Ukrainian folk tale about Ivan Fool. Ivan-Dol

Ukrainian folk tale about Ivan Fool. Ivan-Dol
Ukrainian folk tale about Ivan Fool. Ivan-Dol

There was an old man with an old woman; They had three sons: two smart, the third is Ivanushka-fool. The clever sheep in the field of grazing, and the fool did nothing, everything was sitting on the stove and Fly caught.

At one time, the old woman was headlown and he says a fool:

- on-co, demolish these dumplings to the brothers; Let them go.

Poured a full pot and gave him into his hands; He walked to the brothers. The day was sunny; Only Ivanka for the Occolic came out, I saw my shadow on the side and thinks:

"What is this person? It goes next to me, it's no step lagging behind: Right, the dumplings wanted? " And he began to throw the dumplings on his shade, so everything is united and enveloped; It looks, and the shadow is all on the side.

- Eka insatiable womb! Said a fool with a heart and put into her pot - the shards scattered in different directions.

That comes with empty hands to the brothers; Those asked:

- You, fool, why?

- You brought lunch.

- Where is the lunch? Let's lovely.

- Yes, you hang, brothers, attached to me an expensive thanks to what kind of person and all went around!

- What kind of person?

- Here it is! And now stands near!

Brothers well, to scold him, beat, bold; Out and forced sheep grazing, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

A fool began to graze; She sees that sheep scattered around the field, let's catch them and eyes wipe. I shifted everyone, I won all my eyes, I gathered a herd in one pile and sits myself Radohonuk, as if it did. The brothers have dinner, grilled in the field.

- What are you, fool, did it? Why a flock of blind?

- Yes, won't my eyes? As you left, brothers, the sheep scared out, and I came up with: I began to catch them, I dreamed of a bunch, to pull out my eyes - in how you walked!

- Wait, not so smalleling! - They say the brothers and let's treat it with fists; The order of the fool went to nuts!

There was no time a lot of time, sent the old people of Ivanushka-fool in the city for the holiday of buying. Total purchased Ivanushka: and the table bought, and spoons, and cups, and salt; Whole WHO diluted all sorts of things. Going home, and the horse is so knowing, failure: lucky - not lucky!

"And what," Ivanushka thinks, "after all the horse has four legs and the table, too, four, so the table-from and will delve."

He took the table and put on the road. It goes, rides, is close, if, far, and the crows so and go over it and everything is kanky.

"Know, sisters eat-eat hunting that they snatched!" - thought the fool. Put the dishes with the disadvantages of the ground and began to sweep:

- Sisters-Golubushka! Eat on health.

And he himself all forward and move forward.

Rides Ivanushka Merrestovka; On the way, all stumps burnt.

"Eh," thinks guys without hats; After all, it is cold, hearty! "

I took the pots on them and Korchagi. That Ivanushka reached the river, let's walk the horse, and she does not drink everything.

"Know, without salt wants!" - And well, caring the water. Palked full of salt bag, the horse does not drink.

- What do you do not drink, wolf meat? Is the problem of a salt bag poured?

I was enough to lie with it, yes, right in the head - and killed poured. I was left at Ivanushka one wallet with spoons, and that he was carried on himself. It goes - Nazady spoons and bryakat: Bryak, Bryak, Bryak! And he thinks that the spoons say something: "Ivanushka-Fool!" - Threw them and well, so sort:

- Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Still attended tease, unfasteless! Round home and says to the brothers:

- all redeemed, brothers!

- Thank you, the fool, but where are you purchasing something?

- And the table is running, yes, know, lagged behind, the sister's dishes are eaten, the pots and Korchagi guys needed to keep his heads on the head, Soli had a horse shed; And the spoons tease - so I left them on the road.

- Stay, fool, quickly! Gather everything that scattered on the road!

Ivanushka went to the forest, removed the Korchagi from the burnt stumps, raised the bottom and put on the Batog Korchag with a dozen of all sorts of: and large and small. Carries home. Died his brothers; Let's go to the city for shopping, and the fool left home. Listens to the fool, and beer in the junction so wanders, and wanders.

- Beer, not Brody! Fool is not a teasing! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer does not listen; I took and released everything from the tub, myself got into the trough, it turns around, and the songs hits.

The brothers arrived, firmly hacked, took the Ivanushka, stitched in the cult and dragged to the river. They put Kul on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect.

At that time, some barin was driving past the top of the brown; Ivanushka and shouting:

- Sing me to voivodship to judge yes, and I don't really know how to judge!

- Wait, Fool, - said Barin, - I can and judge and crawl; Get out of the kul!

Ivanushka got out of the kul, stitched Barin there, and sat down in his wagon and left her mind. Brothers came, pulled the cult under the ice and listen; And in water and bogat.

- Know, Burk cat! - Speak brothers and walked home.

To meet them, from where you take, goes on the top three Ivanushka, goes yes it grabs:

- What a hundred I caught horses! And still remained Sivko - so nice!

Justily became brothers; They say fool:

- Sewing now we are in Kul yes, descend quickly in the hole! Will not leave us Sivko ...

I lowered their Ivanushka-fool in the hole and drove his home beer to doubts yes brothers to remember.

Ivanoshka had a well, a deck of fish, and my fairy tale.

About fairy tale

Russian folk fairy tale "Ivan-Durak"

The very first books with which the child gets in childhood is fairy tales. These are from them kids will learn about the world around them, about the fact that is far away, there are wonderful gardens and wonderful gardens for thirty lands.

Russian folk tales are not only amazing stories about wonders and magic. An important role in these narutments play characters. One of the favorite heroes of Russian folk fairy tales - Ivan on the nicknamed fool.

"Why a fool"? - Children can ask. This circumstance was trying to clarify many times from the point of view of different positions. Searched consonant words in the words of other peoples. Or explained that in the fairy tales, Ivan-Fool is usually the youngest son.

