Long-term plan for theatrical activities in the dhow. Plan-program for theatrical and aesthetic activities "Theater and children

Long-term plan for theatrical activities in the dhow. Plan-program for theatrical and aesthetic activities "Theater and children

One of the points of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education talks about the need to involve children in activities that contribute to development creativity, speech, thinking and social and communication skills, artistic and aesthetic education of children. One of these types is theatrical activity in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

The value of theatrical activity in the development of a preschooler

Theatrical games are especially popular among children of the preparatory group. This is the age when the child already begins to realize his role in society and seeks to understand how to behave in society, learns to take responsibility for actions, to fulfill responsibilities.

Important! One of the tasks of the educator in organizing activities is to provide a scientifically based and systematic approach.

For this, thematic planning is drawn up. theatrical activities... To plan lesson topics, the educator should consider:

  • the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education;
  • age characteristics of children;
  • educational and developmental opportunities for this type of activity;
  • features of the implementation of theatrical games in the educational process.

Functions of theatrical activities

The possibilities of theatricalization in child development are quite wide:

  • acquaintance with the surrounding reality through sound, color, artistic images;
  • development of analytical and logical thinking;
  • improving speech skills;
  • replenishment of vocabulary;
  • development emotional sphere child;
  • development of acting skills.

Features of the organization of theatrical activities in the preparatory group

Preschoolers of the older group are interested in theater not only as a game, but also as an art form. Thematic planning of theatrical activities for this group should be made taking into account the following features:

  1. Children of the kindergarten are already familiar with the rules of conduct in in public places, therefore, they can be freely taken on excursions to the theater, to stage performances.
  2. The theory of theatrical art is of interest to children. Lessons can include stories about the history of the theater, about famous actors, about theatrical traditions and professions.
  3. Preschoolers will cope not only with an acting role, but also with the duties of a stage director. In this case, the dolls will become the actors. Moreover, dolls can be made together with children in the classroom, as shown in this video: Theatrical activities in kindergarten
  4. It will not always be interesting for children to work on ready-made plots, which means that you need to help them master the profession of a screenwriter. Preschoolers will be happy to come up with their own plots, endow the dolls with roles and characters.

Important! The main character of theatricalization in the preparatory group should be aimed at giving children more freedom, opportunities to show initiative, creative imagination.

Features of planning of theatrical activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO

Theatricalization as creativity can be included in:

  • educational activities;
  • in the content of the optional and optional part of education;
  • in independent and joint activities with parents.

Based on the educational and developmental potential of theatrical activity, the following goals are distinguished in working with children:

  • development of creative thinking;
  • revitalization cognitive interest;
  • development general knowledge, abilities and skills;
  • development of the ability to play in roles, act out scenes;
  • involvement of parents in theatricalization.

Program content in thematic planning lessons should approximately correspond to the sample:

TimingSubjectSoftware content
SeptemberIntroductory lessonAcquaintance with theater as an art form
Theater professionsAcquaintance with theater professions, replenishment of vocabulary.
Role-playing gamesAcquaintance with the culture of behavior in the theater.
Dramatization of familiar fairy tales (at the choice of the teacher)Development of cognitive interest, acting skills.
OctoberTypes of theaterReplenishment of the vocabulary, acquaintance with the types of theater
RhythmicsDevelopment of the ability to stay on stage, move around the stage.
Reading fairy tales by roles (at the choice of the teacher)Development of speech skills, diction, the ability to imitate animals.
Preparing for stagingPreparing children of requisites, expanding vocabulary.
DecemberSpeech techniqueWork on speech, diction.
Work on facial expressions, gestures, transfer of the character of the hero.
Staging a fairy tale (at the choice of the teacher)
New Year's performanceAwakening a keen interest in theatricalization
JanuaryChristmas stage playAcquaintance with the holiday, development of creative skills through playing on stage.
EmotionsWorking on the expression of various emotions. Transfer of the emotional state of the character of the scene.
PetsAcquaintance with fairy tales about animals. Work on the transfer of the image, character of the hero of the fairy tale.
FebruaryForest animals
friendshipWork on the concepts of "friendship", "mutual support", the development of the emotional sphere.
Dramatization according to planParticipation in the staging of the work. Demonstration of acting and recitation skills,
MarchMarch 8Participation in a concert for mothers. Demonstration of skills to perform on stage, play, read expressively.
Puppet showAcquaintance with the puppet theater. Work with the ability to manage dolls.
Puppet charactersEndowing each doll with a name, character. Work on vocabulary, emotional background and diction.
Preparing for stagingMemorizing words, working on speech, intonation, diction.
April MayPuppet showDemonstration performance with dolls as actors.
Staging of fairy talesDemonstration of acquired skills throughout the year, development of cognitive interest and creativity.

Long-term planning of theatrical activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard should be carried out taking into account the didactic and developmental capabilities of this type of activity. For more details on the preparation of educational documents, please contact the employees of the Arbor Prime company, which develops such projects.

Theater is one of the brightest emotional means that form the taste of children, if at a young age you plunge into the world of theater, then all your life you will perceive the world as beautiful.

A. Bogush

Explanatory note

When drawing up the program plan: "Theater and Children", the Basic Component of Preschool Education in Ukraine was analyzed, and the following alternative programs were used: "Ditina", "Ditina in Preschool Rocks".

The program focuses on all-round development child's personality preschool age, on the development of his creative potential, abilities, interests, the development of speech and the acquisition of knowledge about theatrical and aesthetic art. The program systematizes the means and methods of all types of theatrical activity.

The main goal programs: "Theater and Children", is the introduction of children to various types of theatrical activities. The program emphasizes big role games in the formation and development of the child's abilities, taking into account his interests, desires and abilities. The program adheres to various forms of organizing theatrical activities: specially organized- in which the main role belongs to the teacher, and independent play activity- with the minimum participation of the educator. The program is aimed at ensuring that the child is actively involved in theatrical activities, emotionally related to actors and their actions, develops a desire to imitate goodies and not be like negative. The most important is the process of experience, embodiment and, of course, the result of artistry in performances. The theater gives children a lot of joy and pleasure, creates a good mood in them, but theatrical activity should not be regarded as entertainment. His educational value much wider. Preschool age is the period when a child's character, tastes, interests and attitude towards others begin to form. Therefore, it is very important, starting from this, to show the children examples of friendship, justice, responsiveness, courage, etc. The theater has great opportunities, as it affects a whole range of means. Theatrical activity broadens the horizons of children and remains in their memory for a long time. They share their impressions with friends and tell their parents about theatrical activities, such conversations and stories contribute to the development of speech and the ability to express their feelings. Theatrical activity is closely intertwined with all the activities of the child in kindergarten: morning exercises, eating, playing activities, classes, walking, getting ready for bed, gymnastics, waking up, matinees and entertainment.

The program consists of three sections by age: junior, middle and senior.

Program structure

The program has three types of tasks:

1 type of tasks- development of expressive speech;

2 type of taskseducational objectives that are directly related to the study of theatrical and aesthetic art, the development of artistry, the skills of stage incarnations in games, dramatizations and dramatizations, as well as the skills of mastering driving puppets;

3 type of tasks- these are educational tasks that are aimed at developing emotionality, a sense of empathy, as well as the communicative abilities of theatrical art.

Organization of theatrical activities

Theater classes are held once a week for each age group: time of the classes

II younger group - 20-25 minutes, middle group 25-30 minutes, older group - 30-35 minutes

Classes are held both group and individual. There is and complex occupation: theater + music, theater + modeling, (figurines of individual characters or whole scenes), theater + art (drawing various episodes of a fairy tale) theater + LEGO constructor, etc.

The gradualness and consistency of this program allows the child to get acquainted with the world around him in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds.

Common Tasks theatrical activities

To realize the creative potential of the child, to acquaint with the world around him through theatrical and aesthetic activities;

Consistently and step by step to acquaint children from 3 to 6 years old with theatrical art, through aesthetic perception;

Introduce children to theatrical and aesthetic culture to acquaint them with the structure of the theater;

Develop expressive speech including verbal (intonation, lexical and syntactic expressiveness) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) means of expression;

Ensure the relationship of theatrical with other activities in a single pedagogical space;

Learn to convey character, features of images, reincarnate, conduct a role-based dialogue, combine speech with movements;

Teach children in puppetry;

Learn to recite text with expression;

Develop a sense of empathy in children (the ability to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations);

By means of a personality-competent approach to a child, help children, overcome shyness, self-doubt, develop and realize creative potential through theatrical and aesthetic activities;

To foster an emotionally positive attitude towards all types of theater and your own theatrical play activities, develop curiosity and research interest for modeling, searching, and experimenting with various materials(natural, fabric, etc.) in the area of ​​theatrical activity;

To cultivate a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, mutual assistance, etc.);

Involve parents in active participation as performers of roles in performances, authors of texts, makers of sets and costumes;

Younger preschool age

To recognize and emotionally positively react to the meaning of acting out dramatization within the meaning of familiar fairy tales;

Empathize with the positive and condemn the wrong actions of theatrical characters;

Learn to speak correctly, clearly, expressively;

In game activity:

Perform an action according to the text, imitate the movements and actions of the heroes;

Repeat individual actions in the process of showing table and finger theater;

Express feelings with facial expressions, movements, intonation;

Play the texts of nursery rhymes, songs, poems, familiar fairy tales.

