At the auction for the details of Wowhead. How to set a lot to auction with an initial price? Market of profitable professions

At the auction for the details of Wowhead. How to set a lot to auction with an initial price? Market of profitable professions
At the auction for the details of Wowhead. How to set a lot to auction with an initial price? Market of profitable professions

Answer: Dear sellers, Be sure to check out the rules for conducting trading on TP

1. First you need to click on the "Sell product" icon

or go to the "Personal Account" section - "My Sales" - "Add Lot"

2. Will be the name of the lot you exhibit. When writing a lot name, use words with which the buyer will easily find your product with "search".

3. Next you need to choose a category. The category can be selected either from the list, or you can independently start typing the first letters of the category you need and the system will automatically display a list of categories from which you need to select the most appropriate for your lot. The closer the meaning of the category to your lot, the greater the likelihood that your product will be more successful and faster.

4. After selecting a category, you will need to fill the Count "Status", make an entry in what state is your lot (for example: absolutely new, bu, unc, good condition, condition in the photo, etc.)

5. Next, you need to select the sale form, choose the "auction".

6. Also in this line it is necessary to specify the step rate. When setting a lot, appoint adequate start and step; Lots decorated with a disproportionate starting price and / or intentionally overestimated step - will be closed by the administration (clause 2.1.3. Rules of trading)

7. A new window appears: "Start price", exhibit the price with which your lot will start.

8. In the ransom price field, you can specify the price for which you can redeem your lot, without participating in the auction, or do not fill it at all.

9. Specify the validity of the lot. To do this, you must specify how much time auction will be valid (for example: 5 days, 2 weeks, and possibly 1 month)

11. In the next step you need to add a photo. In order to add it to you to click on the "Overview" function and select a photo from a computer, this photo will be the main thing if you have several photos add them to "Additional"

12. Next add description. In this section, describe your product in more detail, or the information you consider.

13. Then fill the shipping information. You can also create a delivery template that when setting a large number of lots does not constantly fill in delivery information.

14. Below, put a tick "I confirm the authenticity and authenticity of the goods" and click the "Save Changes" button. If your product is a copy / replica / - set a lot in the appropriate section - copies, replicas.

15. After you have saved, a system message appears that the lot is added successfully.

16. After that, you will have the opportunity to check the correctness of the created lot and make adjustments. If you need, then you click "Edit"

17. If all written is true, and you are ready to add a lot to auction, click "Confirm"

18. After confirmation, the system message "Lot is successfully exhibited".

You can check your lot in my personal account - my sales - goods - auctions.

Now wait for the rates !!! Good Bid !!!

Greetings all readers Mmoboom! And without long entry, I will go right away.
Today I will try to tell you about one way of earning gold in World of Warcraft. We will talk about the basics of the game at the auction.
Little Warning

Little Warning

Why exactly auction?
- Much more efficient than simple fountaining
- allows you to quickly earn gold to buy mats and other Staffa
- And besides everything is fun!

Well, and in the meantime I will continue. So we copied enough money and now go with another lesson, namely the research of the market.

1. Auctioner

To begin with, download this addon.
Briefly, this addon is a very powerful tool that records and preserving the price history for all the auction lots. It comes with a complete set of all modules needed for future work. Even for a casual player, this addon can be a good assistant in earnings. If you get difficult enough to deal with this addon, then try to turn off and try the modules one by one to feel more comfortable in the future.

One of the first things that you need is needed is to collect data. Spend at least a week, and better two, before you can safely trust what addon tells you (at this time you can safely farm gold). Some players will knock down the price (by chance or not), exhibiting lots at completely absurd prices. That is why it is very important to create a steady base for further work.

Tip: If the price is shot down on some item, you can reset the price for it using the / AUC CLEAR command

Addon can collect data with "Scan" or through GetAll.. Function "Scan" Check each page one after another, which can take a lot of time (honestly, I do not remember when I used it for the last time). I recommend the function GetAll.: It allows you to download all the auction pages at once. For it just enter / Auc GetAll. Or bonding this feature. This process will take moments 2-3 on weak machines and about 30 seconds to more powerful. You can run the execution of this function every 15 minutes or when enter the game or go out.

Starting 2-3 processes per day, for ~ 10 days will help you create a base for most lots. Well, one more step towards wealth is completed and now we are ready for "turning".

    Addon offers several search modules:
  • Arbitrage.
  • Converter.
  • Disenchant.
  • Enchantmats.
  • Milling.
  • Prospect
  • Resale
  • Snatch
  • Vendor

I will tell you about the search methods allocated by bold font. In my opinion they are most profitable. Let's start with " Resale".

