Note: Spider in the house is good or bad, why can not kill spiders at home? What a spiders appear in the house, many spiders and web: folk signs and superstitions. What a spider crawls on a person: by body, clothes, right, left hand, shoulder, leg? If Dom

Note: Spider in the house is good or bad, why can not kill spiders at home? What a spiders appear in the house, many spiders and web: folk signs and superstitions. What a spider crawls on a person: by body, clothes, right, left hand, shoulder, leg? If Dom

Spider is one of the most controversial creatures in mythology. Cusar and cruel. Wise and hardworking. Somewhere I was afraid and considered the Bulletin of trouble. Somewhere revered and hung the bob of the web over the children's cradle as a guard. Little with some living being is connected so many phobias and will take, good and bad!

Depending on the place

If we assume that the spiders that came across on your path and really brings with him some message of fate, and not in a hurry in their sprues, it is logical that the meeting place is not the last meaning. At home, a person is configured to one wave, in the office to another, on the way to the third ... Multiplay postman should consider it!

D. omar

The main nuance with the interpretation of home will take about spider - this is where the insect moves. Climbs up - the news is coming good; descends down - bad. Spider headed into your direction? Excellent sign, although the "lucky" with arachnophobia will not agree with this. Surprises from all the paws away? Here it is worth being ready for trouble. And about what the unusual guest foreshadows, spread its networks in the bathroom, the kitchen or under the ceiling of the bedroom, you can read more in the article "Spider's house".

At work

If the significant meeting occurred in the workplace, the prediction should be attributed to the business sector. Say, usually climbing up the insect foreshadows a letter, a meeting or money. If the spider climbs up the wall of the office, it can be assumed that your chances of the award will increase, the project will be taken, and ready to break the client will still decide on the transaction. The insect descended to the floor and tugged in an unknown direction. Either the salary will delay or a unpleasant visit to the carpet to the authorities. Hold on!

Such a "colleague" hardly please

By the way, home signs: "Fell on the table Spider - the enemy appeared" acts in the office. At this time, they particularly diligently fulfill their duties so that a possible enemy does not have a reason to set you in a bad light before the boss.

In car

The car is also your personal space, like an apartment or a workplace, because there is no big difference in the interpretation here.

  • A spider crawling on the dashboard, the next chair or ceiling hints at some amount that will soon fall into your wallet or leave it. Details Determine, again, in the direction. The newcomer moves into your direction - wait for profit, from you - get ready for a meeting with traffic cops.
  • A large insect means big money, small, respectively, small.
  • A more correct profit is considered if the "unregistered passenger" will take on you. If only it did not happen during the movement!

If the insect revealed to decorate your car with her web, you can assume that you are under its special patronage. Or, you did not look at the garage for a long time.

On the street

  • The most unpleasant acceptance is considered to be in a web. According to reference, small troubles should be accumulated around you, or reputation will suffer.
  • But if you just hit the spray with a hand or another part of the body, nothing to fear. This event is interpreted as the upcoming meeting with the old friend, which both you have to do.
  • If you ourselves did not notice how the web closed the clothes, they will become rich.
  • Invalid lace touched faces? So, in the yard of Indian summer, the good weather will last not yet one day, and you have something really wonderful. True, it is unknown in which area. But the more interesting will be waiting!
  • The weather was trying to guess and on how spids behave in a web. Sits in the center - it will be clear, hiding - wait for the rain with a strong wind.

Location indoor

You can try to penetrate the plans of fate, looking at which part of the room the insect settled.

On the threshold

Spider on the threshold - the sign is disgusting. The owners of the house she threatens at least a serious hole in the family budget, after which he would have to go into strict savings regime for several months. But this is still a trifle, if you remember that other beliefs tend to see in the spider of the messenger of death! In order not to give the will of fear, immediately sweep the troubles of calm for the threshold, smell flowing water and try to distract anything pleasant. But do not think from the annoyance to nail the mountain-messenger of the same broom! No wonder the saying is: "Want to be healthy to be - spider do not dare beat."

