Vlad Sokolovsky who his father. Andrey Sokolovsky: "We strive for harmony in everything

Vlad Sokolovsky who his father. Andrey Sokolovsky:
Vlad Sokolovsky who his father. Andrey Sokolovsky: "We strive for harmony in everything

Vlad Sokolovsky repeated the path of his father - like his dad, he became a member of Boyz-Benda. :) And both Andrei Sokolovsky, the leader of the most popular in the 90th "Iks mission" group, went around the whole country with concerts and got into all the hit parades, just like Vlad Sokolovsky, the participant of the Bis group, drives tours Russia and ranks first lines of ratings. But, despite the dads, experience, help and communications, Vlad had to go through a difficult path to glory.

Andrey Sokolovsky

At what point did you understand: Vlad can succeed?
Oh, this was not! The fact is that we did not raise the star. First of all, we brought up our Son, and in the second - a professional who would be good to know your business.

What started a career of Vlad?
In 2.5 years, he starred in a movie in an episodic role, the film was called "Scam. Music. Love". There participated in scenes with pancratov-black. Our older daughter played the main child's role there. And in Vlad, the director saw an episodic hero and said: I need this boy! So according to the castings, we never dragged him. Despite the fact that Vlad was first filmed into a movie, he behaved absolutely harmoniously and improvised much.

What was the next step?
From two years he was engaged in gym every day. And at 4 years for the first time came to me on tour. At that moment I was a choreographer-director of the program "I am not Raphael" Philip Kirkorov. All this accidentally increased in the well-known story when the "song of the year-96" Vlad sang "My Boy". At age 5, he entered the school of art to know the dance basics, and from seven began to go to the studio "Todes". And in parallel, he acted in two musicals. So he had an acting and choreographic practice, and sometimes I took it on tour, where he sang with the "X-mission".

Knowing all the underwater stones of the world show business, how did you decide to let the Son in such a "cruel" swimming?
No one went there! He was already born in the movement of show business. When Vlad was born, I worked as a director of dancing with the most different stars and was the main ballet marster of the theater Pugacheva. Vlad, as they say, was born in sawdust, and he liked it all. He since childhood saw the circus, theater, stage, knew the bite and how it was arranged. For him, all this was a kind of children's game.

And how did the game become a profession?
Apparently when he performed, it was aware of what he liked it. He realized that he was interested in people. When he finished the Todes Ballet Studio (and he studied 8 years), he could start working mainly, but he saw himself more than just a dancer - he saw himself a soloist, singer, showman.

But studying at the art school, in the studio "Todes" - were your solutions?
We did not impose anything to him, all this was an independent work. He came from school, made lessons, took a portfolk and drove at the rehearsal. That is, by and large, if he didn't like it initially, he, like any child, would protest: "I don't want to do it!"

And how did you react to his decision to go to the "factory"?
We and Irina, Mom Vlad, were against. We knew that there was hard psychologically there, and understood that in 15 years it is hard to endure such stresses.

But Vlad Related Contrary to Your opinion?
He just decided for himself what would try. Vlad was always in character stubborn. But we never had conflicts, because more often we did not advise him, but he himself asked our opinion.

And how much is Vlad Independent Man and Artist?
From childhood, he has been independent from childhood - and the directors and producers have noticed it in it. Even at 5 he was the most real peasant. Tell us about the relationship of Vlad and Mom. Whose opinion for him was more important?
Vlad has an unusual mom! In addition, she is also an extraordinary wife. :) The fact is that we have never had different opinions with our spouse. Having lived over 20 years together, we are not what we say the same thing, we think the same. By profession, she is a director director. So, too, can give Vlad advice from his professional point of view.

And how did you achieve success? Tell us about your parents.
I was born in the city of Krivoy Rog, my mother was a doctor, and the father metallurgist - all his life worked at the factory. Parents could not help me in my direction. But when I was 6 years old, they gave me to the dance ensemble. Everything. Further I had to seek it myself. I myself went to St. Petersburg to the Ballet Academy, he studied himself.