In stage activities:

To stage the texts of familiar fairy tales using decorations, attributes, costumes and musical accompaniment.

About small poetic genres folklore and their meanings;

About three types of theater (toy theater, puppet theater, finger theater);

About the meaning of theatrical performance.

Improvisation games;

Fun games;

Show of dramatization;

Table theater show;

Toy theater show;

Finger theater show.

Children's initiative


Dramatization of poems, fairy tales;

Pronunciation of poems, memorable texts and fairy tales;

Singing songs and lullabies during role-playing games with toys.

The book is a toy;

Folding book;

Books with bright, understandable illustrations for the fairy tale;

Table theater;

Finger Theater;

Rubber, plastic toys;

Actively communicate with adults and peers in the process

Show of theatrical action and theatrical play;

Imitate movements according to the words of a song, poem, fairy tale;

He watches theater performances with interest and attention, emotionally shows his feelings (laughs loudly, jumps up, gestures).

Adult and child position


Initiator of communication, show, organizer theatrical performances;


Listens with interest;

Manipulates toys;

The initiator of the mummery.

Planning lessons in the second and younger group


1 Week:"Let's get acquainted". Examination of a screen for a puppet theater, examination of theatrical toys, characters for a tabletop theater, a game: "Say your name affectionately", folk game.

2 week: storytelling folk tale: "Ryaba Chicken" or listening to an audio recording, a conversation on the content of a fairy tale, a fun dance with children on a fairy tale theme.

3 week: retelling of a fairy tale using toys, outdoor game: "Hen and Chickens".

4 week: outdoor game: "Hen and Chickens", dramatization based on the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen".


1 Week: storytelling "Pishla kitsya on voditsu", conversation on the content, outdoor game: "Kittens".

2 week: storytelling with the children: "Kitsya was drinking on water", exercise: "Draw a hero", funny song "About a kitten".

3 week: guessing riddles, learning a lullaby.

4 week: outdoor game "Geese", round dances.


1 Week: guessing riddles, imitation exercises, acquaintance with K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Chicken", an outdoor game "Crested Hen".

2 week: telling the same tale with children, talking about the content, a simulation exercise.

3 week: guessing riddles, dressing up, imitation exercises "Draw a hero", free fun dances

4 week: dramatization of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Chicken", listening to calm music.


1 Week: acquaintance with S. Marshak's fairy tale "Gloves", conversation on the content, outdoor game.

2 week: guessing riddles, mimic studies at the mirror, dramatization of S. Marshak's fairy tale "Gloves".

3 week: consideration of illustrations for the tale "Turnip", listening to audio recordings for the fairy tale "Turnip", imitation exercises.

4 week: retelling a fairy tale using finger theater, imitation exercises, listening to songs about friendship.


1 Week: guessing riddles, dressing-up, imitation exercise "Draw a hero", dance "Little ducklings".

2 week: game "Draw the heroes", dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip", round dance.

3 week: game "Call a friend affectionately", telling the tale "Mitten", a conversation on the content of the tale.

4 week: guessing riddles, telling the fairy tale "Mitten" with children, outdoor game.


1 Week: storytelling "Mitten" by roles, pantomimic exercises.

2 week: guessing riddles, dramatization of the fairy tale "Rukavichka".

3 week: storytelling "Who said meow", imitation of the movements and voices of the heroes.

4th week: outdoor game "Sparrow and a cat", telling "Who said meow" together with the children.


1 Week: guessing musical riddles, dressing up in costumes, imitation of the movements of the characters "Who said meow."

2 week: an outdoor game "Little Sparrows and a Cat", dramatization of the story "Who Said Meow", a cheerful dance.

3 week: telling the tale "Zayushkina's hut", examining illustrations for the tale, an outdoor game "Fox and hares".

4 week: conversation on the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut", imitation exercises


1 Week: telling the tale "Zayushkina's hut" together with children, imitation movements to music using elements of costumes.

2 week: guessing riddles, dressing up in costumes, imitation exercise with music.

3 week: guessing riddles "Zayushkina hut".

4 week: telling the tale "Teremok" using a table theater, talking about the content of the tale, an exercise in intonational expressiveness.

1 Week: game: “Guess who I’m talking about”, telling the tale “Teremok” with children, imitation exercises.

2 week: guessing riddles about finger theater based on the fairy tale "Teremok", a cheerful dance.

3 week: guessing riddles, imitation exercises to music, cheerful dance

4 week: guessing riddles by costumes, dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok", round dance.

Middle preschool age

The child masters skills and abilities

Perception theatrical performance:

Follow the development of actions in works of art, theatrical performances;

Emotionally perceive theatrical performances;

Empathize with the heroes of the play, emotionally reacting to their positive and negative actions (laugh, cry, try to help) understand the moral of a fairy tale, distinguish between good and evil;

Tell your impressions of the performances you watched, of your participation in dramatization.

In game activity:

Convey the characteristic features of the character during the performance of the role;

Perform roles during joint theater activities with the teacher;

Play a role during joint games and dialogues with peers;

Revive heroes by playing roles for yourself or for a doll;

Self-retelling with motion simulation folklore works;

In the course of dramatization, to know the text expressively and by memory;

Perform movements, gestures, actions of heroes in theatrical costumes, verbatim to pronounce the text creatively choosing intonation.

In stage activities:

To act out individual episodes of fairy tales according to the intonation of an adult;

Take part in role-playing games and dramatization games;

Organize improvisational theaters with peers and independently;

Take part in the production of decorations, costumes and attributes.

During the learning process, the child learns and learns:

About small poetic genres of folklore (nursery rhymes, poems, songs, proverbs, sayings, carols, generosity), remembers them, understands their meaning and meaning;

Gets basic information about the theater (the work of actors, the name of the theater premises, equipment, gets to know separate types theater, highlights the structure of the tale, repetition, beginning, main part, ending).

Forms of organizing theatrical activities

Organization for adults in class:

Dramatization of fairy tales;

Table theater show;

Toy theater show;

Organization of games, imitation;

Staging a dialogue;

Children's initiative

Dressing up, organization of round dances;

Staging of fairy tales with peers;

Impromptu theater plays;

Independent or with peers in the area of ​​theatrical activity;

Indicators of success and achievements:

Actively communicates with adults and with peers during dramatization, performances, imitation games;

Acts in game situations according to words from short poems, nursery rhymes, artistically conveys the characteristic features of the character's images;

He listens with interest to reading a fairy tale, watches theatrical performances;

Takes part in dramatization games, role-playing games, recites poems by roles;

Uses costumes in the mummers' corner and paraphernalia.

Adult and child position


Initiator of joint activities, assistant.


Participant of games, initiator of joint activities with peers.

Planning classes in the middle group


1 Week: excursion to the corner of theatrical activity, meeting new children, the game "Spell your name affectionately", the game "What do you like in your friend", a round dance.

2 week: dressing up in costumes, imitation sketches, the game "Change your voice".

3 week: showing of the theater of living shadows, guessing riddles, finger gymnastics.

4 week: the game "Where we were - we will not say, but what we did - we will show", the concept of gestures (certain movements) and facial expressions (facial expressions), an outdoor game.


1 Week: show of shadow theater, Kolobok ", fun game.

2 week: listening to V. Bianchi's fairy tale "Kolobok prickly side" with a table theater show, questions about the content, viewing pictures for a fairy tale with a discussion characteristic features characters.

3 week: guessing riddles with the image of their heroes, showing the children of the table theater the fairy tale "Gingerbread man prickly side" and narration in chorus, individually and in dialogues between the heroes.

4 week: game "Picture the mood of the hero", showing the dialogue by children while telling the fairy tale "Gingerbread man prickly side", singing songs.


1 Week: examination of costumes and dressing up, dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread man with a prickly side"

2 week: reading poems about friendship, talking about friends, telling the fairy tale "Under the fungus", talking about the content, the game "Say an affectionate word about a friend".

3 week: guessing riddles based on the content of the fairy tale, sketches for the expressiveness of the transfer of the image, singing Shainsky's song "If you went out with a friend."

4 week: listening to songs about friendship, talking with children, children telling the fairy tale "Under the fungus", common dance.


1 Week: dramatization of the fairy tale "Under the fungus", showing the fairy tale to younger children.

2 week: the game "What can I do" (for example: I am a bunny, I can jump and have fun, etc.), reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "This is how I can."

3 week: exercise for the expressiveness of movements and facial expressions, reading the fairy tale "Cat, fox and rooster", exercise for intonational expressiveness.

4 week: exercise for the expressiveness of movements, mimic studies at the mirror.


