When did people start building at home? Where did the first high-rise buildings appear when the house 2 began in what.

When did people start building at home? Where did the first high-rise buildings appear when the house 2 began in what.
When did people start building at home? Where did the first high-rise buildings appear when the house 2 began in what.

Many concerns the question: why did the show "House 2" become one of the most long-playing on domestic television? We answer: It's all about his scandaling. If initially participants in the program sought to demonstrate to the viewer beautiful love stories, then some time the ratings of the realistic show jumped to heaven at the expense of stormy passions, non-leaturated expressions and permanent draars of heroes.

So how many years now is "House 2"? Now find out.

Initially, the author of this show Valery Commissioners saw his brainchild as a romantic and fascinating program. In the first "house", couples created their home in which all the peripetics took place. As a result, the most resistant family should remain. Literally from the first ether, the transfer has become one of the most popular in the post-Soviet space.

After the dizzying success of the first part, the creators decided to remove the continuation. However, in the scenario of the new version there were significant changes. Now young people got acquainted, fell in love, tied relations directly during the construction of housing.

On the perimeter, new persons regularly appear, which make their own adjustments to the life of local residents. Some of the newcomers are not delayed for a long time, but their places are immediately filled with others, and so in a circle.

We cannot argue that the scenario of each issue of "House 2" is prescribed in advance. During the existence of the project, the viewer could observe sincere feelings, and departure from the program for the sake of family quiet life.

When the premiere of "House 2"

The Russian viewer first saw the "house 2" in the spring of 2004 on the TNT channel, that is, it does not come down from the screens for 13 years.

The brightest participants

During the existence of the project, the viewer saw dozens of participants. However, some were remembered for a long time, and the second were immediately forgotten. Let's look at those who remember us most.

In the first place, undoubtedly, Olga Buzova, who managed to be and participated, and the leading "house 2", and now is a popular TV presenter and singer.

Alyona Vodonaeva deserves a separate mention. The girl was famous for his novels with Stepan Menshchikov, Anton Potapovich and May Apricot. And even after leaving the program, it did not disappear from television screens. Like Buzova, Alyona tried to become a TV host and singer, but with much less success.

Victoria Bonya is an equally noticeable person. Her creativity and artistry will remember the viewer for a long time.

We can not not mark the participant with the warm name of the sun. To date, it is a fairly famous DJ. In addition, Olga Nikolaeva has its Event agency, and helps people make their celebration unforgettable.

Leading projects

Talking about such a global project, we can not remember the leading. After all, they make the show even brighter and more noticeable.

In the early years, "House 2" led Tandem Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina. Also, the leading reality shows at different times were Olga Buzova, Vlad Kadoni, Olga Orlova, Andrei Cherkasov, Katya Zhuzh and Ekaterina Starikov.

Insula (lat. Insula - literally translated as an island) - in ancient Roman architecture - a multi-storey residential building with rooms and apartments intended for delivery in the honeycomb. Appeared no earlier than the III century BC. e. They usually had from three to five floors, there are mentions of eight-storey insulats. Massed buildings of the ancient Roman cities. In insulats, they lived both poor and wealthy layers of the Roman population.

Insules were built as usual for an ancient Rome method of buffet masonry. During the republic, small tuff blocks of irregular shape, fastened by cement, were used as a building material. Later, strokes began to build from bricks. The roofs were made of tiles.

The first floor of insuls usually occupied gallery with small shops. From there there was an entrance to the light courtyard, around which the premises were made. Usually, a separate staircase was led to each apartment or room: disassembled it, the owner could block the tenant in his room until he pays the apartment duty. The first floors of insuls were usually removed by wealthy citizens: there were high ceilings in such apartments (up to 3.5 m) and wide windows protected by dense shutters: mica and glass were rarely used because of their high costs. Apartments, starting from the third floor, were usually intended for poorer shooters: the windows in them were small, and the ceilings are so low that the tenants had to go bent. Wooden mezzani was often attracted.

Central heating was absent: heat in the rooms were given individual water boilers. In strokes, the sewage was usually not carried out: in Rome, uncleanness was carried out in the nasty heaps or simply thrown out of the windows; Water was taken from the nearest sources or fountains. In other cities on the first floor there was a restroom, as, for example, showed excavations in the oct.

As the sources indicate, the rent in insulats was quite high. Already during the republic, an annual fee for an apartment on the fifth floor was about 2,000 sternsi. Apartments for 2 and 3 floors cost from 3000 or more sisterings. You could buy a whole house in Italy. On the upper floors in the same room there were often 2 or 3 families.

The master of insuls could at any time evict its tenants. Parts were speculation, from which they suffered, first of all, apartments. For the order in the house and for the payroll payment, trusted slave was usually followed - Insularius.

