American Gothic __. Grant Wood "American Gothic What is missing in the picture American Gothic

American Gothic __. Grant Wood "American Gothic What is missing in the picture American Gothic

"American Gothic" (American Gothic) is the famous picture of the American artist Grant Devolson Wood, established in 1930. One of the most recognizable images in the American art of the 20th century, on a par with "Jocond" Leonardo da Vinci and the "cry" of Edward Minka, and, part-time, the object of the enormous number of parodies and projections, which is known for the arts of the XX and XXI centuries. In Russia, oddly enough, not as popular as around the world.

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Picture plot and creating history

The picture shows farmers, a man and a girl, on the background of the house built in the style of carpentry gothic (wounded neoochik). In the hand at the farmer, the porch, which he holds in a compressed fist as a weapon. He also has a tightly compressed lips and a heavy glance, the seams on clothes repeat the conrter forks, the same contour can be seen in the windows of the house in the background. His elbow is put up before the girl - perhaps his wife, but rather, a daughter, whose head is turned toward his father, and on the gloomy face, the expression of resentment and indignation was frozen. A very unattractive couple, in the unshakable and puritan restraint of which a hidden threat and dramatic relationship is guessed.

The picture was written in 1930 in the city of Eldon State Iowa - Wood once noticed a small white house and wanted to portray him and people who could live in it. The model for the daughter of the farmer served as a sister of the artist Nan, and the "farmer" - Wood dentist, Byron McKeeby (Byron McKeeby). Wood wrote a house and people individually, the scene, as we see it in the picture, has never been in reality.

Nan and Bayron McCyby

The picture soon acquired Wood Chicago Institute of Arts (there it is also kept to this day), and after the appearance of reproductions in the newspaper there was a negative public response. Residents of Iowa were angry at how the artist portrayed them. One farmer even threatened to bite off Voodoo ear. Grant Wood was justified that he wanted to do not caricature on the residents of Iowa, but a collective portrait of the Americans. Wood's sister, insulted that in the picture it can be taken for his man's wife twice as older, began to argue that "American Gothic" depicts his father with his daughter, but this moment did not comment on this moment.

One of the first parodies, the work of the photographer Gordon Parks


The work is a talented, multifaceted and ambiguous, in terms of copies, parodies and alluzi in mass culture with "American Gothic" can be compared little.

Grant Devolson Wood (Grant Devolson Wood, 1891-1942) - Famous American realist artist, or differently - Rijionist. He gained wide fame due to paintings dedicated to the rural life of the American Middle West.

For a start - a little about the artist. Grant was born in a farmer's family in a small town in Iowa. Unfortunately, he could not engage in painting for a long time. His father-quacker - that is, a member of the religious Christian sect - was biased-negative attitude towards art. Only after his death Wood could do drawing. He entered the School of Arts of Chicago University. Then made four trips to Europe, where a long time has studied different directions.

His first works treated impressionism and postmingly. The most famous of them are "Babushkin House in the Forest" (Grandmother "s House Inhabit A Forest, 1926) and" View of the Neapolitan Bay "(The Bay of Naples" S View, 1925).

Two absolutely different works, flawlessly performed in the presented style. If the "grandmother's house in the forest" is written in the sandy gamzer and filled with light and warmth, then from the second landscape literally blows cold. On the canvas, which the master painted in the dark - black, blue and dark green - gamma, depicted bent trees bent under the wind. Perhaps, like other authors, drawing in the style of postmingnessism and seeking to portray the monumentality of things, Wood wanted to show the greatness of the storm, which even the trees are inclined.

A little later, the artist got acquainted with the painting of the German and Flemish masters of the XVI century. It was then that Wood began to write realistic, and sometimes realistic, landscapes and portraits are even exaggerated. Rijionalism, to which the Master turned is a direction, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the artistic work of the "entity" of the ethnocultural region. In Russia, there is an analogue of this term - "locality" or "soil".

