Traditional baptismal divination for the betrothed. Signs and divination for baptism

Traditional baptismal divination for the betrothed. Signs and divination for baptism

The people believed that at dusk on January 18, you can arrange the most reliable fortune-telling, because it will be the last one on these Christmas time (after Baptism, "torturing fate" was already strictly forbidden). Christmas time - two weeks of winter holidays, starting with Christmas Eve (06.01) and ending with Epiphany (19.01). About what proven divination for Baptism 2018 is, read further in the material.

It was believed that it was a decisive time when one could guess at the distant future: "On the Epiphany night, the sky opens" (although many attribute this to). The last dates of this period are dedicated to the memory of the gospel events of the birth of Christ and his baptism in the Jordan. According to East Slavic beliefs, God, rejoicing at the birth of a son, releases from the "other world" both the souls of the dead and evil spirits to walk around the wide world.

The werewolf "Fire Serpent" is especially dangerous on Epiphany night, appearing to girls in the form of a beautiful young man. They say that if the "Fire Serpent" falls in love with a girl, this love is incurable forever. “Not loving, you will love, not praising, you will praise,” old women warn young girls about the appearance of a handsome man. "He knows how to fool the soul, the villain. He knows how to speak speeches. He will play, ruthless, with a girl's heart, he will embrace the girl in a hot embrace. From his kisses, the girl burns with a ruddy dawn. Without him, the girl sits in anguish, without him she dries herself ... ". You can protect yourself from a handsome werewolf by drawing a cross on the door or by pouring snow collected on Epiphany evening on the stove.

But in the absence of oven lids in modern apartments, we advise you to wash yourself with snow water in the morning on the day of Epiphany: according to a sign, from this "they are white without whitewash, they are ruddy without rouge." You can not limit yourself to washing, but try to swim in the hole. It has long been a custom in Russia to swim in the hole at Epiphany, despite the fact that Epiphany frosts were considered the most severe.

How do baptismal divinations predict the future? Why is it possible to see the past from them and how do they look into the souls of people, guessing the thoughts and feelings of both those present and those who are away from us? Why, when you wonder about a distant friend, do you have such a clear idea of ​​what is going on in his soul? All these questions have no answer. We believe in divination and entrust our fate to them in order to get truthful answers to our questions.

Divination in Baptism:

1. Take 6 small glasses, pour some water into them. Put in cups in turn (so that there is something in each cup) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, money (coin), a ring, a match.
Salt - to tears, to be sad ...
Sugar - sweet life, successful in the year
Bread - bread, well-fed life in a year
Money - to money in a year
Ring - marriage / marriage in the year
Match - to the child.
Then blindfold them in turn and come up and choose a glass. With what they pull out - this is a forecast for the coming year!
The most truthful - for the first time, you can pull it out for the second time - this is, as it were, the background of the year.
I get almost everything!!!

2. One of the most common ways is to throw a shoe out of the gate. But since the gates are not very good now, and who might be there, behind the gates, is unknown, this method is rarely used. And earlier it was possible to find out with all certainty which side the betrothed would come from.

3. Eavesdropping. Climb to Baptism under the window of the neighbors and listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you yourself understand what year it will be. If there is silence in the house - and your year will be harmonious.

4. Dream divination. They put a comb or a king of diamonds under the pillow and make a wish to dream of the betrothed. If a girl really wants to get married, she will certainly dream of someone.

5. At a time when everyone leaves, the girl takes a broom or a broom and begins to sweep the room. Each time, waving to the right, she says a prayer, and waving to the left, she utters a curse with the name of evil spirits. Then he makes a line with coal in the middle of the floor and stands to the right, that is, to the place marked with prayer. Then he says the following: "Narrowed-mummer, appear before me, like a leaf before grass."

6. Divination with spruce branches for Epiphany 2018. Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and a few spruce branches. Before going to bed, put a mirror under the bed, spread spruce branches around it. Write your deepest desire on the mirror. If in the morning the inscription on the mirror disappears, then your wish will come true.

7. Divination for true love for Baptism 2018.
The more specific the question is, the more accurate the answer will be. Therefore, the question must be clearly formulated. Otherwise, you can get confused and even hurt.
A simple rule for simple questions: phrase the question in such a way that it can be answered (mentally) with "yes" or "no".
Try to translate all negative questions into positive ones: not "how can I return it?", but "is it worth returning it?"; not "what will hinder me?", but "what will help me?".
Another recommendation: do not ask stupid questions to the cards. The question should be clear to the cards.
1. You take a deck of 36 cards and think about your loved one from the very beginning of fortune telling. You shuffle a deck of cards.
2. Lay six cards face down in front of you from left to right. Under this row, lay out six more cards (also open).
3. If in the received solitaire two cards of the same value lay down obliquely, then immediately remove them from the layout. In the remaining places, put new cards from the deck (starting from the top row from left to right). If they are of the same value, then remove them again.
4. Lay out the third row, remove the extra cards. Then - the fourth, fifth, etc.
5. After - collect the entire deck again, starting from the end. Then again repeat the points from the 2nd to the 5th, BUT - the row must be made of five, then four, three and two cards.
6. Count the number of remaining pairs of cards. Their meanings:
One couple - a hidden friend of the heart wants to marry you. You just have to take your chance.
Two couples - he loves you and, most likely, madly!
Three couples - he likes you.
Four couples - he yearns for you.
Five couples - he thinks about you.
Six couples - CHANGE!
Seven pairs - unfortunately, now he does not think about you. Maybe you will tell fortunes on him another time?