1 Week: dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster", showing to children of the younger group.

2 week: game lesson, studies for the expressiveness of movements, studies for the expression of basic emotions. Games: "Show words with a gesture" (tall, small, Goodbye. Hello. Come here), game: "Pass quietly", game: "Show what candy tastes like". Game "Show your mood".

3 week: pantomimic sketches, outdoor folk games.

4 week: reading the fairy tale "Pan Kotsky", pantomimic game "Guess who I will show", singing Ukrainian songs.


1 Week: exercises in intonation of dialogues, pantomime game "Guess who came to the cat".

2 week: dramatization of the fairy tale "Pan Kotskiy", showing the fairy tale to older children.

3 week: reading the poem "Kind words", the game "Spell a polite word", telling the fairy tale "Fox and the crane".

4 week: guessing riddles, talking about the content of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane", playing on the intonational expressiveness of speech.


1 Week: repetition of what emotion is, the game "Show the mood of the hero", shadow theater"The Fox and the Crane", a folk game.

2 week: listening to dialogues between children based on the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane".

3 week: coming up with endings fairy tales, telling fairy tales in turn, outdoor game.

4 week: game "On the expressiveness of facial expressions", storytelling V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple", conversation on the content, listening musical fragments, intonation exercise.


1 Week: musical riddles, considering distinctive features in V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple", acting out sketches and dialogues from the fairy tale.

2 week: telling and acting out V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple" with the help of finger theater, pantomimic game "Understand me."

3 week: dramatization of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Yabloko", outdoor game "Rain".

4 week: demonstration of dramatization of the fairy tale "Yabloko" for kindergarten children, singing songs about friendship.

1 Week: watching the cartoon based on V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the fungus", the game-competition "Ask for the fungus".

2 week: guess the riddle and show the hero without the words of the imitation game "Understand Me".

3 week: game activity, folk games, the game "Show your favorite hero and tell what fairy tale he is from."

4 week: dramatization of fairy tales by children and parents at will, cheerful dance.

Senior Preschool Age

The child masters skills and abilities

Perception of theatrical performance:

Understand the meaning of a fairy tale, theatrical image as a live acting activity using speech communication, facial expressions, gestures, movements, music, dances, songs;

Evaluate your own actions and the actions of your comrades, compare them with the actions of the characters in fairy tales, empathize with positive heroes;

Recognize the characteristic images of characters in silhouettes and shadows, evaluate the character of the heroes (cunning, greedy, etc.), prompt the heroes how best to get out of difficult situations

In game activity:

Depict the characteristic features of the image of theatrical characters (movement and word, movement and facial expressions, gestures);

Timely involvement in the collective dramatization of the work, independently organize dramatization games, theatrical games, theater games (Theater);

Distribute roles, choose a role yourself, join the role given to adults

In stage activities:

Take an active part in the preparation of theatrical games;

Creatively transform into the image of a character, play out the plot, clearly, expressively play the role;

Introduce creative fragments into the game based on a fairy tale, have a desire to play in the corner of theatrical activity, make attributes, costumes, and decorations;

During the learning process, the child learns and learns:

About theater as a means of expression life situations in acting;

O different types theater, their characteristics and meanings;

About theatrical terminology (theater collective, actor, troupe, director, costume designer, make-up artist, artist, decorator, audience, success, applause; performance - plot, script, premiere, parts of the performance, intermission; theater - poster, box office, ticket, hall, wings, bell, curtain, balcony, foyer, decorations);

The collective nature of preparation for theatrical performance, the importance of focusing on partners during game actions;

Be creative in the performance of the role.

Forms of organizing theatrical activities

Organization for adults in class:

Theatricalization of episodes of fairy tales;

Dramatization of fairy tales;

Table theater show;

Toy theater show;

Organization of games, imitation;


Dramatization and reading of poems, fairy tales by roles;

Equip the plot-playing field;

Scenario development;

Children's initiative


Dramatization of poems, fairy tales independently and with peers;

Enriching the playing field or theatrical action with attributes;

Desire to drive puppets and show puppet theater;

Indicators of success and achievements:

Drawing up a plot on a visual, verbal basis and independently;

Composes scripts based on poetic texts or based on a combination of a plot;

Reacts independently to the meaning of Ukrainian folklore;

Uses small genres of folklore, role-playing games;

Shows performances with toys by tabletop, shadow theaters on his own;

Organizes a role-playing game (Theater)

Organizes, independently or at the request of the teacher, dramatization games, theatrical games, according to the stories famous works;

Takes part in the dramatization of fairy tales;

Together with the teacher, makes attributes, costumes, decorations;

Shows himself as an emotional, empathetic spectator;

Classifies the feelings and actions of the characters and compares them with their own actions;

Shows his own position in the process of transformation into a stage image;

Remembers the plot sequence;

In time is included in the action;

Uses musical-plastic-song experience;

In theatricalization of various genres of literary works

Adult and child position


Organizer of the subject and game environment;



Game participant;



Game participant;



Initiator of joint activities;

Peer organizer.

Planning classes in the senior group


1 Week: to form in children a sense of confidence in a new environment, to promote the emergence of friendly relations, the game "Tell about yourself", a story about the structure of the theater.

2 week: to introduce children to the concepts of facial expressions, gesture, to exercise children in portraying characters with the help of facial expressions, gestures, to develop the ability to understand and listen to the interlocutor, pantomimic exercises.

3 week: to develop the imagination of creativity in the process of inventing a dialogue for a fairy tale, to teach to show their individuality and originality, to intensify the use of understanding, facial expressions, gestures in children's speech. Competition for the best dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", round dance.

4 week: to develop in children the expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voices, to activate the vocabulary, consolidating the ability to use concepts, facial expressions, gestures, the game "I will read a poem, and you show the action with facial expressions and gestures", a folk game.


1 Week: promote the unification of children by joint activities, expand the vocabulary of gestures and facial expressions, the introduction of the concept (pantomime) creative play"What a fairy tale", singing a song from the cartoon "Plasticine Crow".

2 week: to teach the characteristic transfer of images with the movements of the hands and fingers, to consolidate the concept of pantomime in speech, play exercises with the help of fingers, staging games with the help of fingers, funny dances.

3 week: develop imagination, improve the expressiveness of movements, reading V. Bianki's fairy tale "Teremok", playing "Who is this?", listening to calm music.

4 week: create a positive and emotional mood, arouse interest in a new work, teach clearly, logically, answer questions about the content of a fairy tale, develop the ability to characterize the heroes of a fairy tale. Improve intonational expressiveness. Conversation on the tale of V. Bianki "Teremok", listening to songs about friendship.


1 Week: develop the ability to expressively tell a fairy tale. Encourage creativity, imagination, individuality in the transfer of images, folk games.

2 week: to teach to recognize heroes by their characteristic features in the game "Recognize a Hero", to improve the ability to convey the emotional state of heroes by facial expressions, gestures, and body movements. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Temok".

3 week: introduction of the concept of intonation, games for practicing intonation expressiveness. Development of communication skills, listening to calm music.

4 week: introduction of the concept of a tongue twister, to work out diction by pronouncing tongue twisters, an outdoor game.


1 Week: clarify the concept of tongue twister, develop diction, introduce the concept of rhyme, exercise in coming up with rhymes for words, an outdoor game.

2 week: exercise in the selection of rhymes for words, didactic game"Come up with as many words as possible", encourage joint versification.

3 week: to show that each person is individual and has his own interests and preferences, to help children understand the meaning of the tale "The Tailed Braggart", to improve the means of expressiveness in the transfer of images of the fairy tale.

4 week: to teach logically and clearly, to answer the questions of a fairy tale, using sentences that are complex in speech in speech. To give the concept that music and illustrations are the right means of expressiveness, characterization of the characters of a fairy tale, a folk game.


1 Week: pantomimic exercises, intonation exercises, transfer of images through means of expressiveness. Competition "For the best show of the hero of a fairy tale."

2 week: dramatization of the tale "Tailed Braggart", to teach collectively and consistently to interact, to show their individuality. Couple dance.

3 week: acquaintance with V. Suteev's fairy tale "Ship", conversation on the content, composition of the continuation of the tale. Exercise at the mirror "Picture the mood."

4 week: pantomimic play, inventing a fairy tale, dramatizing an invented fairy tale, develop creative imagination, develop independence and the ability to act in concert in a team


1 Week: teach to recognize the emotional state by facial expressions, teach to select the right graphic card with emotions in a particular situation to depict the appropriate facial expressions on your face.

2 week: explanation of the concept of emotion, acquaintance with pictograms depicting emotions, emotional reading of poetry toys, outdoor game.

3 week: dramatization of a fairy tale " The Snow Queen», Contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary and emotional environment of the child;

4 week: acquaintance with K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit and a Sparrow", singing songs.


1 Week: to foster empathy in children, to consolidate the ability to consistently express thoughts based on the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky, the game "Depict the mood of the heroes";

2 week: help children understand the interdependence of people, their need for each other. Puppet puppet games.

3 week: control of bibabo dolls from the fairy tale "The Turnip", showing of the puppet theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

4 week: listening to the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes", depicting the emotions of fear, dancing to the soundtrack to the song "Smile" by V. Shainsky.