The first mention of multi-storey houses in Rome is contained at Libya Titus: on the eve of the second Punic war, running off the market, climbed along the stairs on the third floor, which was considered a bad omen. It should be noted that those inserts that were built in compliance with all the standards of construction were reliably protected both from the collaps and from the rapid spread of fire in the event of a fire. In Rome itself, according to the "marble plan", there were 46 thousand insuls in Rome (for comparison, mansions - 1,790), however, the stress in Rome survived a little: the active restructuring of the city destroyed the old ruins. Their device can be judged by archaeological excavations in Ostia. Insuls are an example of the town-planning art of ancient Rome. In Europe, after the destruction of the Roman Empire, the apartment buildings began to build only in the era of the late Middle Ages.

In the spring of 2004, a premiere of the "Dom-2" show was held on the TNT channel. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a project belonged to a TV list under the sights of a TV camera online young people tried to arrange a personal life. The project was successful and brought considerable money to the organizers. The program still enjoys a great success at the target audience. How many years "home-2" would not have been fulfilled, it always welcomes numerous fans.

Birth story of the project

The trial version of the "House" transfer appeared on the Screens of the TNT channel in 2003. The format of the first show was a competence for the estate, which they were built live. The leading project was first the singer Nikolai Baskov, then the gymnast role was played by Alexey Kulichkov at the construction site. Subsequently, he headed the entertainment transfer of Taxi on TNT. In the final issue, television viewers were determined by whom the house will get from the newlyweds.

How many years "home-2" and when he first appeared on the screens, today few people remember. A few years ago, rumors were published in the media that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project was purchased from Zeal from the UK. Similar to domestic transmission, the overseas program had a great success at the viewers. It was broadcast in France, Australia, Germany, USA. However, in a foreign project, it was focused on in it, the already established pairs participated. How valid to the guesses of journalists, it is difficult to say.

The results of the test broadcast "at home", apparently, did not suit the TNT leadership, because the show format was converted to the requests of the Russian TV viewer. As a result, in May 2004, Dom-2 was transferred. In the new project, participants had to not only build a housing, but also love. If initially the building was eventually handed over perfect pair, then in the second version of the realistic show, such a prize was not meant by the organizers.


How many years goes "house-2", so much time around it continues scandals. The appearance of the project has made a lot of noise in society. The show became the object of criticism of many writers, social and religious figures. The transfer was accused of immorality, participants - in imitation of love relationships on the camera, managers - in the operation of youth for the mercenary goals of profit, organizations of intentional provocations, conflicts and scandals. Active opponents of the project paid attention to how many years "House-2" participants. Some of them were filmed, being juvenile.

The negative role of transmission in the formation of young people is celebrated by many critics. The activists stepping for the closure of a realistic show, having studied the issues of the program, stated that they managed to detect invalid scenes of Drak, Mata, erotica in the video recording. Leading opponents "House-2" accused of pimp.

At the thoughts about the dubious cultural benefits of the project leads statistics. At the moment, the number of its participants exceeded 730 people, and couples who registered marriage, not more than 14.


In 2005, a group of deputies appealed to the prosecutor's office with a requirement to stop broadcasting the transfer and bring to the responsibility of its leading. The opponents of the project immediately accused of trying to introduce censorship on television and encroachment on the democratic foundations of society. Protesters Activists failed to get the closure of the program. In 2009, a new proceedings ended with the conclusion that the Metropolitan Court of the Presnensky district banned broadcast transmission during the daytime. Until 2010, the program went out only late in the evening, then she began to show her again during the day.

Love or calculation

How justified the construction of relationships online, it is difficult to say, if not regarding the project as a purely financial. Revenues of the participants of the show for most regions of Russia are fabulous. Thirst for profitless, undoubtedly attracts a certain number of people who want to make a profit. Salary TV stresses increase as they are on the project. How much is the TV project "House-2" years, so much time characters of the transfer can earn in their own popularity. So, income rating stars sometimes exceed $ 5000 per month. Of course, the youth arriving at the project from the depthion even can not dream of such income in their regions. Transmission participants, except for a big salary, receive additional financial bonuses. This is a profit from advertising, touring, other public activities.

How old is "home-2"

On May 11, 2014, the popular show celebrated anniversary. Ten years the project is already on the air. In 2005, the media appeared in the media that the transfer came to the Guinness Book of Records as the most "long-playing" reality show. The data was not confirmed. In fact, the program is listed in the Russian book of records. The project did not work in the world leaders. How many years "home-2" would not have turned, a reality show has a serious opponent in Germany. This is the project "Big Brother". Transmission by time broadcasting on the air markedly overtakes the Russian project. The fact is that the German is broadcast around the clock, without breaks, so it is impossible to overtake it.

Ten years ago, fifteen people went to the perimeter to build their love, as well as the house of his dream, which will win only one pair. The leading project was first Dmitry Nagiyev, who spent the finals of the previous show "House", then decided to replace him with Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodin.

Fifteen young participants communicated among themselves, built relationships, swear and every week someone left and in his place came a new participant who had passed the casting sieve. A year later, several permanent couples were formed on the project, and the final decided to postpone, as the struggle was interesting and profitable for the company TNT.

