What is the originality of the junction of the comedy of the auditor. Features of the composite structure of the comedy n

What is the originality of the junction of the comedy of the auditor. Features of the composite structure of the comedy n

Test on Comedy "Auditor"

Option 1.

Which of the origin of the comedy "Auditor" is true:

b) taken from other sources.

2. Note the reasons for which officials take chilles for the auditor:

A) the stories of Klezlekova;

C) misunderstanding;

D) news of the arrival of the auditor.

3 Note the features characteristic of officials - comedy characters:

b) negligence;

c) fear before the bosses;

d) nonsense;

e) hospitality;

(e) Using a service provision for personal purposes.

4 Mark which of the types of comic genre is predominantly used in comedy:

B) sarcasm;

C) satire;

D) irony.

A) comparison;

B) hyperbole;

C) alogure;

D) grotesque.

6 What is the character of the comedy belong to these words? "And strange: the director left - where he left, unknown. Well, naturally, let's see: how, who, who to take place? Many of the generals were hunters and were taken, but they are suitable, it happened - no, wise. It seems and easy to look, and consider - just damn it! ...


B) rag;

C) Khlestakov.

A) congestion by comic situations;

B) frequent change of action;

C) the emergence of fantastic characters;

D) two plugs of the plot.

8 comedy as any drama is written in the form of dialogs and monologues. Remember what is called dialogue, a monologue, a replica.

9 What are the events taking place in the comedy.

10 Remember that the epigraph predicted the comedy "Auditor". How did you understand his meaning?

Option 2.

Check which social layers are displayed in the "Revolution":

A) officials;

B) the peasantry;

C) clergy;

D) merchants;

E) meshness;

E) landowners.

2 Note how the bribery system in the officials of officials is built:

A) every official has such a "right";

B) for bribes, there is a certain subordination;

C) everyone decides himself how to take bribes.

3 Mark, to which group you can attribute the city, which is elected in the "Auditor":

A) a unique, incurred all the vices of Russia;

C) Typical Russian provincial city.

4 Mark, is there a positive hero in comedy:

A) no, no character can be called positive;

B) Maria Antonovna;

C) yes, this is a reveal laughter.

5 Note what kind of reception is used by the author in the above passage: "... in Belvestia. I have one staircase standing ... And in love to see me in front of me, when I have not woken up: the counts and princes are interpreted and buzzed there, like slants, only and hear: Well ... Well ... Well ... sometimes the minister ... "?

A) comparison;

B) hyperbole;

C) alogure;

D) grotesque

6 Which character of the comedy belongs to these words: "... because, it will happen, you will go somewhere - the fagmer and adjutants will jump everywhere forward:" Horses! And there at the stations will not give anyone, everyone is waiting for: all these titular, captains, ceremony, and you do not blow to the mustache. Dinner somewhere from the governor ... "

A) Khlestakov;

B) rag;


7 Mark one of the features of the comedy composition:

A) a small number of characters;

B) frequent change of lyrical hero;

8 What is called a comedy?

9 What are the events that occur in the Comedy "Auditor" can be correlated with each element of the plot.

Exposition - ...

Tie - ...

Development of action - ...

Culmination - ...

Delivery - ...

10 Why does the play ends with a "scene"? What do you think is thinking of her participants?

The key to the test "Auditor"

Option 1: 1- b; 2 - a; b in g; 3 - b in g e; 4 - in; 5 - in; 6 - in; 7- g;

Option 2: 1- AG D E; 2 - AB; 3 -B; 4- in; 5 - a; 6 - a; 7- in.

N. V. Gogol's comedy built his comedy, built on a plot basis of a household anecdote, where, according to the sanctification or by a random misunderstanding of one person for the other. This plot was interested in A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not take advantage of him, giving him to Gogol.

