William Blake: Biography and works. Mystical work William Blake

William Blake: Biography and works. Mystical work William Blake
William Blake: Biography and works. Mystical work William Blake

William Blake (Engl William Blake; November 28, 1757, London - August 12, 1827, London) - English poet, artist and engraver. Almost unrecognized during life, Blake is currently considered an important figure in the history of poetry and visual arts romantic era. Despite the fact that he lived in London all his life (with the exception of three years in Felfame), his work covered the "body of God" and "Human existence".

Although Blake, his contemporaries considered mad, later critics celebrated his expressiveness and philosophical and mystical depths of his work. His paintings and poems were characterized as romantic, or as pre-romantic. "A supporter of the Bible, but the opponent of the Church of England (as well as all the forms of organized religion), Blake was influenced by the ideals of the French and American revolutions. Although later he was disappointed in many from these political beliefs, he supported friendly relations with political activist Thomas Peyne; And also experienced the influence of the philosopher Emmanuil Swedenborg. Despite all the influences of the work of Blake, it is difficult to unambiguously classify.

The writer of the 19th century William Rossetti called it "glorious shone", and "a person nor anticipated by predecessors, nor contemporaries, nor replaced by famous or alleged successors."

The artist, philosopher William Blake, worked, referring only to future generations. He firmly knew that only the descendants would be able to appreciate his works. And now, at the turn of the XVIII - XIX centurieswill not find recognition from contemporaries. He was right: all the secrets of his genius were not revealed so far.

Life Path

William Blake with all his non-market external events does not give a special expanser in biographers. He was born in London in 1757 in a poor family of a bench, lived in the same place all his life until his death, up to seventy years. The care and participation of relatives, admiration for a very narrow circle of his admirers and students is William Blake received to the full. For some time he studied the craft of Engraver and earned it later. Everyday lifewhich William Blake led, was full of routine and mining, he was engaged in the manufacture of engravings in someone else's originals, much less often - according to his own. He created illustrations to " Canterbury Stories»Heboser, Book Iova. Here is one of the illustrations to Dante "Vorki Lovers."

It is a powerful and terrible stream that does not occur to a simple man in which the artist has not descended. Therefore, when William Blake tried to approve himself as an artist, then came across a deaf wall of misunderstanding. Only twenty years later, after his death, for the general public, he was "open" by Prerafaelitis. Not understood until the end so far that world and diverse creative heritagethat William Blake left. The biography of his spiritual is complex and filled with bright events.


One of the creative tasks that the poet has solved throughout life is to create a new mythological system, the so-called Bible of hell. The most famous and kind of perfect work is "Songs of innocence and experience." His poem is pointless to consider each separately. They are interconnected by many of the finest threads and acquire the true sound only in the context of the entire cycle.

Internal experiences

He had decades when he fell a long time. This shows his painful and tense spiritual quest. Contemporaries did not understand him, but perhaps that is why his work was focused on his inner vision. And it was macro and microcosmogonic, bold, fantastic, with an unusual lines and acute composition. This William Blake, whose paintings were not adopted by contemporaries, strikes us now. He took them from the world who knew or saw before. This is the very Blake, who saw infinity in the palm and eternity in one hour. "Newton" is one of the most famous pictures.

In it, the physicist is represented by the great architect of the universe with one of the Masonic symbols in his hands. William Blake Antiliered Dali, who will claim the title of the world's first artist in the field of quantum physics. No, Salvador Dali was late for a long time.

Past Albiona

England rules her mythological past, considered William Blake. Pictures are written on the themes of Celts and Druids, having special knowledge and myths.

It is the memories of them, according to Blake, can identify previously hidden truths.

Illustrations for the Bible

Creating illustrations to the Bible, he does not write shepherds or baby Jesus, but mystically sees Satan. "The marriage of the sky and hell" is one of his books written in the imitation of the biblical books of prophecies. The same we see in his paintings. What William Blake wrote, "Red Dragon" - is a series watercolor paintingsCreated to illustrate the Bible, books are big with seven heads and crowns on them. His tail "bold" a third of the stars from the sky to the ground. These pictures depict the dragon in various scenes.

