Mystical troika of the most mysterious paintings of famous artists. Mystical paintings

Mystical troika of the most mysterious paintings of famous artists. Mystical paintings
Mystical troika of the most mysterious paintings of famous artists. Mystical paintings

The history of writing some paintings.

Many artworks over time are in mind with a whole train of stories. Good or not very, completely different, unusual, often terrible, they add some kind of unpretentious picture of some aura. By the way, such auras are perfectly seen by bioenergy professionals, psychics. And the events are associated with the paintings. They occur as a result or simply coincide in time - we will not argue. But a small overview of such works.

Creation of the Impressionist Monet "Water Lilies".

One by one was burning for an unknown reason the workshop of the Creator, then the houses of the owners - a cabaret on Montmartre in Paris, the house of the French patron, the New York Museum of Contemporary Arts. On the this moment The picture behaves quietly, calmly hangs in the Museum Museum (France).

Another unlimited picture of the "Venus with a mirror" belongs to the brush of Velasquez. It is believed that everyone who acquired it either died with a violent death, or ruined ...

Even museums very reluctantly included it in their exposure and the picture was constantly migrated. So far, the visitor who cut the canvas with a knife was not attached to her.

In Russian painting, too, have their own oddities. From school, everyone knows the Troika Perov. Native in this three little light boy. The model for this image of Perov found Moscow. Woman with 12 year old son on a manty tree on the street.

The woman lost all other children and her husband, and Vasya became its last consolation. She really did not want that the boy would have picked up, but later everything agreed. But after the end of the picture, very quickly, Vasya died ... The woman asks to give her a picture, but the artist can no longer, the picture at that time is already in Tretyakov. But Perov still writes a portrait of a boy and transfers his mother.

There are such heavy work And Vrubel. Portrait of his son Savva was written shortly before unexpected death Boy.
But the "demon defeated" .... Vrubel constantly rewritten him, changed the flavor, it turned out that the work was very seriously affected by the artist's psyche.

He did not come off from work in any way, even after the work was placed on the exhibition ....Vrubel came even to the exhibition, worked on the web. He was examined by Bekhterev himself. As a result, relatives are called Psychiatrist Bekhtereva and he puts a terrible diagnosis. Vrubel is placed in the hospital, where he dies soon.

Another interesting couple of paintings.
One of them "Maslenitsa"

The second belongs to Antonov.

The paintings were particularly fame in 2006, when an entry appeared on the Internet, allegedly on behalf of one teacher. Which stated that the copy belongs to Peru is crazy, but the picture has a feature that immediately indicates mental disorder author. A lot of people begins to look for this difference, but of course it does not find ... more accurate options are offered a lot, but to check for correctness ... until)

Another instance was the portrait of Mary Lopukhina, written in the time of Pushkin.
Her life was very long and almost inheritance after creating the painting, she died from tuberculosis.

Her father, by rumors, Masson, managed to conclude the spirit of his daughter in the picture. And now every woman who looked at the portrait risks to die. Her account is already more than a dozen of the then young girls. In 1880, the picture buys the story of the Tretyakov. After that, rumors calm.

The next "dark" picture is a "cry" of a mun. His life was one big black stripe tragedy - Mother's death in early age, sister's death and brother, then "schizophrenia" another sister. In the 90s after the nervous breakdown, it is treated with electric shock. He is afraid of sex and therefore not marry. Munk dies on 81 meters year, handing out their paintings (1200), sketches (4500) and 18,000 photos.
The main picture of the mug was his "Creek".

Many who had to contact the picture, get a blow to fate - sick, quarrel with loved ones, fall into severe depression or died. There are somewhat very completely scary stories. One employee, completely healthy personShe was inadvertently dropped and in the result he got a headache with increasing force, this was drawn until the minister did not commit suicide. Another dropping picture got into a car accident and received the hardest fractures of the arms, legs, ribs, pelvis and concussion. And here you can take a curious visitor who pushed the picture with a finger. A few days later he burns in his own house alive.

Hollandets Peter Bruegel Sr. wrote "worship of Magi" for two years.
The model for the Virgin Mary became his cousin, a barren woman who beat her husband for it. It was she who caused a bad aura picture. The cloth bought collectors four times and after that, for 10-12 years, children were not born in families. In 1637, the picture buys Jacob Van Campen. By the time he had already had three descendants, because the curse was not frightened.

This is already modern creation. Its author Japanese schoolgirl painted her shortly before suicide.
If you look at this picture of about five minutes in a row, the girl in the picture changes - she has blusted eyes, black hair, fangs grow.

"Woman of rain" in 1996 wrote Svetlana Taurus. For half a year before it began to be a good attention, observation. When one day, Svetlana approached the canvas and saw this woman there, her whole image, colors, textures. She painted the picture very quickly, there was a feeling that someone drove the artist's hand.
After that, Svetlana tried to sell the canvas. But the first buyer quickly returned the picture, because it seemed to her that there was someone in the apartment, she dreamed of this woman. There was a feeling of silence, a sense of fear and anxiety. Rain. The same was repeated several times. Now the picture hangs in one of the shops, but no more buyers are not located on it. Although the artist thinks that the picture is simply waiting for his viewer to whom it is intended.

And I painted this picture Bill Stonehem. The scandal began after one of the exhibitions.

Mentally unbalanced people looking through this picture became bad, they lost consciousness, they began to cry, etc. All in 1972, when the picture was drawn ...

It all started in 1972, when the picture was drawn by Bill Stonehem old photowhere he was photographed at a five-year-old and found in the Chicago house where he lived at the time (first photo).

For the first time, the painting was shown the owner and art historian Los Angeles Times, who after that passed away. Maybe it was a coincidence, and maybe not. Then the picture was acquired by actor John Marli (died in 1984). Next begins the most interesting. The picture was discovered on a landfill among the pile of garbage. The family found it brought her home and already on the first night, a small four-year-old daughter ran into the bedroom of parents with the cries that the children were fighting in the picture. On the next night, the head of the family put the camcorder on the switching on the movement in the room where the picture hung. The camcorder worked several times.

The picture was exhibited on an eBay Internet auction. Soon, anxious letters began to come to the postal addresses of Ebay administrators with complaints of self-election, loss of consciousness and even heart attacks. On eBay (as well as in this post) there was a warning, but people as a curious and many negligerated warning.

