Vincent Van Gogh: On the experience of experiencing a mental disorder. What is van gogh syndrome, main manifestations and danger to man

Vincent Van Gogh: On the experience of experiencing a mental disorder. What is van gogh syndrome, main manifestations and danger to man
Vincent Van Gogh: On the experience of experiencing a mental disorder. What is van gogh syndrome, main manifestations and danger to man

Magazine "Medical Psychology in Russia";

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanova (Cheboksary).

E-mail: [Email Protected]

Annotation. Predestly, according to foreign literature, the development and course of mental disorders Vincent Van Gogh is analyzed. Their presence is no doubt among specialists, however, the unequivocal qualifications of the mental state seems to be difficult due to the retrospectivity of the analysis and influence of a complex of various factors. The most believable, in the opinion of the author of the article, is still the conclusion about the affective organic psychosis by the artist as an atypical form of a manic-depressive psychosis with a continual bipolar flow. Clinical features are confirmed by organic changes in the brain, stereotype of development and forecast. Among the etiological, there is a fairly wide range of factors: genetic, generic, toxic, circulatory, metabolic and nutritional disorders; The predisposing factors are closely intertwined with provoking (socio-psychological), therefore disorders proceed to be adversely and pross. Thoughts of death, suicidal intentions and attempts are traced throughout the disease, the motives of "protest, crying about help" are replaced by a solid decision to leave life. Suicide Van Gogh is not random, it is consistent with the clinical picture of his mental disorder.

Keywords: Vincent Van Gogh, mental disorders, suicide, pathography.

"Instead of falling into despair,
I chose myself an active melancholy ...
Hope, aspiring, looking for ... "

Vincent Van Gogh [T. 1. P. 108. 2]

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) is a world-famous Dutch artist, a representative of postminglyism, as you know, suffered from mental disorders, in connection with which it was long in psychiatric hospitals. The literature so far does not subscribe to the discussions around the various parties of this topic, as well as their influence on the visual creativity. Much attention is paid to the discussion of the causes of the suicide of the artist. The overwhelming number of works is published in foreign languages, which makes acquaintance with them of domestic professionals. Therefore, on the one hand, we tried to introduce readers with unfamiliar facts from the life and history of Van Gogh's disease, the diagnostic judgments of the doctors of various specialties, on the other, to summarize them and nominate their own opinions on the issues discussed. The basis for this study was letters Van Gogh, famous works ON THE. Dmitrieva and A. Perryosho, published in Russian, as well as numerous foreign articles. Materials I. Stone (I. Stone was originally used. Thirst for life: Tale of Vincent Van Gogo / Per. From English. N. Bannikova. - SPb.: North-West, 1993. - 511 p.), However, we counted them excessive and excluded from the final text of the article.

Brief history of life. Mother of Vincent at birth was 34 years old, the first child died a year ago after 6 weeks after childbirth. The essential asymmetry of the face, the unevenness of the skull and the characteristics of temperament (significant emotionality) allowed some scientist (Gastout) to assume that he received a generic injury. We can also testify frequent headaches since childhood.

Vincent Ros Ros to the undiscoverable and sullen child, having struggled his younger brothers and sisters, did not take part in children's games. Because of the "attacks of furious", the children were afraid. Chose the entertainment at which it was possible to retire. He loved to wander alone in the surroundings of the town where the plants collected and attended, visited the cemetery, on which his brother was resting. Early addicted to reading. Moreover, I read everything in a row "from the novels to the philosophical and theological books."

Up to 11 years old went to local school. Different from classmates unsupotable, disobedient, difficult and controversial character. "Not wanting to obey any discipline, he showed such an unbridled, and he behaved so defining that the pastor (father) had to take it from school." From 12 to 14 years old he studied at the boarding school of a small town of Zewnbergen, and then another one and a half or two years old - in High School King Wilhelm II in Tilburg. At the age of 15 (1868), Van Gogh left his studies. It is known that "he also quarreled with his parents."

In 1869 (16 years old), he went to work at the Hupil and Co. company's department of the merchant's student, where he worked for four years. In May 1873 (20 years) transferred to the London branch. At the end of August, unrequited fell in love with Ursul Loyer.

In May, 1875 was transferred to Paris. On April 1, 1876, he received a calculation from the manager of a violation of work discipline. From now, in December 1876, he worked in England as an assistant teacher in the Mr. Mroku Guesthouse. In January-April 1877 he worked in Holland by the seller of books. From May 1877 to July 1878 Preparing for admission to theological faculty. Received, however, to a missionary school, where he studied for three months. At the same time begins to draw (27 years). At the end of the school he is refused to be refused to send Borinja in the mining town (November 1878 - November 1880), where he served as a preacher. During the inspection, the authorized evangelical society freed Van Gogh from office for "regretty excessive zeal" and a shortage of such qualities, "as common sense and moderation that a good missionary is so necessary." Returns to parents in Etten, where he was within eight months (April - December 1881). After another quarrel with his father leaves to Hague in December 1881, lives there for two years with a prostitute of Sin and her children. Then she moves to Nyuen (1883-1885), where he made about 240 drawings and wrote about 180 paintings. He studied at the School of Fine Arts. Antwerp (1885 - March 1886), then moved to Paris (1886 - February 1888). There attended a private school, I got acquainted with the art of impressionists, examines the technique of Japanese engravings and "synthetic canvas P. Gogen". From the Paris period, more than 20 auto portrops Van Gogh have been preserved. In 1888-1889 He lived in Arles (France). For 14 months created about 200 paintings. From May to July 29, 1889, with minor breaks, he was treated in psychiatric hospitals Saint-Remy de Provence and Over-Sur-UAZ. During this time wrote 70 caved. On July 27, 1890 committed suicide: he fired himself into his chest from the pistol. July 29, 1890 died.

History of the disease. Mother's sister and other relatives suffered from "attacks of epilepsy." Mental disorders were also found in the younger native brothers and sisters of Vincent: Theo (Theo) had psychotic disorders against the background of kidney diseases (Uremia) shortly before his death; According to other data, suffered paralytic dementia, which was the cause of his death. Mneelis (Gornelis) after unsuccessful marriage recruited as a volunteer in the army of the drills in South Africa in order to perish in battle (I wanted to commit suicide); The youngest sister - Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina) - in 35 years I got sickly schizophrenia, was periodically treated in a psychiatric hospital, died there aged 79 years.

Since childhood, suffered from headaches. The assumptions were made that "the constant participation of the father in the ceremonies of the funeral was reflected in an impressionable child and this would be partly explained by his tendency to Melancholia and thinking about life and death." Since 1872 (19 years old), its correspondence began with Brother Theo (15 years). Already in letters of that period, there are repeatedly repeated saying "I am sad, but always joy" and "... look for joy and light in sorrow."

The first deeply deep depressive state suffered 20 years after unsuccessful recognition in love. For several months, he remained dull, removed from any social contacts, only a little talked with his family. "The former exemplary employee seemed to be replaced. According to eyewitnesses, he is sullen, irritable, ... plunged into hopeless despair, ... alone. " In his first sermons (1876), develops the idea "On the merger of sorrow with joy in human Heart"; The fact that "... suffering above joy, but joy and hope rises from the abyss of sadness." Periodically, his thoughts about suicide were visited: "I had breakfast in a piece of dry bread and a glass of beer, - this means of Dickens recommends that everyone who sewers to suicide as a sure way for some time to turn away from their intention."

He arrived at work at the G. Dordrecht Bookstore (South Holland) in his "Quaker Clothing" (23 years), which caused bewilderment from employees. The surroundings considered Vincent the "Chunky Guy", "quicken over him." He did not show a zeal for trade, was interested only in the content of books, led a ascetic lifestyle. Even his native sister wrote that "he tried from piety ...". At about the same time (24 years old), I came at night on foot from Etten to the Zyunnder cemetery to meet the sunrise there. During the disease, the events of childhood, the cemetery, often recalled, - all right to the soupe of nest on high acacia in the cemetery. In the spring, he took a distant trip from Borinja to the French province of Pa de Cala (where one of the artists revered by him - Jules Breton). "On the way there, Vincent spent the night in a stack of hay, then in the abandoned cart, I changed some of my drawings on bread. Pilgrimage returned him vigor. "

Studying in a missionary school and serving a preacher, "absolutely does not care about his appearance, dresses as it fell ... suffers from bad memory, it makes it difficult to memorize the texts of the preachs ... Lost a dream and lost ... nervousness with explosions of rage ... Escape guy with sudden outbreaks of anger ... Distressed the poor All your clothes and money being a preacher in Vame. " Most of the time went with bass, was "not like everyone else." ON THE. Dmitriev in his monograph describes that Vincent in Borinage (1879) specially walked barefoot, deliberately smeared the face with coal and almost tried to resurrect the dead. But in behavior there was no scientific: otherwise, the miners would hardly trust him .... Whether it was, it was not known, but the surrounding mocked him, called the blessed for excessive exaltation, indecent behavior ... At times, he was overcome by "hopeless longing", but sometimes covered "impressions of the frenzy" ... Many residents considered him a madman. Tireless, does not eat, he does not sleep, he has long distributed everything that had, during the epidemic of the Tifa.

All those who came across Vincent is striking his sadness, "frightening sadness." In a letter (1880), Brother Theo Vincent agrees that he is "a person with passions capable and inclined to make more or less reckless deeds", in which it is repent of himself. The surroundings consider him a "insignificance and loaf of the worst sense." "Instead of going to despair, I chose the path of active sadness, as far as I could be active, - in other words, sorrow, darling, full of hopes, aspirations and quests."

In all the available literature about Van Gogh, the episode of it is not quite adequate behavior: he suggested that "... how much I will hold my hand on the fire of this lamp, so much minutes let Kei (the bride, cousin, the daughter of Pastor Stricker) will be here and hears me! I don't need anything else! And in front of the parents covered by the horror immediately handed his hand into the fire. " Footprints from burns on her hands. Then for a long time was still subject to the subject. Residents of Etten called Vincent by a slacker and a betrayer. Father considered him a worthless, designed person, accused of immorality for fell in love with the cousin and stopped going to church. The pastor even "began to happen to the establishment of custody of his son, about the deprivation of his civil rights due to his insaneness."

Van Gogh suffered sleep violations with early awakening. It is known that, barely, waking up, to improve the state immediately started to draw. In letters, the experiences of the period of the disease are preserved: "... how endlessly sad life! And yet I can't surrender to the power of sadness, I have to find some kind of way out, I must work ... " "... to compensate for damage, I have to work hard; When all the illusions are lost, work is the need and one of the few remaining joys. Work gives thus peace and mental balance ... ".

Vincent despised and tattered, more than ever before. The residents of the village laughed at him only at one appearance of Pachkun, this loser ....

It was very difficult to move the death of the father: "I feel easier to die than to live. Die hard, but it is even harder to live. " Against the background of the ideas of self-evidence and self-reliance refused to be part of the inheritance.

His health is undermined by deprivation (he sits on one bread and smokes a lot to fool hunger) ... he had 12 teeth in one after another, the digestion was upset, he coughs, he had vomiting. "I quickly turn into an old man - a wrinkled, bearded, toothless - it is at 34 years old."