And the word "fool" can be extended as "stupid", "inexperienced", "inexperienced." But, be that as it may, this fabulous hero has also gained love and sympathy among the storytellers themselves and those who read them or listen.

In one of these stories sent the parents of the younger son of Ivan to plow the field. And the incessant for this and the forces lacked, and the mind was not enough. Tired of him mosquitoes, yes mousekar who walked around. He took a whip, but killed in one fear of forty insects.

It struck this event Ivan-fool. He imagined himself mighty herself. Well, if so, he decided to try his strength along with other heroes. So it happened that with Ilyona Muromer, and Fedor Skzhnikov went fool adventure to search.

And it was necessary to fight with the good one. Yes, I did not cope with him either Ilya Muromets nor Fyodor skiers. And Vanka-fool accidentally won. And he was granted the royal grace for it. They gave him to marry a tsarist daughter and fill in addition.

Why is all the glory, honors and wealth got a fool? Or maybe the storyteller wanted to show this example that the rustic Ivan, personifying the Russian people, only seemingly stupid and non-pieces? And in a difficult situation, he will be able to show and smelting, and skill. It will be able to stand up for himself, and for his friends. What is not the hero of the land of Russian?

Read the Russian folk fairy tale "Ivan-Durak" online for free and without registration.

In some kingdom, in some state there lived an old man with an old woman. They had three sons, the third called Ivan-Fool. The first two married, and Ivan-Fool idle; Two brothers were doing business, managed the house, plowed and sowed, did not do anything the third. Once the Father and Snohy began Ivan to send a dirty flush on the field. The guy went, came to arable land, harness the horse, drove with a hijay time, two whether he sees: there is no mosquito on the bill; He grabbed his whip, swayed on his side, killed them without a estimate; hit differently, killed forty-woofers and thinks: "After all, I killed forty younger for one shuffles, but there are no estimates with a small tower!" Took them all put in a bunch and piled up with a horse fender; He himself did not plow, the horse straightened, went home. He comes home and says Snowhouses and Mother: "Let me a canopy and saddle, and you, a father, let's sable, which hangs you - on the wall rusted. What am I for a man! I have nothing".

Those laughed at it and gave a laugh for some kind of split Tyuri stuck saddled; Our guy attacked him litters and put on a thin kobylenik. Instead of a canopy, the mother gave some old dubas; He also took, yes he took a saber at his father, went, I drewed, gathered and went. Returning to Rosstani - And there was still little competent - wrote on the post: the strong hedgehogs Ilya Muromets and Fedor skiers would come to such a state to the strong and mighty Bogatyr, who killed the forty hectares for one plowing, and there are no estimates And all their stone backed.

For sure, after him, the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets arrives, sees the inscription on the post: "Ba," says, "I drove a strong, mighty boat: disobey it is not suitable." I went, catch up with Vanyukha; Not reached, removed the hat and bow: "Hello, strong, mighty boat!" And Vanyukh does not lift the caps, says: "Great, Ilyukha!" Let's go together. Fedor skiers arrived at the same time, Fedor skiers arrived, he sees, he was written on the post, heard not suitable: Ilya Murometh drove! - And he drove there; Also far did not reach Vanyukhi - they take off the hat, says: "Hello, strong, mighty boat!" And Vanyukh the caps do not rub. "Great," says, Fedyunk! "

We went together all three; Come to one state, stopped at the royal meadows. Bogatyri put themselves tents, and Vanyuha cassed Dubas; Horses have two heroes confused with silk confuses, and Vanyukh ripped a rod from a tree, Silly him and confused his mare. So live. The king from his troi saw that his favorite meadows betrayed any people, immediately cast out his neighbor to ask what kind of people? That came to the meadow, went to Ilya Muromsz, asked what they are for people and how dare without demand to trample the royal meadows? Ilya Muromets answered: "Not our business! Ask won senior - strong, mighty hero.

Ambassador approached Vanyukh. He shouted at him, did not give the words to call: "Get out, the document is alive, and tell the king, that in his meadow a strong, mighty warrior, who killed the forty hectares for one pose, and there are no estimates of the estate, and the stone was bare, yes Ilya Muromets and Fedor skiers with him, and demands the daughter of the king. " He retold this to the king. The king was enough at the records: Ilya Muromets and Fyodor skiers are, and the third who is killed for one pollows on Soroku Bogatyurians, no in the records. That king ordered to collect RATI, capture three heroes and lead to him. Where to capture? Vanyukha saw how it began to approach closer; He shouted: "Ilyukha! Go to go through them, what kind of people? " "He himself lies, stretched out and see how the owl."

Ilya Muromets on the wrong words jumped at the horse, drove, not as many hands beat how much a horse was trampled; I nailed everyone, left only some tagnes to the king. The king heard this trouble, the more collected forces and sent to catch the hero. Ivan-Fool shouted: "Fedyanka! Catering this bastard! " He jumped at the horse, nailed everyone, left some pagans.

What to do king? The case is bad, the strength broke the warriors; The king made himself and remembered that he lives in the kingdom a strong herder of Dobrynya. He sends a letter to him, asks to come to defeat the three heroes. Dobrynya arrived; The king on the third balcony met him, and Dobrynya probably drove up to a balcony in a thief with the king: that's what it was! Greeted, talked. He went to the royal meadows. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor skiers saw that Dobrynyh was going to them, they were frightened, jumped on their horses, they hung out from there. And Vanyukha did not have time. While Imaal his kobylenik, Dobrynya and drove up to him, and laughs, what is this strong, mighty boat? Small, skinny! He bent his head to Vanyukhe himself, looks at him, and admire. Vanyukh Yes, somehow did not robbed, snatched his sabel, and his head fell.