The picture was sold for 1025 USD, starting price was 199 USD. The page with the picture was visited over 30,000 times, but mostly just for the sake of interest. She bought Kim Smith, who lived in a small town near Chicago. He just looked like something for his just a renovated art gallery on the expanses of Ineta. When he came across "Hands Resist Him", I first thought that she was painted in the forties and she was perfect for him as an exhibit.

It would be the end of history, but the letters began to come to Smith now. Many of them were as before with stories about poor well-being after watching the paintings, but there were those who wrote about evil who had emanated from her. Others demanded just to burn it. He was suggested even Ed and Lorrayain Warren, known as the expelled demons in the Amitilian house in 1979. Some even remembered the famous Satilla killing in the Forest Hills State Calmine. The ghosts of two children, as they say, are often visited by the house on the hills. Psychics claimed: "We saw a boy. He wore a light T-shirt and shorts. His sister was always in the shade. He seemed to defend her. They were called Tom and Laura and they like two drops like children shown in the picture.

Another picture from the same "Opera"

Mysterious events related to the picture "Watching Boy", which began to occur in 1985 in the UK, are still expanding the imagination and put the researchers in this phenomenon.

The artist and the author of the painting "Watching Boy", the father of the re6 winter depicted on her, mocked her son, Ignoring the baby in the face of the kid. The fact is that a boy to death 6 I had a fire. And the man was trying to do the brightness, vitality and naturalness of the web. Malik cried - the artist drew. Koy kid shouted on the father: "Gorge you myself!". After a month. And after a couple of weeks, the first body of the artist 6 was found in his house next to the picture of a crying boy who survived in a fire.

The unusualness of this painting remained unnoticed while the Yorkshire Firefighter Peter Hall did not interview one of the major newspapers of England, which spoke about an unusual phenomenon, which accompanied him almost all year. During the extinguishing of fires, which arose throughout Northern England, the firefighters were found that in all cases the fire arose in the room where the picture "Crying boy" hung, but the most interesting thing was that no matter how strong there was a fire, the picture is always There was a mustache and not touched fire.

One of the most famous "damned" canvons is the "crying boy" - the reproduction of the painting spanish artist Giovanni Bragolina. The history of its creation is such: the artist wanted to write a portrait crying child and as a simulator took his little Son. But, since the baby could not cry to order, then the father specifically brought him to tears, burning in front of his face matches.

The artist knew that his son was panicially afraid of fire, but the art was more expensive than the nerves of his own child, and he continued to mock him. One day, the toddler brought to the hysterics could not stand and shouted, pouring into tears: "Gorge you yourself!" This curse did not slow down to come true - a boy died from pneumonia after two weeks, and soon he burned down in his own house and his father ... This is the background. Its sinister fame is a picture, more precisely - its reproduction, found in 1985, in England.

It happened due to the series strange coincidences - In North England, one after another began to occur the fires of residential buildings. There were human sacrifices. Some affected mentioned that only cheap reproduction with the image of a crying child was miraculously survived from all the property. And such messages became more and more, until finally, one of the fire inspectors in all did not declare that in all the burnt houses without exception was found intact "crying boy."

Immediately, the newspapers overwhelmed the wave of letters, which reported on various accidents, deaths and fires that occurred after the owners bought this picture. Of course, the "crying boy" immediately began to be considered damned, the story of his creation, heated hearing and inventions ... As a result, one of the newspapers published an official statement that everyone who has this reproduction should get rid of it immediately, and the authorities It is also forbidden to acquire and keep her at home.

Still " Crying boy"Pursuits bad glory, especially in North England. By the way, the original has not yet been found. True, some doubters (especially in Russia) deliberately hanging this portrait on the wall, and, it seems, no one burned down. But still those who want to check the legend in practice are very few.

Another famous "fiery masterpiece" is considered "water lilies" of the Impressionist Monet. The artist himself was the first to suffer from her - his workshop was almost burned for incomprehensible reasons.

Then the new owners of "water lilies" - a cabaret on Montmartre, a house of one French patron and even the New York Museum of Contemporary Arts. Currently, the picture is located in the Museum Museum, in France, and its "fire hazard" properties does not show. Until.

Another, less well-known and externally noticeable picture, "a igniter" hangs at the Royal Museum of Edinburgh. This is a portrait of an elderly man with hand elongated. According to reference, sometimes the fingers on the hand written an old man begin to move. And the one who saw this unusual phenomenon will necessarily take death from fire in the very near future.

Two famous portrait victims - Lord Seymour and Captain far Swimming Balfast. Both of them argued that they saw how the old man moved his fingers, and both later died on fire. The superstitious citizens even demanded from the director of the museum to remove a dangerous painting from sin away, but he, of course, did not agree - this is exactly this portrait and not having a special value portrait and attracts most visitors.

The famous "Jocona" Leonardo da Vinci not only admires, but also scares people. In addition to assumptions, fiction, legends about the work itself and about the smile of Mona Lisa, there is a theory that this very famous portrait In the world, it is extremely negatively affecting the contemplating. For example, more than a hundred cases are officially registered when visitors who have long been a picture, lost consciousness.

Most famous case occurred S. french writer Standal, who during admiring a masterpiece fell into fainting. It is known that Mona Lisa herself, who posted the artist, died young, at the age of 28. And you great master Leonardo did not work on one of his creation for so long and carefully as over Joconda. For six years - until his death, Leonardo rewrote and ruled the picture, but until the end and did not achieve what he wanted.

The picture of Velasquez "Venus with a mirror" also used deservedly bad glory. All who bought it, or ruined, or died for a violent death. Even museums did not really like to include her main composition, and the picture constantly changed the "registration". The case ended in that one day a crazy visitor pounced on the canvas and cut it with a knife.

Another "damned" picture, which is widely known, the work of the California Surrealist artist "Hands Resist Him" \u200b\u200bis considered ("Hands resist Him") Bill Stonehem. The artist wrote it in 1972 with a photo on which he with his younger sister stands in front of his hometown.

In the picture, the boy with obscure features of the face and a doll in the growth of a lively girl froze before glass doorTo which small handles of children are pressed from the inside. With this picture connected many creepy stories. It all started with the fact that the first art historian who saw and appreciated the work, died suddenly.

