How old is Shakir in. Shakira - biography, information, personal life

How old is Shakir in. Shakira - biography, information, personal life
How old is Shakir in. Shakira - biography, information, personal life

Shakira Isabel Merabak Ripoll - Colombian singer, dancer and composer. It has Italian and Spanish roots, born in the family of the Lebanese and Columbia. A star was born on February 2, 1977 in the city called Barranquil. She was the first child of the mother of Nidia Ripoll, so since childhood the baby was surrounded by an increased number of love and care. Also in the family was brought up eight children from the previous marriages of the Father, William Nebarak Shadidid. He owned a jewelry store, wrote prose in his spare time. Thanks to this, the yield of the family was above average.

The first songs written in childhood

At the age of a year and a half, the future singer learned the entire alphabet. Two years later, after that, she was already completely ready for school training, knew how to read and write. Professionals stated that the girl is waiting for a big future, it can be considered a welcome. Since childhood, Shakira draw a lot, already at 4 years old she began writing the first poems. At the same time, the baby constantly danced, advocated the public.

When Columbiak was eight years old, she wrote her first song called "Your Dark Glasses". At the same time, she won a children's beauty contest "Child Atlantic." In 1990, at the next show of the talent, she meets the journalist Monica Arias, which is closely engaged in the promotion of the future star.

A few years later, Monica introduced the young tagging with the official Siro Vargas, which was represented by Sony Music. He was so impressed with the voice and manner of the design of the baby, which immediately decided to sign a contract with her for three years. Thanks to this Shakira at the age of 13, he writes his first album called "Magia". He came out on June 24, 1991. It is impossible to say that the record brought a singer with mad popularity, but she still managed to attract the attention of compatriots. The same can be said about the second disk "Peligro".

Popularity in the musical world

After two albums who actually failed in a commercial plan, producers seriously thought about the continuation of the contract. The singer herself also began to doubt the feasibility of work at the studio. It is not known how it all ended, if it were not for the composition "Dónde Estás Corazón", written along the way to the Production Center. This song has become one of the heads on the next plate of Shakira, the budget worth a hundred thousand dollars paid off in the shortest possible time.

The third singers disk became platinum not only in Colombia. He was instantly joined Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru. The music of the girl was even criticized, the project received several prestigious awards. The inspired girl begins to record the next plate, but suddenly most of the texts are kidnapped by unknown attackers.

After an unpleasant incident of Shakira begins with zero work on the second official album, ironically mentioning the thieves in the title of the record "Dónde Están Los Ladrones?" which is translated as "where the thieves?". He has staggering success in America, despite the fact that songs are written in Spanish. The singer was even nominated for the Grammy Prize. After some time, she records the MTV Unplugged concert collection, which also receives two musical awards.

On November 13, 2001, the next star of the star, named "Laundry Service", is published. The first single from her, Whenever, Wheraver, who still remembers and love people around the world. In 2005, a hispanic album FIJAction Oral Vol.1 was released, after a few months the girl recorded his second part, this time the songs were performed in English.

In 2007, hit parades again explodes Shakira's creativity, this time thanks to her joint song with Beyonce. After that, at some time, the singer took a break, and then pleased the fans of the She Wolf plate in 2009. The girl decided not to dwell on a certain style, the original mixing all that she had to do.

In 2010, Colombian recorded the anthem of the World Cup of the World Cup, after some time after that he saw the light of its next album "Sale El Sol". One of the title songs of this disk became "Loca", this composition was even loved by those who did not consider themselves the fan of singer.

The tenth record took away a lot of strength from the girl, she constantly changed the date of exit. On January 13, 2014, the single "CAN'T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU", recorded jointly with Rihana. After two months, the fans finally got the opportunity to hear the new creativity of Shakira due to the album of the same name.

Achievements of singe

In 1994, after graduation, the girl moves with her mother in the capital of Columbia Bogota. There she starred in a melodramatic project "El Oasis". Thanks to this Shakira received the title "Miss TVK" and its first large-scale photo session. The girl was always demanding towards himself, so she did not continue the acting career. She believed that it was inconclusive on the background of professionals, in the future the singer abandoned the proposal of Stephen Spielberg himself.

