Christian motives and images in the novel F. M

Christian motives and images in the novel F. M
Christian motives and images in the novel F. M

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"The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priorities of the Company and the state is the" concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, "is the upbringing, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, Competent citizen of Russia.

Today's school together with his family should form a whole system of spiritual and moral values: love for the Fatherland, justice, mercy, kindness, honor, dignity, love, honoring parents, the desire for knowledge, hard work, aesthetic attitude to life ... Without these qualities there is no person.

Thus, spiritual and moral development and education of students are the primary task of the modern educational system and is an important component of the social order for education.

What is spirituality, morality? As a teacher who sees "reasonable, kind, eternal," may bring up a spiritual and moral person?
Of course, with its identity and means of the subject, especially if this subject is literature.

Today, the teacher must put new learning tasks: do not teach, but to give the opportunity to learn, do not teach, but give the opportunity to find the answer yourself. Methods and technologies are different - the choice of teacher: what reception will be more productive at each specific lesson. And the use of new pedagogical technologies is not a method, this is a tool that also became a reality of today.

The program on literature for X class X gives ample opportunities for a teacher to educate a whole spiritual and moral personality: questions of honor, debt, conscience, love, devotion, compassion and mercy raised in their works I.A. Throtharov, S.Tengenev, A.N. . Strovsky, F.M.Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy. Thus, the "high" literary and biographical material allows you to build this work in the system.

The material of the presented development is volumetric, but is designed for one lesson. Therefore, the preparation for it is conducted for several lessons, the individual and group method of performing a homework in the form of a study of evangelical texts, the selection of a quote material is used.

Behind the lessons on the biography of Dostoevsky, according to the novels "Idiot" and "Brothers of the Karamazov", as well as the lesson of extracurricular reading on the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor". In my opinion, it is difficult to find writers who, like F.M.Dostoevsky and A.I. Solzhenitsyn, would be so acute and pierced about a person, his destination, his conscience, his soul.

Such a lesson with historical parallels makes it possible to tie the "eternal" literature topics of the X IX century and the century XX through Christian motives.

The main feature of Russian literature is its Orthodox orientation.

ON THE. Berdyaev claimed: "All our literature of the XIX century was injured by a Christian theme, she is looking for salvation, the whole she is looking for getting rid of evil, suffering, horror of life for the human person, the people, the human world. In the most significant creations, she is imbued with religious thought. "

This can also be said about the literature of the 20th century, excluding some works of recent decades.

In addition, the elements of the integrated lesson allow you to develop the potential of students, to acquire a new type of thinking, develop speech, attention, aesthetic feelings. Use in the lesson of poems, music allows students to plunge into the moral atmosphere of the topic.

The technology of educational training and cooperation, a personality-oriented approach, when the child's personality is put at the head of the corner, its originality, self-grade, techniques of analytical conversation allow high school students to reflect on complex issues of being, express their point of view and defend it.

The lesson can be useful to teachers of literature and MHC, and its elements can be used in extracurricular work.

Objectives lesson:


  • to organize the activities of students on the understanding of Christian motives in the novel by F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" and the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor";
  • ensure perception, assimilation and understanding of a new material through the creation of a problem situation → its study → Decision → Analysis → Generalization;
  • call interest in student in reading the Gospel.


  • develop logical thinking;
  • develop the motivation of students to creative activities;
  • develop the ability to compare, determine the concepts, detect links and comparison between the concepts studied and texts, to make independent conclusions;
  • perceive phenomena integrated;
  • develop creative, speech and mental activity, interest in literature and OrthodoxCulture .


  • bring up the attitude towards a person as a higher value;
  • facilitate the formation of moral qualities of students, willingly become better;
  • bring up communicativeness, speech communication culture;
  • raise independently thinking and deeply sensitive person;
  • bring up aesthetic feelings.

Type of lesson: Lesson applying knowledge.

Used technologies: Technology of cooperation, personal-oriented and educational training.

Receptions used: Analytical conversation, commented reading, acceptance of synkievin, based on the method of developing creative and critical thinking.

Forms of organization of training activities: Individual work, collective, frontal work.

Equipment:portraits F.M.Dostoevsky and A.I. Solzhenitsyn, the texts of the novel "Crime and Punishment" and the story "Matrenin Dvor", the texts of the Gospel, the projector, audio recordings: "Ave Maria", Romance M.I. Glinka "I remember a wonderful moment," Piano Music E. Morrikone, a multimedia presentation for a lesson, a distribution material: Biblical commandments, legend about Sodom and Gomorra.

During the classes

"Live not by lies" Solzhenitsyn A.I.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Approximately motivational stage.

Music sounds. The teacher reads the poem by B.Okuzhava.

Conscience, nobility and dignity -
Here it is, the Holy Our Military.
Longing his palm
For him is not scary and in the fire.
His face is high and amazing.
Devy your brief age.
Maybe you will not become a winner
But you will die as a person.

Slide number 1.

III. Preparatory stage.

Teacher. Today we will talk about two works, at first glance, far away from each other and in time of writing, and in the heroes, and by the names of the authors. It is a novel "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky and the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor". We will try to find the points of contacting these seemingly different works, we define what Christian motives unite them.

Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn's fate are in many ways similar: both have experienced spiritual dorms, both have suffered from the regime: one has served the term at the cautious, and the other in the camps and settlement. Both loved Russia and pondered her fate.

So, the subject of the lesson: "Christian motives in the novel by F.M.Dostoevsky" Crime and Punishment "and in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn" Matrenin Dvor ".

Slide number 2 "Love others like yourself"

IV. Operating and performing stage.

Theodore Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a great Russian writer who tried to solve a mystery of the human person, put the eternal questions of being: what a person lives, is God, how to relate human freedom and divine predestination.
Quote from the slide (prot. Zenkovsky)

The man is what he was occupied by the writer: what is His nature ("beast" he or the "image of God"), how to transform the world on the basics of spirituality, morality, respect for the individual, how to combine justice, justice and legality.

Slide number 3 "Live not by lies"

Teacher.In such a law, according to Dostoevsky, there should be a moral law (quotation from the slide), and Solzhenitsyn from the twentieth century continued this thought: "Live in lies."

The moral ideal for Dostoevsky was the image of Christ, embodied the highest human qualities. But the writer did not come immediately.

Pupils.From the biography of the writer, we know that he consisted in a circle of M. Petrashevsky and was sentenced to shooting. The rebirth of his belief occurred in 1849, when he expected executions, but then she was replaced by Katoroga.

In Siberia, he met the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin, who gave the writer a small little book in the leather binding. It was the Gospel. With him Dostoevsky did not part until the last days of life, as with the image of Christ.

Teacher. Remember. What he wrote about it in his diary.

The student reads: "I believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, prettier, more sensible, courageous and perfect Christ."

Teacher. Indeed, faith was Dostoevsky laid out, and he gives her favorite heroes.

Records in notebooks.

Quote from Slide №3 (Dostoevsky's words)

Slide number 4 "Eternal Sonchka"

Teacher.This is the same icon of good and spiritual beauty appeared for Dostoevsky Sonechka Marmaladov. The full name of the heroine Sofia. What does it mean? (wisdom).

- Let's turn to the text of the novel. Find a portrait description of Sony Marmalade (I, 2 - Marmelades about the daughter and II, 7 - Sonya near the dying father, III, 4 - Sonya from Skolnikov). Pupils read fragments.

- What saw Sonya in these scenes? (Meek, loving, goodbye, unrequited, humble)

- Tell me about the life of Sony Marmaladeova

Pupils. Sona is only 18 years old, but she has already lost a lot in life and experienced. Early died mother. Father marries another, heeps all the money. The family beats in need, the stepmother is sick. Sonya is forced to go to the panel to feed the family. It would seem that Sonya should be blocked on a stepmother, which forced her to make money in this way, but Sonya forgives her. Moreover, it brings money every month and is, in fact, the only breadwinner of a big family.

Sonya changed outwardly (she is dressed in a shrimp, catchy outfit), but in the shower it remained clean and immaculate.

Teacher. Do you think Sonya consciously makes this step?

Pupils. Yes, she makes a conscious step. This is her moral choice. She sacrifices for hungry children.

Teacher. Please note: being at the bottom of life, Sonya does not become vicious. What world does Sonya live in? What people surround it?

Pupils. She is surrounded by people like Raskolnikov, Luzhin, Svidrigaylov. This is the world of lies, meanness, deception, violence, cruelty.

Teacher.How does she live in this world? Yes, Sonya does not protest, as a splitter, does not intrigue like Luzhin, does not affect how Swidrigaylov. What does she do?

Pupils.She is humble.

Teacher. And how do you understand what "humility" is?

Pupils. This is a mental world, peace, consent with his conscience, soul. And this is her conscious choice, and not submission to circumstances. This inner peace (humility, harmony) helps her to create the world around himself: to help his relatives, to so much to sympathize with Raskolnikov.

Teacher. Let's analyze the scene with the nudge (h. V, ch. 3). Pay attention to the behavior of Sony in this scene. What does Katerina Ivanovna speak about her? Look carefully on the author's remarks: nothing says Sonya, but how she says (timidly, slightly audible ...)

Yes, Sonya is very vulnerable before evil. She is defenseless before him. She cannot stand up for himself, but for others ... (we will see further how many inner strength and conviction in this fragile, at first glance, a girl).

- How does Sonya call himself?

Pupils. I dishonest, I am a great sinner.

Teacher. And who is such a sinner and what is sin?

Pupils. Sin is the commitment of evil, violation of God's commandments. And the sinner is a man who moved away from God.

Teacher. What kind of Christ's commandment broke Sonya?

pupils. Do not commit adultery.

Teacher. What do you think the sin of adultery, perfect soni, can be forbidden?

pupils. Of course, yes, because it was moving love and compassion. Love in the representation of folk morality above fear of God's punishment.

Teacher. Or maybe she had another way out? (get away from life)

pupils. No, it would be dishonest towards the children of Marmaladov. It would be a selfish act from her side: get rid of Muk and suffering from the most, and the children will dry into death. In addition, for Sony, as for a deeply believer, suicide is a mortal sin, it is unacceptable: after all, life is the gift of God.

Teacher. What does Sonya support in her difficult life?

pupils. Faith in God.

Teacher. The image of Sony in its meetings and conversations with Raskolnikov is most fully and brightly revealed. Let's remember these scenes of the novel. How does the splitters perceive Sonya at the beginning of their acquaintance? Who is she for him?

pupils. Sonya for him Roven: she just like him, committed a crime. But gradually he understands: this girl lives completely in other laws, and he is still in the power of his terrible theory.

Teacher. Raskolnikov calls her ansticity, and he says twice, why? What does this word mean? (Pupils read an article of an intelligent dictionary).

On the desk:

Sculpture- Congenital bodily or spiritual ugliness (everyday idea).

Sculpture - This is "crazy wisdom," spiritual feat, voluntary adoption of deprivation of flesh, "spontaneous martyrdom" (an old Russian religious tradition).

Sin - violation of religious prescriptions, rules.

Teacher. What phrase says Sonya immediately after the recognition of Skolnikov?

pupils. "What did you do on yourself?"And advises "Stand up on all four sides and tell everyone:" I killed it. " Then God will send you any life. "

Teacher. Why "Over yourself?" Why does Sonya regrets not the old-year-older and her sister, and the killer?

pupils. Because he committed a mortal sin and destroyed his soul.

Teacher. What to do Raskolnikov?

pupils. Sonya advises "Stand up on all four sides and tell everyone:" I killed it, "then God will send you life again." Suffering to accept and redeem yourself. That's what you need. "I will go behind you, I'll go everywhere," Sonya says and gives him his cross.

Teacher. What did the Orthodox meant to change the crosses?

pupils. It meant to become spiritually closer, to become almost relatives.

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 5. "Two truths"

Teacher. Sonya and Raskolnikov are two different poles that are far from each other, but cannot exist without each other and attract. Everyone has its own truth.

Work in groups.Pupils are discussed, what is the truth of Sony and the truth of Raskolnikov. Pupils of each group argued, quote the text. Then the representatives of each group make conclusions.

- What is the truth of Sony? (Commenting Slide)

Pupils. Raskolnikov pulled for himself, and Sonya - for the sake of others.

Sonya herself explains why good, honest, noble splitters crushed: "You moved away from God ..." (quote from the slide).

And she speaks about himself: "Whatever I was without God" (quote from the slide)

True Skolnikova is a riot. And the truth is Sonya - love and humility.

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 6 "Evangelsk Proverbs"

Teacher. The entire text of the novel seems to be invisible threads to flash the evangelical parables and commandments (the characters themselves quote them). Read these passages. How do you understand them?

pupils Consider excerpts from the novel, comment on them.

Evangelical parables are an integral component of the novel, they are near the heroes, they help the reader to comprehend their actions.
Records in notebooks.

Slide number 7. "Resurrection of Lazarus"

Teacher. The most important stage is the episode of reading the gospel of the resurrection of Lazarus. This is the scene of faith in Sunday.

Pupils retell the content of the episode.

The hero is at the crossroads, he is ready to confess his crime and accept the punishment.

