Gesture with an elongated and bent hand. DAB movement: his "parents" and description

Gesture with an elongated and bent hand. DAB movement: his
Gesture with an elongated and bent hand. DAB movement: his "parents" and description

Salmon gesture or Polips, in France known as Hand of honor (Fr. BRAS D "HONNEUR) - a well-known offensive gesture, expressing the refusal to anyone in the request. It is flexion in the elbow of the right hand about 90-135 °, in which the left brush is put on the elbow fold right, and the right hand is quickly bent, or vice versa. In many countries, a similar gesture is used as a symbol of rough refusal and direct insult. Sync finger is synonymized as a phallic symbol.

Gesture in the ancient world

The gesture was known in antiquity. In 121 BC This gesture, with which the leaftor of Antilly insulted in the People's Assembly of supporters of Guy Grakhh, served as the murder of the liktor, and the last one in turn - the reason for the armed clash, in which the rake died.

Gesture in different countries

  • In Poland, this gesture is called kozakevich's gesture (Polish. gest Kozakiewicza.) In honor of the Polish jumper with the sixth of Vladislav Kozakevich, the 1980 Olympics champion in Moscow. After her victorious jump, Kozakhevich showed a similar gesture to the audience, who constantly wrote it. The Pole wanted to deprive the medals, but the Polish delegation convinced the Soviet organizers that Kozakevich did not insult anyone, and his hand bent involuntarily due to muscle spasm.
  • In Croatia, this gesture is called Bosnian coat of arms (Horve. Bosanski GRB), since it was the image bent in his shock with a sword that was the coat of arms of Bosnia during the existence of Austria-Hungary.
  • In Italy the gesture is called Umbrella (Ital. Gesto Dell "Ombrelo), its most famous mention - the appearance of him in the film Federico Fellini" Mamenkin's Sons ". The Hero Alberto Sordes shows the group of workers first their own language, and then the gesture to elbow.
  • In Colombia, this gesture is called "Go to" (Span. jódete. ) or "Freigate" (PS. friégate. ).
  • In Portugal, the meaning of a similar gesture called "Mangito" (port. manguito.) Environmental: On the one hand, this is a frank insult; On the other hand, this is the branded gesture of one of the characters of Portugal - Ze Uzino (eng.)russian.
  • In Mexico, the gesture on the elbow is equivalent to insulting the mother.

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Excerpt characterizing the gesture to elbow

We have bagrations,
There will be all enemies at the legs ", etc.
Just finished singing, as the new and new toasts followed, at which Count Ilya Andreich was more and more, and the dishes were even more, and even more shouted. They drank Beckleshov, Naryshkin, Uvarov, Dolgorkova, Apraksina, Valuev, for the health of the foreman, for the health of the manager, for the health of all members of the club, for the health of all the guests of the club and finally separately for the health of the founder of the county of Count Ilya Andreic. At the same time, the toast count took out a handkerchief and, closing her face, completely disappeared.

Pierre was sitting against Dologov and Nikolai Rostov. He eagerly ate and drank a lot, as always. But those who knew him briefly saw that it took place at this time big change. He was silent all the time of dinner and, squinting and firing, looked around himself or stopping his eyes, with a view of the perfect scattering, rubbed his finger to the bridge. His face was sad and gloomy. He seemed to have not seen and did not hear anything that happened around him, and thought about something alone, serious and unresolved.
This unresolved, who tormented his question was hints of princes in Moscow for the proximity of Dolokhov to his wife and in the current morning received by him an anonymous letter, which was told with that subsension jog, which is peculiar to all anonymous letters that he doesn't see his glasses. And that the connection of his wife with Dolokhov has a mystery only for one. Pierre did not even believe any hints of princes, nor writing, but he was scared now to look at Dolokhova, who was sitting in front of him. Whenever inadvertently, his eyes met with the beautiful, arrogant eyes, Dologov, Pierre felt like something terrible, ugly rose in his soul, and he turned away rather. I unwittingly remembering all the past my wife and her relationship with Doolokhov, Pierre saw clearly that what was said in a letter could be true, could at least seem to be true, if it was not his wife that would concern. Pierre recalled unwittingly as the share that everything was returned after the campaign was returned to St. Petersburg and came to him. Taking advantage of his coaching relationships of friendship with Pierre, Shelokhov directly arrived at him into the house, and Pierre placed him and gave him money. Pierre recalled how helen smiling expressed her displeasure for the fact that she lives in their home, and how Sharchov zinologically praised him the beauty of his wife, and how he from that time before his arrival at Moscow was not separated from them.
"Yes, he is very beautiful, thought Pierre, I know him. For him, it would be a special beauty in to dry my name and laugh at me, precisely because I had troubled for him and walked him, helped him. I know, I understand what kind of salt it will be in his eyes to give him a deception, if it would be true. Yes, if it would be true; But I do not believe, I have no right and I can not believe. " He recalled the expression that Sharokhova received a person when he was at a minute of cruelty, like those in which he connected the quarter with a bear and let him down on the water, or when he called without any reason on a man's duel, or killed a rush horse from a pistol . This expression was often on the face of Dolokhov when he looked at him. "Yes, he Brener, Thied Pierre, he doesn't mean anything to kill a person, he should seem to be that everyone fear him, he should be nice. He must think that I am afraid of him. And really I'm afraid of him, "Pierre thought, and again, with these thoughts he felt like something terrible and ugly rose in his soul. Doolov, Denisov and Rostov were now sitting against Pierre and seemed very cheerful. Rostov had fun talking to his two buddies, of which one was Liya Gusar, another famous Brener and Has, and occasionally looked at Pierre, who was hit by his focused, scattered, massive figure on this dinner. Rostov misunderstoodly looked at Pierre, firstly, because Pierre in his hussar eyes was the staff of the rich, the husband of beauty, in general Baba; Secondly, because Pierre in the concentration and absentness of his mood did not recognize Rostov and did not answer his bow. When they began to drink the health of the sovereign, Pierre thinking did not get up and did not take the glasses.