Diligently and long (from 1834 to 1842) working on the "auditor", reworking and transmitting, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer turned the traditional plot with wonderful skill in solid and connected, psychologically convincing and logically consistent events. "Neighboring news" about the arrival of the auditor; Frames among officials; Random coincidence - the arrival of the horstyotov, in charge of the expected auditor, and as a result of this, a number of comic provisions and incidents; The universal trembling in front of the imaginary auditor, bribes under the guise of leaving money borrowed when receiving officials, walling for the daughter of Governing and the "Celebration" of an accelerated family of the DMUKHANOVSKY family; The prosperous departure of the "Groom" and, finally, the unexpected exposure of everything that happened thanks to the intercepted letter of Khlezkov, the Ambassador of the Celebrations, the Thunder Issues about the arrival of the real auditor, which turned everyone to the "petrified group," is such a plot canva Heroes, gave the types of characters, in the same time his comedy satir with the meaning of a huge social value.

The whole course of events, all the behavior of the actors, strictly motivated and flowing with the full credibility from the personal qualities of these people and the current situations is related to the "auditor" by the unity of the string. The tie is the expected arrival of the auditor and the "mistake", thanks to which Khlestakov was adopted by the one who was expected. Gogol deeply thoughtfully fulfilled the task of building his own play, expressed by him: "The comedy should be knitted by itself, with all its mass, in one large general node. The tie should embrace all the faces, and not one or two, to touch the one who worries more or less than all existing ones. There is anyone - the hero ... "

The innovation of Gogol as the author of the comedy was that in the "auditor" there is no obligatory love intrigue, there are no traditional virtuous persons and resonants and is unusually shown by the vice, which, at the request of old literary laws, should be punished: the frivolous "dummy" of Khlestakov escaped every punishment, and Pluts officials, although "petrified", but the viewer knows that they are waiting with the arrival of the real auditor. The author himself opened his heroes of the truth of their image, deeply faithful to showing their creatures with the most humor and laughter, which, according to Gogol himself, is the only "honest", "noble face" in the auditor.

(Piece, Comedy)

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (Surname at the birth of Yanovsky, since 1821 - Gogol-Yanovsky; 1809 years, Sorochintsy, Poltava province - 1852 years, Moscow) - Russian prose, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. It took from the ancient nobility of Gogol Yanovsky. The dream with Pushkin Gogol came the founder of critical realism in Russian literature. Gogol's name was the banner of revolutionary Russia - Russia of Belinsky, Herzen and Chernyshevsky. Belinsky called Gogol "One of the Great Chiefs" Countries "On the path of consciousness, development, progress." Chernyshevsky considered Gogol "Father of Russian prose", The head of the school, which gave the Russian literature "Determining desire for the content, and moreover, the desire to such a fruitful direction as critical." In the deaf years of the serfs of the Nikolaev regime, Gogol with a terrible force of the landlords, royal officials and acquirers.

Work on the play Gogol began in the fall of 1835. Traditionally it is believed that the plot was prompted by A. S. Pushkin. The confirmation of this is the memories of the Russian writer Vladimir Sologuba: "Pushkin met Gogol and told him about a case of some carriage of Mr., who issued himself for the official of the ministry and improving all the city inhabitants." On another version also described by V. Sologube for the auditor of the Pushkin itself, on September 2, 1833, the Nizhny Novgorod Governor-General Busurlin adopted, when Alexander Sergeevich arrived in Nizhny Novgorod to collect materials about Pugachev Bunte.

Hogol himself responded so about his work: In the "Auditor" I decided to collect everything badly in Russia in one bunch, which I then knew, all injustice, which are done in those places and in cases where most of all is required from a person justice, and at one time laugh at everything.

The scenic fate of the play was not immediately. It was possible to achieve permission to produce only after Zhukovsky managed to convince the emperor personally that "there is nothing unrealized in the comedy that it is only a fun mockery over bad provincial officials," the play was admitted to production. The second edition of the play belongs to 1842.

Realism in the composition of the comedy "Auditor" (languageemphasizes Realism, the role of remarks)

Gogol brought the gallery of immortal images in the comedy, giving each of them the typical features and endowed each of them a bright individualized speech characteristic. Language Comedy Gogol is basically the language of acting persons, and the language of existing persons organically related to the internal appearance of a particular character is the main means of disclosure.. not only central heroes, but even episodic characters, flashed only in one phenomenon have a brightly individualized speech. In an unsurpassed ability to give each image a convex, distinctly individualized speech characteristic and in this characteristic, to conclude elements of satirical self-disclosures consisted of the skill of Gogol-Realist in its subtlety and aesthetic value. Opening speech characterbelonging to K. various social circles (officials, axes, merchants, less, police, servants) Gogol masterfully knows how to endow each of them in words and expressions, inherent in its social psychology, profession, his life experience.In general, the speech of heroes is distinguished by truthfulness, simplicity, naturalness, abundance of spurable and spoken revolutions and intonation, which reports to the whole work the nature of genuine realism.

