Ukrainian singer Ognevich. Lyrics (words) zlya

Ukrainian singer Ognevich. Lyrics (words) zlya
Ukrainian singer Ognevich. Lyrics (words) zlya

People's Deputy 8 convocating from the Lyashko Radical Party


Inna Leonidovna Bordyug (it was this name that she had at birth) was born on January 12, 1986 in the teacher's family and military surgeon. She was born in Murmansk, lived in St. Petersburg, Minsk, as well as in the city of Sudak (Crimea).

Inna Bordyug - Typical Capricorn. With childhood, she got used to set goals and seek what she wants. Therefore, after school, I went to conquer Kiev, where I entered the Museum. Gliera. After receiving the diploma, Inna Bordyug decided not to stop at what was achieved and went to study at the Kiev Music Institute for a jazz office.

The ambitious girl decided to become a star and came up with his scenic pseudonym - Zlata Ognevich. Ukraine, her talent estimated quite quickly. The people loved the artist to Gold Ognevich for her creativity, beauty and youth.

Inna Bordyug - a girl having different talents. She solired in the ensemble of the song and dance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sang in Latin-Banda. According to the military, Zlata Ognevich songs on the patriotic theme performs so that there are more goosebumps on the skin! Sings very convincingly, with a soul, so that the listeners seem to be a heart that she feels every word.

In addition, according to men, a very attractive girl Zlata Ognevich. Photo with her autograph for many of her fans is the best gift.

The singer participated three times in the qualifying competitions for Eurovision. Two times the victory was delivered to her more successful colleagues. Only for the third time she passed a competitive selection and represented Ukraine on Eurovision in 2013. For many, it became a pleasant surprise that the Ukrainian singer Zlata Ognevich took third place on such a prestigious competition. Clips with her songs, as well as a video recording on Eurovision began to be greatly popular.


Zlata Ognevich became a favorite artist of neo-Nazis. In Eurovision, before the announcement of the results of the competition, she said: "Glory to Ukraine!" After that, the Nazis understood: "Our man Zlata Ognevich! Ukraine for her is all! "

Having achieved certain success in creativity, the girl came to the conclusion that it was, of course, it is good that she knows how the Zlata Ognevich. But she has a real name - Inna Bordyug! Elections in Rada are a chance to become even more popular by glorifying the name given to her at birth.

She participated in the candidate race from the "Radical Party", calling his real name - Inna Bordyug. Elections in Rada, she won, becoming a people of 8 convocation.

November 10, 2015 declared the addition of deputy authority. But on November 26, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine refused to cease the powers of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Zlata Ognevich. The relevant draft resolution voted 197 peoples with a minimum of 226 votes.


They say that Zlata Ognevich is a large transcription. She loves beautiful things, expensive cosmetics, tasty food and travel. Therefore, she spends to please themselves, very solid amounts.

In addition, she just fanatically adores different spices. Being on vacation in any exotic country, Zlata Ognevich will certainly cost all the shops and buy a huge number of spices. Returning home, she has to give them all in a row to not litter the kitchen boxes.

There were rumors that she would try to conquer the heart of Oleg Lyashko for some time, but then I realized that she had no chance, so I left this idea. I did not like Zlata Ognevich. Her songs, even on the patriotic theme, also did not make any impression on odious policy. No other proven "weapons", which uses Zlata Ognevich - clips is used. Lyashko they were also not impressed.

Therefore, in memory of his photo Zlata Ognevich did not give him, and so I wanted! They say that the singer understands that it is very photogenic. In addition, good photographers are removed. So such a gift is usually able to light the fire in any heart.

A family

Unlike many other popular performers, Inna Bordyug grew in full family. Photo of relatives, by rumors, she always takes with me on tour. So it seems to her that they are with her next.

Her father worked as a military surgeon. Now he heads urban clinic. Mother received a higher philological education. Works manager in pizzeria. There is a younger sister - she is studying at a lawyer.

The star resumed the ranks of the "bachelor".

The artist and her already ex-beloved had distant plans, but the relationship of the couple ended.

"It happens that in the life of people there is such a point of reference when it is divided into two ways. And such a point of reference has come. This is not only in his heart, but in mine. It was logical about it. Maybe I was about it So happily told. About my personal happiness need to be silent, "commented the separation of the Zlata.

See also:

Note, for the first time a couple noticed together at the station last year. Already after the emergence of joint images on the network, the actress officially confirmed the presence of a relationship with a guy who served in the ATO zone.

"In family life, there must be children, but I'm not ready for this," the situation of Ognevich summed up.

Also, the star told Catherine Sidia about his joy from the victory of Jamala at the current Eurovision.