What way is better - independent or when parents help?
I myself would not refuse if parents helped me at one time. This allows you to completely concentrate on the profession. The fact that Vladik began to study his work so early, gives him a huge one to his peers. He is only 18 years old, and he has so much experience.

Vlad Sokolovsky

How helped you are what your family is from show business?
It helped me. My whole story sounds so bright and colorfully, but I do not want to talk about how hard it was, despite the "Family Fame" ...

Just it is interesting!
I like to talk about light moments. If we talk about dark, then the area in which I grew up is far from the most prosperous - the Losinoostrovsky Park, the sleeping area, the outskirts of the city ... Sometimes it was necessary to carry your legs from the skins and football fans (at that time was fond of HIP-hop-culture. ..). It's funny now to remember this ... :)

What about a personal driver? Governess?
There were no drivers! I went on my rehearsals with eight years. Then there was a project "Redhead AP" with the group "Iks-Mission", thanks to which I became popular at the level of my environment. It seemed that everyone saw advertising, saw the clip ... And at school I was always trying to tease. But I had such a character - tin! - I always gave a nose for such things. And here I "took off" at 12, and what then? What was from 12 to 16 years old? How did I interrupted there? No one knows this! Four years before the "factory" were oh, as difficult!

But without the famous dad would be harder?
Of course! But if I were a slacker, I would not use the opportunities that I had, did not listen to any tips, I didn't interest anything else and in the end ... at 18 I would sit on my parents on the neck and did nothing. But, fortunately, I wrapped everything on my shoulders and endured.

Do you often contact your parents for tips? Not in the professional sphere, but in general? About girls, for example, ask? :)

No, I'll deal with himself! (Laughs.) Although I am pleased that my girl really likes. It's great that they communicate and we can come with my second half to my parents and feel very comfortable.

And if they were against? They would say: "I don't like it, and that's it!"
As a rule, who will give you an ultimatum, you will refuse. If someone ever says: "Communicate with me, not with him," I can just remove a person from my life. It is clear that I will not refuse my parents in any way, but we will communicate less. In general, everything costs us without conflict: each of us, knowing each other's character, does not allow such moments that could ruin the relationship.

And how would you break through if it was born in a simple family?

The "Iks-Mission" group on stage has six years. But the family duet of the leader of the group Andrei Sokolovsky and his wife Irina began much earlier - at the time of the work of Andrey, the head of the ballet "Recital", that is, 16 years ago.