On the ceiling

Despite the awesome look, spider on the ceiling is considered a good sign

  • If the insect peacefully sits in her web under the ceiling and no special action makes, wait for the letters.
  • Will be lucky with his own eyes, as a new web appears on the light - complete harmony will reign in the family. This sign is based on the faith in the fact that spider networks keep happiness in the house and connect the entire negative. If you have seen yourself how such a network was splashing, you can consider yourself lucky.
  • To the one who finds a spider for work, beliefs are offered to repay. Specify the spider question and see how he behaves. The scheme is familiar: Up - "Yes", down - "no".
  • Or, try to make a desire and say: "If the eight legs fall down, then my desire will come true." In this case, the value has only the direction you might.
  • Live "surprise" fell on you from the ceiling? Excellent sign! Come to yourself and be prepared for something good.

On the floor

You definitely come to change in life. Check which way the insect is moving - to you or from you - and draw conclusions.

On the wall

If the spider is still sitting on the wall on the wall they will see two, they have the opportunity to experience their luck on the spot. You just need to get up on both sides of the insect and see, in whose side it will crawl. Whom the spider "chose", he won.

  • If neither the miniature oracle went to that, but I chose a vertical direction, watch whether it moves down or up. Crawling to the floor - lose money. To the ceiling - buy.
  • If the spider got to the ventilation hole and disappeared after him, it's a shame. It seems that something in your house has not arranged. And in this case, good luck will not have to wait in the near future.

On the window or behind it

Spider for glass will tell you where to look for love

We are lucky if you get to find a spider settled between the window frames or on the other side of the glass. If you are still alone, immediately see where the insect settled.

  • The upper right corner symbolizes the East.
  • Upper left - north.
  • Lower right - south.
  • Lower Left - West.

Where the spider settled out, from there and your second half will come. If the web spread in the heart of the window, they will have to languish from loneliness at least a year.

If two spiders settled outside the window, then your family life is about to get better. See how a couple behaves:

  • Smirno sit next to the side - in the family there will be a way. One will arrange in the center, having coated the other on the backyard - someone from the spouses will show tyrannoe sprues, and the other will have to obey.
  • Both spiders are pumped by the craft of the web - they will have to travel for removable apartments or to crawl into the outskirts on the outskirts.
  • Moved to the very center of the network? It means that your couple will have an apartment on the ploying room. And even a private house in a couple of floors!

On the table

  • If the insect fell or descended on the table from above, the family has a secret ill-wisher who can deliver a lot of trouble.
  • Spider climbed on the table on the tablecloth and runs among the cups? There will be a move or travel. Moreover, the city is not limited to the city on the kebabs. Here is a overseas country - a much more likely option.

In a cup

Are you aware that even a spider figure is considered a powerful talisman?

If you were completely tuned to drink a seagull, but suddenly found a multi-house monster in your cup, the evening will certainly be spoiled. However, there's nothing to be afraid of bad signs. It means one of two:

  • The news that you will soon get will be very unexpected.
  • Or in the house reigns full antisanitary, or this is a simple accident: the insect is not discharged to the apartment, fell into the cup and failed to get out of her smooth walls. Flashing, wash the dishes, forget to forget.

Depending on day

Belutors are born here. For example, in Italy, the spider ran into the evening "walk" does not foreshadow nothing but good weather for tomorrow. And in France, the spider, met in the morning, is considered a reliable postman, which is in a hurry to report a letter. But most often the situation is so.

In the morning

At dawn, it is better to not meet with this terrible spinner, there will be awry on the whole day.


If you see a spider before lunch, and then do not wait for good. Smallquarters will last to a deep night. But if the insect comes on your way afternoon, see and look carefully on the sides. Somewhere next to your second half and the chance to meet it is great, more than ever.

In the evening

Meeting with insects in the first twilight predicts a gift, a premium, winnings or a different way to replenish the wallet. And even if nothing happens, you should have a little better in your soul, the signs assure that such a spider gives hope.

At night

Castle a midnight ridden walk in your home, the next day will be in vain. The meeting promises you empty troubles, bustle and a lot of troubles.

In bloom

Still doubt how to interpretify? Look at the insect color.

The black

The gloomy colors of misfortunes, breaks and quarrels. Favorite will change, the case will stall, money is leaking. Although ... no one says that you can not slit slightly. Stand so that the black insect crawled to you, and forget about the negative. It is known - to whom the spider, to that and good luck!


White color symbolizes good events and feelings

White spider - a romantic, calling for love adventures. Even if he predicted something bad, do not be mistaken: the troubles will be trivial. Perhaps the relationship with the current partner will be applied or a new feeling will come. Wait and hope.


