Essay in the picture Salvador Dali. Thinking time

 Essay in the picture Salvador Dali. Thinking time
Essay in the picture Salvador Dali. Thinking time

The constancy of the memory of El Salvador was given or, as accepted by the people, the soft clock is, perhaps, the most pop painting of Matra. Not heard about it only those who are in an information vacuum in some villages without sewage.

Well, let's start our "story of the same picture", perhaps, with its description, so favorite adherents of hippiems. Who did not understand what I mean, conversations about higgiture - this is a carbon monoxide, especially for those who at least once communicated with art historian. There is on YouTube, Google to help. But back to our Baranas Salvadoram.

That picture "Constancy of memory", another name "Soft Watch". The genre of the picture is surrealism, your captain is always ready for services. Located in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. Butter. Year of creation 1931. Size - 100 by 330 cm.

More about Salvadorych and his paintings

The constancy of the memory of Salvador Dali, description of the picture.

The picture shows a lifeless landscape of an unsolicited port-Lygata, where Salvador has spent a significant part of his life. In the foreground in the left corner there is a piece of something solid, where, in fact, a pair of soft hours is located. Some of the soft hours flow off with a hard thing (even a rock, then the hardened land, then the hell knows what), other hours are located on the body of the corpse that has long been imprisoned in the Bose of Oliv. Here this red incomprehensible garbage in the left corner is a solid pocket watch devoured by ants.

In the middle of the composition, an amorphous mass with eyelashes, in which, nevertheless, without difficulty can consider Salvador's self-portrait Dali. A similar image is present at such many pictures of Salvadorych that it is not quite difficult to know it (for example, c) mildly gave wrapped with a soft clock as a blanket and, apparently, sleeps and sees sweet dreams.

In the background, the sea, coastal cliffs settled and again a piece of some solid blue unknown garbage.

Salvador gave constancy of memory, analysis of the picture and the value of images.

My personally, my opinion is that the picture symbolizes exactly what is stated in its name - the constancy of the memory, while the time as a momentant and quickly "melted" and "flows" as a soft watch or devouring, like solid. As it says, sometimes banana is just a banana.

Everything that can be said with a certain degree of reliability is that Salvador wrote a picture while Gala went to have fun in a cinema, and he stayed at home because of the attack of migraine. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture came to him after a while after eating soft cheese "Camumbert" and thinking about his "supertility". All this is given from the words and therefore closest to the truth. Although the Master was still the Balabol and the mystifier and his words should be filtered through a small-fine sieve.

Syndrome search for deep meaning

This is all lower - the creation of gloomy geniuses from the Internet and I do not know how to treat it. I did not find documentary evidence and statements of Salvador on this occasion, so do not take for a clean coin. But some assumptions are beautiful and have a place to be.

When creating a picture, El Salvador may have been inspired by the estimated antique saying "everything flows, everything changes", which is attributed to Hercelit. It claims some degree of reliability, as they were given not to be familiar with the philosophy of an ancient thinker. Salvadorych even has a decoration (necklace, if I'm not mistaken), which is called the Heraclit Fountain.

It is believed that three o'clock in the picture is the past, present and future. It is unlikely that it really was so conceived by Salvador, but the idea is beautiful.

Solid clock may be time in physical understanding, and the soft clock is a subjective time perceived by us. More like the truth.

Dead Olive is, allegedly, a symbol of ancient wisdom that has ever been to the fly. This, of course, is interesting, but, given that at the beginning, they just wrote a landscape, and the idea to enter all these surrealistic images came to him much later - seeing very dubious.

The sea in the picture allegedly the symbol of immortality and eternity. Also beautiful, but, I doubt, since, again, the landscape was written earlier and did not contain any deep and surreal ideas.

Among the lovers of finding a deep meaning, there was an assumption that the picture of the constancy of memory was created under the influence of ideas about the theory of relativity of Uncle Albert. In response, Dali responded in his interview, which, in fact, he was inspired not the theory of relativity, but the "surrealistic feeling of Camembert cheese, melting in the sun." So it goes.

By the way, Camembert is a very suitable tank with a gentle texture and a slightly fungal flavor. Although Dorble is much more tastier, as for me.

What means the sleepy himself was given in the middle, wrapped by hours - I have no idea if honestly. I wanted to show my unity over time, with memory? Or a connection between sleep and death? Covered with darkness of history.

Picture "Constancy of memory" 1931.