2.1. Module Resale.

This is the easiest search type. The module compares the current prices with recorded. With incorrect setting, it can withdraw thousands of lots. Our goal is that Addon takes out those items that have high cost when resale, high profitability and low purchase price.

To access this module, go to the search tab, open "Searchers" and select the desired module. There are several configurations available:

  • Minimum Profit: Minimum earnings. A larger number will output a smaller number of elements, when a smaller number (20-30g) can withdraw more than a hundred points.
  • Minimum Discount: The minimum discount from the initial price. I put 65% for myself. For example, if you want 9kg, but to resell 10kg, then put 90%.
  • Check Seen Count: Ignore all the elements that you have already seen N times. I have 3, but I also know most of the items used in the game. This option can help avoid knocking down the prices that I spoke earlier.
  • Enable Individual Maximum Price: Sets the maximum amount you are ready to pay for the subject.
  • Price valuation: As addon assesses the source items. The market price is great for this value.
  • ALLOW BUYOUT, ALLO BID, FEES ADJUSTMENT: Everything is clear here.
Run the search and addon will output all the lots corresponding to your criteria. Here you can also sort the lots (I recommend sorting on profits):

In this trial launch, the addon brought you all the lots for which you can make a profit. All four points next to "1" can be oversold and bring your profits. The item "2" is shown as very favorable, but this is only the result of rising prices. Instead of resetting data on this subject, just click "Ignore" And the addon will no longer show this item. Item "3" can not be so expensive, but this recipe has been removed from Cataclysm and therefore can be sold for huge money. The last label "4" tells us that we can take part in the auction. This is not particularly useful, especially on Tuesday evening. You can choose these lots only if they are exhibited for a period of no more than 12 hours. So you can make a pair of good deals while the servers are updated.

Remember: There are several ways to avoid throwing prices. The first is the button "Ignore Price"As shown in the figure above. Or you can fully ignore all similar items by clicking "Ignore". Sometimes it may seem to you that prices for a certain subject do not have trends to grow up. This happens when several players are trying to control the market. If you started playing the auction not at the best time, it sometimes makes sense to reset the price through / AUC Clear.

I repeat that I can not overestimate the importance of knowing what you buy before investing. If you do not recognize some item, then wowhead you help.

RESALE SEARCH It has one drawback. It will not find extremely rare items that can be sold simply for astronomical sums. Decision? SNATCH SEARCH!

2.2. Module Snatch

This module is looking for lots in certain price frames installed by you. Suppose you ask him to find a certain item (for example, for 3500g and less) and if it is at auction, the module immediately recommends you to buy it. It looks like a shopping list, which is often checked for the auction.

Setting this module is quite simple. Click "Snatch" On the search tab and place the subject in the empty field, which is displayed in the addon interface. Specify the price and click "Add Item". Creating a full list in this module is an integral part of a successful entrepreneurship. Most players do not even know what to look for. It is also worth checking on this list.

Tip: To add objects that you do not have any bag or auction, then find it on Wowhead and click on the red link button, which is on the panel closer to the right side. The window will pop up with an exemplary content:


/ script default_chat_frame: addMessage ("\\ 124cfffa335ee \\ 124hitem: 67151: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 \\ 124h [Posadus reins] \\ 124h \\ 124r");

Copy it and insert into the WOW chat. Now you can place this subject in your list.

Some players are placed in this list literally all, but I prefer to use this module only for rare items, epics or kraft materials. You can also create separate lists, for example one for rare stones, and the other for different fabrics and so on.

This module is pretty simple and if you figured out the previous module, then there should be no problems here.

2.3. Module Arbitrage.

Cross-fractional trade is the purchase of goods of one fraction, smuggling through a neutral auction and resale to the other side. This method is one of the most profitable and efficient ways to earn gold. Of course, there are several drawbacks of this method, but still it has become very popular over the past 3 years.

The configuration is very similar to the module setting. "Resale"But with some additional settings:

Pay attention to the selected item. This subject is not available to the players of the Horde, which explains the profitability of this resale. Are interested in more similar items? That way.

2.4. Disenchant module

This module will be very useful to InChangers. In fact, the addon determines the value of the result of spraying objects and their price at auction. So he finds items that it is profitable to buy, and then resell the resulting substances or dust.

Again, I note that it is very important to have a steady price base for searching. If the addon has overestimated prices, let's say, in absolute dust, it may incorrectly mark it as profitable.

