Personal cemetery of Igor Levitin. Why did the official change his post for a career of a rock singer (and how it really was) & nbsp More money, less expensive

Personal cemetery of Igor Levitin. Why did the official change his post for a career of a rock singer (and how it really was) & nbsp More money, less expensive

photo: / Alan Lushnikov on the left

Alan Lushnikov changed his job in the federal department to a career as a musician

The deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Alan Lushnikov, who replaced the current head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, told reporters that he was resigning.

We made this decision together with the Minister of Transport, - RBC quotes him.

When asked about his future plans, Lushnikov said: "I will sing!" As it turned out, the official from his youth was fond of music and performed with various groups, and now he is the lead singer of the rock group "Ctrl Band". Her first concert in the new line-up took place at the end of April, reminds RBC.


The Deputy Minister of Transport noted that he could not yet name the exact date of his dismissal, since the decision on his dismissal would be made by the Prime Minister.

Recall that Alan Lushnikov came to the federal Ministry of Transport to replace Alexei Tsydenov in February 2017. The corresponding order was then signed by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Dmitry Medvedev.

Lushnikov graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2006-2008, he worked as deputy head of Roszheldor and dealt with issues related to the reform of railway transport. From February to August 2008, he served as the head of the department. Later he became the “right hand” of the Minister of Transport, who was then Igor Levitin. After the transfer of the latter to the presidential apparatus, Lushnikov became assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees the transport industry. He was responsible for transport issues - railways, ports and air.

Take a normal chord! - says the guitarist to the keyboardist.


Well, take the triad! You see - everything falls down.

What should lie here and why a minute before that everything sounded "wrong" is not very clear to an uninitiated person. But the musicians are already playing the same melody again - something can be done better again. And so - five times in a row. “Do you know the secret of professionalism in any area? - Alan Lushnikov tells me. "A person becomes a professional when he does something ten thousand times."

In music, Lushnikov is not yet a professional; he still lacks a couple of thousand repetitions. As a child, he sang in the choir and went to a music school, but went to study as a lawyer. Although he was still engaged in music: in 1999, while still living in St. Petersburg, he joined a blues group gathered by friends. They played at festivals and in clubs, even recorded in Andrey Tropillo's studio - the one where Aquarium and Zoo were written in the 80s. But ten years later they broke up - "for a number of reasons," as Alan evasively says. In general, he is very restrained in his wording - a valuable quality for an official. And he got into the civil service in 2006. He started as Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport, and later worked with Arkady Dvorkovich (then Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). Received awards, became Deputy Minister of Transport, and then "dropped everything and went to sing in a rock group." At least that's what they decided on social networks after media reports. "Handsome", - some rejoiced. “We are all human,” others noted philosophically. And the truth is: either downshifting lvl 80, or the fulfillment of the dream of half of the world's teenagers.

Lushnikov himself says that this is neither one nor the other. “I left the post of deputy minister. Sometimes you have to change jobs. Period, he explains. - I make music because I like it. Point. There is no causal relationship here. " According to him, he actually changed one hobby for another: music is a hobby for him, but his previous work is also a hobby. "Otherwise there would be no point in doing this."

Announcing his plans to resign to journalists, Lushnikov said: "I will sing." He admits that he did not expect such a commotion. "I thought: this is how it happens - just two words!" His team, CtrlBand, had a concert that evening. “And there one respected person after reading the news joked: listen, you, it turns out, are going to work in a rock group! - says Lushnikov. - And one good friend said: "Well, you blew up the industry."

In fact, Alan did not plan to “blow up the industry” or even just return to music in earnest. It's just that last year he decided to give his wife a birthday present - to arrange a concert. Gathered musicians - already, of course, not those with whom I once played in St. Petersburg. The concert was a success ("The wife said" thank you ", - explains Lushnikov modestly), and after it the team could not part. “Unfortunately, I cannot do something halfway,” says a former official. - And when we got together, rehearsed and played, it was very sorry to throw it all away. Decided: let's record four songs. And then - let's do another concert ... ”So the gift to my wife turned out to be controversial: the husband, who was already disappearing at work in the ministry, began to disappear even at rehearsals. But after his resignation, he made up for everything. “Before, I could not always come on time in the evening to put the children to bed,” he says (and there are three children in his family). “Now, thank God, it’s working out.”

