Divinity Original Sin 2 quest generous offer. Other buildings in the city

Divinity Original Sin 2 quest generous offer. Other buildings in the city
Divinity Original Sin 2 quest generous offer. Other buildings in the city

In the game Divinity: Original Sin 2 there are moments that put in a dead end - talking statues that open the door switches and the like. This note will appear advice to their passage ...

In this part about those interesting locations where you can get some kind of valuable. For this, truth will have to either solve a simple puzzle, or to fight with several opponents.

Island of Joy

The first island, where the character turns out, after the shipwreck is the island of joy. There are no joy from this, because the character goals like falcon. Dressed will have long and thoroughly. In accordance with the selected development direction - improve physical skills (and, accordingly, the physical shield), the skills of ownership of the bow or crossbow (which by and large the same thing) or magic skills (and the magic shield). The main source of experience is plot quests, but in the game and many additional secrets, where you can also get experience points.

Misterious Cave - Mysterious Cave

Quest is plot. Therefore, you will have to visit the mysterious cave. The statue of the cave is an additional task. It can not be done and tritely knock out the door. But then you will not get experiences.

This cave is located on the beach behind the Fiery Mobs Female. Inside will have to fight the ghost and its copies. In one of the halls will meet a speaking statue. Such statues are characteristic of the world of Rievellon. So in the answers you need to choose first the first option, then the second option. You can specify your questions in an arbitrary sequence. As a result of all these actions, the door to the chests will open.

In the mysterious cave from the last room, do not forget to grab the fire rod, which destroys the "cries" in the ruins.

Statue in a mysterious cave, Misterious Cave will task two riddles, and then respond to two questions ...

Other materials about Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2

Rescue Historian (Historian)

This quest is not required to fulfill.

In ruins not far from the beach behind the locked doors, a certain creature, embraced by fire. Doors to it are locked. One way to penetrate inside is to use teleportation (in general, there are two kinds of such skills - one tolerates any member of the detachment, another of your character only; anyone will fit). In addition, the ability to bless and bleeding will be required. So, penetrate inside, fight with a few or by ghosts, or skeletons, and then port the creature historian outside and throw in a puddle next to the ruins. Then use bleeding spells and blessings.

To open the door, you need to act together: one rises on the button, another televalpal, the third takes the skull. Each such skull opens the door. In any case, without teleportation can not do!

As a gratitude, the hot creature gives access to a major labyrinth. There you can pick up some inches. Well, experience, of course, you get for salvation.

Remove the curse from the burning creature with the help of blessing.

Secret room in castle ruins

In the ruins you will find a passage to the dungeon. Here masters tried to open the damned door, but failed - all died. To go to this dungeon makes sense when the blessing spell is studied (Bless). On the side of the bank with the Source liquid, it restores the action points for the blessing.

Activate the strange mechanism in the ruins. And take the helmet.

You need to bless the lever. In the room you will see a strange design, activate its left platform. To activate the design, however, you need to still have a source. Inside - helmet and other junk.

Help statue

In the sea cave, where the rescued robber of orange went, there is also a small puzzle. There playing a couple of guys playing. You can join their game. The first time to find the hidden simply - he, in fact, is visible on the map as a yellow point. The second time he becomes invisible. It is necessary to run in the direction of the rocky wall, in one place which is a narrow hole. Fresh there will fail.

The boy will lead to a statue. She can help ...

However, as soon as you find a boy, he will point to the location of the secret Laza in the ground. Get it and inside there will be a cave with a speaker statue. Weapon stuck in it, pulling out which someone can strong enough. This statue will tell about the need to destroy the jug of the shower. This task is to see below.


Control over the ship

Quest is plot. Perform it will have to be sure. Actually, you need to find a dusty book (she is on the table in the hall with a trader), in which the words of a certain song are recorded, and then fulfill it near the dragon statue on the stern of the ship. Additionally - for experience and money - you can visit the working office.

In the second chapter you will have to return control over the magic ship, which does not swim anywhere. To do this, you will have to choke all the catches. The most important thing is to gain access to the Cabinet. The talking door does not miss, but it can be trapped with a password - catch up with a fool and ask to remind him. One password (next to her there are two nozzles) is not enough. The second ingredient is a kind thing that can be taken from the prisoner sleeping behind bars, carefully searched for it.