Then I purchased a picture american actorwho also walked short. After his death, worked for a short time disappeared, but then she was accidentally found on the garbage. The family, which picked up a nightmare masterpiece, thought of hanging him in the nursery. As a result, a small daughter began to resort into the bedroom of parents every night and shout that the children were fighting in the picture and change the location. The father set the camera in the room reacting to movement, and overnight it worked several times.

Of course, the family hurried to get rid of such a gift of fate, and soon Hands Resist Him put on the Internet auction. And then the address of the organizers fell numerous letters with complaints to the fact that when viewing the picture, people became bad, and some even had heart attacks. I bought her owner of a private art gallery, and now the complaints come to his address. Two American exorcisists with proposals of their services even appealed to him. And psychics who saw the picture, in one voice, argue that evil comes from it.

Photo - the prototype of the painting "Hands resist Him":

There are several masterpieces of Russian painting, which also have sad stories. For example, a picture "Troika" known since the school is still known. At this touching and sad picture, three peasant children are depicted from poor families who pull heavy wear, catching in her the manner of harpful horses.

In the center there is a fair-haired little boy. Perov searched for a child for the painting, until he met a woman with a son of 12 years named Vasya, who walked through Moscow at the Bogomol.

Vasya remained the only consolation of the mother who buried her husband and other children. She first did not want her son to positive painting, but then agreed. However, soon after the completion of the picture, the boy died ... It is known that after the death of the son, a poor woman came to Perov, begging to sell her a portrait of her beloved child, but the picture was already hung in the Tretyakov Gallery. True, Perov responded to Mother's Mountain and the portrait of Vasi was written especially for her separately.

One of the brightest and extraordinary geniuses of Russian painting, Mikhail Vrubel, there are works with which are also connected personal tragedies The artist. So, the portrait of his adorable son Savva, was written by him shortly before the child's death. Moreover, the boy fell ill unexpectedly and died suddenly. And the "demon defeated" had a detrimental effect on the psyche and the health of the Vrubel himself.

The artist could not break away from the picture, everything continued adding the face of the defeated spirit, as well as to change the flavor. "Demon defeated" already hung at the exhibition, and Vrubel came to the hall, not paying attention to visitors, sat in front of the picture and continued to work as if obsessed.

The closest were concerned with his condition, and his famous Russian psychiatrist Behterev was examined. The diagnosis was terrible - dice of the spinal cord, close to madness and death. Vrubel was placed in the hospital, but the treatment helped poorly, and soon he died.

Interesting story Related to the painting "Maslenitsa", for a long time decorated with the Hall of Ukraine. Hang and hung, no one looked at her, while it did not even find out that the author of this work is the mentally ill via the name of the office, who copied the artist Antonov's cloth to his own way. Actually, there is nothing particularly terrible or outstanding in the painting of the mentally ill, but it excited the expanses of the Runet for half a year.

Picture of Antonov

Picture of Purple

One student in 2006 wrote a post about her on his blog. Its essence came down to the fact that, according to the professor of one of the Moscow universities, there is one hundred percent, but a non-obvious sign that is immediately clear that the artist is crazy. And even allegedly on this sign, you can immediately raise the correct diagnosis.

But, as a student wrote, a trick did not open a sign, but he gave foggy hints. And so, they say, people, help, who can, because I myself can not find, all I am angry and tired. What happened here - it is not difficult to imagine.

The post went throughout the network, many users rushed to look for a gueau and scold professors. The picture gained mad popularity, as well as the blog of the student, and the name of Professor. It was not possible to solve a riddle, and at the end, when everything was tired of this story, they decided:

1. There is no sign, and the professor specially "spread" students so that lectures do not stroll.
2. Professor - Psycho itself (even the facts were made that he was really treated abroad).
3. Coupulus associated himself with a snowman, which looms in the background of the painting, and this is the main mystery impendense.
4. There was no professor, and the whole story is a brilliant flashmob.

By the way, there were many original felling of this feature, but none of them was recognized correct. History gradually sued no, although now you can sometimes come across her echoes in RuNet. As for the painting, on some, it really produces a cracked impression and causes unpleasant sensations.

In the time of Pushkin, the portrait of Maria Lopukhina was one of the main "horror stories." The girl lived a short and unhappy life, and after writing a portrait died from Chathek. Her father Ivan Lopukhin was a famous mystic and magician Masonic lodge.

Therefore, rumors crawled, which he managed to lure the spirit of the dead daughter in this portrait. And that if the young girls look at the picture, they will die shortness. According to the salon gossip, the portrait of Mary destroyed at least ten nobles on the issuance ...

The end of rumors put the story of Tretyakov, who in 1880 bought a portrait for his gallery. There was no big mortality among visitors. Conversations and subsided. But the precipitate remained.

Dozens of people, one way or another, came to contact with the picture of Edward Minka "Creek", the cost of which experts are assessed at 70 million dollars, were exposed to evil rocks: they were sick, quarreled with loved ones, fell into severe depression or even suddenly died. All this created a picture of the unkind glory, so visitors to the museum with Ostaya looked at her, remembering terrible storieswho about the masterpiece told.

Once a museum employee inadvertently dropped the picture. After some time, terrible headaches began. I must say that before this case, he had no idea what a headache is. Migraine seizures became more and more acute, and it ended the fact that the poor fellow committed suicide.

Another time, the work museum dropped the picture when it was outweigh from one wall to another. A week later, he fell into a nightmarish car accident, as a result of which he had broken legs, hands, a few ribs, he got a fracture of the pelvis and the strongest concussion of the brain.

One of the visitors to the museum was trying to touch the picture with his finger. A few days later he had a fire in his house, in which this man burned alive alive.

The life of Edward Mukka himself, born in 1863, was a series of endless tragedies and shocks. Diseases, the death of relatives, madness. His mother died from tuberculosis when the child was 5 years old. After 9 years, the favorite sister of Edward Sophia died from severe illness. Then the brother Andreas died, and his younger sister Doctors diagnosed "schizophrenia".

In the early 90s, Munk survived a heavy nervous breakdown and for a long time Passed with electric shock. He never married, because the thought of sex led him to horror. Died at the age of 81, leaving the city of Oslo as a gift creative heritage: 1200 paintings, 4500 sketches and 18 thousand graphic work. But the vertex of his work remains, of course, "Creek".