A red spider in the folk consciousness has always been associated with money. So much that some managed to carry the unfortunate insect in his pocket, going on an important deal! Pockets of all rubbish are better not to score, but set up for profit.


Green spider also often foreshadows money, but mostly this insect specializes in good news.

Depending on the size

With dimensions, it is now easier. A large insect and change in life foreshadows big. If profit, then large. If losses, then serious. If the news, then important. Little spider - small trifles.

Several spiders in the house

The larger the house of these externally terrible, but innocuous creatures, the better. They did not expect? Of course, the business to detect the spiders around you in different parts of the house is unpleasant, but in a mystical plan with your dwelling everything is in order. The good emotions of spiders give the evil, quench, and in the house of bad people try to settle smallest. At the very least, our ancestors were sure about that.

If you saw the dead

The dead spider may threaten trouble, only if you yourself or unwittingly contributed to his death. Believe yourself nothing? Then it is not necessary to worry. It is possible that the insect just came his spidder hour. And you want to drop a wise and insidious creature, throw what remains from him, in the fire.

Most people do not like spiders. This is understandable, and explained. But even if you have been trembling in the knees from childhood since childhood, at the sight of the eight of the creatures, they still will be afraid of them and in no way. Most of the superstitions about spiders foreshadow only good, if only you themselves have done themselves at a meeting with insects worthy.

Panic fear of spider-sifted - it meets not so often, but even less you will meet a person who is experiencing sympathy for these insect.

Spiders often cause fear, squeamishness or dislike. Similarly, only their appearance.

With a spider, a huge number of believes are associated and will take - they are rooted with their in antiquity, and many of them have grounds. One way or another, all the signs that speak about spiders are known today - and can open a lot of secrets.

This insect is not considered good and kind, some cultures associate it with a dark world and evil. However, in fact, this creature does not bear evil - spider eliminates the house from harmful and annoying insects, and people tend to do not touch.

Poisonous and dangerous spine-shaped people are rare, and in residential buildings, the more they do not meet them. What the beliefs and signs associated with the spider are said can be easily recognized - and use these knowledge in everyday life.

What makes spiders?

A variety of beliefs and signs associated with spider take into account all sorts of its actions, and yours too. To see this creature suddenly in the house, see how he rifts the web, crawling up or goes down, kill the spider - all these actions have a mystical meaning and can tell a lot.

1. The web in the house, of course, prevents and spoils the feeling of purity and coziness. But esotericists consider her an excellent sign - they say that the web takes the negative and bad vibration, cleans the space from the bad energy.

Bad energy accumulates, as you know, in the corners of the room - therefore, it is customary to hang bells and other talismans. A web performs the same functions - so there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, and the spiders in the house is a wonderful sign, he promises good changes and health.

2. Good sign - suddenly see the spider, you should not be afraid. They believe that if this "guest" suddenly was on your body or clothing - it is to wealth and good luck.

It is worth carefully brushing or blow it away, but not to kill. The same value among the signs, if you only had the opportunity to see the spider, which was descended at the web on you - in this case, you can also wait for good luck and profits.

3. There is a common and well-known sign: a spider crawling through the wall or by a tinting up, foreshadows pleasant guests. This belief is kind and promises joyful sitting with loved ones, holiday and fun.

4. But there are also unfavorable signs speaking spiders - for example, if you discovered this sudden "guest" at the dinner table. Such a sign talks about the appearance of a new ill-wisher in your life or even the enemy.

It is worth be careful, look at the surrounding and not trust everything around. Only the insect itself on the table should not be killed - it is better to smeach it, or throw it out into the street. Having killed him, you do not neutralize superstition, but only risks to get other troubles.

5. And if the red spiders crawl on your clothes - soon there will be nice new clothes! And it does not matter where you discovered insect - on yourself, or on clothes in the closet - this is a good and joyful sign.

Soon there will be new things that will delight you! And it can fill a profit, an unexpected coming amount of money.

6. There are also unpleasant signs in which Spider participates - for example, if you found it fixed, without a web. Such an inactive spider makes sadness or temporary difficulties in the house.

But do not be afraid, it is only superstition, they definitely do not foresee the catastrophe or big trouble. And sadness - it is unresolved, they pass, and joy comes to replace it, the world is so arranged!

7. If this creature suddenly turned out to be on your hand - exactly expect wealth! This is a favorite believer by many, and no wonder it lives to us - probably it works.