The king saw it, strained: "Oh, - says, - the hero killed Dobrynya; Bed now! Speak soon, call the hero in the palace. " For Vanya, she came so honor that the father would be fired! The plain carriages, people all are isolated. We planted and brought to the king. The king treats him and gave his daughter; They married, and now they live, bread chew.

I was here, honey drank; Under the mustache flowed, the mouth did not fall. Gave me a cap, and so much push; Gave me a caftan, I go home, and the cinema is lost and says: "Blue is good!" I thought: "Throw off yes Position!" I took threw out, and I put it. This is not a fairy tale, but a stick, a fairy tale ahead!

Ivan the Fool - The folk tale that will tell young readers that the luck of the fools loves. The main character of this fairy tale is Ivanushka, the youngest son in the family. He was kind to the soul, but a big mind did not differ. Therefore, I clicked him all the fool. Tolerated Ivanushka-fool from his brothers and insults, and beatings. They decided to somehow drown a unreasonable brother. But here Ivanushka smiled at luck: instead of him, a stone was gone by a stone under the water, and after him two evil brothers. To know, not so stupid, he turned out to be! Read the fairy tale Ivanushka-fool online Can be found here.

Who lives in Russia great?

In the old days they believed that weakly people had an open heart and good intuition. Their in life as if he behaves some divine force, protecting against accidents. Moreover, they always accompany the luck, which did not turn away from the hero of the fairy tale and in a difficult moment saved him life. So think, and Ghadai, Nekrasova remember: who live in Russia is great - a scientist cat or Ivanushka-fool?

There were an old man with the old woman and they had three sons: two smart things - Danil and Nikita, and the third, younger, - Ivan-Fool. Danil and Nikita in the morning go on arable land and sow, and harrow, and all sorts of other rustic work do. Harvests are excellent, the profit is good. And Ivan-Fool in the morning on the furnace lies and only books reads and does not go anywhere. Mother with Pathushka speak Ivan:
- Vanya, you would look at Brothers! I would find myself a job in the soul, and then you lie all day and do nothing.
"Not, I don't want," Ivan-Fool answers. And again - for the book.
And so every day.

Once sons gathered in the city in cases. They say Danila and Nikita Ivan-fool:
"We will go to help us in the city of shopping to do, we will buy you chocolates and lollipops."
"Not-A," Ivan-Fool answers, "reluctance."
- We buy you a new red shirt.
"Not-a," Ivan-Fool answers, "I don't want."
- We buy you a new book.
- What? - asks Ivan-Fool.
- What do you want. Only not antique!
- Well, okay, persuaded, - Ivan-Fool answers and tears from the furnace.

Everything was treated on the cart. Nikita took over the entrance. Danila nearby. And Ivan-Fool from behind with a book in his hands. Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the brothers got to the city!
Cool, slush. Roads are bad. Summer issued rainy. We arrived in cases. You need to buy something yes. They went first for the agricultural motor, then - in the provisions shop. Bought what you need, the goods look at.
"Now we'll go buy a book," said Danil. Nikita gathered to unfold, but can not. Something people began to fit on all sides.
The people began to gather all the thicker and thicker. Bundorak, and maid, and anyone serving. And suddenly the coach appeared, all casts gold and precious stones.
The people are bowed, the NIC falls. Danil with Nikita on his knees rushed. And Ivan-Fool sits on the cart and looks at all eyes. In a gilded carriage Beauty. Ivan also looks at Ivan and smiles.
They did not have time to look around, as the coach was hiding around the corner, and the people were behind her. "Marya-Tsarevna, Marya-Tsarevna," - Galdyat.

What, Ivan, looked at the royal daughter? - asked Danila, rising from his knees.
- And who is it? - asks Ivan-Fool.
- Who is who. You have nothing to know. It's not about us, "Nikita said.
- But, but, I went to retire! - Kholuned Nikita horse on his back, turned around, and they went to the bookstore. Only Ivan-fool has something hunting disappeared on books. We arrived. Ivan-Durak looked at the shelves, found some book with an incomprehensible name. And they went the brothers of the ravoisi.

Many whether I never had time, and Ivan-Fool scored a book, does not read anything, and the Duma lies whole days.

Mother with father completely hung up:
- Vanya, you would look at Brothers! I would have taken some kind of business. What do you lie all day? Do not read books?
"I don't want," Ivan-Fool answers. And silent.
And so every day.

A lot of whether I never had time, Ivan-fool did not mind anything, took a new book and revealed it on the first page. And nothing is written there. Ivan-fool rotor-rotator book and so, and soyak. He began to flip down - there is nothing. When they bought, there was a wisdom name, and now - not a single letter in the entire book. Ivan-Fool Already painted on the furnace. And let's drive a finger book, as if reading on line. How so? There is nothing. Suddenly sees. Where he spent his finger, the lines began to appear. He read: "Peel from the oven and go to the palace." Ivan-furak eyes bulging. What it is? Has this did not see this. And the lines as soon as he read them, and disappeared.

Tears Ivan-Fool with a furnace and became gathered to the palace.
Danila and Nikita came from the field to eat, Ivani sat on the shop and ask Ivan:
- Where are you going?
- I'll go on the light of happiness to look! - answers Ivan-Fool.
- Is it not in the royal palace? - Ask him.
- Maybe in royal.

How much Ivan-fools persuaded, could not stop him. They gave him on the way to eat and some money. He shouted his new book for the sinus. And went to the city.

Many of whether it was not possible, but led his legs to the royal palace. Just how to enter there? Guard him does not allow him. Ivan Ivan-Fool book. She broke her, leafal, can not read anything. Nothing to do. Put it back for the sinus. He found not far from the palace a huge oak, and in it a hop. Ivan-Fool became there to hide at night, and in the afternoon near the royal palace. Yes, so that the guard does not notice him and did not drive. And every day in the morning Ivan opens the book, and there is nothing again in it. Not a single letter.

