Mystical stories about the cemetery and dead mans. Death will not separate us - terrible stories from life

Mystical stories about the cemetery and dead mans. Death will not separate us - terrible stories from life

This story is rather psychological than mystical.
In one village there were two families in the neighborhood. In both families, by that time, children had already grown and drove. Men who were previously friends did not share something, collapsed and stopped communicating with each other. Women supported the same relationship.
In the fall, Suddenly, Ivan died from a heart attack (one of the neighbors).
The coffin with the deceased put in the living room. As it should be, curtained the mirrors, removed sharp items, sent telegrams to relatives. And here the wife of the deceased happened to take away to the neighboring village. She comes to the neighbor and with tears in his eyes asks to help: feed the cattle and look at the house - they say, tomorrow I will come back tomorrow. Nowhere to go - it is necessary to help.
The evening came, the neighbor was going to go to fulfill the promised, and her husband was drawn up (he managed to get drunk by this time) - like "you will not go, I forbid you." But the woman still went, having taken her husband that he would not be like a human.
Came. Put a saucepan with a feed on the plate to boil, and no no, no, and look at the coffin with the dead man - wearing one with the dead. But the dead is sleeping.
Well, the pigs are fed, you can go home. Closed the door to the castle. Everything, now is not scary, but it was not there.
I came home, and the husband closed on all the drowshes and fell a drunk sleep. She walked around around the house, knocked through the windows, but did not adequate. If summer, then it was possible to overheet on Zavalinka, but on the street puddles frozen. The time is already very later, and you do not want to walk around homes. Already the street lights turned off. Very dark.
I remembered the school that you need to be afraid to be afraid, and not the dead, I decided to return to the house with the dead. I did it. He came, lit the light in the rooms, looked at the late Ivana (lying quietly), he moved the chairs in the kitchen and faced them. And here, according to the law, the electricity turned off ...
As she later told her, she never was scared in life. The darkness of the eyes of Kolya, someone else's house (where candles or flashlight, unknown) and the pleasant neighborhood in the form of a dead person ...
And then she hears how the gate open and someone enters the courtyard. Some screams, laughter, flickering light in the window, someone knocks on the glass. A woman gladly rushed out of the house (relatives of the deceased arrived!), But in the courtyard is empty, no one.
How I waited for the morning, myself does not remember. Soon he left her husband, and could not forgive him this nightmare.

Not so long ago, in one South African family living in the city of Gweru, located in the Geographic Center Zimbabwe, there was a misfortune - the 34-year-old Brighton lady died.

After recovering the shock, the relatives of the mustache began to prepare for a mourning ceremony, which was supposed to take place in a few days.

Those who wish to conduct Brighton on the last path gathered quite a lot - among the invited friends, colleagues and the employer of the deceased were. The queue of the grief, which lined up near the coffin with the body, gradually ...

... moved forward, as incredible happened suddenly - the legs moved to the mustache.

"I was the first one who saw the movement of his legs," recalls the employer of African Lot Gak. "I stood in line to say goodbye to Brighton. At first I decided that it seemed to me, but then when the rest began to overheat, I was convinced of the reality of what was happening." .

In the eyes of amazed people, the dead man opened his eyes, and then sat down in a coffin. We must pay tribute to the brave invited - they did not save themselves, but only retreated from the wooden sarcophagus.

The man "rose" in time, because relatives soon were going to complete the farewell ceremony and proceed to the burial of the body.

The wokeering African was brought to the local hospital, where they told the doctors what happened at the funeral. Employees of the medical institution connected a 34-year-old patient to livelihood devices and carefully inspection. After two days, Living and Healthy Brighton Lada was discharged from the hospital.

It is worth noting that the resurrection of the dead - not so and rarity. The story knows a lot of such cases when after the medical institution of the fact of death, "the dead" still came to life.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, 20-year-old Russian women had miscarriage. The doctors who appeared on the light of the boy left without attention - he weighed only half a kilogram, did not breathe, the heart did not fight. And the doctors sent his body a morgue ...