See also:

"It is such an event now in Ukraine so that we are combining that we were to be proud of delighted, "Zlata emphasized.

All that is done - for the better. Perhaps this is exactly what Zlata Ognevich said, when she did not have enough any little to get to the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 from Ukraine. And although her song "The Kukushka" became an undisputed hit, and the singer herself - the favorite of the audience, in Dusseldorf went the other ... "All my awards are still ahead," she is sure.

Two years later, Zlata Ognevich received a chance to submit Ukraine at the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest 2013. In our opinion, the talented singer has all the data to make a real breakthrough for a song Olympus.

- So, Zlata, welcome to Viva! Let's get acquainted.

Good day! I am very pleased to become the heroine of your magazine. I have been reading it for many years, even when I lived in Sudak, I surely bought a fresh number.

- Did you think then that you get on his pages?

Of course, I really wanted it, but I was sure that it was unrealistic.

- Do you have low self-esteem?

(Laughs) Not that low. But self-sufficiency in me. However, I am working on myself ... in show business it is necessary.

- So, you have a Crimean woman.

Actually, I was born in Murmansk, I lived there until five years, a little we lived with my parents in St. Petersburg - My Military Surgeon is my dad. But at some point, Mom put an ultimatum: "Listen, my dear husband, I'm tired of living in the cold, let's move to the sea!" So we moved to Sudak. At first, Mom was very afraid of me, she did not let alone, even into the courtyard, even though I was a rather independent child - my mother encouraged this quality in me. In St. Petersburg, I was even allowed to go to the store for bread.

- What happened to moving to the Crimea?

First, someone else's city, you never know what can happen. And the proximity of the sea ... We had a tragedy in our family - the first child drowned, the boy, so the parents were doubly worried about me. But at all, I remember my southern childhood with great tenderness. We constantly stayed at us, sometimes up to 30 people stuck in our tiny two-room apartment ... I remember how night we bathed in the sea, went to the mountains. So I am a water-mountain child.

- That is why you are so famously jumping on the heels on the stones in your Kukushka video.

In fact, on the set, I fell several times on the set - heels do not feel very comfortable on the rocks. And the director Oleg Stepchenko every time perplexed: "Well, here is terrible? What are you afraid of?" I once slightly out of the walls did not break when they filmed the episode in the fortress! All froze for a second, and I say: "everything is fine." "Well, since everything is fine, then they went further to shoot," said the director. And also, preparing for the shooting of the clip, I learned to ride and fell off the horse - the leg was stuck in the string, and the horse rushed. At this moment, my whole life flashed before my eyes!

You have passed a serious Cascader school! And this, notice, not for the sake of a big role in the movies, but for the sake of a three-minute clip.

Yes, then I then entered the image, so it was divided that it was ready to jump off a cliff to a mountain river with ice water! If the director was told to do this, I would not have thought of a second.

- Is it worth going to such victims?

I generally realized that the actress was not a person, but an object for the realization of the director's ideas. The main thing is just that he definitely understood what exactly should be in the frame. I was lucky with the director.

- Then the question itself suggests: the cinema does not attract you?

Yes, I dream to play and dramatic, and comedy role. While the proposals did not come, I simply develop internal luggage, I observe people, let's notify some miceans, which are so rich in life around. Children and tramps are particularly interesting, they behave so directly, absolutely free, without any conventions and frames. And what: suddenly you have to play a tramp?

- And if you were offered to reincarnate in the shallow old woman, would agree?

Easily. Remember, there was such a film "Monster", where did Charlize Teron played? I would tried to do something like that. The same game! The only one I would not want to play is a witch and a killer. It is impossible to joke with the unclean force, it all is later reflected on the karma.

By the way, about witches. At first we wanted to make a clip in the style of Venetian Middle Ages, all in dark colors, and there in the plot the Inquisitor shoots the girl-cuckoo. But I beat - and the result was a beautiful romantic story. In general, the time of the knights and beautiful ladies is my favorite. We have a Genoese fortress in Sudak, where my friends and princesses and princesses and I have been played.

- Naturally, you got the main role.

(Laughs) to admit honestly, I never felt one hundred percent clever and beauty. I constantly dig in myself and reflecting: what else to work on? But at the same time I accept compliments with pleasure, although I confuse a little.

Well, then I want to make you a compliment: you are not just a beautiful girl, but also a talented singer. I understood that when I looked through all your performances on YouTube: and duets with Asan Bilyalov on the "People's Sirka" project, in which you won, and castings for Eurovision, and clips ...

Thank you very much, Flying to hear these words.

And your fans mounted and posted a film-biography of the "History of One Singer". He tells about how once the girl of Zlata gathered the nodes of the belonging, said goodbye to his parents and went to conquer the capital ... then tell you.