In order to reveal the inner world of the character Gogol often resorts to the remark. In some remarks, Gogol indicates the actions of the characters, for example: Gingerbread "makes grimace", Bobchichinsky "turns his hand around his forehead", the quarterly "runs to the hype", Hellekov "pours soup and eats" and many others; in other remarks, clarifies the psychology of the actors: Gingerbread says "in fear", Anna Andreevna - "With neglect", Khlestakov - "Drawing", the judge - "Losing", Maria Antonovna - "Through the tears", etc. Sometimes Gogol, several nearby remarks, paints the psychological evolution of characters .

An innovation of the comedy N.V.Gogol "Auditor" (comedy issues, speech, typification of comedy heroes)

The appearance in 1836 the comedy "Auditor" became a significant event in the public life of the 19th century. The author not only criticized and ridiculed the defects of Tsarist Russia, but also called on the audience and readers to look into their soul, think about universal values. Hogol called his comedy with a play, "pursuing public abuse." Epigraph "on the mirror Necha Peny, if Ryzh Kriva" He emphasizes the problem of the play, summarizing the accusatory meaning of the "auditor". "It got everyone here, and most of all to me," said Nikolai I himself once.

Speaking about the innovation of the comedyit is important to note that the character of the horstakov was new in the literature . Yes, of course, to N.V. Gogol in the comedies, swarms and fraudsters, liar and boasts were ridiculed, but the characteristic of such characters was usually exhausted by any one feature. And whipping becomes a hero of more complex, this is a generalized image that includes many vices.

Heroes Gogol typicalThey can be found at all times and era. And nowadays, after another one and a half years after writing the play, you can find gingerbread, flaky - Tyipkins, strawberries, slashes. Gogol does not give his heroes with some exceptional features of virtue or viciousness, as was done before. Its heroes are realistic, and therefore they cannot be divided into "bad" and "good". Each of them "sick" by any social reel ...

There is no positive hero in the play.. "Why isn't at least one sublime, noble person who would have rested the Duma? Then, what is pale and the good man would be insignificant. "- said Gogol himself. It is important to notice that the speech of the same hero varies depending on the circumstances, which creates the comicness of the whole situation as a whole. Gingerbreading is very rude with subordinates, calling them by archipelifices, self-workers, archephones, inflated. But his vocabulary is completely different in a conversation with the Khleshtakov, to whom he says: "Let me suggest", "I wish to health", "do not do unfortunate."

Thus, it can be said that the emergence of the auditor was of great importance for the Russian literature of the nineteenth century. Gogol refused many classical standards in creating his comedy and made many new principles characterizing characters from the new side.

Composition, plot

The composition of the play is unusual and the composition, since it does not have a traditional exposition.. From the first phrase of Gully, the lattice of the plot begins. The final dumb scene also surprised theatrical critics. Previously, no one used such a reception in dramaturgia.

Classical confusion with the main character acquires a completely different meaning in Gogol. Khlestakov was not going to extradite himself for the auditor, he could not understand what was happening for some time. Just considered: the county bosses makes it only because it is from the capital and fashionably dressed. Finally opens the eyes of the Shave of Osip, persuading the Barina to leave until it is too late. Khlestakov does not seek to deceive anyone. Officials are deceived themselves and draw an imaginary auditor into this action.

The plot of the comedy is built on a closed principle: the play begins with the news about the arrival of the auditor and ends with the same message. Gogol innovation manifested itself and in the comedy no minor storylines. All actors are tied to one dynamic conflict.

The main character itself appeared to the undoubted innovation. For the first time they became stupid, empty and insignificant man. The writer so characterizes Klezlekova: "Without a king in the head." The character of the hero is most fully manifested in scenes of Vrana. Khlestakov so strongly inspired by his own imagination, which cannot stop. He sticks out one nonlapitsa after another, does not even doubt the "truthfulness" of his lies. Player, ILO, amateur to take admonish for women and let dust in the eyes, "Dummy" - such is the main character of the work.

