis. Everyone who is inside, saving (margarita and cream). Master is not inside, and he is not saving. Bulgakov himself turned out to be beyond the miracle that invented for the reader. Higher benefit for a person - hope for someone deprives life. The master is the only actually tragic image in the novel. Master tragedy - reflected tragedy of the author.

As the content of the novel is revealed, the third, deep layer occurs - where Yeshua acts. This layer is fundamental.

Main topic - power and Time. The government is represented in a concentrated form in the form of dictatorship. Can the dictator and artist do not enter the conflict in such conditions? This topic has determined the splitness of the novel.

Kara overtakes everyone, even outside the physical existence of a person.

The moral and philosophical meaning of the novel consists in the categorically rejection of any form of life, which inhibits the spiritual beginning in man and reduces a person to the level of biological creature. This is a "terrible court" above the administrative system and its creators. Roman about the master and novel about Pontius Pilate is not alone, but two novels.

Theme of good and evil It is one of the most important in the novel. Bulgakov believes that evil always bales well. Distributors of evil on Earth are people who drive the thirst for power, wealth, envy, cowardice and fear. These feelings are evil conductors.

The main test of evil in the novel is Woland with his retinue (Korovyev, Behemoth, Azazello). Woland - Prince Darkness, Satan, but for Muscovites he is a foreigner, a professor of black magic. Testing people in the context of new Soviet reality, Woland comes to the conclusion that people, as before, are greedy and envious (this is evidenced by the focus, conducted by Woland's retinue in Varieta, when money fell on the stage, everyone rushed after them, and after some time They turned into transparent pieces). The carrier of evil is needed in order to identify the vices of humanity.

So, evil can be useful? This is a complex philosophical question at which many philosophers tried to answer. The closest Woland costs Mephistophely from the "Faust" Goethe. You can see their external similarity: "... right (eyes) with gold sparkle on the bottom, drilling anyone to the bottom of the soul, and the left is empty black, it seems like a narrow needle ear, as an exit to the bottomless well of any darkness and shadows. The face of Woland was bevelled to the side, the right corner of the mouth is drawn down by the book, deeply parallel wrinkle brings were worn on a high bald forehead ... "

"I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes good" - Götn Bulgakov took this self-characteristic hero as an epigraph to the novel.

Saving behind Woland, the external similarity with Mephistofel, Bulgakov enjoys it with opposite functions, imposing a mission of a fair take way to him after his death, that is, ships and sentencing.

But should not be made from Voland Fighter for justice. People primarily carry their punishment in themselves (so Pontic Pilate suffers, suffers from the remorse of conscience - this is his punishment. It takes on his crime and therefore it gets "light"). Yes, wave does everything that Satan is applied. But he is not impulsed, so he does not touch the people who have a clean conscience that are wary. Good to him beyond. Then one of the main thoughts of the novel.

Yeshua in the novel is the bearer of "Light". In the novel, he is associated with Christ. And indeed, they have a lot of common: faith in the all-restful power of good, to what the time will come when humanity goes into the kingdom of truth and justice. But Bulgakov deliberately moves away from the historical and evangelical versions. He has no God, and above all, a person who has not caused an evil or a thought or a deed. He sees the best that sometimes hidden in man, he believes in the power of good and the good nature of man. In the image of Yeshua, the traditional Christian idea of \u200b\u200bmercy is embodied. In the face of the death of Yeshua, it remained faithful to his beliefs, he chooses death, eventually deserves "light".

So, in the novel before us will appear Woland and Yeshua. How do they relate to human spiritual possibilities? Woland believes that the whole history of mankind is the history of crimes. For Yeshua, a person in nature is kind ("evil people in the world"), only social conditions urged people.

And evil, and good, asserts Bulgakov, equally exist in the world, but they are generated by the people themselves. Bulgakov believes that every person should be free in his choice.

Speaking of good and evil, it is impossible not to remember the master. The master is immersed in creativity and does not think about the mercy, he writes a novel rather even for himself. But, encountered with the world of writers, who is busy with all anything, but not with the work, did not stand the etched and hated his novel. It crossed out the masters from life, he was pressed to fight for his novel. The refusal of creativity was destructive for him. His pier has become a clinic for mentally ill - only there he can find peace, which he was deprived of "good people." The master is striving for light, seeks good. But he refused to fight for his novel, showed the foolishness, so he was denied the "light." The meeting of the wizard with wave is only due to Margarita, and the deliverance from suffering is due to the intercession of Yeshua. Without the request of "light", the lords found each other would be left on Earth, in their secret shelter. It is not known how their fate would have developed. Heroes deserved peace.

Thus, the intervention of the highest strength does not lead to a change in life itself, it only accelerates the course of events.

Good raises and exalted by a person, evil and indifference spoil him. You need to believe in people, in your strength, by virtue of good, then the truth will open.

Dialectics of good and evil. Ski history is the eternal opposition of good and evil, light and darkness.

Freedom - non-free. Pondi Pilate is not free, he is a man of totalitarian state. Yeshua possesses inner freedom, it is she gives him strength. Pontius - cowardice, she is ruining a person. But he was forgiveness - he was able to take blame for himself. B shows that the guilt needs to be soldered with blood, but repentance. Only conscience and the clogging can clean and resurrect.

Light on the Bulgakov, this is a paradise where those who carry people are welcome. Peace is independence, privacy, this condition for creativity. People deserves the one who lived his life honestly, who is not burdened by the flour of conscience, will not execute himself for betrayal and cowardice. B emphasizes that the master is an artist, not a fighter. He remained faithful to himself, did not change his ideas about the mission of the artist - in this the victory of Mastrea over the authority and over time.