Little, a lot of time has passed, but sees Ivan-Fool, that discharged carriers come up to the Tsarist Palace and come out from there Venelmbore branches. And they pass to the palace unhindered.

One day, one such noble was walking for a long time at the royal gates, leaving. So Ivan-Fool with him met. And since the Velmembrazh had a difficult task, as he did, he told all Ivan-fool.
"Loves our king riddles to make up," Welject said.
- And I am a master to guess! - says Ivan-Fool.
- Guessing. What it is? - asks noble:
"Little, Gorbatten.
All the field searched
Went home -
All winter knew. "

Ivan-Durak became reflecting that it could be. And nobleman and says:
- I think that the king hints at our lazy men. And at the same time on us, that we admit to the people to face idle. So answer: man.

Ivan, though he was a fool, and read a lot of books.
"This is a sickle," Ivan-Fool answers.
"True," says Welject. - Here is no hope. What am I immediately thought about my fortress?
And went to the palace.

As the sun became sitting, he comes from the gate of the Tsarist Palace cheerful - and straight to Ivan-fool. And he tells how he during the dinner solved the riddle and thus very much pleased the king. He sat down Ivan-fool next to her in the carriage and went home.

So Ivan-Fool began to live at Velmazby. Hired Welject Ivan-fools teachers of overseas. Ivan-Fool diligently studies, everything is deliberate. I learned how to talk about overseas languages. He really wants to get to the palace and see Mariu-Tsarevna again. The book does not show his wisdom Ivan-fool, but always wears her with me for the sinus. Only in it is no longer written.

How many, never never time passed, and then the day came when Ivan-Durak went to the palace on the last fashion with a noble one. On a dinner dinner. Presented the Wiel King Ivan-fool as his friend of the disastrous.

Guests entered the dining room, and Ivan-Durak stands nor dead. The king with his daughter, Maria-Tsarevna appeared here. I saw her Ivan-Fool, and the former heart had a strobal heart. How good was Masha, as Ivan-Fool called her to himself. The face is not a doll is discharged, but a serious girl. Eyes hung. Breaky braid to the belt. The outfit is modest, despite the fact that Tsarevna. Only thread of scarlet beads in the braid woven, and the satin ribbon is tied. Beauty, and only. Even more than last time, Ivan-fool liked it.

Here the king prayed on the image, all the king also prayed, sat down at the tables oak and began to dinner.
And how little was a little, the king became having fun and puzzles to make it up.

Well, my subjects, how do you have an incistent? - asks. - Here you are a mystery!
"Beat me with sticks and hammers,
Keep me in a stone cave
They harness me with fire, cut the knife.
Why are it like that?
For what they love. "

Everyone is sitting, a piece in the throat stuck. What to answer, do not know.
Welject thinks: "There is a riddle about me. Always under the blow of the royal eye, I live in the worsens of stone. Here is the king of us all and destroy the respect for the respect to the king ... So the answer is: boyars and Veelmazby. " And looks at Ivan Fool. And Ivan-Fool quietly himself says: "This is bread." Welject spook himself on his forehead: "What to attack! Again I thought! And the truth is the bread, as I did not guessed! "

Your Majesty, do not tell the head to chop, tell the word to call, "says Welject. - We have a deposit.
"Well," says the king, "I listen!"
- Bread, - Weljak answers.
- This is the answer! And most importantly - Dan! - says the king.

I wiped the lips of the king with a napkin, got up because of the table, I took it to my hand and went to talk with him, and Ivan-Fool is next. They started talking about royal affairs, and about everydays. Welject painted all from royal attention. The evening unnoticed flew. Guests are driven off.

Venelic and Ivan-Fool came home. Welject does not know how Ivan-fool please. Early, he became a widow, and he never had children. And here is such a gift. I loved Welject Ivan-fool, as my own son, and began to call him vanyushka or Ivanushka.

Whether a lot of time has passed, and again received a noble invitation to a dinner to the king. Again, they went to the palace in the Palace in the Silk Cloaks. Again saw Ivan-Durak Marju-Tsarevna. This time she was still more beautiful. On the cheeks of the blush (not blush), the eyelashes are long (not glued). Only thread turquoise in braid woven. All her decoration. If you look - Ivan-fool wants to climb under the table. So his heart freezes.

Again the king prayed, everyone also prayed on the image, bowed and sat down at the table. And how little a little, the king again took the riddles to make up.

Well, my subjects, how do you have an incistent? - asks. - Here you are a mystery! What is it?
"Lob powder,
Oak crutch. "

And looks at Welject and Ivan-fool. Wellex thinks: "Now I'm sure about me a mystery: and my forehead is powdered, and the crutch oak. Now exactly about me speech. Answer: I am the most. Yes, how is the king to say? " And Ivan Fool looks at Ivan. And Ivan-Fool and answers quietly: "This is a hammer."

Your Majesty, do not tell the head to chop, tell the word to pray, "says Welject." We have a deposit.
"Well," says the king, "I listen!"
- Hammer, - Weljak answers.
- This is the answer! And most importantly - you always answer you quickly! - says the king. - Isn't Ivan's letters tell you?
"He," the nobleman answers. - He is my scientist.

I wiped the lips to the king with a napkin, bowed to the image, got up because of the table, I took it on my hand on one side, and Ivan-fool - on the other and went to talk with them. And so they have faded talk about important things for the state, which is not in a fairy tale, or describe! The king was pleased with everyone, and especially: as Ivan-Fool responded to his questions. There were problems with the king about the war with a neighboring state from the south. Yes, the diplomatic way it was necessary to resolve this task so that this war would not happen. Ivan-Fool and suggested to the king, as such a mission to organize and how to prevent conflict. The evening flew unnoticed.