In the play, Gogol touched the large-scale reservoir of Russian reality: state power, medicine, court, education, post office, police, merchants. The writer raises and rises in the "Revolution" many unsightly features of modern life. Here is a magnitude bribery and disregard for their duties, treasury and sinovation, vanity and passion for gossip, envy and headache, boasting and stupidity, petty revenue and stupidity ... why not! "Auditor" is a real mirror of Russian society.

Unusual for the plays and the power of the plot, its spring. This fear. In Russia, the XIX century revision conducted high rank officials. Therefore, the arrival of the "auditor" and caused such a panic in the county town. An important person from the capital, and even with a "secret prescription", led local officials to horror. Klezlekova, which is in no way similar to the inspection, is easily taken for an important person. Anyone passing from St. Petersburg causes suspicion. And this two weeks lives and does not pay - this is exactly what the man of high rank should behave, and should behave.

The structure of the comedy "Auditor"

The comedy was written not as an ordinary story (text divided by chapters), but as a scenario for setting. The comedy is very well read in such a style: less descriptions, more action (dialogues). Unlike conventional works, where the descriptions of the characters go only when they are found to the reader, the descriptions of the acting persons are written on the first pages of the comedy.

Atmosphere of comedy "auditor" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol chose a simple county town as a place of action. But still it is impossible to call him simple, as Gogol tried to portray Russia in miniature.


In Comedy, Gogol created a collective image of officialhood. Government employees of all ranks are perceived as a single organism, since they are close in their desire for compliance, confident in impunity and the correctness of their actions. But each character leads his party.

The main here is, of course gingerbread. Anton Antonovich Snovnik-Dmukhanovsky in the service of thirty years. As a person is grip, he does not miss the benefit that herself floats into his hands. But in the city a full confusion. On the streets of dirt, prisoners and patients disgusting, the police are always drunk and spread their hands. Gingerbread relieves for the beard of merchants and celebrates birthday twice a year to get more gifts. The money released on the construction of the church disappeared. The results of the auditor scares Anton Antonovich very much. What if the inspection does not take bribes? Seeing that Khlestakov takes money, the city calm down i try to mild an important face by all means. The second time the Justopian-Dmukhanovsky is frightened when Khlestakov boasts its high position. Here he becomes scary to get into disfavor. How much to give money?

Funny Image judges Lyapkin-Tipkinawho passionately loves the dog hunting, takes bribes with greyhound puppies, sincerely believing that it is "a different matter." In the receiving trial, a full Kavardak is happening: the guard was brought by geese, "all rubbish" was woven on the walls, the assessment was constantly drunk. And Lapkin-Tipkin himself can not figure out the simple memorandum . In the city, the judge is considered to be a "libelodum", since he read several books and always speaks highly, although perfect nonsense.

Epitemaster Shhekin Sincerely puzzles, why you can not read other people's letters. For him, all life is interesting stories from letters. Especially liked the mailmaster correspondence even leaves and reread.

In the hospital trustee Boggerous Storms Also reigns a mess. Patients do not change underwear, and the doctor does not understand anything in Russian. Strawberries and a baseman, do not mind throwing the mud of his comrades.

Attracts comical couple urban gossip of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. To enhance the effect, Gogol makes them similar outwardly and gives the same names, even the names of the characters differ in just one letter. These are completely empty and useless people. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky are busy only by collecting gossip. Thus, they manage to turn out to be in the center of attention and feel their significance.

luke School Lukich School The authorities are mortally afraid, is distinguished by extreme ignorance; police Ushshertov, Svistunov and Derportord Always drunk, rudely treat the townsdays of the town.