8. Fortune telling on straw
The girls stood with their backs to the omet and chose one of the straws hanging from above, throwing their heads back. The straw you liked had to be firmly grasped with your teeth and carefully pulled out. If an ear turned out to be at the other end, it means that the girl will marry a rich man, but if the ear breaks, it means that she will grieve with the poor all her life. Therefore, they tried to pull the straw slowly so that the ear would not break.
It was possible to tell fortunes on tangled straw. Several girls got together and kneaded, fluffed up a pile of straw brought into the house. A straw ball was placed on the table, and a frying pan with water was placed on it, at the bottom of which lay a stone. Then each girl pulled out a straw for herself. This was not so easy to do, because all the straws were heavily twisted and pulled out with difficulty. Straw rustled, water splashed over the edge, and a stone scraped along the bottom of the pan. The girls listened to these strange sounds and guessed human speech in them.
In a large and noisy company, fortunetelling on straw was different. The fortuneteller took an even number of straws (at least six) and tied them into a bundle. Then, in pairs, he tied the ears of corn at one end, and at the other - straws. Then the bundle was untied in the middle and looked what happened. If straws connected in pairs formed a continuous ring, the fortuneteller was in for a big fortune. If an open chain or several separate rings came out, then expect trouble in the new year.

9. Fortune telling on incense for Baptism 2018
Incense reading should be done alone.
At about 12 o’clock, lock the door, lower the curtains, lay a clean tablecloth, put two appliances on the table, light a candle, sit at the table in front of one of the appliances, put a piece of incense on both plates and start reading the fortune-telling plot, while with your right hand then with one device, then from the other take a piece of incense on the table, and put the other under the pillow. Go to bed, the dream will be prophetic: what you were guessing about, you will see.
They get along with incense in the church,
At home, they are ruled by disease,
Under Epiphany, they are guessing at him.
Incense, incense, it would be alright
You tell fortunes, find out the whole truth.
How are you, incense-father,
Pure, holy and honest, so
And my dream be true. Amen.

The most correct thing, despite all sorts of fortune-telling and predictions, is to come to church, light a candle and say: “Lord, if there is my soul mate that pleases you, let it be with me” or “Lord, remove all unnecessary ones and send the one you need.” And it will definitely come, this half will appear. Even if you have to wait a little for this.
If the problem of the groom is not the only thing that worries you, or you are also married for a long time, then you can get answers to the most burning questions.
To do this, you need to tie a ring on a thread, take the thread by the other end and resting your elbow on the table, hold the ring over the candle flame and mentally ask him any questions. If the answer is yes, the ring will begin to swing towards you - away from you, and if negative - from right to left.
Many beliefs related to the fate of man are associated with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord in popular Russia.

10.How to draw your happiness?
Do the following on the growing moon nine nights in a row.
Light a red or scarlet candle. On a piece of red colored paper, write your full name, starting at the bottom of the sheet. Above your name, write the full name of the person you want to seduce and bewitch, write his or her date of birth even higher, and finally, on the top line, your date of birth. Draw a heart around the inscription, so that all names and dates are written inside the drawing. Above, above the image of the heart, again write the names and dates of birth in the same order. Repeat this three times in succession. You will get a drawing of three hearts, one above the other, and six repeated inscriptions of names and dates. Remember to write and draw from the bottom up. Then crumple the leaf and set it on fire in the flame of a candle. Place the burning leaf on a saucer or in an ashtray.
While burning, say three times:
Burn, shining flame,
red fire is the color of desire.

Watch the flame for 10-15 minutes or more, thinking about the purpose of your witchcraft. Then extinguish the candle, never blow it out. On the last, ninth night, leave the candle to burn out.

Another name for the holiday of Epiphany is Epiphany. On this day, according to Christian teaching, God appeared as God the Father - in a voice that came from heaven, as the Son of God - in the flesh of Jesus, who was baptized in the Jordan River, and as the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove.

Our ancestors sacredly believed: at midnight on this day, miracles happen: absolute silence reigns on Earth, water in the rivers stops its flow, and the heavens open. Belief in the miraculous has inspired people to divination since ancient times. To this day, divination associated with Baptism is not forgotten and does not lose its relevance.

  • How did our ancestors guess?
  • Safe Divination
  • Divination for the betrothed
  • Fortune telling on an onion
  • Fortune telling on frozen water
  • Dangerous divination

When is it possible and when not to guess?

The period from Christmas to Epiphany is called Christmas time, and it was on these winter days that our ancestors divined even before the adoption of Christianity. It was believed that at this mysterious time, spirits descend to Earth that can answer exciting questions and even fulfill wishes.

It is advisable to ask questions about personal life, about the health of loved ones, about the financial situation, about adding to the family on the eve of Epiphany, that is, on the evening of January 18th. At this time, you can get the most clear and truthful answers about your future, down to the name of the betrothed and the number of children.

Important! Christmas rituals are allowed only until midnight, that is, before the start of the holiday. Since ancient times, there has been a ban on fortune-telling after 00:00, which was strictly observed by God-fearing Russian girls.

Thus, those who did not have time to tell fortunes during Christmas time and before the start of Epiphany days will have to postpone fortune-telling for a whole year.

How did our ancestors guess?

