Corporate Museum as a PR tool. State support for sectoral corporate museums

Corporate Museum as a PR tool. State support for sectoral corporate museums
Corporate Museum as a PR tool. State support for sectoral corporate museums

The corporate museum is a concept, on the one hand, new, because Corporate style and branding issues, Russian companies began to pay attention relatively recently, on the other, this is a completely traditional phenomenon that exists on a variety of enterprises from Soviet times.

What roles can do the corporate museum?

Face company

The corporate museum is one of the "persons" of the company or brand, how the organization positions itself for its employees and the surrounding world. This is a place in which the achievements over the years of work are shown, everything is exhibited than the company can be proud of.

Meeting point

The corporate museum can serve as a place to hold meetings with guests and potential customers, to organize communication with journalists. The head, deciding on the creation of the Organization Museum, contributes to the increase in the company's image component.

The corporate museum then becomes truly interesting to visitors when the story goes beyond the stories about the company. The exposition may tell in general about the industry or the history of the region, especially if we are talking about the city-forming enterprise.


Multimedia installations in projects are inseparable from general decisions, graphs, exposure solutions (showcases, stands).

Often it makes sense to develop a museum corporate identity - so that later all decisions and content were guaranteed to be made in a single style.





Design is the basis of any successful exposure. Under the design it is understood not only design, although it is very important, but also verified from the point of view of the convenience of perception, the placement of exhibits and multimedia installations.

Design exposure, interior design, multimedia design, infographic design and museum branding, design of software interfaces - all this specific directions that need to be paid to creating or upgrading the exposure. And all these directions should not be scattered, their common goal is space, attractive and informative for the visitor and convenient for museum staff.

As for technological solutions, without thoughtful design, they may look like "iron", which does not help, and sometimes even interferes with the perception of the subject. Therefore, the design of multimedia-installations is the area we pay special attention.


Infographics, as the direction of design dedicated to the design of information, is very in demand in museums.

How to show complicated information clearly? How to turn boring texts in easy-to-read flowcharts? How to place the names, mottos, quotes beautifully and pepatically? All these questions should be asked when designing a museum exposition.

Well-compiled infographics looks like a fascinating story that does not need additional explanations. When infographic in the space of exposure and multimedia content, a number of aspects are important: scale, color and font design, general visual integrity, accurate selection of facts, the use of chronology, interests of the museum audience.


The goal of professional showcases is to enable visitors to comprehensively consider exhibits without being distracted by exhibition equipment.

Safety of storage, tightness, protection against sunlight and dust, environmental friendliness of materials used, backlight and temperature regime - Important factors in the formation of display equipment for exposure.

Modern showcases can use built-in displays, backlit control, as well as enjoy individual for the subject of a particular museum by appearance.

The placement of exhibits in the shop windows is the main task of the design of the exposure.


Light is one of the basic components of the museum design. The exhibit can be brightly stand out or, on the contrary, to get lost on the background of the walls - depending on the correctness of its lighting. Also, the question of light is very important when implementing multimedia tools, because certain technologies, such as video epipping or transparent screens, require a significant dimming of the room.

To use various light scenarios in exposure, it is possible to provide the use of a lighting group control system.

Then the guide or even a visitor can manage the sources of light in the desired sequence.


The sound in the exposition is often undervalued tool, which is nevertheless able to influence the visitor of the museum, perhaps even stronger and impressive than visual images.

The sound in the museum can be used in different ways:

Non-controlled acoustics Create sound in a specific exposure zone.

General audio decoration: Noise of production, musical composition - task the mood, immerses the visitor to a certain atmosphere or even postpone into a certain era.

Audio Eocket Allows you to supply the exhibit of the necessary history, with the possibility of choosing a native language, without gaging the visitor with additional devices.


Display technologies in the museum are not only familiar information sensory kiosks, but also unusually decorated "coming portraits" and sensory video walls with fascinating presentations, interactive "windows", mobile terminals and much more!

When using display technologies, it is important for the museum to get away from the standardized submission of information and the forms of execution, because visitors are accustomed to using a variety of sensory devices (laptops, smartphones) in their daily life. Without registration, without interesting content, without readability and clearness of the displayed materials, the screens can be an alien element in the exposure.

Do not forget about the physical ease of use of display technologies for different groups of visitors.

Projection technologies

The projection in the museum is able to brightly tell any story! You can forget about the usual bundle "Screen + Projector". You can create an image today on any surface, which gives rise to a lot of ideas for memorable installations.

Superconfrial projection Provide good visibility of video materials in a lit room.

Panoramic screen Move the visitor to the desired era or atmosphere. Thanks to the use of peripheral vision, the visitor feels a full-fledged participant.

Scenic hologram Allows you to show complex technological processes or characters of the past.

Interactive books Show the history of the museum in a visual, interactive and spectacular form.

Video monopping "Relivered" any volume of the subject - whether it is the layout of the spheres of the Earth or the whole facade of the building.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is the combination of a real object and virtual "add-on". How can this be used in the corporate museum?