Gestures "hand - face"

Palms of our hands are perfectly adapted and in order to cover the face. In many gestures, "Hand - Face" there is a desire to hide something. If someone laughs "in his palm", it means that he does not want to notice the laughter. The face is closed with an embarrassment, or shame or when they want to demonstrate their reaction, or need to be protected.

The number of "hand - face" gestures increases noticeably when someone lies or trying to lie. The most commonly encountered "lzhatsov" are the following: stroking chin, mouth cover, nose touch, rubbing cheeks, touch or stroking hair on the head, squeeze the ear, rubbing or scratching eyebrows, squeezing lips. Symbolically, these movements mean either self-telling, or soothing, or disguise.

Hand - Ear. Target gestures performed by applying one or both hands to the ears, serve to increase the ear shells and should help to catch more acoustic signals. Full opposite This is the case when someone presses his hands to the ears to hide from noise. Symbolically, the chips of the ears can also mean the desire to kill the human objective, as if to say: "I don't want to listen to what you say."

Hand - nose. In most cases, touching the nose is a sign of the manifestation of embarrassment, causticity of surprise or fear of becoming caught by surprise. It is noteworthy that touches the nose and a lie or attempt to lie very often at the same time. The touch of the nose takes place mainly in stressful situations, i.e. When thoughts do not correspond to the externally saved calmness.

Hand - mouth. The gesture "hand - mouth" testifies, as a rule, a tendency to restraint. Unconsciously want something to "lean" or hide something or another expression. Along with these poses of closets, touching lips can also be a symbol of tenderness of tenderness. This is emphasized by the fact that the knuckles of the fingers or their fingers touch the lips.

Fingers covered in mouth. If an adult shoves his finger in his mouth or applies it to angle corner (truncated version of this gesture), then we will be returned to early childhood. Presumably with the same meaning we are dealing and in cases when they take ballpoint pens, pencils, handles of glasses and other similar items. If such behavior is observed quite often, it means that there has not yet been a final distinction between the functions of the senses.

Such an assumption should not be done only if additional symptoms of the concentration of attention are observed. So expressed, for example, surprise, confusion, surprise, inexpressivity, naivety, confusion. The one who behaves in this way expects that the situation will clarify by itself.

If the stretched index finger plays on the edge of the lips, then the touch and / or feeling of taste is unconsciously called. This hint makes it clear: I am looking for help, I feel uncertainty and helplessness.

Hand - Eyes. Lower your hands to the eyes (to face), it means to express disgust, pain, but at the same time primitiveness. Rottening the eyes (or ears) expresses awkwardness, annoyance or light relief.

Hand - forehead. If the hand brush is on the side touches the forehead, then it should be secure (shielding) from unwanted irritants. This gesture is used to express concentration. An extended index finger concerning the temple serves as a sign that "you slept" or "you have a nuts of nuts." In the first case, the tip of the index finger taps the temple slightly, and in the second, the index finger performs circular movements. In both cases, we are dealing with an offensive gesture.

Stroking the forehead by hand means that there must be "expelled" painful thoughts or views. This, as it were, the wipe movement is simultaneously to smooth wrinkles.

Gestures "Hand - Hand"

Stretching the hand itself is in most cases the unconscious imitation of touching other people. If we touch our own body, it always gives us a kind of sense of confidence and security. In tense situations, we tend to say, to push your hand to yourself, folding the hands of the hands, adapting them between themselves or clasping one other.

"Landing Hands" - this expression transmits the desperate and performed precisely with the climbing of the hands attempt to find this or that decision. When the hands of the hands are played with each other, the reason for such behavior may be nervousness, excitement, stiffness or confusion and embarrassment.

If such gestures are used as a pose, then they are proof of politeness deficiency. When the movements are performed almost without tension, rhythmically, then in this case we can talk about superiority and only about the inbidity.

Rottening hands can be performed from internal stress, or to relax muscles, or as a tactile function. The gesture of rubbing hands from joy comes from "pulling hands to himself" and "Congratulations to Himself." 66 - Piz Allan. Sign language: a fascinating manual for business people. - M.: Ay - Kew, 1992. - 112c.

In the process of direct communication with each other, people use not only words, but also non-verbal signals. Hand gestures, facial expression, body position in space - all this can tell about the interlocutor at no less than he is ready to tell himself. We propose to disassemble the meaning of gestures in communication between people and their interpretation from the point of view of specialists in the field of psychology.

What will tell a handshake

Hands - a non-verbal gesture, which in many cultures is used as a sign of greeting. Often, he also testifies to the end of communication or reaching agreement. This gesture is characteristic of most of the men, although business Etiquette Ladies allowed to resort to it at the beginning and end of the negotiations if representatives of the opposite sex participate in them. At the same time, there is always the first woman.

By itself, this gesture can talk a lot about the interlocutor. Volition outdoor man He greet a strong handshake, squeezing the hand of the interlocutor strongly. Not too confident people demonstrate a sluggish gesture at which the brush is relaxed, and the brush is located below. A similar handshake characterizes a person of the impitutional, lazy, not inclined to make independent decisions. Touching the hand of the interlocutor, accompanied by weak squeezing, can talk about the delicacy of a person, his ability to keep the distance. If you briefly say hello, the interlocutor takes his hands behind his back, or shoves into pockets, so he demonstrates superiority.