What else (inaccessible to the minister) can an aspiring rock singer do? At the rehearsal, while the musicians are playing solo, Lushnikov habitually answers someone in two smartphones at the same time. But at the microphone is in jeans and a T-shirt. “I love to wear jeans. But I also love costumes, - says Alan. "It never happened that I threw the suit out the window and said: that's it, I won't wear it again."

CtrlBand plays blues and rock 'n' roll, they write the music themselves. One of the songs - "Annabel Lee" - is written on poems by Edgar Poe: Lushnikov loves him. They sing only in English, which, by the way, is not very popular with some commentators on YouTube. But, as Alan says, "blues music itself is English-language." Although in Russian he may also someday sing: "I have one idea, but we must live to see it."

About his new “job” Alan says: “Of course, I have a rest, but this is not downshifting. This is a new challenge. " He is sure that after some time he will return to the profession of a lawyer: "I will not be able to leave the industry." Maybe that's why he was not afraid to part with a high position (and a stable income). Or maybe because he is sure: "Any stability is an illusion."

It's an illusion, not an illusion, but CtrlBand rehearses steadily. Playing the same song several times in an hour.

Perhaps there are few more successful lobbyists in Russia than the former Minister of Transport Igor Levitin... Almost all issues in which he was interested were resolved at the state level in his favor. True, if the majority of Russian lobbyists are trying to create favorable conditions for the entire industry, and, as a result, for themselves, then in the case of Levitin, this is not the case: here in the first place was the benefit of business structures close to the ex-official, and the transport industry was lagging behind by European standards, it has remained so. It is no coincidence that Levitin was nicknamed "the minister of catastrophes": it is difficult to remember such a number of tragic incidents as under him. Here is the motor ship "Bulgaria", which sank on the Volga, dragging 122 people to the bottom, and the Tu-154 plane that crashed near Donetsk, flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg - then 170 people died. And the fall of the Yak-42 near Yaroslavl, which took 43 souls to the next world. 45 victims were in the fall of the Tu-134 near Petrozavodsk, 125 - in the Irkutsk airport, when the Airbus-310 caught fire. And also - the terrorist attack at the Domodedovo airport and the explosion of the Nevsky Express, which happened, among other things, due to poor security. In total, Levitin's tenure as minister of transport cost the lives of more than 700 people. Not every surgeon, even an inept one, has such a cemetery of his own.

But against this background, it is difficult not to notice the monetary rains pouring down on the companies considered close to the ex-minister. When Igor Levitin headed the Ministry of Transport in 2004, he disciplinedly rewrote all his shares in business structures to relatives and friends. They established new companies, they merged with the old ones, were resold, overbought, the shares got confused, Cypriot offshores, and now, without a special request from the investigating authorities, it is impossible to establish who their ultimate beneficiary is. Although experts do not doubt that this face is well known to them, and it is like two peas in a pod similar to Levitin's.

However, he was also openly engaged in business: for seven years, the minister, in violation of the law "On the Government", was chairman of the Board of Directors of Sheremetyevo International Airport and Aeroflot and also a member of the board of directors of the United Aircraft Corporation.

Strange coincidences soon began. For example, before Levitin came to the government, the Severstaltrans company, in which he worked, earned 10 million rubles a year, then immediately after taking the ministerial office - 25 million. Revenue growth of 150 percent in just a year is fantastic for any business. A powerful multi-billion dollar flow also went to other firms close to the minister: the Ministry of Transport and the Rosavtodor controlled by him generously gave contracts to firms controlled by the minister's friends and relatives. There is Dormashinvest, affiliated with Staltekhinvest, which Levitin founded with his daughter, Passenger Service, Mostotrest and dozens of other firms. In "Mostotrest", for example, according to SPARK-Interfax, the state has transferred almost 80 billion rubles in just five years.