At the end of the conversation, the king again collected all the guests and solemnly declared that he ordered to welcome the Welject of the Earth in the kingdom: three areas along with the people and forests and beasts. These lands were located on the very verge of kingdom, on the edge with the neighboring state. And the fields are extensive and dense, and wooded and mighty. Welject Rad-Radhechonek. Tsar-Batyushka thanks, lowly bowed.

They sat down with Ivan-fool in the carriage and went home. Joyful and satisfied come. Sleep down early.
And as morning it was called, Ivan-fool's wife calls and tells him:

And we have joy, and the crash. I can not manage these lands. They are far away they are, and I'm already old on such a job. And I do not want to part with you. Yes, there is nothing to do. You earned these lands, you them and you will manage. And I will ask the royal decree. So you need to gather in the road, if the king-father is allowed. I will give you any good to a new place of residence. And how will you need, I will report. Well, go with God!

Ivan-fool assisted such news and went to his room. How should he go from Mary-Tsarevna? What? In unknown land! He sealed, he twisted. Singing all day and thought. Yes, he does not dare to give his benefactor. And then Ivan-Fool remembered that I hadn't looked back in the book a new one for a long time. He pulled it and began to drive it on the pages, as if he reads. And lines began to appear: "Go to manage new lands." As Ivan-fool read them, so they disappeared that they were not at all.

Ivan-fool twisted even more. And the book is written in the book, you need to leave! Nothing to do. We'll have to go. So it's hard to Ivan-foolka that could not sleep. He lay for a long time, without closing the eye. Half the night passed. And he thinks everything. And how he live further, does not know. It seems that everything is fine: He will have the earth, yes its choirs, yes the work is necessary. Only the light he did not cute without Mary's princes! Only in the morning Ivan-fool fell asleep. And woke up with even greater anxiety.

The next morning, I received a royal decree on the management of regions Ivan-fool. The king with the proposal of Velmazby immediately agreed. And Ivan-Fool became on the road to gather. Collected all day. You need to take both. Where will go, he does not know.

Another day Ivan-Fool appeared before the eyes of Welmazby and asks him to allow him to pick up with him to the new lands of his relatives: parents and brothers. At all about them, he forgotten in the capital.

Well? - It is responsible for noble. - If you have relatives, take with you. Will help in management. Yes, take the servants of my faithful to submit to you and helped in a new place to get settled.

On that and shaped. And the next day, Ivan-Durak in the morning went early to his village for his mother with his father and his brothers.

Little, if I never had time, and Ivan-fool arrived in a carriage, harnessed the top of the top of the horses and even three bales with all kinds. He stopped at her home. While he was driving, the whole village escaped to see what a noble person came to them.

Ivan-fool went to the house. Parents and brothers did not recognize him. Watching a noble lord and can not say anything.

What do you not recognize me? - asks Ivan-Fool.
- Vanyusha, do you? - exclaimed mother.
- I am the most. Going to the road road. We will go to a new place of residence. I was appointed manager to new lands.
- Yes, where will we go? What did you invenue? - Ask brothers.
- I tell you, are going. Long tell about everything. On the road, everyone will learn. The king itself is favorably.
- What about the economy?

Finally, everyone gathered on the road. Nothing forgotten. They took only all the most necessary. And they went to distant edges. And on the way, Ivan-Fool and told everything about his adventures in the capital. Brothers only Diva was given.

A lot of whether it has never happened, and they came to new lands. There is no expanses, the eye is not enough to look around. There lakes, hands do not have enough to twist. There forests, the legs are not enough to get around.

He loved on the blue edges of the brothers. And Mother with a father was delighted. They drove to the entire family to the central region. There is a great city there. And Ivan Fools meet with honors. Welject ahead sent him a servant of his people to enlighten that the manager would arrive, the royal decree appointed.

Many whether I never had time, and Ivan-Fool about the stove forgot forgot, the books also do not read. And seriously undertook to manage. Every day you need to dispose of how to behave. Steel and brothers work in a new place. Nikita had the talent of the builder, and Danil was on the painting. And they began to build houses new yes oak, yes stone. And there can be nothing more painful! And Ivan-Fool walks everywhere yes she looks. Yes, the Council collects: what yes how to erect. And all the work is located. And they argue their business. And the people are rejoicing such a boss and his relatives who do not sit on the neck of the manager, and they themselves work without downtrend. And the land began to flourish even more from the acts of human.

Only Ivan-Fool all thinks about Marjo-Tsarevna. He does not forget about his love. And he is good to go well, and his subjects will not be supplied. And relatives help him. In the evening, Ivan-Fool will sit so twice. And nothing can do nothing. Hoping that everything will be resolved by itself. After all, in his book, there are no new records.

And at that time, the king again came black days. The neighboring state, but already from the East: what was adjacent to new lands, where Ivan-Durak ruled, - the uncertainty gathered, it threatens to ruin the kingdom and to pick up his people in full, and all wealth to take place. And for no negotiations, the prince of the neighboring state of Toron does not go. And he does not merry and the troops! The king caused no one and ordered to convey to Ivan-fool, the controlling these lands, the Sovereign. I sent my servants with a new royal decree, so that Ivan-Fool collected troops to reflect aggression.

He received a decree a new manager and went to his room. Ivan-fool revealed his wisdom to his wisdom and began to drive his hand on the page, as if her reads. And he appeared with his words: "Collect the power of rational and in three days and three nights come out in a purely field on the battle." Strits after reading them immediately and disappeared. Well? Nothing to do! Crighted the Ivan-fool on the image. It is seen not to do without bloodshed. And began to prepare for war.

Three days and three nights kept plans and collected Ivan-Fool's troops to the root battle. Throughout the state, on all the lands they prepared and spears, swords, and horses of the best, and uniforms. And as soon as the morning of the third day came, so the troops went into a purely field led by Ivan-fool.