Open people stretch their "vis-a-vi" hand, bending her in the elbow and wrist only slightly. Hidden or false, on the contrary, try to keep the limb bent. The forearm of them remains pressed to the body, and the brush is almost vertically directed. If, with the handshake, such a person tries to choose the hand of the interlocutor down, it characterizes it as cruel and rather powerful. Independent individuals are trying to observe the maximum distance, practically without turning the hand with handshake.


Any small and fussy hand gestures give excitement, uncertainty or desire to hide the truth. If the speaker scars his neck on the side, it may mean that he voiced the thought in which he himself is not fully confident. A similar gesture from the audience speaks of his distrust or desire to comprehend said deeper.

By touching the ear, scratching and rubbing it during a conversation, a person expresses his desire to speak. It delicately wait for a convenient point when you can connect to the conversation, but at the same time it is impatient in every way, sometimes even raising your hand, like a schoolboy in a lesson.

Hand crossed on her chest

It is believed that crossed hands and legs are a kind of energy protection to which people resort to various life situations. There are many gestures with which a person closes from the source or the surrounding world. We suggest to consider the most common of them.

  1. The first posture is crossing hands in front of the breast. The forearms are connected together, the brushes can bite the shoulders or pressing the body. Such a position, people often take in unfamiliar places where they do not feel in complete safety.
  2. Pose, in which the interlocutor croses his hands on his chest, indicates a negative attitude towards what is happening and can mean reluctance to discuss some topic. Sometimes distrust of the fact that a person hears, makes a person crossed his hands on his chest. People who want to hide the information are resorted to a similar gesture. The body position when the arms crossed on the chest are combined with palms, compressed in fists, should be considered as a state of defense, extreme voltage. Reddened cheeks and narrowed pupils talk about readiness to fight back.
  3. Public persons rarely openly demonstrate gestures that are able to issue their nervousness or desire to hide anything. Meanwhile, they should be used to use this energy defense. Discern the disguised crossing is not difficult. The ladies usually touch the wrist, turn the bracelet on the hand, told the fastener on the clock. A man can correct the cufflinks or cuffs. A similar way looks like a gesture, in which a person holds the object at the chest level by both hands. It may be pressed to the chest book or folder with papers, a bouquet of flowers, a glass of wine.

Clutched fingers

With the hands linked into the lock, the hands can lie in front of them or knees, or drop along the body, if it is standing. Behind such a gesture is hidden disappointment and hidden hostility, if a person is sitting, putting a brush in front of him or brings them to face. At the same time, the higher the hands raised, the stronger the negative feelings. Sometimes a similar gesture is perceived as attention to the interlocutor, because the person sitting opposite can smile and even nod. But this is an erroneous impression, pretended by the Mimician the interlocutor just trying to hide a negative attitude towards what is happening.

What does the gesture "Hands behind the back"

The position of the body, when the hands of a person are assigned back and closed behind their backs, is associated with a demonstration of superiority. Smooth posture deployed rib cage And painted shoulders say that the individual is quite pleased with his position and confident. A similar gesture can be considered as a high degree of confidence in the interlocutor. Most likely, a person feels quite comfortable, does not feel any threat. For such a gesture, the location of the palms is characterized by each other.

If a person starts his hands behind his back, wrapped with one hand wrist or forearm, it means that he is excited and trying to keep himself in his hands. And the higher the capture, especially powerful emotions It is experiencing an individual and the more difficult to restrain them. Hands allotted behind the back can be combined with other gestures, for example, scratching in the back of the head. This testifies to the insecurity, the feeling of awkwardness. In this case, hiding your hands from the interlocutor, the person is trying to hide the condition of stress, concern or excitement.

Hands in pockets

Many of us, in childhood, had to hear the remark of the parents: "To remove your hands out of pockets, it's not decent." Indeed, a person who during the conversation hides the brush deeper, it is difficult to call pupil. But often such a gesture issues a desire to hide something. Most likely, the interlocutor does not heal a lot, frankly lying or his reaction to the conversation does not correspond to the demonstrated.

Such a reaction is also observed in people's shye, which simply do not know where to go hands during a conversation and fear that extra gestures will give their nervousness. It is not difficult to understand this, since such a person behaves casually, says little and reluctantly, keeps the shoulders deployed, and his eyes turned down.

If, when communicating, the interlocutor squeezes compressed fists in his pockets, it means that it is angry with anger, rage. The gesture means that it is difficult for a person to control negative emotions. He exhausted all the verbal arguments and is ready to move to physical exposure. Typically, the threat is reflected in the Mimic: Eyes are narrowed, cheekbones are tense, teeth are grit.

Hand gestures with big finger accent

If thumbs are hoping up, such a gesture speaks about desire to dominate. So a non-verbal signal a man gives to understand the lady that she is interesting to him. He demonstrates his superiority and social status, laying palms in pocket pockets or belt. The thumbnails at the same time explicitly indicate the direction where the subject of men's pride and dignity is actually located. A similar gesture can be regarded as a desire to like, conquer and conquer.

If you do not consider the gesture in a sexual context, we can say that your hands in your pockets and thumbs are outside - a demonstration of power and superiority. Another domination gesture is as follows: hands are crossed on the chest, and the thumbs are directed up. The authority and sense of superiority simply overwhelm the individual if he accepts such a pose.