1 Week: a conversation about the fairy tale "Fear Has Great Eyes", pantomime games, dressing up in costumes, a round dance.

2 week: to consolidate the ability to portray fear, to look at the paintings "Scary", to draw your fears, the game "Let's Overcome Fear", the table theater "Little Red Riding Hood".

3 week: distribution of roles, dressing up in costumes, dramatization of the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes."

4 week: acquaintance with the fairy tale "How the Sun and the Moon Quarreled", the game "Find and Show Emotions", an outdoor game.

1 Week: teach children to recognize anger, improve the ability to convey the mood of the characters with the help of various intonations, examine the picture "Anger". Exercise for expressiveness of voice, facial expressions and voice.

2 week: a week a conversation about anger, the exercise "Depict emotion", the children telling a fairy tale, "How the Sun and the Moon quarreled."

3 week: to consolidate the ability to communicate without conflict during the preparation of dramatization, distribution of roles, dressing up. Dramatization of the fairy tale "How the Sun and the Moon Fought."

4 week: quiz "We love fairy tales", dramatization of a favorite fairy tale, game "I call heroes, you name a fairy tale", guessing riddles, game "Show emotions". Show the hero game, funny songs. Rewarding.

Olga Aseeva
A long-term plan for theatrical activities

Long-term planning for the organization of theatrical games in accordance with the complex-thematic planning

Older age topic Reading, conversation Working on the expressiveness of speech and gestures Making attributes, costumes Show theater

"Me and my health" Reading the tale of V. Kataev "Seven-flower flower"

Conversation « Kind word heals, but the bad cripples " Learn to use intonations that express the feelings of a sick boy, healthy girl

Expression Study "Sick Girl"

Etude "Cold" Making a seven-color flower Dramatizing an excerpt from a fairy tale (boy and girl meeting; girl at the north pole)

"My family" Reading a Nanai tale Ayoga

Conversation "My mommy" Develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states (contempt, arrogance of a moody girl)

Etude "Capricious girl", "Stubborn donkey" Sewing mittens Dramatizing the passage (mother-daughter dialogue)

Younger age "Me and my health" Reading the tale of Chukovsky K.I. "Dr. Aibolit"

Reading a nursery rhyme "Ay pain-pain-pain" Voice simulation game using finger theater"Dr. Aibolit"

A game "Say plaintively"

Learn to express feelings of pain and compassion in facial expressions, in pantomime. Etude "Oh it hurts", "Have pity on the sick" Tabletop making theater from the kinder Display of the tabletop theater"Dr. Aibolit"

"My family" Reading "Tales of the Silly Mouse" S. Ya. Marshak

Finger play « Friendly family» Working with fingers. Etude "Loving daughter", "Give a flower to mom"

Learn to combine movement and speech; foster respect and love for the family, for the mother through sketches, encourage children to participate in theatrical play, encourage creativity. "Eat like a mouse" exercise for the development of intonation expressiveness

"Say it kindly and rudely", "Say it loudly and softly"... Playing with movement and speaking "Mother sleeps" Coloring, drawing animals from a fairy tale.

Selection of masks. Staging "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" S. Ya. Marshak

Related publications:

A long-term plan of the circle for theatrical activities in the senior group "Petrushka" Explanatory note Children's creativity is one of the urgent problems of preschool pedagogy and child psychology. Theatrical activity.

Perspective plan of educational activities "Water" (part three) March 1. Development of speech. Socialization. Topic: "Save water" (Art. 21 L. P. Molodov "Play ecological activities with children") Objectives: to teach children.

A long-term plan for the fine arts of activity in the preparatory group for the program "From birth to school" author TS Kamorova SEPTEMBER №1 "Summer" To teach children to reflect their impressions of summer in a drawing, placing images on a wide strip :.

Self-education plan "Speech development of preschool children in theatrical activities" The plan for self-education of the teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten KV No. 42” Strukova Victoria Alexandrovna for the 2015 - 2016 academic year. Relevance.

Program plan for theatrical activities (continued) February 18 “We Are Athletes” Telling your family's sports hobbies using parent-generated presentations. Plastic.

(senior group)

Explanatory note

Theatrical and playful activity is of great importance for the all-round education of children: it develops artistic taste, creative and declamatory abilities, forms a sense of collectivism, and develops memory.

Time for this activity is reserved outside of class: in the afternoon, in a group or for a walk during the warmer months (from April to October).

Theatrical plays include:

actions of children with puppet characters(plot and figurative toys), finger, bibao, plane figures, puppets;

immediate actions by role;

literary activity(manifests itself in the form of dialogues and monologues on behalf of the characters of literary works, using the words of the author);

visual activity- has the character of spatial - graphic, design: children create painted or applicative decorations, costumes of the characters;

musical - performing familiar songs on behalf of the characters, staging them, dancing, humming, etc.

Theatrical games are planned daily in independent play activities. Work on familiarization with theatrical and playful activities begins with a younger preschool age (playing out familiar fairy tales with the help of a teacher, folk songs ok, nursery rhymes, small entertaining scenes) and continues in middle and senior preschool age (creating mini-sketches, imitation games, elements of logo rhythm, finger and articulatory gymnastics, theatrical performances, mini-performances). All this is good remedy increasing the emotional tone of babies, developing their sociability, striving to take an active part in common undertakings.

The organization of theatrical games is certainly associated with work on the expressiveness of speech. The teacher teaches children to control the strength of the voice, timbre, rate of speech, corresponding to the character, teaches onomatopoeia, clear diction. After learning the text, the teacher begins to work with the children on movements; teaches them to convey the character of a literary hero by means of movement (the fox is cunning, walks on tiptoe, looks into everyone's eyes, turns his head in different directions, wants everyone to like it).

For theatrical performances and mini-performances, simple attributes, elements of costumes, and decorations are needed. They must meet the requirements of protecting the life and health of children. Making simple attributes is carried out in art classes and in free time.

Goals and objectives

In his work in theater studio I made an attempt to approach the organization, content and methods of work in a new way. I pay special attention interaction of preschool educational institutions with a family. Therefore, the tasks of the social-personal and artistic-aesthetic development of children in theatrical activities are presented in two directions: for the teacher and the parents.

In a preschool educational institution

Target: creating conditions for the development of a child's interest in theatrical activity and a desire to perform together with a team of peers.


Encourage improvisation using means of expression available to each child (facial expressions, gestures, movements, etc.). Help in the creation of expressive means.

Contribute to the fact that the child's knowledge about life, his desires and interests are naturally interwoven into the content of theatrical activity.

Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner (listen without interrupting; speak, referring to your partner).

Perform movements and actions in accordance with the logic of the characters' actions and taking into account the location of the action.

Arouse the desire to pronounce small monologues and detailed dialogues (in accordance with the plot of the performance).

To acquaint children with the history of the theater. Give an idea of ​​the different types puppet theaters: finger, tabletop, stencil, bibabo, life size puppets, puppet theater and shadow theater.

In family

Target: creating conditions for maintaining the child's interest in theatrical activities.

Tasks :

Before the performance, discuss with the child the peculiarities of the role that he has to play, and after the performance - the result. Celebrate achievements and identify paths for further improvement.

Offer to play the role you like at home, help to play your favorite fairy tales, poems, etc.

Gradually develop in the child an understanding of theatrical art, a specific “theatrical perception” based on the communication of a “living artist” and “living spectator”.

Whenever possible, organize visits to theaters or watching videos of theater performances, try to attend children's performances.

Tell the child about his own impressions received as a result of watching performances, movies, etc.

Tell friends in the presence of the child about his achievements.

Work plan for the year


Target : to give an idea of ​​the different types of puppet theaters: finger, table, bibabo, life size puppets. To acquaint the children with the rules of conduct in the theater and the profession of an actor who controls puppets. Expand vocabulary pupils.

Develop memory, thinking, speech. Foster interest and respect for the profession of an actor.


Target : to get acquainted with Russian folklore. To teach to invent and play with new plots using characters and objects known to children from Russian folk tales. Develop speech and imagination. Raise interest in folk tales, sayings, nursery rhymes, proverbs.


Target: introduce you to the basics of acting. Learn to portray the emotional state of the character using expressive movements and intonation. Introduce tempo and rhythm. Learn clearly, pronounce words and sentences with different intonations (question, request, surprise, sadness, fear, etc.). Develop plasticity of movement, speech, logical thinking, imagination. Cultivate interest in theatrical activities.


Target : teach children how to properly behave on stage, use attributes, costume elements in creating an image. To develop intonational expressiveness of speech and plasticity of movements. To foster a love for the theater, respect for the profession of an actor.


Target : continue acquaintance with folk traditions, holidays, folklore, games. To give an idea of ​​the Russian balaganny theater and its characters (Petrushka, Marfusha, Doctor, Dog, etc.) To acquaint children with the concept of "monologue". Describe the types of monologic statements. Exercise in the ability to distinguish description from narration. Anchor general idea about the sequence of presentation, construction of statements-descriptions. Teach children to follow this sequence, name the object of speech when describing. Develop the skills of monologue and dialogical speech. To foster interest in the traditions and rituals of our country.