More money, less roads

What is the industry? If in 2000, long before Levitin was appointed minister, Rosavtodor was building almost eight thousand kilometers of roads, spending about 56 billion rubles on this, then in 2010 the budget manager already had 280 billion at his disposal, but built ... only two thousand kilometers ... Experts have estimated: in ten years the cost of materials and work has increased by about three times. But even taking into account this fact, the efficiency of spending public funds has decreased by 5-6 times. Apparently, this is how corruption looks from the outside. Moreover, this suspicion is not unfounded. For example, the Accounts Chamber conducted an audit of the construction of a section of the Moscow-Petersburg highway in the Tver region. And she found the budget overstated by 6.6 billion rubles. Moreover, this profit went to the Mostotrest company, where 31.5 percent of the shares belong to the beneficiaries of the N-trans holding - this name after the rebranding was given to Severstaltrans, in which Levitin worked before joining the government. Laying a scandalous track going through the Khimki forest, the North-West Concession Company is engaged in, where 50 percent of the shares are held by the owners of the same N-trans. And in general, there are only scandals with this road. Here are the beatings of the defenders of the Khimki forest, and the collapse that fettered the current Moscow-Petersburg highway in 2006: then the multi-kilometer traffic jam became the reason for approving the project for the construction of a new toll road. But a check by the Prosecutor General's Office found that the cause of the crisis on the highway was the wrong actions of the government of Moscow and Rosavtodor. That is, apparently, the cork was created artificially.

Port dismantling

In general, "N-trans" today is one of the largest players in the transport market. The holding deals with literally everything: from roads to cargo transportation. And in St. Petersburg he has a diamond at all: there he is a monopoly on the stevedoring services market. After all, 83 percent of container traffic passes through the company controlled by "N-trans" Global Ports. Plus it has its own terminals in Estonia and Finland. Russian importers have long had claims to it because of the extortionate prices, which are constantly growing uncontrollably: if now the cost of loading and unloading containers is still comparable to world prices, then the company fights three skins for moving around the port territory. According to the Hermes guild, it costs so much to transport a container of several hundred meters to a customs inspection point that the cost of service doubles. If the load needs to be weighed, then it is tripled. And if customs officials decide to conduct a full inspection of the container, then the costs will almost quadruple. Moreover, in most foreign ports, all these procedures are free. So it turns out that cargo handling in the Big Port of St. Petersburg is becoming unprofitable. The entrepreneurs have already applied to the court, and have written complaints to the Antimonopoly Service, but these cases are still under consideration.

Is it any wonder that the rise of Global Ports also took place during Igor Levitin's “ministerial term”. At the same time, the positions of the notorious "authoritative businessman" in St. Petersburg were strengthened. Ilya Traber, who for many years was the king and god in the St. Petersburg port. The Spanish press mentions him under the nickname "Antiquary" and associates him with the Tambov criminal group. He not only controlled the Seaport, but people close to Traber suddenly took up high government posts: the former director of the Port Fleet Anatoly Savkin headed the St. Petersburg branch of Rosmorport, and the former employee of Traber Igor Rusu- first the company "Ust-Luga", and then he became the deputy head of Rosrechmorflot.

It is only natural that Levitin's Global Ports would like to continue to maintain its global dominance. But this runs counter to the plans of the country's leadership to develop Russian sea transport. And whose interests prevailed - the state or the former Minister of Transport? Judge for yourself. The project of the largest port in Ust-Luga was supposed to be a breakthrough: there were planned numerous berths and terminals, plus a huge industrial zone, which was supposed to process the raw materials brought by the sea on the spot. True, all this made sense only with a good transport infrastructure: now the only road from St. Petersburg leads to Ust-Luga. Moreover, it is very narrow. So the plans were to build a highway that would bring cargo to Novgorod and further into the interior of the country. But for all the time that Levitin was Minister of Transport, this highway never appeared. And without it, they do not want to appear in the industrial zone, and the port itself loses its meaning, so the project, although it is developing, is not at the same pace as we would like.

Another potential competitor for Global Ports soon emerged. A sea canal is being built to it from the dam, and berths are being built on the shore. Investors have resolved the issue themselves with transport provision, since the railways and the Ring Road are nearby. And then the attack began on the project from the other side: financial. After all, it is planned to spend about 60 billion rubles for the construction of the port, of which 15 billion are budget: they were allocated by Rosmorport. They are trying to take them away. And, although Levitin has already left the ministry, it seems that he did not stop lobbying for his interests: the government received a conclusion from the Consumer Council at Rosmoport, which recommended that the port's funding be stopped.