With the image of the rural life of the American Midwest, many most suitable are associated by the famous portrait of a woman and a man with a poop standing on the background of the house. And not in vain, because it was Grant Wood wrote that the famous canvas - "American Gothic" (American Gothic, 1930). It is unlikely that the artist could assume that his work will be one of the most recognizable and paroded in American art.

It all started with a small white house in the style of carpenter Gothic, which he saw in the city of Eldon. Grant wanted to portray him and people who could live there. The prototype of the Farmer's daughter was his sister Nan, and the dentist Bayron McCyby was played by the farmer himself. The portrait was put up for a contest in the Chicago Institute of Arts, it remains there to this day.

Creation date: 1930

Grant Devolson Wood (Eng. Grant Devolson Wood; February 13, 1891 - February 12, 1942) - American artist, known in the main paintings dedicated to the rural life of the American Middle West. The author of the famous Picture "American Gothic" American Gothic. 1930 - one of the most recognizable (and parodized) images in the American art of the XX century. In the picture depicted a farmer with her daughter on the background of a house built in the style of carpentry gothic. In the right hand, the farmer has a pitchfork, which he keeps in a firmly compressed fist as they hold the weapon. Voodoo managed to transfer the unattractiveness of the father and daughter - tightly compressed lips and a heavy causing her father, his elbow, exposed before his daughter, her pulled hair is only with one free curl, a little frightened in the direction of his head and eyes, full of insults or perturbations. Daughter is dressed in the older fashion already released. According to the memoirs of the sister of the artist, she, at his request, was chosen a characteristic edging on the apron, disputes of her with old mother's clothing. The apron with the same edging is found on another picture of Wood - "Woman with plants" - portrait of the artist's mother. The seams on the clothes of the farmer resemble a pitchfork in his hand. The circuit of the Villa can be seen in the windows at home in the background. Behind the back, women are visible pots with flowers (also resembling a pitchfork) and the spire of the Church in the distance, and behind the man stands the barn. The composition of the picture resembles American photos of the late XIX century. Puritan's restraint of characters in many ways correspond to the implementation characteristic of the European course of the 1920s "New Reality" (it. Neue Sachlichkeit), with whom Wood met during a trip to Munich.

the entire text

Do you like "American Gothic"? You can buy it in the form of a canvas in a baguette, printed as a photo in a frame or even with an applied textured gel, attaching similarity with the original. Surkov Igor - its author receives deductions from each sale. Having ordered this picture in the online store of paintings, posters and reproductions of "Cryovet", you help this person create new works

"American Gothic" - a picture of the American artist Grant Wood (1891-1942), known in the main paintings dedicated to the rural life of the American Middle West. Cartin was created in 1930. She became one of the most recognizable and famous paintings in the American art of the XX century.
According to the number of copies, parodies and alluzi in the mass culture "American Gothic" stands along with such masterpieces as "Mona Lisa" Leonardo da Vinci and Creek Edward Mukka.

In the picture depicted a farmer with her daughter on the background of a house built in the style of carpentry gothic. In the right hand, the farmer has a pitchfork, which he keeps in a firmly compressed fist as they hold the weapon.
Voodoo managed to transfer the unattractiveness of the father and daughter - tightly compressed lips and a heavy causing her father, his elbow, exposed before his daughter, her pulled hair is only with one free curl, a little frightened in the direction of his head and eyes, full of insults or perturbations. Daughter is dressed in the older fashion already released.

According to the memoirs of the sister of the artist, she, at his request, was chosen a characteristic edging on the apron, disputes of her with old mother's clothing. The Apron with the same edging is found on another Wood film - "Woman with Plants" - the portrait of the Mother of the artist
The seams on the clothes of the farmer resemble a pitchfork in his hand. The circuit of the Villa can be seen in the windows at home in the background. Behind the back women are visible pots with flowers and the spire of the Church in the distance, and behind the man stands barn. The composition of the picture resembles American photos of the late XIX century.
Puritan's restraint of characters in many ways correspond to the realism characteristic of the European course of the 1920s "New Reality", with whom Wood met during a trip to Munich.