I was 17, and I realized that you need to get out of the big world. Parents told me: "Drive, daughter, and good luck to you, there we will definitely not help you." I came to Kiev and entered the Music Gliera School. The house was a double holiday: first, I entered, secondly, to the budget. I always said that if I have to pay for study, I will change the profession.

- And what would you still do other than music?

Diplomatic activities or psychology. After all, in parallel with the muzule, I went to Nau, at the Faculty of Psychology. I first thought that the music was good, but perhaps it is worth trying to try again. As a result, it turned out that psychology sucks me out of me and salvation only in creativity. When I got into the hostel of Glyheree, in the "musical madhouse", as it was called, I met like-minded people there, just like I, persistent on the music, realized that in its plate. I was engaged at five o'clock in the studio, good, she was in a hostel, and how many music I have overwhelmed! This material still nourishes me.

Classes for five hours in the studio, increasing the educational level ... pressed somehow. But what about the charms of the collapsed student life?

Of course, we fondered, organized parties, organized all sorts of KVN, slept salt to the kettle, the guys crashed under the door, stuck out the room from the room. It was very funny.

- But it looks more like pranks in the pioneer camp.

Well, if we talk about adult entertainment, then we are girls almost all Kiev clubs proceeded.

- Where did the money come from?

Well, it is also known that in each club you can pass to a certain time for free.

- And you have treated you, obviously, the guys with whom you got acquainted?

No, what are you! I generally opponent all this. I am an independent girl and independent. This parents brought up in me, for which I am very grateful.

What else did I do in the student? Very loved to go to museums, theaters, the club "44". Every Sunday, a jam session was held, in which Kiev musicians participated. And I went to concerts. All money spent on tickets.

- It became, the appetite was fed spiritual food.

Yes, and if I spent money not for tickets, then on cosmetics. And the food is not the main thing.

- Diet from: more music and cosmetics, smaller food.

(Laughs) Approximately. Although in fact a kilogram I lick at concerts. Sometimes a kilogram goes to a speech. But most, by the way, lose the opera singers.

- Hmm, looking at chubby tenors with the tummy of impressive sizes, and you can not say.

So they are fought overnight for the night! And all this presses on the lungs and the diaphragm, as a result, such a disease is developing like bulimia. A bright example is Luciano Pavarotti. He did not go anywhere without his cook!

It's not the same for everybody. For example, I do not eat meat - only fish, seafood, mushrooms. When she lived in the north, she moved black caviar. Now I can't look at her.

- And what, often have it?

(Laughs) Yes No, infrequently. I have a dream here: when I earn enough, I will send parents into a cruise. My mother dreams of visiting Paris and Italy.

- Be sure to earn. Is it true that you are going to leave for Europe?

Gathered. When I came to the studio - sang voice songs, jazz, blues, and they told me: "Listen, who needs it? Let's make three chords, two strings and let's work out the corporate parties. " I so became scary from this perspective that I decided to go to Europe, prepare to get into some kind of musical. After all, our guys are a lot in Europe, and on Broadway. Find there a job is not a problem if you know the language, hardworking and talented.

- They say that blues is when a good person is sad, and Pops - when a bad person is fun ...

Well, if such a pop, like Aguilera and Jackson, then it is cool. But if three notes and "umc-cm-umc", then it is terrible.

- That is, you want to say that your career can develop both in Ukraine and in Europe.

I would like to. Moreover, I received the approval of our European colleagues, especially when I performed the song Japan.

- You wrote this song when an earthquake happened in Japan?

It is impossible to stay aside when it happens: here everything is fine here, and there people are grief, the family is dying. This song has become a musical and social action to which other artists responded, the symphony orchestra. On the Internet there is a website on which the musicians of the world lay out their tracks, they can be downloaded, and all funds go to the help of Japan.

- Zlata, apparently, are you alone?

I perceive trouble - whether with people or animals - bare nerves.

"Surely, in childhood I picked up cats, dogs and brought them to the house for the joy of mom?"

(Laughs) Snails. I can imagine how it looked: a whole colony of slugs is spread throughout the house. Poor mom, how she endured it! Well, the cats are the same holy! How much I remember yourself, fed them.

I am sure that you have enjoyed high attention from the guys. Have you had such situations when you took courtship only from a feeling of pity?

It was only once, and hopefully the first and last. I became nervous, irritable and overnight decided to stop these relationships. One conversation - and you understand that it is free that the sun shines again! Now my heart is free.

- Do you like this condition or do you live in the premonition of a meeting with real love?

I love freedom, but it does not prevent me from staying in some premonition. Because the more I want something, the harder it will give me. This is already verified and more than once. So I rely on fate.