He does not eat almost nothing, but a lot of coffee drinks and a little alcohol. Pretty to absinthe, to this turbulent and poisonous drink ... Four days in a row drinks only coffee - 23 cups. Often sitting on one bread ... Vincent was in a state of nervous alarm, which now rarely released it - calm was not given.

With one of the artists, Scotland Alexander Reed, he conceived to make joint suicide.

Paroxysmal states with episodes of sudden horror, specific sensations in the epigastric region, Van Gogh in Paris (1886-1888) appeared in the fluctuations of consciousness (1886-1888), against the background of receiving absinthe. There are evidence of periodic initial spasms in hand, amazed and close view, accompanied by a confidential-amnistic phase of consciousness. At that time, he has "always dizziness and terrible nightmares ...".

Van Gogog always alternated periods of desire for privacy and silence with periods when he attacked to urban revival and a motley crowd; Then, tired, he thirst to plunge into silence again, and then again he began to raise the city's exciting injections .... "I used to be extremely silent, it is unbridled slum and conversation." The increased excitation, expressed in the tendency to noisy disputes and even quarrels, was rather a consequence of absinthe to whom Van Gogh in Paris began to abuse, whereas it was before the addiction to alcohol before. "

Vincent is particularly poorly tolerated. He flows into depression, it aroused out of unexpected anger, every day becoming more and more irritable and intolerable. " April 20 - "The initiation of past weeks falls - he again feels physical displacement. Summer his favorite season, but then: "... He often felt the depressed, could not resist Black Melancholy - especially in cloudy rainy days."

The thought of debt often oppressed Vincent. He then returned to the painful thought that he would never return the brother of money spent on him: "A rather sad prospect is to tell yourself that maybe my painting will never be any value."

At the end of 1888, Van Gogh lived for two months and worked along with Gaen. In the evening, they regularly visited the house of tolerance and cafes, where the absinthe was always ordered. Against his consumption of consumption, Van Gogh develop hallucinations that served as a quarrel with a goguene and "rage against themselves", as a result of which he comply with his left ear, put it in an envelope and gave a prostitute. After that, quite tightly fell asleep, later with difficulty reproduced dramatic events that had happened to him.

For the first time in life, he was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital with a "attack of violent insanity." He was placed in the insulator: he grows his legs, he has auditory and visual hallucinations. Practitioner Rei qualifies a state as a special form of epilepsy (Dr. Jurpar confirmed: "Waistful insoluction with common nonsense" P. 278). "Two days later, on January 1, Vincent was already in full consciousness. Initially, he did not remember his attack. Only gradually he began to conscious that a catastrophe occurred in his life. "

07.01.1889 Vincent finally been prescribed from the hospital. "His mood is depressed, for several days he cannot write a letter Theo. At night, he suffers insomnia and strange nightmares, which he hid from Dr. Reia. He is afraid to sleep alone, is not sure that he will be able to fall asleep. Abundantly sprinkles his mattress, scatters her around the room. "

The mental state remains rather unstable, the mood is constantly changing over short periods of time: "Fevering excitement, oppressed state of spirit, a new outbreak of enthusiasm and again decay forces. Then it begins to seem to be poisoned. At the beginning of December 1889, his mind again dims ...

Information about mental disorders Van Gogh is rapidly distributed among the inhabitants of Arlya. The surrounding it is constantly tatting it, expose to ultrakim: "the touched" shout to him after and throw stones ... walks in the fur hat, in clothes, soaked in paint, wears a warm coat and a cervical handkerchief in the heat ... [S. 290. 5]. Later, the inhabitants wrote a petition to the mayor of the town, demanding send Van Gogh to a psychiatric hospital. Against the background of treatment, only a minor improvement is observed. Still, "deep sadness is his soul." Sometimes it "covers an unreasonable strange longing, and sometimes the feeling of emptiness and fatigue in the brain."

1890 "If it were not for your friendship, I would have come to suicide without regret, and, as I neither coworka, I would finish it." Suicide is that "outstand", through which "protest is given to us," he writes in a letter to his brother.

A. Perryosho so describes one of the attacks of the disease: "Vincent drove a brush around the canvas, and suddenly his fingers reduced a convulsion, the look became wandering, and he clogged in a cruel seizure" ... for 3 weeks, until the very end of July did not return the reason To Vincent. In minutes, especially sharp attacks, he shouted, fought off, shouted so scary that convulsion reduced him the throat and he could not eat. He had hallucinations of religious content. " The seizures appear every 2-3 months.

20.02. Again, a terrible fit - the longest rouse seizures were replaced by the attacks of severe depression ... Only in the first half of April, the sickness of the sick, began to go out of a heavy recess, which always accompanied the attacks of the disease ...

When the condition had deteriorated, Van Gogh became impulsive, excited, could strike the warden either attempted suicide. In one of these episodes, it seemed to him that the crowd chases him, the police persecutes ... I tried to poison paints from tubes, it was given an antidote .... During the periods, when nonsense and hallucinations were reduced, the vital depression was published with a sense of loneliness, the ideas of self-evidence, self-confidence and suicidal thoughts: "Absolutely alone! The soul is tormented by longing. With the energy of despair, he again grabs for the brush. "

Suicide Van Gogh was a deliberate and prepared act. He took a gun from a friend under the pretext to hunt the raven, a few days wore him with him. "Vincent walks gloomy, alarmed," - admits to the innkeeper that he has more non-nightness that he has no strength to live. " Another attack of "hopeless longing" was obviously appeared that the last drop leading to the implementation of conceived suicidal ideas.

Creativity and mental disorders. Van Gogh belongs to art historians to postimipressionists. This direction, which appeared in the mid-80s of the XIX century, came to replace impressionism (from Franz. Impression - impression). In the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary, it is said that, "the purity of color perceived from impressionism and the colorfulness of color, postpressionism opposed him the search for permanent beings, sustainable material and spiritual entities, generalizing, synthetic picturesque methods, increased interest in philosophical and symbolic aspects, to decorative and stylizing and symbolic aspects, formal techniques. "

Van Gogh became an artist in 27 years, after the start of the mental disorder. Depressive (affective) condition is somehow visible in the names and the plot of its works (Fig. 1-4). "Sorrow", "burning old old man", "crying woman", "Melancholia" and others - so Vincent called his works - which are the embodiment of insaneness and grief. Figure "Grief", as follows from the text of the letter to Van Gogh brother Teo, "... The best of those figures that I painted, so I decided to send it to you ... ... I didn't see him show myself a few melancholic. I wanted to say that in the book Michele:

But it remains in the heart of emptiness,

Which nothing will fill. "

Drawings Van Gogh [on 5]

Sorrow. November 1882. Flawing old man. May 1890.

Crying woman. March-April 1883. Woman in Chepetse. 1883.

Its works are characterized by "passionate emotionality", "the ostrumatic perception of life", they are withstanding in the "gloomy gamma" (the first half of the 80s of the XIX century); Since 1888 - "painful-tense, extremely expressive manner, built on contrasting colors, a rhythous rhythm, on the free dynamics of the pastoral smear." Vincent works and over still lifes. He writes a skull with a cigar, a sinister image, painted by some terrible irony, a real challenge of death; The picture splatters mighty, almost satanic fun ... ". Cezanne (1886) looks at them, landscapes and portraits of Van Gogh, shakes head and exclaims: "She is a painting of a madman!" . The contemporaries of his paintings were disappointed and caused ridicule: "All these cold gray tones are considered exquisite, although in fact they are flat, uninteresting, childishly hardly composed." No wonder his contrasting colors attracted him - he knew how to feel a strange harmony of spiritual contrasts: joy - suffering; calm - voltage; Comforting - drama. His best canvases are simultaneously dramatic and raised festive, "N.A. Dmitrieva.

After visiting Paris and the influence of the impressionists of the palette of his paintings changed. He completely expelled dark tones from his palette. As N. Smirnov writes (afterword), there are two main colors in it - yellow and blue. The first is from gently lemon to bright orange. Identified in his mind with the concept of "life." The second - from the blue to almost black, expressed "impassive eternity", "fatal inevitability" and "death". However, the change in the color palette, with a predominance of yellow, some scientists explain Xantopsy (violation of vision, when objects seem painted in yellow) as a result of dihytalis poisoning (spoil) and / or santonin. P. Lanthony Two specific features In the paintings, Van Gogh treats as follows: Color hacides are determined by the glaucoma artist, and the dominance of yellow color is a digitalis xantopsy.

ON THE. Dmitrieva indicates that part of the public one-sided Van Gogh by the artist "strange", "obsessed", "mystic", "Vizyer". Perhaps these estimates reflect mainly knowledge of his mental disorder and suicide.

Psychiatric (medical) diagnoses.

Numerous diagnostic judgments of doctors are ambiguous and very variable, reach 30 different diseases. Meet them, it can be said that almost the entire spectrum of private psychiatry was discussed: adaptation disorders, border mental disorder with transformation into psychoorganic syndrome, epilepsy with affective disorders and psychosis, dysphoric disorder, cycloid psychosis, organic disorder. Among other diagnoses there are: diffuse meningoencephalitis, schizophrenia, mental degeneration and constitutional psychopathy, alcoholism [CIET. On 21] and others. Psychoanalytics offered their interpretation of mental disorders and its individual manifestations in the form of self-injunction, called - Wang Gogh syndrome.

E. Van Meekeren (2000) believes that Van Gogh has a symptoms of the so-called border (personal) disorder (Borderline \u003d Personality Disorder) (Borderline \u003d Personality Disorder) (Borderline \u003d Personality Disorder) (Borderline \u003d Personality Disorder) are identified: impulsiveness, lubility of the mood, the feeling (fear) of abandonment, self-performing behavior. The effect of hereditary psychopathological predisposition together with malnutrition, intoxication and depletion could be facilitated by the transformation of border mental disorder in psychoorganic syndrome with psychotic and convulsive components.

There are many works testifying to the epilepsy from Van Gogh, but mental disorders are either not discussed in them, or are considered as independent pathology. Meanwhile, according to the authoritative opinion, the Gastor, the basis of mental disorders, nevertheless, is the frontal-dark epilepsy, provoked by the absinthe consumption and the presence of early damage to the limbic brain system.

However, even the most common diagnostic conclusion is epilepsy - questioned. In particular, a very interesting hypothesis is put forward that Van Gogh suffered a Menieret's disease (the pathology of the inner ear), and not epilepsy. As you know, for the clinic of this disease, dizziness attacks are very characteristic, often with a fall in the patient. Since Meniery's disease was described only after the death of Van Gogh, the authors based on the analysis of letters and clinics consider the diagnosis of epilepsy by the artist erroneous. J.B. Hughes denies not only epilepsy, but also the Menietor's disease, leaning towards the qualifications of the GESCHWIND syndrome, which often coexists with the frontal-dark epilepsy. This decision is confirmed by the absence of spontaneous seizures. The convulsive states are known to appear against the background of chronic malnutrition and alcoholization, with the use of large doses of absinthe, causing typical convulsive states.

It is very peculiar about the opinion of the pioneering of lead contained in oil paints, and other toxic substances. A characteristic complaints are given in letters to brother Theo, which allow us to talk about neurotoxic encephalopathy and suicide as the influence of Saturnism. Among other toxic substances are discussed: bromides, camphor, oils from absinthe, brandy (absinthe), nicotine and turpentine. The consequence of chronic intoxication can be a diagnosis of organic mental disorder due to cerebral damage or somatic disease (F.06) or an organic personal disorder (F.07, ICD-10).