Character of horstykova Consists of contradictions, he behaves like that "as it turns out", and therefore at different moments demonstrates a variety of behaviors: it is humiliated by food, it takes a patronage view in the scene with the seekers, then there is no ideasure to boast, rushing with its own fantasies, Reptiles in front of him urban officials. Officials, listening to the insane, alogical lies Klezlekov, understand that he is stupid, but his mythical chin overshadows human qualities, so no one notices many contradictions and reservations issuing his true position. Kleztakov is not able to imagine real life (for example, what do The ministers, as Pushkin writes, writes "Friend" of Pushkin), his imagination of slaughter: nothing but soup, on a steamer who came from Paris, and watermelon at seven hundred rubles, he does not come to mind; Despite the fantastic cost, his apartment corresponds to the ideas about the luxury of a small official - "Three sort of good rooms."

The image of Kleskova as a representative of the noble-boring society of the Nikolaev era is typical. His ambitious dreams, the desire for a windowless luxury and an external chic, the desire to let dust in the eyes with the complete insignificance and the void of the person received the name "Khlestakovshchyna", and the surname of Klezlekov became a numerous.

The only positive hero of the comedy is laughter.

Work plan
1. Entry. The originality of the artistic structure of the comedy.
2. The main part. Scene-composite originality of the "auditor".
- Exposure in the plot of comedy.
- Tie.
- Heroes of messengers. Development of action.
- The first acquaintance of Glastakov Glastakov. Development of action.
- Third and fourth comedy act. Development of action in the real conflict and culminating episodes in the "Mirage" intrigue.
- Fifth act. Culmination and jack of play /
3. Conclusion. Innovation of Gogol.