Teacher. Why do you think Sonya first did not want to read?

pupils. She is the sinner itself, for her it is very personal. She will also crave a resurrection. She also hopes for a miracle.

Teacher. Yes, they both need a resurrection, but each of them looks at this parable in his own way: Sonya - from the side of Lazarus, and Raskolnikov - Christ.

Pupils. "The grinding has long extinguished the candlestick in the curve, dimmingly lit by the killer and the harlot in this beggar room, strangely descended for the reading of the eternal book."

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 8 "Path to repentance" (Epilogue)

Teacher. The resurrection of heroes lies through repentance and suffering, so only at Katorga, where Sonya went, as promised, for Raskolnikov, our heroes are waiting for rebirth.

- What do you think some of them is stronger, who leads to another?

Pupils.Of course, Sonya. With his faith, love, compassion, she instills in the hero hope for transformation.

Teacher. Find rows confirming that the splitters are ready for transformation.

pupils. "Can her beliefs not be now my beliefs?" Her feelings, her aspirations, at least ... "

Understanding this, the Raskolnikov becomes happy and makes Sonya happy: "He knew what an endless love he would attempt all her suffering."

Teacher. What do we see the hero in the epilogue?

pupils. "He was resurrected, and he knew it, felt quite a well-renewed creature."

It was Sonya who revived him to a new life.

Teacher. Dostoevsky knows that the new life of Raskolnikov "We must buy more expensive, pay for her a great, future feat." This is a very long and difficult way.

Sonya is the ideal of Dostoevsky. Sonya brings with him the light of hope and faith, love and sympathy, tenderness and understanding. This should be a person, according to Dostoevsky. Therefore, the heroine is the name "Sofia" ("Wisdom").

Teacher. What is the essence of the Christian worldview of Dostoevsky?

pupilsThe writer believes that he can resurrect the fallen person faith, love, mercy and compassion.

Teacher. Thus, it can be said that the entire novel "Crime and Punishment" is built on the remuneration of a person to a new life.

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 9 "Do not stand without the righteous"

Teacher. The polls of the Christian morality were worried and A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn - Christian writer. However, he is not a religious preacher, but an artist who expresses his views through artistic images.

- Tell us about the history of the creation of the story "Matrenin Dvor"

pupilsthey report that the story is built on an autobiographical basis that he had a different name - "not worth the village without the righteous." The name of the heroine is saved, only the author changed the name.

Teacher.Who is such a righteous? What associations do you have at the same time?

Students Associate a number of words "righteous" are compiled.

Righteous - True, light, soul, peace, consent, morality, morality, God.

Recording on the board:

Righteous - A person who is not burning against the rules of morality.

Slide number 10 "People forgot God, because of all"

Teacher. Tell me about the life of Matrena (survey). What does the name "Matrery" mean? (Mrs. mother family, Mother)

Pupils. Fate Matrena is the fate of millions and millions of peasant women in Russia : unhappy marriage , death of children, severe collective farm labor, her husband's death, a hard disease - a non-night, which overcomes every year more and more. But the heroine does not pursue, does not complain, does not envy. She lives for people, close and neighbors. She is reliable and disinterested. She did not get out of the world and did not inquiring the soul. Mature lives in Christian.

Records in notebooks.

Slide №11 Matrenin House

Teacher. Find a description of the house of Matriol Vasilyevna. What is special in it?

Pupils talk about how the heroine lives, which surrounds her, as it leads the economy.

Teacher. The mistress of Matrena, as we see, imidey: it does not have a pig, no cow or clothes decent. And there is a cat quicker, mice, cockroaches, goat yes, ficuses, who "flooded the loneliness of the hostess of a silent, but a live crowd." What do you think, why is Matrena? Why else is Efim, her deceased husband, reproached his wife for her "non-smoke" appearance?

Pupils.Because for her it is not the main thing. The main thing is what allows her to live in Lada with her own, with his conscience, with a soul. This is kindness, love, mercy, tolerance.

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 12 "Matrenin Mir"

Teacher. How does Matrena build his relationship with people? How does she perceive his fate? Does it takes offense, evil on people?

Pupils."But her forehead was long remained abundant ..."

Matrena does not know what envy is enmity. Walked and humility is that he moves the heroine.

Teacher.How do you understand the meaning of the name of the story? Not about the economic buildings says the author. What about?

Pupils.The courtyard is not only not so much the outdoor part of the house. This is the environment of a person, that he is expensive, close. This is the spiritual world of Matrena. This is her courtyard, protection, security. From the devilish antiram who surrounds it.

Records in notebooks.

Slide number 13 "Matrenino Heart"

Teacher.Why, in your opinion , Solzhenitsyn does not give a detailed portrait description of the main heroine? What details of its appearance does he pay special attention? (Face and smile) - quote from the slide.

- What was her mistress for Matrain?

pupilsthey look in the dictionary Interpretation of the word "Torny" (High, Higher, Heavenly).

Pupils.This is not just a wooden building, it is her life. "It was not a sorry for the Merita himself, who was standing without a case, as in general, no work, nor his best sang Matrain never. But she was terribly started to break the roof, under which forty years lived ... For Matrery, it was - the end of her life of the whole "and the most offensive and terrible, which at the head of all - Faddey, whom she loved once.

Teacher. The guard, writes Solzhenitsyn, disassemble the ribs, as if it is a living being. Yes, that's how it is. With the hill, everything goes: the cat leaves, the pot of holy water disappears, and then life itself goes. Mattress is alone, no one needs, she gave everything that had.

Records in notebooks.

Slide №14 "Matrenina Soul"

Teacher.Matrenina soul suffered a lot. Nevertheless, she, like Sonya Marmaladov, retained openness, selflessness and kindness. What keeps Matreus in life?

Christian motifs in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

In the work of F.M. Dostoevsky Christian issues receives its main development in the novels "Crime and Punishment" and "Karamazov Brothers". In the "crime and punishment", many problems that were then developed in the "Brothers of Karamazov" are affected.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Crime and Punishment" is simple and clear. She is the embodiment of the sixth commandment of God - "do not kill." But Dostoevsky does not just declare this commandment. He proves the impossibility of committing a crime on conscience on the example of the history of Rodion Skolnikov.

The purpose of the murder of the Raskolnikov himself at the beginning of the novel calls the publication of thousands of unfortunate Petersburg poor. However, the true purpose of the crime is formulated by the main character later, during dialogues with Sonya Marmaladova. This goal is to determine the belonging belonging to the first or second category of people.

So, the splitters after a long doubt (still conscience in it alive) kills an old woman. But during the commission of killing in the apartment, there is unexpectedly enters Lizaveta, the sister of the interest officer, a scoring, defenseless creature, one of those whose boost is hiding behind Rodion. He kills her.

After committing the murder, the main character is shocked, but not repent. However, "Natura", completely muted by the mind during the preparation and commission of killing, again begins to rebel. The symbol of this inner struggle in Raskolnikov is physical indisposition. Raskolniki suffers from fear of exposure, from the feeling of "cutness" from people, and, most importantly, he suffers from the understanding that "he killed, he killed, but did not cross and remained on this side."

Okolnik's theory still considers it true, because the main character treats their fears and excitement about the perfect crime as a sign of a perfect mistake: he swallowed not to his role in world history - he is not "superhuman". Sonya persuades Rodion to surrender to the police, where he confesses to murder. But this crime is perceived by the Raskolnikov now not as a sin against Christ, namely, a violation of belonging to the "trees trembling". True repentance comes only at the Katorga, after an apocalyptic sleep, in which the consequences of adoption by all people the theory of Napoleonism as the only right thing is shown. Chaos begins in the world: each person considers itself the truth in the last instance, and therefore people cannot agree among themselves.

Thus, in the novel "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky refutes inhuman, anti-Christian theory and thus proves that the story is moving not by the will of the "strong" people, but the spiritual perfection that people should live, following the illusions of the mind, and the heart of the heart .

Dostoevsky - Russian religious writer and philosopher

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Crime and Punishment" was carried out by F. M. Dostoevsky for many years. And about the fact that one of his central ideas has already developed by 1863, testifies to the record of September 17, 1863 in the diary of A. P. Suslova, located at this time with Dostoevsky in Italy: "When we have dinner, he (Dostoevsky) looked On the girl who took lessons, and said: "Well, such a girl with an old man, and suddenly some Napoleon says:" exterminate the whole city. " It was so in the world. " An important preparatory role for the origin of the characters of the Scholnikov and Sony was played by "Notes from the underground", where for the first time F. M. Dostoevsky put a sign of equality between the human person and freedom, which, in turn, implies the choice between good and evil. The tragedy of the thinking Hero-Individual, his proud of his idea and defeat in the face of "living life", as an embodiment of which in the "Notes" acts as a direct predecessor of Sony Marmaladeova, are the present discovery of the writer in the study of the infinite depths of the psychology of the human being. In the life of Dostoevsky, Katorga played a huge role. She could not not affect his work. One of the bright Christian scenes from the "crime and punishment" about the resurrection of Lazarus was close to Dostoevsky. Remembering the years of Kathers, Dostoevsky wrote: "Those four years I think for the time when it was buried alive and closed in a coffin." The life of Dostoevsky resurrected religion.

All understood and experienced over these four years largely determined the further creative path of Dostoevsky. The action of his great novels occurs in a specific setting of some Russian city, in a certain year. But the background, which develops events, becomes all world history and everything that is narrated by the Gospel.

The text of Dostoevsky, it turns out, is saturated with meanings that are in the "subtext" to which, however, there are absolutely open access for any interested reader. And in order to "feel the thought" (the expression that Fyodor Mikhailovich very much), quite enough for the text of the novel and the image of a person's appearance with God, who "sees Dostoevsky to excitement clearly, sees sensually and spiritually."

Faith and challenge in the novel

In the novel "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky describes that the most specimen of the Gospel, which was donated to him in 1850 in Tobolsk in the reminiscent of the wives of the Decembrists: "There was some book in the dresser. It was a new covenant in Russian translation. The book was old, used, in leather binding. "

This book has become the main thing in the library of Dostoevsky. He never parted with her and took him on the road. She always lay on his sight, on a writing desk. She checked his doubts, he made his fate and the fate of his heroes.

G. V. Frolovsky saw the peculiarity of the genius of F. M Dostoevsky in openness under the "impression of being".

The spiritual experience of ontology is the real source of originality. At the same time, according to V. F. Erna, "Universe, Cosmos there is an disclosure and revelation of the original word", and therefore "MiG in the most secret depths of its logical", i.e., and commensurate with Logos, and each detail and The event of this world is an open thought, the secret movement of the all-perching divine word.

For F. M. Dostoevsky in the Center and Genesis, and the literature is worth Christ. The creation of the writer contains the problem of the correlation of the human word and the word of God. My goal is to see Being through the artisticity, to disclose being through the language, clarify the logicality of being and creativity.

The "Underground" tragedy is a tragedy of challenge and above all unbelief in God and Christ. "Underground" is the anti-Christian state of the hero. To overcome the "underground", you need to contact God and Christ, and then the "great sinner" can not only transform, but also to become saints. In "Crime and Punishment", the motive of the acquisition by the person of the highest good is actualized; Flared at the level of the hero as a choice of Raskolnikova: Leave everything as it is, and finish with you and the ability to revive or start life again, hurts your sin suffering.

The Christian path is the path of revival, the resurrection from the dead, which is why the topic of resurrection dominates in the novel.

Dostoevsky with the "longing of the current" inherent in him, who accidentally perceived all the phenomena of his era, who sought them to respond modernly and in a timely manner, could not help but notice that turbulent controversy, which broke out in Europe, and in Russia in 1864 - 1865. Around the new editions of D. Straus and E. Renan about the life of Christ. "The legends on the resurrection of the daughter of Jair and the resurrection of Lazarus had evidence-intensive force regarding the miracles of the future," the Strauss has repeatedly in the book that Dostoevsky took the library of Petrashevsky.

New editions were acquired for their library, when in the 60s there were a dispute about whether such wonders are possible, whether they have historical accuracy or it is no more like a fruit of the evangelist. With faith in miracles, the question of faith and diverse was associated with the existence of Jesus.

This question sounds throughout the novel. Turning again to the choice that the Hero of the novel should be made, we can say that the choice of Raskolnikov needs to be made between faith and discern.

The topic of resurrection is perhaps the brightest in the novel. More precisely, in the novel is not one, and four resurrection. Moreover, the first two occur at the same time, at the time of one of the climax. The first is the resurrection of the Biblical Hero of Lazarus, three others belong to the Raskolnikov, and the latter is still at the same time to Sona. I think it's like an encrypted resurrection of one of the martyrs (faith, hopes and love). And the fact that the Raskolnikov had three of them, is not an accident at all. His "Resurrection" resemble the climbing on the stairs, when after each step he becomes the step above, but it can only climb to the top with someone who will give him a hand and "will behave."

The writer comprehends the resurrection as a secret, the wonderful change, because he sees how hard the fall of man and how much the power of spiritual seduction is huge.

The first two resurrection is the Resurrection of Lazarus and Hope for Raskolnikov - occur at the same time: on the fourth day after the crime.

Having committed the murder of the old woman - the interest officers, the splitters are in delusion, he is upset, in confusion, he does not know what happens to him, his business covers the fever and everything seems to be disgusting and disgust.