In 2007, the girl became a student of the University of California. There she studied under the name Isabelle Mebarak. Also from the young age Shakira is engaged in charity. Thanks to her, a fund for assistance to children from the poor families in Latin America was organized. This fund created in 1997 opened several schools in Colombia. There, children can study, feed them, care about them. To date, the girl continues to be initiated by discussing important problems with students around the world. She acquired 10,000 pairs of sneakers, which were disassembled by children in the hometown of Shakira.

Incredible, but Gabriel Garcia Marquez himself admires the singer. He is striking her sensuality and at the same time with this naivety, incendiary movements and an unusual style of music. In 1996, the singer called the "woman of the year", as she became the first Columbia, who conquered Japan, Spain and Portugal. In 1999, the president appointed a girl to the ambassador of goodwill. At the same time, Dad appointed her an audience in the Vatican.

Personal life

At the age of 13, the girl first fell in love with a nearby boy. Even he managed to tell about his dream to be a famous singer. In 1996, Shakira started a novel with a former participant in the Poligamia team, but they could not be preserved relationships due to the permanent employment of musicians. In 1997, the singer began to meet with the actor Osvald Rios. They tried to hide feelings, but it was not very good. Eight months later, partners broke the relationship.

In 2000, Colombian met Antonio De La Rua, whose father was previously president of Argentina. It was love at first sight, his singer devoted many of his compositions. The couple met for a long time, they were even going to get married. But then the father Antonio was removed from office, their relationship gradually began to deteriorate, in early 2011, lovers announced their parting. They diverged friends, but after breaking the son of the president tried to sue the girl 100,000 allegedly for moral damage.

During the novel with Antonio Singer attributed a novel with a football player Gerard Peak. Later it became known that the couple occurs since the fall of 2010, they managed to hide their relationship until March 2011. Their percentage difference is 10 years old, but this did not prevent a stormy novel. In the autumn of 2012, Shakira shared with journalists with information that they would soon become their parents. Firstborn called Milan Peak Mebarak. In January 2015, a couple had a second son Sasha. Nevertheless, lovers do not plan yet to legitimize the relationship, they feel comfortable and without it.

In the life of the popular executor Shakira, there were ups and downs, happy periods and times of depression. This, of course, was reflected on her appearance, but in a short time the singer came into shape. In any case, it is obvious that the age of singers Shakira is a nominal parameter that can be determined exclusively by passport, because it looks no older than ten years ago. How many years now the Latin American Div Shakir, who conquered not one heart?

Seductive Shakira Parameters

The future world of global scale was born on February 2, 1977. Her homeland is a major industrial Colombian city-port Barranquile. As a schoolgirl, the girl was distinguished among the peers with plasticity and flexibility. Her insanely attracted and. Then the girl opened the talent of vocalist. The first four Hispanic albums made it popular in Colombia and Latin America. After releasing the fifth English album, Shakira conquered the American listener.

In the youth of Shakira looked like an ordinary teenager - a thin girl with barely apparent breasts and problem skin. But already by thirty years, she turned into a sultry Latin American beauty, after which the neck was folded. There was never a complete Shakira, at least extra kilograms sometimes appeared on her body. In his youth, Shakira did not follow what he eats, but quickly realized that a beautiful figure was daily work on himself. Today, becoming a mother of two sons, she limits himself in nutrition. The tough diet lasts six days, and at the end of the week the singer allows themselves small weaknesses. This approach allows it to not pay attention to age, because in his thirty-eight Shakira, the growth of which is 157 centimeters, and the weight is 58 kilograms, looks like a thirty-year-old girl. Parameters 83-60-94 practically fit perfect!

In the favorite of the singer, vegetables and fruits that are not subject to heat treatment. But from adorable chocolate, she has to refuse. A small piece of singer allows himself twice a month. In the past, Shakira was engaged in the gym independently, and now the training program for it is developing a personal trainer. In addition, we all are aware of the love Shakira to dance. It is they who help the mother of two children to keep their tummy in perfect form. Perhaps such a stomach would envy any oriental dancer.

Super Mom

In 2009, Shakira got acquainted with Gerard Peak, a famous football player from Barcelona Club. After two years of secret dates, the couple decided not to hide the relationship anymore. In 2012, Shakira moved to a bachelor apartment of a civil husband, and in 2013 she gave birth to his firstborn, who received the name Milan. Two years later, Gerard and Shakira became the parents of another kid. Both kids appeared as a result of cesarean section. Of course, the best surgeons worked on the Body of Shakira, because her belly remained the same perfect. In the summer of 2015, a happy mother of a semi-annual baby has already demonstrated a tightened figure, which has become even more feminine and seductive.