In Comedy N.V. Gogol acts as a playwriter. He overcomes traditional techniques of classic poetics, water techniques, departs from the traditional love intrigue, addressing the satirical image of society, the city growing into the grandiose symbol of the Russian state. "I wanted to collect everything bad in Russia in one pile and at one time ... I need to laugh," I wrote N.V. Gogol. Let's try to analyze the plot-composite structure of the work.
The originality of the author was already the fact that the exposition in the comedy follows after tie. The strings of the play is the first phrase of Governing: "... an auditor is going to us." And only after that we plunge into the atmosphere of the life of the county city, we learn what orders are instituted there than the local officials. We will learn here and some details: how the guests are contained by the guests of the bodies of "in the present places", which is happening in educational institutions ..
The string of real intrigue comedy, as we have already noted above, the first replica is becoming the first replica. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the article "The Secrets of the Scenic Charism Gogol" noted the extraordinary courage and innovation of Gogol in creating a string. "The most wonderful masters of the theater," he says, "could not tie a play otherwise, as in several first scenes. In the "Revolution" alone phrase, one first phrase: "I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you the most examples: the auditor is going to us," and the play has already begun. Dana Fabul, and this is the most important impulse - fear. " However, it is worth noting that there is still no fear. The suspension in the play is also different and comedy, and satirism, and psychologism. The arrival of the auditor is definitely unpleasant news, but the situation is traditional. Government has extensive experience in such affairs (two governors deceived). The auditor rides, but he is not afraid yet. The initiative is still holding in his hands. However, the city is already in motion. Gingerbile vigorously distributes instructions to officials. Gogol showed himself as a talented playwright, invented such a violinity, thanks to which all the comedy faces arrived at once. Each of them acts in accordance with its character and its crimes. We also note that neither the main character itself is present in the exposition nor in the string of the play.
Further, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear in the comedy and bring the news about the mysterious restaurant guest. Here Gogol uses traditional to comedy the image of the heralds. Alternatively only the news that they bring. From nothing they create an image of the auditor. The arrival of the stranger seems to them unexpected, the behavior of his mysterious (lives, observes, does not declare himself). And here it is among officials and confusion begins, fear arises. The scene depicting the heroes is unusually important in the artistic fabric of the plays. Some researchers believe that it is a kind of concern for the actual conflict of the plays. Other critics (denoted the presence of two intrigues in the plot - real and "mirazhny") see the violence of "Mirage" intrigue in it. It seems that we can consider this scene as the development of action after the rigging (government messages) in the real conflict of the play.
A scene of the first acquaintance of Glastakov is built on a very complex comiasis. This scene is also the development of action in real, and in the "Mirage" conflict. Khlestakov feels fear, thinking that he was going to transmit to the debt. The gingerbread also believes that his interlocutor is distinguished by cunning and cunning: "What foga scored!". Heroes do not understand each other, being like different waves. But the Gingerbile regards all the behavior of the horstykova as a certain thin game, the conditions of which he quickly takes. And the seduction of the imaginary auditor begins. To begin with, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. This is a turning point in the behavior of Governing. He overcomes the timidity and feels more confident. The situation undoubtedly familiar with him and is familiar. Then invites you to live in your home, visit the godly institutions, county school, Ostrog. In short, actively acts. We note here comedy in the development of the conflict. "From the point of view of common sense, the hero leading the action, attackers attacked, should be an auditor, since he is a state official who came to the city with revisions, with a check, and Hellestakov does not attack anyone, because it is not an auditor. It turns out to be an attack object, it was accepted by a ridiculous coincidence for the auditory, and he could reflect this attack. The hero leading the action is granted. At the heart of all his actions, one desire: to deceive the auditor, create the visibility of well-being, not to give any person in the city to say the auditor about official crimes.<…> All this "on the contrary" will pass through all the most important points in the development of the conflict. "
The events of the third action are also very stage in the development of conflict. Khlestakov probably begins to guess what he is taken for an important state person, and begins to play this role, very at ease. He tells about his metropolitan life and freezes to such an extent that it fully exposes himself. The scene of the lies is the culmination in the self-disabilities of the hero. However, the city and other officials take a lie of the hero as proper. What is the reason for this behavior? According to researchers, "fear has prepared the soil for deception. But deceived the original chilleskov. Experienced Plut would hardly have been governing, but the unintentionalness of the actions of Khlezlekova knocked him off.<…> ... in all cases - even at a minute of the most incredible lies - Khlestakov sincerely. Invents whores with the same sincerely, which previously told the truth, and this again deceives officials. " Then follow the scene to visiting the imaginary auditor by local officials - all he takes money. The scene of bribes contains a roughly comic stroke. The first visitor, the judge, is still shy of money to offer money: he does it ineptly, with fear. However, Khlestakov resolves a tense situation, asking for loan. And then he takes a duty of each of the officials, and the sums of the visit to the visit increase. Then follows the scene of the courting of Klezlekov for the daughter and wife of the city. He woves to Marie Antonovna. This scene contains a parody of love intrigue. As V. Hippius notes, "the unity of time required a rapid pace, but still gave a space within five acts and twenty-four real hours. As if mocking this rule, Gogol accommodates two explanations, misunderstanding with rivalry, offer and engage in the limits of a semita and a few minutes to laugh in the last act and above this "phantom". Thus, the scenes of lies, bribes and walling - this is the development of action in the real conflict of the play and at the same time culminating episodes in the "mirage" conflict.
In the fifth act we have culmination in the development of real intrigue - this is the scene of the exposure of the horstykova. Gingerbile triumph: he not only managed to hide his affairs from the auditor, but also almost heated with him (this scene is also a culminated in the development of "mirage" intrigue). However, the celebration is overshadowed by the arrival of the mailman with a letter that opens the true state of affairs. The scene of reading the letter of Khleklekova is the culmination in the real conflict and at the same time the magazine "Mirage" intrigue. However, the comedy does not end with this episode. Next, the appearance of the gendarme, which reports the arrival of the real auditor. This scene is a union in the real conflict of the play. Thus, the plot action returns to where it began. Gogol gained various interpretations of critics. One of her interpretations: Finally, the real auditor arrived and the city is waiting for a real fair punishment. Another version: The arrived official is associated with heavenly caro, who is afraid of all the comedy faces.
Thus, N.V. Gogol acts as an innovator in the development of dramaturgical techniques, in the outfit conflict. In his comedy, he almost completely refused love intrigue. The love triangle of Mary Antonovna - Khleshtakov - Anna Andreevna demonstratively parodien. The plot is based on an unusual case, "Anecdote", but allowing to reveal public relations and communications deeply. The main character is not present in neither the first, nor in the last action of the "auditor": it is not both in the string and in the junction. Culmination in the development of a real conflict also occurs without a holling. The dynamics of the "auditor" follows a certain rule - "already wants to achieve, grab the hand, as suddenly an embrace." This is equally applies to publicly, to its ambitious hopes, and to Marie Antonovna, to her love aspirations. The basis of the action of the play is not personal clashes, but a common, social beginning. Gogol has no positive heroes in the play. The perfect leaves the writer in the subtext. This is an idea, a moral criterion, from the position of which the author evaluates public vices. According to Gogol's remark, laughter is the only positive face of the comedy. Such are the main features of the poetics of Gogol-playwater.