When a man tightly wars his shoulders with tassels, raising the thumbs, takes up his chin and looks in the face of the interlocutor, it suggests that he is confident in his own rightness, he does not want to hear objections. It is curious that such gestures of domination, in which thumbs are involved, are used by both men and women.

Demonstration of open palms

Open palms are associated with the honesty of intentions. If you believe research, businessmen who do not use gestures allowing to demonstrate outdoor palms less chances. People trust themselves less those who hold hands closed in front of each other, believing that they are not completely honest, they are trying to hide something.

Asking for anything, a person will rather achieve his own if accompanied his words with a gesture, with palms unfolded up. Such a gesture has more, because it does not pay threats. If the interlocutor sees the back side of the brush, then the request will be perceived as an indication and can cause an antagonistic relationship.

What do the hands, pressed to the chest mean

When a person is explained in love or expresses sympathy, he applies his hand to his chest, as if to say that his words go from the heart. Often, those who wish to convince the interlocutor in the absence of evil intent are resorted to such reception. This gesture hides a desire to show the sincerity of feelings, but it does not always correspond to the actual intent of the speaker.

Connecting fingers together, with diluted palms, talking man Wishes to show his confidence and awareness in the matter. Perhaps he wants to emphasize the significant moments of his speech or wants to convince the interlocutor in his right. If at the same time the head of the speaker is slightly thrown back, it may be regarded as a sense of superiority.

This gesture has two options; When fingertips are directed up or down. The first is usually used by people who want to set out their thoughts, and the second themes who listen. IN last case The gesture is regarded as negative and means that the interlocutor has his own opinion on what was said. It is no longer possible to convince it, because, as in the first case, such a position of the hands indicates confidence in its decision.

Hands diluted palms up

The gesture, when a person when communicating demonstrates the palms deployed to the interlocutor or a group of people, he would say: "I will be frank with you." This is a non-verbal signal setting up openness. It should be noted that this technique often use people unclean to hand wishing to trust in themselves. Therefore, to interpret such non-verbal gestures Need to consider facial expressions and behaviors. If the interlocutor has nothing to hide, he keeps naturally, his face is relaxed, eyebrows are raised, and their hands are spread wide.

Laying hands for head

The habit of throwing hands for the head is peculiar to people with self-confident, loving show their excellence. Many this gesture is annoying at the subconscious level, because it immediately gives the snob in the interlocutor. Laying hands behind the head in the conversation process is a gesture that demonstrates confidence and superiority. If at the same time a person sits in a relaxed pose, thumping his leg, then before you amateur. As a rule, this gesture is used when communicating with subordinates or equal in status.

The origin of such a posew is unknown, but psychologists are confident that in this way a person seems to be immersed in an imaginary chair, relaxing at the same body. Such a manner of sitting does not always bear a negative meaning. Often, a man, tired of work or long-term seating, throws his hands on the back of the head, sipping all the body. It demonstrates such a gesture that in your society feels quite comfortable.

Most people in the process of conversation touches their face. Such gestures may look like:

  • stroking chin,
  • rotsenger or century,
  • touching your mouth with hand or various objects,
  • touching with the fingers of the temples,
  • squeezing your cheeks with palm.

Most often, behind such movements, the desire to hide the truth or, on the contrary, distrust of the speaker. Consider such gestures best in combination with the facial character of a person, since the same touch may have a different meaning.

For example:

  1. Such a gesture like stroking chin talks about decision making. If at the same time the interlocutor uses thumb Hands, he is sure that he controls the situation completely. Nervous rubbing the bottom of the face with palm indicates that the proposed version of the person does not suit too much, but the alternative has not yet been found.
  2. Touching the bottom lip Demonstrates interest in a conversation or interlocutor. At the same time, a person can spend in the mouth of the mouth with one finger, actively rub this area. The most direct listeners even delay or twist the lower lip. Ladies to draw attention to men, can spend on lips not only with hand, but also tongue.
  3. Many children enjoy at the subconscious level. For instance, fingers in the mouth - The gesture that looks pretty cute and means that the child is needed by approval and support from others. However, adult people sometimes make similar movements. In their case, such gestures carry semantic meaningAs in children.
  4. Some gestures expressing emotions and feelings suggest the use of various items. For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the interlocutor brings the handle to the mouth. If the interlocutor tells something, perhaps it is a lie. If he listens to you, then this gesture expresses distrust. However, such actions may have a different reason. Some are bitten a pencil or pen, reflecting on the problem.
  5. Pretty common posture during a conversation when hand supports cheek or chin. These gestures look approximately the same, but they are interpreted differently. If the interlocutor listens carefully, put his chin with his hand, most likely he is so more convenient to understand the heard. But when the listener relaxesly supports his cheek with his hand, and his eyes scattered, most likely he is bored and waiting for the end of the conversation with impatience.
  6. Expression of distrust of said looks like twisting the ear of the ear, frequent attacks to the eyes or corners of the lips. This is the same indicative finger, which listening to the cheek. Lifting the index finger to the temple, a man demonstrates a critical attitude. Perhaps he feels distrust, or not satisfied with the arguments, analyzes the heard, suspecting the catch.
  7. Such gestures like rubbing neck or ear They talk about reluctance to listen more or that the topic the interlocutor is not too pleasant. In the latter case, a person often takes a closed pose, crossing legs or hands. He can also make a brush in the castle, shook off from communication or abruptly stand up, thereby demonstrating that the conversation is completed.