Binoculars Augmented reality will "increase" on the exhibit or panoramic view animation, archival photoks, signatures.

Virtual fitting room It will help the visitor to try on any suit or accessories.

Chromakey. (Shooting on a green background, and then replacing this background in real time on any virtual images) will give visitors a lot of emotions by melting their images into a video or an animated photo frame on the screen.

It will be a big plus if the visitor can send the resulting images and video to yourself in the mail or place on social networks!


In the modern world of visual noise, the opportunity to feel like a creator and a direct member of the work of the museum exposition is great value. Tactile sensations and movement make it possible to significantly enrich the perception of the exhibition. It is especially important to "touch, put forward, look" for a children's audience.

The kinetics in the museum exposition is the advanced display boxes, mobile displays, "real" buttons, puzzles, diagrams and working models, labyrinths, simulators changing the form of the structure. Even the chandelier in the corporate museum can be "alive"!

LED technologies

Only on the LED screen, the image retains sufficient brightness and contrast even on the scorching sun, shines through the fog and snow.

And the stability of the LEDs to temperature effects and their moisture proof made the use of LED technologies popular in various fields.

The scope of application in the museum is from media files, decorating the museum outside or inside the illuminated atrium, to the point illumination of exhibits and decorative elements in the interior.

As a result of constant progress in improving the LEDs, becoming more convenient for use in the museum space. For example, the State Museum in Amsterdam in 2014 completely switched to LED lamps for highlighting not only interiors, but also world-famous masterpieces, such as the "Night Watch" of Rembrandt.

Examples of implemented projects

Since 2001, Askrin has been operating in the field of comprehensive multimedia equipment. One of the most beloved and creative areas of activity is the development of interactive installations, creative concepts and integrated multimedia equipment for museums. We specialize in how thoughtfully implement modern technologies in the space of the museum exposition.

Own production, engineers, computer graphics studio, the status of official suppliers in large multimedia brands allow you to successfully implement the most complex projects.

Corporate museums were in the "buffer" zone: they are little involved in the museum community and even less in corporate, where they are formally listed in trade unions, HR- or PR units. Meanwhile, and museum professionals and representatives of the companies would take care of them. The first can in surprise see that the funds and potential audience corporate museums may well compete with "ordinary". For the second there are at least seven reasons to ask yourself a question: why we do not consider the corporate museum as a tool of public relations.

HEINEKEN EXPERIENCE Museum. Photo: © Heineken Experience.

1. The museum creates images and stories, and not information

With a high probability of those who sincerely interested in the number of cars shipped by the company, millions of rubles of taxes paid to the budgets of all levels, among your audience an elusive minority. To stay in my head and in the heart of the rest of the audience, you need to tell a story or legend, with bright images, the opportunity to personally see, touch and may even feel the taste or smell. This museum makes much better than press releases and interview top management.

2. The museum combines all ways to prevent

All traditional communications tools are based on some one or two ways to transfer information. The museum allows you to combine all types - visual, sound, textual and (!) Interactive. And this, as follows from psychology, almost guarantees memorization.

3. Museum \u003d Culture Center

In the museum space, you can conduct a tour, exhibition, lecture, briefing, dedication to new employees, a scientific and practical conference, meeting, the Council of the youth asset, awarding the best in professions, negotiations, presentation, mugs, school lessons and even take pictures on the wedding day of employees. The museum will create a special atmosphere for all this.

Museum complex "Universe Water" GUP Vodokanal St. Petersburg.
Photo: © Museum Complex "Water Universe".

4. The museum can work with different audiences.

A wide range of activities allows you to offer interesting content for various audiences: both internal (personnel, veterans) and external - residents of the city (of any age), tourists, partners, students, journalists, etc.

5. The museum can be visited many times.

Different formats allow regular access to different audiences. Probably, it is still less likely than through the media, but more deeply and with the ability to get feedback.

6. The museum has a commercial "presumption of innocence"

The company's events are much easier to "blame" in commercial attack, desire to learn direct benefits. Events and programs in the museum have more social significance in the eyes of almost any audience.

7. Museum - Application for leadership

By creating a museum, you show that your company a) has something to say b) seriously and for a long time. And this means that you consider yourself to leaders. Most likely, within the city or region, your museum will be the only one connected with one or another. Thus, you put the sign of equality between the company and the industry. "If metallurgy, then Vasyukovsky metallurgical plant", "if health, then a clinic of modern medicine."

The museum is definitely a fairly expensive tool. Creation and content require significant funds. But if you look at world leaders in your industry, then with a high probability, discover the corporate museum. It is unlikely that leaders become not able to consider money.

about the author

Peter Kravchenko, Perm
As the head of the PR department of one of the industrial enterprises, faced the task of inspiring life to the corporate museum. In parallel, inspired himself. Professional deformation, of course, not to do anywhere: a museum for me, first of all, a means of communication. And of all museums, most of all I am interested in scientific and technical and corporate. Fortunately, the chance to participate in their creation or development is also provided.

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