Tatyana Vityaz

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Zlata (real name and surname Zlata Miroevskaya) - Russian singer, author and komositor.

The girl was born on November 1, 1988 in Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). From early childhood, I wanted to become a singer, the benefit of this was all the necessary data, and most importantly talent and inspiration for writing their own compositions.

Since childhood he was engaged in music. She graduated from the music school in the piano. I won several piano competitions. Then he graduated from the university by profession a psychologist. During his studies, continued to actively engage in creativity.

In 2012, he moved to Moscow to record his solo album. He concluded a contract with the famous Sound Merryer Sergey Metzovov, who participated in creating a multitude of hits for popular artists (Dima Bilan, 5STA Family, Elvira T and many others).

The first composition that Zlata recorded was called "Mercy". The track instantly cleared the connoisseurs of good music.

"I am very pleased with the resulting cooperation and full of energy to carry his work on. I wrote a huge number of different songs that I hope you will hear in the very near future, but "Mercy" was not accidentally chosen by the first single. For me it was especially important that the listeners first appreciate this particular composition, which became for me at some point autobiographical " - told the singer.

Soon, a no less successful video was filmed on the song, the director of which was Clipmaker Vadim Tents, who had previously worked with such artists as McSim, Dolphin, in groups of animals, splinters and many others. The video clip was based on the relationship between two lovers, developing simultaneously in two parallel realities. Thus, the viewer seems to see two different options for the development of events.

Later, in November 2012, there is a track "Fingerprints", excellent clockwork musical composition.

And in December, the shooting of another clip on the song "Under the Sky of Megapolis" began.

The Zlata singer collaborates with the largest recording company Gala Records. At the moment, 14 tracks are recorded, which in the near future will enter the solo album of the singer.

Also, Zlata wrote songs for already popular performers (Jasmine, Irina Ortman, etc.) ...

In 2013, several songs came out immediately, including: "Distance", "Hulling", "This is a fake, not me," "You and I (feat. SoundStage)", "MINTAY", "WISHEL".

Zlata Ognevich - Ukrainian singer, show business. Zlata Ognevich He became famous when he was chosen as a representative of Ukraine in Eurovision 2013. Zlata Ognevich He is a well-deserved artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. As accepted in Ukraine was Zlata Ognevich and a deputy of the Verkhovna Radv of Ukraine VIII convocation, and - from the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko.

Zlata Ognevich
Full name - Bordyug Inna Leonidovna
Date of birth January 12, 1986
Place of birth Murmansk, RSFSR, USSR
Country Ukraine
Professions singer
Pevic voice Lyric-dramatic soprano
Genres pop music

Future Zlata Ognevich (And at that time, "Total-Nolcego" Inna Leonidovna Bordyug - Born in Murmansk in the family of a military surgeon and teacher (Russian teachers and literature). Family Zlata Ognevich He lived in St. Petersburg and Minsk. Inna began to make music in the Crimea, in Sudak, where she moved with his family in 5 years. Formation of Zalta. Ognevich Already as a professional singer took place in Kiev, where the girl became the graduate of the Kiev Institute of Music. Gliera on specialization "Jazz Vocal".

Zlata Ognevich It is a soloist of the state ensemble of the song and dance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, also sang in Latin-Bande.
In 2010 year Zlata Ognevich She became the finalist of the national selection of Eurovision-2010 competition from Ukraine, but did not won. In 2011, she took part in the selection of Eurovision-2011, but also did not won.

In 2011 at the contest CRIMEA MUSIC FEST Zlata Ognevich She ranked first and in addition received a press prize.
In 2012 Zlata Ognevich She became the face of the advertising campaign of the resorts of Crimea.
In 2013 Zlata Ognevich Represents Ukraine at the Eurovision Contest in Malmo with the song "Gravity", which took 3rd place.

November 30, 2013 Zlata Ognevich Together with Timur Miroshnichenko was the leading children's competition of the song Eurovision 2013.
In 2013, she became the coach of Donetsk Chora in the TV program "Battle of Choir" (Rus. Battle of the Chorav), on which her choir took 2nd place.
September 2014 Zlata Ognevich I became a candidate for national deputies of Ukraine from the radical party.

Family Zlata Ognevich

Father Leonid Bordyug, Military Surgeon.
Mother Galina Vasilyevna Bordyug, teacher of Russian language and literature. There is a younger sister Julia

Participation of Zlata Ognevich in Eurovision - 2013

After victory Zlata Ognevich In the national selection of Eurovision Song Contest 2013, information was filed that the Gravity song could be changed (surcharges accelerated, couples can be added).
Zlata Ognevich ranked 3rd by typing 214 points.