Target : teach children to get used to created image, accompany the actions with the characters' lines. Develop logical thinking, memory, skills expressive reading... Expand your vocabulary. To foster interest in the history of our country.


Target : to maintain an active desire to actively participate in the holidays. Improve the ability to improvise. Develop creative imagination, visual memory, attention. To form the ability to comply with generally accepted norms in relations between people. Foster love and respect for mothers and grandmothers.


Target : continue to familiarize yourself with the basics of acting. Learn to convey the character's mood by intonation and gestures. To develop diction and skills of monologue and dialogical speech. To cultivate love and respect to the native nature.


Purpose: to teach to pick up expressive means(attributes, elements of costume and makeup), use facial expressions, plastic movements, intonation, helping to create an image. Learn to interact with a partner. Develop visual memory, attention, diction. Foster interest in different professions.

Long-term plan of the theater studio


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Other types


In the world of theater.

Toy theater.

Pictures on the flannelgraph.

Conversation about types of theaters ( Theatre of Drama, Puppet Theatre, Musical Theatre, Academic Theater).

Lesson "Visiting the housewife Kuzi".


Breathing "Blow out the candle";

Relaxation "Heavy Vase";

Articulatory "The Tale of the Funny Tongue".

Snail game.

Speech minute.

Playing on the etudes "Acquaintance", "Meeting with a friend", "In the theater".

Examination of illustrations, photographs.

Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in the theater.

Tabletop toy theater.

Ways to use a variety of toys - factory and homemade.

Dating games.

Game "Who is this?"

Exercise "Affectionate Name", "Lift", "Deep Breathing".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise"Syllabic chains".

Speech minute.

Playing on the poem "Masha is having lunch" (S. Kaputikyan), "The grimy girl" (A. Barto).

Making toys from natural or other materials.

Reading poems.

Excursion to the kindergarten laundry.

Drawing "The Art of Gzhel Masters".

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Other types


Desktop picture theater.

Peculiarities of making characters and decorations (double-sided with support).

Features of control of the picture-character.

Movement imitation: running, jumping, walking.

Exercise: Butterfly Flutter, Journey to the Magic Forest.

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Distribution of roles using riddles.

Staging of the fairy tale "Merry frogs", "Teremok".

Making decorations.

Viewing the film strip "Teremok" (artist E. Cherkasov).

Theater of toys or pictures on the table.

Traffic Laws.

The dependence of traffic on the street of transport and people on the work of traffic lights.

Lesson "How to behave on the street."

The game "Journey through the city", "Train".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Playing with the sounds [y], [and]".

Exercise "Oh, what a fine fellow I am!", "Pump and wheel", "Airplane".

Staging "An Accident on the Road".

Acquaintance with different types of transport.

Guessing riddles about transport.

Conversation about the rules of the road.

Manufacturing of vehicles and traffic lights using an applique.

Exhibition of children's works on the theme "Our city".

Acquaintance with O. Bekarev's poem "The ABC of Security".

Viewing a filmstrip.


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Other types



A conversation about the origins of Russian folklore.

Lesson "Grandma's Chest".

The game "Ladushki-firecrackers", "Finger-boy", "Magpie-white-sided".

Game "Dunno", "Brave Mice".

Game "Write a riddle".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: ("Petya the cockerel", "At dawn", etc.).

Dramatization of nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales "Ryaba Chicken".

Theatrical fairy tale "About the Fox - red-haired beauty".

Examination of illustrations, paintings.

Consideration of Russian folk costume and antiques.

Viewing a filmstrip.

Reading Russian folk tales, epics, nursery rhymes, little pestushkas.

Making a character cockerel on a stick.

Stencil theater.

Nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, songs, lullabies.

Using stencils to make characters.

Lesson "Grandma's Songs".

Making characters using stencils.

Exercise "Through the glass", "Giraffe", "Flower".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: ("Breeze", "In the yard", etc.).

The performance “How the animals prepared for winter”, “Meeting of friends”, “Three kittens”.

Talk about safety when working with scissors.

Learning nursery rhymes, songs.

Reading Russian folk tales.

Game "Zhmurki".

Playing folk instruments.

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Stencil theater.

Talk about fairy tales ..

Types of fairy tales (magic, everyday, about animals).

Lesson "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it."

Development of speech "Unfinished tale".

Technique of speech: articulatory exercise "Smile", "Swing", "Spatula - needle". Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

("Who is Longer?", "Bird").

Staging of the fairy tale "Tar barrel" and "Fox with a rolling pin".

Reading Ukrainian fairy tale"Tar barrel".

Making characters and decorations for the fairy tales "Tar Barrel", "Chanterelle with a Rolling Pin".

Shadow play.

Features of the show of shadow theater: with the help of plane characters and a bright light source.

The depiction of characters using the fingers.

Lesson "In the kingdom of light and shadow."

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: ("Three kittens",)

Etudes: "Playing with the sound [f]", "Squirrel", "Where have we been".

Staging by V. Suteev "Who Said Meow!"

Conversation about electricity. Safety precautions when working with electrical appliances.

Making plane characters from black paper.

Acquaintance with the work of V. Suteev "Who Said Meow!"

Outdoor game "Day - Night".


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All professions are needed, all professions are important.

Conversation about the profession of an actor.

Conversation about professions.

Lesson "Who to be?"

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute:

Articulation exercise "Painter", "Swing", "Clock";

Respiratory "Syllable chains with sound [f]".

Sketch "In the store", "At the post office", "In the cafe", "Talking on the phone."

Staging by S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

Excursion to the store, to the post office.

Reading excerpts from the book by B. Zhitkov "What I Saw".

Application "Dress for Katya".

Finger Theater.

Methods for making finger theater.

Lesson "At the grandmother's in the village."

Making characters.


Finger gymnastics "Trees", "Lanterns", "Bridge";

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Staging of the fairy tale "Turnip".

Staging of the fairy tale "Masha and the cat Vasily".

Guessing riddles.

Conversation about pets and their habits.

Learning pure phrases, nursery rhymes, songs.

Reading fairy tales "Kolobok", "Turnip", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Fox Sister", etc.

Manufacturing of characters and decorations.

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Finger Theater.

Fairy tales about animals.

Lesson "On the forest edge".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Warm and cold wind."

Finger gymnastics "Palm - fist - rib".

Sketches "Bear in the Forest", "Sly Fox", "Cowardly Hare".

Staging of the fairy tale by D. Kharms "The Fox and the Hare".

A conversation about wild animals of our region and their habits.

Acquaintance with animals listed in the Red Book.

E. Charushina "Foxes", M. Prishvin "Hedgehog", V. Bianki "Fox-dancer".

Examining illustrations.

Application "How Birds Prepare for Winter".

Finger drama games.

Ways to control the characters of finger theater.

Lesson "Autumn chores".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Leaf fall", "Who is more accurate", etc.

Finger gymnastics "Top-top".

Didactic game "Enemies and Friends".

Attention games.

Staging of the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut".

Conversation about preparing animals for winter.

Manufacturing of characters and attributes.

Preparation of an exhibition of drawings on the theme: "Autumn in the forest".

Reading stories and fairy tales about animals:

G. Snegirev "About deer",

Paustovsky "Hare paws".


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Other types


Acquaintance with the control technique of the bibabo doll.

Creation of mini-sketches.

Lesson "Visiting Petrushka".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Finger gymnastics: "Finger-boy", "Chiki-chiki-chikalochki".

Study "Acquaintance", "Greetings", "Handshake".

Pantomimes "Cooking porridge", "Watering the flowers."

Performance with bibabo dolls "Under the fungus".

Examination of the device of the dolls.

Reading fairy tales and stories about animals: G. Snegirev "Bear".

Learning poems.

Listening musical fairy tales(disk).

Drawing "Snowflake", "Fir-tree"

Application "Snowman".

Dramatization games with bibabo dolls.

Conversation about winter.

Acquaintance with the script of the fairy tale "Rukavichka".

Lesson "Zimushka-winter".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Say a clean phrase", "Blizzard", "Flashlights".

Sketches "Snowflakes", "What is winter sad about?"

Pantomimes "Making a Snowman", "Skiing".

Work on the text of the tale, distribution of roles.

Staging of the etude "Grandfather and the Dog Bug".

Drawing competition "Snow, snow, snow ..".

Reading literary works and fairy tales.

Walk in the winter park.

Hearing musical works"The Seasons" (P. Tchaikovsky)

Acquaintance with the fairy tale "Rukavichka".

Drawing "Winter forest".

Modeling "How do animals live in the winter forest?"

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Other types


Plastic movement of characters.

Speech intonations of characters (speech rate, loudness, emotionality).

Lesson "Fairy-tale heroes".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Exercise in the conduct of a doll on a hand without a screen (tempo, rhythm of movements, smoothness - sharpness).

Sketches "Little Mouse", "Frog-Croak", "Runaway Bunny".

Learning the text of the tale.