Since ancient times, girls in the villages guessed on shoes. Going outside the outskirts, they took off the shoe from their left foot and threw it as far as possible in front of them. The toe of the shoe was supposed to indicate the direction from which the betrothed would come to pick up his bride from his father's house. If the shoe was turned toe to his native village, this meant that the fortuneteller would not see marriage this year.

On the eve of Epiphany, the girls approached the doors of the locked church one by one and listened to the sounds coming from inside. If a girl thought that she heard the ringing of a bell, this prophesied a quick wedding, and a thud meant the death of someone close.

The following custom was popular not only among girls, but also among guys. They went out into the street in a crowd and asked the names of passers-by. It was believed that this was the name of the future chosen one or chosen one.

Safe Divination

Divination without the use of black magic is considered safe. They will not cause any harm, even if all the rules of the rite are not followed. In this case, the answer may be wrong, but nothing bad will definitely happen.

Divination for the betrothed

Closer to midnight, the girl begins to sweep a narrow path in her room, perpendicular to the front door. You need to notice this way: movement to the left, movement to the right, while the movement to the left should be directed towards the door.

1 minute before midnight, you need to say: “The betrothed-mummer, appear before me!” The experience of fortunetellers promises that for a moment you can see the image of your future chosen one in front of you. He can appear in the form of a silhouette or a face, looking at which you can even recognize one of the contenders for the hand and heart.

Important! The image of the betrothed will never appear if you are guessing with your friends or simply will not be alone in the room.

Do not be afraid to be all alone, because fortune telling is completely safe. But you should not look in the mirror during the ceremony either: there you can see a false image, distorted and even frightening.

Fortune telling on an onion

If you have several applicants for a hand and heart, simple onions will help you make your choice on the eve of Epiphany. We pin a leaflet with the name of the applicant with a needle on each bulb, put them in a glass of water. The bulb that grows faster will denote the one whose desire to be your husband is more insistent and whose love is stronger.

Fortune telling on frozen water

This fortune-telling is carried out when a married woman is concerned about the future of motherhood. You need to take your wedding ring and lower it into a container of water. Set to Epiphany frost before midnight, and evaluate the result in the morning. If the surface of the frozen water is even, then there is no need to expect an increase in the family. Tubercles on the surface mean the imminent birth of a son, and notches - a daughter.

How can you not guess at Baptism?

To get a reliable result, you should adhere to the following recommendations during fortune-telling:

Do not guess repeatedly on the same question;

Only girls who have not been previously married can guess at the betrothed;

All home rituals can be performed alone, street rituals can be performed in a company;

Fortune-telling with holy water should be carried out once, without wasting it in vain;

Do not dilute ordinary holy water;

Fortune-telling only by candlelight, while the sources of artificial light must be extinguished;

you can not make the same wish again;

· you can not make wishes aimed at the destruction and illness of someone from the living.

Dangerous divination

Since ancient times, rituals with mirrors have been considered dangerous divination. And until now, magicians claim that the mirror connects our reality with the other world, and through this entrance, spirits and ghosts can enter the world of the living.

Incorrectly performed fortune-telling can bring trouble not only to the fortuneteller himself, but also to his environment, especially to the residents of the house where the ceremony is performed. Therefore, you should not joke with such things, and if you decide on fortune-telling with a mirror, follow all the rules.

In a room with one door, put a mirror, in front of it - two candles. Place the second mirror opposite: it will be behind your back. Closer to twelve at night, turn off the lights and light candles and sit in front of a mirror. Look at the reflection behind your back, but in no case look back. An image of the future chosen one may appear in the rear mirror. Do not extinguish the candles until the image has disappeared.

Dangers are fraught with other fortune-telling - fortune-telling in the bath. Our ancestors were sure that it was in the bath that evil spirits lived. On the night of January 18-19, they undressed and spoke conspiracies in the bathhouse. Then they approached the blower and took out stones from the ashes. One stone promised a lonely life. Two - two children in the future. Three stones prophesied a quick wedding, which, however, would not be the beginning of a happy family life, but would bring sorrow to the girl's life. Four stones foreshadowed quarrels with the mother-in-law. Five stones were considered a great success: they predicted well-being in family life and a good financial situation. Six stones were feared like fire: it was a sign of misfortune.

How to protect yourself during fortune telling?

Our ancestors did not even doubt that on the last evening of Christmas time, evil spirits roam the Earth and try to enter residential buildings to harm people.

Divination, like any magical rites, helps to attract spirits, both good and evil. Therefore, protecting your home this evening will not be superfluous. To prevent evil spirits from entering the dwelling, crosses must be drawn with chalk on window frames and on all doors.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition to bathe in the Epiphany font, but today not everyone has such an opportunity. Instead, it is advisable to wash yourself with holy water after divination, or at least just take a shower to wash off negative energy from yourself.

Everyone wants to know their future, what to hope for and what to expect in the coming year. Divination for Baptism was invented by our ancestors, who were also interested in the future and wanted to know as accurately as possible what to expect and what to fear in the near future. The night of Epiphany is the last of the Yuletide, and in fact is the last day when you can spend Christmas fortune-telling. Thus, those who did not have time to tell fortunes before January 19 will remain in the dark until next year. So let's see what kind of rituals it makes sense to carry out during this period ...

A selection of baptismal fortune-telling for every taste: the future, love, betrothed, sleep and others ...