What gestures talk about deception

When a person tells a lie, it is possible to calculate it in his gestures and facial expressions. Of course, it is very nervous, a little embellishing events, it is unlikely that someone will become. But if we are talking About a major deception or desire to hide a serious misconduct, then responding to direct questions, a person is unlikely to hide all emotions.

The liar can give the hand shake, the desire to immediately have a sip of water or a rush squeezing of the cigarette. To hide lies, the interlocutor will take a look or on the contrary, look closely in the eyes, demonstrating that he is honest with you.

A person who says is not true, begins to blink often, perform unnecessary movements, like shifting papers. It is believed that rubbing the nose also speaks of insincerity, especially if a person does this action several times in a row. If the speaker's mouth is covered with hand, the likelihood is also great that he lies. It is worth paying attention to this gesture, like rubbing the century. Often he also gives a lie, although possible the interlocutor and himself does not trust you too much. The desire to close your mouth, as well as the touch of your fingers to the lips, these are gestures meaning deception.


It is worth remembering that with non-verbal communication, the value has every gesture, since it is perceived by the interlocutor, often on the subconscious level. Perhaps you just love keep your hands in your pockets or conveniently sit, folding your hands in the castle. However, interlocutors or business partners will make their own conclusions from this.

DAB movement - This is a new-fashioned dance gesture, not related (in any case in the post-Soviet territory) with any traditions or rituals. Perhaps, through this Forter, only guesses were on the meaning of which initially visited:

  • "Picture the joy" Rubbists after each successfully abandoned ball;
  • artists, for example, rappers, use dab movement with hand, wanting to diversify their performances;
  • people united by a common idea, convey news about their success to the general public.

Dabbing is just a tribute to fashion

Fashion gesture, o semantic load Which for so long wondered the fans of rugby, rather simple in execution: bowing her head over his hand bent in the elbow, rugby keys (and rugings) are freezing in this position for several short moments.

The gesture, removally resembling the movement of DAB, was seen in the "awesome dance" of New Zealand rugby players, invariably demonstrated to the opponent team before the beginning of each match. This is a spectacle from the discharge "not for the faint of heart" athletes from New Zealand, as it turned out, "borrowed" from their distant ancestors, who called themselves by the people of Maori.

Some witty fans have already given Fint called DAB suitable, in their opinion, the name is "stupid bow", and most of the fans have come together on the fact that if the stupid gesture did only one rugbean, no one would pay attention to him.

As it turned out later, the DAB movement is nothing more than the new-fashioned dance PA Hit The Dab, borrowed by the US young people in African dancers. It also became known that the white-born "dancers" is extremely nervous African Americans. According to the media, black Americans are not delighted with the fact that the movement, which is part of them national Culture, "went to the masses."

The dissatisfaction of the African American population is also exacerbated by the fact that most of the "palenic" make Dab incorrectly.

"Parents" of Debbing. Who are they?

On the question of what DAB Movement, representatives of the older generation - regulars of discos 1970-1980s - answer that DAB has nothing to do with attempts to offend someone or ignite the interethnic dislike. The movement really went from the African Americans of the past years, which, hinking "the funny" powder, silent, involuntarily leaning aside and taking such a fashionable position today.

According to another version, DAB is a hip-hop dance television that today's day did not use much popular. To perform it correctly, you need to lower my head down and bent right hand, squeeze the palm of the same hand in the fist and bring it to the head, while left hand There remains straight and slightly elongated to the left. The whole composition looks like a dynamic dance movement.

Cause of interest russian media To this strange and not to all understandable dance passed ... the conflict worried about two popular performers Russian rap and their fans. Clip "Tiger", released L "One, crazy followers of Jacques-Anthony is not at all because of the traditional dispute" who is better ", but because of the notorious gesture, or rather, because of the way that the Russian rappers used the DAB movement In his work (in this case, Jacques-Anthony claims to authound).

The founders of American Dabbing is considered to be members of the MIGOS group. In any case, they first began to show DEB: first at concerts, and subsequently - in video clips.

What does DAB movement mean?

To teach all those wishing to correctly perform this movement, negro-rappers did not regret the time, creating numerous video lessons. According to the black performers, it is necessary, bouncing a nose into the inner part of the elbow of the bent hand, publish the characteristic "chich" (the other hand is pulled up).

What is the meaning of this television that makes the crowd of fans to tear hair and clothes? DAB is a regular dance gesture, which is based on the habit of sniffing a white powder from the elbow.

Curious case occurred in London

A group of young people gathered on steps British museum For flushmob, during which all those present planned to perform DAB movement. The man who turned out to be nearby also decided to take part. He shot his hand, but incorrectly interpreting the goal of such a numerous meeting, instead of "dare", reproduced by the SSEEC.

Gestures with hands and their meaning

Psychologists argue that gestures can say about the emotions of a person even more than his words, because we, most often, we do unconsciously, on the machine, obeying the inner sensations, and can not always be controlled. Therefore, it is useful to know what gestures mean, for example, hands to understand how sincere your interlocutor is open, calm or excited, etc.

What do the gestures of hands and palms mean gestures?

Human hands are almost always in sight. And they always pay a lot of attention in the situation of communication. If your opponent is drunk strong emotions, then his palms and brushes are unlikely to be alone, most likely, he will turn something in his hands, stroke something, touch things, their clothes, hair, etc. It is important to know what hand gestures say to correctly interpret the behavior of your interlocutor, focusing not only for words.

The very first gesture that could say a lot about a person is a welcoming handshake. If he is the powerful nature - will stretch his hand first, turning her palm down. Wanting to show special respect and even the subdigue, people stretch the hand turned down the edge. The compliant, non-conflict and somewhat shy opponent, most likely, will give you a hand, turned the edge up. In the insecure in itself, a weakly accuracy person, the hand will be tense and straight, and the handshake is weak.