But in the pathological bureau, the baby suddenly breathed - without any, special devices and helping the doctors! When it became known, the child was taken to intensive care.

In the Brazilian city of Londrin, the newborn girl has begun "to file signs of life after she was brought to the funeral to the church. Doctors who stated her death, argued that after birth, the girl really looked dead. "I assure you, the child was dead, her pupils did not respond to the light," one of the nurses said.

I avoided the participation of "at that light" and 41-year-old Colleen Burns from Northern Syracuse, New York. It was placed in the hospital after the overdose of drugs. Due to a number of errors in the assessment of her state, the doctors decided that the woman was dead, and were going to start removing her organs.

The investigation of the incident showed: when Burns only entered the hospital, the doctors did not conduct recommended procedures that prevent drug absorption by the body. Doctors also did not carefully conducted studies, in particular, did not make the necessary brain scanning, and therefore they decided that Burns brain was dead when she was actually in a coma.

After the doctors stated the death of the brain in the patient, her family agreed to turn it off from the life support system and sacrifice its bodies. But the day before the authorities had to be removed, the nurse conducted reflex tests and found that Burns brain still responds.

She wrapped her finger on one of Burns's feet, and they curled, which indicated that the woman was still alive. When it was taken to the operating room, the nostrils of Burns moved, and it seemed that she had breathed independently of the respirator. Her lips and tongue also moved. But the doctor ignored the comments of the nurse, which insisted that Burns was still alive, and began to surgery, which was canceled only after the woman lying on the operating table opened his eyes.

According to some resuscitations and pathologists, considerable part of the buried actually did not cross the border of life and death. This is because there is no universal and clear criterion for death. Traditionally, doctors stated death at stopping the breath and pulse, cessation of heartbeat, on non-violent pupils. With the development of medical science, the moment of the transition was refined: on the extinction of the encephalogram, they judge the termination of the brain activity.

Special blood test allows you to conclude about the death of the body. But each criterion taken separately does not guarantee that the body is not able to return to life. This case occurred with Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. When 80 years after death were reburied by his remains, it was determined by the position of the skeleton that Gogol turned over to the coffin on the side. That is, he came to life, being buried.

The fear of being buried alive hazardly many people at all times. In the Victorian Epoch, some coffins even equipped with special pipes leading to the surface, in case the deadman wakes up. At the end of the XVIII century, French doctors were also very concerned about the issue of premature burial. They suggested creating special "Morgi waiting" in all major cities of France. Nowadays, video surveillance, motion detectors and other equipment and alarms installed in coffins are practiced. And numerous stories about the fainting of the workers of the crematoriums, which was made by burning the body of the dead, to see and hear how they drove out of coffins and were shouting, absorbed by the flame, are still scattered around the world.

Of these, if not quite reliable, but chilling blood "horror stories" are clear, how vitally important to equip the medical practice with reliable, indisputable criterion for determining the end of the earthly being.

Last century, the doctors used many curious ways to determine the fact of death. One of them was that the burning candle was brought to different parts of the body, rightly believing that the skin would not cover the skin with the cessation of blood circulation. Known and another method - to bring the mirror to the mouth of the deceased. Potted - it became, life is still very hot. Over time, such criteria as the absence of a pulse, respiration, the expansion of pupils and the absence of their reaction to the light could not fully satisfy doctors in terms of reliable death to death. In 1970, in England, for the first time on a 23-year-old girl, recognized as dead, a portable cardiograph was tested, registering even very weak heart performance, and for the first time the device found signs of life from the "Poinyl".

Later, Dr. Arnold Starr, the neurologist of the University of California in Irvin, constructed a new device, thereby making adjustments to the definition of the "brain death", and in some cases canceled this definition. Starder's device is a thousand times more sensitive to the encephalographer (the device that registers the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex) and registers such activity deep in the center of the brain.

"There is no magical moment when life disappears," said Professor of the Cornoral University Roberts Maorison, "death is no longer a separate, clearly defined limit as childhood or adolescence. For us it becomes obvious death gradual."