"What you have a bad apartment, knowing exactly the coffin," said Alexandrovna Pulcheria after visiting the Camork, in which there was a splitter during his illness. On the fourth day, the Raskolnikov comes to Sona Marmalade, where he asks him to read him an excerpt from the gospel about the resurrection of Lazarus.

In the text of the novel, Dostoevsky emphasizes not the words that are highlighted in the gospel and quotes the text not quite accurately. So, in the gospel in verse 39, it is said: "For four days, as in the coffin," that is, the words "as he in the coffin" are emphasized. In the novel, F. M. Dostoevsky emphasizes the word "four" (Sonya when reading vigorously hit the word "four"). It is not by chance: reading the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus takes place in the novel "Crime and Punishment" on the fourth day after the crime committed by the Raskolnikov. If we assume that all these four days of Raskolnikov was "dead", that is, was sick and was in a half-conscious state, then we can say that the moment of reading the gospel was the beginning of moral resurrection for Skolnikov. Thus, the first two "resurrection" is the resurrection of Lazarus in the Gospel and the Resurrection of Hope Skolnikov.

It was from this moment on that the idea appeared in Raskolnikov, which is not yet lost for him, that he can rejoice and love.

The third resurrection in the novel happens again in the apartment of Capernaumov, when the hero comes to Sona to declare her about his decision to confess. The intention of Dostoevsky on the moral resurrection and healing of Raskolnikova is associated not only with the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, but also with another miracle of Jesus - the healing of the son of the Tsedavorz. This is how it says about it in the Gospel of John in 4 chapter:

49. The Rodantorets tells him: "Lord! Come, until my son died. "

50. Jesus tells him: "Go, your son is healthy." He believed the word that Jesus told him, and went.

51. The servant was met on the road and said: "Your son is healthy." The Rodanovetore believed the word that Jesus told him. (And the splitters believed Sona).

In the Gospel of John in chapter 14, read:

52. He asked them in which the hour became easier for him? He was told: "Yesterday, he left him in the seventh hour."

53. From this father found out that this was the hour in which Jesus told him: "Your Son is healthy."

This miracle happened in the seventh hour in Capernaum, in the city in which Christ settled, leaving Nazareth, preaching repentance and healing patients.

The resurrection of Skolnikov occurred in Kapernaumov's apartment, when "twilight has already begun" and "The Sun has already rolled out." It may well be that Sonya was at Sony in the seventh hour. He put on a cypress cross, and it became the beginning of his return to faith. Believing Sona, the Raskolnikov followed her to the Council and, not doubting that he would become easier, "he began his knees among the square, bowed to the ground and kissed this dirty land with pleasure and happiness." The third resurrection in the novel is the resurrection of Faith Skolnikov.

The full moral insight comes to the splitter already during the cortica. It happens at the time of his worship of Sona, or, even rather, the icon of the Mother of God, who appeared before him, and in the creation of which he himself participates. Moreover, this moment of resurrection is not only for Skolnikov, but also for Sony: "They both were pale and thin, but in these patients and pale faces already shone the dawn of an updated future, full of resurrection to a new life. They resurrected love, the heart of one was infinite sources for the other of the other. " Sonya filed Raskolnikov's hand, helped him climb, and the splitters helped her, as he was spiritually close to her for her.

The fourth resurrection in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is the revival of Love Raskolnikov and the full moral resurrection of him and Sony thanks to this love.

So, in the novel four resurrection. One of them is the evangelical resurrection of Lazarus, and the rest - the resurrection of hope, faith and love, and, consequently, the full moral resurrection of Sony and the Solvnikov himself.

Thus, the plot of the novel is not developing one by one, but immediately in several directions: 1) the path of Raskolnikov from the crime to moral resurrection; 2) Okolnikov attempt to resolve the question of faith and abuse.

There is another idea that passes the "red thread" through the entire novel and most brightly prominent in Epilogue: "They were resurrected love, the heart of one was the endless sources for the heart of the other." So, the third topic is to find salvation and truth through the love of a person and with its help, and not alone.

Christian images in the novel

There are many Christian images and plots in "Crime and Punishment".

And the novel reveals them not immediately. The bright manifestation of a Christian image is preceded first the prophecy about him, which can manifest itself in events of greater or less significance in objects and numbers.

So, for example, the prophecy that the "Resurrection of Lazari" will be revealed in the novel, it sounds even before the Raskolniki spent "four days in the coffin".

Then follows the moment when the splitters goes to the office for the first time: "The office was from it with a quarter of the versts. She just moved to a new apartment, to a new home on the fourth floor. "Voago, I'll become knees and tell everything. "He thought, entering the fourth floor. The staircase was narrow, cool and all in the wash. Kitchens of all apartments on all four floors reached this staircase and stood so almost a day. " At this relatively small sector of the word, the words formed from the word "four" are also used four times. From the text it is clear that the splitters at that moment were close to to confess, and therefore, and his first resurrection. Moreover, the number 4 indicates that it will be similar to the resurrection of Lazarus. And it happened in the room that had a "view of a very wrong quadrangle", for reading the fourth gospel, on the fourth day of the Rumannikov fever.

By the way, the room in which the splitters fainted was the fourth in order. And then I would like to consider the value of the dates in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky.

The first significant date in the novel refers to the passage, which speaks about the "creation" of the icon "Sparrow," - to the scene in the church. "In the second week of the Great Post, he came to burn along with his barracks." The second week of the Great Post is particularly devoted to sin when it comes to the fall and envy of Cain to the Ability. And the words of parables sound to the Raskolnikov, the words of Proverbs sound: "Listen, my son, and the words of my words, - and multiply the summer of life. I specify you the path of wisdom, lead you on the paths straight. When you go, your move will not be crammed, and when you run, you will not stumble. Keep the instructions tightly, do not leave, keep it, because it is your life. "

These words sound at the moment when the splitters do not know how and why he will live on.

In the words of church reading, as it were, a response to all of his "alarms is free and aimless" previous pages. It is indicated here how to find him a lost life again. Raskolnikov heard his sin - a disease, evasion of life and health - his subsequent disease (at the Katorga), physical, marks the crisis, the disease came out: "He lay down the whole end of the post and holy in the hospital."

The next event noted by the "date" is the moment when the Skolnikov's heart opens, described in the most uncertain expressions: "Something like it would pierced at that moment his heart." The "date" is described by Dostoevsky as follows: "There was a second week after the Holy". If the word "week" is attached to the church meaning and it means the day of the week, then this is the second week after Easter - a week of female Mironositz. Thus, the moment of meeting Sony and Skolnikova is marked: the one who was able to believe only "putting the fingers," and the one who loved his word.

But this is not all that hides behind the strange "date." The week ends with Sundays, in which they read "about relaxed". Skolnikov's disease and Sonya in front of the miraculous miracle with the passage from the acts who preach on this day, and are interpreted by them in accordance with the famous story of the Gospel from John about Healing Jesus, thirty-eight years of waiting for healing from the source at the sheep gate . Having met him later in the temple, Jesus rushes healed: "Here, you recovered; Not sin more so that neither happens to you worse. "

It should be noted here that Sonya, having arrived at the Raskolnikov, "engaged in sewing, and since there are no modists in the city, it has become even almost necessary in many homes."

Thus, this date is symbolic not only for Skolnikov, but also for Sony. Returning to the fourth and full resurrection in the novel, we can say that the resurrection was common to Sony and Skolnikov.

Another important date is the moment that appears at the very beginning of the novel: "In early July, in extremely hot time. " The neutral phrase would not have decisive if it were not for a letter of Mother Skolnikov, which came, according to Nastasya, "yesterday", that is, on the first day of the events, the day of "samples".

Reflecting on the fate of the Duni, Raskolnikov suggests and recalls: ". I know what you thought about all night, walking around the room, and what I prayed before the Kazan Mother of God, which the mother in the bedroom stands. On Calval, it is hard to eat. " Celebration of Kazan and was July 8th old style. It should be recognized that the chronology is accurate: the first day is July 8. A person must comply with open goodness and change due to the adoption of divine concern for his own life. The "sample" of Raskolnikova, per day of one of the most revered icons, is a breaking with God's grace. It is not by chance that the number 8 has another meaning - the day is an apocalyptic.

Initially, the situation of metaphysical selection is set. At the end of the work, it repeats: the apocalyptic Skolnikov's sleep and the sony phenomenon in front of the hero is similar to the wonderful detection of the icon.

The motives associated with the miracle of the appearance and actions of the Kazan Icon are developing in the novel further. According to the preserved certificates, "With the following icon in the temple, many patients, especially the blinders, received healing." When Sonya reads the Raskolnik Gospel, it also stops on a miracle

Christ, healed blind: "In the last verse," Could this could not have a blind way. "" She lowered the voice of hotly and passionately gave doubt, reproach and Hulu unbelievers, blind Jews, who are now, in a minute, as the thunder affected, will fall, they break and believe. "And he, he is also blinded and unbelieving," he also crashes, yes, yes! Now, now, ", - did it, and she trembled from joyful expectation." Sonya itself becomes a means of healing the hero. Before us is a picture of a possible miracle, creatible by the icon of Our Lady. It is quite real, although it does not happen immediately. It seems that it is with the day of Kazan who is also connected with the thought of the breaking and cleansing strength of "thunder", because after reading the scrollnik's letter feels that it "suddenly like thunder" hit it.

In the novel, F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", many heroes have biblical prototypes, and sometimes one hero has several of them, and whose image is hidden under the mask, you can also find out only from context.

For example, for the first time Sonya Marmaladov is described in the text of "crime and punishment" as a "girl of light behavior."

She "lives at the apartment at the tailor capernaumov, the apartment is removed. " The symbolic character of the name Capernaum is close to the gospel renomance, associated with the image of Sony. Just like the Evangeliy Bludnica Maria Magdalena from the city of Magdala, near Capernaham, went for Jesus "on Calvary", and Sonya went for the Raskolnikov and "accompanied all his sorrowful procession."

In almost all situations, Sonya appears before us by the martyr. I mentioned the Icon "Vera, Nadezhda, Love with Mother Sofia" and said that Sonya is present at all resurrection of Skolnikov, so it is reasonable to assume that the Sony's prototype in the novel is Martyr Sophia. Although you can talk about what Sonya is a collective image. It is enough to remember what the splitters did at their second meeting in the room at Sony: "Suddenly he quickly leaned over and, turning to the floor, kissed her leg. "I didn't bow to you, I bowed to the whole suffering of the human sense," he said wildly. " The external description of the Sony also corresponds to the description of the martyrs and saints. "What are you skinny! Won, what is your hand! Very transparent. Fumbs like a dead, "says the splitters about it.

The image on the icons of saints and martyrs was created, as a rule, posthumously, after their canonization, i.e., after some time, by their audit, at best, according to memories, but, as a rule, it was portraits imagined. On the icons of the saint, I was depicted as I had to appear before the eyes of the Most High after my death. The face of a simple person was considered unworthy portrait, because it should be addressed not to the people of the "sinful world of this", but to the highest last instance - the Lord God. The icon is designed to represent the saint or martyr, not in the repeatness of its external and internal appearance, but in its status of the polers for all human genus.

Sonya appears to the Mother of God and before the sore chambers: "When she appeared on work or met with the party of the arrestants going on work," everyone took off his caps, everyone looked. "Mother, Sophia Semenovna, the mother you are our, gentle, disease," the coarse branded convicts said to this little and skinny creating. " Similar words are always described by the Virgin. The fact that "be treated" to her means that it appeared in front of them as a miraculous icon.

Sony's description as the Virgin sounds at the beginning of the novel, when the Roman sits in the resolving with a marmaladade, who tells about his meeting with his daughter: "And today I had to ask Sony, to ask for a hangover!" And then he talks about her words that always belong to the Virgin: "I said nothing and just silently looked at me. So not on earth, and there. About people jeep, cry, and do not recycle, do not recycle! " Sonya gives marmalada 30 kopecks, forgiving the sin of thirty silver, those 30 rubles that she brought Katerina Ivanovna, making a fall.

This act of Sony Dostoevsky claims that people can be forgiven for their suffering, since the Virgin, because Sonya at that moment symbolizes it precisely, it is able to forgive the sins to people for their suffering, but that means that God can do the same. Thus, Dostoevsky points out the Raskolnikov's way to salvation even before he committed a murder, prophesy about the crime and the path of resurrection. There are many such prophecies in the novel, they appear almost before each Christian or plot. One of them is the topic of the funeral: "The sun brightly covered the room." I think that the presence of sunlight in the room in this case can be viewed as the presence of God's gaze or an angel, which bears good news. The scene that occurred further was that confirmation. Raskolnikov went to Sona: "That suddenly took him for both hands and kept her head to his shoulder." This meek gesture even struck the Raskolnikov in bewilderment; Even strange was: "How? Neither the slightest disgusting to him, nor the slightest shudder in her hand! " The gesture of the heroine is psychologically absolutely foggy, it is also strange in real space. Dostoevsky chooses the word, the most accurately conductive religious meaning in the text: "Keeping", as the head of the Virgin on the icons admits. This gesture is indicated on the inevitable way of Skolnikov to God. The task of the author is the coincidence of Sony gestures and a hero, reminiscent of the icon, which shows God's Mother, who forgiving sinners. Finally, this icon will appear already in the epilogue, and now it is just shown for a while, we see the prophecy about Her Comvent.