    Setting is very simple:
  • Minimum Profit: Minimum profits from the sprayed item. Set 5-10g to it cost your time.
  • Minimum Discount: Minimum discount acceptable for shopping. Set by 30% or so that you had a certain freedom reserve.
  • Maximum price for disenchant: The maximum amount you are willing to pay. Set for 1000, so that you no longer bothered this item.
  • Price Valuation Method: There are many options, but the market value and the addon himself will tell you the best choice.

That's all! Choose, buy, spray. Align this with the splits of the campaign and get easy profits. You will swim in gold earlier than notice it.

2.5. Real-time search

A big problem with these modules is that they use some "outdated" data. Real transactions at auction are made in a couple of seconds before they can be removed! And again, Addon offers us a solution. REALTIME SEARCH. It is actually very simple. It updates the last auction pages, and also compares them with already known data. When the lot will be found, then addon will notify you and you will only need to click "Ransom". It uses the same criteria that you installed in other modules. Using this feature, you can win several lots in a few seconds. Perhaps you will be accused of "botreat" if you are very fast.

It's my favorite. Configured all modules? Now you can use them immediately all, just tell the addon about it.

Note: This module is very well suited for neutral auctions. For complete trading manual on cross-fraction auctions

Again, this module uses criteria for previously installed search engines. I recommend using only Resale, Snatch and Arbitrage.

  • Search While Browsing: Notify whether the subjects are currently viewing the lots at the auction.
  • Enable Automatic Last Page Refreshing: Allows Addon to update the last page.
  • RELOAD INTERVAL: The time interval through which the last page will be updated. It was most convenient for me to set 6 seconds, more chance earnings.
  • Pause After MANUAL SEARCH: If you are looking for manually, the addon will wait before updating the last page.
  • Alert Settings: How do you want addund to notify you about deals.
  • Show Alert in Chat Window: Allows Addon to display a message in the chat window. Not necessary.
  • SHOW SEARCHUI WINDOW: Not quite sure what makes this feature. Do not forget to check it and select the sound that will be played when a profitable deal is found.
  • Power User Setting - One Click BUYOUT: Check if you want to buy lots with one click.
  • Searchers to use: Select the modules you want to use (I said above).
After you set up everything, click on the small magnifying glass. Addon will begin to look for all the lots suitable for you, and notify if something finds something.

I am sure that you have more important things than a whole day to look in the addon interface window. The good news is that you can minimize WoW in the tray, and the addon will continue to work. I advise you to install the game in the window mode. And you also need to leave the background sounds included, so that the addon can notify you when it finds a profitable deal.

You can leave Addon Included, and yourself go See movies, get into the room or cook dinner. Even so while you read this article. Sometimes, I leave addon to work for the night, putting very high prices per lot, because it is not at all offended if the sound of pure gold will wake!

Note: Real-time search update to 1-2 seconds.


By default, real-time update has a minimum of 6 seconds. But you can change up to 1-2 seconds, if you really want it. Interface\u003e Addons\u003e AUC-Advanced\u003e Modules\u003e Auc-Util-Search\u003e Open SearchRealthTime.lua using notepad.

Find: "Realtime.Reload.Interval", 6, 60, 1, "Reload Interval:% S Seconds"
Change on: "Realtime.Reload.interval", 1, 60, 1, "Reload Interval:% S Seconds"

Save the changes, restart WOW and now in the settings you can lower the slider up to 1-2 seconds.


Bitter truth is that you can't sit in WoW around the clock (at least most of us). For us, as for entrepreneurs, it means that we miss simply tons of deals. I rate it for 10/10 on the scale of the disaster, along with hunger and nuclear explosion.

But it would be just fine if you could always scan the auction, right?

TUJ scans the auction data 24/7. It uses "Crawler" accounts to achieve its goal and saves all data into a single database. Then all this information may be available to the user through the web interface on the Internet. TUJ is a very powerful tool and at the same time absolutely free, without advertising and something like that, and it develops at the expense of donations.

3.1. Market notifications

The most interesting feature of TUJ is the notification market. Very similar to the search function in real-time addon, which I wrote above, that is, he is looking for and notifies you of all those found subjects according to the specified criteria. Plus, it works 24/7.

The notification market works with the help of e-mail notifications. If you have access to WOW at work, then you can configure the sending of notifications to your mailbox and select prices for lots to work at work. Most of us cannot access WoW at work, so you can use other ways to remotely control auction (3 dollars per month).