It has never been so difficult to state death, as now, when an apparatus supporting life has appeared. This problem aggravates the development of transplantology, which involves the withdrawal of the necessary bodies after the statement of death. In many countries, doctors and scientists have a completely understandable concern: is the authorities have always been withdrawn from truly dead people?

Meanwhile, a new study of scientists has shown that death in living beings, including people, applies to a wave from a cell to a cell. The whole body does not die instantly. The death of individual cells launches a chemical reaction, which leads to the decay of cellular components and the accumulation of molecular "garbage". If this is not prevented, the person is doomed.

This process was recorded when experimenting with experimental worms and visually visible when optically magnified on the photograph. Distribution of death looks like a fluorescent blue light caused by cell death.

Opening may help scientists stop the biochemical process, which leads to this wave of death, and revitalize a person. But at the moment, scientists cannot revive each cell in the body as soon as it failed.

"When we blocked this process, we could delay the death caused by stress, such as infection. However, we could not slow down the death process from old age," explained the author of David James from the Institute of Healthy Aging at University College of London.

While scientists are looking for ways to solve the problem, a person who produced on the border of life and death remains only for himself, the will of God and ... to the medical personnel, which makes his medical sentence. It is not surprising that from all regions of the globe information about wonderful resurrection comes with enviable methodicity. Here, by the way, one more.

At Hotel Mingor, located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, the client called the hotel manager, saying that the room is a prostitute corpse, which died right at the "workplace". After some time, the hotel had policemen with a steel coffin, who, together with the doctor, stated the death of confused.

Nearby began to gather curious guests and hotel staff. To their horror, the deceased woman suddenly woke up and began to scream: "You will kill me, you will kill me!".

According to one of the witnesses, what is happening resembled a movie - people ran into different directions, stumbling and falling. It was really terrible, since everyone was sure that the woman was dead, especially since she was already cold. Save the presence of the Spirit managed only to police officers.

The police reported to the woman that her lifeless body lay in one of the hotel rooms. After the "night butterfly" came to themselves finally, the police left the building, capturing with them an empty coffin ...


A few years ago, the Magazine "Daily World News" published sensational stories of people who allegedly witnessed the real "demonstration" of immigrants from the world.

According to them, this happened in Austria in a village cemetery near the city of Brookk-An der Moore. As if the dead left their graves and in front of the opposite residents of the column passed through the neighboring village. This terrible procession, from one species of which the hair rose on end, consisted mainly of yellowed skeletons, but there were also semi-pressed corpses in it, which produced a unthinkable stench. Doubtful to the whole surrounding "demonstrators", as if obeying someone, came to the lake and, as it seemed to eyewitnesses, dissolved in his water. Many saw that night in the sky bright light, and some argued that a meteorite fell into the lake. People who came to the cemetery came to the cemetery found that all the graves are empty.

Researchers of paranormal phenomena have a relation to the stories with the revived dead, ambiguous. But the appearance of ghosts not only on existing cemeteries, but also in places of long grave is considered a completely reliable fact. And in numerous stories about this, not only rustic grades appear.

Among the most famous - Veriefield cemetery in the US state of Connecticut. There were cases when ghosts appeared there during the daytime. One photographer satly sat on the cemetery for several days and eventually photographed the ghost that arose on the grave of a man who deceased from the bite of the snake. True, afterwards the snapshot considered "unreliable." New hunters should be adjusted with a photo or filmmaker in the "city of Dead" was not found.

The appearance of the ghost was completely accidentally recorded in the London National Gallery. There were installed an improved security alarm system. And almost immediately in one of the nights she worked. Anxiety rose, however, thieves, no matter how they searched the museum, did not find it. The guard, in which the faces were not from fear, mumbled a half-nursed police officer: "Ghost! I saw he went through the hall of old Dutch masters and looked at the paintings. And then disappeared. Dissolved in the air ..." Gallery director ordered to check video made by a security system cameras. And what was his amazement when the dark silhouette of a person acting in exactly according to the guards story appeared on the screen. Specialists who studied the film came to the conclusion that it captured the most real ghost.