In 1930, in the city of Eldon, Iowa Grant Wood said a small white house in the style of carpentry gothic. He wanted to portray this house and people who, in his opinion, could live in it. The sister of the artist National served as a model for the daughter of the farmer, and the model for the farmer himself became Byron McCyi artist's dentist from Cedar Rapidz in Iowa. Wood wrote a house and people individually, the scene, as we see it in the picture, has never been in reality.

Wood introduced American Gothic at the competition in the Chicago Institute of Arts. The judges rated it as "humorous Valentine", but the keeper of the museum convinced them to issue a prize to the author of $ 300 and convinced the Institute of Arts to acquire a picture where it remains to this day. Soon the picture was published in Chicago newspapers, New York, Boston, Kansas City and Indianapolis.

However, after the publication in the newspaper the city of Cedar-Rapidz followed a negative reaction. Residents of Iowa were angry at how the artist portrayed them. One farmer even threatened to bite off Voodoo ear. Grant Wood was justified that he wanted to do not caricature on the residents of Iowa, but a collective portrait of the Americans. Wood's sister, insulted that in the picture it can be taken for his man's wife twice as older, began to argue that "American Gothic" depicts his father with his daughter, but this moment did not comment on this moment.

These critics, like Gertrud Stein and Christopher Morley, believed that the picture is a satire on the rural life of small American towns. The American Gothic was part of the trend in the trend of the critical image of rural America, which was also reflected in the books of "Winesburg, Ohio" Sherwood Anderson, the "Home Street" Sincler Lewis and others. On the other hand, Wooda was accused of idealizing antipathy to civilization and denial of progress, urbanization.

However, during the Great Depression, the attitude towards the picture has changed. She began to be considered as an image of the unshakable spirit of American pioneers.
"All my paintings initially arise as abstractions. When a suitable design occurs in my head, I carefully proceed to the attachment of the planned model of similarities with nature. However, I'm so afraid of photographic, which, apparently, I stop too early." Vud.

Wood is one of the leading representatives of the movement in American painting under the name "Regionalism". Regionlist artists sought to create a truly American art in opposition to European avant-garde trends, promoting the idea of \u200b\u200bnational independence and identity of the culture of America.

Text with illustrations


The picture is very and very ambiguous, and the fact that the Americans are quite sincerely love - the manifestation of this. At first glance, this is a caricature ("idiotic" faces of a pair of ITP). But: caricature for whom? On farmers? But after all, the farm class is the backbone, the rod of the American society. Above the farmer Americans will not laugh. On the eve of the Civil War, the slave-owner plantators south were proud that they were able to plow themselves and make the remaining field work.

Probably, therefore, it has become a symbol of Americans. It is possible for us. It is not entirely clear for us. But in each country there is a story and their priorities. It became a reflection of the unbeaten spirit of Americans in his time. Sometimes the picture is criticized, and then it becomes popular.

Many geniuses and creators in the field of art are not recognized as critics and society during life. After years, they begin to understand and feel, firmly believing that the artist or poet had his special look at things. Then they begin to admire them, picking up to the incredibly talented people of their era. This happened to Wood Grant, who almost a hundred years ago depicted his vision of the lifeguard of the inhabitants of the new world in the film "American Gothic". He was a rather complicated artist, with his character and handwriting.

A couple of words about the childhood of the artist

Many critics and experts in the field of art believe that before analyzing the picture, all the more so that it caused a huge public resonance, it is necessary to study a little the most created masterpiece. It must be done only in order to understand the motives or the promise of the artist. Speaking about Wood Grand, the "American Gothic" picture of which still causes controversy and certain differences among the experts of the world, it is worth saying that his early years were not remarkable.