  • Time. Epiphany fortune-telling is held at night from January 18 to January 19 strictly after sunset. A prerequisite is darkness, which creates a mysterious atmosphere. However, some fortune-telling must be carried out exactly at 12 o'clock at night, others do not depend on the time of the conduct, as there is a corresponding indication in the description of the ritual.
  • Place. Different rituals involve different venues: some are performed on the street: fortunetellers need to go either to the crossroads, or to the cemetery, or outside the gate, etc. Although most fortune-telling is suitable for taking place at home.
  • Members. Most divination can be done both in a group and on your own.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Fortune telling on Epiphany night

In this section, we will consider a selection of universal baptismal divination, for all occasions. Check them out and you will surely find something suitable for you!

Divination with two mirrors

This is a very famous and extremely effective divination for Baptism for a betrothed. Attributes for the ritual will not be difficult to find and prepare in the shortest possible time:

  • Two colorless candles (medium-sized church candles are quite suitable);
  • Two mirrors (can be of different sizes);
  • Matches;
  • Non-transparent white fabric.

After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the ritual:

  • During the ritual, there should be no people in the room (and preferably in the whole house);
  • At about 23:55 we put the first mirror in front of us, for example, on the table, and the second one behind us;
  • The mirrors must be placed in such a way that a mirrored “corridor” extending to infinity is obtained.
  • Next to the first mirror, to which we are facing, we set two candles;
  • When performing the ritual, it is forbidden to look back, or rather in the mirror, which is located behind the back, all manipulations are performed only with the first mirror;
  • Exactly at midnight, we set fire to the candles, and begin to gaze intently into the “mirror corridor” and pronounce the words:

"My betrothed mummer, come to me dressed up"

The purpose of divination : to make out the silhouette, or rather the face of the future husband at the end of this corridor. If you see them, try to remember it instantly. Then immediately extinguish the candles and throw the prepared cloth over the mirror.

It is believed that if this is not done, then misfortune will happen to you. They say that the devil himself appears in the image of a man, so many professional magicians consider this fortune-telling dangerous. However, there is a safer one: which you can try to execute.

Fortune telling on wax and water

Divination with a candle and water

A very interesting divination with a candle and water will help you find out your future for the coming year. We have already described this ritual in detail in, now we will analyze the features of its conduct precisely at Baptism.

  • To begin with, you will need two wax candles, a wide container (basin or bowl), a large spoon or small ladle for melting wax;
  • Then collect snow on the street and melt it in such a way that at least half of the capacity is accumulated;
  • It is most convenient to carry out fortune-telling at the table, arrange all the attributes so that it is convenient to use them at the right time;
  • At Epiphany at exactly twelve o'clock at night, pour water into a container and place it in front of you;
  • Light the first candle, and put the wax from the second candle into a spoon or ladle;
  • Heat the wax on the candle, and when it is completely melted, pour it into a container of water.

The result of fortune-telling will be the resulting casting, which should be interpreted. Read the full alphabetical list of figures and their meaning.

Divination on the rings

First option:

This ceremony must be carried out in the company. As a result of fortune-telling, you can find out whether you will get married this year or remain in girls. Start guessing according to this algorithm:

  • Sit around the table with your friends at midnight;
  • Lay a black or burgundy fabric on the table, turn off the light and light a candle in the center of the table.
  • All participants in fortune-telling must remove the rings from their fingers and roll them in turn over the fabric.
  • Which girl will roll the ring farther than all the others, she will marry later than everyone else.
  • Which ring will remain closer - the first to marry

Second option:

This ceremony is carried out in order to find out after how many years the girl will get married, it is better to do it alone, for a group of more than three people it definitely does not fit. For the ritual you will need:

  • A glass filled with water about 2/3;
  • Wedding ring (can be taken from a married friend or mother);
  • Hair from your head at least 20 cm long;
  • Then the ring must be carefully tied and hung by a thread;
  • Then we lower the ring on the hair into a glass of water and gently lift it out of the water.

During the ascent, the ring will begin to sway. How many times it hits the walls of a glass, after so many years the girl will marry.

Fortune telling on felt boots

This is a very famous fortune-telling that is familiar to almost every girl. It only needs a pair of boots.

  • According to tradition, fortune-telling is carried out without fail by a noisy and cheerful company of girlfriends.
  • The girls take turns throwing the felt boots over their backs, over the fence.
  • Then they look where the toe of the felt boots points. Wherever he points there, the betrothed lives;
  • If the Sock of the felt boot points to your own gates, you don’t need to wait for the grooms this year;

Advice: nowadays, instead of felt boots, you can take ordinary winter boots.

You can try comic online divination:

Fortune telling for a year on glasses

There is one very fun and fairly accurate divination for Epiphany using ordinary glasses, or small glasses. With it, you can find out your fate for the next year, for the ceremony you will need:

  • Glasses or cups - 6 pieces;
  • A handful of salt;
  • Matches;
  • A piece of sugar;
  • Ring (gold or silver);
  • A small piece of bread;
  • Coin (any denomination but yellow).

This divination is carried out at night as follows. In each glass you need to put one of the above items. A blindfolded fortune teller chooses any glass, if the ritual is carried out by a company - everyone is blindfolded and at the same time takes one glass at a time.