Dutch artist Peter Bruegel Sr. wrote "worship of Magi" for two years. Mary Maria he "sketched" with his cousin. That was a woman fruitless, for which he received constant tumaki from her husband. It is she, as shuffled by simple medieval Netherlands, "infected" the picture. Four times "Volkhvov" bought private collectors. And each time the same story was repeated: in the family of 10-12 years old children were not born ...

Finally, in 1637, the picture of Jacob Van Campen bought the picture. He had already had three children by that time, so the curse was not much scarecrow.

The most, probably, the famous bad picture of the Internet space with the following story: A certain schoolgirl (often refer to Japanese) Before opening the veins (throw away from the window, to bite the pills, hang, get drowned in the bathroom) drew this picture.

If you look at it for 5 minutes in a row, the girl will change (eyes flush, the hair is black, the fangs will appear). In fact, it is clear that the picture is painted clearly not from hand as many love to say. Although such a picture no more clear answers appeared.

The next picture is modestly hanging without a frame in one of Vinnitsa's shops. "Woman of rain" is the most expensive of all works: worth 500 dollars. According to sellers, they already bought the picture three times, and then returned. Customers explain that she dreams of them. And someone even says, as if he knows this lady, but where does not remember. And all who at least once looked into her white eyes, forever remember the feeling of rainy day, silence, anxiety and fear.

Where did you come from unusual pictureShe told her author - Vinnitsa Artist Svetlana Taurus. "In 1996, I finished the Odessa Art University. Grekova, - remembers Svetlana. "And for six months before the birth of" Women ", it seemed to me all the time that someone was watching me.

I drove such thoughts from myself, and then in one of the days, by the way, not at all rainy, sat in front of a clean canvas and thought what to draw. And suddenly clearly saw the outlines of a woman, her face, colors, shades. In an instant, all the details of the image noticed. The main wrote quickly - watched five hours.
It seemed my hand someone drove. And then another month of Dorovaloval. "

Arriving in Vinnitsa, Svetlana put the picture at the local art salon. It was also a matter of the matter of art and were shared by the same thoughts that they had the most during their time.

"It was interesting to observe," the artist says, "how subtle it can materialize the thought and inspire it to other people."

A few years ago, the first buyer appeared. A lonely businessman walked for a long time, looked after. Having bought a "woman," hanged her in his bedroom.
Two weeks in the apartment Svetlana rang out night bell: "Please take it. I can not sleep. It seems that in the apartment, besides me, someone is. I even removed her from the wall, hid behind the cabinet, but I still can not. "

Then the second buyer appeared. Then the picture bought a young man. And also could not stand long. He himself brought her artist. And even money back did not take. "She dreams of her," he complained. - Here, every night appears and the shadow goes around me. I'm crazy started to go crazy. I'm afraid of this picture!

The third buyer, having learned about the bad glory of the "Women", only dismissed. Even said that the face of an ominous lady seems lovely to him. And she probably sees with him. Did not get along.
"I first did not notice what kind of white eyes he had," he recalled. - And then they began to appear everywhere. Headaches began, unfortunate excitement. And I need it?!

So the "Woman of Rain" returned to the artist again. In the city, the crooks rushed around that this picture was cursed. For one night can be crazy. The artist is already not glad that he wrote such a horror.

However, light does not lose optimism yet:
- Each picture appears for a particular person. I believe that there will be the one for whom "Woman" wrote. Someone is looking for her - just like she.

When it comes to painting, imagination, as a rule, draws pastoral and majestic portraits. But actually art multifaceted. It happened that from under the brush of great artists, there were very ambiguous paintings, which someone hardly want to hang at home. In our review, the 10 most terrible paintings of famous artists.

1. Great red dragon and monster from the sea. William Blake

William Blake Today is known for its engravings and romantic poetry, but during his lifetime it was practically not appreciated. Engravings and illustrations of Blake are a classic of a romantic style, but today we consider a series watercolor paintings Blake, which depict a large red dragon from the book of Revelation. In this picture, a large red dragon is depicted, which is the incarnation of the devil, which stands on the seven-head beast in the sea.

2. Investigation of the portrait of Innocent X work of Velasquez. Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. His paintings affecting their courage and gloomy are sold for millions of dollars. During his lifetime, Bacon often wrote his own interpretation of the portrait of Innokentia X. In the original work of Velasquez, Dad Innokenty X thoughtfully looks from the canvas, and Bacon portrayed him screaming.

3. Dante and Vergilius in hell. Adolf William Bugro

Dante Hell, with his image terrible torture, inspired artists since the publication of this work. Bugro knows most of all realistic images Classic scenes, but on this picture depicted a circle of hell, where the impostors are constantly fighting, leading each other's personality through a bite.

4. Death of Marat. Edward Munk.

Edward Munch is the most famous artist of Norway. His famous painting "Creek", which personifies melancholy, tightly entered into the consciousness of any person who is not indifferent to art. Marat was one of the leading political leaders of the French revolution. Since Marat suffered from skin disease, he spent most The day in the bathroom, where he worked on his works. It was there Marat and was killed by Charlotte Cord. The death of Marata portrayed not one artist, but the picture of the mulk is especially realistic and cruel.

5. Chopped heads. Theodore Zheriku

The most famous work of Zheriko is the "raft of jellyfish" - a huge picture in a romantic style. Before creating large works, Zhriko wrote "warm-up" paintings similar to "severed heads" for which he used real limbs and severed heads. Similar material artist took in the morgue.

6. Temptation of St. Anthony. Mattias Grunevald.

Grunevald often painted religious images in the style of the Middle Ages, although he lived in the Renaissance era. Saint Anthony passed several tests of his faith, while lived in the desert. According to one of the legends, Saint Anthony was killed by demons living in a cave, but later revived and destroyed them. This picture depicts Saint Anthony, which was attacked by demons.

7. Still life of masks. Emil Nolde

Emil Nolde was one of the first expressionist artists, although his fame soon overshadowed a number of other expressionists, such as Munk. The essence this flow It is a distortion of reality to show a subjective point of view. This picture was made by the artist after examining masks in the Berlin Museum.

8. Saturn, devouring his son. Francisco Goyia

In Roman myths, which are largely based on greek mythologyThe father of the gods devoured his own children so that they never overtake him from the throne. This is the act of killing children and depicted Goya. The picture was not intended for the public, but was written on the wall of the artist's house together with several other gloomy pictures known under common title "Black painting".