Manufacturing of attributes.

Listening to music.

Viewing the film strip "Mitten" (artist E. Cherkasov).

Drawing "Frosty patterns".

Conversation about wintering and migratory birds.

Application "Fairy bird".

The technique of interaction of several dolls behind a screen.

Character dialogues.

Teaching the technique of interaction of several dolls behind a screen on a short literary fragment.

Using dialogues.

Lesson "Fairy-tale characters in the theater".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Sketches "Little Fox-Sister", "Spinning Top-Gray Barrel", "Bear".

Dialogues of the Mouse, Frog and Hare.

Staging of the fairy tale "Rukavichka".

Repetition of the text of the tale.

Listening musical themes characterizing each character.

Posters production.

Molding "Shape the hero of a fairy tale".

Designing "Hare-bastard".

Drawing "Masks and crowns for the New Year's holiday."


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Other types


Folk holidays.

Russian balaganny theater.

Acquaintance with folk holidaysEpiphany divination"," Christmastide ").

Folk holiday "Christmastide".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Learning and playing with ditties, teasers, riddles, carols.

Making masks for the holiday.

Reading and learning carols, folk songs.

Drawing "Snowfall".

“Visiting a fairy tale”.

A conversation about the fairytale heroes of Russian folklore.

Acquaintance with Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshim.

Heroes are positive and negative.

Lesson "Musical theatrical game" "Babka Yozhka".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical pause (learning New Year's songs).

Games: "Water", "Where the bell rings", "Merry tambourine".

Making elements of the costume of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Reading Russian folk tales: "The Fox and the Jug", "The Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf."

Work on the fairy tale "Geese-Swans".

Drawing competition "Visiting a fairy tale".

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Other types


Dramatization with elements of improvisation.

Playing out a theme, a plot without preliminary preparation.

Lesson "In the land of toys".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

The development of facial expressions and plastics of movements: "At the mirror", "Show the mood", "Toys".

Game "Guess who I am".

Drawing competition "My favorite toy".

Reading poems: A. Barto "Toys".

Reading small texts with different types monologue: descriptive ("My favorite toy", narrative "Summer memories").

Construction of the "Truck".

Reading or telling a fairy tale with elements of dramatization.

Description monologue.

The use of facial expressions, intonation in the image of the characteristic features of the image.

Lesson "Folk Games".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Respiratory gymnastics ("Listen to your breathing", " Balloon", "Wind").

Speech minute. Propulsion gymnastics.

The game "Get to know me!", "Bring the object to life".

An outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".

Reading the Lithuanian folk tale "Why does the cat wash after eating."


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Other types


Theatrical games.

Narrative monologue.

Conversation about the rights and responsibilities of the child.

Lesson "Mosaic of justice, or what it means to be a fair person."

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Find by description game.

Work on the fairy tale "The magic wand".

Reading poems and stories of moral content "How the rabbit got lost", "The Tale of the Dwarfs."

Examining illustrations.

Reading a fairy tale in. Suteeva "The magic wand".

Conversation about their actions and the actions of comrades, comparing them with the actions of characters in literary works.

Lesson "Know yourself".

Speech technique.

Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical pause.

Mini-sketches "Bears", "Sly Fox".

Work on the fairy tale "Two greedy teddy bears".

Acquaintance with the fairy tale "Two greedy teddy bears".

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Our army is dear.

A conversation about different types of troops, the courage and courage of our defenders.

Lesson "Russian soldier - rich in mind and strength."

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical break (learning songs about the army).

Game "Guess".

Improvisation games.

Subject scenes.

Role-playing game "On the combat post".

Examination of illustrations depicting soldiers of different types of troops.

Guessing riddles.

Reading excerpts from poems and stories about the army (S. Baruzdin "Soldiers walked along the street", A. Gaidar "Campaign", A. Mityaev "Our native army").

Designing "Gifts for Dads and Grandfathers".

Preparing for the "Fleet Soul" holiday.

Conversation about emergencies.

Acquaintance with the professions: firefighter, policeman, rescuer.

Meeting interesting people.

Lesson "Heroic fun".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical break (learning the "Yablochko" dance).

Work on the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax".

Preparation of numbers, theatrical performances for the holiday.

Reading of S. Mikhalkov's poem "Uncle Stepa".

Selection of masks and attributes for a fairy tale.

Drawing "Our army is dear".

Application "Steamer".


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Other types


"Hello Spring!"

Conversation about spring.

Folk omens.

Didactic game "An extraordinary journey through the seasons - all year round".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Staging of mini-performances.

Drawing "Portrait of a beloved mother".

Application "The most beautiful flowers for mom".

Learning poems about spring.

Matinee "Mother's Day!"

A conversation about the importance of a mother in a child's life.

Learning poems about mom.

Lesson "Mom's hands".

Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures.

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Find by description game.

Work on the story "Cookies" by V. Oseeva.

Designing "Flowers for Mommy" (from stripes).

Application "Birch twig in a vase".

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"Cleanliness is the key to health!"

Conversation about the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute (tongue twisters).

Dictionary work.

Mini-sketches "Samovar", "Cup", "Copper basin".

Work on the work of Chukovsky "Fedorino grief".

Film demonstration "" Fedorino grief "(artist V. Dmitruk).

Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief".

Making characters.

Modeling "Festive service".

The creativity of K.I. Chukovsky.

Expressive reading of the educator with elements of children's dramatization.

Conversation about ways of expressing the state of a character with the help of facial expressions, voice, intonation.

Lesson "Telephone (by K. Chukovsky's poem)".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Work on the work of K. Chukovsky "Telephone".

Preparing attributes and masks for characters.

Guessing riddles.

Drawing "Napkin for grandmother".


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Stage movement and plastic.

Puppet puppets.

Acquaintance with the technique of controlling puppets - puppets.

Creation of mini-sketches.

Lesson "Composing a fairy tale".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Tongue twisters", "Tongue twisters".

Exercise in the conduct of the doll (tempo, rhythm of movements, smoothness - sharpness).

Relaxation Exercise "Talking Through Glass".

Sketches "Dance of the Little Bee".

Improvisation "Continue the tale".

Listening to music.

Drawing "Grass-ant", "April, April, drops are ringing in the yard."

Reading stories about insects.

Excursion to the spring park.

Didactic game "Seasons".

Puppet puppets.

Small folklore forms. Compilation of stories according to a proverb.

Ways to control puppets - puppets.

Children's ideas about genre features. Figurative meaning figurative words and phrases.

Lesson "B big business and a little help is expensive. "

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Quiet - loudly", "Shout - be quiet."

Practicing doll handling skills.

Sketches "Ku-ka-re-ku!", "Sunflower".

Playing on Russian folk songs: "The Gilded Spinner", "Song of the Plowman", "In the Blacksmith".

Musical riddle "Show how the cockerel walks" (V. Agafonnikov "Not a rider, but with spurs").

Work on the fairy tale "The Sly Cockerel".

Conversation about migratory and domestic birds.

Viewing the film strip "Cockerel and a bean seed".

Examining illustrations.

Application "Cockerel on a perch".

Making decorations and attributes.

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Other types


The creativity of S.Ya. Marshak.

Acquaintance with the works of S.Ya. Marshak.

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical pause (learning songs).

Game "Guess".

Musical riddle "Show how silently, softly the cat moves" (V. Agafonnikov "All furry").

Improvisation games.

Dramatization of the poem "Mustache - striped".

Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak.

Guessing riddles.

Drawing "Mustache - striped" (based on the poem by S. Marshak).

The creativity of S.Ya. Marshak.

Improvisation, dramatization using bibabo dolls.

Humor, a mischievous joke in the works of S.Ya. Marshak.

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Musical pause (lullaby practice).

Work on S. Marshak's fairy tale "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

Acquaintance with the fairy tale "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

Selection of masks and attributes for a fairy tale.

Modeling "Vase for spring flowers".

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Other types


"Who to be?"

Introducing children to various professions.

Lesson "City of Masters".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute.

Role-playing game "Cook".

Reading the poem by V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Watching the film strip "All works are good, choose the taste."

Guessing riddles.

Excursion to the kindergarten kitchen.

Drawing competition “All professions are important”.

Reading the poem by V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Preparation spring salad, table setting.

Repetition of the rules of conduct at the table.

Thematic lesson "Victory Day!"

A conversation about war and peace.

Lesson "Zimushka-winter".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Say a clean phrase", "Stars".

Pantomimes "Airplane", "Captain of the Ship".

Reading poems about victory, peace, spring.

Examination of pictures, illustrations.

Listening to songs of the war years.

Application "Salute".

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Other types


Spring in nature.

Conversation about spring (generalizing). Clarify and systematize knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring (the day increases, the sun warms up more, the snow melts, the grass grows, the bushes turn green, flowers bloom, insects appear, birds return).

Lesson "Visiting the sun".

Speech technique. Breathing exercise "Syllable chains".

Speech minute: "Speech intonations of characters."

Finger gymnastics: "Finger-boy", "Birds have arrived."