The first painting "Big Red Dragon and a wife crashed in the sun." Different theologians, it is interpreted by about this. The wife is a church, the light of Christ, and the sun above it is sacred. In the flour, she gives birth to a child who intends to absorb the dragon. But she managed to escape.

From the rage, the dragon kicks water, which should be absorbed and his wife, and the Earth.

He is incredibly terrible and confident in his strength.

Some modern views on theology

You can look at these horrors. Church of Christ was created as a place of love and mercy. There was no devil in the initial teachings. His idea was paradoxically developed and gained strength during the period of the Middle Ages as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bhell to control the shoes of the flock. On the one hand, the Paradise is a gingerbread, on the other hand, the twice, to which man pushes the Devil. So the devil gained an extraordinary strength of the church. And now close to the museum. Few people seriously think about him.

But this does not diminish the work of Blake. They offer to reflect on what is good and what is evil. He was a prophet and a lot foresaw, like his own death.

At six o'clock in the evening on the day of his death, Blake felt her, promised his wife, which will always be with her, and died. So what was death for him?

William Blake (eng. William Blake; November 28, 1757, London - August 12, 1827, London) - English poet, artist and engraver. Almost unrecognizable in life, Blake is currently considered an important figure in the history of poetry and visual art of the romantic era. Life lived in London (except three years in Felfam).

Although Blake, his contemporaries considered mad, later critics celebrated his expressiveness and philosophical and mystical depths of his work. His paintings and poems were characterized as romantic, or as pre-romantic. Adherent Bible, but the enemy of the Church of England (as well as all the forms of organized religion), Blake was influenced by the ideals of the French and American revolutions. Although later he was disappointed in many of these political beliefs, he supported friendly relations with the political activist Thomas Peyne; Also experienced the influence of the philosopher Emmanuel Swedenborg. Despite all the influence, Blake's work is difficult to unambiguously classify. The 19th century writer William Rossetti called him "glorious shone" and "a person nor anticipated by predecessors, nor contemporaries, nor replaced by well-known or alleged successors."

Blake was born on November 28, 1757 in London, in the area of \u200b\u200bSoho, in the family of the shop James Blake. He was the third of the seven children, two of whom died back in infancy. William visited the school only to ten years, having learned there only to write and read, and received an education at home - he was taught by the mother of Catherine Blake (in the greatness of Wright (Eng. Wright)). Although parents were Protestants - Discovertes from the Moravian Church, they baptized William in anglican Church St. Jacob (eng.) On Piccadilly. All life a strong influence on the worldview of Blake was provided by the Bible. Throughout his life, she will remain for him the main source of inspiration.

As a child, Blake was covered with the copying of the Greek plots from the drawings, which the father acquired for him. The works of Raphael, Michelangelo, Marten Wang Hemsker and Albrecht Dürer attracted him to love for classical forms. Judging by the number of paintings and books in good binding, which parents bought William, it can be assumed that the family, at least for a while, was wealthy. Gradually, this occupation turned into a passion for painting. Parents, knowing the hot temperament of the boy and regret that he did not go to school, gave him to the lessons of painting. True, in the period of these classes, Blake studied only what was interesting for him. His early work Show acquaintance with the work of Ben Johnson and Edmund Spencer.

On August 4, 1772, Blake entered the 7-year-old training art of engraving to Graveyor James Besier with Great Queen Sick (English). By the end of this period, by the time he was 21 years old, he became a professional engrave. There is no information about serious grinding or conflict between them, but Blake Peter Akreyd biographer notes that later Blake will bring the name of Besyer to the list of his rivals in art, but will soon strike him out. The reason for this was that the style of Besyer's engraving had been considered old-fashioned at that time, and his student's training could not in the best way to influence the skills acquired in this work, as well as the future recognition. And Blake understood it.

In the third year, Besier's learning sent Blake to London to draw picturesque frescoes of Gothic churches (it is quite possible that this task was given to Blake to exacerbate the conflict between him and James Parker, another student of Besyer). The experience gained during work in Westminster Abbey contributed to the formation of his own ballot artistic style And ideas. The then abbey was decorated with military armor and equipment, images of the memorial memo, as well as numerous wax figures. Akreyd notes that "the strongest impressions were created at the expense of alternation bright colors, then appearing, as if disappearing. " Long evening Blake spent the sketches of the abbey. Once he was interrupted by the guys from the Westminster School (English), one of whom was so tortured Blake, that James with force pushed him from the scaffolding to the ground, where he fell with a terrible rumble. Blake had vision in the abbey, for example, he saw Christ and the Apostles, a church procession with monks and priests, during which he was the singing of Psalms and Choralov.