1. Lyon P.E., Lohova N.M. Literature: for schoolchildren of high schools and entering universities: a tutorial. M., 2002, p.210.

2. Mann Yu.V., Norogennitskaya E.I. Gogol at school. M., 2008, p. 97.

3. Bogomolova E.I., Zharov because, Kedrov M.M. Literature allowance. M., 1951, p.151., P. 152.

4. Mann Yu. V., Norogennitskaya E.I. Gogol at school. M., 2008, p.118-119.

5. Hippius V. Gogol. L., 1924, p. 99.

In the comedy "Auditor" N.V. Gogol acts as a playwriter. He overcomes traditional techniques of classic poetics, water techniques, departs from the traditional love intrigue, addressing the satirical image of society, the city growing into the grandiose symbol of the Russian state. "I wanted to collect everything bad in Russia in one pile and at one time ... I need to laugh," I wrote N.V. Gogol. Let's try to analyze the plot-composite structure of the work.

The originality of the author was already the fact that the exposition in the comedy follows after tie. The strings of the play is the first phrase of Governing: "... an auditor is going to us." And only after that we plunge into the atmosphere of the life of the county city, we learn what orders are instituted there than the local officials. We will learn here and some details: how the guests are contained by the guests of the bodies of "in the present places", which is happening in educational institutions ..

The string of real intrigue comedy, as we have already noted above, the first replica is becoming the first replica. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the article "The Secrets of the Scenic Charism Gogol" noted the extraordinary courage and innovation of Gogol in creating a string. "The most wonderful masters of the theater," he says, "could not tie a play otherwise, as in several first scenes. In the "Revolution" alone phrase, one first phrase: "I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you the most examples: the auditor is going to us," and the play has already begun. Dana Fabul, and this is the most important impulse - fear. " However, it is worth noting that there is still no fear. The suspension in the play is also different and comedy, and satirism, and psychologism. The arrival of the auditor is definitely unpleasant news, but the situation is traditional. Government has extensive experience in such affairs (two governors deceived). The auditor rides, but he is not afraid yet. The initiative is still holding in his hands. However, the city is already in motion. Gingerbile vigorously distributes instructions to officials. Gogol showed himself as a talented playwright, invented such a violinity, thanks to which all the comedy faces arrived at once. Each of them acts in accordance with its character and its crimes. We also note that neither the main character itself is present in the exposition nor in the string of the play.

Further, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear in the comedy and bring the news about the mysterious restaurant guest. Here Gogol uses traditional to comedy the image of the heralds. Alternatively only the news that they bring. From nothing they create an image of the auditor. The arrival of the stranger seems to them unexpected, the behavior of his mysterious (lives, observes, does not declare himself). And here it is among officials and confusion begins, fear arises. The scene depicting the heroes is unusually important in the artistic fabric of the plays. Some researchers believe that it is a kind of concern for the actual conflict of the plays. Other critics (denoted the presence of two intrigues in the plot - real and "mirazhny") see the violence of "Mirage" intrigue in it. It seems that we can consider this scene as the development of action after the rigging (government messages) in the real conflict of the play.

A scene of the first acquaintance of Glastakov is built on a very complex comiasis. This scene is also the development of action in real, and in the "Mirage" conflict. Khlestakov feels fear, thinking that he was going to transmit to the debt. The gingerbread also believes that his interlocutor is distinguished by cunning and cunning: "What foga scored!". Heroes do not understand each other, being like different waves. But the Gingerbile regards all the behavior of the horstykova as a certain thin game, the conditions of which he quickly takes. And the seduction of the imaginary auditor begins. To begin with, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. This is a turning point in the behavior of Governing. He overcomes the timidity and feels more confident. The situation undoubtedly familiar with him and is familiar. Then invites you to live in your home, visit the godly institutions, county school, Ostrog. In short, actively acts. We note here comedy in the development of the conflict. "From the point of view of common sense, the hero leading the action, attackers attacked, should be an auditor, since he is a state official who came to the city with revisions, with a check, and Hellestakov does not attack anyone, because it is not an auditor. It turns out to be an attack object, it was accepted by a ridiculous coincidence for the auditory, and he could reflect this attack. The hero leading the action is granted. At the heart of all his actions, one desire: to deceive the auditor, create the visibility of well-being, not to give any person in the city to say the auditor about official crimes.<…> All this "on the contrary" will pass through all the most important points in the development of the conflict. "