The effect of the novel, although limited by some time and spatial framework, is actually developing in eternity, i.e., in fact, many plots are an encrypted gospel. Describing its heroes and their actions, Dostoevsky describes the icons, one of them is the icon of "Saints Great Martyr Vera, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia." Faith, hope and love stand in the foreground, each in one hand holds a cross. Their mother stands behind them with his hands raised above their heads and looking at them with moutigation. Moreover, the Great Martyrs are located from left to right: faith, hope and love, i.e., just as they appear in the novel. You need to pay attention to their clothes and gestures: faith and love - in green cape. Faith holds his cape holds his free hand, love holds the cross somewhat higher than the rest, and his free hand as if timidly stretches to someone.

The resurrection of faith occurred when the splitters came to Son to say goodbye: "Sonya grabbed her handkerchief and threw him on his head. It was a green handkerchief, probably the same thing about which mentioned the marmalands, "family".

Description of Sony during the resurrection of love also very coincides with the description of love on the icon: "Her face was still taking signs of illness, she lost weight, faded, looked. She was friendly and happily smiled at him, but, as usual, timidly stretched his hand to him. " (She was her pale, old boumus and green handkerchief). Martyr Sofia is the mother of martyrs faith, hopes and love. Since Sonya Dostoevsky is the main reason for three Skolnikov's resurrection, then for the Raskolnikova, she became the "mother" of his faith, hope and love.

Already at the end of the XI century, some communities began to celebrate the days of the memory of Christian martyrs. At the same time, the anniversary of the death of the martyr was celebrated as his birthday, because it was believed that it was on that day he was born for eternal life. One of the first in Rome suffered holy martyr faith, hope, love and their mother Sofia (day of memory on September 17).

The date on September 17 may well be the last resurrection date of Raskolnikov. Or on September 17 - the date on which the narration of Raskolnikov ends.

In Ostrog, he is sitting for 9 months. If we take into account that the investigation began in mid-July, it turns out that the moment is described in mid-September.

Referring to the time of creating a novel, we can say that on September 17 - a very important date, because, according to A. P. Suslova's testimony, it was on September 17, 1863 his main idea was formed.

Raskolnikov takes from Sony a cypress cross, saying: "This means that a symbol that Cross take herself, Hehe! And for sure, I still have little suffered! ". After that, he will make the way to Katorga, and Sonya will accompany the "all his sorrowful procession." In this passage, Dostoevsky created several images at once: it is a splitter, like Christ, carrying his cross, and Sonya, accompanying Skolnikov, just like Maria - Magdalena accompanied Christ, and the painting of the cross move committed by Raskolnikov and Sonya itself.

Most likely, Raskolnikov understood that he would have to bear his cross before he finally decided to admit, and even before the first time he saw a cypress cross from Sony. The awareness of its further fate comes to the Raskolnik, when he for the first time, although it was impossible, but quite sincerely confessed to the crime of the Raulichene and asked him to take care of her sister and mother: "Thrust to them and be with them. Be and tomorrow they have. and always. Leave me, and their. Do not leave. " This request is very similar to the gospel lines that pronounces Jesus from the Cross. (From John. Chapter 19,26,27).

It turns out that with the image of Raskolnikov, not only the image of Cain is connected - the first killer, but also Christ, who himself died to save humanity. It would seem paradoxically, but the essence is that the man's soul is subject to both bad and fertile influences, and the final decision, where to go - "up" or "down" depends on the person himself.

Christian symbols of colors and objects

Items in the novel as well as the heroes are hidden Christian images. It is not difficult to note that many of the main events unfold in the rooms with yellow wallpaper.

So, for example, the Raskolnikov room "there was a tiny number of steps in six long, having the most pitiful look with its yellow, dust and everywhere laggards from the wall with wallpaper."

The room of the old woman, in which the murder had happened, was with yellow wallpaper. The wallpaper in the Sony's room was "yellowish, ridiculous and inspired." In the hotel, in which Svidrigaylov stopped, "the walls had a form of how rugged out of the boards with circle wallpaper, before the dust and washed, that the color of them (yellow) could still be guess, but the drawing could not be recognized." Apparently, such frequent use by the author of yellow in the descriptions of the apartments of his heroes is not an accident.

Thus, the background to all the events occurring in these rooms was yellow.

To understand the color value, you need to consider the icons in which this color is used. Here are some lines from the description of one of them - the icons "Crucifix": "right behind the cross - the light-aged Jerusalem wall, as if cutting off all unnecessary and random, the background of a light oh, adopted by the sign of the world of eternity, surrounds everything that happens. In this clear, strict icons, overcoming all the dramatic, the high essence of events is detected. "

It is quite interesting to develop in the novel two more inanimate images - stairs and shells. The word "staircase" in the first three parts of the novel is used about 70 times.

Heroes of Dostoevsky are constantly in motion along the stairs. According to the dictionary of Ozhegova, the staircase is a structure in the form of a series of steps for lifting and descent, that is, the staircase makes it possible to turn out to be at the top or bottom. And where it will turn out to be depends only on the choice that a person will do. Once again, returning to the question of choice, we can say that the staircase in the novel is a symbol of choice, which should make splitters every time and other heroes, turning to her. The staircase symbolizes the road of the splitters, his way up or down. For example, a staircase to the old woman was dark, narrow and black, but he already knew everything and studied, and he liked his whole setting. The hidden meaning is easy to understand if you compare the description of this staircase with words from the book of Solomon's proverbs. The words from this parable are read in the second week of the Great Post on Monday and are part of the narration of the fall and envy of Cain to the ahead. It should be noted that Cain is the first killer, and the splitters turn out to be on the same staircase with the thought of murder. The words of sermons are consonant with the words from the Gospel of John:

Chapter 8. Again, Jesus spoke to the people, and told them: "I am the light of the world, who will follow me, will not walk in darkness, but will have light of life." And further, referring to the students, Jesus says: " Who walks in the afternoon, he does not stupid, because he sees the light of this world; And who walks at night, stumbles, because there is no light with him. "

Raskolnikov goes to the place of the future murder in the darkness, without light, and therefore, without God, turning away from him, hiding in the darkness from human views and sunlight.

The description of this staircase in the novel is exactly the opposite description of the righteous path in Solomon parables.

Raskolnikov, being on this staircase, makes a terrible deed. He becomes the wrong path, chooses the path not up, and down, reverses from the Lord. The staircase is the place where the splitters should make their choice, and the description of the ladder, in turn, shows which choice made by the splitters.

Another interesting thing is the shell. Shell - Egg shell, and in the novel of the shell - a shell, which hides the thoughts and feelings: "It was difficult to quit more descend and elaborate; But Raskolnikov was even nice in his present state of the Spirit. He resolutely left everyone like a turtle in his shell. " But further F. M. Dostoevsky makes some refinement: it turns out that the shell is also what separates the Raskolnikov from all other people and from God, and what his thought ripens: "The terrible thought was shouted in his head as From the egg chicken, and very, very occupied it. " And then, when the thought "turned around with chicken," the splitters finally decided that he would go to murder. Murder was committed. The office is a place where the splitters can confess in everything. The staircase is the problem of choice - yes or not: "The staircase was narrow, cool, all in the fear." There is no explanation in which specifically, but from the phrase, which F. M. Dostoevsky describes nonsense Raskolnikov, it can be assumed that she was lying on it: "He did not think about it. So, there were some thoughts or scraps of thoughts. Black staircase, all overwhelmed and filled with eggshells. " Items replaced as a whirlwind. And the description of the same staircase further allows you to make sure that the assumption is correct: "Again the same litter, the same shells on the screw-like staircase." Thus, it can be said that the need to make the decision was also strengthened by the situation and the situation. The shell on the stairs to the office, to which the splitters looks at, is what torments his soul and demands from him sincerely recognition. And also this indicator that Raskolnikov has already broken up with the thought of murder and can connect with people and God, making the right choice, "Going up the stairs."

Thus, F. M. Dostoevsky puts the problem of choosing and impossibility to come to the truth alone, thereby giving the answer: to go up, you need to connect with God, take it into your heart and allow someone to help yourself.

Raskolnikov is like Cainu, he is afraid of the sun just as he was afraid of God, because in the Sun Raskolnikov sees God and because he dismissed God, although asked for advice and help. "Lord! - he prayed. - Show me my way, and I repent from that damned. My dreams! " Passing through the bridge, he quietly looked at the Neva quietly, on a bright sunset of a bright, red sun. Despite his weakness, he did not even feel fatigue. For sure, hanging on his heart, which brewing the whole month, suddenly broke away. Freedom, freedom! ".

Raskolnikov still goes to a crime, and he will make it directly in the face of the Lord.

"A small room in which a young man entered, with yellow wallpaper, gerany and kitty curtains on the windows, was brightly illuminated by the setting sun. "And then, therefore, the sun will also shine!. "- No matter how unstuckly flashed in the mind of Raskolnikov."

This is a description of the old woman's room in which the murder occurred. The thought of the sun flashed in the head of Raskolnikov, and also to the scene on the bridge, he would remember about the presence of sunlight in the room, and he will be scary.

When he approached the office, where he could immediately admit to everyone, the sun brightly flashed into his eyes, so it hurts it hurts and his head was completely screwed. It is strange that the splitters generally turned to God, because faith in God at that time in his soul was almost no.

Looking at the Temple of God, the Raskolnikov did not experience the feelings of admiration, nor the dignity. Belief in God resurrected in it not immediately, therefore, even after the murder, standing in front of the temple, he did not feel any fear, nor despair, but only pity and contempt for himself: "In an inexplicable cold, he has always visited him from this magnificent panorama."

After the resurrection of the Faith, the splitters was no longer afraid of the sun. He wanted to finish everything before sunset. For comparison: in the Gospel, Jesus says: "Evil is done, hidden, and good is not afraid to seem in the world."

"The sun has already rinsed the sun" - perhaps this phrase means that the Raskolnikov remained the last chance to correct his act: the sun was left, but the light still covered the Raskolnikov road.

The symbolic importance of the Sun in St. Scripture is very diverse: the setting and eclipse of the sun means the wrath of God and his righteous punishment, also disaster, grief and suffering; His light and clear radiance mean a happy condition. He enlightens a person, cleans, strengthens, revitalizes, warms and makes it capable and ready to be ready for any good matter. The Lord himself as a source of any light, benefits and bliss figuratively called the Saint Scripture; All making clear and open light of the sun serves as a symbol of discovery, detection, retribution and righteous punishment.

Another object that attracts attention is a green handkerchief that appears in the novel just a few times, but the most important minutes for the heroes. "Sonya came, and directly to Katerina Ivanovna, and on the table in front of her, thirty pasties laid silently. Neither the word loomed at the same time, at least looked, and only our big green charter took it, she covered her head and face and lay on the bed face to the wall, only the shoulders and the body would be shudder. " Sonya puts on a handkerchief at the moment when she is very hard, because of the consciousness of all the severity of that sin that she just made. The second time Sonya puts on a handkerchief to come out with Raskolnikov outside and go with him to the office, where he will make recognition. "Sonya grabbed her handkerchief and threw it on his head. It was a green drada handkerchief, probably the same thing about which mentioned by marmalands, - "family". Sonya puts on him, getting ready to go with Raskolnikov, follow him to the catguard. Green handkerchief symbolizes suffering experienced or even upcoming.

Talking Raskolnikov about Katerina Ivanovna, Sonya said "exactly in despair, worrying and suffering, and breaking hands. Pale cheeks flashed again again, flour was expressed in the eyes. "

"Yurodivaya, Yurodivaya," - thinks about the splitters. In Kapernaumova's apartment there is a worship of Skolnikova Sona: "Suddenly he quickly leaned over and fell asleep to the floor, kissed her leg. "I didn't bow to you, I bowed to the whole suffering of the human sense," he said wildly. "

Sonya - the embodiment of suffering, she is a martyr, whoming, as calling her splitters, her shawl is a symbol of suffering.

This handkerchief also put on Katerina Ivanovna on the day of his death, running out to seek the protection of children and herself. It should be noted that, putting on my handkerchief, and Sonya, and Katerina Ivanovna, thereby closing her hair and shoulders, as women are depicted in Christian customs with closed hair. But even when we read at F. M. Dostoevsky that Sony's hair is not closed, a kind of similarity is created with images on icons, because the shawl is big and falls with the shoulders of folds, like the clothes of the saints. Extremely symbolized in Christianity and bell ringing.