Other gestures with their hands and their meaning:

  • a person often breeds hands on the parties and demonstrates the palms - he is sincere and open to communication;
  • crossed hands and palms, on the contrary, talking about caution and not readiness to contact;
  • the palms folded on each other talk about the overestimation of the opponent;
  • hands in pockets, especially if a person is sitting, - sign of aggression and irritability;
  • hands are in motion, a person constantly strokes his palms hair touches face, etc. - He is trying to lie;
  • the man covers his mouth - I do not agree with you, but it is not solved to object;
  • straight palm, pressed to each other - a sign of purposeful and rigid in human communication;
  • palms lie on the edge of the table - the opponent expects to receive support from you;
  • semi-bent brushes - the interlocutor does not want conflict, ready for any compromises in communication;
  • one hand sticks the wrist another - a person is not sure in his actions and words, but trying to take himself in hand.

The most common gestures of the fingers of the hands and their meaning

There are so-called international gestures that are well understood by people from different countries World. And often use them to overcome the linguistic barrier. Although still, it should be used with caution to use some gestures with your fingers, familiar to Europeans, for example, in Muslim and some other countries. After all, here they can be interpreted as indecent.

So all the known sign "OK" is a large and index fingers folded with rings - is usually an expression of approval. But in Brazil and Arab countries, he means a hint of intimate relationships and is considered offensive. In Japan, this gesture should be understood as a question "How much does it cost?".

The value of other gestures with your fingers:

  • the fingers lucked in the "castle" - the expression of silent disagreement with your words, even if a person smiles at the same time, be sure that he will reject your offer;
  • fingers compressed in a fist - a sign of restrained aggression, your opponent is likely to explode;
  • the connected fingertips, forming the shala - a sign of confidence of the interlocutor in themselves, he experiences excellence, and your words cause him an indulgent smile.

What do widely divorced hands mean?

What could be options?


If a person lies, maybe he rests. So usually well lying in the grass. If a person with open hands on the floor with intermittent breathing and convulsions, most likely he is bad and need to call an ambulance. If a person on your question breeds hands on the parties, he, apparently not know what to answer. And if you run to a meeting and your hands spread wide, run to him in hugs! Well, if it is to regard it, like a television language, then the interlocutor favorably configured to you and he has nothing to hide from you.


Widely divorced hands - not a very popular gesture today. Now people try to restrain their emotions, are colder. People remember that this gesture means:

  1. Exercise (charging).
  2. Hello (greeting).
  3. Embrace.
  4. A lack of money.
  5. Size (for example, fish caught).
  6. Equilibrium (gymnast in circus).

Options can be a lot. Here are some of them:

  1. Widely divorced hands, while the shoulders are smooth and hands raised up, on the face smile and grace - a man is happy, he wants to hug the whole world, maybe he first turned out to be in some very beautiful place And at the same time he has a feeling of delight.
  2. Widely divorced hands, while the tension in the whole body - a person woke up and squeezed.
  3. Widely divorced hands on the parties when meeting with someone - the gesture of greetings, the joy of the meeting and the desire to hug.
  4. Widely divorced hands on the parties, but at the same time the shoulders are raised, the head of the side, the curve smile is a fear of bewilderment.

But the figure of the Vitruvian man with widely divorced hands, inscribed in the circle and square, which Leonardo da Vinci drew in the 15th century, is a symbol of proportions human body. For example, the distance between widely divorced hands is equal to human growth.

Hunt Nick

Most often, widespread hands can mean the willingness to hug a person whom they saw that he was incredibly glad. Sometimes this gesture can mean surprise. If you find out if the truth is telling you, then this gesture speaks of his sincerity.

But still it is worth looking at the situation and for the faith of a person to more accurately determine what this gesture means this gesture.


As a rule, widely divorced hands, this is such a gesture of helplessness, meaning a person does not know than and how he can help you. In other cases, this willingness to hug and welcome you. There are still special gestures, let's say installers, where such a gesture means that the action is completed.


Gesture widely divorced hands, Can mean welcome. And may express bewilderment. And maybe simple joy. There is a lot depends on the characteristics of the circumstances in which it all happens, and the widths of the divorced hands.

Kudryavtsev Vladimir Semenovich

The gesture is quite common and you can meet it when the fisherman shows what kind of fish he caught one day.

Then an attempt to catch anyone or the gesture showing what we want to hug someone.

Another gesture means some bewilderment or problem. Or freezes the wall to make your hand scope later. And if this gesture means stop - stop.


Widely divorced hands mean openness and humbleness of man. So he is glad to see you and wants to hug :) Also, if a person breeds hands, it may mean that he can't help you in this situation, only to breed your hands. Or, on the contrary, spreads the hands of the clouds above your head.

Red cloud

Variations on this topic, many, starting from the desire to hug a person moving to the meeting and ending with "fishing stuffs", that is, a man with divorced hands shows which huge fish he caught.

More divorced hands can mean bewilderment, or not knowing anything.


My options will be like:

  • man is preparing for the arms of the child / Animal / Human / Pillow
  • makes charging / exercise
  • catches something: wedding bouquet, keys, money and so on
  • resting lying on the bed
  • carries that great and / or severe.

Body language or gesture value ...

Quote message Aliance_Gadovskaya Read ORDERIVE HIS CITACTOR OR COMMUNITY!
Gestures. The meaning of gestures. Language of the body.