What caught in a glass is waiting for him for the next year:

  • If you come across a glass of bread, it means that a person will live full all year;
  • If a coin fell out, prosperity will surround him;
  • If a match, a child is expected;
  • Ring - promises marriage in the coming year;
  • Salt - symbolizes hard times;
  • And if you get a glass of sugar, it will be a good year for you.

Divination at the Orthodox Church

There is another option for those who want to tell fortunes for marriage for the next year. At midnight on Epiphany, go to the closed doors of the church, cross yourself, and begin to listen for at least 5 minutes.

Most likely you will hear something, and the interpretation of fortune-telling will depend on these sounds:

  • If you heard: the noise of a wedding, songs, laughter, a cheerful conversation, it means that marriage awaits you this year;
  • If you heard crying, moaning, screaming or a thud, it means that you don’t have to wait for a wedding soon, perhaps the situation will improve next year!

Divination at someone else's window

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling on relationships, which must be carried out alone. Choose the house where the happiest family you know lives. On Epiphany night, we quietly approach the window of the chosen house and eavesdrop.

  • If you hear swearing, then next year you will quarrel with your boyfriend or man;
  • If there is silence, then the coming year promises peace and tranquility in relationships;

Divination on grains

This is a simple village Epiphany fortune-telling, which is carried out with the help of a domestic rooster, as a result, you can understand what year awaits you. The owners of the bird scatter grain on the floor in the hallway and let the rooster into the house. Then the owners watch how the rooster pecks at the grains:

  • If the rooster eats everything: there will be good luck in the family all year;
  • If the bird eats half of the grains: things will go the same as in the previous year;
  • If the rooster does not touch a single grain, it means that a difficult year awaits the family;

Fortune telling in a dream about the groom

The first way: "On the mirror"

This is a very interesting divination for Baptism on the mirror. For him, you naturally need an ordinary mirror. It must be taken out into the street in the evening, and left there. Then, cut spruce branches, and before you go to bed, bring a mirror home.

Then write your wish on the misted mirror with your finger and put it under the bed, with the mirror surface up and put spruce branches on top of it.

After waking up, look at the mirror:

  • If the inscription can still be read, then the wish will come true!
  • If at least half of the letters are visible, the desire will be fulfilled - but with difficulty;
  • If only a couple of letters are visible or nothing is visible, the desire will not come true.

The second way: "On playing cards"

We take from the deck of ordinary playing cards - all four kings and on the night of January 19 we put them under the pillow.

  • If you had a dream in a dream, this means that your husband will be much older than you;
  • If dreamed, then your husband will be business or military;
  • If you had a dream, then marry a person you know;
  • Well, if you had a dream, a successful marriage awaits you.

But it may also be that you do not dream of any of them. Then, in the morning, just take out any card from under the pillow and see who you got.

The third way: "On a comb"

Before going to bed, do not comb your hair, but put a comb next to the pillow and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Come to me, betrothed, comb my hair."

After that - go to bed, and in a dream your future betrothed must come to you. Read more in this article.

Epiphany conspiracies for wealth and prosperity

Epiphany conspiracy for a loved one

The first conspiracy: "On the water"

You will need a can of unpainted material, a cross made of sticks, Epiphany water, three coins (one should be yellow and two should be white).

Pour water into the can and throw coins there, hang the cross on the side of the can. On the night before Epiphany, read the words of the conspiracy for money:

I get up at night, I get church water.

Dark night, holy water, cleanse the body and soul.

Fly angels, overshadow me with wings, call God to me.

I put God at the table, treat me with various dishes,

I pray to John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

May the saints not leave me, may they free me from spiritual filth,

From the sins I have committed. I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven clean! Amen!"

There are various divinations for Epiphany on January 19, which have been used since ancient times. It is believed that this day has great power, so all predictions will be as true as possible. You can guess for love, money, the future and so on.

The tradition of divination for Epiphany January 19

There are a number of rules, signs and traditions associated with this day. Since ancient times, it has been believed that fortune-telling held on January 19th for Epiphany will be as truthful as possible, which is why many people like to predict their future on this holiday. There are other traditions associated with this day:

  1. The main dish for Christmas Eve is sochivo, the remains of which are poured out after the meal to the chickens.
  2. In the evening, it is customary to bless the water in the temple, which can be used for washing and drinking.
  3. Swimming in the hole is an ancient tradition. It is believed that on Epiphany, water has tremendous power that can protect against diseases, give strength and get rid of possible negativity. It is worth noting that there are no rules regarding swimming in the hole.

Fortune telling from January 18 to 19 Epiphany

If there is a desire to conduct a ritual to predict the future, then it is important to know a number of rules necessary to obtain the most accurate results.

  1. An ideal place for divination on Epiphany on January 18 is a non-residential premises, for example, a bathhouse or an attic. In extreme cases, a room with access to a balcony is suitable.
  2. No one should know about the conduct of such magical rituals.
  3. The room should be free of cats and other distractions, such as ticking clocks.
  4. It is important to take off the belt, crosses, loosen the hair and untie the knots on the clothes.
  5. If fortune-telling is carried out before going to bed, then a candle should be placed at the head.

Divination for Baptism on January 19 for fate

To find out what fate has prepared in the future, you can conduct a very simple fortune-telling, which is called "7 glasses". Prepare seven identical vessels in which to put objects of different meanings. After that, you need to close your eyes and change the places of the vessels so that it is impossible to understand where which object lies. To finish the divination before Epiphany on January 19, mentally ask the question: “What has fate prepared for me?” and randomly choose one of the glasses. Its content will be the interpretation:

  • salt - sadness;
  • sugar - a sweet and cheerful life;
  • bread - satiety;
  • coin - financial well-being;
  • ring - marriage proposal;
  • matches - the birth of a baby;
  • grain - difficult workdays.