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Surprisingly, but in his thirty-eight singer looks flawlessly, becoming more beautiful over the years!

Shakira Isabel Mesabara Ripol - the most famous Columbia performer. What is noteworthy, it is one of the most successful Latin American singers on the international pop pop. Shanira songs are characterized by a very unique style of execution. This is a mix of Latino, pop rock and folka. And by themselves, its performances constantly represent entire shows consisting of impressive productions and oriental dances. And although she is already slightly in 40, even though it is still popular and loved. It is known that Shakira is engaged not only by musical performances, but also charity.

Growth, weight, age. How many years shakyr

Few know that the full name of the performer given to her at birth is Shakira Isabel Mesbarak Ripol. Thus, it turns out that Shakira is not a pseudonym, as many fans could assume, but only part of the real name of the singer. Like her name, fans of this luxurious Latin American are also interested in her height, weight, age. How old is Shakir - to calculate easy. Currently, she is already 41 years old. But at the same time a woman is surprisingly miniature. So with the growth of only 157 centimeters, a woman weighs 46 kilograms. And it's despite the fact that she has two children!

Because if you want to look at Shakira photos in youth and now, but it is unlikely to notice a significant difference. After all, it is still luxurious.

Biography and personal life Shakira

Shakira - the famous and long-known performer from Colombia. It is probably even the most successful of the Latin American singers on a modern stage.

She was born in February of the 77th year in the town of Barranquil. Her father - William Nebarak, Shadid, a rich man who owns a jewelry store. In addition, it is known that he was fond of writing prose. Mom - Nidia Ripoll was engaged in the house and brought up more seven brothers and sisters Shakira.

It is known that the girl did not immediately become a singer. After graduating from school, she tried to start an actress career. And it began with the series of melodramas, in which the girl immediately played the title role, which was appreciated by critics, and TV Guia magazine organized a personal photo session for her.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Shakira became the world star still very young. The debut album of sexual Latin American received in the 97th year at once two rewards and was positively perceived by musical critics.

It is noteworthy that when Shakira came to Bogota to record an album, there was an unexpected - most of all things were stolen, including lyrics. And the young singer had to start working on her first album from the very beginning. This incident, by the way, the singer decided to mention in the title of his disk.

In addition to music, Shakira is engaged in charity. For example, she founded a special fund assistance fund.

Shakira's biography and personal life have been worrying her jar fans for a long time. Currently, the singer continues to actively develop a career. Last year, she even took part in the Eurovision International Competition, which was held in the capital of Ukraine. After that, it was engaged in promoting his last album. Information about this was lit in the instagram of the singer.

As for the personal life of this magnificent woman, she is still not married, despite age. For ten years, the singer was in relations with the lawyer Antonio de La Rua. They did not make marriage officially, but Shakira simply argued that they did not need stamps to talk about the seriousness of the relationship.

Their romance ended in 2010. And soon Shakira got acquainted with the football player Gerard Peak, who became the father of her children. But not spouse.

Family and Children Shakira

Family and children Shakira occupy an important place in her life. As, however, in the life of any woman. Despite the fact that she was already slightly in 40, officially she never had a husband. She had a relationship with two men. And from the last of them, Shakira gave birth to two beautiful boys. After the aforementioned lawyer, she met a football player named Gerard Peak. It was in 2010.

Their relationships began, despite the ten-year difference in age. She even introduced him to fans in social networks. In 2013, and then in 2015, Shakira gave birth from him two sons. But a couple of years later they broke up. The official reason is a shortage of time on each other.

Sons Shakira - Milan and Sasha Peak

Sons Shakira - Milan and Sasha Pee Both more little boys. The singer gave birth to them from the famous football player named Gerard Peak, who, however, did not become her official spouse for all seven years of relationship. Milan five years old, and Sasha is three years old. Both of them live with mom, who loves them very much.

But even their appearance could not ultimately save couples. The initiator of parting, according to official information, became Shakira itself. And the reason is the lack of a football player of the time for her and their common children. The boys themselves are still calmly rejoice in life and absolutely not thinking about the problems of the future.