Here I add a dragon to my list, buying each for 2500g and below (arbitrary number). Setting up notifications occurs in four simple steps:

  • Register to Tuj.
  • Adjust your account
  • Find the object for which you want to receive notifications
  • Fill out the notification field
  • Ready!
Adding all elements can be very painstaking work. But you can use. Just use "Import" and copy-paste from this topic. Voila, you are one step closer to becoming a magnate! I am sure you already feel yourself with a magnate.

In my case, Wow and remote control of the auction are not available at work, so that another attack plan is required. This will require:

  • Authenticator
  • Subscribe to remote control of the auction
  • iPhone or Android smartphone
  • Internet access
First, attach the authenticator to your WOW account and download the appropriate application for your smartphone. And after install the application for controlling the auction. The idea is to receive notifications to the smartphone and make purchases from it.

You can use this system, literally anywhere and at any time, if you have access to the Internet!

The only minus of this method is that notifications are not instant. Lot can hang 45-60 minutes before you get a notice about him.

3.2. Market of profitable professions

TUJ has a huge number of useful functions - I rush them only superficially. But let's take a little deeper, it seems to me that it is appropriate here.

In chapter "Enhancement" You will find links to some professions. Let's check the blacksmithing case:

Yes, you guess! TUJ collects information about each profession and you can find the most profitable deals. What to do, quite obvious ...

4. Automation

Note: This is a very brief overview of what TSM can. You can find a full guide.

Navigating the auction of all items manually can be a very tedious occupation. Fortunately, some addons can automate this process, like, for example, TSM (after some setting, of course). Such additions are required if you want to fully control the market. Let's run on this topic.

Note: Watch out for the development of this addon. He very quickly conquers a reputation as a way to make a gold in WoW. Honestly, he will soon do everything that addon does, about which I wrote at the very beginning.

TSM concept is extremely simple. You configure the "group" for auction. You move items to these groups, and TSM places them at auction in accordance with the rules set for each group. To start click "CREATE CATEGORY / GROUP".

Here I can see the category I called "GOUGE"And it in turn consists of groups of essences, dust and fragments (1). I exhibit them at a completely absurd price, so far there are no other materials. You can click "Add \u003e\u003e"To add more elements in groups. The list on the right side shows which items are in this group (2). Pressing "GROUP OVERRIDES"You get into the settings of this group.

TSM offers a huge number of settings that you can change as you please. I will not rephrase what the full guide describes, so let's consider only the most basic:

  • POST TIME: The time for which lots are placed. I put 12 hours for symbols and 48 for the rest.
  • POST CAP: The total number of lots that will be exhibited.
  • Price Threshold: The minimum price for which you are willing to sell. At this point I prefer to use a fixed value, although you have several options here with which you can play for creating interesting configurations.
  • Fallback Price: Addon will be placed at this price if there are no such lots.

After you configure the TSM, open the auction interface and press the small TSM button. Then click "POST AUCTIONS" and the addon will place lots accordingly. BAM! And 2 hours of work per 1 minute are made!

Thanks to everyone who mastered this article to the end! If there are any wishes, notice errors and so on, I ask you, write off in a personal, and not in the comments! I will be glad any criticism. The article is a free translation and adaptation of this guide.



To all future entrepreneurs I also advise you to read this article from the well-known game magazine.

Afterword number 2.

An integral part of the game is auction - a place where players can buy and sell objects produced during the adventure. Newbies, however, it is sometimes difficult to deal with this system. We hope that our guide on the auction in WoW will help them.

What is auction?

The system of mining in WOW is very wide: every day players receive a huge number of things, mining ore, find rare plants, create equipment and weapons with professions. New items are calculated by thousands of pieces. Players want to easily sell extra and buy essential products. For this, there is auction.

The auction system in the game is simple (although at first glance you can not say), but at the same time, it is quite effective. This system can be divided into three parts: the auction of the Alliance, the auction of the Horde and the neutral auction, which can be used by the representatives of both fractions. The auction is in every major city (capital) of the Horde and Alliance. All the auctioneers of the same fraction are associated friendly relations, so the system is one for a whole fraction: the goods exposed in one city can be purchased in another. Neutral auction was created to exercise trade between fractions - the goods exposed on it can be purchased not only by your friends, but also opponents. Mediation is carried out neutral goblins, which can be found in the Pirate Bay and Prijambassk.

To sell or buy some product, the player needs to contact auctioneer. You can find it by asking the road from the city guard.