The events of the third action are also very stage in the development of conflict. Khlestakov probably begins to guess what he is taken for an important state person, and begins to play this role, very at ease. He tells about his metropolitan life and freezes to such an extent that it fully exposes himself. The scene of the lies is the culmination in the self-disabilities of the hero. However, the city and other officials take a lie of the hero as proper. What is the reason for this behavior? According to researchers, "fear has prepared the soil for deception. But deceived the original chilleskov. Experienced Plut would hardly have been governing, but the unintentionalness of the actions of Khlezlekova knocked him off.<…> ... in all cases - even at a minute of the most incredible lies - Khlestakov sincerely. Invents whores with the same sincerely, which previously told the truth, and this again deceives officials. " Then follow the scene to visiting the imaginary auditor by local officials - all he takes money. The scene of bribes contains a roughly comic stroke. The first visitor, the judge, is still shy of money to offer money: he does it ineptly, with fear. However, Khlestakov resolves a tense situation, asking for loan. And then he takes a duty of each of the officials, and the sums of the visit to the visit increase. Then follows the scene of the courting of Klezlekov for the daughter and wife of the city. He woves to Marie Antonovna. This scene contains a parody of love intrigue. As V. Hippius notes, "the unity of time required a rapid pace, but still gave a space within five acts and twenty-four real hours. As if mocking this rule, Gogol accommodates two explanations, misunderstanding with rivalry, offer and engage in the limits of a semita and a few minutes to laugh in the last act and above this "phantom". Thus, the scenes of lies, bribes and walling - this is the development of action in the real conflict of the play and at the same time culminating episodes in the "mirage" conflict.

In the fifth act we have culmination in the development of real intrigue - this is the scene of the exposure of the horstykova. Gingerbile triumph: he not only managed to hide his affairs from the auditor, but also almost heated with him (this scene is also a culminated in the development of "mirage" intrigue). However, the celebration is overshadowed by the arrival of the mailman with a letter that opens the true state of affairs. The scene of reading the letter of Khleklekova is the culmination in the real conflict and at the same time the magazine "Mirage" intrigue. However, the comedy does not end with this episode. Next, the appearance of the gendarme, which reports the arrival of the real auditor. This scene is a union in the real conflict of the play. Thus, the plot action returns to where it began. "Silent scene" from Gogol gained various interpretations of critics. One of her interpretations: Finally, the real auditor arrived and the city is waiting for a real fair punishment. Another version: The arrived official is associated with heavenly caro, who is afraid of all the comedy faces.

Thus, N.V. Gogol acts as an innovator in the development of dramaturgical techniques, in the outfit conflict. In his comedy, he almost completely refused love intrigue. The love triangle of Mary Antonovna - Khleshtakov - Anna Andreevna demonstratively parodien. The plot is based on an unusual case, "Anecdote", but allowing to reveal public relations and communications deeply. The main character is not present in neither the first, nor in the last action of the "auditor": it is not both in the string and in the junction. Culmination in the development of a real conflict also occurs without a holling. The dynamics of the "auditor" follows a certain rule - "already wants to achieve, grab the hand, as suddenly an embrace." This is equally applies to publicly, to its ambitious hopes, and to Marie Antonovna, to her love aspirations. The basis of the action of the play is not personal clashes, but a common, social beginning. Gogol has no positive heroes in the play. The perfect leaves the writer in the subtext. This is an idea, a moral criterion, from the position of which the author evaluates public vices. According to Gogol's remark, laughter is the only positive face of the comedy. Such are the main features of the poetics of Gogol-playwater.