Of course, those who are afraid of spider-shaped, it will be unpleasant to discover such a "friend" on their own hand. But do not be scared, it's for money!

8. But even more unpleasant for those who do not like spiders, it is to detect a small creature on your own head. But it happens - and the sign, by the way, is also good, it foreshadows a pleasant unexpected gift!

9. An excellent importance for such signs is a spider over the bed, in the bedroom. This means that in the family and the house will be peace, harmony and happiness - here the insect takes on the role of the defender, protects the family and the house from all sorts of trouble.

10. There is still fun reference. If you suddenly saw the spider, which hovers motionlessly on the rubber thread, ask him: "To good, or to evil?" Watch insect.

  • Rolling up - boldly wait for happiness and good luck.
  • But if he starts to fall down - it is likely difficult.

11. Everyone knows that kill the spider is bad. Some believers, especially ancient, argue that if you kill this creature - sins will be redeemed, but instead the trouble will come.

Regarding sins - the question is very controversial, but it should not be killed. If he interferes or simply do not want a spider to live in your home - carefully take it with a leaf of paper, or in a jar, or right for a web - and put it on the street, or throw away the window (it does not break, do not worry).

All is good in moderation - do not exaggerate the value of the belief, but do not be a complete skeptic. Believe in the best, do not play with fate and respect the living beings - and let the only happiness be in your fate! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

For folk signs, all spiders are harmful from Mala to Great, and who inadvertently swallows spider, will suffer from a water or a tumor in the stomach.

On the contrary, in many countries in Europe and Asia, it is very important - apparently, since he was the only one who with her web saved the room from harmful flies.

Overtake's spider was part of the witchcraft drugs: he was dried, mixed with other ingredients, ate alive, swallowed the web, wore live spiders in the bag on the body - asthma, cough, gout and malaria were herald.

Spider in the house. Folk signs.

It should not be upset if a spider appeared in the house, because in many people's signs, it speaks of the reign of harmony and the world. Poutine Nad bed. foreshadows quick and inevitable happiness.

In ancient Russian mythology spiders in the house - These are none other like dogs of the house. And the more wards he has, the more powerful the protection of your home.

Seeing the spider sitting on the web, make a desire and say magic words: "If eight legs begin down down, then my desire will be executed." And follow the movement of spider.

The only places where there should be a web in the house - this is a kitchen and door. The presence of a web in the kitchen means the absence of love in the house, but to see her over the door to the girl - treason of her beloved. At the same time, in no case cannot be removed by the web - so you are more aggravated by the position of things.

In general, spider in the house, according to folk signs, symbolizes the prosperity of the owners and, if you still need to get rid of it, it is necessary to take it off on the scoop carefully and take it out on the street.

See spider. Signs.

By folk signs, see spiderIn most cases, - to good, you just need to pay attention than it is busy at that moment.

So, if the spider goes down on a web, then wait for the letter or favorable news, the arrival of the guest, an unexpected profit or a valuable gift. It is also important to see and where the spider descended: on hand - to inheritance, on his head - your gift will soon manifest themselves, on clothes - to profit, but if the spider went down on the table - you have passed yourself the enemy.

Masives and spider color. Little red - to quick wealth, black - to good news, white - to good luck and only the red spider throws misfortune.

See spider afternoon on the street - soon meet big love, but on my day weddings - To unfortunate family life.

For the actions of spider, you can also predict the weather. Sheets a lot of cobwebs - to the rain, tears it - to a thunderstorm, good weather foreshadows a large accumulation of these animals.

Web. Folk signs.

Folk signs are peculiar not only by spiders, but also the product of their activities - pouthene.

So, if the web closes to you, then not to avoid wealth. It is inadvertently to hurt her - to a meeting with an old friend, and see Spider, which fissures the web to the update.

A web will fall on your face, according to folk signs, - to clear weather.

Web, laid on the wound, stops blood. With these qualities of a web, probably obliged to legend, according to which Jesus Christ was hidden from Herod's soldiers who overtook him.

You do not need to kill the spider, it is better to do so, as the English folklore advises: "Want to live and flourish - let's take a walk".

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Other folk signs and superstitions.

Sketches split the mirror.

The mirror always instilled in superstitious people mystical horror and gave birth to many, often contradictory, legends ...

Sick pimple on the nose.

Acne on the face, as a rule, always upset us. We are afraid that even a small pimple can spoil the entire appearance ...