And at that time, Prince Toron was going to speak unexpectedly and defeat the kingdom, which was long shot. I really liked him the steppes driving and the forests are green, and the people worker and kind. I wanted to get everyone in full. And so when his warriors were ready, he crossed the border without declaring the war and headed the country, directly towards Ivan-fool. As the troops of Prince Toron came out in a purely field, they suddenly collided with the enemy.

The Prince of Toron became angry, which was mentioned by his intention of the royal troops, and gave an order to retreat. A little moved the troops of Prince Toron back. They broke the tents and decided to spend the night before the battle. And Prince Toron possessed the power of miraculous superconscious. Visualized his desires; Yes, not as a simple mortal, but with the help of eccentric power. It was worth it only to focus, imagine something, so it happened what he thought about. And he always thought only about how to conquer more countries and become the world lord. Here, before bedtached, Prince Toron was in the tent and began to focus. I wanted to imagine how he would win another battle. Yes, it was not here! Nothing happens! Left his forces of superconscious on the royal land. How to be? Previously, it was easily easily managed. "To sleep, tomorrow will work out," thought the prince and lay down on the carpet.

And dreamed of a strange sleep by Toron. As if he jumps in battle, his horse stumbles him and falls on the prince himself. A terrible pain pierced Toron! And here the giant grew in front of him and says: "If you try to fight, then you will die with Lutoy!". Prince Toron in the cold sweat woke up. Whether to flee him now from the battlefield, or fight. He does not know. I tried to use my strength of the superconsciousness, but no sense! He does not work with him. The prince of Toron was even more angry. Began to build troops, and the very legs tremble. Yes, it's too late.

Toron told Prince Toron immediately start the battle. Himself hid in the bushes. The superconsciousness is no longer thinking. And Ivan-Fool's warriors are ready. And ahead on the white horse Ivan-Fool in the armor.

The singer began. Yes, so terrible that the sky is cloudy, and the sun hidden behind the clouds. One wind walks around the field, yes tear clothes on warriors. Blood pours on all sides, as if red rain is drizzled. Ivan-Fool fights in the forefront. And he has a wound wound: the foot is pierced. I spat on the wound, and she was delayed.

Prince Toron looks: the warriors drown him and began to scatter. Never seen such Toron! He fought by the Spring. Passed Polmir, many countries ruined. And everywhere there was his power of superconscious! And here he has a mischief. He remembered the dream his prophetic, frightened and ran back to his lands. His warriors - behind him.

Only Ivan-fool's army sees that the enemy is already broken and runs. She ordered Ivan-Fool to chase overseas uninvited guests. For several days, they jump on foreign land. And they suggested in the capital of the neighboring state.

And Prince Toron conceived unkind. I went out with the bread-salt to the troops of Ivan-fool and invites the winners to the palace. As if to sign the world. And he decided to destroy Ivan-fool. Ivan-fool ordered his beauty-daughter, and he ordered his servants to poison wine and food. And the power of the superconsciousness is already visible, forever left.

The prince of Toron and Ivan-Furaract were sat down at the table. Talk. Before they are a marble fountain. The servants are standing with appeals. Increased sludge dance to execute.
And the daughter of Prince Toron from Ivan-fool's eye does not reduce. I sat next to him and his hand put him on his hand. Ivan-fool hand removed her hand. And his beautiful smiles him. The eyes are black as night, and scarlet lips, like dawn.

He began to serve them different drinks. And Ivan-Fool does not drink. They began to serve them the eats of different. And Ivan-Fool does not eat. Steel slave to dance, and Ivan-Fool does not look. And he says the prince of Toron:

Let your servants bring feather and paper. You lost the battle. You will have to answer you for your raids on our homeland. We'll have to give part of the Earth. And we write it in the documents bonded by the wax seal and our blood.

Prince Toron him answers:
- Everything will be now! Just a little wait.

And he himself came out of the hall and left his daughter cunning and servants with Ivan-fool.

Ivan-fool sits, and the princely daughter got up and began to dance. She has a thin, long hair. The hand waves - the fountain of pink water begins to beat, the foot will behave - the flowers in the vases flourish, spinning - the candles themselves light up.

Ivan-fool looked at the beauty so that forgot about Marya-Tsarevna. And the princely daughter dancing, does not get tired. And Ivan Fools behind manit. Ivan-fool got up and went for the prince. And she fascinates him into another room. And so they went through the doors painted and entered the room, the golden brocade inhabit. At the end of the room the bed, the silks are shy. Princely daughter dropped up the top clothes and stayed in one skin and silk harees. Gently hand Ivan Fool strokes, he looks in his face. So that Ivan-fool's head turned his head. It was hot to Ivan-fool. He also began to take off his shirt. Then the book is his wise, with which he never parted, and fell out because of the sinus. Fell on the floor and revealed. Ivan-fool became a book to pick up, I spent on her hand, and in the book it was written: "I immediately leave the palace, otherwise death is noting." Raised Ivan-Fool a book, slammed it and came to mind. He put his book precious again for the sinus. He pushed the beauty - the princely daughter, opened the doors and went back to the hall.

And in the hall, Prince Toron and a few of his servants rushed to Ivan-fool with knives. Once it was not possible to take his deception, then the force should be deprived of life. Yes, Ivan-Durak cleverly scattered all. Here and the brothers arrived. I grabbed the Ivan-furak my saber from the scabbard and quinged my head with the prince of Toron.

The daughter of Prince from the room ran out, fell to the corpse of his father, buried, and then rushed to the feet of Ivan-fool.
"Don't ruck me, Ivan," says, Rydyuchi. - Take me to my wife or concubine. I will serve you faith and truth.
"No, I don't need such a wife." Yes, and the concubines are not needed to me, "said Ivan-Fool, corrected the belt, put a saber into the sheath and left the palace.

And to meet Ivan-fool, the people goes, bowed to the legs and asks him to take the princess. Tired people from wars. They wanted peaceful life. And Ivan-fools are asked to rule in their state.