Study "Dragonfly", "In the nest".

Pantomimes "Planting Potatoes", "Watering Flowers".

Acquaintance with the Slovak fairy tale "Visiting the Sun".

A performance with bibabo dolls "Visiting the Sun".

Drawing "What did we see in the forest?"

Hearing the sounds of the forest.

On a visit to the summer.

Final lesson.

Conversation about the types of director's games: board (toy theater, picture theater), poster (stand-book, flannelograph, shadow theater); dramatization games (finger theater, bibabo puppets, puppets), musical games, improvisation games, etc.

Working on the script game program"On a visit to the summer."

Preparation of musical numbers.

Dramatization of poems about the summer.

Preparation of the best performances of fairy tales and poems, theatrical games, dramatization games (at the choice of children).

Concert for parents and children junior groups kindergarten.

Exhibition of drawings "It's good that it's summer again!"

Preparation and manufacturing required attributes, masks and decorations.

Application "Dragonfly in the meadow".

Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of teaching is most clearly manifested: to teach by playing.

To develop the creative potential of preschool children, I have identified the following tasks:

  • Use technologies that contribute to the child's self-actualization within the framework of theatrical activities.
  • Develop individual personal qualities preschooler, such as positive motivation and sustained interest in creative activity, development creative imagination, visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imaginative thinking, cooperation in joint creative work(the ability to listen and hear a partner, develop a common point of view, justify your own), develop the ability to believe in any imaginary situation (transform and transform)
  • Create an individually personal approach to the child, stimulating his creative activity; satisfaction of the child's need for emotionally rich and varied experiences.
  • Develop the ability to act out scenes based on familiar fairy tales, poems, use for these purposes different kinds theaters, elements of costumes, scenery, to improve performing skills.
  • Involve parents in working with children at home.

Drew up and implemented a long-term plan.



Long-term planning for theatrical activities in the senior group.




goals and objectives

1. "While the curtain is closed"

Develop children's interest in performing arts... Foster goodwill, sociability in relationships with peers. Improve attention, memory, observation.

Game "Me too!"

Game for knowledge of theatrical terminology.

Game "Birds, to the nests!".

A game to develop attention.

"Listen to the claps"

2. You, my friend, a fairy tale, listen and play

Develop speech breathing, correct articulation, diction. Improve memory, attention, imagination, communication of children.

Exercises " Bubble"," Merry Piglet ".

Patter "Six mice rustling in the reeds."

Fairy tale "Bunny and Hedgehog".

A game to develop attention.

"Pay attention"

3. Fairy tale "Bunny and Hedgehog"

Develop the ability of children to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation.

Rhythmoplasty exercise "Bears in a cage".

Patter "Sasha knocked bumps with a stick"

Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Bunny and Hedgehog".

Memory game.


Exercise "I eat."


4. Autumn walks along the paths (based on the fairy tale "Teremok in a new way")

Stimulate emotional perception fairy tales for children; replenish the dictionary with vocabulary reflecting the emotional state of a person.

Reading a fairy tale Conversation about a fairy tale read.

Patter "Drying mice dried, mice invited mice, drying mice began to eat, mice broke their teeth!"

Game: "Walk"




goals and objectives

1 we are actors

To form in children characteristic gestures of repulsion, attraction, opening, closing; foster partnerships between children.

Conversation about theatrical terminology.

Game "Pantomime"

Patter "The cuckoo bought the cuckoo a hood"

Exercise for the development of expressive facial expressions "My mood"

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok in a new way"

Work on diction. Patter "Clara put the bow on the shelf, called Nikolka to her."

"Bring the subject to life"

3. Rhythmoplasty

(working out movements)

To develop a sense of rhythm, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, motor ability and plastic expressiveness.

Work on breathing, articulation. Breathing exercises "Steam locomotive", "Aist"

Theatrical exercise "Let's go, we're going on a cart"

4.Theatrical games

To develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

Game "Funny monkeys".

Game "Cook".




goals and objectives

1.Actions with imaginary objects

Promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; teach to act in concert on stage.

Conversation on the topic "Actions with imaginary objects."

Game "What we do, we will not tell, but we will show."

2.Premiere of the play "Teremok in a New Way"

Arouse sympathy in children for the heroes of the fairy tale. Raise children's desire to perform.

3. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"

Learn clearly, pronounce words, combining movement and speech; to teach emotionally, to perceive a fairy tale, to be attentive to the figurative word, to memorize and expressively reproduce words and phrases from the text in an intonational way.

Exercises for breathing, for articulation "Caprice", "Bells". Work on tongue twisters "The wasp is sitting on the nose, I will take the wasp to the branch."

Sketch "depict an animal"

4 action game with imaginary objects

Promote a sense of truth and belief in fiction. Learn to act in concert on stage

Barbell Exercise.

Birthday game. Work on tongue twisters "The bristle is at the pig, the scales are at the pike."

Exercise to develop imagination

"Listening to sounds"




goals and objectives

1.Playing out etudes

To acquaint children with the concept of "etude"; develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures.

Conversation on the topic "What is an etude?"

Work on sketches "Purchase theater ticket"," Consolation ".

Etude "What am I doing?" "Name the action"

2. Rehearsal of the fairy tale of a stupid mouse (bibabo puppet theater)

Learn to own a doll, coordinate movements and speech.

Working on tongue twisters“- Tell us about your purchases.

About what, about shopping?

About purchases, about purchases, about your own purchases. "

Exercise for the development of speech breathing "Grow big", "Shepherd"

3.Playing out etudes

Teach children to act in conditions of fiction, communicate and react to each other's behavior.

Playing sketches for the main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear, disgust. "Tasty candy", " New doll"," The little fox is afraid. "

Work on tongue twisters "The hedgehog with the hedgehog and the hedgehog were scared of the bear cub."


Teach children to arbitrarily respond to a signal. To develop the ability to convey character and mood in free improvisations.

Conversation about the theater.

Games for the development of motor abilities "Snowman", "Baba Yaga".


"Trained dogs"




goals and objectives

1.Theatrical game "Guess what I'm doing"

Develop memory, imagination of children.

Conversation about the dramatized game.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"

Patter "Tary-bars, rastabars,

Barbara's chickens are old "

Sketches for the expressiveness of a gesture. "Hush", "Come to me."

2. A journey through the fairy tales "New Year's carousel"

Cultivate interest in fairy tales, develop imagination. Accumulate a stock of works of art.

Teach children to own puppet puppets.

Breathing exercises "Echo", "Drink tea", "Bells"

Study for the development of expressive facial expressions

Magic Mirror game

3. Screening of the fairy tale of a stupid mouse (b-b-bo puppet theater)

To foster interest in the theater, the desire to perform in front of children.




goals and objectives

1. Etude "Bunny let the fox into the house, many tears, then shed"

Teach children to express basic emotions.

Patter "Carried the ship with caramel,

The ship ran aground. " A study on the expression of basic emotions "Vaska is ashamed".

2.Culture and speech technique (games and exercises)

Improve the clarity of pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction, intonation)

Game "Funny Poems" or "Funny Poems"

Game exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing "Blow out the stubborn candle", "Steam locomotive", "Porridge"

3.Theatrical game library: "Merry Poems" (with the use of the "living hand" theater)

Range Expansion Games

Exercise in the possession of the doll.

Games for expanding the range "Miracle - ladder", "Airplane"

4. Fairy tale "Frost"

To acquaint children with the fairy tale "Morozko"

Reading a fairy tale.

Conversation about a fairy tale read.




goals and objectives

1. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Explain to children the meaning of the word "event"; continue working on the fairy tale, drawing the children's attention to the elements of acting (attention, communication, observation).

Conversation about theatrical terminology. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko" Etude "Go away"

Improve the imagination, fantasy of children; prepare them for actions with imaginary objects; develop diction.

Work on diction. Tongue twister "Three magpies were talking on the hill".

Rehearsal of the event "Sloth and the Needlewoman".

Exercise to develop imagination


3. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Improve memory, attention, communication of children. Work on the voice.

Work on breathing, articulation "Airplanes", "Watch", "Trumpeter"

4.Say the light of my mirror

Develop the ability of children to understand the emotional state of another person and be able to adequately express their

Game: "Mirror".

Patter "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying"




goals and objectives

1. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Continue working on episodes of the tale. Improve your sense of truth and faith in the proposed circumstances.

Exercise for breathing and for articulation of consonants "Komar", Caprice ".

Rehearsal of the episodes "needlewoman with gifts"Exercise to develop imagination

"Listening to sounds"

2. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Continue working on episodes of the tale.

Breathing exercises "Butterfly", for articulation "Steam locomotive". Work on the tongue twisters "Too many feet for centipedes." Rehearsal of the event "Sloth with gifts".

3. "Toys"

Agniya Barto

Develop creativity in the process of expressive reading of a poem; improve the ability to convey the emotional state of the heroes of poems with facial expressions, gestures.

Acquaintance with the concept of "Intonation".