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William Blake (William Blake) English poet, artist, philosopher. Born on November 28, 1757 in London.

Biography Wilma Blake

William Blake was the second child in large family Merchant knitwear. Father's shop was on the first floor of the house where they lived.

He received primary education from the mother who taught him to write and read, and also managed to instill love for literature. Since childhood, William was given a love for the work of the Renaissance Age, which he carried through his whole life.

His artistic abilities They manifested themselves early and at the age of 10 years parents gave it to an art school. And then art school - was hired as an enterprise in engraved (1772).

By twenty-one, he became a professional engraver, giving training seven years. During this period, Blake arises a living interest in poetry. Later, the Doors of the Royal Academy of Arts (1778) opened before William (1778), which he never managed to finish. Blake regarded this failure as an impetus to independent activity, and he began to make a living by book engravings in the drawings of other artists.

Creativity Blake

In 1784, William Blake opens his own engraving. At that time of his life, he discovers the technology of "illuminated", "decorative" printing - a new way of engraving for that time. Subsequently, it will make out his verses drawing performed in this technique.

In 1789, Blake completes the work on the cycle of the poems of the "Song of Innocence", which reflected a lot to the Divine theme. A year later, from under his feather, the book "Wedding of the sky and hell" appears. And in 1793 five books of Blake are published at once: "Visiting Albion's Visching", "America", "Europe", "Gate of Paradise" and "Book Urisen". Someone later appear "Songs of Experience." This creative period of William Blake is often called the Bunlet. Having passed him, he no longer retreats from religious dogmatic and beliefs in God. Disputes with the Almighty will remain only on the pages of his early works.

By the end of the XVIII century, the Blake style is finally formed, becomes recognizable. His works, however, do not find recognition from contemporaries. The traditional formation of Blake was not imposed by established canons and forms in art, perhaps it is precisely to look for the origins of his creative freedom. Ignoring the prevailing ruins, using the approaches to the approaches going against the current tradition, was rejected by Blake with contemporaries.

He often figured himself: "I am more famous for my works in heaven than on earth." Despite this circumstance, William Blake did not succumb to the temptation to quit. He still followed his trail in art. Mozart bequeathed: "Music even in the most terrible drama provisions should remain music" ... Blake never retreated the artist from this commandment in his own, albeit not so close to music, creativity. Since 1804, Blake works on engraving its poems. From now on, he is engaged in illustrating all his works. In 1822, Blake creates a cycle watercolor workillustrating the poem " Lost heaven»John Milton. The magnificence of the work done by their work will be appreciated only after the year.

Later he is taken for illustrating " Divine Comedy.»Dante. This work will be the last for Blake. He will not be destined to complete it. However, the images that have reached the descendants are striking the perfect equipment and the purity of thought. Many call their peak of creativity Blake.

William Blake's earthly path ended in 1827. He was buried, as Overall Mozart: In the general, poor grave. And the place of his burial by the classroom was lost forever.

There will be a lot of disputes about the work of Blake, they will say about his works that they are inspired by the devil, many of them will serve as an almost omnivorous fire ... But, nevertheless, Blake's name will acquire immortality to the August 1827.

William Blake's legacy, over time, reproduce Prerafaelites. And it combining the unrestrained flight of creative fantasy, innovative ideas, a subtle symbolism, reminiscence on great classics, will influence the art of the XIX-XX centuries. The work of Blake, who worked for poetry in life, inspired not one generation of the world of art. The source of inspiration it remains in our, distant from romanticism, time.

Attracts in Blake not only his work, but also his mysterious person. Attracts his strange and outstanding creative destiny. main feature his creative Life It was that Blake was not a special poet, nor a special artist, nor a special philosopher. Moreover, his literary works Very often there are contaminated standards of literary of English languageThe painting is often contrary to the generally accepted canons, and his philosophy is not always consistent and logical.

However, if you take all its works in aggregate, then they are something ambitious, something fascinating and majestic. Blake can be appreciated primarily for trying to penetrate into many laws of this universe, understand and teach spirituality itself.