R.H. Rahe (1990) illustrates the effect of psychosocial stress in the development of adaptation disorder. The author justifies its point of view of a chart of life with a specific chronology of events, concomitant development and further dynamics of the disease. The most pathogenic event may be stigma mental disorder. As well shown in the description of the life of the artist, he has experienced the influence of family and social stigma throughout his short life, being, essentially, outcast of society.

Some authors, including K. Yaspers, put the artist with a diagnosis of Paranoid schizophrenia. However, the lack of basic (basic) symptoms of this disease and the presence of psychotic episodes with the perpletion of consciousness and complete recovery make it doubtful. Neurosofilis can be rejected by similar reasons: the lack of information about infection and the characteristic clinic.

Van Gogh was characterized by long episodes of depression with periods (hypo) mania. His career as an evangelist ends when "altruistic religious mania" develops. Bipolar disorders are accompanied by periods of very high energy, enthusiasm and productivity, are replaced by episodes of depression, so frequent among writers and artists. The deepening of depression during the life in Paris was a factor in the beginning of the use of absinthe, which accelerated his second large disease - epilepsy. Van Gogh suffered a seizure only after the use of absinthe, increasing convulsive activity. The seizures were partial, which indicates a latent epileptic focus, which is probably located in the mesotoremoral area. They contributed to the development of a distinctive dysphoric disorder, as well as psychotic episodes with a rack of amnesia. Van Gogh suicide could be an unexpected event, possibly aggravating a dysphoric disorder.

Extremely tempting hypothesis is the point of view of cycloid psychosis in the understanding of Kleista-Leongard. We are talking about an intermediate atypical endogenous psychosis, something mean between schizophrenia and manic-depressed psychosis. In favor of this, the corresponding clinical picture of the mental disorder can be served ("Aukhton lability") Van Gogh, constitutional features and a favorable forecast (lack of psyche defects).

The influence of brother's disease of the Teo's brother on suicide Van Gogh is very interesting. According to archival information of the psychiatric center of Utrecht, Teo Van Gogh suffered from paralytic dementia, the first symptoms of which were marked in 1886. Their rapid progression by 1890, during a visit to Brother's Vincent in Paris, could be the decisive motive of the suicide of the Great Artist.

The causes of suicide Van Gogh E. Van Meekeren considers stress (social isolation, the status of a mentally ill with a bad forecast), intoxication caused by the treatment of mental disorder and the disease of Brother Theo.

Conclusion. The most believable, in our opinion, is the conclusion about affective organic psychosis in understanding. Khlivitsky (1959). It is also called an atypical form of manic-depressive psychosis. Mental disorders are characterized with a continuous bipolar flow in the form of short-periodic rhythms (rapid cycles). It is not only denied, but the coexistence of depressive and manic states with disorders of consciousness is allowed; the increase in the frequency of the attacks of the disease; The presence of scattered neurological symptoms. Clinical features are confirmed by organic changes in the brain belonging to the intrauterine and generic period, or early childhood . Here it is appropriate to remember the phenomenon (hypothesis) J. Ballenger, R. POST (1978, 1980) - amygdalar cytling ("ignition") in the emergence of affective disorders. Toxic (metabolic and circulatory disorders and nutritional disorders) and other irritations (factors), affecting the brain (limbic system and amigdalar complex), lead to discharge, which is expressed in the form of convulsive and / or affective manifestations. In the case of Van Gogh, probably, we can talk about the growth of organic disorders, the gradual progression of mental violations, the transition from an affective register to convulsive and hallucinatorial-delusional. At times, it is permissible to assume the presence of mixed states - coexistence of depression and mania (irritation, excitation with an increase in longing; "anxious hypomania", "smiling (ironic) depression"). IN paris period Life, when on the background of alcohol taking (absinthe, brandy, etc.), tonic spasms with a fluctuation of consciousness appeared for the first time, cannot be excluded "Raush-Mania (depression) - a combination of manic (depressive) states with the reassembly of consciousness. Mental disorders progress, they make more and more difficult, and at times they make an impossible process of artistic creativity, the last opportunity somehow cling to life, adapt to the surrounding, to get away from numerous and unsolvable problems ("... I have never reached those heights from which me oversees me ... ").

The diagnosis of epilepsy with affective and psychotic disorders is unlikely. This may be indicated later to the beginning of the disease, the appearance of seizures against the background of intoxication and admission of absinthe, the polymorphism of their manifestations and atypoticity. Moreover, there are no characteristic epileptic identity changes (his brother's wife appeared "firmly shot down, broadly," with a "fun expression and healthy face", "in all the appearance of which persistence felt"). ON THE. Dmitriev so characterizes Van Gogh: "... In general, indulgent and tolerant of human disadvantages, unlockable."

Our point of view is such that the suicide Van Gogh is placed in the clinical picture of his mental disorder. As mentioned above, against the background of a reduced mood, his thoughts were often visited own death And he repeatedly made suicide attempts. Suicidal behavior of Van Gogh, as well as mental disorders, is also subject to unfavorable dynamics. Suicidal thoughts, ideas are transformed into persistent suicidal intentions and actions. Suicidal behavior according to the type of protest is replaced by suicidal behavior on the type of refusal. The artist, disappointed in faith ("... I find a disgusting all this system of gloomy" ...), lost the religious rejection of suicide, was not afraid to discuss this opportunity with my brother and others, to enter plans for its implementation. Life gave more and more reasons to strengthen the ideas about the complete hopelessness and meaninglessness of its further existence. The last attempt ended with a fatal outcome is the result of a solid decision to go away from life, was performed at the height of the depressive state and existential vacuum.


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  19. Montejo Gonsalez A.L. Imlication of LEAD Poisoning in Psychopathology of Vincent Van Gogh // Act. Luso ESP. Neurro Psiquiatr. Cienc. AFINES, 1993. - V. 25, N 5. - P. 309-326.
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  22. Rahe R.h. Psychosocial Stressors and Adjustment Disorder: Van Gogh's Life Chart Illustrates Stress and Disease // J. CLIN. Psychiatry, 1990. - V. 52, Suppl. - P. 13-19.
  23. Runyan W.M. Why Did Van Gogh Cut Off His Ear? The Problem of Alternative Explanations in psychobiography // j. Pers. SOC. PSYCHOL., 1981. - V. 40, N 6. - P. 1070-1077.
  24. Strick W.K. The Psychiatric Illness of Vincent Van Gogh // Nervenarzt, 1997. - V. 68, N 5. - P. 401-409.
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  26. Golenkov A.V. Vincent Van Gogh: pathographic essay. [Electronic resource] // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. Scientific journal 2011. N 1..m.YYYY).

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Brilliance and madness ... This topic has always excited the imagination of the townships and worried the minds of researchers around the world. The history of the life of the Great Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh is a bright example.

The fatal grills in his life began from the moment of birth - March 30, 1853. The future artist was the world day a day with the older brother born to him, which lived only 6 weeks. Replacing the parents of the deceased firstborn, Vincent inherited his name. Since then, a certain duality pursued the artist all his short life. He dreamed of a family focus and children, but remained lonely. I wanted to give our art to people, but in response I received only ridicule ...

And continued to fight with spiritual diseaseBy concluding a kind of contract with her. Realizing that he could not defeat the disease, he calculated the moments of exacerbations to maximize, with the highest return to use bright periods for work. By the way, to the question, what he was sick, there is still no unequivocal response. With his life, it was basically about epilepsy.

In the twentieth century, the opinions of scientists were divided. Analyzed famous facts His life from the standpoint of modern psychiatry, experts found the artist's signs of schizophrenia, which during Wan Gogh had not yet been known: for the first time this disease was described only in 1911. There were those who believed that the spiritual illness of the artist is a consequence of neurosophilisa or meningoencephalitis. Others continue to argue that Van Gogh suffered epilepsy.

Vincent's mental problems were celebrated since childhood: he was strange child, sullen and undiscoverable, non-advisive and hot-tempered. So that the Father, Pastor, had to pick up the Son from the school, and only at the age of 13 for 3 years in the guesthouse. Final decision Become an artist Van Gogh accepted at the age of 27. Three years of titanic labor went to comprehend the secrecy of skill. For the period of their own creativity, short 7 years have fallen, interrupted in the last 1.5 years in the attacks of the disease. And in 37 artist committed suicide.

Axinthere addiction painted paintings of the master in yellow color

Van Gogh survived several heavy depressions. Trying to relieve mental pain, tormented by misunderstanding from the artists and the lack of earnings (it contained it younger brother), Vincent addicted to a "mutted poisonous drink" - absinthe.

Emerald green liquid (Absinthe - from Greek AirsInthion - "unsuitable for drinking" due to bitter taste) - alcoholic beverage From the extract of bitter wormwood with the addition of a number of other herbs, containing 70% alcohol, initially was known as a medicine. In the XIX century, absinthe becomes a drink of Bohemia - poets, artists, actors. It was believed that he stimulates creative process. However, in the 50s, the attitude to absinthe changes dramatically: the specialists began to note with anxiety that after its constant use, the so-called absorption syndrome, manifested in the form of insomnia, top-tribadability, depression, hallucinations, tremors, coordination disorders, convulsions (cramps) and Dr. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the absinthe was prohibited in many countries (secure drinks are consumed). It was found: in absinthe contains a strong hallucinogenic of the Tuyon, sampled in high concentrations in obtaining the extract of wormwood. In addition, the Tuyon is a relative to the active component of marijuana tetrahydroannabinol and has a neurotoxic effect.

By the way, it is possible that precisely because of the addiction to absinthe in the paintings of Van Gogh so much yellow color. Such an assumption was made by Paul Wolfe from the University of California: with overdose, the increase in the effort is capable of changing the color perception - a person begins to see everything in yellow tones.

The artist's yellow in the paletr could also add a substance: as a means of epilepsy, he began to take Digitalis, used now very limited, only with a certain heart pathology.

Van Gogh himself was asked to the shelter for mentally ill

Be that as it may, addiction to absinthe not only painted the pictures of Van Gogh in yellow color. It was during the period of active consumption of emerald-green drink that Van Gogh appeared "constant dizziness, fainting and terrible nightmares, which he wrote to relatives. At the same time surrounding him, they began to hit the strangeness in the behavior of the artist: he was extremely silent, gloomy and closed, it was unbridled. Such Van Gogh on the famous portrait of work Toulouse-Lotter: with a devastated glass of absinthe, all - attention and wondering, the whole - stretched string.

An even more bright about the progressive disease Van Gogh says the Paris cycle from 23 of his self-portraits, on which he appears "one in many faces." Moving from Paris to Arles - "To the Sun and Heat" - little changed: the artist retains a straight to absinthe, he smokes a lot, badly and irregularly feeds, exhausted himself with work and almost does not rest.

The tragic junction was included in the history of an episode with a cut off of the ear, or rather the left lobe and the lower part of the ear shell (the artist cropped himself). Somehow stopping bleeding, washed away from the blood of a piece of ear Van Gogh in the envelope handed over to his unchanged friend - the girl of light behavior was broken with the words: "In memory of me." Opening the envelope, she lost consciousness, and the mistress of a public house caused the police. The artist was placed in the ward for a ravenly surfed psychiatric hospital. Since then, the attacks (with nonsense, hallucinations, excitement, attempts of poisoning) have become permanent satellites Van Gogh. True, strange attacks ended with themselves, the disease did not sleep his mind. As soon as the reason was returned to him, he was accepted for the work and wrote the letters, finding the utmost self-control and clarity of the mind. Realizing that he is sick, the artist himself decided to move to the shelter for mentally ill. "I have to adapt to the role of an obsessed," he wrote to his brother in despair.