- Andrei, and how did it all start? - The group went the seventh year, and I believe that we have already played the first half. People who looked at us these years have already made their choice, and seems to be in our favor. But when we appeared, there were about 10 boy-band on the market, and we also got into this category, although they were older than all. Now they do not consider us, and young people come to our concerts with pleasure. Of course, it is very important that they listen to normal Russian music, try to pay attention to the text, on the soulfulness of songs more than modern fashion rhythms. In addition, it's nice that our public grows together with us. And the desire to create your musical team appeared in the early 90s. But then there was no experience or economic, nor creative foundation. After all, it was necessary not to just create a group of 4-5 beautiful boys, it was necessary to make something, new. And it had to prepare. - Tell me, where did such a strange name come from? - invented. But not just as, for example, "cream" or something else. The name really turned out to be difficult, and the first two years, people could not get used to him at all. Apparently because we went completely different. "X" is an abbreviation, denoting: art, culture, sports. It follows that the "Iks-Mission" is the mission that we carry in this life, the way of life we \u200b\u200bpromote, which 100% corresponds to each of my partners. We encoded themselves for these three words, and it helps us great. - Andrei, you in the repertoire there was such a romantic song "White Nights". What are you from Peter? "Indeed, this one of the first of our songs was dedicated to the city of White Nights. And although I myself come from Crusure, I have a lot with Peter connected. There I studied at the Russian Ballet Academy. A. Vaganova, there served in the ensemble of the Leningrad Military District. Then at the invitation of Alla Borisovna became the artist of her ballet, and later the balletmaster of the "Recital" group. - So you are from ballet?! And how after meeting with Pugacheva, was your further dance destiny? - At the time of my work, the head of the ballet "Recétal" I met my current (and the only one) wife Irina. Ira was the director-director of the theater of Yudashkin. And now, shortly after our dating, that is, 16 years ago, we combined their efforts. One and a half years worked with Kirkorov, in the 90th year did a great show Penxine, worked with Irina Allegrova above its program in the Olympic, made a staged dance show with Valery Meladze, two programs for Natasha Queen also in our account. I had a chance to work with Alla Pugacheva Theater - it is her "Christmas meetings" in the 88th, 91st and 98th, and with Borea Moses over his two shows. And in all these projects I worked as a balletmaster-director, and Irina helped me as a director, fully creating a program for the artist, his show. They made large international circus programs with attractions - "Dancing Circus". This topic was close to us, because Irina, herself from the hereditary circus family, and at the 18th age she had the best room in the Roscirka system - Dancing on a wire. This is later later she finished the directorial branch of Gitis. - Did you have love with Irina at first glance? - No, therefore, creative contact happened. A month or one and a half, we simply worked on one project and did not even think about the Edak. Moreover, Irina was still married at that time, and her husband Konstantin financed the draft theater Valentine Yudashkin. And I considered me by a jump, and I had the right to do this, being older for 12 years. But in the process of communication and joint creativity, it became something to manifest itself ... somehow it turned out that Irina had a moment of despair, she was deceived by work, in the family, too, by that time there was a complete disorder. I rang. She sobbed into the phone, and on my question "What happened?", Replied in short: "Come!" I came and stayed, and now we have been together for 16 years, and I wanda turned 12 to our son. - Have you come to her then and immediately explained in love? - No, I didn't even get it at first seriously. I understood that Irina is such a brilliant woman, married to a rich man, so why do she need such a kid like me? I was then only 23, I recently returned from the army. And I myself told her: "Do you think Ira, what can I give you?" But she argued differently and was sure that we would just have to be together, and everything else can be bought. Although there was no confidence that it would be a stable marriage. The former name of Irina is back, but she, apparently, by then he has already taken the final decision. Plus, another creative union, which always talked in our livelihood. - And, apparently, it was important that you had where to live? - We lived for a long time in an ordinary two-bedroom apartment in a residential area on Yaroslavl highway. We were pleased with the fact that there was a forest, where we were running almost every day, and the lake where you could swim. But then it's time to do family well-being, build your hearth, your fortress. It is time to implement all your ideas, including design. So this apartment appeared on the Oktyabrsky field of 125 square meters. m, in a brick house where we raised a communal apartment and created what they dreamed about ... - How did your designer plan implemented? - We were not invited to anyone, but everyone did themselves. The idea was to, using all the possibilities of the apartment, make it the most functional as possible. Where, for example, in the hall in the wall, these niches appeared for all sorts of small things? It just turned out that the reinforced concrete beams are used at the top between the columns, and they cannot be closed. I had to transfer the wall to the level of this beam, making it the whole, and where the empty place was built a niche. The fountain in the hallway is our common idea, although in general this is the idea of \u200b\u200bFeng Shui, associated with the material well-being of the family. That is, when the water in the fountain is constantly being poured - this is a profit in the family. Such signs can be attributed to the star of David, which is posted from the tile on the floor in the hallway. This sign taken from deep antiquity is not only a symbol of the Jewish faith, but also a sign of harmony, and associated with the universe. So we strive for harmony and try to achieve it in everything. - It seems that the Aura of the East is present in your apartment ... - We really are close in spirit. But the eastern room is the idea of \u200b\u200bour daughter Dasha (Irina daughter from the previous marriage), which really likes this style. Here we tried to do a certain synthetic of the East, where elements and China are present, and Korea, here and fan from Thailand, and figurines from Japan. Yes, this room is located on the east side and on Feng Shui contributes to a good fertility of children. So now, while Dasha is on tour with the circus "Shapito" - she