Spider is a mysterious ancient creature. Therefore, the signs associated with them have a centuries-old history. See the artistic - a sign that occupies a place in the life of almost all people. Spiders in religion, in everyday life, in Esoteric. They are present everywhere and wherever they move, all this has interpretation, its special will accept and often contradicting each other. Many believe that to see Spider - fortunately, others think of the opposite. Some believe that it is possible to kill him and heaven will release 40 sins, and others take it into a deity and believe that it will only lead to misfortune.

There are such many that many of them even classify:

  • at the habitat of spider in the dwelling;
  • by time of day when it was seen;
  • at the place where he crawls;
  • in color of the very creature.

See spiderman in the house: Signs

To see in the house, the spider always foreshadows a positive interpretation. Our ancestors believed that she would see a spider settled in the house, promises good health and good luck in business. And the web, which is touched by these arthropods, collects the whole negative in the house. That's why need to clean the house, wrapped with a web, it is believed to be destroyed and the negative is destroyed with it. There are three significant habitats of spiders:

  • kitchen;
  • bath;
  • bedroom.

Esoterics believe that negative energy accumulates mainly in the cornersBut if the articist sprocket sprming over the kitchen door is talking about the problem that will appear in the family, perhaps even betraying any of the spouses.

Related spider in the bathroom - the sign is unpleasant, because it clarifies that the money is floating in the house nowhere. You need to reconsider your expenses. Also, such a sign may be predicted that in the future there is a leak of valuable information.

See the spider in the bedroom, and if more and with a white paint - a favorable sign for a young couple. Marriage will be happy and long.

See the spider on the table - this sign says that the owner of the apartment appeared enemy Or a person who envies him, so you need to beware of various goats.

There is a belief that if the spider sits still in the corner and does not weave the web, it means that the keeper of the home focus appeared to inform the unpleasant news.

If the segmental sits in the web, you can make a desire and many say that it will come true when it crawling up.

What time of day the spider met?

At what time of day you can see a spider and not be afraid, it also depends on the signs.

If the creature caught his eyes from the very early morning, then the day will be unsuccessful and non-trusted. Note predicts that you can not deal with labor-intensive processes on this day. - nothing will happen.

See a spider at lunchtime will be a good sign if it is crawling towards meeting. Note says that will be luck in conceived affairs.

If a spider was met in the evening or at night, many are interpreted as a favorable admission, which in the near future predicts profit or inheritance. Everything comes on a mysterious way, like all the wonders occurring in the dark. Some interpret the reverse process, but should proceed from the first option, because positive thoughts attract similar actions.

Where does the spider crawl?

Many signs associated with this creature depend on the trajectory of movement.

If you see the spider, which descends down and suddenly falls onto a person, then it promises obtaining wealth from an unexpected source.

When the spider crawls in hand - this is the most beloved sign in people who, of course, are not afraid of them, because it predicts profit and the emergence of money.

Note when the spider descends and immediately rises back up, means that there will be excellent news from afar.

When he crawl down and suddenly freezes in place, that is, no more moves anywhere, then they say that sad news will come. But you can try to avoid these events. You need to take quietly articisture and say in a whisper: "Spider, go and trouble with you take away," put it in any capacity and put out on the street.

If the spider is just crawling on the floor - this suggests that there will be change in the house. Crawling past housing, it means that the changes will pass by.

When the spider is located at the ceiling itself, then guests will soon be in the house.

What color spiders?

The color of these creatures also has its own predictions.

When the clothes crawl red is crawling - it means that the owner of the clothes will soon be any acquisition or cash remuneration. Such a spider is called the people of "moneyfold." Some esoterics advise to put it in boxes and carry in his pocket to constantly have money. But it is worth protecting nature and not listen to such advice, and it is not known how others will behave when the spider gets out from there.

All signs associated with black spiders typically predict adverse events. But this is a matter of every person - to believe in such signs or not.

In old times religious people sacredly believed in the good of these creaturesBecause the spider saved the baby Jesus when he hid the entrance to the cave of his web.

Many challenges are found in various myths, religions not only by Slavic peoples, but also other nations. Everywhere speaks of the hardworking and wisdom of these arthropods. Some believed in the healing properties of the spiders themselves and their web. People themselves must decide - to believe them in signs or not, but to be more successful, richer and healthier, you need to try myself well.