During the illness, the artist remained without help

Ironically, in the most tragic period of life, Van Gogh began to acquire fame. Back in September 1889, at the exhibition of independent artists in Paris, one of his works - "Red Vineyards in Arle" - was acquired for 400 francs. A laudatory article came out about his work. However, the artist himself, immersed in his health problems, was rather frightened by fame, the fact that "some success will choose it from the rut." In addition, he believed not deserving any praise. Many of their canvas Van Gogh in despair himself attributed to the ahassmaster to sell the price of the used canvas for those who, in his opinion, wrote better than him.

Low opinion about the work of Van Gogh was the first attending physician of the artist - Felix Rey, who expressed the assumption of the "special form of epilepsy" by Van Gogh. The famous "Portrait of Dr. Reia", presented to the psychiatrist with a grateful patient, caused such a rejection from the doctor and his relatives, that dust in the attic, and then closed the hole in the smokeshief. After 11 years, to the unspecified surprise of the doctor, the picture was purchased for 150 francs. The most amazing thing is that with the age of Dr. Rey and really more and more like her portrait, which is now in the museum fine arts in Moscow.

After Dr. Ray, the famous patient was observed two more arches - Dr. Peyron (in the Saint-Paul shelter), who was not even a psychiatrist, and (after extracting from the shelter) Paul Gachey - a specialist in cardiovascular and nervous diseases, happily believed that Van Gogh is a consequence of a long stay in the sun and poisoning with turpentine - solvent oil paints. All the time the artist, in fact, remained without help. In the shelter Saint-Paul for mentally ill, where care was carried out wardens and nuns, the food was scarce and bad, and the treatment was in compliance with the regime and adoption of the baths twice a week. Yes, Dr. Gasha, who accepted the reaches of the treatment of Van Gogh, was unable to help the patient artist. But the optimism of the doctor inspired him hope. At that time, frightening masters attacks stopped.

Those unexpected a shot, produced by Van Gogh in senses on July 27, 1890. The bullet did not hide the heart. How to know if after injured by the artist was provided with the necessary help, and not the usual bandage, the will to life could take their own. After all, according to Van Gogh himself, "failed suicide is the best cure for suicide." Alas, on the night of July 29, the artist died. Without complaints and groans, with words addressed to Brother Theodor: "It will be better for everyone." After his death, Van Gogh with interest fees for the help of his brother with his grandchildren - only one, not the best picture of the "Plants in Clichi" in 1957 was estimated in the amount, seven times the all costs of Theodore on supporting his ingenious brother for 10 years.

Among all eponymic terms of mental psychopathologists, one of the most famous, perhaps is the Sunder Van Gogh.

The essence of the deviation lies in an irresistible desire to carry out surgical operations: cut off parts of the body, apply cuts. This syndrome may be observed with various mental illness, for example, in schizophrenia.

The basis of the disorder is auto-aggressive installations aimed at applying injuries and damage to their own body. This syndrome is often compared with dysmorfomania, which consists in pathological discontent with its appearance. Persons suffering from this deviation obsessed with the idea, in order to correct the imaginary physical disadvantage in any way: independently or with the help of surgical intervention.

The concept of syndrome and its signs

Van Gogh syndrome is a mental deflection associated with the desire to independently carry out surgical operations with amputation of body parts. This syndrome is also manifested in the coercion of medical staff to carry out similar manipulations. The most famous personality suffering from this psychopathology was Vincent Van Gogh, in honor of which the syndrome was named. The all-known deed of the Great Genius shook the public with their madness and cruelty. The famous artist amputated his ear and sent him in a letter to his beloved. There are many versions about what happened: some believe that Van Gogh had injured his comrade, others say that the artist used the opium and under the influence of a narcotic substance made this insane act. And yet, many facts testify to the fact that the genius suffered from a mental disorder, presumably manic-depressed psychosis, and during the exacerbation of the disease cut off his ear. Whatever it was, but today there are many people with Van Gogh's syndrome.

Often the syndrome accompanies any mental disorder. Sometimes such self-suicide has a demonstrative character, for example, a modern Russian artist, probably suffering from this deviation, constantly conducts shares, allegedly with a political attack, in which either cuts off part of the body, or causes cuts and other injuries. This syndrome is found in the following psychopathologies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • hypochondriage nonsense;
  • patomymy;
  • hallicinosis;
  • dysmorfomania;
  • dysmorphophobia;
  • affective insanity;
  • food attraction disorders;
  • epilepsy with psychotic seizures;
  • pulse attachments.

Most often, the syndrome is subject to persons with dismortion, schizophrenia and hypochondriac delirium. Under the dismortionological nonsense, the conviction of a person in its non-existent imaginary physical deviation is understood. Often such delusional ideas and lead to the removal of body parts, self-help. The impulsive act may also cause the cause of self-injunations, such a loss of control is terrible with its consequences, since a person can make terrifying things in a state of affect. Thus, the Chinese woman suffering from the shopping and the husband reacted to the next dissatisfaction with the amputation of his own finger. A woman was taken to the hospital on time, the finger managed to save. The conclusion of psychiatrists sounded like "impulsive attraction against the background of dependent behavior."

The basis of the syndrome is self-performing behavior and autoagression. Under self-accepting behavior, a number of actions aimed at causing harm to their own body are understood. Among the main causes of autoagression are distinguished:

  • the inability to adequately respond to the vital difficulties and resist stressful factors;
  • demonstrative behavior;
  • depression;
  • impulsive behavior, violation of self-control.

With self-waving behavior, the available parts of the body are most often affected: hands, legs, chest and abdomen, genitals. According to statistics, auto-aggressive behavior are most susceptible to women, and syndrome the famous artist - Men. The female floor is more prone to applying cuts, deep wounds than to amputation of body parts. Men with this syndrome often make injuries in the field of genitals.

Many factors may affect the development of the syndrome:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • alcohol and narcotic dependence;
  • socio-psychological aspect;
  • diseases of internal organs.

The genetic factor radically affects the development of mental disorders and syndromes. According to historical facts, the mother's sister Van Gogh suffered from epilepsy, and the brothers and sisters of the artist suffered from psychopathologies: from mental retardation to schizophrenia.

The use of alcoholic and narcotic drugs affects the level of personality control. When the personality is positioned to auto-aggressive behavior, the decline in volitional qualities and self-control can lead to applying a self-sustain. Famous french artistAmmputing his ear, consumed alcohol, absinthe and smoked opium, which probably served as a starting mechanism for the development of self-performing behavior.

Socio-psychological influence plays an important role in the formation of auto-aggressive behavior. Often, a person causes damage due to the impossibility of surviving psycho-emotional loads, daily conflicts and stress. The patient, who suffer from outbreaks of self-performing behavior, argued that he was "eclipsed by the mental pain of physical."

Sometimes the desire to carry out a surgical operation on its own body can be caused by the painful course of any disease. A person suffering from a mental disorder that is constantly experiencing painful sensations in any organ or part of the body with a high probability can be injured, with the purpose of getting rid of pain. One of the versions of the sensational amputation of Van Gogh is the assumption that the artist tormented unbearable pain after transferred otitis.

Treatment of syndrome

The therapy of the syndrome involves the treatment of the main mental illness, against the background of which exist outbreaks of autoagression. In order to reduce the irresistible desire and obsessive thoughts on the application of injury, various neuroleptics, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used. If there is Van Gogh syndrome, mandatory hospitalization is shown, in order to reduce the risk of damage caused.

Psychotherapy is effective only in the case when the syndrome is a manifestation of self-performing behavior against the background of depressive disorder or neurosis. The most effective is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which establishes not only the causes of the client's self-injunations, but also the ways of confronting outbreaks of autoagression. The psychotherapist studies in detail the degree of auto-aggressive installations, if they prevail, the cognitive-behavioral approach is not always effective. In the dominance of autoagressive beliefs, the process of recovery of personality is hampered due to the inability of the client to achieve the desired results.

Treatment of the disease is a rather complicated and long process and is not always crowned with success. For example, this syndrome is much easier than therapy with schizophrenia than with disexescal and epilepsy. If a patient has persistent nonsense, the treatment can go into a dead end due to the complexity of pharmacotherapy.

Shocking facts

American artist A. Fielding was so obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bachieving spiritual enlightenment, which drilled a hole in the skull. Before performing the operation, the woman repeatedly appealed to surgeons with persistent requests for trepanation, which allegedly helps her to look at the world otherwise.

On some people a huge impact Provides fantastic world computer games, Cinema and books. Fantastic elven topics brought crazy many lovers this genre. It is known a few cases of self-use of ear-sinks for similarity with the pointed ears of elves.

To date, the amputament of the fingers in protest (political, social) or devotion is considered to be unpaid phenomenon. Such a pathological manifestation of emotions is mainly demonstrative in nature and indicates mental violations. This phenomenon is most common in eastern countries, such as Japan, China due to the inheritance of the ancient technique "Jubitzuma", which was used in criminal communities. The procedure consisted in amputation of the part of the finger as a sign of non-compliance with the rules of the mafia community.

Syndrome Van Gogh

Syndrome (symptom) Van Gogh (Abram H.S., 1966) manifests itself when the patient either operates itself, or insists on a certain operation. It occurs during schizophrenia, dysmorefophobia, disexesal. Named by the name of the world-famous Netherlands and French grades, who allegedly suffered from this mental disorder and during the exacerbation of the disease made an amputation of the ear.

In fact, Van Gogh cut off part of the ear at the moment of turbidity of the reason after a quarrel with Gauguen (according to another version it did Gogen during a quarrel (duel) with Van Gogh because of a woman), but beyond no matter, the legend gave the usual Name syndrome.

What is "Van Gogh Syndrome"?

It is known that the absinthe in large quantities used Picasso and Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lotrere and Baudelaire, Rembo and Verlin. The poets were angry, and the artists left us portraits of his lovers and amateurs. For example, Picasso wrote the famous painting "Absinthe Lovers", Edgar Dega - a picture of "Absinthe", which can be seen today in the Louvre, etc. "Green Fairy", "Emerald Wizard", "Blood of Poets" - so called absinthe writers And artists, assuring that this potion expands consciousness and contributes to the flight of creative fantasy ... It seemed that he stimulates the creative process. However, in the 50s of the XIX century, anxiety began to appear on the results of its chronic consumption. It was believed that chronic absinthe consumption led to the syndrome, called absix, which was characterized by addiction, top-capacity and hallucinations. This concern about the impact of absinthe on health was reinforced by the Claimer in Lamarc theory about heredity. In other words, it was believed that any features acquired by the consumers of Absinthe would be transferred to their children. The Association of Absinthe with the style of Boghemy also added fears about his effect, as it happened to marijuana in America. Subsequently, the absinthe was prohibited in many countries at the beginning of this century. So we cannot now enjoy this mysterious amorphic of consciousness. Why is everything so bad and why was he forbidden?