Bells are the only tool in the Orthodox church. Large bells used infrequently, only in solemn or, on the contrary, the most tragic moments. In the novel, they sound in tragic moments as the last warning before something irreversible. The image of the bell appears throughout the novel. Let's start with the Raskolnikov with an ax under the arm, the old women approached the door: "He could not stand, slowly stretched his hand to the bell and called. Through half a minute, I called Ruffle again. It was here that the ringing of the bell sounds a warning of Raskolnikov. The bell in an old apartment is calling again when Koh rises. And once again appears in the novel when the splitters lies in his room in half-clothes, and in his head flashes Various items and faces: the bell tower of the church, a black staircase, all overwhelmed with eggs and filled with eggshells, and "Soon he had a Sunday ringing bells." All these items appeared in the turnover and tragic moments of Skolnikov's life, although he thinks that never I would not remember them. "Power can and get a hot nervous, when such a sort of slipping nerves to annoy their annoying, at night in the bells to talk to call Yes, about the blood to ask! Sometimes, sometimes a person from the window of Ali with a bell tower to jump pulls, and the feeling is that Seductive. Also, the bells-s. "" says Raskolnikov Porphiri Petrovich. The bell in "Crime and Punishment" is one of the Christian Their images symbolizing the warning, the prophecy of a terrible event.

Christian scenes in the novel

The novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was put on biblical plots. Crime committed by Raskolnikov, and the punishment that he receives for it is associated with the legend of Cain and Avele. The path of Solvnikov to spiritual healing and resurrection is associated with the resurrection of Lazarus.

Lazarar was resurrected by Jesus after she died and spent 4 days in the coffin. The moral resurrection of Skolnikova, described in the novel, has a lot in common with the Evangel'yvsky legend. Day of death, Skolnikov will be considered the day in which he committed a crime. We know, physically splitters on this day did not die. But since the Resurrection of Skolnikov will be moral resurrection, then his death should be moral. It is enough to remember the state of Raskolnikov before he goes to kill the old woman - he feels herself to death. "So, right, those whom they lead to the execution, are inserted with thoughts to all subjects that they are found along the road," flashed in his head. And then: "Did I kill the old woman? I killed myself, not the old woman! Here as a time I fluffed myself, forever. "

I already described the staircase along which the splitters rose to kill the old woman. I repeat once again that the similarity describing the sinful path is traced in its description. Ways without light and without God. The words of Jesus, are quite similar to the description of this staircase, pronounced before he tells that Lazarar died.

The phrase about the physical condition of Skolnikova: "His hands were terribly weak, he heard himself, as they were even more difficult and rustled with every moment," but some dissipation, as if even thoughtfulness, became gramnog to master them; For moments, he was as if forgotten or, it was better to say, forgot about the main thing and flipped to the little things. " This phrase is very similar to the thought of Raskolnikov on the state of the convicted person on the execution.

And then I compared the description of the state of the Skolnikov with a similar description from the Gospel, where Jesus says to his students: "Lazar, our friend, fell asleep, but I go to wake it up." These words of Jesus, how can not be suitable for Raskolnikov. Then, in the gospel, you can find an explanation for the words of Dostoevsky that "the splitters were in a dream." And again, returning to the Gospel, read: "The students said:" Lord! If I fell asleep, then he recovers. " Jesus spoke about his death, and they thought he was talking about the dream of ordinary.), That is, the sleepy state of Skolnikova is the beginning of a moral death that comes to him in the form of severe illness. After killing the old woman and her sisters, Skolnikov's disease increased and he was in bed.

In the romance, the splitters awakens (resurrect) at the beginning physically (when it comes to itself), and then morally when reading the gospel in the apartment of Sony, when he decides to open it. His moral resurrection takes place (Resurrection of Hope) when reading the gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus: "The grinding has long extinguished the candlestick for a long time in the curve, dimming the murderer and the harlot in this beggar room, strangely descended for the reading of the eternal book." Sunday of Lazarus is one of the brightest biblical episodes, allegorically recorded in the novel. But unlike the rest, he is more recognizable thanks to the presence of the evangelical text in the novel.

Raskolnikov - killer. Perhaps one of the most famous killers described in the Bible is the first of them - Cain. There are several points in the novel that shows the similarity of Skolnikov with Caine. Let's start with the motive (of course, not the only but important enough), which prompted Skolnikov to kill the old woman, - envy. The same human vice is stated in the book of Moses:

"And the Lord wishes on Abel and for the gift of him;

And for Cain and for the gift he did not win him. Cain was very upset, and looked his face. "

Just as Caina envied the Ability, the Raskolnikov envied the wealth of Alena Ivanovna and the fact that this "loss", "useless, ugly, malicious," has good capital, and he has a talented, young man who can become great, not enough money Even to eat. Raskolnikov decides to kill the old woman.

In the morning after the murder, the Raskolnikov is reported on the office (police): "To the police!. What for?. "," I since you like to know. Require, and go. " Raskolnikov is afraid of an ordinary agenda and thinks that it is likely to everyone already knows about his atrocity. He is afraid because he knows that he made something terrible, and all the time awaits punishment. And in the Gospel it is written: "And the Lord said to the Lord Cain:" Where is Abel, your brother? " He said: "I don't know if I was watching my brother." Cain does not respond to the Lord immediately, as well as the Raskolnikov does not recognize guilt when he is the first call to the police. Following the text of the Gospel, you can see the further development of this biblical plot in the novel: "And the Lord said:" What did you do? Your voice of your brother screens up from the ground. "

F. M. Dostoevsky very brightly beats this phrase in his novel, so it stands out from the general text, even if even the reader does not know the corresponding lines of the Bible. "Nastasya, that you are silent," he said timidly. "It's blood," she finally answered quietly and as if talking about himself. "Blood!. What is blood? " - he mumbled, pale and moved to the wall. Nastasya continued to look at him silently. "

And then there comes the inappropriate Skolnikov. When the Raskolnikov can get up from bed, people will be disappeared, he will run away from them, to look for loneliness, but alone will be scary and disgusting to him. This is in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky.

In the gospel after the words about the "blood", the Lord says Cainu: "You will be an exile and a skeleton on Earth." The same state of units from people is pursuing Skolnikov and after the crime.

Once again, the biblical legend of Caine and the Avele will sound at the end of the novel, and it will determine the behavior of Raskolnikov: "Look, now, I am a minute, become at the crossroads, the kiss first the land that you defiled, and then worship the whole world, on All four sides, and tell everyone out loud: "I killed!". Then God again life will send you, "probably giba-fearing Sonya says this, leaning on the words of the Bible:" And now you will curse from the Earth, which rejected their taking your brother's blood from your hand. "

Thus, the worship of the Skolnikov Earth is very symbolic; It is an attempt to Raskolnikov to receive forgiveness for the murder committed.

Having considered the analogy between the texts of the Gospel of Cain and Avele and Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" come to the conclusion that Biblical texts are given in the novel.

In the "crime and punishment" there are scenes and images related to the apocalypse.

The last dream of Raskolnikov in delight on the bed of a pointed hospital - a dream about Trikhens, which made a decisive fracture in his soul, also suggested by Dostoevsky real events of 1864-1865. The image of the seaside ulcers, the moral epidemic caused by some smallest trichons, arose under the impression of numerous alarming newspaper reports of some unknown medicine of microscopic beings - Trikhens and on the clarification caused by them in Europe and in Russia. Newspapers and magazines were delivered to publish in the form of a brochure "Perhaps a detailed monograph on Trikhens and sell at the cheapest price for finding funds against this evil." The newspaper "Petersburg Listka" (Jan 13. 1866) was also offered to even make the issue of Trikhens "subject of the contest on the debate." Urgently published brochure M. Rudnev. "On Trikhens in Russia. Unresolved questions in the history of trichine illness. "

Dostoevsky could read about it in 1864 and on pages it is well a familiar "illustrated newspaper." The note was called "Trikhins in meat". M. Rudnev wrote that people had painful seizures "due to the use of pork meat." These trikhins found in pine meat are called in the memory of F. M. Dostoevsky well to him familiar lines from the Gospel of Luke, namely, the very place he took the epigraph to the novel "Demons": "There is a large flock of pigs on Mount . "

And the last Skolnikov dream, like the 4th chapter of the fourth part, goes back to the gospel, grows under the pen of Dostoevsky in conjunction with images from the Apocalypse into a huge symbol of the terrible world, warning to mankind. The painting of the world dying from the "terrible seaside ulcer", which is the consciousness of Raskolnikov in the terrible apocalyptic dreams, who saw them in the disease, in delight, in Holy Week, leads to one detail, insufficiently estimated and left by the novel researchers without proper attention. "Everything and everything perished. The ulcer grew and moved further and further, "writes F. M. Dostoevsky. - Only a few people can escape around the world, these were clean and elected, intended to start a new genus of people and a new life, update and clean the earth, but no one saw these people, no one heard their words and voices anywhere. "

In the literature about the novel, the statement was almost a general place: the cautious dreams of the hero - this is all the same "theory", his "idea", but only brought to its limit, embodied on a planetary scale. If in the dispute with Petrovich Petrovich, the Raskolnikov insisted that his "idea" "savory may be, for all mankind," now its consciousness opens that it, on the contrary, is fraught with a world catastrophe. In such an understanding a lot of fair. However, only by this, the deep meaning of the words of the hero as an expression of a drastic concerning change in it is not exhausted. Otherwise, the final strings of the film "Sea ulcers" would be excessive and incomprehensible. Skolnikov's cavalry dreams is not only self-disclosure and self-denial of his theory, not only even the detection of a sense of personal guilt for all the state of global life, which already unconsciously lives in a hero, in the depths of his spirit, and uncontrollably declares itself in the symbolic hyperbolism of fantastic paintings. Thus, the scenes of the Apocalypse are present throughout the novel and are hidden in the "theory" of Skolnikov, which he is trying to follow. The awareness of the whole horror of his idea comes to Raskolnikov only during his stay in a prominent hospital, shortly before his moral resurrection, and that is not obvious, but in a hidden form, at the level of his subconscious.

It is highly characteristic that the attitude of the convicts to Sona is completely incomprehensible to Skolnikov.

Creativity F. M. Dostoevsky consider deeply psychological and deep. The author has always worried the moral wealth of man and society as a whole. But it is important to notice that the heroes of the works of Dostoevsky cannot be divided into positive and negative. Most often, the characters of this writer are endowed with various, sometimes opposite, features of character. Internal contradiability and instability makes them interesting and, at the same time, natural, plausible.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" becomes a work in which the author pays attention to the most acute public problems. Dostoevsky believes that the medium is very strongly affected by a person, to his attitude towards himself and others. Dostoevsky appeals to the back of the life of St. Petersburg, where, under the external luxury, wealth and beauty, another world is hidden - cruel, dirty and vulgar. It was this environment that could lead to the ideas that Rodion Skolnikov arose.

It is impossible to say that Raskolnikov is a negative hero, because he does a lot for people, and his actions are not thought out in advance. The desire for good was laid in this hero of nature, but the desire to see an exceptional personality in itself - the merit of society and the environment.

If you remember the fate of Dostoevsky himself, it is complex and tragic. The writer had a lot to realize and overestimate in his life. He considered the love of the surrounding, which was so lacking people of his time. Dostoevsky does not accept the goal to achieve any means and paths. He tries to convey to the reader the desire of such aspirations not only for others, but also for the person himself, who becomes lifeless and empty spiritually. The Hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" came to the conviction of his own moral death: "I killed myself, not the old woman."

In my opinion, Raskolnikov is a person in which there are two opposite ideas: on the one hand, love for people, on the other - contempt for them. It should be noted that Dostoevsky does not describe in detail the process of the spiritual revival of Skolnikov. But the reader still feels such changes in the hero. The hope for the restoration of any criminal, Dostoevsky's fallen personality saw that it was impossible to completely trample conscience and love.

In the draft records of "crimes and punishment", humanity and punishment act as the only condition for gaining internal, mental harmony. "There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering," said Dostoevsky.

The possibility of the spiritual revival of the main hero of the novel is already due to the fact that the Raskolnikov knows how to feel someone else's pain and can be sincerely loved. Such is his love for Sona Marmaladeova. Dostoevsky wrote: "They resurrected love, the heart of one was the endless sources of life for another." In confirmation of this, it is enough to recall the moment when Sonechka learns about the perfect birth of a crime. She rushed to his knees and hugged him. The "good feeling" "the wave poured into his soul and sophisticated her."

It is important to remember that Dostoevsky himself was a deeply believer man. Therefore, it is naturally his rejection of the idea of \u200b\u200bsuperman. For the Writer, human life is the most important and main value.

According to Dostoevsky, only the love of others makes people real people. Only this is an amazing given by God, the feeling is able to displace pride in man and egoism.

I believe that the writer himself realized all this, based on its own, very difficult, life experience. The author does not accept the aspirations "in his stupid will to live." Only following Jesus Christ and sacrificial love can save the soul of man from evil and mental flour.

At the Katorga under the cushion, Raskolnikova "lay the gospel", with the help of which Dostoevsky believes, only can be overcome the demonic forces and mental egoism as a generation of evil.

According to the writer, there are only two prospects for people on earth: or love, or destroy each other, or eternal life, or eternal death. I think that many will agree with such an opinion, for in the world there are moral values \u200b\u200bthat are equally roads and are important for each person on Earth. It is necessary to strive for the truth and truth only through love and self-sacrifice.