Where the ears of this conclusion grow from, it became clear when in July the organization "Anonymous International" posted on the Internet the Internet correspondence of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich with his assistant Alan Lushnikov. Once Lushnikov worked in the Ministry of Transport, and also as an assistant - for the Minister Igor Levitin. So there are old official connections, which this time were supposed to serve one task: to slow down and, ideally, to bury a competing project. Lushnikov lists five construction projects that would be nice to be deprived of state support. And shortly thereafter, the conclusion of the Consumer Council arose. Of course, you cannot bring the hackers from Anonymous International to court to prove the authenticity of the correspondence posted on the Internet. And their methods of work are not perfect either. But until now, this underground organization has not been convicted of forging letters, only in their promulgation. So, most likely, the correspondence is genuine, especially since two of Dvorkovich's addressees have already identified their letters. That once again makes you take off your hat to the lobbying talent of Igor Levitin: even after leaving the ministerial post, he sacredly observes the interests of business structures close to him.

Sergey Rezannikov

From his youth, the official is fond of music and managed to visit the soloist of several groups in St. Petersburg

Alan Lushnikov

Kirill Kukhmar / TASS

Moscow. September 21st. site - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alan Lushnikov will leave this post.

"I am leaving. The decision is made by the Prime Minister. He has not yet adopted it, but it has been proposed for approval. We made such a decision together with the Minister of Transport," the official told reporters on Friday. He did not name the timeframe for leaving his current post, making it clear that they did not depend on him.

Speaking about his future plans, Lushnikov said that he would "sing." The official has been fond of music since his youth. He was the soloist of several musical groups in St. Petersburg. He currently sings in the group CtrlBAND.

At the beginning of 2017, Lushnikov replaced Alexei Tsydenov as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (now he is the governor of Buryatia). In 2006-2008. the official worked as deputy head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he briefly held the post of acting head of the department.

Later he was an assistant to the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin. After the latter moved to the office of the President of the Russian Federation, Lushnikov became an assistant to Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversaw the topic of transport in the rank of deputy prime minister and headed the board of directors of Russian Railways, although he did not join the new government and became co-chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Rumors about Lushnikov's departure from the post of deputy minister in charge of the development of the railway industry appeared at the beginning of the summer, after the appointment of Yevgeny Dietrich to the post of head of the Ministry of Transport (he replaced Maxim Sokolov). Prior to that, at the suggestion of Dietrich, his deputy was removed from the board of directors of Russian Railways.

At the same time, the railway market discussed a number of candidates for the post of a specialized deputy. According to one of Interfax's interlocutors, at least four people were interviewed by Dietrich. Among them is the former head of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy) of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Tokarev. One of the interlocutors of the agency asserted at the end of August that the head of the Ministry of Transport had already submitted proposals to the government, and another that the candidacy of the ex-Gosstroy official had already been agreed at the level of the government of the Russian Federation.

However, the other two sources had different information: one of them said that Tokarev's candidacy was "not approved," and the other said that the appointment was "unlikely." Meanwhile, the ex-official was familiar with the railway industry in the past. In 2004-2006. He worked as Deputy Head of the Directorate for Economics and Budgeting of Vagonremmash OJSC (subsidiary of Russian Railways). In 2006 he became Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2008, he moved to the post of Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. In the spring of 2012, in connection with the resignation of Viktor Basargin (the current head of Rostransnadzor), he served as head of the Ministry of Regional Development.

At the same time, according to two sources of the agency, the deputy general director of Russian Railways Andrei Starkov (in charge of corporate governance and property management) was also among the applicants. At the same time, another interlocutor said that the top manager also "did not pass the test."

Photo:, Vedomosti / Maxim Stulov

Alan Lushnikov sat in the vacant seat of the Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia

He was appointed to this position by the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The corresponding order was published on the official website of the Russian government.

To appoint Alan Valerievich Lushnikov as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, the document says.

According to Vedomosti, the new deputy minister graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2006-2008, he worked as deputy head of Roszheldor and dealt, among other things, with issues related to the reform of railway transport. From February to August 2008, he served as the head of the department. Later he became the "right hand" of the Minister of Transport, who was then Igor Levitin. After the transfer of the latter to the presidential apparatus, Lushnikov became assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees the transport industry. He was responsible for transport issues - railways, ports and air.

We will remind, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn announced his resignation on February 7. On the same day, the country's President Vladimir Putin. Lead the republic with the prefix and. O. it will be up until the September elections.