has a horse trainer, that is, I went on my mother's footsteps, "our girlfriend lives in this room, and her pregnancy here passes just perfectly. - Tell me, and who owns the idea to make your with an Irina bedroom in orange tones? - Orange room is the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composer Laura Quint, who advised us to make a bedroom in the color of love. But a fully glass balcony is the idea of \u200b\u200bour friend Sergey Palladina, he is an architect. We use a lot of friends. As a result, we have a combination of a soft high-tech (the hall-lounge, moving to the kitchen, with the addition of various elements) and, of course, minimalism - our furniture here is practically no, only soft. Due to this, more free space is created. And since the windows come out on both sides, there is air movement, and we do not even have the need for air conditioner: in our house there is always fresh. - Judging by the percussion electronic installation in Vlad's room, your son also went on parental footsteps? - And what did he stay in? He already works in the scene with might and main. The first powerful performance in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses was with Kirkorov, with the song "My Boy". Remember such a little boy? That's it. From 3 to 4 years old, Vlad traveled with me on tour until I did the dance and vocal program Philip "I am not Rafael". With Vlad, all this is the case there and run around. Four years, the Son studied at the school of arts to the classic and folk dance. The last three years is studying in the ballet "Todes", where it acts in the main working children's group. Vlad participated in many of our clips, but his solo debut was the clip "Rygiy AP". There was a song Vladimir Saiko, which he performed. And with the "Iks-Mission" he worked for five years, in every album he has a song. But now it is already involved in us, Vlad has more events. At home he is engaged in vocals, a drum, and in the fitness club - boxing. By the way, Vlad bought this impact installation himself. I once was the drummer, I studied. So managed to give him his knowledge, and he is already engaged for the third year. We also take a son for children's charity concerts, and on tour, when in some regions they ask to bring Red APA. For half a year Vlad I worked in the main role in the children's musical "Holiday of disobedience", which was walking on Color Boulevard in the Cineaur World Cinema Cinema. There are their ethers, and their interviews. And studying in an ordinary school. So the son is now in the creative process. The more you can be able to, the better. Let him later choose what he needs in life, who he should be. - Andrei, and you can ask, who else sleeps on a huge bunk bed? It is clear that Vlad Upstairs, and who is at the bottom? - This is his guest sofa. His friends often come to his son, classmates, sometimes play. Where did they look at the night to go? Here the people can accommodate much. Honestly, I myself also dreamed of such a kind of bed. Therefore, sometimes it goes there and sleep. - Like all normal people, in your family probably there are disagreements too. Tell me, because of what they occur? - Of course, we had scandals and quarrels with Irina, but predominantly because of the trifles, such creative disagreements. After all, I still scorpion, and Irina is Capricorn ... But despite this, and we successfully passed the first critical period at the age of 7, and the 15-year-old frontier was overcame. We are not even jealous of each other now, because it has already passed the stage. We trust each other 100%. - How does Irina relate to your fans? - Fine. Girls all matured. Moreover, they are so raised that they are always nice to communicate with them. They always organize concerts in our birthdays, for the new year, on March 8, on February 23. Come from different cities, and we are constantly meeting with them. In fan clubs they have their own life: they get acquainted there, unite. Club President is 55 years old, and she teaches them how to communicate with artists. Therefore, in concerts, we always have order, no one bothers to watch anyone and listen. - What is the main thing in your relationship with Irina? - Now it is impossible to separate. But at each stage of our life, something acquires the dominant position. When we work - then creativity, if we are going to relax - then sex, love. And always - friendship, mutual understanding. - Who is usually the first to compromise? - More Ira. And not for a compromise, but for reconciliation. She is wise. For example, I need to go to the concert now, and we just "bother", with which mood I will go? She understands that I am upset, so suitable: "Andryush, Tyu-Tyu, Lala". And I, too, immediately stone from the soul. "Andrei, you and Irina together created the" Iks-Mission "group, gathered guys, write music and poems to your songs, besides you are the leader of the group. Tell me, how do we include the participants of the group, does it cause envious, jealousy? - Well, who prevents them from starting to start everything from scratch? The fact is that we try not to infringe anyone. Starting from the first album, each member of the group has its own solo song. We are looking together and pick up something your own for each artist, we decide together to do what to do. But there was a period when they only came, when they could not even hold the microphone correctly. But the guys we have everything with musical education, everyone knows how to play. Alexander Kulagin finished Igor Moiseyev's studio and shifted the main repertoire there for four years. Arthur Shibayev finished the Ufa choreographic school. Valentine Fostyannye arrived in Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk, where he graduated from the cult spots in the class of the conductor of the People's Orchestra, the school of arts, worked in the show group "Dance Empire", and later he was invited to "Alex-Show". - It turns out that you have everything in the group and dance and sing? - Not without it. And everyone did everything in different ways, who had previously started singing, who to dance. I started with the dance ensemble "School Years", I studied at the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School, finished the Studio of the State Ensemble of Ukraine. Wai, after which he entered the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. As for the vocal, we have the whole family sang. My father worked at the metallurgical plant and sang in amazing, although he dreamed of something more. So I embodied his unfulfilled dreams. And one of his last clips, where the guys with the guys were filmed in a real melting workshop, I dedicated to my father, because my mother, and father worked for 20 years in Norilsk-Nickel. Well, the guys who studied at the teacher of Rudnev Anna Igorevna, Professor of the Gnesian Academy. - Your group is rarely seen in the capital. Why? - Because our main job is touring the country, in Mother Russia. There are open people, responsive, joyful. It's nice to work when you love and wait.