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on literature

Topic: Christian motifs in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Performed: Grade 11 student

Checked: literature teacher

I.Justification of the choice of theme

II. Worldview FM Dostoevsky

1. Dostoevsky 1860s

2. Dostoevsky 1870s.

III. The image of the sony marmalade as an expression of the ideas of Dostoevsky

IV. Decision from God and the path to cleansing Rodion Skolnikova

V. "Christian" lines in the novel and their interpretation

Vi. Christian symbolism in the novel

1. Evangelical names

2. Figures, symbolic in Christianity

3. Using the biblical plot

VII. Output

VIII.SPI of the literature used

I. Justification of the topic of the topic

Among the most important issues set by the Russian thought of the XIX century, the issue of religion occupies a special place. For F.M. Dostoevsky, a man deeply religious, the meaning of life was to comprehend Christian ideals, love to neighbor.

In "Crime and Punishment", the author portrayed a human soul that passed through suffering and mistakes to comprehend the truth. In the XIX century, the insufficiency of the previous Christian axioms was visible, and they all appeared in front of a person in the form of questions requiring an immediate decision. But the urgency of these questions itself, the consciousness itself, that the further fate and all mankind depends on them, and every person, it was clearly shown that he had to be given to humanity only to be convinced of the truth of their former faith. F.M.Dostoevsky was very well aware of this, and such an understanding had a considerable impact on his work. After all, the predecessors of Dostoevsky never so clearly and openly, as he (in the novel "Crime and Punishment"), did not put the question of human morality. The attitude of the writer to religious consciousness amazes its depth.

Dostoevsky was interested in the spirit of man, because the man was for him the creature of spiritual with a holistic and long-fashioned world, the depth of which can never be vigorous and rationalized to the end. He was also interested in the relationship between the divine and earthly, the path to the salvation of a person, but through the opening of the Divine thread in the soul, disappearing from God, the retreat from the faith and returning to it through the comprehension of the height of the sky and the depths of one's own fall. Divine and earthly - two poles in the soul of man. In man there is a darkness, the pressureful darkness, suffocating, but there is a light, and Dostoevsky believed in the virtue of this light. God lives in man, and the devil. The devil is the power of the earth, the power of the gag of the soul of the gloom. And it is wrong to assume that the nature of human is low and insignificant, perverted and weak. If people were opened by God if he felt his presence in their tomging, lost hearts and would follow the Word of him, then the world would be clearer, clearer. Evil never eradicates from this world - his roots are too deep, but the spiritual in man will oppose evil, God will not leave a person if he takes him if his spirit will.

Some Christian motives are visible in "crime and punishment" at the first reading. After reading the detailed biography of the writer, having learned his worldview better, I wanted to find everything connected with Christianity in the novel and, thus, to deeper the author's intent.

II. The worldview of F.M.Dostoevsky

1. Dostoevsky 1860s

Dostoevsky began the 1860s. - A man who believes blurry and some "Christian general" faith. Events 1864-1865. crushed the foundations of his life then. Death of his wife, brother, Apollo Grigoriev; The disintegration of the literary mug of the "time" after the closure of the magazine: the termination of the "era"; Gap with Apollinaria Suslova; Material needs after the usual well-being. So inevitably, he is first exempt from the former non-church and directly anti-carcass surroundings and life habits. From such events begin with Dostoevsky search for some deeper faith. Naturally, he begins with a more accurate realization of the faith that has already had. The cycle of the corresponding records opens the most famous and most substantive of them: "Masha lies on the table. Will you see with Masha?" Dostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: in 30 tons. L., 1972-1991 (XX, 172-175). The result of reflections is concentrated in paragraph: "So it all depends on: whether Christ is being taken for the final ideal on earth, that is, from the Faith of Christian. If you believe in Christ, you believe that you will live forever." Dostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: at 30 t. L., 1972-1991 (XX, 174). All acuteness of the question is how much this ideal is implemented on Earth. For Dostoevsky, it can only be about the future: "Christ entered the whole in humanity, and a person seeks to transform into i Christ as in his ideal. Having achieved this, he clearly sees that everyone who achieved the same goal on Earth became part of its final nature, that is, in Christ. How will they raise each i - In general synthesis - it is difficult to imagine. Live, not dead even until the achievement and reflected in the final ideal - should come into life the final, synthetic, infinite ".Dostoevsky F.M. Full. Cathed. Works: In 30 tons. L., 1972-1991 (XX, 174 ). Strange doctrine about "Transformation in i Christ "was not quite a fiction of Dostoevsky. Its foundation is the thoughts of Khomyakov" middle "period, the mid-1840s - late 1850s. The initial intuition of such thoughts was the deification of human nature - his identification with the nature of the Divine. Relations between God and Man It was understood as a identity, broken by "sin," - as we see this and from Dostoevsky (after all, it is a sin that prevents the universal merger in Christ). "Sin" acts as a natural law of being, which is visible and in the discussed record of Dostoevsky: "When The man did not fulfill the law of the desire for the ideal, that is, did not bring love sacrificing your i People or another creature (I and Masha), he feels suffering, and called this state to sin. So, a person must continuously feel suffering that is balanced by the paradise enjoyment of the execution of the law, that is, the victim. This is where the Earth's equilibrium. Otherwise, the Earth would be meaningless ".Dostoevsky F.M. Full. Coll. Works: In 30 tons., 1972-1991 (XX, 175). Dostoevsky imagines a sin only against a person; the concept of sin directly against God is absent. All this is derived from two dogmas of European humanism, relating to any truths, but the extremely dogmatic in two points: the proclamation of "human infallibility" (Dostoevsky - the lack of the concept of sin in the Orthodox sense of the word) and "Exile of the Bohell, from the Earth on the sky" (Dostoevsky - "The doctrine of Christ only as an ideal", unattainable on earth). The first of these dogmas is the immediate expression of the humanistic faith, in which the place of God is occupied by a person (an idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity as a certain "underdevelopment" of the state of the Divine).

From 1865 to 1866, Dostoevsky writes the novel "Crime and Punishment", which marked the first turn of the author to the real Orthodoxy from self-figured "Christianity". In the record of January 2, 1866, entitled "The Idea of \u200b\u200bRoman", the first words - the subtitle "Orthodox view, what is Orthodoxy." Dostoevsky writes: "There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering. Such is the law of our planet (...). A person will not be born for happiness. A person deserves his happiness, and always suffering." Dostostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: at 30 t. L., 1972-1991 (VII, 154-155). The need for suffering is no longer derived from the alleged natural harmony of good and evil. Raskolnikov will make a refutation of that thesis, as if "any activity, even evil, useful" .Dostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: at 30 t. L., 1972-1991 (VII, 209). Dostoevsky not only disputes the extreme conclusion from this thesis - as if there are no crimes, but, taking advantage of the admission to the absurdity, refutes the initial package - as if the cause of world evil in the very device of being, and not in a free human wave.

2. Dostoevsky 1870s

The nature of the beliefs of the late Dostoevsky is determined already in 1870. The first and defining step here was a decisive gap with human stylism and appeal to real Orthodoxy. The ideas about sin as the principle of commodity being, and not as the human fault, and the divine character of spiritual passions is revolved, though, maybe not doring with the root.

ANDdei late Dostoevsky concentrated in one record of 1870 "Many people think that it is enough to believe in Morality to be a Christian. Not Moral Christ, not the doctrine of Christ will save the world, namely the faith in what the word flesh is. Belief This is not one The mental recognition of the superiority of his teaching, and directly attraction. It is necessary to believe that this is the final ideal of a person, all embodied the Word, God embodied. Because with this only faith we achieve adorations, that delight that most attracts us directly and has the power Do not seduce a person to the side. With a smaller delight, humanity, maybe, would certainly be seen first in the heresy, then in blessing, then in immorality, and at the end of atheism and trogs and disappeared, it would have been thinned. Note that human nature certainly requires adoration . Morality and faith One, morality follows from faith, the need for adoration is an integral property of human nature. U The property is high, not low - the recognition of the infinite, the desire to spill into infinity of the world, knowledge that happens from it. And so that God is needed, God needs. Atheism proceeds from the thought that the adoration is not a natural property of human nature, and is awaiting the revival of a person left only for himself. He is angry to imagine him morally, how will it be free from faith. (...) Morality, provided by itself or science, can pervert to the last digger (...). Christianity competently even save the whole world and in it all questions ".Dostoevsky F.M. Full. Coll. Works: In 30 tons. L., 1972-1991 (XI, 187-188). In the time of Dostoevsky, the word" adoration "is still retained its literal importance - church.-Slav. "Obi e.", Sovr. Rus." On about"The value" The extreme degree of love "was still perceived as a portable. This entry is built immediately at both values. In the words" ... We achieve adoration, that delight ... "is a psychological, figurative meaning, and in words:" And that There was adoration, God needs "- etymological. But both meanings, with awareness of their differences, are identified: "adoration" is interpreted as a psychological and even natural condition - the attitude of a person to Christ, in whom he believes as in God. From such a "adoration" should not and should be followed by the egenation of the person himself - on the contrary, the man as it was, and remains "with his", with his psychology. There is no faith in the reality of human oblivion - but there is no degeneration of "moral", there is no spontaneous pagan worship with its own passions.

But real Orthodoxy is mainly a major manifestation in the external manifestations. In itself, it was inevitable, since it is impossible to become Orthodox, without starting from the surface - the surface does not happen in the surface and the ways are deep. But the maturity of Dostoevsky as a person demanded much more than could hardly get the newborn baby in Orthodoxy. His patience was not enough to transfer this condition as a disease. Trying to make it easier to ease your inner state, he began to develop fantasies about the ascetic and the historical fate of the Church.

Dostoevsky understands now "sin" in Christian and, therefore, believes in achieving sinless life in the flesh. But he does not see the practical opportunity for her, and therefore he moves his hope to an indefinite distance.

Dostoevsky is deployed by the world of mutually illuminating consciousnesses, the world of hidful semantic human plants. Among them, he is looking for a higher authoritative installation, and he perceives it not as his true thought, but as another true person. In the form of an ideal person or in the image of Christ, he sees the permission of ideological search. This image or voice should learn the world of votes, organize, subordinate it. Not loyalty to his beliefs and not their loyalty, but loyalty to the authoritative image of a person is the last ideological criterion for Dostoevsky. "Moral sample and I have an ideal - Christ. I ask: whether he would burn heretics, - no. Well, so it means that the burning of heretics is an incomplete act. "

III. The image of the sony marmalade as an expression of the ideas of Dostoevsky

Central place in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky occupies the image of Sony Marmalade, the heroine, whose fate causes us sympathy and respect. The more we find out about it, the more convinced of her cleanliness and nobility, the more we begin to think about true human values. The image, judgments of Sony makes it deep into ourselves help to evaluate what is happening around us. The heroine is drawn in the novel as a child, weak, helpless, with a childish clean, naive and bright soul. Children in the Gospels symbolize the moral intimacy of a person to God, the purity of the soul, capable of believing - and ashamed.

From the story of Marmaladov, we learn about the unfortunate fate of the daughter, her victim for the sake of his father, stepmother and her children. She went to sin, ventured to sell herself. But at the same time it does not require and does not expect any thankfulness. She does not blame Katerina Ivanovna, she simply puts up with her destiny. "... And only our big dradaned green handkerchief took (we have a shawl; there is a handkerchief, a dradam), covered my head and face and lay down on the bed, face to the wall, only the shoulders and the body all shudder ..." Sonya closes Face, as she is ashamed, embarrassing himself and God. Therefore, it rarely and home comes, only only to pay money, she is embarrassed when meeting with his sister and Mother Skolnikov, awkwardly feels even on the moments of his native father, where it was so unscrubently insulted. Sonya is lost under the pressure of a nudge, her meekness and quiet temper interfere with standing for themselves. The patience of Sony and its life force is largely from her faith. She believes in God, in justice with all his heart, without going into complex philosophical reasoning, believes blindly, reckless. And what else can you believe an eighteen-year-old girl, the whole formation of which is "a few books of the content of romantic", seeing around himself only drunken quarrels, flushes, diseases, debauchery and mountain of human? She is uncomfortable to her, not to wait for help, so she believes in God. In Prayer, Sonya finds calmness, so it is necessary for her soul.

All the actions of the heroine surprise their sincerity, openness. She does nothing for himself, all for someone: stepmothers, unaware brothers and sisters, Raskolnikova. The image of Sony is the image of true Christian and righteous. It is most fully revealed in the Raskolnikov recognition scene. Here we see Sonechkin the theory - the "theory of God". The girl can not understand and accept the ideas of Raskolnikov, she denies his elevation over everyone, disregard for people. She is alien to the very concept of "extraordinary person", as unacceptable the opportunity to break the "Law" God ". For her, everyone is equal, everyone will appear before the court of the Most High. In her opinion, there is no one man on Earth, which would have the right to condemn to themselves, to solve their fate. "Kill? Do you have the right to kill? " - exclaimed outraged Sonya. For her, all people are equal before God. Yes, Sonya is also a criminal, like Raskolnikov, she also laid the moral law: "We are cursed together, together and let's go," says her splitters, only he pulled through the life of another person, and she - through his own. Sonya does not impose faith for violence. She wants the splitters to come to it himself. Although Sonya instructs and asks him: "Crightening, pray at least once." She does not bring him his "bright", she is looking for his best in it: "How do you give the latter yourself, and killed to rob!" Sonya calls for Raskolnikov to repentance, she agrees to carry his cross, help come to truth through suffering. We do not cause doubts of her words, the reader is confident that Sonya will follow everywhere for Raskolnikov, everywhere and will always be with him. And why, why do she need it? To go to Siberia, live in poverty, suffer for the sake of a person who is dry, cold, rejects you. Only she could go for it, "Eternal Sonya," with a kind heart and selfless love for people.