Antey, lowering Dante and Vergil in the last circle of Hell Hekat. Night of Joy Enitarmon Joyful Day or Albion Dance

He did it by writing literary works (in verses and prose), complementing them for better assimilation of numerous illustrations. Such literary reception, uniting philosophy, literature and painting, previously never met.

He is special, and even after William Blake, few people were capable of such creative mobility (in particular, Khalil Jebran is called the follower of the techniques of William Blake).

However, it remains to be recognized that it is such an extraordinary admission of creative self-expression that it is impossible to effectively suit William Blake in order to express its prophetic ideas, express his enlightened look at the purity of spirituality.

The works of Blake testify to us how deep and thin inner world author. We clearly realize that a person who has achieved a similar level of self-expression was able to go beyond the usual conditional framework of human awareness, beyond the work of the senses and mind organs. On such exemption from the conventions, the in-depth perception of reality is capable of only the person who is entirely absorbed by the desire for spirituality, to his laws, his being. This is the level of the world-trip William Blake.

From here there is a completely concurrent question: and whether he himself is endowed with something special, allowing him to see the world with other eyes - more complex and diverse, was he not on more high level Human awareness, in other words, did not have a truly spiritual self-realization to be able to do so, so pass through himself the world?

He was not a poet "for all" and, as can be seen, did not strive for it. He wrote for those whom, as his own, worried the themes of spirituality.

He believed in the divine purpose of the poet, to the fact that the inspiration was given over, believed in his mission of the prophet, designed to open people "the eyes facing inside." Be that as it may, William Blake passed it to the end to illuminate the road to those who would follow him next. The result of his path was his work as guiding lighthouses for seekers who wish to rise from oblique and blind ideas, beliefs and conventions to the heights of spirituality.


  • Donald Ault (1974). Visionary Physics: Blake's Response to Newton. University of Chicago. ISBN 0-226-03225-6.
  • Jacob Bronowski (1972). William Blake and the Age of Revolution. ROUTLEDGE AND K. PAUL. ISBN 0-7100-7277-5 (Hardcover) ISBN 0-7100-7278-3 (PBK.)
  • Jacob Bronowski (1967). William Blake, 1757-1827; A MAN WITHOUT A MASK. Haskell House Publishers.
  • G.K. Chesterton (1920s). William Blake. House of Stratus ISBN 0-7551-0032-8.
  • S. FOSTER DAMON (1979). A Blake Dictionary. Shambhala. ISBN 0-394-73688-5.
  • Northrop Frye (1947). Fearful Symmetry. Princeton Univ Press. ISBN 0-691-06165-3.
  • Peter Ackroyd (1995). Blake. Sinclair-Stevenson. ISBN 1-85619-278-4.
  • E.P. Thompson (1993). WITNESS AGAINST THE BEAST. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-22515-9.
  • Victor N. Paananens (1996). William Blake. Twayne Publishers. ISBN 0-8057-7053-4.
  • George Anthony Rosso Jr. (1993). Blake's Prophetic Workshop: A Study of the Four Zoas. Associated University Presses. ISBN 0-8387-5240-3.
  • G.E. Bentley Jr. (2001). The Stranger from Paradise: A BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM Blake. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-08939-2.
  • David V. ERDMAN (1977). Blake: Prophet Against Empire: A Poet's Interpretation of the History of His Own Times. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-486-26719-9.
  • James King (1991). William Blake: His Life. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-07572-3.
  • W.J.T. Mitchell (1978). Blake's Composite Art: A Study of the Illuminated Poetry. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-691-01402-7.
  • Peter Marshall (1988). William Blake: Visionary Anarchist ISBN 0-900384-77-8
  • Dr. Malkin, a Father's Memories of His Child, (1806)
  • Alexander Gilchrist, Life and Works of William Blake, (1863, Second Edition, London, 1880)
  • Algernon Swinburne, William Blake: A Critical Essay, (London, 1868)
  • W. M. Rosetti (Editor), Poetical Works of William Blake, (London, 1874)
  • Basil De Sélincourt, William Blake, (London, 1909)
  • G. B. Russell, Engravings of William Blake, (1912)
  • B. Yeats, IDEAS OF GOOD AND EVIL, (1903), Contains Essays.
  • Joseph Viscomi (1993). Blake and The Idea of the Book., (PrinceTon Up). ISBN 0-691-06962-x.
  • David Weir (2003). Brahma in the West: William Blake and The Oriental Rennaissance, (Suny Press)
  • Sheila a.spector (2001). "Wonders Divine": The Development Of Blake's Kabbalistic Myth, (Bucknell Up)
  • Jason Whittaker (1999). William Blake and The Myths of Britain, (Macmillan)
  • Irving Fiske (1951). Bernard Shaw's Debt to William Blake. " SHAW SOCIETY)