Channel TNT earned a lot of money, selling the idea of \u200b\u200bthe show of the American company Sony Pictures Television International. This is the first project on Russian television who are interested in abroad, and besides, they listed the Guinness records for their unique duration in the Book of Records.

For ten years of existence, thirteen couples got married, and only five divorced, nine people were convicted and six died. Famous participants continued their careers on television, in movies, business. Victoria Bonya, Alena Vodonaeva, Olga Buzova - leading various projects, Olga "Sun" Nikolaev promotes his music and has significant awards. Stepan Menshikov, Roman Tretyakov, Anastasia Dashko - these and other names will always remember.

Who owns the show "Dom-2"

The father of the first realistic show about the relationship "House" was Valery Commissioners, known in Russia as the leading transfer "My family". At the end of the show, TNT decided to repeat the success of a similar project, so "Dom-2" appeared, where no couples had to fight for the house, but only those formed during the project.

In 2009, Comedy Club Production, which is a multidisciplinary producer center, bought all the rights to the Dom-2 project and remains its full master to date. Founded in 2006, she has such projects as Comedy Club, Stand Up, "University. New dorm, "Sashahatanya", "Interns", "The Best Movie" (and all of it), as well as numerous projects that have experienced their time and for one reason or another has ceased to work.

The founders of Comedy Club Production are Artur Janibekyan, Garik Martirosyan, Gasparyan attacks and Arthur Tumasyan.

And why over time the show turned into an accumulation of abominations? House-2 - Transfer, striving to show people beautiful love stories and reveal the mechanism of this feeling. An attempt, however, failed due to the shade of yellowness, which is usually sinned by the mass press.

When was the first releases and how many years is home-2?

The show is based on realistic subtext, i.e. All we see on the screen is the purest improvisation and life as it is. In any case, the idea was so.

In May 2004, the pilot series of transmission was launched. She had a huge success due to the lack of such content on TV. People growing in totalitarianism and prohibition, due to emotional tabups fell in love with the transmission from the first viewing. Of course, the show was designed for the female half of the audience.

How many years is home-2? For 2016, the experience of the show is 12 years old. However, we can challenge this period because ...

House-2 - only follower, not an original idea

A year earlier, that is, in 2003, on TV channel TNT launched a reality show called the house. This is a kind of progenitor at home-2. However, the first transmission purpose was determined clearly - 12 pairs were built 1 house, after the end of the development, only one married couple received the keys from it. The show lasted 4 months.

However, the editors of the TNT channel decided that on this format (i.e., on imitation of real life), you can work a lot of money, and therefore the allegedly new home was launched, which received the name of the house-2.

The goal of the project formally remained the same - to build a house and give it a pair that will come to the final. However, construction has done, and the settings adjusted. I wonder why?

Now the project actively shows the audience as "we need to build relationships": fights, swearing, tears, mercantile women and hysterical men, numerous treason and the lack of even nominal respect between "loved".

So, if you take into account the first gear, then the answer to the question "How much does house-2 go?" It will sound differently - 13 years.

House-2 in numbers: convicts, dead

13 years old - as a small being, during this time, some participants have changed their lives. Someone married someone turned out to be in prison, and someone died.


  • Alexey Adeeyev (fraud) detained on the shooting of the transfer. He was wanted even before she came to the show. I identified it one of the audience. And the question is why people who are in the federal wanted list freely fall on the TV show, we will omit. Forget that after the liberty of the SIZO, the Adeev returned to the project. However, a little later, he was planted again.
  • For drugs were convicted: Vyacheslav Popov, Elena Berkov, Mikhail Podikh.
  • For frauds were brought to justice: Rustam Solntsev, Gennady Dzhikia, Anastasia Dashko, Mikhail Terekhin and a number of other participants.

The dead:

  • Christina Kalinina - the heart refused, there are assumptions that it happened because of stress, which girl received at the shooting of the show;
  • Vladimir Grechishchnikov - Oncology;
  • Oksana Apotev - killed, the reasons are unknown;
  • "Kesha", in the world of Alexander Kornev - died in an accident;
  • Andrei Cadetov - killed, the reasons are unknown.

Was there love?

During its existence (13 years for 2016), Dom-2 managed to "become famous" to the scandaling, excessive frankness and highly concentrated hypocrisy of the participants. Behind the happy couples often hide deceivers who are afraid to fly off the project, and therefore playing in love.

However, sincerity on the show was also. Couples who decided to get married:

  • Evgenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev;
  • Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov;
  • Natalia Varwin and Alexey Mikhailovsky;
  • Aliana Ustineneko and Alexander Gobozov;
  • Rita Agibalova and Pavel Marso;
  • Liber Kpadonu and Yevgeny Rudnev;
  • Ksenia Borodin and Kurban Omarov.

P.S. Article - How many years there is 2, published in the heading -.