Conversation led Tamara Kleman

Vlad Sokolovsky is a famous Russian singer, a leading and former member of the Bis group.


The future star was born in September 1994. Being still very small him constantly drawn to creativity. Already almost that at six years he was engaged in all sorts of circles: sang, danced and played on stage. Having such a bright appearance with him, he is already able to play in the episode of one film.

For a long time, he actively stormed the Russian show business, despite the fact that his favorite passion was inhabited by his studies. Parents, watching he started well studying at school, decide to stop his classes in circles and contests. After several years of silence, he managed to return to the scene and conquer millions of hearts.

Group "bis"

Having with him a very bright and pretty appearance, it is not surprising that he had great successes and music.

Already at sixteen, he tries his vocal data in the Star-7 factory program. Vlad, thanks to his voice and appearance instantly deserves a huge number of fans and soon becomes a favorite of not only domestic media, but also the viewers.

Throughout the season, the young man was on the verge of disposal, but thanks to one important event that happened to the singer changed much. Konstantin Meladze takes an important decision and creates a group called "bis" to the composition of which Vlad Sokolovsky and Dmitry Bikbaev entered. Together, young and ambitious performers conquered millions of hearts.

And after receiving bronze in the seventh season of the "Star Factory", they began to jointly produce songs. For three years, the musical compositions of this duet rose to the first lines of domestic charts.

But in 2010 it became known that the group known for the most part, as "bis" - broke up. Dmitry Bikbaev founded a new group, but she never managed to become famous.

As for Vlad Sokolovsky himself, he actively engaged in acting and acted in the theater for several years, but soon he leaves this field and together with the producer Konstantin Meladze composed and released songs. At first, the music compositions of Vlad brought profit and fame, however, a little later, the producer decides to interrupt cooperation.

Despite this, the very difficult decision Vlad and Konstantin remained good friends. Soon Vladov proposes the cooperation of Lera Kudryavtseva and Dima Bilan, but soon because of different differences, the artist announces that henceforth will not depend on producers.

At the moment, the singer is trying to produce music clips and songs, but, unfortunately, they do not have such success as before.

Personal life

It is clear that as soon as the young man became a member of the famous music show "Star Factory-7" Millions of representatives of the fine sex before the latter were interested in his personal life.