The most famous and most discussed in the environment of artists of Salvador Dali. Cartina is located in the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York since 1934.

In this picture, the clock is depicted as a symbol of the human experience, memory. They are shown in big distortions, which sometimes our memories are. Dali did not forget himself, he is also present in the form of a sleeping head that appears in his other pictures. During this period, Dali was constantly displayed the image of the deserted coast, he expressed the emptiness within himself.

This emptiness was filled when he saw a piece of cheese Kemmeber. "... deciding to write a clock, I wrote them soft.

It was once in the evening, I was tired, I had a migraine - I have an extremely rare malaise. We had to go with friends in the movie, but at the last moment I decided to stay at home.

Gala will go with them, and I am a fire early. We filed a very tasty cheese, then I stayed alone, sitting, leaning on the table, and reflecting on how the "super mugs" melted cheese.

I got up and went to the workshop to, as usual, to look at my job. The picture I was going to write, represented the scenery of the neighborhood of Port Lygata, the rocks, as if illuminated by a non-road evening light.

In the foreground, I sketched a chopped barrel of alertless olive. This landscape is the basis for the canvas with some idea, but what? I needed a wonderful image, but I did not find it.

I went to turn off the light, and when it came out, literally "saw" the solution: two pairs of soft watches, some are capable of hanging from the oiler branch. Despite the migraine, I prepared the palette and took up work.

Two hours later, Gala returned from a movie, a picture that was supposed to become one of the most famous, was completed.

The painting has become a symbol of a modern concept of relativity. A year after the exposition in the Paris Gallery Pierre Cole, the picture was bought by the New York Museum of Contemporary Art.

In the picture, the artist expressed the relativity of time and emphasized the amazing property of human memory, which allows us to be transferred to those days that have long remained in the past.

Hidden symbols

Soft watches on the table

Symbol of nonlinear, subjective time, arbitrarily current and unevenly filling space. Three hours in the picture is the past, present and future.

Split object with eyelashes.

This is a self-portrait of sleeping gave. The world in the picture is his dream, the death of an objective world, the celebration of the unconscious. "The relationship between bedtime, love and death is obvious," the artist wrote in autobiography. - Sleep this is death or at least this is an exception from reality, or, even better, this is the death of the reality itself, which in the same way dies during the love act. " According to Dali, the dream frees the subconscious, so the head of the artist breaks down, like a mollusk, is a testimony of its defenselessness.

Solid clocks lie on the left dial down. An objective time symbol.

Ants are a symbol of rotting and decomposition. According to Nina Getashvili, Professor of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, "Children's impression of a volatile mouse podrance, sising ants.
Fly. According to Nina Getashvili, "the artist called their Faymi Mediterranean. In the "diary of one genius" he wrote: "They carried the inspiration by the Greek philosophers who spent their lives under the sun, rolled with flies."

For the artist, this is a symbol of ancient wisdom, which, unfortunately, has already sunk in the fly (therefore the tree is shown dry).

Cape Creus.
This cape in the Catalan coast of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the city of Figuec, where Dali was born. The artist often portrayed him in the paintings. "Here, he wrote," in the rocky granite the most important principle of my theory of paranoid metamorphosis is embodied (the flow of one delusional image to another. - Ed.) ... These are frozen, raised by an explosion of the cloud in all their countless and New - It is only a bit of changing the angle of view. "

The sea for Dali symbolized immortality and eternity. The artist considered him the ideal space for travel, where time flows not with objective speed, but in accordance with the internal rhythms of the consciousness of the traveler.

According to Nina Getashvili, a world egg in creativity symbolizes life. His image artist borrowed from Oficov - ancient Greek mystics. According to ORFICAL mythology, the first two-fallen deity of Fans, who created people, and from two halves of his shell, was formed by the sky and the Earth.

Mirror lying horizontally left. This is a symbol of changeability and impermanence, obediently reflecting both the subjective and objective world.

In early August 1929, the young Dali met his future wife and Muse Galo. Their union was the key to the incredible success of the artist, having an impact on all his subsequent creativity, including the picture "Constancy of Memory."

Salvador Dali and Gala in Cadakes. 1930. Photo: Provided by GMI them. A.S. Pushkin

History of creation

They say that Dali was not a little. Yes, he suffered to paranoid syndrome. But without it, I would not have been given as an artist. He had a light nonsense, which was expressed in the appearance of a dream-shaped formatives, which artist could carry on canvas. Thoughts who visited Dali during the creation of paintings were always fraud (no wonder he was fond of psychoanalysis), and a bright example is the story of the emergence of one of the most famous "constancy of memory" (New York, Museum of Contemporary Art).