Definitely, one of the main components - alcohol. However, another candidate - Monoterpine (Monoterpene), Tuyon, which is considered a convulsant. The mechanism of action of the Tuion (Alpha-Thujone) is not known, although the structural similarity between the tuyon and tetrahydrokannabinol (the active component of marijuana) leads to assumptions that both substances have similar impact zones on the brain. The essence of which produces absinthe contains from 40 to 90% of the tuyon. Thus, Tuyon is best suited to candidates for the second active component of absinthe. Indeed, for a long time it was assumed that the Tuyon is a neurotoxic cause of absix.

True, the symptoms of absix seem similar to alcoholism. Hallucinations, scamps, tremor, paralysis and convulsions can also be seen in cases with alcoholism. It makes it suggest that "Absight" syndrome could be caused by alcohol.

Suicide, murder, the destruction of the individual - in many of these tragedies, the "Green Fairy" was involved in many of these tragedies, as the absinthe was named after his color and a strange state arising from intoxication. The beverage base is a bitter wormwood, which grows everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Van Gogh consumed absinthe in such quantities that by the end of his life his body was completely destroyed: hallucinations, violation of consciousness, convulsions, problems with kidneys and digestion - that today doctors are called "Van Gogh" syndrome. The end of the artist is known: at first he cut off his ear, and later shot himself. He was 37 years old.

Syndrome Van Gogh, or did the brilliant artist hurt?

"AIF" tells about the life and riddles of the Great Artist.

The world-famous Netherlands graduate artist Vincent Villem Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853. But he became an artist only in 27 years old, and died in 37. It was an incredible productivity - for the day he could write several pictures: landscapes, still lifes, portraits. From the records of his attending physician: "In the intervals between the attacks of the patient, the painting is completely calm and passionately.

Disease and death

In it and in the following years of life, duality was manifested - he dreamed of a family focus and children, counting it " real life"But completely devoted himself to art. Obvious attacks of mental illness began in last years Life when Van Gogh had the strongest attacks of an oceania, he argued very soberly.

The artist died on July 29, 1890. Two days before that, in Over-sur-UAZ, he went for a walk with drawing materials. With it there was a gun that Van Gogh bought to scare away the bird flocks while working at the pleasing. It was from this pistol that the artist shot himself into his heart, after which he independently reached the hospital. After 29 hours after the injury, he died of blood loss.

It is worth noting that Van Gogh fired in itself, after it seemed to be his mental crisis was overcome. Shortly before that death, he was discharged from the clinic with the conclusion: "recovered."


In the mental illness, Bany Gogh is a lot of mysterious. It is known that during the seizures he was attended by nightmarish hallucinations, longing and angry, he could have his own paints, rushing around the room and stroke in one pose for a long time. According to the artist himself, during these moments of the permanent of consciousness, he saw images of future cloths.

In the clinic for mentally ill in Arles, he was diagnosed with "epilepsy temporal shares". But the opinions of doctors about what is happening with the artist, they diverged. Dr. Felix Rei believed that Van Gogh suffers from epilepsy, and the head psychiatric clinic In Saint-Remi, Dr. Peyron believed that the artist suffered acute encephalopathy (lesion of the brain). In the course of treatment, he turned on hydrotherapy - a two-hour stay in the bath twice a week. But hydrotherapy did not facilitate the disease Van Gogh.

At the same time, Dr. Gasha, who observed the artist in Ovter, argued that a long stay in the sun and turpentine, which he dreamed during operation was affected by Van Gogh. But Skipidar Van Gogh drank when the attack has already begun to remove his symptoms.

To date, epileptic psychosis is considered the most correct diagnosis - these are quite rare manifestation of the disease that occurs in 3-5% of patients.

Among the relatives Van Gogh from the mother was epileptics. Paduchai suffered from one of his aunt. Hereditary predisposition could not appear if not permanent overvoltage of mental and mental strength, overwork, poor nutrition, alcohol and severe shocks.

Among the records of doctors there are such lines: "His seizures were cyclic, repeated every three months. In the hypomaniacal phases, Van Gogh again began to work from sunrise before sunset, wrote, wrote, and inspired, two or three paintings per day. " Based on these words, many diagnosed the artist's disease as a manic-depressive psychosis.

The symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis include suicide thoughts, unmotivated good mood, reinforced motor and speech activity, periods of mania and depressive states.

The reason for the development of psychosis, Van Gogh could be absinthe, which, according to specialists, contained an extract of Alpha Thuion. This substance, falling into the human body, penetrates the nervous tissue and the brain, which leads to a violation of the process of normal braking of nerve impulses. As a result, a person happens convulsions, hallucinations and other signs of psychopathic behavior.

"Epilepsy plus madness"

Mad Van Gogh thought Dr. Peyron, a French doctor, who in May 1889 stated: "Van Gogh -Epilek and Lunatic".

It should be noted that until the XX century, the epilepsy was also implied by the Menietor's disease.

The discovered letters Van Gogh demonstrate the hardest bouts of dizziness, typical of the pathology of the ears labyrinth (inner ear). They were accompanied by nausea, indomitable vomit, noise in the ears and alternated periods, during which he was completely healthy.

According to one of the versions, a story with a cut-off ear (a picture "Self-portrait with a cut-off ear") is a consequence of an unbearable ring.

The diagnosis of "Van Gogog Syndrome" is applied in the case of making mentally sick to itself crumpled damage (cutting parts of the body, extensive cuts) or presentation of persistent requirements to produce surgical intervention. This disease occurs during schizophrenia, dysmorephobia, dysmorfomania, due to the presence of nonsense, hallucinations, impulsive deposits.

It is believed that heavily suffering from frequent bouts of dizziness, accompanied by unbearable noise in the ears, brought him to acendment, Van Gogh cut off his ear.

However, this story has several versions. According to one of them, the ug of Winsent Van Gogu compartment of his friend Paul Gaen. On the night of December 23-24, 1888, a quarrel occurred between them and in the seizure of Yarrost Van Gogh attacked Gaugugen, who, being a good fencer, Rapiira Van Goghu's left ear compartment, after which he threw the weapon into the river.

But the main verses of historians of art are based on the study of police protocols. According to the interrogation protocol and according to Gaugugen, after a quarrel with a friend, Gogen left the house and went to spend the night to the hotel.

Upset Van Gogh, remaining alone, cut off his ear with a razor of the ear, after which she went to the boutinal to show a piece wrapped in the ear of the ear, a familiar prostitute.

It is this episode from the life of the artist and is considered a sign of a mental disorder, which led him to suicide.

By the way, some experts argue that excessive passion for green, red and white paints speaks about the color blindness Van Gogh. Analysis of the "Star Night" painting has led to the emergence of this hypothesis.

In general, researchers converge in the opinion that great artist He suffered from depression, which, on the background of a ring in the ears, nervous overvoltage and abuse of absinthe, could lead to schizophrenia.

Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Duma-Son, Ernest Hemingway, Albrecht Durer and Sergey Rachmaninov suffered the same disease.

Syndrome Van Gogh

What is Van Gogh Syndrome? This is the application of a mentally sick person of crumpled damage to itself (cutting off part of the body, applying deep cuts) or the persistent requirement to produce a surgical intervention due to the presence of hypochondriac, hallucinations, impulsive deposits.

Germans and art

The story from which this syndrome takes its name has long happened. So long ago that it can verify it, perhaps an experienced necromancer, and we can be content with versions and guesses. Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch artist of the 19th century, suffered from chronic mental ailment. What exactly - also remains a mystery. According to one of the versions, he had schizophrenia, on another, more likely - epileptic psychosis, in the third - the detrimental effects of abuse of absinthe, in the fourth - Menieret's disease.

Epileptic psychosis - such a diagnosis was put by Van Gogh Dr. Felix Rey to a couple with his colleague by Dr. Theophile Peyron in the Saint Remy-de-Provence shelter at the Saint-Paul-de-Musol monastery. There, the artist was on treatment since May 1889 to May 1890, when the symptoms of his disease became especially bright: an depressed state with a sense of longing, embitractions and hopelessness, attacks of rage and meaningless impulsive acts - so, once he tried to swallow the paints that painted.

... the efforts of the physicians did not have to save the artist from the painful experiences tormenting him. Having finished writing the picture "Wheat field with a crow", on July 27, 1890, Van Gogh shot himself in his chest, and after 29 hours it was not.

One way or another, on the night of December 23-24, 1888, Van Gogh cut off a lobe of the left ear. According to the police, his friend and an art collearnator Paul Gogen, between him and Van Gogh, there was a quarrel: Gogen was going to leave Arles, where he stayed at Van Gogog for a while, but did not like this idea. Van Gogh threw a glass with absinthe, Gauguen left to sleep in the nearest hotel, and Van Gogh, remaining at home alone and staying in the smoking state of the Spirit, a dangerous razor compartment of his ear. Then he wrapped her in the newspaper and went to the brothel to the familiar prostitute show the trophy and seek consolation. So at least Gogen told the police.

Causes of syndrome

Why, during Van Gogh Syndrome, patients stubbornly and purposefully damage themselves? There are several reasons for this.

First of all, it is a dysmorphomanic nonsense, that is, the firm conviction that his own body or a certain part of ugly is so much so that they cause the surrounding disgust and horror. The owner of this "deformity" itself is experiencing unbearable moral and physical suffering. And the only logical decision of the patient considers the patient to get rid of the hated defect in any way: to destroy it, cut off, amputate, stitch, make plastic surgery. And this is despite the fact that there is no defect or defect in the very case and in risen.

A similar conclusions and consequences may result in hypochondriac. The patient seems that some organ, part of the body or the whole organism is hard (perhaps even deadly or incurable) sick. And he really feels like it all hurts, and these sensations are painful and unbearable, they want to get rid of them at any cost.

Impulsive attractions, as follows from the name, are the character of a sudden push: it is necessary, and the point! Neither the criticism, no countersdowns just do not have time to connect: a person jumps - and acts. Chick - and ready.

Hallucinations, especially imperative, that is, the commanding, too, can force the patient to deprive themselves parts of the body, put deep wounds, to beat themselves, and then come up with some more sophisticated self-sourcing. By the way, the epileptic psychosis, which, probably suffered from Van Gogh, can be accompanied by hallucinations, nonsense, as well as impulsive attractions and relevant actions.

Case from practice

I have in the portion of the boy by name, say, Alexander, and just with Van Gogh's syndrome. It has been observed for a long time, about ten years old - schizophrenia. Symptoms are the same for many years: paranoid (i.e. hallucinations and nonsense) with suicidal and self-esteem trends, repeated attempts to worship and suish. And all this in the absence of criticism towards their aspirations and experiences, with a meager and short-term effect of medication treatment. With all this, the guy is calm, quiet, always polite, corrected - well, just Painka.

He distinguished himself a few years ago. He fell into the hospital after another such an attempt - it seems that Azaleptina heard. Prior to that, he passed the course of treatment, the case was already on the amendment - at least it seemed to everyone. Shortly before the discarding, he was sent home to a healing vacation (again, Easter). Sasha returned with a delay and accompanied by Mom, with a discharge from the surgeon in his hands. It turns out that the patient's houses closed in the bathroom and manicure scissors, opening the scrotum, deleted the testicle. Coming out of the bathroom, he clarified at Mom:

- I did everything right?