Gestures (their meaning)

Knowledge of the body language (the meaning of various gestures, facial expansion, etc.) - in the West is required for managers, starting from the middle link. This article shows only very few gestures from their diversity.

Gestures openness. Among them, you can select the following: open hands up / gesture palms, with clenched with sincerity and openness /, shrug shrugs, accompanied by gesture open hands / Indicates the openness of the nature /, the arrangement of the jacket / people open and friendly arranged to you often unbutton the jacket during the conversation and even remove it in your presence. For example, when children are proud of their achievements, they openly show hands, and when they feel their guilt or alerts, hide their hands either in pockets or behind the back. Experts also noticed that during successfully going negotiations, their participants uncheck the jackets, straighten their feet, move to the edge of the chair glare to the table, which separates them from the interlocutor.

Protection gestures / defensive /. They react to possible threats, conflict situations. When we see that the interlocutor crossed his hands on his chest, you should reconsider what we do or say, for it begins to leave the discussion. Hands compressed in fists also mean a protective reaction of the speaker.

Evaluation gestures . They express thoughtfulness and dreaminess. For example, the gesture "Hand at the cheek" - people leaving the cheek on hand, usually shipped into deep meditation. Gesture critical evaluation - The chin relies on the palm. The index finger is pulled along the cheek, the remaining fingers are lower than the mouth / position "waiting-see" /. A man sits on the edge of the chair, elbows on the hips, hands freely hang / position "is wonderful!" /. Honored head - a careful listening gesture. So, if most students in the audience of the head are not inclined - it means the group as a whole is not interested in the material that teacher sets out. Haning chin / gesture "Well, let's think" / is used when a person is engaged in making a decision. Gestures on the glasses / rubbs glasses, takes a mug of points to t. N. / - This is a pause for reflection. Thinking up its position before rendering more strong resistance, demanding explanations or a question.

Plug . - gesture denoting an attempt to resolve complex problem Or take a difficult decision. Pagging the nose-gesture, usually combined with closed eyes, and talking about deep concentration "intense thought.

Gestures boredom . They are expressed in tapping foot about the floor or clicking a cap of the fountain pen. Head in palm. Machine drawing on paper. Empty look / "I look at you, but I do not listen to" /.

Claudia gestures, "knocking" . In women, they look like smoothing hair, correction hairstyles, clothes, looking at themselves in the mirror and turns in front of him; patching hips, slow crossing and breeding legs in front of a man, stroking themselves in the icers, knees, thras; Balancing shoes on the tips of your fingers / "In your presence I feel comfortable" /, men - a tie correction, cufflinks, jacket, straightening the whole body, the movement of the chin up and down to dr.

Gestures suspicion and secrecy . Hand covers her mouth - the interlocutor diligently hides his position on the issue under discussion. The view to the side is the indicator of secrecy. Hughs or the whole body are addressed to the exit - a sure sign that a person wants to finish a conversation or a meeting. Catching or rubbing the nose index finger - Sign of doubt / other varieties of this gesture - rubbing the index finger behind the ear or in front of the ear, rubbing eyes /

Gestures dominance-subordination. Superiority can be expressed in a welcoming handshake. When a person firmly shakes your hand and turns her so that the palm is lying on top of yours, he is trying to express something like physical superiority. And, on the contrary, when he stretches his hand with his palm up, then he is ready to accept a subordinate role. When the hand of the interlocutor, when conversing casually stuck in the pocket of the jacket, and the thumb outside - it expresses the confidence of a person in his superiority.

Gestures readiness . Hands on the hips - the first sign of readiness / it can often be observed in athletes awaiting their turn to speak. Variation of this posture in a sitting position - a man sits on the edge of the chair, the elbow of one hand and the palm of the other is based on the knees / so sit immediately before concluding the agreement or. On the contrary, before standing and leave.

Gestures reinsurance . Various finger movements reflect various sensations: uncertainty, internal conflict, fears. The child in this case sucks the finger, the teenager gnaws the nails, and the adult often replaces the finger with a fountain pen or pencil and nibbles them. Other gestures of this group are intertwined hands when thumbs are rubbed each other; pinching of the skin; Topping the back of the chair before sitting, when meeting other people.

For women, a typical gesture of giving inner confidence is a slow and elegant lifting of a hand to the neck.

Frustration gestures. They are characterized by a short intermittent breathing, often accompanied by obscure sounds like a moan, and so on. The one who does not notice the moment when his opponent begins to breathe often, and continues to prove his own, may face troubles. Tightly woven, tense hands - a gesture of distrust and suspicion / one who is trying to chanting his hands, to assure those around them in his sincerity, it is usually not successful /, hands closely squeeze each other - it means a person got into the "alteration" for example, must answer the question , containing a serious accusation against him / stroking her palm / in many cases, when a person is protected / - Women, usually, in these situations, they correct the hairstyle.

Gesture gasts . The fingers are connected like the dome of the temple / the gesture "dome" /, which means confidence and some self content, selfishness or pride / a very common gesture in relations chief-subordinate.

Gestures authoritarianism. Hands are joined behind his back, the chin is raised / so often there are army commanders, policemen, as well as the highest leaders /. In general, if you want to give to understand your superiority, you just need to physically go up above the opponent - sit down above it, if you are talking sitting, and maybe get up in front of him.

Gestures nervousness . Paddling, clearing the throat / one who often does it, feels insecurity, anxiety /, elbows are put on the table, forming a pyramid, the top of which - the hands of the hands located right in front of the mouth / such people play with partners in "Cats-mouse" while Those do not give them the opportunity to "uncover the cards", indicating what is the removal of hands from the mouth to the table /, calling the coins in your pocket, indicating concern about the presence or lack of money; Twistering yourself for the ear - a sign that the interlocutor wants to interrupt the conversation, but constrains himself.