The case was in the summer of 1931 in Paris, when Dali was preparing for the personal exhibition. Having guided the civilian wife Gulu with friends in the cinema, "I, - writes Dali in the memories, - Returned to the table (dinner we completed the excellent Camembert) and plunged into meditation about the spreading pulp. Before my mental look, cheese arose. I got up and, as usual, headed into the workshop - take a look at bedtime to the picture he wrote. That was a port-loy scenery in a transparent-sad sunset light. In the foreground - naked olive exes with a broken branch.

I felt that in this picture I managed to create an atmosphere, consonant with some important image - but what? I have not the foggiest idea. I needed a wonderful image, but I did not find it. I went to turn off the light, and when it came out, literally saw the solution: two pairs of soft watches, they are plaintively hanging from the Olina branch. Despite the migraine, I prepared the palette and took up work. Two hours later, to return Gang, the most famous from my paintings was completed. "

(1) Soft Watch - a symbol of non-linear, subjective time, arbitrarily current and unevenly filling space. Three hours in the picture is the past, present and future. "You asked me," wrote to physics Ilya Pogin, "I thought about Einstein when I drew a soft watch ( this refers to the theory of relativity. - approx. ed.). I answer you negatively, the fact is that the connection of space and time has long been absolutely obvious for me, so there was nothing special in this picture for me, she was the same as any other ... To this I can add that I am a lot I thought about Heraclite ( ancient Greek philosopher, who believed that time was measured by the flow of thought. - approx. ed.). That is why my picture is called the "constancy of memory". Memory about the relationship between space and time. "

(2) A unclear object with eyelashes. This is a self-portrait of sleeping gave. The world in the picture is his dream, the death of an objective world, the celebration of the unconscious. "The relationship between bedtime, love and death is obvious," the artist wrote in autobiography. - Sleep this is death or at least this is an exception from reality, or, even better, this is the death of the reality itself, which in the same way dies during the love act. " According to Dali, the dream frees the subconscious, so the head of the artist breaks down, like a mollusk, is a testimony of its defenselessness. Only Gala, he will say after the death of his wife, "knowing my defenselessness, stubcounted my grasphens of the oyster flesh in the sink fortress, and the more removed."

(3) solid clock - lying on the left dial down - the symbol of objective time.

(4) ants - Symbol of rotting and decomposition. According to Nina Getashvili, Professor of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, "Children's impression of a volatile mouse podrak, sising ants, and also invented by the artist himself, the memory of the bathing baby with ants in the back passage for his whole life was given the artist by the obsessive presence of this insect in his Painting. ( "I loved to nostalgically remember this action, which was not really", "the artist will write in the" secret life of El Salvador Dali, told by him by himself. " - approx. ed.). On the clock on the left, the only preserved hardness, ants also create a clear cyclic structure, obeying chronometer divisions. However, this does not obscure the meaning that the presence of ants is still a sign of decomposition. " According to Dali, the linear time devours itself.

(5) Fly. According to Nina Getashvili, "the artist called their Faymi Mediterranean. In the "diary of one genius" he wrote: "They carried the inspiration by the Greek philosophers who spent their lives under the sun, rolled with flies."

(6) Olive. For the artist, this is a symbol of ancient wisdom, which, unfortunately, has already sunk in the fly (therefore the tree is shown dry).

(7) Cape Creus. This cape in the Catalan coast of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the city of Figuec, where Dali was born. The artist often portrayed him in the paintings. "Here," he wrote, - in the rocky granite is embodied the most important principle of my theory of paranoid metamphosis ( talking one delusional image to another. - approx. ed.) ... These are frozen, raised by an explosion of the cloud in all of their countless horseshipings, all new and new ones - it is only a bit of changing the angle of view. "

(8) sea For Dali symbolized immortality and eternity. The artist considered him the ideal space for travel, where time flows not with objective speed, but in accordance with the internal rhythms of the consciousness of the traveler.

(9) Egg. According to Nina Getashvili, a world egg in creativity symbolizes life. His image artist borrowed from Oficov - ancient Greek mystics. According to ORFICAL mythology, the first two-fallen deity of Fans, who created people, and from two halves of his shell, was formed by the sky and the Earth.