The wound healed quite quickly: the help was provided in a timely manner, first by the staff of the linear brigade, then the surgeon, and then already psychiatries. After a year of remission, the second testicle was removed at home in the same way. Then there were still suicidal attempts, hospitalization, stubborn treatment without hope for the effect. Recently, he came to surrender to the hospital himself:

"And then I'll do something with you, and I'm already tired of fighting with her," the sufferers admitted.

- Well, with her. You do not understand? I'm for whom I do everything? For her. She asked to cut off - I cut off. She asked to jump from the height - I jumped (it was the case, the bones fought for a long time). I do everything as she asks, and she does not come to me.

So without finding out Alexander after Alexander, a wonderful and dangerous stranger, so many years waiting for his promises of unearthly bliss in return for inhuman suffering, I sat down to write a direction in the hospital.

Treatment of Van Gogh syndrome

How to treat syndrome? First of all, it is necessary to establish what disease caused it in this particular case. And all efforts to send for its treatment, as well as on the subsequent rehabilitation of the patient. The prognosis of treatment with different etiology of the syndrome is ambiguous: for example, for parotid-progressional schizophrenia, which served as the cause of the development of the syndrome, the forecast is more favorable and predictable than for epilepsy with psychotic episodes. The easiest way to cope with hallucinations: adequate drug therapy helps it. It is much more difficult to work with nonsense, and it doesn't matter if it is also a hypochondriac: delusional structures are always more rack and resistant to medicines and psychotherapy than hallucinations. Not many better therapy are impulsive attractions, and not least because of their unpredictability: the trouble can happen suddenly when it seems that the person has already reached the resist.

That is why patients with Van Gogh's syndrome are always an object of the closest attention of psychiatrists. As by the danger of the manifestations of the syndrome itself, and due to the complexity of its treatment.

Syndrome Van Gogh

Syndrome Van Gogh (English. The Van Gogh Syndrome) It is manifested when the patient either operates itself, or insists on a certain operation.

The syndrome is named by the name of the world-famous Netherlands and French grades-postimigresionist, who allegedly suffered from this mental disorder and during the exacerbation of the disease produced his ear amputation.

According to one of the versions, Van Gogh cut off a part of the ear at the time of the exacerbation of the mental illness (in the Arral hospital he was diagnosed with "hysterical perisage of consciousness against the background of a common delicacy"), on the other, it did Paul Gauguene during a quarrel (duel) with Van Gogh because of the prostitute Rachel), but beyond anyone, the legend gave the usual name to the syndrome.

In psychiatric literature, addiction to self-help is first described by Menninger, who described the obsessive desire of some neurotic and psychotic patients to surgical operating.

Van Gogh syndrome occurs during schizophrenia, dysmorefophobia, dysforamia.

Syndrome Van Gogh

Syndrome (symptom) Van Gogh (Abram H.S., 1966) manifests itself when the patient either operates itself, or insists on a certain operation. It occurs during schizophrenia, dysmorefophobia, disexesal. Named by the name of the world-famous Netherlands and French grades, which suffered from this mental disorder and during the exacerbation of the disease made a ear amputation.

In fact, Van Gogh simply cut off a part of the ear at the moment of turbidity of the reason after a quarrel with a gauguen (according to another version it did Gogen during a quarrel (duel) with Van Gogh because of a woman), but beyond no, the legend gave the usual Name syndrome.



  1. Abram H.S. "The Van Gogh Syndrome: An Unusual Case of Polysurgical Addiction." PMID.
  2. Who cut off the ear Van Gogh? //
  3. Labor: Van Gogh lost his ear on a duel
  4. Who cut off the ear Van Gogh?
  • To add an article (the article is too short or contains only the vocabulary definition).

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Watch what is "Wang Gogh" syndrome in other dictionaries:

wang Gogh syndrome - (by name of the patient of the Dutch artist 19 century. Van Gogh) Application of mentally sick to itself crumpled damage (cutting part of the body, extensive cuts) or the presentation of persistent requirements to produce him a surgical ... ... Large Medical Dictionary

Van Gogh Syndrome is a psychopathological symptom complex, in which patients with imaginary illness or without motivation operate themselves or insist on the production of various operations. More often occurs during schizophrenia. Described by the American Psychiatrist H ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Syndrome - this term has other meanings, see syndrome (values). Syndrome (Greek. Σύνδρομον, σύνδρομο Agreement; Δρομο road) The totality of symptoms with a common pathogenesis. In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the Association ... ... Wikipedia

Application. Some problems of streamlining modern medical terminology - the above centuries-old history of the emergence and development of medical terminology having many multilingual sources, as well as the examples complex relationship Between these etymology, the structure and semantics of terms, probably ... ... medical encyclopedia

dysmorphophobia - the painful belief in the presence of physical changes or diseases, often bizarre in nature, and based on somatic sensations, which leads to hypochondriacity. This syndrome is most often observed in schizophrenia, ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

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A PICTURE IS WORTH A 1,000 BUCKS - Episode "Griffins" "A PICTURE IS WORTH A 1,000 BUCKS" Antonio Monastti manipulates Chris No. Episode 2 season, 11 series Episode code ... Wikipedia

Nonosophilia - (Greek. Νόσος disease, φιλία Love; Sin. Nosomania νόσος disease, μανία Passionate desire) Conscious desire to attribute to itself various diseases, talk about them around them, often visit doctors, stock up with a huge arsenal ... ... Wikipedia

Vdovin, Igor Vladimirovich - Igor Vdovin Full name Igor Vladimirovich Vdovin Date of birth November 13, 1974) (38 years old) Country ... Wikipedia

Syndrome Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is a significant post-impressionist, which was known not only to his art, but also by self-implanation of his ear. He cut off the razor of the lower half of his left ear and attributed her to the brothel, so that they traced it there. He endured the heavy blood loss and was found by the police unconscious in his bed the next morning. This case has begun that today is sometimes called Van Gogh syndrome, which has now become a comprehensive term for self-escort, especially due to self-impacting body parts.

Intentional membership is defined as deliberate and directly applying body tissues without suicidal intentions. Exist different kinds intentional membership: self-resistant, bloodletting, bites, burns, self-impacting, etc. In most cases, members of the membership are recorded among individuals suffering from schizophrenia. Very often, this is due to the delusional belief (for example, a person believes that his hand is evil, so it must be cut off) or in response to the team of hearing hallucinations (the voices that orders to man harvest himself). Also, many patients with schizophrenia are often insensitive (in varying degrees) to pain and less susceptible to physical discomfort, unlike normal people.

Such behavior (membership) is observed in 10-15% of healthy children, especially between the ages of 9 and 18 months. But if such behavior persists in the age after 3 years, it is already considered a pathological condition requiring the intervention of specialists. This behavior is often found in adolescents, mentally ill and in women. A commemoration is also often associated with addictive behavior, suicide attempts and with metabolic syndromes (Lesha-Nihana syndrome and Münhgausen syndrome). The most cruel and officially registered in medical literature acts of membership are one-sided and bilateral enucleation of the eyes (eye removal), self-impactation of various parts of the body, including hands, chest, ear, penis and testicles, and the most difficult case registered today is removing almost The whole person is a person suffering from Paranoid schizophrenia. Some researchers also noted that during the act of membership, these people were in such a state, which is called "psychotic anesthesia". Studies suggest that this absence of pain can be associated with a dull affect, which is characteristic of schizophrenia.

Syndrome Van Gogh. Happening

Damaged Ear Ear on the 1st Day

Right ear in 2 weeks

Left ear in 2 weeks

Information about rare diseases posted on the site is intended only for educational purposes. It should never be used in diagnostic or for therapeutic purposes. If you have questions regarding your personal medical condition, then you should seek advice only for professional and qualified health workers. is a non-commercial site, with limited resources. Thus, we cannot guarantee that all the information presented on will be fully relevant and accurate. The information presented on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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Psychiatrian plot

do not be afraid - I'm with you!

December 2013


Wang Gogh Syndrome

Syndr about M Van-G about ha (named Patient - Dutch artist XIX. in. Van Gogh) - Application of mentally sick to itself crumpled damage (cutting part of the body, extensive cuts) or the presentation of persistent requirements to produce him surgical intervention due to the presence of hypochondriac, hallucinations, impulsive deposits.

Love for painting originated by Vincent when he began to work by a dealer in the uncle's art and trading company.

Soon he suffered a failure in love. Disappointment affected at work - he lost interest towards her and appealed to the Bible. Life cool changed. Van Gogh visited the seller of books,. In the period from 1869 to 1876 he served as a commissioned by the art and trading company in the Hague, Brussels, London and Paris. And in 1876 he worked as a teacher in England.

After he became interested in issues of theology and from 1878 was a preacher in the Shakhtar district of Borinage (in Belgium)

By the way, another version: Ucha Vincent Van Gogh, His friend Paul Gaugugen, consider Hans Kaufman and Rita Willidegans.

That is what the police told Gogen.

According to the interrogation protocol, after a quarrel with a friend, Gogen left the house and went to spend the night in a nearby hotel. Lefting alone, upset Van Gogh cut off his ear with a razor of the ear, after which he went to the boutinal to show a piece wrapped in the ear of the ear, a familiar prostitute. Subsequently, this episode from the life of the artist was found by a sign of spiritual disorder, which led him to suicide. Once, making the last smear of the painting "Crows on a wheat field," shot himself. On another version, the shot was in the stomach, after which he wrote another picture link

Psychiatricians trying to restore the clinical picture - is now recognized as the correct diagnosis set by another Dr. Rema and confirmed by Dr. Peiron in the San-Paul: epileptic psychosis (we used to be called: other states that satisfy the criterion of organic psychosis, but do not accept confusion form Consciousness, non-alcoholic Corsakovsky psychosis or dementia; and now call: unspecified psychotic disorders in connection with epilepsy).

Among the relatives, Van Gogh from the mother were epileptics; Paduchai suffered from one of his aunts.

The mental illness was comprehended later and Theo, and Willemina - apparently, the roots lay in heredity.

But, of course, a hereditary predisposition is not something fatal - it could never lead to illness if non-stimulating conditions. The colossal permanent overvoltage of mental and mental strength, chronic overwork, poor nutrition, alcohol in conjunction with severe moral shocks that have been delivered to Van Gogh in excess - all this was more than enough for a potential predisposition to the disease realized.

Rock duality pursued the artist all his short life. It really seemed to get on two people. He dreamed of a family focus and children, calling it a "real life." However, completely devoted himself to art. He wanted to become a priest, like his father, and himself, putting all the rules, began to live with "one of those women whom the priests curse from the ammon." With him, especially in recent years, the strongest attacks of an insanity occurred, during the rest of the time he reasoned very soberly.

Van Gogh was examined by three physicians, and they all came to different opinions.

Dr. Rey believed that Van Gogh suffers from epilepsy.

The head of the psychiatric clinic in Saint-Remy Dr. Peyron believed that Van Gogh suffered acute encephalopathy (lesion of the brain). In a course of treatment, he turned on hydrotherapy, that is, a two-hour stay in the bath twice a week. However, hydrotherapy did not facilitate Van Gogh disease.

Dr. Gasha, who observed Van Gogh in Ovter, was not a qualified physician. He claimed that Van Gogh allegedly had a long stay in the sun and turpentine, which he dreamed during work. But Skipidar Van Gogh drank when the attack has already begun, with the aim of removing his symptoms.