Conversation. Exercises and games for practicing intonational expressiveness.Dialogue tongue twister "The crab made a rake to the crab,

Crab handed a rake to the crab:

Rake gravel, crab with a rake.

Expressive reading of A. Barto's poems

4. Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Achieve the reduction of all episodes of the fairy tale "Frost" into a single performance. Improve feelings of truth, belief in fiction.

Working on the technique of speech. Tongue twisters "A red-headed cat lay down on his stomach", "Our Polkan fell into a trap."

Rehearsal of the play "Morozko".




goals and objectives

1. Show of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Creative report on theatrical activities.

2.Theatrical play

Develop visual and auditory memory, attention, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.

Conversation about the play "Morozko".

Work on the technique of speech: exercises for breathing and diction, the game "Japanese typewriter".

3.Theatrical game "Amateur-fisherman"

Develop imagination, memory, communication, the ability to act with imaginary objects

Etude "Amateur-fisherman". Patter "Polycarp's catch is three crucian carp, three carp"

Long-term planning for theatrical activities in the preparatory group.




goals and objectives

1. "Fairy tales on the table"

Demonstration of ways of acting with dolls of the table theater

Desktop display puppet show"Kolobok"

Game exercises "Our cute little animals". Breathing exercises "Little owl", "Wolves".

2. Basics of theater. culture

Foster culture

behavior in the theater

Concept: "etude", "tickets", "theater. cashier "," cashier "

Game "Theater of Fashion". Patter "The mouse whispers to the mouse:" You are still rustling, you are not sleeping! ".

The mouse whispers to the mouse: "I will rustle more quietly."

3.Theatrical game "One and the same in different ways"

Develop imagination, fantasy of children.

Game "One and the same in different ways."

Game "Object transformation".

Breathing exercises "Trees creak", "Sore tooth"

4. Theatrical game "Travel around the world"

Develop imagination, the ability to justify their behavior.

The game uses the music of the peoples of the world, sound effects - thunder, rain, storm noise, storm, costumes and masks.




goals and objectives


Develop the ability of children to be evenly placed on the site; move without colliding with each other at different rates.

Game "Contest of lazy people".

Game "Hypnotist".

Etude "Walk"

2.Culture and speech technique

Develop imagination, replenish vocabulary, activate the associative thinking of children.

Creative games with the word "Compose a fairy tale", "Hand ball".

Games with tongue twisters "Phrase in a circle".

3. Acquaintance with the script of the tale "Turnip"

Introduce the script

Conversation on a fairy tale

4. Rehearsal on the tale "Turnip"

Strengthen the ability to play with a doll with a "live" hand.

Dolls bi-ba-bo "Turnip"

Patter "I hid the quail and the quail in the copse from the guys."




goals and objectives

1. Rehearsal on the tale "Turnip"

Support the desire of children to independently search for expressive means to create an image, using the ability to play with a doll with a "live" hand.

Dolls bi-ba-bo "Turnip" Play exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing "Rooster", "On the horizontal bar", "Pump"

2.Puppet show "Turnip"

Dolls bi-ba-bo "Turnip"

3.Theatrical play

Teach children to move freely in space, coordinate their actions with friends.

Exercise with objects.

Exercise with chairs.

Game "Hands and feet". Respiratory exercises "Rooster", "Porridge boils." Study "Battle".

4.Theatrical play

Promote a sense of truth and belief in fiction.

Games "King", "Birthday".

Respiratory gymnastics exercises "On the horizontal bar", "Pump"




goals and objectives

1.Culture and speech technique

"Candle" - Ex. "Jumpers" tongue twisters "Cook Pavel, cook Peter.

Pavel soared, Peter peck. "

Tail like a game

2. Basics of theater. culture

Continue to develop an interest in performing arts

Concept: "emotion", "facial expressions", "gesture", conversation-dialogue about the theater;

Control. Breathing "Samovar", "Bee"

Game "Dialogue by phone". Study for the reproduction of character traits "Scary Beast"

3.Culture and speech technique

Improve the clarity of pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction, intonation).

Breathing support exercise


The game "Poultry yard".

Exercise "Horn", "Trained dogs". Patter "In Khariton's aquarium there are four crayfish and three newts."


Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements; the ability to coordinate actions with each other.

Exercise "Rhythmic Etude".

The game "Counting".

Breathing exercise "At the grandmother's in the village"




goals and objectives

1.Culture and speech technique

Continue to improve the speech apparatus; teach children to use intonations, pronouncing phrases sad, joyful, surprised, angry.

Breathing exercise "I want to sleep."

Exercise for vowels and consonants "Joke".

Work on proverbs and sayings.


Develop the ability to convey the character and mood of music in free improvisations

Games: "Snowman", "Baba Yaga" Exercises for the strength of the voice "Call", "Fly"

Study for the reproduction of character traits "Magic Ring"

3. Basics of theater. culture

Introduce the main theater. professions "Who should do what"

Concepts: actor, artist, director, composer

Game "Little Raccoon".

Exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing "Blow out the stubborn candle", "Steam locomotive"

Study "Scary Beast"

4.Theatrical play

Continue to develop

imagination, fantasy of children;

Develop the ability to justify your behavior

Playing sketches for the main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear, disgust. "The little fox is afraid."

"Vaska is ashamed." "In the shop of mirrors."

Game "Robot".

Exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing "Geese are flying", "Porridge"




goals and objectives

1.Culture and speech technique

Replenish vocabulary, develop creative thinking children

Game "Crow", work on the sounds of fig. Breathing exercise "Butterfly", "Trumpeter", "Porridge is boiling."

Work on the poem "Merry Siskins".

Game - improvisation "Visiting Kuzi"


Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness and musicality.

Warm-up exercises.

Exercise for attention and coordination.

Speech motor coordination.

Game for motor abilities "Zernyshko"

BREATHING EXERCISES"Poultry yard", "Echo". Etude "Erema"

3. Reading the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Examining illustrations.

Breathing exercises "Bee", "Squeak trees"

4. Discussion of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Teach children to express their opinion about a fairy tale they have read

Conversation about the read fairy tale "Geese and Swans"

Division of the tale into episodes.

Improvisation of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Breathing exercises "Drink tea", "Bells"




goals and objectives

1.Theatrical play

Promote development

feelings of truth and belief in fiction;

develop skills of action with imaginary objects

Games "King", "Birthday"

Control. with items

Patter "Lena barely ate, did not want to eat out of laziness"

2. Work on episodes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Work with an impromptu text of episodes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"; develop imagination, memory, fantasy.

Exercises for articulation of vowels and consonants "Wolves", "Komar", "We swing the baby."

Work on tongue twisters "Sweet Mila washed with soap".

Rehearsal of episodes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" with an impromptu text.

3. Rehearsal of episodes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans":

"Geese - swans flew in", "Alyonushka is looking for Ivanushka"

Work with improvised text, develop imagination, memory, fantasy, children's attention.

Work on the technique of speech (breathing, diction)

EXERCISES ON BREATHING SUPPORT "Poultry yard"; Exercises on the strength of the voice "Fly"

4. Rehearsal of episodes of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans":

"Ivanushka at Baba Yaga", "Escape"

Work with impromptu text

A conversation about heroes, a rehearsal. Vocal Strength Exercises " Multi-storey building"," Call "




goals and objectives

1.Culture and speech technique

Develop clear, correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants; teach children to quietly take and get their breath, use intonation.

Work on breathing. Play exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing

"Geese are flying", "Airplanes", "Butterfly"

Work on the pronunciation of the poetic text.

2. Rehearsal of the play "Geese-Swans"

Conduct a rehearsal using all the expressive means of the performance (decoration, music, costumes, light, props, props).

Breathing exercises "Big owl", "Little owl", "Squeak trees"

Sketch "depict an animal"

3.Premiere of the play "Geese-Swans"

Encourage the desire to perform in front of the audience.

4.Theatrical play

Develop imagination, fantasy of children; to learn to select rhymes for words.

Entertainment program "You can do it"

Attention game "The Last Hero".

Breathing exercises "Drink tea", ". A bad tooth. " Study "Flower"




goals and objectives

1.Culture and speech technique. Tongue Twisters

Form the correct pronunciation, articulation; teach children to pronounce difficultly pronounced words and phrases quickly and clearly.

Game "Amateur-fisherman".

Working with tongue twisters »Hot bricks!

Jump off the stove

Bake in the oven

From flour rolls! "

"Packages - bars, rastabars,

Varvara's chickens are old! "

Game exercises for the development of physiological and speech breathing "Shepherd", "Stork", "Porridge"

2. Basics of theater. culture.

Continue acquaintance with

makeup; professional costume designer;

educate culture

behavior in the theater and at a concert

Invite children to compose sketches for behavior in the auditorium and the game "What can you take with you to the theater"

Respiratory exercises "Trumpeter", "Rooster", "Pump". Etude "What am I doing?"

"Name the action"

3.Theatrical game "Circus performance"

Create conditions for organizing circus performances

Clownery "Riders", number "Gymnasts".

Breathing exercises "Balls are flying", "Grow big", "Regulator"