(10) Mirrorlying horizontally left. This is a symbol of changeability and impermanence, obediently reflecting both the subjective and objective world.


Salvador Dali

The great Spanish artist El Salvador Philip Hasinto Dali and Domasene was born in the spring of 1904, on May 11th at 08, 45 minutes ...

Brief biographical certificate

1904 on May 11th in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain Born Salvador Dali (Salvador Dali Domanech).
1910 Dali begins to attend primary school "Immaculate conception of the Christian brothers.
1916 Summer holidays with a family of pic. Dali first faces modern painting.
1917 Spanish Artist Nunese trains gave the methods of original engraving.
1919 The first exhibition in the group show in the municipal theater in Figueres. Dali - 15 years.
1921 Mother's death.
1922 Dali gives a reception exam at the Academy de San Fernando in Madrid.
1923 Temporary exception from the Academy.
1925 First Professional Solo Exhibition in the Dalmau Gallery in Barcelona.
1926 The first trip to Paris and Brussels. Meeting with Picasso. Final exception from the Academy.

Leda Atomica 1949.

Sleep, outstanding bee flight 1943

Last Supper 1955.

The Temptation of St. Anthony 1946

1929 Cooperation with Louis Buniel in the formulation of the film "Andalusian Dog". Meeting from Gala Elolar. The first exhibition in Paris.
1930 Dali lives with Gala to Port - Ligat, Spain.
1931 Picture "Constancy of Memory."
1934 Painting "The Mystery of Wilhelm Tell" quarrels were given with a group of surrealists. Civil marriage with gala. Trip to New York. Albert Skira publishes 42 Original engravings gave.
1936 Exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Pictures "Autumn cannibalism", "Soft Watch", "Civil War Caution."
1938 Conversation with sick Sigmund Freud in London. Dali takes part in the international exhibition of surrealists in Paris.
1939 The final excluded from the group of surrealists in connection with the reluctance was given to support their political motives.
1940 Dali and Gala emigrate to America where they live for eight years, first in Virginia, then in California and New-Lork.
1941 Retrospective exhibition together with Miro at the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York.
1942 Publication of autobiography "The Secretary Life of El Salvador Dali, told by himself."
1946 Participation in the draft "Destino" Walt Disney. Participation in the draft films Alfred Hitchkoka. Picture "Temptation of St. Anthony.
1949 Pictures "Leda Atomica" and Madonna Port - Ligat "(version 1). Return to Europe.
1957 Publication of twelve original lithographs Dali, named, "Pages of Dong Quickote from Lamanchi".
1958 Wedding Gala and Dali in Girona, Spain.
1959 Picture "Opening of America Columbus".
1962 Dali concludes a ten-year agreement with Pierre Argille Publisher about the publication of illustrations ./\u003e
1965 Dali concludes a contract with the Publishing House of Sydney Lucas (Sidney Lucas), New York.
1967 Acquisition of Pubol Castle (Pubol) in Girona and its restructuring.
1969 Solemn interview in Pubol Castle.
1971 Opening of the Salvador Museum was given in Cleveland, Ohio.
1974 Dali begin to disturb health problems.
1982 Opening of the Museum Dali in St. Petersburg, Florida. Death Gala in Pubol Castle.
1983 Grand Exposure was given in Spain, Madrid and Barcelona. Completion of painting. The last picture of the "tail of swallows".
1989 On January 23, Dali died from the paralysis of the heart. He is buried in the Museum of the Tatro Museum, in Figueres, Spain.

Painting is the art of an invisible expression through the visible.

Eugene Fromanten.

Painting, and in particular her "podcast" surrealism is not all understood genre. Those who do not understand are thrown by loud words of criticism, and those who understand - are ready to give millions for the paintings of this genre. That's the picture, the first and most famous of the surrealists, "Tweeing Time" has "two camps" opinions. Some shout that the picture is unworthy of all fame, which has, others are ready to look at the picture and get aesthetic pleasure ...

The picture of the surrealist carries a very deep meaning. And this meaning develops into a problem - aimlessly defending time.

In the 20th century, in which he lived, this problem already existed, already eaten people. Many were not engaged in absolutely nothing useful for them and for society. They lived life. And in the 21st century acquires even greater strength and tragedy. Teens do not read, sit behind computers and various gadgets aimlessly and without benefit. On the contrary: to harm yourself. And even if Dali did not assume the importance of his picture in the 21st century, she produced a furor and this is a fact.