9. Judith and Tolfern. Caravaggio

In the Old Testament there is a story about the brave widow Judith. Judea was attacked by an army led by a commander of the Olorfer. The judith came out for the city walls and headed to the camp of the departing city of the army. There, with the help of his beauty, seduced Oloferna. When the commander slept at night drunk, the judith cut off his head. This scene is quite popular among artists, but the Karavaggio version is especially terrible.

10. Garden of earthly pleasure. Jerome Bosch

Usually Jerome Bosch associated with fantastic and religious paintings. "Garden earthly pleasures"It is triptych. On three panels of the picture, respectively, the Garden of Eden and the creation of humanity, the garden of earthly pleasures and punishment for sins, which occur in earth garden. Bosch's work are one of the most terrible but most beautiful work In the history of Western art.

Italian scientists said they found the remains that could belong to Lisa del Jokondo. Perhaps the mystery of the "Mona Lisa" will be disclosed. In honor of this remember the most mysterious paintings in history.

1. Joconda
The first thing comes to mind when it comes to mysterious paintingsah, either about the paintings-riddles is "Mona Lisa", written by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503-1505. Gryuye wrote that this picture can be crazy anyone who, after seeing plenty of her, will begin to lead about her conversations.
"Mysfots" in this work da Vinci find a lot. Art historians write dissertations at the inclination of the hands of Mona Lisa, medical professionals are diagnosed (from such that Jokonda has no front teeth to such that Mona Lisa is a man). There is even a version that Jocona is a self-portrait of the artist.
By the way, the picture acquired a special popularity only in 1911, when it was stolen by the Italian Vincenzo Perugia. Found it on fingerprint. So "Mona Lisa" also became the first success of Dactyloscopy, and the enormous success of the marketing of the art market.

2. Black square

Everyone knows that "black square" is not really black, and not square. This is really no square. In the catalog to the exhibition, he was declared Malevich as a "quadrangle". And really not black. The artist did not use black paint.
Less is known that Malevich considered "black square" with his bEST WORK. When the artist was buried, "Black Square" (1923) stood in the head of the coffin, the Malevich's body was covered with a white canvas with a squeezed square, the black square was drawn on the coffin lid. Even on the train and the bodies of the truck, black squares were depicted.

3. Creek

With the picture "Creek" mysteriously not that it allegedly influences people, forcing them almost to commit suicide, but the fact that this picture is essentially realism for Edward Minka, who at the time of writing this masterpiece suffered from manic Depressive psychosis. He even recalled exactly how he saw what he wrote.
"I walked along the path with two friends - the sun was sitting - unexpectedly the sky became bloody-red, I suspended, feeling exhausted, and leaned about the fence - I looked at the blood and flame languages \u200b\u200bover a bluish-black fiior form and the city - my friends went on, And I stood, trembling excitement, feeling an endless cry, piercing nature. "

4. Grannie

Picasso wrote "Gernik" in 1937. The picture is devoted to the bombardment of the city of Gernik. They say that Picasso in 1940 was summoned to the Gestapo and asked about the "hennik": "Do you have done?" The artist replied: "No, you did".
A huge fresco of Picasso wrote no longer than a month, working for 10-12 hours a day. "Gernika" is considered to reflect the whole horror of fascism, inhuman cruelty. Those who saw the picture with their own eyes say that it gives rise to alarm, and sometimes panic.

5. Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan

We all know the picture "Ivan the Terrible and the Son of His Ivan," calling her usually "Ivan Grozny kills her son."
Meanwhile, the murder of Ivan Vasilyevich his heir, a very controversial fact. So, in 1963, the Tomb of Ivan the Terrible and his son was opened in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Studies made it possible to argue that Tsarevich John was poisoned.
The main content of the poison in its remains is many times the permissible norm. Interestingly, the same poison was found in the bones of Ivan Vasilyevich. Scientists concluded that the royal family for several decades was the victim of the Emirates.
Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son. This version was adhered to, for example, Ober-Prosecutor Holy Synod Konstantin Victorious. Seeing at the exhibition famous picture Repin, he was outraged and wrote to the emperor Alexander III: "You can not call a picture of historical, since this moment ... purely fantastic." The murder version was founded on the stories of the Papal Leah Antonio Possevino, which is difficult to call the disinterested person.
On the picture once the present attempt was committed.
On January 16, 1913, the twenty-one-year-old icon painter-old shipholder Abram Balashov defeated her three strikes with a knife, after which the persons depicted in the picture of Ivanov Ilya Repin had to write actually again. After the incident, the keeper Tretyakov Gallery Khrulov, having learned about Vandalism, rushed under the train.

6. Hands oppose to him

The picture of Bill Stonehem, written in 1972, became famous, say straight, not the best glory. According to information on E-Bay, the picture after a while after the purchase was found in the landfill. On the first night, as the picture was in the house found her family, the daughter came running to parents in tears, complaining that "the children in the picture are fighting."
Since then, the picture is very bad reputation. To buy it in 2000, Kim Smith constantly come angry letters demanding to burn the picture. Also in the newspapers they wrote that ghosts sometimes appear in the Hills of California, like two drops of water similar to children from Stonehem's paintings.

7. Portrait of Lopukhina

Finally, the "bad picture" is a portrait of a loop, written by Vladimir Borovikovsky in 1797, after a while began to have bad fame. In the portrait, Maria Lopukhin was depicted, which died shortly after writing a portrait. People began to say that the picture "takes out youth" and even "leads to the grave."
It is certainly unknown who let such a rumor, but after Pavel Tretyakov "fearlessly" acquired a portrait for his gallery, talking about the "riddle of the painting" dull.

Practically in each meaningful work The arts have a mystery, "double bottom" or a secret story that you want to reveal.

Music on the buttocks

Jerome Bosch, "Garden of Earth Delights", 1500-1510.

Fragment of part of triptych

Disputes about the meanings and hidden meanings The most famous work dutch artist Do not subside from the moment of its appearance. On the right sash of triptych, entitled "Musical Hell", sinners were depicted, which tortured in the underworld with musical instruments. One of them has notes on the buttocks. A student of Christian University Oklahoma Amelia Hamrick, who studied the picture, shifted the notation of the XVI century to modern way and recorded "a song from the ass from Hell, which was 500 years old."