The material for the hypotheses serve the paintings by Van Gogh. Special attention of researchers attracts the picture "Starry Night"

Gogh knew perfectly what he was doing. The sketches made during the work on the picture show that the artist very carefully calculated the ratio of paints on the canvas, seeking to achieve the effect of him. Vincent perfectly aware of the uniqueness of his letter manner, overtaking time and therefore inaccessible to understand many people.

In a letter to Emile Bernard, he wrote from Arlya: "The artist, in advance who has a complete and final idea that he is going to write, cannot be proud of his work."

"His seizures were cyclic, repeated every three months. In the hypomaniacal phases, Van Gogh again began to work from sunrise to sunset, wrote up and inspired, two or three paintings per day, "the doctor wrote. Therefore, many diagnosed the artist's disease as manico-depressive psychosis.

According to one of the versions, the cause of the death of the artist was the destructive effect of absinthe, to which he was not indifferent, like many other creative warehouse people. This absinthe, according to specialists, contained an extract of Alpha Tuion.

This substance, falling into the human body, penetrates into the nervous tissue, including in the brain, which leads to a violation of the process of normal braking of nerve impulses, in other words, the nervous system "breaks down from the brakes." As a result, a person happens convulsions, hallucinations and other signs of psychopathic behavior. It should be noted that the alkaloid tuion is contained not only in wormwood, but also in Tue, which gives the name to this alkaloid, and in many other plants. Ironically, on the grave of Vincent Van Gogh, this ill-fated bu teu, whose Duman finally destroyed the artist.

Among other versions of Van Gogh's disease, another one has recently appeared. It is known that the artist often experienced a fortune accompanied by a ringing in the ears. So, experts found that the strongest depression is accompanied by this phenomenon. Reliable from such a state can only professional assistance from a psychotherapist. Presumably, it is ringing in the ears with Meniere disease, and even in conjunction with depression brought Van Gogh to madness and suicide.

Similar version: Cyclic schizophrenia - It is believed that Nikolay Gogol, Mikalus Churlenis suffered from the same disease, Alexander Duma-son, Ernest Hemingway, Albrecht Dürer, Sergey Rachmaninov. The general Schizophrenic creates peace, unlike where most people live. What a common person Laughs, the schizophrenic can cause anger. In his head, incompatible things coexist, the antagonism of which he is not aware. Often he gives everything that happens unusual, more often by the sinister meaning and believes that the comprehension of this meaning is available only to him.

Syndrome Van Gogh

For the first time, scientists described Van Gogh Syndrome in 1966. As you can guess, with such a mental disorder, the person operates himself or wants to do this, and also causes cripplehold damage not only in the form of cut parts of the body, but also in the form of cuts. Also, the syndrome is also manifested in the fact that the patient insists on holding a certain surgical operation, although in fact it is not required.

The syndrome, named after the famous artist, is observed primarily with schizophrenia, dysmorfoomania and dysmorefophobia. Dysmorropomania is manifested in the fact that the patient is convinced of the presence of imaginary physical disadvantage. This disease is a serious consequence of the dysmortophobia manifested at the level of nonsense. This disease often begins in adolescence, when a person pays too much attention to some non-minor defect of his appearance and physique features.

There are several reasons for the development of Van Gogh syndrome. This is the aforementioned dismortical nonsense, when a person is confident that his own body or part of it causes the surrounding disgust or horror. The patient is experiencing unbearable suffering and the only solution Sees getting rid of defect in any way. Another reason is a hypochondriatic nonsense, during which a person seems to be part of his body seriously ill and requires an emergency operation. At the same time, a person physically feels pain.

It is worth noting that in the mental illness of Van Gogh him still many mysteries. It is known that he committed suicide after he was discharged from the clinic with the conclusion of recovery. Modern psychiatrists converge on the fact that the artist suffered from an unspecified mental disorder due to epilepsy. According to another version, the artist suffered from cyclic schizophrenia, from which many also suffered famous people (Nikolai Gogol, Albrecht Durer, Ernest Hemingway, Sergey Rakhmaninov, etc.).

Vincent Van Gogh is one of those artists whom those specialists are unanimously ranked with the category of artists of mentally ill. On this occasion, a huge number of works are written, the authors of which are psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, historians of art and cultureologists, and even "Wikipedia" when requesting "mentally ill artists" issues information about him.

Researchers argue about the diagnoses, putting forward assumptions about the presence of Bipolar disorder van gogh, schizophrenia or epilepsy, aggravated by alcohol abuse. But all these diagnoses are only the interpretation of a unique ensemble of texts written by Vincent Van Gogh himself.

1. Few artists, holding a feather, left us observation, diaries, letters whose importance would be comparable to their contribution in the field of painting.

2. But letters Van Gogh is a stunning, nor not a similar document stretching for hundreds of pages, this is a dialogue with email addresses, but also with himself, God, the world.

3. Do not need intermediaries and translators, Vincent Van Gogh himself tells about his experience of experiencing a mental disorder, appearing in front of readers an amazing, thinking, hardworking and very sensitive person, which in periods between the attacks of terrible disease was much more well healthy than most of his interpreters and diagnostics.

4. The tapering heart of the artist's story about the experience of experiencing a mental disorder begins on January 2, 1889 in a letter addressed to his brother Theo, from the psychiatric hospital of the French city of Arles, where Vincent was after all the well-known incident with a sliced \u200b\u200bear.

5. "To dispel all your concerns to my account, write you a few words from the Cabinet of the doctor's already familiar to you, passing the practice in the local hospital. I will run in her two or three days, after which I count quietly go home. I ask you about one thing - not to worry, otherwise it will become a source of unnecessary unrest for me. "

6. By the way, as a sign of gratitude for the help that Mr. Rey provided Van Gogh during the attacks of the disease, the artist drew his portrait. Contemporaries argued that the portrait turned out to be very similar to the model, but Felix Rey was indifferent to art. Painting Van Gogh was launched in the attic, then she was closed for some time a hole in the smokeshief, and only in 1900 (10 years after the artist's death), the picture was found in the courtyard of Dr. Reia. The work was acquired by the famous Russian collector Sergey Schukin and was kept in his personal collection until 1918. Leaving into immigration, the collector left a picture in his homeland, so she fell into the collection State Museum Fine arts them. Pushkin in Moscow.

7. After this first hospitalization, Vincent Van Gogh will write Brother Teo: "I assure you that a few days spent by me in the hospital were very interesting: the patients probably should learn lives. I hope that nothing special happened to me - just as artists happened, there was a temporary eclipse, accompanied by a high temperature and a significant loss of blood, since the artery was cut; But the appetite immediately recovered, my digestion is good, the loss of blood is replenished every day, and the head works more clearly. "

8. In a letter to Brother Teo on January 28, 1889, Vincent Van Gogh offers his answer to the many question about the connection of genius and insoluction, art and psychopathology: "I will not say that we, artists, mentally healthy, especially I will not tell you about yourself - I am satisfied with madness to the bone's brain; But I say and argue that we have such antids and such medicines, which, if we show at least a little goodwill, will be much stronger than the agement. "

9. February 3, 1889 Vincent Van Gogh makes a curious observation in relation to the residents of the city of Arles - no, not patients of local psychiatric hospital, and ordinary citizens: "I must say that neighbors are solely good to me: here, after all, everyone suffers fever, who are hallucinations, who is an insidiance; Therefore, everyone understands each other with a half-word, as members of one family ... However, it is not necessary to believe that I should not. Local residentssuffering from the same ailment, told me the whole truth: the patient can live to old age, but he will always have a minute of eclipse. Therefore, do not assure me that I am not at all sick or no longer ill.

10. From the letter of the artist's brother dated March 19, 1889, we learn that the inhabitants of Arlya turned to the mayor of the city with a statement signed by some citizens that Van Gogh had no right to live at freedom, after which the police commissioner had ordered to recruit the artist again . "In a word, for many days I have been sitting alone under the castle and supervision of the ministers, although my insaneness is not proven and unoccupied in general. Of course, in the depths of the soul, I am blamed by such an appeal; Of course, it is also that I will not allow myself to indignant out loud: justify in such cases - it means to recognize yourself guilty. "

11. On 21 April Vincent Van Gogh informs Brother Teo about his decision after leaving the hospital to settle in the shelter for mentally ill in Saint-Remy de Provence: "I hope it will be enough if I say that it is strongly not able to look for a new workshop and live there alone ... my performance is gradually recovering, but I'm afraid to lose it if I become overnight and if it is over with me, besides all the responsibility for the workshop ... I starts to console the fact that now I begin to consider insanity as the same disease as I start any other. "

12. Stay Vincent Van Gogh in a psychiatric hospital, and later in the shelter for mentally ill brother of the artist's brother - Theo. In addition, Theodore has provided Vincent to the existence for more than 10 years, gave money for rental housing and atelier, canvas, paints and current expenses. "I do not know such a medical institution where I would agree to take for free on the condition that I will handle painting at my own expense, and all my work is to give the hospital. This is not a big, but still injustice. I find such a hospital, I would move without objection to her. "

13. Before leaving Arral in the shelter for the mental Saint Remy de Provence, Vincent Van Gogh writes the following letter to brother: "I have to look soberly on things. Of course, there is a whole bunch of crazy artists: life itself makes them, gently expressing, somewhat abnormal. Well, of course, if I manage to go back to work again, but I will stay on forever. "

14. Vincent Van Gogh held a year in the shelter Saint-Remy-de Provence (from May 1889 to May 1890), the shelter director allowed the artist to work and even provided a separate room under the workshop. Despite the recurring seizures, Vincent continued to draw, seeing the only means to fight the disease: "Working on the paintings is a necessary condition for my recovery: I only with great difficulty transferred the last days when I was forced to idle and didn't even let me go to the room allotted To me for painting ... "

15. In Saint-Remy de Provence, the artist draws landscapes depicting the views of the workshop window and the garden, and when Vincent was allowed to leave the shelter, the surroundings of Saint-Remy appeared on his canvas.

16. Despite the three severe seizures, which for many weeks brought Vincent, he wrote more than 150 paintings for this year, made more than 100 drawings and watercolors.

17. From the letter Van Gogh sister: "Here, however, there are somewhat seriously ill, but fear and disgust that inspired me before madness, significantly weakened. And although here you constantly hear terrible screams and howl, reminiscent of the belt, the inhabitants of the asylum quickly get together and help each other when one of them begins the attack. When I work in the garden, all the sick leave to see what I do, and, I assure you, behave delicately and more polite than good citizens of Arlya: they do not interfere with me. It is possible that I will run here for quite a long time. Never experienced such peace as here and in Arral Medication. "

18. Sincere admiration causes Winsent's desire to work, despite the illness, continue to engage in painting and not give up: "Life is going on and do not turn it, but it is for this reason that I do not regret forces: the opportunity to work either does not always repeat. In the case of me - and suppressed: after all, the stronger than usual, the attack may forever destroy me as an artist. "

19. It is important to note that Van Gogh was probably the only inhabitant of the shelter, which was engaged in the case: "Follow the treatment used in this institution, very easily even in the case of moving from here, for it is nothing exactly. Patients are provided to be labeled in idleness and consuring tasteless, and sometimes stupid food. "

20. At the end of May 1890, Theo offered his brother to move closer to him and his family, for which Vincent did not object. After spending three days at Theo in Paris, the artist settles in Over-sur-UAZ (a small village, which is not far from Paris). Here Vincent works, not allowing himself a minute of rest, every day from under his brush comes out a new product. Thus, over the past two months of life, it creates 70 paintings and 32 drawings.