Divination at Epiphany January 19 for love

More often than not, girls use different methods of predictions to sort out issues related to their personal lives. Divination for the betrothed at Epiphany on January 19 with needles is considered interesting. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to prepare two needles and rub them with any fat, such as oil or lard. It is important that the entire surface of the needles is slippery. Type in a regular glass of water, put it on the table and lower the needles into it. After that, you can ask a question about the relationship with a specific person. Interpretations are carried out, focusing on the behavior of the needles:

  1. If the needles go to the bottom - this is a bad sign, portending trouble. This behavior may also be due to the fact that the needles were poorly greased.
  2. If the needles come together, then this indicates a warm relationship and sincere feelings.
  3. If the needles "froze" and no rapprochement is observed, then this indicates a cool relationship. Divination for Epiphany on January 19 indicates that the fortuneteller leaves the room, and the other person turns the containers upside down and puts a crumpled bill under one coin, a crumpled bill under another, and leaves the third empty.
  4. If the needles are separated, then the relationship will end, so do not waste time in vain and hope that everything will work out.

Divination for money for Epiphany January 19

There are different ways of predictions that will help you learn about the situation in the financial sector. A simple divination for Baptism on January 19 for prosperity is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Take containers that should not be transparent, a handful of coins and one bill that should be crumple. For prediction, you need an assistant.
  2. The fortuneteller leaves the room, and the other person turns the containers upside down and puts a crumpled bill under one coin, a crumpled bill under another, and leaves the third empty.
  3. The fortuneteller, without looking, chooses any cup and looks at the contents. If coins were found, then this promises good, an empty cup indicates that there will be no changes in the financial sector, but a crumpled bill means that losses and losses should be expected.

Divination for Epiphany January 19 for the future

Many seek to know about their future in order to be aware of possible problems and trials. There are simple divinations for Epiphany on January 19, thanks to which you can learn about the events of the future and understand whether the wish will come true soon or not.

  1. Before going to bed on the eve of the holiday, you need to write your desires on 12 leaves and put them under your pillow. It is important to leave one piece of paper blank. Lying in bed in the morning, randomly take out one note and see which wish comes true. If the paper is clean, then this indicates that nothing will change in the near future.
  2. To conduct fortune-telling before Epiphany on January 19, you need to prepare a mirror on which you need to write your dream with your finger. Lay a reflective surface under the bed with small spruce branches around it. If the next morning the inscription has disappeared, then the desire will become real.

Divination for Baptism on January 19 for children

On Epiphany night, you can perform a simple ceremony to find out how many children will be in the future and what gender.

  1. It is necessary to thread a red thread into the wedding ring to make a pendulum. Hold it over your right hand and take a few deep breaths. Fingers should be spread apart.
  2. First, the ring should be passed between the index and thumb, and then place it over the center of the palm.
  3. To find out the meaning of divination on Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18, look at the movement of the ring. If it began to rotate in a circle, then expect the first girl, and if in the opposite direction - a boy.
  4. After that, lower the jewelry between your fingers three times and repeat the steps. Carry out such manipulations before the ring stops moving at all. The number of repetitions will show the number of children.

Divination methods for Epiphany January 19

There are many divinations for which various available items are used. It is important to consider that such magical rituals attract not only good, but also bad spirits, so protection at home is needed. For this purpose, draw crosses with chalk on the window frames and doors. After fortune-telling for Baptism on January 18 before going to bed, it is recommended to wash yourself with holy water or at least take a shower.

Fortune telling on cards for Epiphany January 19

For fortune telling, cards are often used that give detailed answers to various questions. You can do different layouts, and here are the simplest divinations for Epiphany on January 18 on the cards:

  1. Take a simple deck that hasn't been played before. First guess, and then carry out the layout. Shuffle the deck and divide it into four piles. In the first, and then in others, you need to find aces. The interpretation shows that the more aces in the first pile, the higher the likelihood that the desire will become real, and so on.
  2. If there are gypsy cards whose meaning can be understood from the picture, then distribute them into four rows of nine cards. Find the Unexpected Joy card, which is the personification of the fortuneteller. The card that is on the left side is the past, and on the right is the future, the row located on top is thoughts, and the bottom is obstacles.
  3. Describing what divination for Epiphany on January 19 can be done with cards, it is worth mentioning the Tarot option. Arrange nine cards in three rows: the first is what was, the middle one is what is, and the bottom is what will be. Tarot meaning can be found here.

Divination for Epiphany January 19 on paper

To learn about the events of the near future, you can use a simple ritual. It must be carried out alone, so that nothing interferes. For divination on the night of Epiphany on January 19, crumple up a blank sheet of paper, put it in a saucer and set it on fire. If all the paper burned down, and only ashes remained, all problems will soon end, and a white streak of life will come. When pieces of paper remain, then expect trouble.

Divination for Epiphany January 19 on wax

The most popular baptismal divination are rituals using candles. To predict the future on wax, you need to take a bowl of water, and also prepare a spoon and a couple of candles. Divination for Epiphany on January 18 on wax is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. One candle needs to be broken or rubbed to make shavings for easy melting. Put it in a spoon and start heating over the second lit candle.
  2. When the wax becomes liquid, quickly pour it into the water to form a figure. She will be the interpretation of fortune-telling, for which you need to turn on.