Shakira husband

The question of whether the Shakira husband really existed - a rather controversial. Official sources argue that in fact Shakira never really married. But all his relationship considered serious. According to the woman herself, her and her man do not need stamps in passports to consider the relations official. Therefore, it can be said that both of his men she (let and conventionally) considered her husbands. Although they did not have any documents.

In any case, Shakira is still young enough and looks luxurious. Therefore, the likelihood is that one day she still meets the one who will officially be able to call his husband.

Hot Stock Photo Shakira in Swimsuit

In addition to a great voice, Shakira also has an absolutely luxurious appearance. And it is not surprising, because Shakira is not only a singer, but also a wonderful dancer. This is a woman about whom they say "all with her": and hair, and figure, and voice. All this together helps her do great performances.

And looking at the hot photos of Shakira in a swimsuit, it remains only to admire the way she was able to return the figure to the norm after the second birth! Furious photos are completely easy to find in the network. Some fans even do not mind to look at the pictures where their favorite singer is naked. But it will be more complicated to find such.

Instagram and Wikipedia Shakira

Like many other pop stars, instagram and Wikipedia Shakira are freely available and are one of the main sources of the most reliable information for fans. Wikipedia contains information about the Shakira family, her personal life, as well as the most complete information about the formation of a singer's career.

Instagram performer also enjoys extremely popular. And this proves at least more than 48 million subscribers in its profile! If you sign on its page, you can literally monitor the life of Shakira and receive information from the first mouth.

Shakira - the famous singer and the most successful Latin American performer on the modern scene, the author of popular musical compositions "WAKA WAKA", "LOKA", "LA, LA, LA".

Now the total sales of copies of its albums reach 60 million units. And the celebrity is considered the smartest pop executor of modernity with IQ 140.

Childhood and youth

Shakira Isabel Mesbarak Ripoll was born on February 2, 1977 in the Columbian city of Barranquil. In the family of Nidia Ripoll and William Nebarak Shadida brought up 8 more children from the previous marriages of Shadid. The father of the future star was a rich man, owned the jewelry store and was fond of writing prose.

At a small age, Shakira learned the alphabet, read and wrote in his native language. The girl began writing poems at the age of 4, and by 7 years acquired their own printed machine. As a child, she was fascinated by the belly dance, so parents immediately sent the young star to learn dancing.

The girl was referred to the future writer, artist and dancers, but Shakira became the world famous singer and, moreover, acquired a significant weight in society as a charity.


In 1990, at the local talent contest, the young singer met the theater journalist Monica Ariz. Thanks to Monic Relations, which was interested in karring Shakira, the future star signed a contract with the Colombian branch of Sony Music.

On June 24, 1991, Shakira issued an album called "Magia". The plate consisted of 9 compositions written by the singer himself and Colombian composers. "Magia" was not commercially successful as the second disk, but they brought a young paint popularity in their homeland.

After graduating from school in 1994, Shakira tried herself as actress cinema in the melodramatic TV series "El Oasis". For the main role of Louis Maria, the Columbian magazine TV Guia called it "Miss TVK" and organized the first photograph for the future star of the pop.

Shakira - "Pies Descalzos"

In 1995, Shakira recorded the song "Dónde Estás Corazón" specifically for the record "Nuestro Rock". The composition instantly became a hit within Latin America. At the concerts, a miniature singer (the growth of the performer 157 cm, the weight of 48 kg) hit the audience not only with a strong voice and vocal equipment, but also choreographic rooms. The "Pies Descalzos" record, published in 1996, became the first official studio project of the girl. The budget of the album was $ 100 thousand and quickly paid off. He became platinum in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

Already in the youth of Shakira became a star of an international scale. Music critics positively appreciated the studio draft of the Columbia singer. In 1997, the album received 2 Billboard Latin Music Awards awards and became a nominee at the Lo Naestro ceremony.

Singer Shakira in youth

In 1997, by arrival in Bogota, it turned out that most of the things pop performer, including the texts of new songs, were kidnapped by unknown. Shakira was forced to start working on the album with almost zero, perpetuating this incident in the title record "Dónde Están Los Ladrones?" ("Where are the thieves?").