21. In Over-sur-UAZ, the observation of the artist adopts Dr. Hasha, who was a specialist in the field of heart disease and a large lover of art. Vincent will write about this doctor: "As I understand it, it is not necessary to count on Dr. Hasha in any way. First, it seems to me, he is sick even more than I, - at least no less; Such are doing. And if the blind is blind, whether they will be collapsed both into the ditch? "

22. We collapsed ... On July 29, 1890, Vincent Van Gogh will take away from life, put a bullet in his chest, he will die in the presence of a doctor-called Hashe. In the pocket of the artist will find last letteraddressed to Teo Van Gogh, which ends like this: "Well, I paid my life for my work, and she cost me half of my reason, it is so ..."

23. The death of an older brother will turn the catastrophe for the theodora Van Gogh: after an unsuccessful attempt to organize a posthumous exhibition of brother's paintings at Theo, signs of insanity are found, his wife will decide to put a patient in a psychiatric hospital, where he will die on January 21, 1891.

24. The joint work of the brothers will be highly appreciated posthumously, and incredible injustice seems that none of them lived before the day, global fame and recognition came to Vincent Van Gogh.

Material prepared with support

"The diagnosis of halaers diverges with the diagnosis of Reia, which was confirmed by Dr. Parah, - both of them considered Vincent's disease to the epilepsy form. Since then, many doctors were interested in Van Gogh's disease. Some believed that it was diffuse meningo-encephalitis, others - what is schizophrenia (such an opinion adhered to, in particular, Karl Jaspers), the third is that it is mental degeneration and constitutional psychopathy ... and in fact, insane van Toga is not so easy Definition and classification. This madness is impossible to consider isolated from that exceptional (in the most direct sense of the word) of the person, what was Van Gogh. It is as neglectedly connected with her, as well as his genius, and it is necessary to judge it at the level, where generally accepted concepts are largely losing their usual meaning. What caused Talent Wang Toga led to all the circumstances of his life and his illness. " (Perryosho, 1973, p. 307.)

Data testifying in favor of schizophrenic disease

"Schizotic predisposition. In childhood, there was no special talent in drawing. The beginning of the schizophrenic process in 1887, even earlier there was a gradual increase in introversion and regression to infantile complexes. With blooming schizophrenia in his painting there is a strong expressionism and regression, reaching ornamentalism "(Westerman-Hoistijn, 1924.)
"Who read the description of his psychosis made by Gauguen, this is unlikely to have doubts about schizophrenia" (Winkler, 1949, p. 161.)
"The beginning of psychosis at the end of 1887, the establishment of a diagnosis - in the spring of 1888. During Christmas 1888, he suffered acute psychosis. Since 1888 there is a change in the style of creativity. There is no epilepsy, since there are no convulsive seizures and a specific change in personality with a decrease in intelligence. Diagnosis - parole schizophrenia "(Jaspers, 1926.)
"It is well known that in Arle in the life of Vinzent a crisis broke out. Typiographers are usually associated with strong overwriting, malnutrition, excessive smoking, long stay in the sun, etc., but each psychiatrist knows that all these facts are not the causes of procedural psychosis ... the manifestations of psychosis observed by Vinzent in Arles were already other than earlier in Borinage and Holland .., staying in the south led to a change in the biological quality of the process, the sluggish schizophrenia-acquired a more active and periodic course ... was then placed in Saint Remy shelter for mentally ill, he made several drawings from the window With the image of the crowd. With schizophrenic foolishness, he is the KR ^ "Chal:" I am the Holy Spirit, I'm in my mind! "He made the same inscription on the wall of the Chamber ... A new expressionist style with an exacerbation of the emotional grotesque of images, convulsively broken figures, deliberate The distortion of the outside world in accordance with the experiences was the direct effect of the high immersion of Vinzent into painful experiences and revenue from reality. At the same time, it was an expression of a more primitive nature of creativity. In general, its last time paintings are very chaotic, the paints have become coarse, they are no longer full Internal stress and not so bright, prevailing the background of the desert. It is a clear decay of the fineness of sensations. [Pictures created in the hospital] ... were rather strange than distorted, although, obviously, a tendency to stereotypiquity, ornamentalization, shutteriness, loss of mental plasticity and the integrity of those depicted, as in the drawings of schizophrenia patients ... Thus, pain All reason to think about the schizophrenic process, initially sluggish, and then from the arral period, which was denoted as an onairoid catatonia. In Overa, there was a transformation of onairoid attacks into a depressive state. The large polymorphism of symptomatics, the transformation of syndromes also speaks in favor of schizophrenia. " (Celbeys, C- 241-243, 245-246.)

Data testifying in favor of the epileptic disease

"We do not share the view that it was a typical epilepsy. The fact that he did not have epileptic convulsion that he did not have epileptic seizures: there is no data about this in the records of the history of the disease of the Psychiatric Hospital St. Remy, nor in his personal descriptions of his illness in letters to Brother Teo. IN the newest time The Kleist called "Episodische Dummern Zustande" described the condition of the disease, close to the epilepsy. Consequently, the epileptoid state, which so closely coincides with the picture of his illness, strikingly convinces us in such a diagnosis of Van Gogh's disease ... Jaspers, you can say, in addition to your will, was forced to say regarding Wang Goga as follows: ".. . In such strong attacks of the psychotic disease, it has a fully critical attitude towards the surrounding - with schizophrenia - an unusual phenomenon. " (Reiza, 1927, p. 141 - 142.)
"The somnambulic form of epilepsy, according to the halls of the hospital in Arle, was suffered by Van Gogh ... Certificate of the mental state of Wang Gogh is his" "Self-portrait with a cut-off ear". "(Bogolepov, 1971, p. 400.)
"Epileptoid psychosis without epileptic attacks. Latent epilepsy. " (Doiteau, Leroy, 1928, p. 124, 128.)
"Episodic twilight states close to epilepsy." (Goldbladt, 1928, p. 67-68.)
"Temple epilepsy." (Muller, 1959, p. 418.)
"Yellow and orange colors, very characteristic of visions during the so-called aura - the harbinger of epileptic seizure, as well as the existing data on the seizures, which van Gogh suffered, testify to epilepsy. However, it was from this disease that many doctors treated him, and unsuccessfully. " (Filonov, 1990, p. 3.)

Data testifying in favor of other diseases

"Simultaneous combination of schizophrenia and epilepsy." (Bleuler, 1911, p. 145; VGAP, 1940, p. 68-69.)
"Cyclotymic personality with periodic depressions and mania". (Perry, 1947, p. 171.)
"... the lack of specific identity changes inherent in the majority of schizophrenia and epilepsy forms allow you to question these diagnoses. Creativity and the life of the artist, his correspondence says that in this case, apparently, we are talking about a special periodic psychosis from a disharmonic personality. " (Buyanov, 1989, p. 212.)
"Van Gogh suffered from attacks of a manic-depressive psychosis with his characteristic cyclic change of mood ... In some of his letters to Brother Teo Van Gogh wrote that he was oppressed by sharp transitions from creative lifting to complete spiritual collapse, inoperability and fatal despair ... In favor of the assumption of a manic-depressive psychosis, cyclic tides in the sexual activity of the artist, which is evidenced by his own recognition in letters to Brother Teo. (Filonov, 1990, p. 3.)
"Alcoholism (absintrome abuse) with a hereditary predisposition to epilepsy through the mother's line." (Vinchon, 1924, p. 143.)
[A number of authors are trying to correct the erroneous historical idea that] "... the painful state of Vincent Van Gogh was determined by the presence of epilepsy in combination with an obstructiveness. These diseases would be diagnosed during the artist's life, but they do not have persistent undoubted criteria. Analysis of personal letters to the family and friends written between 1884 and the suicide of the artist in 1890, identifying a person with a complete self-consciousness suffering from severe, deprived of the capacity, repeatedly vertigo, which was the nature of the attacks, but not seizures. The artist found himself a sick epilepsy due to the written conclusion of Dr. Painon, - a doctor from the shelter of St. Remy (France), - where on May 9, 1889, Van Gogh voluntarily sharpened himself to the hospital for epileptics and insane. However, clinical data contained in its letters correspond not to epilepsy, but Meniere diseases. [The authors emphasize that at that time the Meniere syndrome (the labyrinth disorder) was not yet known enough and was often mistakenly diagnosed as epilepsy.] "(Arenbergudp., 1990, p. 70.)
"Van Gogh's disease was manifested in two different aspects: on the one hand, from the moment of his twentieth anniversary there was bipolar psychosis with replaced by depressive and maniacal states, supported by family hereditary predisposition. On the other hand, since 1888, a twilight state was observed and a complete loss of consciousness, accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations, aggressive, reaching the rustling and causing an injury, depressive mood and a sense of fear, increased suicious danger and perfect clarity of the mind - all These are the symptoms of partial epilepsy of the temporal share with signs of limbic psychomotor epilepsy. " (Neumayr, 1997A, p. 401.)

Features of creativity

"Much remains unclear and controversial to the present in the pathography of this severe bioegal personality. It is possible to assume syphilitic provoking of schizo-epileptic psychosis. His feverish creativity is quite comparable to the increased productivity of the brain before the start of the syphilitic disease of the brain, as was Nietzsche, Maupassant, Shuman. Van Gogh presents a good example of how mediocre talent, thanks to psychosis, turned into a world-recognized genius. " (LANGE-EICH-BAUM, KURTH, 1967, p. 373.)
"... Psychosis arises exactly when it starts implausible quick deployment of" New Style "! ["Schizophrenia does not bring anything absolutely" new, but no matter how to meet the existing forces. With it, it is something that meets the initial aspirations, but it would not have arisen without psychosis. " , 1999, p. 209.)

"A peculiar bipolarity, so pronounced in life and psychosis of this wonderful patient, is also expressed in parallel in his artistic work. Essentially, the style of its works remains the same all the time. Only increasingly repeated with winding lines, giving it the paintings of the spirit of differentity, which reaches its culmination point in his the last workwhere brightly emphasized the desire and imminentness of destruction, falling, destruction. These two movements are attributed to the rise and movement of the fall - form the structural basis of epileptic manifestations, just as two poles form the basis of the epileptoid constitution. " (Min-Kovskaya, 1935, p. 493.)
"Drew brilliant pictures of Van Gogh in breaks between attacks. And the main secret of his genius was an extraordinary purity of consciousness and a special creative rise, which arose as a result of his illness between the attacks. About this special state of consciousness wrote F.M. Dostoevsky, who suffered at one time similar attacks of mysterious spiritual disorder. " (Kandyab, 1998, p. 350-351.)
[Letter to Brother Teo dated September 10, 19889] "In connection with my illness, I think about many others, who also suffered artists; This condition does not interfere with painting, and in this case it is as if there is no disease. " (Van Gogh, 1994, vol. 2, p. 233.)

The abundance of pathographic material with the analysis of the facts of the facts makes it overly any comments of the compiler. Discussions on the diagnosis of Vincent Van Gogh may still continue, but no one doubts that his mental disorder influenced both the content of creativity and the creative process itself. Moreover, it determined his fate.