Self-monitoring gestures. Hands started behind the back and strongly compressed. Another posture is sitting in a chair, the man crossed the ankle and clutched his hands in armrests / typical to wait for a dental doctor. The gestures of this group signals about the desire to cope with strong feelings and emotions.

Body language expressed in gait.

The most important is the speed, the number of steps, the degree of voltage associated with the walking of the body movement, socks. Do not forget about the effect of shoes (especially in women)!

Fast or slow gait It depends on the temperament and the power of the motives of restless-nervous - lively and active - calm and relaxed - sluggish-lazy (for example, with a relaxed, sagging posture, etc.)

Wide steps (more often in men than in women): often extroversion, dedication, zeal, enterprise, businesslikeness. Most likely aimed at distant goals.

Short, Small Steps (more often in women than in men): Rather, introversion, caution, calculation, adaptability, rapid thinking and reaction, restraint.

Emphatically wide and slow gait - The desire to exhibit atmosphere, actions with Paphos. Strong and heavy movements should always demonstrate the power and identity value. Question: Is it really?

Relaxed gait is expressed - Lack of interest, indifference, disgust for coercion and responsibility, or in many young people - immaturity, lack of self-discipline, or snobbery.

Noticeably small and with the rapid steps disturbed by rhythmically: Emotion, fearlessness different shades. (The unconscious goal: to evaporate, give way to any danger).

Rhythmically strong gait, slightly swinging back and forth (with reinforced movements of the hips), attracted on some space: Naive-instinctive and self-confident nature.

Screaming "Provisory" gait Refusal of volitional effort and aspirations, lethargy, slowness, linability.

Had "proud" gaitIn which there is something theatrical, not quite appropriate when, with slow walking, the steps are relatively small (contradiction), when the upper part of the body holds emphasized and too straight, possibly with a disturbed rhythm: reassessment itself, arrogance, narrowness.

Solid, angular, walked, wooden gait (Unnatural voltage in the legs, the body cannot naturally sway): Spring, lack of contacts, timidity - from here in the form of compensation Excessive hardness, overstrainance.

Unnaturally impulse gait, Large and fast steps are emphasized, noticeable waving hands back-back: available and demonstrating activity - often only non-delayed employment and efforts about some of their own desires.

Permanent raising up (On tense leg socks): the desire to upward, led by the ideal, strong need, a sense of intellectual superiority.


Good relaxed posture - It is based on high susceptibility and openness to the surrounding, ability to immediately use internal forces, Natural confidence in yourself and a sense of security.

Body immobility or tension: The reaction of self-defense when they feel not in their plate and want to remove. A large or smaller constraint, avoiding contacts, the closeness of the state of the Spirit. Often sensitivity (impressionable with the need for evaluating yourself).

Constant tension and external rigidity with a well-known coldness of manifestations: Sensitive nature that are trying to hide for the visibility of hardness and confidence (often quite successful).

Bad, sluggish posture: Outside and inside "hang nose"

SUTUGE SPIN: humility, humility, sometimes pleasing. This is a spiritual state, which is confirmed by the expression of a person known to everyone.

Frequently accepted poses of conventional kind (for example, one or two hands in pockets, hands are laid behind the back or crossed on the chest, etc.) - if not conjugate with the states of tension: the lack of independence, the need for invisible inclusion in general order. It is often observed when several people are going to the group.

Body language - Shoulder belt and upper body

Combination: Highly raised shoulders with slightly sutowe back and more or less drawn chin (The less prone head drawn into the shoulders): a sense of threat and the next protective behavior: helplessness, feeling of "decentity", fear, nervousness, fearlessness. If it remains constantly, this is an approved feature that has developed from a long stay in a state of intimidation, for example, with a permanent fear of parents or spouse (home tyrant).

Shoulders falling forward - feeling of weakness and depression, humility, feeling or complex of inferiority.

Squeezing shoulders forward and out - With strong fear, horror.

Free lowering shoulder - the coming feeling of confidence internal freedom, possession situation.

Shoulder push back - a sense of strength, our own opportunities, activity, enterprise, determination to act, often revaluation of yourself.

Alternated lifting and lowering shoulders - the inability to accurately establish something, doubts, meditation, skepticism.

Embedded chest (Intensive breaths and exhalations, a constant large air residue in the lungs):

"+": Consciousness of power, a strong sense of their personality, activity, enterprise, the need for social contacts.

"-": (especially, if emphasized): Chvanism, "inflated" man, "Dry" intentions, reassessing themselves.

Inspeat chest (more intense exhalation than inhalation, in the lungs minimal air) - often shoulders fall ahead:

"+": Inner peace, defined indifference, closure, but all this is positive, as it stems from weakness of motivation.

"-": weak well-being, lack of pressure and vitality, passivity, humility, depression (especially with the general decline of forces).

Hands rest in the hips: The need for strengthening, hardening. Demonstration of other hardness, confidence, stability and superiority: hands are not used at all in the dispute, claims to a large space. Call, Bravada. Often compensation of the hidden feeling of weakness or embarrassment. The action is enhanced with widespread legs and drawn head back.

Hands support the top of the body, relying about anything, for example, the table, the back of the chair, a low stand, etc.: This is a supporting the upper body movement for the one who is weakly standing on the legs; in psychological sense - the desire for a spiritual support with internal uncertainty.

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