Many whether it took a lot of time, and Ivan-fool people thombled and appeared before the royal eyes in their kingdom state.
I can and says that I performed the royal decree, the enemy broke. The prince of Toron wanted to capture their lands and lost her. And life lost.

The king takes Ivan-fool under the white hands, leads to the palace.

That's all sit at the table. The king was prayed for the image, all of the king also prayed and began to dinner.

And the king says such words, pointing to Ivan-fool:
- You have a winner today! I did not care to cope with thestyle. It hurts the army terrible. Ask that you want. I will give you lands. And whatever you wish!

And Marya-Tsarevna also sits at the table. And she became more beautiful former. The eyes are still omitted. Spit white pearls decorated. And herself - beautiful and only! And Ivan-Fool thought: "How could I forget about my love?"

There would be an Ivan-fool and say that he asks for his wife a royal daughter. Only Ivan-fools did not turn the tongue:
- I do not know your majesty, what to ask for! I have everything! And I'm not needed!

And they began to have fun, as before. And Ivan-Fool talk about the battle yes about the lands of overseas.

In the evening, Ivan-Dool went to the house of Velmazby. Welject again joyful that Ivan-fool him brings some honors.
Before bedtime, Ivan-Fool reveals his wise book. He began to drive Ivan-fool with her fingers on line and saw: "This book served you served, and now she serve her service. Take it after the wedding in the museum and put on a prominent place. "

I did not understand Ivan-Fool, although it was smarter than everyone. What else wedding? To the kingdom, or what? How does he with a book beloved to part? Yes, and he still has many problems in life need to decide. Well, yes the lines are disappeared by themselves. There is nothing more to read.

On another day, the venel and Ivan-Duuk went to the royal palace on the dinner dinner. Again saw Ivan-Durak Marju-Tsarevna. Only this time there are no decorations on the girl. And even more she is Mila. Beautiful written! He heart came heart again. And Marya-Tsarevna says nothing. And Ivan-Fool knows what she thinks.

Again the king prayed, everyone also prayed on the image, bowed and sat down at the table. And how little filed a little, again the king took the riddles to make up, as in the old good times.

Well, my subjects, how do you have an incistent? - asks. - Here you are a mystery! What is it? Yes, I just ask you. One Ivan only riddles and guess! But today my riddle will be more difficult:
"A certain essence is on the spot, then goes, it runs, it does not return, but not moving from the place?"

Welject sits and thinks: "I'm not talking about me again. What is not about me? I'm all the time though run, and I go. Yes, no matter how I do - it's still not moving from the place! Answer: I am the most. "

And the king on Ivan-fool looks. Ivan-Durak smiled and says:
- Your Majesty, do not tell me to execute, tell the word to pray!
- Speak, Vanya!
- This is your majesty, time.
- Ah, Vanya-Vanya! Well, what should I do with you! What kind of riddle will not be made, you all know. What kind of you are wise! In the whole kingdom, you do not get smarter than you! Yes, and you have no brave! You are the state saved from death! And you do not want to take anything from me, no gift. So though, maybe you take my daughter, if you like it? And the kingdom is separated by half. So you will rule the lands that you mad. And as I die, - and two kingdoms.

Ivan-fool looked at Marju-Tsarevna. She poked all the paint. And Ivan-Fool and no less girl fastened.
- Yes, Your Majesty, if Marya-Tsarevna ... - and could not continue.
"I know, I know that you have been looking at my daughter for a long time." And she says to me that he will not marry anyone, but only for Ivan.
"Ah, Batyushka," said Marya-Tsarevna exclaimed. And herself smiles and the eyes again lowers.

Here Ivan-Fool almost fell from the royal shop. It turns out that Marya-Tsarevna loved him.

What to say here! On the same day, the wedding blew to play. Ivan-Fool so delighted! Another mystery was resolved. That turns out to be why the book now he does not need. Marya-Tsarevna agrees to become his wife. And the king himself suggested him to marry her.

The young on all the rules married. The bride's dress is a lace white, the dress loop is so long that five pairs of chambers are carried. And Ivan-Durak in white camsole, embellished with gold. Such young yes beautiful groom with a bride! Neither in a fairy tale, notice to describe!

They came out of the church and headed to the palace. And all relatives behind them. Here and mother with the father of Ivan-fool, and his brothers. And everyone is happy. And the king himself most!

And the day went to the whole world. Ivan-Durak and Marya-Tsarevna bowed each other, prayed on the image, and everyone also prayed, bowed, sat down at the table. Young all congratulate everything, shout: "Gorky!" And the king and here could not resist.

As soon as everyone drank a little, got up, got up and says:
- Well, my subjects, and today I have a riddle for you. Yes, the most difficult thing! Ivan today, probably, the riddles do not solve - today he is not up to them! So keep the answer! - And asks:
- A merchant was driving through the forest and met the magician. The magician grabbed the merchant for the floors of the fur coat and pulled it from a horse. "Meaning," the merchant says him. - Take all my products. " "Well," says the magician, "I will say you. Tell me only one phrase. If it is false, then I will drown you, and if true, I'll hang. " What should the merchant say to escape?
Radish King his riddle and looks at Ivan-fool.

Welject and thinks: "Again, the mystery is not about me. What can I say to pardon the magicians? And yet, about me. Does the king hints at the fact that the venoms-like and boyar give all their landmarks to the king? And I don't have much so good? Probably, you need to say: "I will give you not only the goods, but also all your treasures." Then you will be pardon! "

And Ivan-Fool and says:
- Your Majesty, do not tell me to execute, tell the word to pray. If no one knows, I will answer.
"Well," says the king. - And here you are the first! Well, tell!
"The merchant must say:" You drown me. " Then you will have a magician to let him go.

Hugged the king of Ivan-fool and said:
- As always, you, Ivanushka, the most wise!