He was born on a small agricultural farm on the outskirts of the very outskirts that in America. In addition to him in the family there were two more boys and a girl. The father of the family was distinguished by a hot-tempered temper and rigor. He gone pretty early from life. The grant had close and confidential relations with the mother, perhaps because of this, he grew up very sensitive, wounded and the most talented of all children in the family.

Unrecognized genius

Having matured and choosing an artistic path for himself, the grant wrote a sufficient number of paintings, but his work was not appreciated properly. He was not recognized in art, often even not perceiving seriously his work.

About the time in which the picture was written

"American Gothic" of the American artist Grant Wood was written in 1930. This time was quite difficult for a number of reasons:

  1. First, in 1929, an economic crisis began in America, which, by the way, did not prevent the rapid steps of the state in the field of construction and industry. New in the country was erected by unknown high-rise buildings. It was a period of novelty and technology.
  2. Secondly, around the world as fast as the industry, fascism gained momentum. The new trend and the ideology of Adolf Hitler was strengthened in the minds of people who sought to perfect future.
  3. In this list, perhaps, it is also worth adding a fact that concerns personally the artist. Wood grant by that time, a sufficient amount of time lived in France and German Munich. Some critics considered that these walnies were addressed by the film "American Gothic" a lot from the European lifestyle.

After all of the foregoing, you can try to make a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist, about his character and life. Well, when it is done, it is worth abandoning directly to the analysis of the "American Gothic" picture.

It's all about the details

You can analyze the cloth only if it is described in detail. So, in the foreground, two people are depicted: a woman and a man who seems to be much older than her. Wood Grant has repeatedly said that he tried to show his father with her daughter, but it was known for certain that he portrayed his native sister and Dentist Bairon McCyby. According to the artist, the latter differed quite a cheerful temper. True, in the picture "American Gothic", he appears with a restrained person, if not to say harsh. His glance is directed directly to the eye looking at the canvas, and it is impossible to understand what will happen next: whether he smiles, or it will be angry. His face is drawn up so in detail that it is possible to disassemble every wrinkle that there is plenty of it.

The view of the woman is directed the sideways somewhere outside the picture. A man and his daughter stand in the center, and the woman holds an elderly man under the arm. He has a pitchfork in his hands, directed by its episodes up, which he keeps a strong enough grip. It seems that the grant shown by Wood is trying to protect their home, against which they are drawn.

The house is an old structure in the American style. Another nuance that is found in a detailed consideration: everything is done in the picture with the hands of people: a man's shirt, a woman's apron, and, however, and the attic roof.

If you pay attention to the background of the picture "American Gothic", then it seems that Grant Wood did not give him due attention. The trees are presented in the form of geometric shapes and they are absolutely not drawn, summarized. By the way, if you look at, then there is a lot of geometry in the picture: a triangular roof, straight windows of windows, a pitchflowers that twist with a man on a shirt of a man.

The tones in which the canvas is written can be described as quite calm. Perhaps this is the entire description of the "American Gothic" painting, from which it becomes clear why many Americans saw themselves in it: such houses were almost all families living both on the Western and the eastern coast of the mainland.

Assessment of the Company

The picture "American Gothic" produced a furor. Someone was delighted, but there were also dissatisfied. Residents considered such an image of their lifestyle of the artist's mock, and one lady even threatened the physical violence over the grant Wood. She promised to bite his ear. Many people accused the artist in antipathy to everything new, calling him to the conservative and Hangehog, because he portrayed an ancient house on the threshold of a new civilization. The artist himself somehow said about his picture: "I tried to portray these people, what they were for me in that life I knew ...".

Showing a century

It is worth noting that later, the picture still remains at the peak of popularity. Parodies make it, they admire it, they do not understand her. But all this did not prevent "American Gothic" to become a kind of symbol of the lifestyle of those years. After almost a century, critics were able to consider the unshakable spirit of American pioneers in it. Well, the last thing you need to mention: Grant Wood could "hook a huge number of people with his masterpiece, forcing the public to discuss, argue about the picture" American Gothic ".