A prostitute, causing respect, the love of everyone around, is the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanism and Christianity permeates this image. She loves and read everything: and Katerina Ivanovna, and her children, and neighbors, and the convicts, which Sonya helped free. Reading the Raskolnikov Gospel, the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus, Sonya awakens faith, love and repentance in his soul. "They were resurrected love, the heart of one was infinite sources of life for the heart of another." Rodion came to what Sonya called upon, he overestimated his life and its essence, as evidenced by his words: "Can her beliefs now not be my beliefs? Her feelings, her aspirations, at least ... "by creating the image of Sony by Marmaladova, Dostoevsky created the antipode of Raskolnikov and his theory (good, mercy, opposing evil). The life position of the girl reflects the views of the writer himself, his faith in good, justice, uncompanness and humility, but, above all, the love of man, whatever it is. It is through Sonya Dostoevsky denotes his vision of the path of victory of good over evil.

IV. Decision from God and the path to cleansing Rodion Skolnikova

The main hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is Rodion Raskolnikov. "Do not steal", "not kill," "Do not coordinate the idol", "Do not get up" - no commandment that he would not break. What is this person? Responsive, kind in nature, a person who is hard to experience someone else's pain and always helps people, even if he threatens his further existence. He is unusually smart, talented, patient, but, at the same time, proud, is poorly alleviated and very lonely. What made this kind, intelligent, disinterested person go to murder, make a grave sin? Constantly the vulnerable pride of Raskolnikov torments him, and then he is solved to murder to challenge the surrounding and prove to himself that he is not "trembling creature", but "right has". This man suffered a lot and reinforced. Raskolnikov was poor, and his pride was willing what he was eaten by union, hid from the hostess, who did not pay for his wretched Camork for a long time. In this beggar room and the monstrous theory of crime was born. Vacuated in itself, the splitters cannot correctly evaluate the "yellow-gray world" around him. Showing the humanity of the hero (the salvation of children, the content of the patient of the student), Dostoevsky does not simplify his inner world, putting Solvnikov before choosing. Internal struggle in the soul becomes one of the causes of murder. "Any kingdom, divided into itself, will empty; And every city, or a house, divided, in itself, will not stand. " New Testament, MTF.

Due to duality, two goals arise. One splitters strive for good, the other - to evil.

Dostoevsky points out readers that God wishes to all salvation, but only when the person himself wants it. Therefore, the Raskolnikov is given a warnings so that the crime does not commit. Meeting with Marmaladov, who speaks about a terrible court and about the forgiveness of humble: "... Therefore, they accept them, reasonable, therefore she did not accept themselves that neither one of himself did not consider himself a worthy of this ...", "and forces her Farm ... And we will understand everything ... Lord, yes your kingdom will come! " Second warning is a dream. Sleep - prophecy, which shows the ruthless idea - a Molka, who gets a horse, and in which he (childly, the child) is shown compassionate. And at the same time, the whole abomination of the murder is shown in a dream.

But Raskolnikov commits a crime. However, after suddenly realizes, which inappropriate its theory, since the conscience does not give him peace. Having developed an idea of \u200b\u200btwo kinds of people, he assumes himself, likening God, for it allows "blood on conscience". But "who elevates itself, will be humiliated." And, having committed a crime, the hero understands that it is not capable of carrying the cross of the "carrier of a new idea", but there is no return road. Communication with the family is torn to them, there is no more goal of life. He is not capable of seeing good, he loses faith. "Other fell in Tereni, and thorns grown, and drowned it, (seed)," said in the parable of the sower. New Testament, MTF. Raskolnikov remains alone among the "stuffiness" of the city.

Considering from a Christian point of view, the crime of Raskolnikov, the author allocates in it primarily the fact of the crime of moral laws, and not legal. Rodion Raskolnikov is a man, the Christian concepts that are deeply sinful. It is understood not to sin murder, and pride, dislike for people, the idea that all - "creatures trembling", and he may be "eligible", elected. How was Raskolniki able to comprehend the fallacy of his own theory and revived to a new life? Of course, he committed a crime, a cruel crime, but does he not suffer because of this? Raskolnikov becomes a victim of his crime: "I killed myself, not the old woman." Raskolnikov came to the conviction that "in common weights, the lives of this truck, stupid and angry old women" means "no more than the life of Vershi, so he decided to save others from the ruthless old woman. But he does not think about the fact that one crime entails another, no matter what person was killed, the "creature is trembling" or "right having". It happened with Raskolnikov. Killing a worthless old woman, he deprived the life of a man who causes pity from the reader and, in fact, did not guilty before mankind. So, we see that the splitters are not just a criminal, but the victim of his own crime. Eternal pain, such a pain of Christ, accompanies him everywhere, tormented from the very beginning of the path he chose - Consciously, giving himself a report in their actions and decisions and at the same time not imagining their acts. This is the way - the path against yourself, truth, faith, Christ, mankind. Against the whole holy, which is after suicide the hardest crime, which circumscribed the unfortunate flour. He encourages himself for mortal flour from the very intent of the crime ... "Do not kill!" ... This commandment of the Raskolnikov pulled out and, as in the Bible, should pass from the darkness to the light, from hell by cleansing the paradise. On this idea, all the work is built. Raskolnikov passed the law, but it did not make it easier. The soul of Rodion burst into parts: on the one hand, he killed the old woman to the percentage, and suddenly some other "extraordinary" person will decide to test himself and kill him or his sister, or mother, but on the other hand, (according to theory) means that Dunya, Mother, Raughiin - all ordinary people. He does not understand what happened, and thinks that I did something wrong, but the theory is not doubted. And at the help of Raskolnikov comes Sonya Marmaladov. It is with her appearance in Rodion that wins a feeling of pity. Pity covers it with the thought that he "came to torment" Sonya; He does not want suffering, but he wants happiness. It is especially strred by the humility, with which she takes suffering from him: "After the service, the Raskolnikov approached Sona, she took him for both hands and shouted his head to his shoulder. This short gesture struck the Raskolnikov in bewilderment, it was even strange: "How? Not the slightest disgust to him, nor the slightest shudder in her hand! It was some kind of infinity of his own humiliation ... he became terribly hard. " In essence, the attitude of Sony to Raskolnikov is the attitude of God to man, that is, the wholeness. Sonya returned Rodion to the truth, directed him to the right path. It helped Rodion to find faith. He takes into Christ - believes in him. Words of Christ, addressed to Martha: "I am a resurrection and life, who believes in me, if he dies, will revive!" We are implemented: Raskolnikov finally resurrected for a new happy life in love!

Dostoevsky initially recognizes the absolute of the human "me", spiritual dignity and freedom of any, even the most cracked and insignificant person. This dignity manifests itself in humility before the suffering sent by God. Dostoevsky opened the ability of a weak person to a spiritual feat. "Love your neighbor, like yourself," and then you, like Raskolnikov, will open truth, to know which you can, just passing through suffering and deprivation. There is no such sin, there is no such depth of fall, which would not atone with repentance.

V. "Christian" lines in the novel and their interpretation

Part I. Chapter II.“…all secret becomes clear... "Expression, ascending to the Gospel of Mark:" There is nothing secret that we would not have been obvious; And nothing happens to be hidden, which would not come out. "

Be man! " "Here is a man!" "The words of Pattia Pilate about Christ from the Gospel of John:" Then Jesus came out in a terns and in Bagryanitsa. And they told them Pilate: CE, man! "

Sodom-s, loose... "Sodom and Gomorra - biblical cities whose residents for immorality and lawlessness were severely punished by God.

... And you regret the one who regretted everyone andwho everyone understood everyone, he is one, he and judge. Will come on that day... "We are talking about the second coming of Christ. Its deadlines, according to the Gospel, are unknown, but it must be before the end of the world, when the earth will fulfill the lawlessness and "the people will rise to the people and the kingdom to the kingdom; And there will be glads, marines and earthquakes. "New Testament, MTF.

They are forgiven and now the sins of your mons, for the fact that they loved a lot ..."Monszy (Church) - many. Modified quote from the Gospel of Luke: "And therefore I tell you: the sins of her forgive her for the fact that she loved a lot; And to whom she says goodbye, he loves little. " She said: They say goodbye sins. " In the novel, as in the gospel, we are talking about a sinner.

“… image of animal and printing it... "We are talking about the Antichrist, who was usually depicted in the Gospel in the form of a beast and special seal who celebrated their adherents.

Chapter IV.On Calval, it is hard to bring ". Calvary - the place of execution near Jerusalem. According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was crucified here.

Part II. Chapter I.House - Noev Ark ... "The expression arose from the biblical myth about the World Flood, from which he was escalated with his family and animals, as God taught him in advance to build an ark (ship). It is used in the meaning "room filled with many people."

Chapter VI.“… where I read, as one sentenced to death, an hour before death, says or thinks that if he had to live somewhere on top, on a rock, and on such a narrow platform, so that only two legs could be put - And the range will be the abyss, the ocean, the eternal darkness, the eternal privacy and the eternal storm, - and stay so, standing on the arches of the space, all his life, a thousand years, eternity, - it is better to live like that now to die! "It meant Roman V.Guhugo" Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God ", the translation of which was published in the journal of the Dostoevsky Brothers" Time "in 1862:" At times, he looked at the genus a narrow platform, who accidentally staged from the sculptural decorations feet in ten lower it, And he prayed to God so that he would allow him to spend the rest of his life on this tiny space if he had even happened to live two hundred years. " Describing the "main thought" of Creativity V.GUGU, Dostoevsky wrote: "His thought is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole art of the nineteenth century, and this thoughts of the Hugo, as an artist, was almost the first proclaimer. This is the thought of Christian and highly moral; Its formula - the restoration of the deceased person crushed unfairly oppressive circumstances, stagnation of centuries and public prejudices. This thought is an excuse of the humiliated and all revolved Pari of the Company ".Dostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: at 30 t. L., 1972-1991 (HS, 526).

Part III. Chapter II.Not a confessor and I. ... "The confessor, that is, a priest who takes confession from anyone constantly.

Chapter IV.“… Lazari sing... "The expression arose from the Gospel, from the parables about the Nasla Lazar, who lay at the gate of rich and glad to satisfy at least crumbs falling from the table. In antiquity - cripples, facing the charm, sang "spiritual poems" and especially the "verse about poor Lazar", created at the plot of the Gospel Proverbs. Verse this sang plaintively, on the guarantee motive. Hence the expression "Sing Lazari", used in the meaning to complain about fate, to cry, pretend to be unhappy, poor.

Chapter V.“… sometimes completely innocent and valiantly spilled for ancient law... "We are talking about a martyr's death for God, that is, for the ancient, the Old Testament law of the biblical prophets - the Willow of the Will of God. These were the accusals of idolatry, who were not afraid to speak the kings to the truth in the face and most often the martyrs finish their lives.

“… to the new Jerusalem, of course! - So you still believe in the new Jerusalem? " The expression "New Jerusalem" dates back to the apocalypse: "And I saw a new sky and a new land; For the old sky and the former land passed, and the sea is no longer. And I John saw the holy city of Jerusalem, a new, coming from God from the sky ... "According to the teachings of Saint-Simonists, Belief in New Jerusalem meant faith in the offensive of the new earthly paradise - the" Golden Age ". "The emerging socialism, - recalled Dostoevsky in the" writer's diary "for 1873, was compared then, even some of his covods, with Christianity and was taken as amended and improving the latter, according to century and civilization." Dostoevsky F.M. full Cathedral Works: at 30 t. L., 1972-1991 (X1, 135). "A conversation about the new Jerusalem ambigules: Porphyry implies under the new Jerusalem religion, apocalypse, Raskolnikov - Utopic paradise on Earth, New Jerusalem Saint - Simonists and other utopists, in their own way interpretated Gospel ... Contemporaries and Dostoevsky friends have no doubt that in fact it means a splitter, speaking of the new Jerusalem. Under the new Jerusalem, Raskolnikov understands the new order of life, to which all the aspirations of socialists are clone, the order in which universal happiness can come true, and the Raskolnikov is ready to believe in the possibility of such order, at least he does not dispute his capabilities. "

Suffering and pain are always mandatory for widespread consciousness and deep heart". These lines express one of the most important Christian ethical principles - about the guilty and responsibility of everyone to everyone before everyone. The world lies in evil and Jesus Christ made himself to be held for the sins of people: "Since the Son of Human did not come to him, so that he served, but to serve and give his soul to the atonement of many." New Testament, MTF. Hence: a man with a "wide consciousness and deep heart" should always remember Calvary, that is, about the crucifixions of Christ.