Nowadays, "Tweaking Time" has become the object of disputes and conflicts. Many deny all the significance, deny the meaning and deny surrealism as an art itself. Again, did you guess about the problems of the 21st century, when wrote a picture in 20?

Nevertheless, "Tweeing Time" is considered one of the most expensive and famous paintings by the artist Salvador Dali.

It seems to me that in and in the 20th century there were problems that the neuro lay on the shoulders of the painter. And opening a new genre of painting, he is with a cry displayed on the canvas, tried to convey to people: "Do not miss the precious time!" And the call was not adopted as an instructive "story", but as a masterpiece of the genre of surrealism. The meaning was lost in the money, which circles around the drocking time. And this circle is closed. The picture, which, by the suggestion of the author, was supposed to teach people not to waste time, became a paradox: herself began to spend time and money of people into the people. Why a person picture in his house, aimlessly hanging? Why spend a lot of money on her? I do not think that Salvador drew the masterpiece for the sake of money, for when the purpose is put by money, nothing comes out.

"Delivery Time" teaches several generations not to miss, do not spend just so precious seconds of life. Many appreciate exactly the picture, it is prestige: the surrealism of Salvador was interested in the surrealism, but they do not notice the cry and meaning invested in the canvas.

And now, when it is so important to show people that time is more valuable diamonds, the picture is more urgent and instructive. But only money is spinning around it. It is regrettable.

In my opinion, in schools there should be painting lessons. Not just drawing, namely painting and the meaning of painting. Show children famous paintings of famous artists and disclose the meaning of their creations. For artists who paint the poet also write their works and writer, become the goal of prestige and money. I think such pictures are drawn not for this. Minimalism - yes, the dullness for which big money is paid. And surrealism in some exhibits. But such pictures as "drocking time", "Square Malevich", etc. Do not dust with someone's walls, and be in museums the center of universal attention and reflection. That's about the black square of Kazimir Malevich, you can argue for days, which he meant, and in the picture of El Salvador, he found all new comprehension from year to year. That's what you need painting and art in general. IMHO, as the Japanese would say.

Even if you do not know who wrote the picture "Constancy of Memory," you have seen it for sure. Soft watches, dry wood, sand brown color gamut - recognizable attributes of the Surrealist Salvador's cloth Dali. The creation date - 1931, written by oil on handmade canvas. Size small - 24x33 cm. Storage location - Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.

Creativity was satisfied with the call to the usual logic, the natural natural order of things. The artist suffered a violation of the psyche of a borderline, attacks of paranoid nonsense, which was reflected in all his works. "Constancy of memory" is no exception. The picture became a symbol of changeability, the time of the time, contains a hidden meaning, to interpret which the letters, notes, the autobiography of the surrealist.

Dali treated the canvas with a special trepidation, investigated personal importance. Such an attitude to miniature work, completed literally in two hours - an important factor contributing to it by patina. A few "soft hours" after creating their "soft watches" quite often spoke about them, recalled the history of creating in the autobiography, explained the meaning of elements in correspondence, records. Art historians who gathered mentioned, thanks to this canvas were able to carry out a deeper analysis of the remaining works of the famous surrealist.

Description of the picture

The image of melting dials is familiar to everyone, but a detailed description of the picture of Salvador gave "constancy of memory" not everyone will remember, but to some important elements will not even look closely. In this composition, each element, color scheme, a total atmosphere, are important.

Painting with brown paints with the addition of blue. Transfers to the hot coast - a solid rocky cape is located in the background, by the sea. Cape can be considered an egg. Closer to the average plan is a mirror inverted by a smooth surface up.

On the average plan, the dried tree of olive, from the broken branch of which hangs a flexible clock clock. Nearby captured the image of the author - the vague, like a mollusk, creation with a closed eye and eyelashes. Over the element, one more flexible hours are settled.

The third soft dial hangs from the angle of the surface on which a dry tree grows. In front of him - the only solid watches of the whole composition. They are inverted with a dial down, on the surface of the rear - numerous ants forming the form of the chronometer. The picture leaves many empty spaces that do not require filling with additional art details.

The same image was taken as the basis of the painting "Disintegration of the constancy of memory", written in 1952-54. The surrealist supplemented it with other elements - another flexible dial, fish, branches, plenty of water. This picture continues, and complements, and is opposed to the first.