The great holiday, which is traditionally celebrated on January 19, is considered very powerful, and all baptismal divination is completely true. Moreover, the laziest do not even need to do anything, just mentally ask a question before going to bed, which will certainly be prophetic. And for those who are interested in various rituals, an exciting night full of secrets and curious knowledge awaits.

Rite rules

If a girl decides to perform a ceremony, then she should know about some rules that are typical for almost all fortune-telling:

  • an ideal place for an event would be a non-residential premises: a bathhouse, a barn, a canopy, an attic, or at least a room with access to a balcony;
  • leaving the house, no one can tell exactly where you are going;
  • in the room where the ceremony is held, there should not be any animals, especially cats;
  • a fortune-telling girl must definitely take off her belt, crosses and untie all the knots on her clothes, let her hair down;
  • if fortune-telling is carried out for a dream, then a candle is placed at the head;
  • it is best to wait until dark when the lights come on in the windows.

These rules are more than a dozen years old, and even if today they are not treated with such gullibility as before, you still shouldn’t ignore the instructions of grandmothers, because they definitely knew more than us.

Did you know?The most truthful type of fortune-telling in the 18th-19th centuries was considered fortune-telling on a crystal ball. However, only representatives of the aristocratic nobility could use such a service, since the salons were quite expensive.

Divination on the night of Epiphany for the betrothed

For young girls, there is no more interesting question than the question of their future husband. They look out for their betrothed in mirrors, dreams, and even in the reflection on the water, although there are many other ways to find out about their soulmate besides this. Let's consider some of them.

On a shoe (boot)

This is probably one of the most ancient and common ways to find out from which side the groom will come to the bride. All that is required of the girl is to take off one shoe (or boot) and go beyond the threshold of the house, throw it through herself into the street. Where the toe of the shoe is turned, in that direction she will marry. If the shoe rests with its toe against a building or another obstacle, then this year you should not expect matchmakers.

In a dream

In order for the betrothed to come to you during sleep, before going to bed, comb one side of the head, and leave the other uncombed, saying "My betrothed, mummers, comb me." According to legend, on the night of January 19, many women really saw their future husbands.

Another option for "sleepy" divination requires the construction of a well of sticks or simply placing a container of water under the bed. The fortune-telling girl takes any key and pretends to lock the well, after which she puts the key under her pillow saying: “Betrothed-mummers, come to water the horses, but do not forget to ask me for the key.”

Mirrors and candles

Divination for Baptism with the use of mirrors and candles is considered the most mystical, because you never know exactly what will appear in the mirror. If you are too serious about this rite or are particularly impressionable, then it is better not to resort to it, otherwise what you see in the reflection may scare you.

When preparing for divination, it is necessary to place two mirrors in parallel so that the reflecting sides are directed at each other, and place candles between them on both sides so that they form an illuminated corridor.

After some time, the same betrothed will appear at the end of the resulting tunnel, although you never know for sure who exactly will appear from the magical world. Given the mystical power of mirrors, one must be very careful with them so as not to accidentally disturb the dark forces.

Finding a stranger

The most simple and harmless fortune-telling. In order to find out what her husband's name will be, the girl leaves the house and asks for the name of the first man she met. According to popular beliefs, her betrothed will be called in the same way, and it is likely that he will even outwardly look like a stranger he met.

Walnut shell boat

Another way to find out the name of the future spouse is based on the use of a nutshell. Pour water into a small container and place a shell with a small candle inside. Along the edges of the selected bowl, place pieces of paper folded in half with male names written on them and draw around the makeshift boat three times with a spoon through the water (against the clock). After that, you need to light a candle and see which leaf the shell will float to.

Important!Water should be driven as carefully as possible so as not to touch the shell with a spoon, otherwise fortune-telling will be considered untrue.

Fortune telling

In addition to unmarried girls, married women, and sometimes even men, also want to know their future. Of course, fortune-telling about the betrothed in this case will be inappropriate, so we offer you the following group of possible rituals that help you find out the fate of a person.

On a chain

Gold jewelry has always been endowed with a special mystical power, many possibilities were attributed to them. It was believed that gold can evoke love feelings and even tell about the near future of its owner, as it is saturated with its energy while wearing. That is why fortune-telling on a gold chain was relevant even in the time of our grandmothers.

This ceremony is best done late at night, when all the household members are asleep. The fortuneteller needs to sit down at the table and take the howling chain and rub it in his hands for a while (it should feel warm). After that, hold the jewelry in the fist of your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table. The product should form into a certain figure, which they are trying to interpret.

Interpretations may be as follows:

  • circle - difficulties awaiting a person in the near future, a problem that is difficult to solve;
  • a solid flat strip - symbolizes luck in the near future;
  • tangled tangle - life's difficulties, possibly illnesses;
  • triangle (appears infrequently) - a huge success in any endeavors, in particular in amorous affairs;
  • bow - a harbinger of an imminent wedding;
  • a snake is a warning about possible betrayal by relatives or acquaintances, so next year you should not particularly trust anyone;
  • the heart is a sign that you are loved, and this love can bring peace and tranquility to your soul.

Important!Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to remove the cross, icon or other religious symbol from the chain and draw a circle around you with it.