A further investigation has revealed that before the guards who have committed at night bypassing the premises of the museum have seen ghosts in empty smell. The administration considered that the guards because of weak lighting took the bizarre game of shadows. But some explained the emergence of immigrants from the world in the national gallery that the museum was built on the spot where the old cemetery was once and a big deep pit, in which, without church funeral, the bodies died during the terrible epidemic of the plague in the middle of the XVII century.

In Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, the ghosts make themselves felt in the ancient church of Greifrana. This temple associated with many different historical events attend many tourists. They are especially interested in the ancient church cemetery, where many very popular historical films were shot. It was the tourists that said that during excursions to the old cemetery, they heard the loud rectaging voices, saw the ghostly figures and sometimes they received quite painful shocks and blows from some unknown force.

For two years, the number of such evidence and complaints exceeded the fifty, and the tourist bureau with the consent of the church authorities was invited to the cemetery of two expert-mediums from the Scottish branch of the Company for the study of paranormal phenomena. They found that the entire territory of an old cemetery is filled with pain and suffering. And in those places where tourists saw ghosts and felt the physical impact in the form of jolts and shocks, the devices recorded powerful energy emissions.

According to medieval chronicles, in the XVII century on the territory of the cemetery, with the church of Greifrairers, there was a prison where in 1679 the King of Karl II threw more than a thousand of his opponents. Many were executed there and buried at the local graveyard. Lord McKenzie, who endured mortal sentences was buried next to his victims. The experts who conducted the survey are convinced that it is the spirit of bloodthirsty lord that terrorizes tourists with energy jerseys and blows.

"Caeers" from that light

Caero - abbreviated from "counter-revolutionaries". So called those who took place on the 58th article, that is, accused of counter-revolutionary activities and propaganda. But there was such a unique case when the investigation of the 58th was conducted in relation to ... Ghosts.

In a pre-war Moscow, large plants were often located next to residential arrays. Aviamotorary Plant No. 24 in the Stalinsky district was not far from the current metro station "Semenovskaya". At the end of the thirties, the plant began to expand, and he was given to the territory where the old cemetery was. There were no refilts to do the remains, the graves were simply aligned with the earth and built a huge test shop there. At that factory, a mysterious story with ghosts happened.

In the spring of 1941, the instrumental technician, the old parties Ivan Storec called the secretary of Patertkom. There, next to the party chief, a military man was sitting with cheekist buttercups. The confidential conversation took a lot of snapshots. According to Encavedeshnik, someone is trying to disrupt the execution of an important defense task. In the test workshop, mysterious personalities appeared, filmed under the ghosts. They intimidate motorists to such an extent that those refuse to go to work in those days when testing new motors are planned. Additional protection, exposed around the workshop, did not help: "Ghosts" incomprehensible manner will persuade penetrate into the inside.

Since snores at one time served in the "Emernel", he is entrusted with a secret task. Under the guise of the train, it will be transferred to the test workshop, where he must establish whether the individuals outstanding themselves appear there, or it is invented by motorists, possibly members of the counter-revolutionary group, conceived to break the production of new aviation equipment.

Snoring took the case entrusted to him. But new emergencies with ghosts in the test workshop no longer happened. Until after May Day holidays did not admit to the test of the party of new motors.

In the first night shift, the head of the shop urgently called snores to one of the stands. Pale as a canvas duty motorist said that as soon as he turned on the engine, from somewhere suddenly the ghost arising began to strangle him. Snoroughs chosen the whole shop. No one. And the ghost no longer appeared, although the motors "chased" on all stands.

In the future, such emergencies were repeated at least once every two weeks, and only at stands with new motors. But when snores resorted there, no envoy from that light was no longer. In the end, he agreed with the head of the workshop, so that several shifts in a row the ill-fated motors were tested only at one booth, and began to stand around the clock near him. And on the third night snoring sitting, immersed in his thoughts. Suddenly the terrible roar of a suddenly smalc worked near the motor. Ivan Sergeevich turned to the dashboard who was from the dashboard and did not believe his eyes: the translucent figure of the man was clearly visible between him and the panel, which Motorist tried to push away from himself. Ivan Sergeevich jumped up - but the ghost immediately melted in the air ...