In September 1998, the singer issued the second official album, the compositions of which immediately led the local hit parades. Despite the Hispanicness of the album, the creation of Shakira enjoys great popularity in the United States.

In 1999, Shakira nominated for her first Grammy Prize for the "Best Latin American Rock". The singer recorded the first concert album "MTV Unplugged", which was held in the Big Baln Hall of the Manhattan Center in New York. The album received 5 grammy nominations by winning 2 of them.

To consolidate in the international market, Shakira decided to record an English album. For 2 years, the singer worked on the recording of the new record, which was to finally conquer the hearts of the listeners. On August 27, 2001, the song "Whange, Wheraver", Single from her future album sounded on the radio. The composition instantly becomes a hit.

Shakira - "Whenever, WHEREVER"

In November 2001, the first English-language album "Laundry Service" ("Laundry Service") was released. The record had a deafening success among the listeners of the whole world. However, some musical critics reproached shakira in unnecessary copying of the style of American pop music and the loss of the Spanish charm of the songs.

In 2005, Shakira released an album in Spanish "Fijación Oral, Vol. one". The plate was separated by a circulation of more than 4 million copies around the world and earned more than 15 musical awards. Single "Hips Don" T Lie "had a deafening success, becoming the most sold single in the last 10 years. The album consisted of 12 songs and received 4 musical awards.

In 2007, Shakira sang a duet along with another world-class star. The composition "Beautiful Liar" entered the exclusive Album Bayonce "B'Day" and received Grammy as the best joint vocal pop-performance. In addition, the song put a record of the Billboard Hot 100 record - Single took off from the 94th on the 3rd line, demonstrating the very sharp change of position in the history of the chart.

In the same 2007, Shakira under the name of Isabelle Mebarak was entered in California University of Los Angeles.

Shakira - "SHE WOLF"

In 2009, the celebrity presented the new single "She Wolf" in the public, which was very popular with the listeners. However, the SHE WOLF album itself is not able to surpass the success of the previous plates of the performer. The disk presents 12 compositions performed in the Sinti-Pop genre.

In 2010, the singer recorded the song "WAKA WAKA (This Time for Africa)" for the World Cup in South Africa. The football hymn has been successful and reached the 20th positions of world charts. After edition of the single, the 7th Album Pop Star "Sale El Sol" came out, and his main song "Loca" again conquered world charts.

Shakira - "Loka"

The record of the 10th album lasted a long 3 year. Because of the events in personal life and participation in other draft Shakira constantly shifted the release date of the plate. On January 13, 2014, the public heard the first album composition - the single "CAN'T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU", performed in a duet with an equally popular singer.

The song was favorably accepted by listeners and critics, deserving the first position in many charts of the world. In March of the same year, the long-awaited studio project of the artist called "Shakira" was published.

Shakira and Rihanna - "CAN'T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU"

In the same year, Shakira performed the song "La La La" at the closing ceremony of the World Cup in Brazil.

In 2016, the singer again, for the first time in 2 years, sang in Spanish. The performer recorded the song "CHANTAJE" in a duet with a young Colombian singer Maluma. Other duets were recorded by the "Comme Moi" tracks with the French rap artist Black M and Deja Vu for the Pois Prince disk.

The songs entered the track list of the last album of the Singer "El Doado", the release of which was held in May 2017. The collection debuted from the 15th position of the Billboard 200 rating and was nominated for a number of prestigious international premiums. Thanks to this work, the artist has once again managed to become a laureate of Grammy awards, Billboard Music and IheartRadio Music.

Shakira and Maluma - "CHANTAJE"

Shakira pleased the English-speaking fans - in the same year, the singer joined the team of the cartoon "Zverstolis". The picture received numerous "Annie" and was nominated for Oscar, and the artist presented his voice to the Pie star by Gazelle and performed the song "Try Everything", which became the main Soundtrack of the cartoon.

Soon in the social networks of the singer posted a photo on the background of the board with the names of cities, among which Kiev appears. This gave fans a reason to assume that Shakira plans to take part in Eurovision 2017 as a chadliner of the event, which was just in the capital of Ukraine.

Business and charity

In the late 90s Shakira began to seriously engage in charity. As a child, she saw orphans living in the city park, and promised themselves to help them when he becomes a famous singer.