Mirror and carafe with water

A very simple divination that does not require long preparation. To conduct the ceremony, you only need a glass decanter with water, candles lit on three sides of it and a mirror located behind the vessel. You need to look into this mirror through the decanter, and what you see there will come true in the near future.

7 glasses

In this case, you will need 7 identical glasses and symbol objects placed on them. For example, salt will mean sadness and tears, sugar - a sweet life, bread - satiety, a coin - material well-being, a ring - an early marriage, a match - the birth of a child, a grain - hard work.

After that, close your eyes and swap the glasses so that it is difficult to determine their contents. By choosing one of them on a whim, you will receive a prediction for the whole next year.

Fir branches and a mirror

Before midnight on January 18, prepare a medium mirror and 3-4 sprigs of spruce. Before going to bed, all this must be placed under the bed, but only so that the branches are on all sides of the reflective object. On top of the mirror surface, you should write your most cherished desire (you can use a marker), and if in the morning it disappears or is poorly visible, then you can hope for the speedy fulfillment of your plan.

Fortune telling on straw

This baptismal divination is not particularly suitable for urban conditions, but once it was quite popular in the villages. The girl who wanted to know her fate had to stand with her back to the whirlpool and, throwing her head back, choose one of the straws hanging from the pile. The selected straw was firmly grasped by the teeth and gently pulled out. If, on the other hand, there was a spikelet on it, then prosperity awaited her ahead with a rich husband, and a bare straw indicated poverty and life with a poor man.

In order not to break off the spikelet, they deliberately tried to pull it very slowly. As an alternative, you can tell fortunes on tangled straw. To do this, several girls need to get together and take a bunch of straw and try to beat it as hard as possible. Then the straw is thrown on the table, and a frying pan filled with water with a stone in the middle is placed on top.

Each girl in turn pulls out one straw and tries to make out the sounds coming from the stone that scrapes the bottom of the pan. In the old days, in these strange sounds, our grandmothers distinguished ordinary words with parting words for the coming year. For a company of several people, such fortune-telling on straw is also suitable.

The fortuneteller must take an even number of straws (at least six) and tie them into a tight bundle. From both ends, all the straws (with and without ears) must be additionally tied in pairs in order to untie the bundle to see what happened. If the couples form a solid ring, then next year the fortuneteller will succeed, and if they form into a broken chain or a pair of separate rings, then you will have to prepare for trouble.

Divination by wax

For fortune telling with wax, you will need a wax candle and a small container of water. Light a candle and tilt it over a plate so that the wax drips onto the water, forming a certain pattern.

Important!You can speed up the process by pouring a large amount of melted wax into a bowl at once so that it forms a pattern not on the surface of the water, but on the bottom of the plate itself.

Small drops of spreading wax portend imminent wealth, and large figures should be interpreted in terms of shape and resemblance to well-known objects. For instance:

  • fan - portends problems at work;
  • grapes - promises good luck and prosperity in family life;
  • mushroom - indicates good health and long life;
  • dragon - achieving the desired, the realization of the plan;
  • a bell is news, and if it has all the edges even, then it will be good, and if there are bumps, bends and curvature, you should expect bad news (if there are several figures of bells, you can judge that the fortuneteller has anxiety);
  • a leaf from a tree - next to a fortuneteller there are envious people weaving intrigues behind his back;
  • monkey - betrayal, lies and the presence of falsehood in relationships with friends and acquaintances;
  • pants - the upcoming life choice.

To do this, you need to hang the ring on a thread in the same way, only place it not over the stomach, but over the right hand, while holding it in the left. All fingers should be spread apart, and the ring itself should first be passed three times between the index and thumb and only then placed over the center of the palm. If it spins in a circle - a girl, moves from side to side - a boy.

Once you understand what exactly the jewelry does, put it between your fingers again three times and do the same. This continues until the ring stops moving over the hand. How many times she moved, so many children a woman will have.

Did you know? It is the man who is responsible for the sex of the unborn child, since the female egg always carries only the X chromosome, while the male egg can be divided into X and Y chromosomes, which are responsible for the birth of a girl or a boy, respectively.

Sometimes the answer to the question “who will be born?” can be obtained in a dream. Going to bed on the night of January 19, mentally ask it to your guardian angel. Whoever dreams - he will be born.

There is also a variant of a similar fortune-telling, when the answer to the question posed to the angels is expected within a week, and you can find out about it not only during sleep.

handful of grain

Fortune telling on cereal grains is one of the simplest and most accessible at any time, so it is not surprising that on Epiphany night it becomes even more relevant. To find out how many children you will have, you need to mentally ask yourself this question, with an assumption about the number of babies, and then take a handful of cereals from a liter jar with your left hand and count the grains. If there is an even number of them, then you guessed it, and if it is odd, you will have to try again.

Water mug and ring

Pour water into an ordinary mug (not to the brim and better than a saint), tie a thread (preferably red) to the ring and lower the jewelry into the water, while mentally asking yourself the question: “How many children will I have?”. Now carefully remove it and place it next to the wall of the cup, holding the thread. The ring will move and easily knock on the edge of the container, how many times it touches, the woman will have so many babies.

To believe or not to believe in all these fortune-telling is a personal matter for everyone. But you should not take them too seriously, it is better to treat them as entertainment - and then if the prediction does not correspond to reality, you will not be disappointed.

Video: divination on Epiphany night