True great people ... should feel in the world Great sadness... "Rows inspired by Eckeseist - the Old Testament, the biblical book, written, by legend, the king of Solomon and meaning" experienced wisdom ":" And I looked around for all the things of my business, who made my hands, and on the work that I worked, making them : And so, everything is a fuss and tomorrow, and there are no benefit from them under the sun! "," because in many wisdom a lot of sadness; And who multiplies knowledge, multiplies the sorrow. "Bible. For Dostoevsky "True Great People" - these are always people of Christian faith and spirit, the holy devotees of the Church, who, knowing about the sins of the world and about Calvary, "felt in the world of great sadness."

However, Dostoevsky invested these words in the mouth of Skolnikov. For him, these words have a completely opposite meaning. For Raskolnikov "True Great People" are "strong personality", world conquerors - Julius Caesar, Napoleon, are not just denied Christian morality, and the other, anti-Christian, resolving blood shedding. That is why these "strong personalities", as a proud demon, are sad in lonely magnitude. And in these words, the whole tragedy of human citizens is concluded for Skolnikov, the whole tragedy of "strong personalities" who put themselves instead of God.

Part IV. Chapter IV.She is god urtt". Stressing the spiritual purity of Lizaveta, Sonya quotes the Gospel from Matthew: "Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God." New Testament, MTF.

There is a kingdom of God". Quote from the Gospel of Matthew: "But Jesus said: let the children and do not let them come to me, because there are the kingdom of heaven."

“… in the seed went... "that is, in the genus, in the offspring. In this sense, the word seed is used in the Gospel.

Part VI. Chapter II.Look for and clothe ". That is, look for and find. Quote from the Nagorn sermon Jesus Christ.

Chapter VIII.It is he in Jerusalem goes... "Jerusalem is a city in Palestine, where, according to legend, is the grave of Jesus Christ.


Chapter II.He went to church ... Together with others ... all at once attacked him with distervection. - You're a bootiness! You do not believe in God! - shouted to him. - kill you need". Dostoevsky very much wanted to see in the Russian people "People's God-head" and the court of people to judge Skolnikov as God's court. The people are presented in their darkness, stamps, abyss, and in their indestructable instinct of truth. And not just in the wormless Skolnikov secret of the hatred of the platform to him, but, above all, in the inhumanity daily and visual, so to speak. "Belov S.V., Roman Dostoevsky" Crime and Punishment ", comment, L., 1979.

He was dreaming in the illness, as if the whole world was convicted of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented by marine ulcer, which comes from the depths of Asia to Europe ... People killed each other in some meaningless malice. They gathered on each other with whole armies ... they broke and cut, bite and fir each other ... Fires began, hunger began. Everything and everything perished". At the base of Sleep Skolnikov, there are 24 the head of the Gospel of Matthew and Chapter 8-17 of the Apocalypse - Revelations of John the Bogoslov. When Jesus Christ was sitting on Mount Eleon, the students were missing for him and began to ask him when the old century will end and the new one will begin. Jesus Christ replied: "... hear about wars and military rumors. See, do not worry; For it takes everything to be. But this is not the end: for the people will rise to the people, and the kingdom of the kingdom, and there will be glads, the marines and earthquakes in places; Yet it is the beginning of disease ... And then many will be seduced and each other will betray each other, and each other will be raised; And many false prophets will rise and make many; And, due to the multiplication of lawlessness, in many the love will cool ... "New Testament, MTF. Dostoevsky, reflecting on the fate of Russia, Europe and the whole world, fills the Gospel Dream Skolnikov in deep symbolic content. The writer indicates a terrible danger for humanity of individualism, which can lead to the oblivion of all moral norms and concepts, all the criteria of good and evil.

People who took them in themselves became immediately launched and crazy. But never, never people did not consider themselves as smart and unshakable in truth, as they considered infected". These are gospel words: "A large flock of pigs passed on Mount, and the demons asked him to allow them to enter them. He allowed them. Demons, published from man, entered pigs; And the herd rushed from the steepness into the lake and Poton. Shepherds, seeing what happened, ran and told in the city and in the villages. And came out to see what happened; And, who came to Jesus, found a person from which the demons sitting at the feet of Jesus, dressed and in the right mind, and were horrified. Saying themselves told them how the rampant was healed. " Dostoevsky gave a symbolic and philosophical meaning with the episode about the healing of the informant Christ: the illness and madness disease that covered Russia and the whole world is individualism, pride and self-person.

Only a few people can escape around the world, it was clean and selected, designed to start a new kind of people and a new life, to update and clean the earth, but no one has seen these people anywhere, no one heard their words and voices". We have undergone to the end and elected in the epilogue of the novel turns out to be splitters.

“…just not passed the century of Abraham and her student". According to the Bible, Patriarch Abraham was born almost 2000 years before the Nativity of Christ.

They still had seven more years ... seven years, only seven years! At the beginning of his happiness, in other moments, they both were ready to look at these seven years as seven days". In the Bible: "and served Jacob for Rachel seven years; And they seemed to him in a few days, because he loved her. "Bible.

Vi. Christian symbolism in the novel

1.Vangelic names

Selecting the names to their heroes, Dostoevsky followed the deeply rooted Russian tradition, when, due to the use of predominantly Greek names when baptized, their explanation was accustomed to searching in Orthodox church calendars. In the library, Dostoevsky had such a calendar in which the "Alphabet List of Saints" was given, indicating the numbers of the celebration of their memory and the names of names in Russian. There is no doubt that Dostoevsky often looked into this "list", giving symbolic names to their heroes.

Capernamas, of course, the surname is significant. Capernaum is a city often mentioned in the New Testament. Capernaumov Sonya took off the room, and Maria-Bludnica lived near this city. Jesus Christ settled here after left Nazareth, and Kapernaum began to be called "his city." In Kapernahum, Jesus made many wonders and healings, said a lot of proverbs. "And when Jesus stayed in the house, many Mytari and sinners came and apled with him and his students. Seeing that the Pharisees said to his students: what is your teacher eats and drinks with sooters and sinners? Jesus heard it, told them: Unhealthy have a need for a doctor, but patients ".New covenant, MTF. In the "crime and punishment" in the Sony's room in Kapernaumov's apartment there are sinners and sufferers, orphans and poor - all sick and thirsty of healing: a splitter comes here to confess the crime; "For that by Sitho, the door that separated the Sony's room ... stood Mr. Svidrigaylov and, having trough, heard"; Here and DUnechka comes to learn about the fate of Brother; Here they bring to die Katerina Ivanovna; Here, marmalands asked for a hangover and the last thirty kopecks at Sony took. As in the gospel, the main location of Christ - Capernaum, so the apartment of Kapernaumov becomes in the novel by Dostoevsky Center. As people in Capernah have listened to truth and life, and the main character of the novel makes him in the apartment of Capernaumov. As the inhabitants of Capernaham, most of them did not repent and did not believe, despite the fact that they were openly a lot (because the prophecy was uttered: "And you, Capernaum, ascended to Heaven, will overthrow, to hell; for if there were forces in Soda , shown in you, then he would stay until now ") New Testament, MTF. And the Raskolnikov still here from their "new word" does not repent.

Dostoevsky does not accidentally call Marmaladov's wife with the name "Katerina". "Catherine" translated from Greek means "always clean". Indeed, Katerina Ivanovna is proud of his education, upbringing, with its "cleanliness". When Raskolnikov comes to Sona for the first time, she, defending Katerina Ivanovna from his unfair accusations, reveals the semantics of her name: "She is looking for justice ... she is clean."

A special place in Dostoevsky's novels belongs to meek women who are named Sofia - Wisdom (Greek.). Sonya Marmaladova - humbly carries the cross, which fell into her share, but believes in the final victory of good. Dostoevsky wisdom Sofia - Smithnantry.

In the patronymic of Father Sony - Zakharych - hidden a hint of his religiosity. In the "Alphabetical List of Saints", the name of the biblical prophet Zechariah means "Memory of the Lord" (Heb.).

An Avdota Yakovlevna Panayev, the first love of the writer, served as a possible prototype of Avdoti Romanovna Romanovna. Portrait of the Duni strongly resembles the appearance of Panayeva. However, R.G.Nazirov in the article "On the prototypes of some Characters of Dostoevsky" suggested a combination of the Municipality of the Character of Panayeva with the legendary way to Holy Agata, how he saw his writer in the picture of Sebastian Del Piombo "Martyrdom of Saint Agatha" in the Pitti Gallery in Florence. This canvas is a torture scene. Two Roman executions, trying to force Agatu to abandon the Christian faith and return to paganism, on both sides bring hot tongs to her breast. Agatha to the end kept the resistance and faith. It is not by chance that Svidrigaylov speaks of the Dunya: "She, no doubt, would be one of those who have undergone martyrdom and, of course, smiling, when she would have burned her chest with hot tongs."

As for the Mother of Skolnikov, in the "Alphabetical List of Saints", Pulcheria means "beautiful" (lat.), And Alexander (Patronymic: Alexandrovna) - "Protector of People". Hence, she has such a desire to become a wonderful mother, defender of his children.

It is very important that Molts from Sleep Skolnikov is also called the Molt's dyesman. Both of them are the name of this holy waters. Antipode of the pure and innocent dyeshewher's heart is a drunken rustic guy, to death a scoring horse. Between these two Molts, between the faith and disbelief and the swollen scrolls associated with both inextricably: with one - a circular place of sin, with another - hope for resurrection.

Dostoevsky gives Lizaven Ivanovna by this name because Elizaveta is a "honored God" (Heb.).

The name of Ilya Petrovich - Assistant of the Quarter Outlook - Dostoevsky explains himself: "But this one in the office there was something in the genus of thunder and zipper." The writer ironically calls him the name of the bandwidth of the Prophet Ilya and the name of the apostle Peter, meaning the "stone" (Greek.).

Dostoevsky gives Petrophry Petrovich the name Porphiri, meaning "crimson" (Greek). By killing the Rostovist and her sister and overpowing, thereby the Old Testament Commandment "not killing", the Raskolnikov enters the conflict at once with the two truths - God and the human. The religious principle is represented in the Roman Sonya, the legal - Porphyria Petrovich. Sonya and Porfiry - Divine Wisdom and Clean Fire.

The author does not accidentally call Marfa Petrovna by the Evangelical name of Marfa. Throughout life, she was immersed in small daily calculations and cared, as well as the Gospel Marfa, about too much when "one on the need."

The surname of the main character testifies to the fact that "in the consciousness of the author, passionate love Skolnikova for people who reach full indifference to their interests, and fanaticism in defending their idea to a certain extent associated with a split." The split (old-selling) is the flow that emerged in the middle of the 17th century in the Russian Church as a protest against the innovations of Patriarch Nikon, which were to correct church books and some church customs and rites. Slicing is an obsession with one thought, fanaticism and stubbornness.

2.Syphras, symbolic in Christianity

Figures that are symbolic in Christianity, symbols and in "crime and punishment". This number is seven and eleven.

The number seven is a truly holy number, as the connection of the number of three - divine perfection (Trinity) and four - world order; Consequently, the seven number is a symbol of the "Union" of God with a man or communication between God and his creation. In the Roman Romanov, going to murder at seven hours, there was, thus, was already doomed to defeat in advance, since he wanted to break this "Union." That is why to restore this "Union" again to become a person again, the splitters must again go through this true holy number. Therefore, in the epilogue of the Roman again there is a number of seven, but no longer as a symbol of death, but as a saving number: "They remained for another seven years; And until so much insistant flour and so much endless happiness! "

Repeated indication in the novel by eleven hours is associated with the gospel text. Dostoevsky well remembered the evangelical parable that "the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of the house, which went out early to hire his employees in the vineyard." He went out to hire workers in the third hour, in the sixth, in the ninth and, finally, came out in the eleventh. And in the evening, when weeping, the owner reluctantly paid the owner to everyone, starting with those who came in the eleventh hour. And the latter became the first to fulfill some kind of higher justice. Distributed meetings with Marmeladov, Sonya and Porphyrian Petrovich to eleven o'clock, Dostoevsky reminds that Raskolnikov is still not too late to reset the obsession, it's not too late to admit and repent of this gospel hour, and become the first one.

3. Using biblical plot

Christian in the novel enhances numerous analogies and associations with biblical plots. There is an excerpt from the Gospel of Lazar. The death of Lazarus and his resurrection is a prototype of the fate of Raskolnikov after a crime before his complete revival. This episode shows the entire hopelessness of death and its entire irreparation, and the incomprehensible miracle - the miracle of the resurrection. Native will grieve about the dead Lazar, but they will not revive with their tears, a lifeless corpse. And then the one who passes the borders of the possible, one who defeats death, the one who resurrect the already decaying body! Only Christ could resurrect Lazarus, only Christ could resurrect and morally dead Skolnikov.

Including in Roman Evangelical lines, Dostoevsky already opens the readers the future fate of Raskolnikov, since the relationship between the Raskolnikov and Lazar is obvious. "Sonya, reading a string:" ... For four days, as in the coffin, "vigorously hit the word" four ". This remark Dostoevsky highlights not by chance, because reading about Lazarus occurs in four days after the murder of the old woman. And "four days" of Lazarus in the coffin become equivalent to the four days of the moral death of Skolnikov. And the words Marta Jesus: "Lord! If you were here, my brother would not die! - Also significant for Raskolnikov, that is, if Christ was present in the soul, he would not have committed a crime, would not die morally.

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