Snoring spoke about the Chekist seen. He was clearly puzzled. Promised that the investigation would attract the relevant specialists. However, the war began to prevented soon. Plant No. 24 was evacuated in Kuibyshev, ghosts no longer appeared there.

Ivan Sergeyevich Salorov himself told this story. But in one of the closed educational institutions of the NKVD, the people from that light took into circulation ... Chekists themselves!

Revenge of the inhabitants of the "City of the Dead"

Halfway from Leningrad to Peterhof is the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery, founded in 1732. In his cemetery, almost two centuries buried noble and monks. After the revolution, the monastery was closed, and in the thirties, a school of training arrows of militarized protection was entered into its spacious buildings. New owners began with the destruction of the "Heritage of the Times of Autocusia and Markobesia". Special zeal showed the head of the school Comrade Feldman, the rich tombstones in the monastery cemetery itself.

A week after that strange things began to occur. At night, someone's scarring steps were heard in the cockar corridors, vague mutations and mild moans were heard. Dayal noted in office spaces unclear shadows and felt the obvious smell of Tlen.

After some time, everyone drew attention to how the head of the school changed unrecognizable. Feldman stopped conducting weekly polythephsis, having endured, raised, became irritable and frightened. At night, I was locked in my office, where, by rumors, drank vodka. Sometimes because of the door came the deaf voice, but with whom he could talk to, no one knew. And in the March of the fortieth in the office of Feldman, a pistol shot crashed. In his note left, there was some nonsense: they say, leaves life, because it is no longer to endure the persecution of two white elders. The commission sent to investigate the Commission, of course, did not believe in the ghost, but it came to the conclusion that the Chekist just predened before the scratch.

After the war, the Militia School was located in the monastery, and at the place of the cemetery was arranged for a construction preparation. And the ghosts again made itself felt: at night, ghostly figures wandered in the corridors, moans and curses were heard.

At the beginning of the nineties to the police school began to take girls.

Like a junior cadet, they were at a bargainable position. And in one of the nights in the women's building there was a wild squeal. A duty officer quickly found out the cause. It turned out that someone secretly penetrated the barracks and climbed into a bed to one of the cadets. The ChP immediately informed the chief of school.

Did you remember that bastard? Would you like to identify? - asked the angry head of the frightened, the originated maiden.

Yes, not the cadet is at all. Old man. Pale, smelly and cold, like a lesider!

Investigation of this case from the position of materialism did not give any results, and local old-timers whispered about revenge those who were buried on the former cemetery.

What is behind the revenge of the dead

Estimation of the centuries in Russia existed a tradition to bury aside from housing and respectful to the places of eternal calm. Our ancestors knew that the ruin of illness could bring trouble. That is, in the old days, people were convinced that our material world and the light are connected with each other. But if there is a connection confirmed by the facts between the two worlds, then there must be a mechanism for its implementation. The newest scientific studies confirm this and besides, disclose the essence of such interaction. And the point here is not at all in revenge of the dead.

Many scientists, including psychologists, biologists and physics, believe that a person, as a person, consists of a physical body and soul, or, as they say, the energy information entity. Studies with the use of supersensitive devices today it is established that after the death of a person, the soul leaves the body not immediately, but in gradually, for a certain time. This, in particular, confirmed the experiments using the Kirlyan effect supplied by the St. Petersburg physicist K. Korkovkov. And British researchers who placed special receivers on the graves, recorded energy bursts on the ninth and fortieth day after the death of a person.

Scientists believe that with the first burst, the energy informational entity comes out of the physical body, and during the second it departs from it into the subtle world. But after that, she keeps the informational relationship with the flesh remaining in the grave, that is, a skeleton of man. Thanks to the presence of such communication, close, coming on the graves of the departed, can come into contact with their souls to get support in critical life situations.