History of creation

The history of the creation of a picture of El Salvador was given the "constancy of memory" the same non-trivial as the entire biography of a surrealist. In the summer of 1931, Dali was in Paris, she was preparing to open a personal exhibition of work. Being returning from the movie Gang, his civil wife, who had a huge impact on his work, the artist at the table was thinking about taking cheese. That evening, their dinner was the Camembert cheese, melting under the influence of the heat. Surrealist, tormented by the headache, visited the workshop before bedtime, where he worked on the beach scenery, filled with closed light. In the foreground, the canvas has already been depicted an axle of dry olive tree.

The atmosphere of the picture in the consciousness was given to be consonant with other important images. That evening he presented that a soft clock hangs from a broken branch of the tree. Work on the picture was continued immediately, despite the evening migraine. Took two hours. When Gala returned, the most famous work of the Spanish artist was fully completed.

The spouse of the artist claimed that it was worth seeing the canvas once, how to forget the image would not work. Its creation contributed to changing the shape of the cheese and the theory of creating paranoid symbols, associated with Dali overlooking Cape Creus. This cape nomaded from one piece of a surrealist to another, symbolizing the inviolability of personal theory.

Later, the artist reworked the idea of \u200b\u200ba new web, which was called "Disintegration of the constancy of memory." Water hangs on the branch here, and the elements fall apart. Even the dial constants in their flexibility slowly melted, and the world around the world is divided into mathematically clear exact blocks.

Secret meaning

To understand the secret meaning of the "Constancy of Memory", it will be necessary to look at each image attribute separately.

Symbolize the nonlinear time that fills the space with contradictory flow. For Dali there was an obvious connection between the time with space, he did not consider this idea revolutionary. Soft dials are also associated with the ideas of the philosopher of antiquity of Hercelite about measuring the time of thought. He thought about the Greek thinker and his ideas, creating a picture, which was recognized in a letter to physics Ilya Prigogina.

Three pieces are depicted fluid dials. This is a symbol of past, present and future mixed in a single space speaking obvious relationships.

Solid hours

The symbol of the constancy of the flow of time is opposed to a milder. Covered with ants associated with an artist with a delay, death, decomposition. The ants create a form of a chronometer, they obey the structure, without ceasing to symbolize the Tlen. The artist of the ants pursued with children's memories and delusional fantasies, were obsessively attended everywhere. Dali claimed that linear time devours himself independently, without ants in this concept he could not do.

Blossished face with eyelashes

The surreal self-portrait of the author, immersed in a viscous world of dreams and human unconscious. Split eye with eyelashes is closed - the artist is sleeping. He definitely, in unconsciously, nothing shoes. The shape resembles a mollusk devoid of a solid skeleton. Salvador said that defenseless, as if oyster without a sink, himself. His protective sink was gala, deceased earlier. Sleep was called the artist's death of reality, so the world of the picture becomes more pessimistic.

Olive tree

Dry tree with broken branch - olive. Antiquity symbol, also again resembling the ideas of heraclit. The dryness of the tree, the absence of foliage and olives, says that the age of ancient wisdom passed and forgotten, went into the summer.

Other elements

A world egg is also present in the picture, symbolizing life. The image is borrowed from ancient Greek mystics, orphic mythology. The sea is immortality, eternity, the best space for any travel in real and imaginary worlds. Cape Creus in the Catalan coast, not far from the author's native house - the embodiment of the theory was given about the flow of delusional images to other delusional images. Fly on the nearest dial is the Mediterranean Fairy, inspired antique philosophers. The horizontal mirror behind is the impermanence of subjective and objective worlds.

Color spectrum

Predict brown sand tones that create a hot atmosphere. They are opposed to cold blue shades, softening the pessimistic mood of the composition. The color scheme sets up on the melancholic paw, becomes the basis of the feeling of sorrow, remaining after viewing the picture.

General composition

Analysis of the painting "Constancy of Memory" should be completed, having considered the overall composition. They gave accurate in detail, leaves a sufficient amount of empty space, not filled with objects. This allows you to concentrate on the mood of the canvas, find your own sense, to interpret personally, not "overlapping" every smallest element.

The size of the canvas is small, which indicates the personal value of the composition for the artist. The whole composition allows you to plunge into the inside world of the author, it is better to understand his experiences. "Constancy of memory", also known as "soft clock" does not require a logical parsing. Analyzing this masterpiece of world art in the genre of surrealism, it is required to include associative thinking, the flow of consciousness.