Mystic William Blake

See the world in one sand
And the space is all - in the forest blades,
In the palm of the infinity
And in a miga fleeting eternity ...
William Blake

"For forty years, there was no one day so that I did not take for a copper board. Engraving is a craft to which I studied, I was not worth it and try to live with a different work. My heavens are copper, and my earth is iron. " So wrote about myself at the beginning of the nineteenth century Multi-trust William Blake. One of the rooms served them with Kate living room, the other is a bedroom, a kitchen, an office and a workshop. There were almost no things. Wife walked in simple, stuck dress. "From endless adversity, she has long lost its former beauty, except for the one that she gave her love and speaking eyes, sparkling and black."

BookIowa. WilliamBlake

Blake William (11/28/1757-12.08.1827), English painter, engraver, poet. The art of painting and engravings studied in London in Graveyard J. Bazayra (from 1771), visited the Academy of Arts (1778), he experienced the influence of J. Flaxman. In the work of Blake, illustrated by watercolors and engravings, own poems ("Songs of ignorance", 1789; "Songs of Knowledge", 1794; "Book of Job", 1818-1825; "Divine Comedy" Dante, 1825-1827 and other works)Brightly reflected the trends of romanticism in English art end of XVIII - FIRST quarter XIX. A century: the master of the master to visionary fiction, allegorizing and mystical symbolism, appeal to the bold, almost arbitrary game of lines, sharp compositional solutions.

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Blake William. The Lovers Whirlwind. Francesca Da Rimini and Paolo ...

Blake denies the traditional composition and perspective, the exquisite linear forms of painting work cause an idea of \u200b\u200bthe past world. The style itself reflects the original mystical vision of the world characteristic of the artist, in which the reality and imagination merge.

Engraver I. book illustrator By profession, Blake expressed his talent in poetry and in amazing on the effects of mystical and symbolic paintings. Spiritual world William Blake appeared more important than the material material, and true artist I saw him the prophet, endowed with the divine gift of penetration into the essence of things. Blake lived in poverty and died unrecognized August 12, 1827. Currently, William Blake is rightfully considered one of the great masters of English visual art and literature, one of the most vibrant and original painters of his time.

William Blake. Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. "Hell"

William Blake. Illustration for Drante Divine Comedy. "Hell"

William Blake (eng. William Blake; November 28, 1757, London - August 12, 1827, London) - English poet and artist, mystic and Vizier.

Now, almost two hundred years later, it became obvious that the works of William Blake were not intended for its contemporaries. All his life he worked, turning to his descendants, and apparently it was aware of himself. To see the full indifference to his contemporaries brought him considerable despair, "my works are more famous in heaven than on earth" - so he said, and continued to do, hoping for due respect and attention of his descendants. Today, the overwhelming look at his work, we can understand how much he overtakes its generation, perhaps per cent, and perhaps more. Two centuries passed after his life, you can call, two centuries of his oblivion, and only today, William Blake becomes a real doubtful idol. For example, in the UK, his poem "Jerusalem" became almost second national anthemAnd in America, a grand success had an exhibition of its picturesque and engraving works, which took place in 2001 in the New York Metropolitan Museum. Today, Blake's books overlook the huge circulations in many countries, including in Russia, and they are not parted on the shelves. The number of translations is growing.

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Bleik phenomenon

Attracts in Blake not only his work, but also his mysterious person. Attracts his strange and uncommon creative fate. The main feature of his creative life was that Blake was not a special poet, nor a special artist, nor a special philosopher. Moreover, his literary works very often go against the standards of literary English, painting often contradicts generally accepted canons, and his philosophy is not always sophisticated and logical. However, if you take all its works in aggregate, then they are something ambitious, something fascinating and majestic. In general, his creative works are a completely definite, they represent the result of a long, stubborn and deep search for a creative talented soul. Blake can be appreciated primarily for trying to penetrate into many laws of this universe, understand and teach spirituality itself.