At the same time, the connection of the soul with the gloomy biological carrier remaining in the earth leads to a peculiarization of the energy essence in the form of a ghost. Most often it happens when the eternal peace of the remains is disturbed. And catalysts or entities sending a challenge to the subtle world are the souls of those who have left lives as a result of an accident or violent death. They cannot go to the afterlife and are forced to stay on Earth next to the living, in front of which are often appeared in the form of ghosts. But in fact, science is still only approaching the rays of the secrets of the "city of the Dead".

Films about the lives of the dead, we perceive as a horror plate, no more. Everyone is confident that the dead does not resurrect. Then why do you certainly meet from a variety of peoples separated by thousands of kilometers of space? Doesn't it seem strange? (website)

Vampire cemeteries

In 1994, in the Czech city of Chelyakovitsa, the ancient cemetery of the X-XI century. In 11 graves lay the remains of 13 people. These were men 30-40 years old. Everyone was connected. Many have hands and heads. Each from the left side is broken ribs - the Osine Pake was driven here. Apparently, a thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the Chelyakovets had good reason to fear that these 13 people would rise from the graves and tried to protect themselves from the visit of dangerous guests. Many newspapers told about the terrible find and only some were given to mention that this is not the first find of the burial of vampires.

Balkans often find burials with pierced bodies. And not only in the Balkans. In 2009, in Italy, a skeleton of women with a brick in the mouth (one of the methods of combating a vampire) was found. Yes, and the custom himself put the dead man into the coffin, and then tightly stick it with nails, suggests that our ancestors were seriously feared that the dead man could rebel from the coffin.

Resurrection from the dead

We turn the chronicle of the latest resurrection. In 2003, the Italian Roberto de Simone when relatives were already going to cover the coffin, the cover was hungry and asked for water. In 2007, the 21-year-old Zack Dunlep, who was deceased in the accident during the farewell procedure made his feet. In 2010, in Colombia, the 45-year-old "late" when the employees of the ritual agency began to prepare her burial, suddenly breathed. In 2011, one of the revolted "deceaseders" began to knock on the door of Simferopol Morga: Open, bastards, cold!

But the death of each of them was stated by a medical worker. Even today, physicians are mistaken, earlier with a lower level of development of medicine such cases happened much more often! The Italian poet Francesco Petrack in 1344 fell into a lethargic dream, was recognized as dead. After 20 hours he woke up by shocking all those present and another 30 years worked after the "Resurrection".

In 1772, the Duke of Meckleburg decree introduced a mandatory three-day period between death and burial - there were cases of "rebellion of the coffin" too frequent. In England, there is still a law that binds every morgue to have a bell so that the "coming dead dead man could tell the world about his return to the world of living. As you can see, premature burials were considered a serious problem that required their decision.

But there were unfortunate who came to themselves after the burial. If for any reason, such burial was opened, they found the dead man overwhelmed into the coffin, with a distorted face, with bloodied hands that ruined clothes.

The dead man home returned!

In medieval villages, where do not do the doctors at all, there were much more burial cases than in cities where at least some medic. Much more often here "Deaders" and resurrected. The buried in Savane at a small depth of the "dead man" could fully break the Savan, dig up and return home.

Now imagine the stage when the "Resurrection" returns - a distraught (it is clear that such an adventure could not not affect the psyche), with a bloody mouth (in the fight for the life of the unfortunate could crash his lips into blood), in the torn Savane! Naturally, the first desire of people was as soon as possible to send a relative there, where came from. He was sent, quickly and soon: they tied, cut off his legs, hands, head to be accurately died, and puffed in the chest number for insurance.

Died - so died, not resurrected

I did not want to worry so horror. Therefore, that the dead do not return, people began to spend money on the coffins, they were pinned hard. If a person with frozen life functions, already ready for burial suddenly filed signs of life - instead of rejoice, hurried to drive in the breast "Vampire" count. Each such a case was remembered for a long time, raised the mass of details. It is not surprising that the plot about the risosen decease can be found in the folklore of any people.

So the reasons for the creation of horror stories about the walking dead were. It remains only to console that there are fewer such cases, and each of them is already becoming a sensation. And believe that - the fruit of fantasy writers and cinematographers.