Buying objects


The first tab - "View" is used to purchase objects. You can enter the name (fully or partially) it is necessary for the product ("Name" field) if you are looking for something specific, or set the search area using filters.

Filter results in many ways. In the left vertical column there is a filter, allowing you to choose the type of the desired item - for example, "weapons" or "reagents". In some points there are drop-down filters that allow you to more specify the search, for example, "weapons" - "Sources".

At the top of the auction window there are other filters. Here you can set the quality of the subject (rare, epic, etc.) and level range (keep in mind that levels of objects differ from the character level). If you check the "suitable" checkbox, then you will see, taking into account other specified filters, only objects that can be used by the character at the moment.

You can also use the "Name" field with the above filters, for example, to specify part of the name of the desired subject.

The resulting search results can be sorted by all available categories: quality, price, term, seller, subject level.


Found goods you can immediately purchase. Newbies are often introduced into a stupor two rows with a price to one subject. However, this is the most common type of sale of things in WoW. The top line in this case means the size of the bet, and the bottom is the size of the ransom. You can bet on this lot, or immediately redeem it - the buttons are the same names in the left side of the window. If you buy the goods, it will immediately come to your post and the character will be able to use it. If you decide to bet - with you the specified amount of money, but you will only get the goods when the trading period (12, 24 or 48 hours) expires and only if your bid during this time, no one will overcome or bother the product . In this case, the money delivered to you by mail.

Sale of objects

For sale items use the third tab: "lots". Select the goods in the inventory you want to put up for sale, and drag it into a special window on the Lot tab. There you can ask the price of the bet and redemption, the duration of the auction. You can choose the size of the "ligaments" - the number of goods in one lot and the number of "ligaments" - the total number of lots. The price can also be prescribed per unit of goods, or immediately for the entire ligament. The progress of the goods is completed by pressing the "Auction" button.


When setting up most of the goods, the auctioners take a cash pledge from the seller, which depends on the value of the lot. If your product finds the buyer - the amount of the pledge will come to you by mail along with the revengeted money. If the buyer does not exist - you will not receive the amount of collateral.

If your product is buying someone - his appearance in the "Lot" tab will change a little to show that this item has already purchased. There you will see what time money from sale will come to you by mail. You can get money only an hour after someone has acquired.

If your product has not bought for the entire period (which you indicated at the exhibition - 12, 24, 48 hours), the goods will return to you by mail


From the goods sold, a small commission is charged, which is subtracted from the money-made by the seller. The amount of the Commission is 5% for conventional auctions, and 10% for neutral. Thus, when planning the price of goods, you should remember that in the end you will earn 5% less money. For example, if your product sold for 1000 gold, you will receive only 950.

Canceling lots

If for some reason you have changed my mind to sell goods at auction - you can always cancel the lot. To do this, in the Lot tab, select the desired item from the displayed and click on the right below the "Cancel auction" button. In case of cancellation of the auction, you will not get back the amount of collateral.

Addons for auction

To facilitate and automate work with auction, many different addons have been created. The most popular are presented below:

  • Auctioner and Auctionator: large addons to work with auction. It is mostly consistent with those who plan to earn good money for sale and resale things.
  • Auction Profit: A small addition, which he considers profit from selling all the goods you put and displays it at the bottom of the auction window.
  • Market Watcher: With this addon, you can track price changes for certain products; Data is displayed in the form of graphs.

Many geimers newcomers do not know how to use the auction opportunities in the Wow game. The auction is, in fact, the trading platform where you can buy or sell the act of a different product. There are three auction in the game world - an alliance auction, hordes, neutral, or interfraction.

How to play auction in WOW | Buying lot.

To buy some object, use the Search tab (first in the account). In the search engine you need to enter the name of the goods and set up filtering. Filters are quite a lot, so the setting depends on what exactly you need, for example, it can be re bents or weapons, other goods. With the help of the filtering system, you can also set the desired image and the level on which it should be. So to answer the question how to play auction in wow Read on.

Upon completion of the search, it will be completed, you can immediately buy a lot. But here you may have questions, as you, as a novice player, do not know how to use the auction itself. For example, you can confuse the presence of two lines with the cost of the same product. This is the case in the following: The bottom line is the amount of redemption (that is, the seller is set by the cost that he wants to receive for the goods), and the top line is a bet that the gamer suggests, who wants this product to purchase.

If the price does not suit you, you can bargain, otherwise redeem the goods immediately. After that, go to the mail to pick up the purchased Lout. But if you decide to bargain, make your bet, after which you have to wait for the end of the trading. In the event that no one will overload your bet over the entire auction, the product will go to the post at the most later in two days.