The woman kept the Word, founding the PIES Descalzos Foundation in 1997. PIES DESCALZOS FOUNDATION. Initially, the Foundation founded 5 schools throughout Colombia, where the pupils are taught and fed.

In 2003, the singer's biography was replenished with another charitable project. Shakira became the official representative of UNICEF - the ambassador of goodwill. She participated in the campaign against AIDS in Spain, attended Bangladesh after the destructive cyclone "Cider", met with students in Jerusalem, discussing the benefits of education.

Also in 2010, the merit of Shakira in charity were marked by a medal from the "International Labor Organization" and the award "Free Mass" MTV Music Channel. In 2011, the singer was a member of the initiative of the White House for the Development of Hispanic Americans.

Perfumery Shakira s By Shakira

Then the singer began to develop his own business. She launched the cosmetology line "S By Shakira". The first products of the trademark were the toilet water "S By Shakira" and "s by Shakira Eau Florale", lotions and sprays for the body. After a time, a collection of brand fragrances was replenished with perfumes "Elixir by Shakira", "Dance" and "Dance Diamonds".

Personal life

Since 2000, Shakira met with lawyer Antonio de La Rua. Together the couple attended many important events. Antonio helped his beloved in everything, supporting her endeavors. The couple did not enter the official marriage, but the singer emphasized that she perceives Antonio as a husband, they simply don't need prints and paper to consider the relationship serious.

After 11 years, the novel singer confirmed that he broke up with de la Rua by mutual agreement in the summer of 2010. Despite the assurances of Shakira that they did not hold the evil with Antonio to each other, in 2013 de la Rua filed a pop executor to court, demanding compensation at $ 100 million for its work on the development of the singer's career.

California's court rejected a lawyer's claim, indicating that such a matter should be considered in Colombia.

In 2010, Shakira met with a future husband - a football player on the set of clip to the song "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" A year later she decided to debunk all the rumors and speculation on her personal life and put together a joint photo with Gerarr in personal accounts in

Biographies of celebrities


02.02.17 10:55

In school she was told that she was "how the goat", but she became one of the best-selling singers of modernity. Looking at her attractive appearance, you will not think for anything that the scholars would be laid behind this leacion. She is a star, a benefactor, poet, composer, the favorite of the public and the companion of one of the most famous players - Shakira. The biography of Colombiyki is a bright example, which can be achieved if you don't hit the talent in the ground!

Biography Shakira

Goddess of Lights-Wunderkind

The full name of the star, which is marching today is 40 years old, - Shakira Isabel Mesabara Ripoll, she is the only child of Nidia and William Mebarak Shadidid. When Shakira was born (February 2, 1977), the family lived in Barranquil (Colombia). With Arabic, the name of the singer is translated as "full grace", with Hindi - as the "Goddess of Light". Shakira and carries light to people - for many years!

In the pedigree mother Shakira were Catalans, Castillas and Italians, the father was born in New York, where his ancestors-Lebanese moved. William was already married earlier, so the singer Shakira has eight senior sisters and brothers. The baby grew very intelligent, began to read and write long before the school, and in four years old surprised the parents to the first poem. Dad gave a seven-year-old writing machine, and she recorded her poems. One of the brothers died when the girl was two years old, and the father put on sunglasses so that no one saw him tears. So Born the song "Your Dark Glasses", which Shakira composed in 1985.

Her fascinated belly dance

Once, William led her daughter to a restaurant, where the game was played by Dumbek (Arab drum, accompanied by the belly dance). Shakira was fascinated. She studied at the Catholic School and already sang - in the choir, where was soon expelled. The music teacher wrinkled from the strongest vibrato and said: "You are a goat!". However, the girl was not embarrassed and continued to sing already solo, who also took the lessons of the belly dance.

First contract - with "Sony Music Colombia"

As a child, the future singer Shakira felt the first strong sensations from speeches on stage - she gave her art at concerts in his hometown, and the schoolgirl liked to sing and dance in public. The local agent Monica Ariz supported Shakira and presented the young talent of Chiro Vargas, who worked at Sony Music Colombia. I had to show perseverance, but this led to the signing of the first contract in the biography of Shakira.

However, the Debut Studio Album "Magia" (1991) and the Peligro Disk following him (1993) did not cause an excitement. Commercial failures only have won the girl, however, she took a pause to finish school.