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He did it by writing literary works (in verses and prose), complementing them for better assimilation of numerous illustrations. Such a literary reception, which unites philosophy, literature and painting, previously never met. He is special, and even after William Blake, few people were capable of such creative mobility (in particular, Khalil Jebran is called the follower of the techniques of William Blake). However, it remains to be recognized that it is such an extraordinary admission of creative self-expression that it is impossible to effectively suit William Blake in order to express its prophetic ideas, express his enlightened look at the purity of spirituality.

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The works of Blake testify to us how deep and thin the inner world of the author was. He was absolutely not like the one in which the rest live, which gives to understand what Blake himself, and what was his creative Mission. We clearly realize that a person who has achieved a similar level of self-expression was able to go beyond the usual conditional framework of human awareness, beyond the work of the senses and mind organs. On such exemption from the conventions, the in-depth perception of reality is capable of only the person who is entirely absorbed by the desire for spirituality, to his laws, his being. This is the level of the world-trip William Blake. From here there is a completely concurred question: and whether he himself was endowed with something special, allowing him to see the world with other eyes - more complex and diverse, was he at a higher level of human awareness, in other words, did he have a really spiritual self-realization to be able to do so, so pass through yourself the world around?

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The purity of the spirituality of William Blake, free from the shackles of rationalism and dry dogma, was not only his creative method, but also ways of thoughts, his condition, his inner essence. He was not a poet "for all" and, as can be seen, did not strive for it. He wrote for those whom, as his own, worried the themes of spirituality. He believed in the divine purpose of the poet, to the fact that the inspiration was given over, believed in his mission of the prophet, designed to open people "the eyes facing inside." Be that as it may, William Blake passed it to the end to illuminate the road to those who would follow him next. The result of his path was his work as guiding lighthouses for seekers who wish to rise from oblique and blind ideas, beliefs and conventions to the heights of spirituality.

William Blake managed to create great amount works in painting and literature. Moreover, it should be noted that, unlike other artists of the brush and words, his creative skill with age did not decline, but on the contrary, it was improved. By the end of his life from under his pen and brushes, really masterpieces of his creativity, for example, the work of "Lakoon" or illustrations to the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, where William Blake showed and depth literary thoughts, and the ease of possession of the brush, which was not observed after him earlier.

In the history of world literature, William Blake is considered to be the first English poet-romantic. It strikes the unprecedented flavor of the author's moods, its unpredictability and inability to understand and accommodate everything in us that he expressed himself. Sometimes he slipped the rebellious moods, and they immediately go into religious mysticism. His lyrical motifs are combined with figurative mythology and symbolism. His innocent joyful perception of the world turns into a certain mysticism of the collision of the forces of good and evil, heaven and hell. His mythological system of complex symbolic images and allegory has long remained incomprehensible and was considered not amenable to any decoding. Only now scientists are beginning to seal to the rays.

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Recognition Blake

It is believed that in 1863 it was the beginning of the recognition of William Blake and the growth of interest in Him. At this time, Alexander Gilcrist was published a biography "Life Blake". Soon after that, never published early poems of Blake, who manifested him as a lyrical poet-romantic was published. Bleck engravings found later, previously unknown, influenced the development of the so-called Modern style. In 1893, IITS, together with Ellis, released a threetomy, at that time the most complete publication of the works of Blake, accompanied by his brief biography of the poet. However, the real interest in the work and the personality of Blake began in the twentieth century.

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In 1966 it came out " Full collection William Blake's writings. "Blake opened the world not only as an apocalyptic provider, which it was accustomed to count, but also as the author of witty epigrams and aphorisms, as an original thinker and critic, a much ahead of his orthodox, a coexist eyelid.

As for Russia and countries former USSR, then the name of William Blake became aware of the general public only since 1957, after the whole world noted the two hundred years from the day of his birth. His works began to appear in periodic printing, and in separate collections. Blake was published relatively rarely, and much of his work was never translated into Russian. It remains to hope that over time all the legacy of his work will be translated.

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