Nude Mona Lisa

The famous "Joconda" exists in two versions: the nude version is called "Monta Bath", she wrote her a little-known artist Salaya, who was a student and a simulator of the great Leonardo da Vinci. Many art critics are confident that it was he who was a model for paintings by Leonardo "John Baptist" and "Bakhus". There are also versions that Salaya dressed in a women's dress served as the Mona Lisa itself.

Old fisherman

In 1902, the Hungarian artist Tivadar Kostik Chongwari wrote a picture " Old fisherman" It would seem that there is nothing unusual in the picture, but Tivar laid the subtext in it, during the lifetime of the artist and undisclosed.

Few people occurred to apply the mirror to the middle of the picture. Every person can be like God (the right-handed old man's shoulder duplicated) and the devil (duplicated left shoulder old man).

And was Kit?

Hendrik van Antonissen "Scene on the shore."

It would seem that, normal landscape. Boats, people on the shore and deserted sea. Only x-ray study It showed that people gathered on the shore is not just like that - in the original they considered the carcass of China, thrown ashore.

However, the artist decided that no one would want to look at the dead whale, and rewrote the picture.

Two "breakfast on the grass"

Eduard Mana, "Breakfast on the Grass", 1863.

Claude Monet, "Breakfast on the grass", 1865.

Artists Eduard Mana and Claude Monet are sometimes confused - after all, they were both French people, lived at one time and worked in the style of impressionism. Even the name of one of the most famous paintings by Mana "Breakfast on the Grass" Monet borrowed and wrote his "breakfast on the grass."

Doubles on the "Last Evening"

Leonardo da Vinci, "Last Supper", 1495-1498.

When Leonardo da Vinci wrote " Mystery Supper"He attached special meaning Two figures: Christ and Judah. He was looking for simulators for them for a very long time. Finally, he managed to find a model for the image of Christ among young singers. To pick up a simulator for Judah Leonardo was not able for three years. But one day he came across the street on a drunkard, who was lying in a wastewater. It was a young man who was a non-digestion. Leonardo invited him to the restaurant, where he immediately began to write from him Judas. When the drinker came to himself, he told the artist that one day already posed him. It was a few years ago when he sang in the church choir, Leonardo wrote from Him Christ.

"Night Watch" or "Day"?

Rembrandt, "Night Watch", 1642.

One of the most famous paintings of Rembrandt "Speech by Rifle Company Captain France Bannang Coca and Lieutenant Villem Van Ryuteitbürga" about two hundred years has checked in different halls and was discovered by art historians only in the XIX century. Since it seemed that the figures perform on a dark background, she was called "Night Watch", and under this title she entered the treasury of world art.

And only during the restoration spent in 1947, it was discovered that in the hall the picture managed to be covered with a layer of soot, distorting her flavor. After clearing original painting It turned out that the scene represented by Rembrandt actually occurs during the day. The position of the shade from the left hand of Captain Coca shows that the time of action is not more than 14 hours.

Inverted boat

Henri Matisse, "Boat", 1937.

In the New York Museum modern art In 1961, a picture of Henri Matisse "Boat" was exhibited. Only after 47 days someone drew attention to the fact that the picture hangs upside down. On the canvas depicted 10 purple lines and two blue sails on a white background. Two sails, the artist painted not just like that, the second sail is a reflection of the first water.
In order not to make a mistake in how the picture should hang, you need to pay attention to the details. A larger sail must be the top of the picture, and the peak of the sail pattern should be directed to the right upper angle.

Cheating in self-portrait

Vincent Van Gogh, "Self-portrait with a tube", 1889.

The fact that Van Gogh allegedly cut off his ear, go legends. Now the most reliable is the version that the ear Van Gogh damaged in a small scuffle with the participation of another artist - Gogen fields.

Self-portrait is interesting in that reflects reality in distorted form: the artist is depicted with a bandaged right ear, because it used a mirror during operation. In fact, the left ear suffered.

Aliens Mishki

Ivan Shishkin, "Morning in Pine forest", 1889.

The famous painting belongs not only to the brush of Shishkin. Many artists who were friendly among themselves often resorted to the "help of a friend", and Ivan Ivanovich, had a whole life with landscapes, feared that touching bears would not work with him as it was necessary. Therefore, Shishkin appealed to the familiar animalist artist Konstantin Savitsky.

Savitsky painted hardly not the best bears in history russian paintingand the Tretyakov commanded to wash off his surname from the canvas, because everything in the picture "Starting from the plan and ending with execution, everything speaks about the style of painting, about creative methodpeculiar to Shishkin. "

Innocent History "Gothic"

Grant Wood, " American Gothic", 1930.

The work of the Grant Wood is considered one of the strangest and depressants in history. american painting. The painting with gloomy father and daughter is filled with details that indicate the severity, puritancy and retrogradment of the people depicted.
In fact, the artist did not think of portraying any horror: during a trip to Iowa and he noticed a small house in the Gothic style and decided to portray those people who, in his opinion, would ideally come as inhabitants. In the form of characters, which are so offended by the inhabitants of Iowa, the sister of the grant and his dentist are immortalized.

Revenge of Salvador Dali

The picture "Figure by the window" was written in 1925, when Dali was 21 years old. Then the artist has not yet entered Gala, and his museum was Sister Ana Maria. The relationship of brother and sisters deteriorated when he wrote on one of the pictures "Sometimes I spit on the portrait of my own mother, and it gives me pleasure." Ana Maria could not forgive such a shock.

In his book of 1949, Salvador gave the eyes of her sister "she writes about his brother without any praise. The book led Salvador to rabies. Another ten after that, he was angry with each other case. And so, in 1954 a picture "The young virgin, indulging in Sodomsky sin with the help of horns of his own chastity appears." Pose of a woman, its curls, a landscape outside the window and the color scheme paintings are clearly echoing with the "window figure". There is a version that I was given a revengent sister for her book.

Double Dana

Rembrandt Harmens Wang Rhine, "Dana", 1636 - 1647.

Many secrets of one of the most famous paintings of Rembrandt were disclosed only in the 60s of the twentieth century, when the canvas enlightened the X-rays. For example, shooting showed that in the early version, the face of the princess, which entered into a love relationship with Zeus, was similar to the face of Saskiy - the spouse of the painter, who died in 1642. At the final version of the picture, it began to resemble the face of Herges Dirks - Lovers Rembrandt, with which the artist lived after the death of his wife.

Yellow Bedroom Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, "Bedroom in Arles", 1888 - 1889.