Powered at the wedding for three days and three nights. There were a lot of toasts and congratulations.

And as the wedding ended, Ivan-fool went to the museum, as he was ordered after the wedding, and demanded his precious book to put on the most prominent place. As soon as the book was in the museum on the central table, and the letters of the vensels written appeared on it, and her binding has become red, Safyan. It turned out to be an old yes dear. And the place is only in the museum. Because it says about the life and death of human. And everything, how to live should be sad!

So Ivan-Durak became Ivan-Tsarevich first, then the king of Ivan, and ten years after the death of the old king and the Ivan-king-father over the two kingdoms.


In the fairy tale used with some changes to the riddles: Children's riddles; Children's riddles; Puzzles.
The riddle about the sorcerer - a modification of the paradox of a liar.

There were an old man with an old woman; They had three sons: two smart, the third is Ivanushka-fool. The clever sheep in the field of grazing, and the fool did nothing, everything was sitting on the stove and Fly caught.
At one time, the old woman was headlown and he says a fool:
- on-ka, demolish these dumplings to the brothers; Let them go.

Poured a full pot and gave him into his hands; He walked to the brothers. The day was sunny; Only Ivanushka for the Occolic came out, he saw his shadow on the side and thinks:
"What kind of person is with me next to me, does not fall behind: right, the dumplings wanted?" And he began to throw the dumplings on his shade, so everything is united and enveloped; It looks, and the shadow is all on the side.
- Eka insatiable womb! Said a fool with a heart and put into her pot - the shards scattered in different directions.
That comes with empty hands to the brothers; Those asked:
- You, fool, why?
- You brought lunch.
- Where is the lunch? Let's lovely.
- Yes, you hang, brothers, attached to me an expensive thanks to what kind of person and all went around!
- What kind of person?
- Here it is! And now stands near!
Brothers well, to scold him, beat, bold; Out and forced sheep grazing, and they themselves went to the village to dine.
A fool began to graze; She sees that sheep scattered around the field, let's catch them and eyes wipe. I shifted everyone, the eyes of the eyes were increased, I gathered a herd in one pile and sits myself Radohek, as if I did it. The brothers have dinner, grilled in the field.
- What are you, fool, did it? Why a flock of blind?
- Yes, won't my eyes? How you left, brothers, the sheep scared off, and I came up with it: I began to catch them, to collect them, pile into a bunch, eyes wrapped out - in how you walked!
- Wait, not so smalleling! - They say the brothers, and let's treat it with fists; The order of the fool went to nuts!
There was no time a lot of time, sent the old people of Ivanushka-fool in the city for the holiday of buying. Total purchased Ivanushka: and the table bought, and spoons, and cups, and salt; Whole WHO diluted all sorts of things. Going home, and the horsenka was so, to know, failure: lucky - it is not lucky!
"And what," Ivanushka thinks, "after all the horse has four legs and the table, too, four, so the table will achieve."
He took the table and put on the road. It goes, rides, is close, if, far, and the crows so and go over it and everything is kanky.
"Know, sisters eat-eat hunting that they snatched!" - thought the fool. Put the dishes with the disadvantages of the ground and began to sweep:
- Sisters-Golubushka! Eat on health.
And he himself all forward and move forward.
Rides Ivanushka Merrestovka; On the way, all stumps burnt.
"Eh," thinks guys without hats; After all, it is cold, hearty! "
I took the pots on them and Korchagi. Here Ivanushka reached the river, let's walk the horse, but she does not drink.
"Know, without salt wants!" - And well, caring the water. Palked full of salt bag, the horse does not drink.
- Well, you do not drink, wolf meat? Is the problem of a salt bag poured?
I was enough to lie with it, yes, right in the head - and killed poured. I was left at Ivanushka one wallet with spoons, and that he was carried on himself. It goes - spoons and bryakat: Bryak, Bryak, Bryak! And he thinks that the spoons say something: "Ivanushka-Fool!" - Threw spoons and go to trample yes:
- Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Still attended tease, unfasteless! Round home and says to the brothers:
- all redeemed, brothers!
- Thank you, the fool, but where are you purchasing something?
- And the table runs, yes, know, beaten behind, the sister's dishes are eaten, the pots of yes Korchagi guys in the woods needed, Solly sang the horse was sat down; And the spoons tease - so I left them on the road.
- Stay, fool, quickly! Take all that scattered on the road!
Ivanushka went to the forest, removed the Korchagi from the burnt stumps, raised the bottom and put on the Batog Korchag with a dozen of all sorts of: and large and small. Carries home. Died his brothers; Let's go to the city for shopping, and the fool left home. Listens to the fool, and beer in the junction so wanders, and wanders.
- Beer, not Brody! Fool is not a teasing! - says Ivanushka.
No, beer does not listen; I took yes I released everything from the public, I sat down in a trough, my songs drove on the hives.
The brothers arrived, firmly hacked, took the Ivanushka, stitched in the cult and dragged to the river. They put Kul on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect.

At that time, some barin was driving past the top of the brown; Ivanushka and shouting:
- Sing me to voivodship to judge yes, and I don't really know how to judge!
- Wait, Fool, - said Barin, - I can and judge and crawl; Get out of the kul!
Ivanushka got out of the kul, stitched Barin there, and sat down in his wagon and left her mind. Brothers came, pulled the cult under the ice and listen; And in water and bogat.
The brothers listened and walked home.
To meet them, from where you take, goes on the top three Ivanushka yes grabs:
- Which which I caught horses! And still remained Sivko - so nice!
Justily became brothers; They say fool:
- Sewing now in the Kul and descend in the hole! Will not leave us Sivko ...
I was lowered their Ivanushka-fool in a hole and drove his home beer to peel my brothers to remember.
Ivanovka had a well, and in the well a fish, and my fairy tale.