While as a manufacturer, Vlad Sokolovsky associated romantic relations with one of the most beautiful and talented participants in Julia Parshutoy. Young people on the whole country demonstrated warm relationships to each other, but soon it turned out that it was a fiction and in real life Julia and Vlad were not met.

As a member of the famous teenage group "BIS", the singer meets the girl who was very far from the Russian show business. Young people for the whole year hid their romantic relationships for a whole year, after which they lived together for three years, until the decision was made to part. There was a time when most of the beautiful sex representatives believed that Vlad Sokolovsky bind romantic relations with Kira Plastina, but young people had denied this fact to the latter. According to artists, they are connected exclusively friendly relations and a point.

In 2014, Vlad Sokolovsky calmed down and decided once and forever tie himself to romantic relations with Rita Dakota. Young people for a long time were friends and tried to support each other in everything, but the spark rangome on between them and soon Rita and Vlad decided to get married.

For a long time, young people have given their love around others and always tried to demonstrate their warm relationships to each other. In 2017, a real miracle occurred in the family, their common child appears on the world.

The newly-made parents did not show the audience with her beloved daughter, but in a year the end came the end, and the spouses showed a wonderful face of their beloved child.

But as it turned out in 2018, spouses who demonstrated their gentle feelings to each other were actually unhappy.

Vlad Sokolovsky has changed his spouse for four years not only with girls of easy behavior, but also with her girlfriends. Many family members were aware of this, but they tried to hide this fact, and some even offered their apartments for romantic meetings.

Having learned about this Rita Dakota, very long time grieving and could not come to my senses. Taking himself in hand, she took her daughter and filed for a divorce. The singer did not deny anything, but the opposite was completely ready to give all the joint property and the money of his beloved daughter and the former wife.

Actor career

Despite the fact that the singer devoted most of the time to music, he always managed to find time in order to replenish although little, and yet, worthy of attention filmography.

In 2017, he was invited to play in the popular youth Sitkom "University". New dorm "First time the actor played a minor role, but the new hero came to taste to the viewers and ultimately, the directors decided to make his hero permanent.

At the moment, Vlad Sokolovsky actively storms and musical and the acting Olympus. Despite its big employment, the young man tries to pay, as much attention as possible to his beloved daughter.

For several days already in the media discuss the upcoming divorce of one of the most beautiful couples of the Russian show business. Last weekend 28-year-old singer struck fans with a frank statement - the husband was never faithful to her, so she forced to terminate their marriage. "It turned out that Vlad changed me throughout our relationship, changed me when we married and walked, changed when I was pregnant, I changed myi life from the first days of life, I checked up until I learned about it. These were dozens of "girls", many of them I personally know, many of them were my "friendly people", in my house, "Rita said.

Aside with the loud conflict, the father of Vlad, with which Dakota has always supported trusting relationships. Following his sister, Andrei Sokolovsky commented on the family scandal. True, a frank statement of a man was removed from his account literally in twenty minutes.

"Forgive me, my daughter, for the fact that I love you so much, despite the fact that you burned all the bridges and poured these fears on me and all your friends, for all this time I do not talk to me. I'm still your loving father! Forgive me that I didn't know about the adventures of my son and did not tell you about it! I'm sorry that I tried to teach you a lot, but since you have always been busy, you were not up to my "Fredney." Forgive me that I did not explain what real love is. I worry and suffer this pain with you, because I could not explain that there are problems in the family and that they need to be solved immediately and only among themselves, "Andrew said.

Vlad itself prefers not to speak out on the topic of the coming divorce. The aunt singer stated that the public knows only one side of the situation, therefore cannot judge objectively.

"The guys have a wonderful family, a wonderful child. This was simply the first brick, which was able to come, fierce and go on! Bearing, loving each other, "said Tatiana Nesterov.

According to the lawyer Rita Dakota, human rights defenders Catherine Gordon, now the spouses are trying to negotiate the care of the general daughter and solve other issues that concern the dissolution of marriage.