In May 1888, Van Gogh acquired a small workshop in Arle, in the south of France, where he escaped from not understanding his Paris artists and critics. In one of the four rooms, Vincent places the bedroom. In October, everything is ready, and he decides to draw a "bedroom Van Gogh in Arles." For the artist, it was very important to flavor, the comfort of the rooms: everything should have been made to the thoughts on vacation. At the same time, the picture is withstanding in anxious yellow tones.

Van Gogh's creativity researchers explain this by the fact that the artist took a spatter - a remedy for epilepsy, which causes serious changes in the patient in color perception: all surrounding reality is painted in green-yellow tones.

Toothless perfection

Leonardo da Vinci, "Portrait of Mrs. Liza Del Jocondo", 1503 - 1519.

The generally accepted opinion is that Mona Lisa is perfection and a smile is beautiful with his mysteriousness. However, American art historian (and part-time dentist) Joseph Borkovsky believes that, judging by the expression of the face, the heroine lost a lot of teeth. Studying enlarged photos of the masterpiece, Borkovski also discovered the scars around her mouth. "She smiles like that because of what happened to her," the expert believes. - The expression of her face is typically for people who have lost its front teeth. "

Major on facingontrol

Pavel Fedotov, "Major's Major", 1848.

The public, who first saw the picture of Major's "Watchtime," laughed from the soul: Fedotov's artist filled with ironic details, understandable viewers of that time. For example, Major is clearly not familiar with the rules of the noble etiquette: he appeared without laid bouquets for the bride and her mother. And the bride itself, her merchant parents were discharged in the evening ball gownAlthough in the yard day (all lamps in the room are extinguished). The girl clearly first tried a decolted dress, confused and tries to escape into his bel.

Why freedom is naked

Ferdinan Victor Eugene Delakrua, "Freedom on the barricades", 1830.

According to the art historian Etienne Juli, Delacroix wrote the face of a woman with the famous Parisian revolutionaries - Anna-Charlotte's missure, which went to the barricades after the death of his brother from the hands of royal soldiers and killed the Ninter Guardsmen. The artist depicted it with naked breasts. According to him, this is a symbol of fearlessness and dedication, as well as the celebrations of democracy: Nagaya chest shows that freedom, as a simple hat, is not a corset.

Unquadant square

Kazimir Malevich, "Black Suprematic Square", 1915.

In fact, the "black square" is not at all black and not at all square: none of the sides of the quadrangle is not parallel to any other side, and not one of the sides of the square frame, which the picture is framed. And dark color is the result of mixing different colors, among which was not black. It is believed that it was not the negligence of the author, but a fundamental position, the desire to create a dynamic, moving form.

Specialists of the Tretyakov Gallery found the author's inscription on famous picture Malevich. The inscription reads: "Battle of blacks in dark cave" This phrase sends to the name of the joking picture of the French journalist, the writer and the artist Alfons Alla "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave of Deep At night", which was absolutely black rectangle.

Melodrama of the Austrian Mona Lisa

Gustav Klimt, "Portrait of Adelie Bloch-Bauer", 1907.

On one of the most significant climes, the wife of Austrian sugar magnate Fetinad Bloch Bauer was captured. All Vienna discussed stormy Roman Adeli and the famous artist. A vulnerable husband wanted to take revenge on lovers, but chose very unusual way: He decided to order a portrait of Adeli's portrait and make him make hundreds of sketches until the artist starts turning away from her.

Bloch Bauer wanted work to last for several years, and a simulator could see how the feelings of Clima could fuss. He made the artist generous sentenceFrom which he could not refuse, and everything developed on the scenario of a deceived husband: the work was completed in 4 years, lovers have long cooled to each other. Adel Bloch Bauer never learned that her husband was aware of her relationship with Clima.

Picture that returned Gogen to life

Paul Gajen, "Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?", 1897-1898.

Most famous cloth Gauguen has one feature: it is "read" without left to right, but on the right to left, as the Kabbalistic texts that the artist was interested in. It is in this order that the allegory of the spiritual and physical life of a person unfolds: from the origin of the soul (sleeping child in the lower right corner) to the inevitability of the death hour (bird with a lizard in claws in the lower left corner).

The picture was written by Gogen on Tahiti, where the artist ran several times from civilization. But this time, life on the island did not specify: total poverty led him to depression. Having finished the canvas, which should have become his spiritual testament, Gauguen took a box with arsenic and went to the mountains to die. However, he did not calculate the dose, and suicide failed. In the next morning, he, swing, did not know the hut and fell asleep, and when he woke up, he felt the forgotten thirst for life. And in 1898, his affairs went uphill, and in the work began their bright period.

112 proverbs on one picture

Peter Bruegel - Senior, "Netherlands Proverbs", 1559

Peter Bruegel - Senior depicted the land inhabited by literal images netherlands Proverbs Those days. In a written picture, there are approximately 112 recognized idioms. Some of them are used to this day, for example, such as: "Fly against the current", "fight your head about the wall", "armed to teeth" and "Big fish eats a small one."

Other proverbs reflect human nonsense.

Subjectivity of art

Paul Gogen, "Breton village under the snow", 1894

The painting of Gogen "Breton village in the snow" was sold after the death of the author in just seven francs and, moreover, called Niagara Falls. A man who spent auction accidentally hung up a picture of his legs, seeing a waterfall in it.

Hidden painting

Pablo Picasso, Blue Room, 1901

In 2008, infrared radiation showed that a "blue room" was hidden another image - a portrait of a man dressed in a suit with a butterfly and put her head on his hand. "As soon as Picasso appeared new ideaHe was taken for the brush and embody her. But he had no opportunity to buy new canvas Every time a muse was attended, "explains the possible reason for this art criticism of Patricia Favero.

Inaccessible Moroccanika

Zinaida Serebryakova, "Nagaya", 1928

Once Zinaida Serebryakova received a tempting offer - Go to a creative journey to portray the nude figures of East Dev. But it turned out that in those places to find simators simply impossible. A translator of Zinaida came to the rescue - he led her sisters and a bride to her. No one before that and after that failed to capture the closed eastern women Nude.