Breaking into American charts

Already the "adult" album of the singer Shakira "Pies Descalzos", who saw the light in 1996, became the leader of several hit parades (truth, not American), but one of the singles from the disk took the fifth line in the US Charter.

In support of the Album, Shakira conducted the first tour, consisting of two dozen performances. The fourth album "Dónde Están Los Ladrones?", Started in two years, was still warmer. But the finally the English-speaking market was conquered when the singer Shakira "issued" a stunning disk "Laundry Service" (in 2001). After a year, Hit from this album "Whenever, WHEREVER" was recognized as a sales leader.

Increasing popularity and anthem World Cup

Further, the popularity of beauty that raised Latin American music to a new level used by ethnic tools and motifs, masterfully performed by the belly dance and amazing the voice range, only gained momentum. In 2005, Shakira released two albums at once - Fijación Oral, Vol. 1 "and" Oral Fixation, Vol. 2. The composition "Hips Don't Lie" was recognized as the best-selling hit (at that time).

Although the next two disks of the singer became the "victims" of Shakira disagreements with the brand "Epic Records", their reviews were still excellent. And the achievements of Colombiyki by that time (2010) reached incredible heights. She performed duets with colleagues-stars, released clips, gained a record number of views (and subscribers in social networks).

Sale of Shakira albums (as approved by the media) passed for 70 million, this is the best result for the Columbian artist. In 2010, she wrote the "Hymn" of the World Cup in South Africa "Waka Waka". On YouTube, the musical video on this song has seen more than 629 million users.

Voiced the parody of myself

In 2014, the singer released the album "thesis" ("Shakira"), the single from which ("CAN'T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU") used incredible popularity. In 2016, an animated full-length film was released, in which there is a cute parody of Shakir - Pop Star Gazelle, which Shakira itself and voiced. And the cartoon itself, and the character came out wonderful, smart, kind, ridiculous and funny!

Shakira received a star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood and on 2 seasons entered the jury of the American show "Voice". She laureate two Grammy (and eight Latin Grammy), won 28 "Billboard Latin Music Awards" and many other awards and premiums.

Ambassador of Good Will with High Ai Que

Special attention performer and composer paid and pays charity. She is the ambassador of the goodwill Unicef \u200b\u200bwith its own foundation, attracted millions of dollars. In many ways, thanks to this, the singer Shakira entered the hundreds of the most powerful women of the planet (according to the "Forbes") - twice, in 2013 and 2014. Shakira struggles with hunger, stands for the rights of poor children on education and a decent life.

In the biography of Shakira, much amazing. She is a polyglot, and although her native language is Spanish, the beauty owns Portuguese, English, Catalan, is to be worn out in Arabic and French. She studied the course "History of Western Civilization" in the University of California, incognito, under its second name "Isabelle Mebarak". Sources claim that Ai Que Singers Shakira - 140, so she probably intelligent representative of pop culture.

Shakira's personal life

Alcher Antonio.

At 23, Shakira became a companion of a lawyer from Argentina Antonio de La Rua, later she argued that the conclusion of marriage was not required, they also felt like her husband and his wife.

This union lasted for a long time, but at the beginning of 2011, the personal life of Shakira changed - she stated that he broke up with Antonio by mutual agreement. However, the star was mistaken: the offended de la Rua wanted compensation (allegedly, he performed the responsibilities of the singer's manager) and first planned to sue 250 million from the ex-girlfriend, but then a suit was made by $ 100 million.

Music connected them: Roman with a peak

After the central defender "Barcelona" Gerard Peak Bernabeu took part in the Music Clip Shakira ("Hymn" World Cup of 2010), these two began to meet. Shakira announced its relations in March 2011. Interestingly, Spaniard Gerard Peak and his beloved was born on one day - February 2, but with a difference of 10 years (football player younger).

Charming Quartet: Gerard, Shakira and Children

They are very beautiful couple, Gerard and Shakira! Children from this union - Milan, born on January 22, 2013, and Sasha, who appeared on the light after 3 years, is also charming.

Both sons were born in Barcelona - Father and mother singer live there. From there, the Gerard, with whom the singer, is still "civil marriage". Shakira's personal life is not going to change - it is satisfied with such a order of things. Interestingly, in honor of whom Shakira called one of the children, Sasha? Not a Latin American and not Spanish name!