How to sell a lot at the World of Warcraft auction

If you want to sell some product, use the Lot tab (third in the account). After that, choose the item you need to sell, and place it there. You should decide on the price of the item sold, and then click the "Auction" button. With you, after that, the deposit will be charged, the size of which depends on the price of the goods sold. The subject will return to the mail in the event that no one will buy it within two days, however, the key to return is not subject to.

Features of using auction

In addition to all the above, you should also know other features of the game at the auction in the game World of Warcraft. First of all, do not forget that both for sale and when buying a product at any auction, the Commission is required - 5% of the cost of the goods (which you have appointed during the sale or for which you are going to buy). Do not forget to take this into account that you can get the amount that you expect.

In the event that if you do not want to sell the goods for one reason or another, for example, you have changed), you have the opportunity to cancel the auction on it, removing the subject from sale. To do this, go to the "Lots" tab and place the checkbox on the desired lot. Lot will be removed from the auction.

Thus, as you could already understand, the use of auction in the game is not difficult. As a rule, you can use any of the three auction available in WoW.

Perhaps you will be interested in another article of our site - how to make money at auction? We hope we answered your question where to find auction and how to play auction in WoW.

It can bring pleasure because the auction's expanses are very wide. You can find a variety of products, ranging from ordinary fabric and ending with purple equipment. So how to find out what is the most relevant to sell at auction? In this article I will try this and reveal.

Some things are needed constantly and sell them very simple, for example, the fabric of any type. Fabric is needed for a portion and first aid. From the auction just flies. The same happens with herbs, ore, skins and other things. In principle, all that can be collected will use good demand, but this "everything" should be useful and necessary. Everyone wants to acquire especially those things that will be in demand in several classes, for example, precious stones.

Also a very main factor of any auction - the popularity of the server. The more people - the greater the demand for consumable materials and the greater the chance to get more gold in pockets. Remember only the main thing - the fabric will always be required much greater demand than double-handed swords to agility, etc.

How to find out what is in demand now?

Always someone needs something, but this "something" can not be at all what you think. Green things are not needed at all at the auction, because they can be calmly knocked from any mob. It has its own nuances and if earlier the demand for greens was good, because it was almost unrealistic to knock the thing from Moba and everything was going strictly for the quest, now the vendors appeared, who sell good sets of things for Kach. The same with blue things.

Some believe that the higher the level of the created thing, the more people will look for it, but it is not. It is necessary to take into account the complexity of the creation and if the thing is true, it is difficult to create, you can find people who will help you with materials, at the same time they will enrich you and yourself. So what do you need to players in addition to things? Of course, symbols, precious stones and enchances. They can be made both yourself, and buy at a low price from other players, and after resell several times more expensive at auction.

Symbols, precious stones (they are sockets) and the charm:

1) need certain knowledge. For example, there are types of ingots that are suitable for a huge number of recipes. The best option will be climbed on Wowhead and from there you can already search for something or another ore. Here to take the same Titan Bar, which is almost no needed, but it is required to create Bronze Bar.

2) Sale of low and medium levels. In addition to the level of profession, follow the auction, laying out the materials created little by little and see, use your thing in demand or it is simply no sense. Successful transactions write to the table, it will be most convenient. When you gain the maximum level of profession, you have to make a huge amount of unnecessary trash in bags, which instead of throwing you can sell.

3) Try to use addons for auction. It will greatly help relieve your life. You can download the addon from this site by going to the appropriate section of the addons. Addons will help you draw up shopping and sales sheets, the addon will be aware of what is in demand, and from what will have to refuse.

4) There are much more in demand that items that are needed to create some objects are used, and not ready-made things. Collect any recipes, especially culinary. For cooking, you can create a lot of useful food that gives various useful bass.

5) Any crafting profession requires an infinite stream of materials both to improve skill and creating things. This means that thousands and thousands of items will be added to your list.

What else can be in demand?

1) Things for the reputation were very relevant before the Pandaria, but now few people buy them.

2) Things for transmographs have always been and will be needed. In turn, you can sell similar things for a very pretty price.

3) Pets who are now enjoyed in great demand have become a new addition to the pandarials. Rare pets can be sold at a good price. If you play a popular server, it means you can not badly earn on pets. Looks a little to the prices of the auctions and go!

Good luck in earnings and I hope that this will not be the latest earnings article in WoW.