Spontaneous illusion

Valentin Serov, "Portrait of Nicholas II in a pressURE", 1900

For a long time, Serov could not write a portrait of the king. When the artist surrendered at all, he apologized to Nikolai. Nikolai was a little upset, sat down at the table, stretching his hands in front of him ... And then the artist painted - here it is an image! A simple military in an officer's tuber with pure and sad eyes. This portrait is considered the best image of the last emperor.

Again Double

© Fedor Reshetnikov

The famous painting "Again Two" is just the second part of the artistic trilogy.

The first part is "arrived on vacation." Obviously secured family, winter holidays, a joyful student student.

The second part is "again deuce." The poor family from the working outskirts, the midst of the school year, Puraden Oballa, again grabbed the two. In the upper left corner, the picture "arrived on vacation" was visible.

The third part is "re-examination". Country house, summer, all walk, one malicious inequality, having failed annual exam, is forced to sit in four walls and tool. In the upper left corner, a picture "Two again" is visible.

How masterpieces are born

Joseph Turner, "Rain, Couples and Speed", 1844

In 1842, Mrs. Simon traveled by train in England. Suddenly began a strong shower. The elderly gentleman, who was sitting opposite her, got up, opened the window, stuck his head and looked at ten minutes. Unable to keep your curiosity, the woman also opened the window and began to look ahead. A year later, she found a picture of "rain, couples and speed" at the exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts and was able to recognize the same episode in it.

Anatomy lesson from Michelangelo

Michelangelo, "Creation of Adam", 1511

A pair of American experts in the field of neuroanatomy believe that Michelangelo actually left some anatomical illustrations in one of his most famous works. They believe that in the right part of the picture depicts a huge brain. It is surprising, but you can find even complex components, such as a cerebellum, optic nerves and pituitary gland. And the cast green ribbon perfectly coincides with the location of the vertebral artery.

"Last Supper" Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, "Night Terrace Cafe", 1888

Explorer Jared Baxter believes that on the canvas Van Gogh "Night Terrace Cafe" is encrypted by the dedication of the "secret evening" Leonardo da Vinci. In the center of the picture there is a waiter with long hair And in a white tunic, reminding the clothes of Christ, and around him exactly 12 visitors cafe. Also Baxter draws attention to the cross, located right behind the waiter's back in white.

Dali's memory

Salvador Dali, "Constancy of Memory", 1931

It is no secret that the thoughts attending Dali during the creation of his masterpieces were always in the form of very realistic imageswhich the artist then endured the canvas. So, according to the author himself, the picture "Constancy of Memory" was written as a result of associations arising at the form of a melted cheese.

What screams munk

Edward Munk, Creek, 1893.

Munk so told about the appearance of the idea of \u200b\u200bone of the most mysterious paintings in world painting: "I walked along the path with two friends - the sun was sat down - the sky unexpectedly became bloody-red, I suspended, feeling exhausted, and leaning about the fence - I looked at Blood and flame languages \u200b\u200bover a bluish-black fjord and the city - my friends went further, and I stood, trembling from excitement, feeling an endless cry, piercing nature. " But what kind of sunset could scare the artist?

There is a version that the idea of \u200b\u200b"scream" was born at Mill in 1883, when several strongest eruptions of Krakataau volcano occurred - so powerful that they changed the temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth to one degree. Abundant amount of dust and ash spread throughout ground Shar., coming even to Norway. Several evenings in a row, the sunsets looked as if, the apocalypse would be - one of them was the source of the artist's inspiration.

Writer in the people

Alexander Ivanov, "The Phenomenon of Christ People", 1837-1857.

Dozens of simulators posed Alexander Ivanov for his main picture. One of them is known for no less than the artist. In the background, among the traverses and Roman horsemen, who have not yet heard the preaching of John the Forerunners, you can see the character in Korchin Chiton. His Ivanov wrote from Nicholas Gogol. The writer tightly communicated with the artist in Italy, in particular on religious issues, and gave him advice in the process of writing the picture. Gogol believed that Ivanov "had long died for the whole world, except for his work."

Gout Michelangelo

Rafael Santi, Athens School, 1511.

Creating famous fresco Athens School, Rafael perpetuated his friends and acquaintances in the images of ancient Greek philosophers. One of them was Michelangelo Buonotti "In the role of" Herclite. Several centuries fresco kept the secrets of the personal life of Michelangelo, and modern researchers They made an assumption that the strangely angry knee of the artist testifies to the presence of sickness of the joints.

It is likely to consider the characteristics of the lifestyle and the working conditions of the artists of the Renaissance and Chronic Workaholism Michelangelo.

Mirror couple Arnolphini

Yang Van Eyk, "Portrait of Arnolphin Fau", 1434

In the mirror behind Arnolphin's spouses, you can see the reflection of two more people in the room. Most likely, these are witnesses present at the conclusion of the contract. One of them is Van Eyke, as evidenced by the Latin inscription, placed, contrary to tradition, above the mirror in the center of the composition: "Jan Van Eyk was here." So usually fastened contracts.

As a flaw turned into a talent

Rembrandt Harmens Wang Rhine, "Self-portrait at the age of 63", 1669.

Researcher Margaret Livingston studied all Rembrandt self portraits and found that the artist suffered as a squint: in the images, his eyes look at different directions, which is not observed on the portraits of other people's brushes. The disease led to the fact that the artist could better perceive reality in two dimensions than people with normal vision. This phenomenon is called "stereo" - the inability to see the world in 3D. But since the painter has to work with a two-dimensional image, it was this deficiency of Rembrandt that could be one of the explanations of his phenomenal talent.

Sure Venus

Sandro Botticelli, "Birth of Venus", 1482-1486.

Before the appearance of the birth of Venus, the image of Naked female body In painting symbolized only the idea of \u200b\u200boriginal sin. Sandro Botticelli The first of the European painters did not find anything sinful in it. Moreover, art historians are confident that the pagan goddess of love symbolizes on the fresco christian image: Her phenomenon is the allegory of the Renaissance of the soul, who passed the rite of baptism.

Butterist or butcher?

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, "Butterist", 1596.

For a long time, the picture was exhibited in the Hermitage called "Butcher's". Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, art historians agreed that the canvase still shows the young man (probably Caravaggio posed his familiar artist Mario Minni): On the notes in front of the musician, the recording of the bass party Madrigala Jacob Arcaader "You know that I love you" . A woman could hardly make such a choice - it's just hard for the throat. In addition, a lute, like a violin at the very edge of the picture, was considered a male tool in the era of Caravaggio.