In order to find out the password - this is Fortitude - it is necessary to pump the Persuasion parameter at least up to 4 levels.

Inside you will meet a merchant, as well as another puzzle, can cope with which you can only in the group. If you have not yet collected a group again (let's say, from the same characters who have already been with you), then you can help with a dwarf. Someone must put on the floor button next to the shelving and bed and at the same time separate from the group, so that he did not run after you. And go to the office themselves. Inside the wall there is another button that opens this patterned inconceive door.

On the ship, by the way, two fairly serious enemy will meet, which are applied physical damage. In the room with a prisoner, something like a cellar will be revealed. Before the fight should take care of sufficient quantities.

By the way, before you part with the dwarf, it can be ridiculed, and the thing to mark the merchant.

On the ship alone you will not cope - the helper will be required.

After you sang a Dragon Statue song, the foul will begin. There are several sufficiently strong monsters. They first attack not you - you will see everything. Your task is to hold out a few moves before it works for powerful witchcraft. To do this, in every possible way, you frowze, shock, teleport enemies. If someone gets to kill - it will be in plus, experience will add.

A small video will help in passing this part of the game.

The coast of Zhnets

The second large location, where the character turns out is another island, known as the coast of the reservoir. The riddles here are no less than in the fort of joy.

Divine source

Siva is one of the few nescript that will traine your character (as well as other in the party) a very useful skill: see and destroy ghosts. For this is the source point for blessing. Previously, you needed a special rod, now it will become your basic ability.

To get this skill is very simple - you need to spend the ritual in the basement of Siva. To do this, take the necessary ingredients from the box, then use the lancet, so that a drop of blood appears and lay in the ritual container with a black root (by combining). The resulting mixture lay on the burner, turn it on and inhale steam.

For the ritual, take objects from the locker next to the can with a source. Collect yourself and combine all objects, as recorded in the book.

After you, takes place to the otherworldly world, where a new skill will be issued. Looking ahead, I will say, this skill will help when the cave passes near the sawmill. The path there is solaring crying. You and the assistant (someone from your group - he, alas, will die) Should you clean the way: Assistant distracts attention, you are casting a spell pulling out the source.

A new skill in Divinity: Original SIN 2 is given after the ritual - it will allow you to see the souls and cast them out.

By the way, subsequently the ritual must be held again. For this you will get the whole 3 points of the source. Do not forget to replenish them.

Shatter tonging chest

Sociable furniture items - Divinity's branded chip. As a rule, they need to say some password to open. Earlier with a similar task - to open the door on the ship - you already faced. New very similar, but now you need to open a chest in one of the rooms of the hotel on the second island, where you arrive on the ship. Of course, it lies some junk. But the opening process itself is very interesting.

So, at the beginning, do not write with all sorts of questions. He mumbles something in response, but immediately falls asleep again. Once all replicas are completed, "Try" the chest. With him, however, nothing will happen to the initial options for answers. None is suitable.

How to convince the chest to open? It's not easy.

Again we climb sleeping. And ask him a question about the chest. He responded about the "Magic Word" - this is a password. Not about the "Magic Word", but just "the word".

The tomb of Joanna

The tomb is located in the area called the graveyard. You can go here after a second visit to God. He will hand over the main character and the oppitians to the ability to see the other world - this is a ghostly vision. It turns out Many unshaven spirits roaming around the ground. They must be sent to that light forever ...

Ghostly vision received from God will help in solving some tasks ...

The abdominal vision will help in this task. Apply it in the first room and three switches will appear on the wall. In the next room in the center there is an outdoor button. It is necessary that someone standing on it. The grille when someone or something stands on the button closes, but it can be broken in general. There is no sense to put the character there, one of the jugs can be transferred to the button (several pieces stands along the walls). And after you need to deal with the wall buttons. In what sequence to click on the diary, in the task "family case" - it is 2 - 3 - 1, that is, the average, right and left buttons.

The sarcophagus in the center of the room will move and the hatch will be discovered under it. There are statues here and the desired artifact is located. Statues naturally come to life when you take artifact. They should be killed before you touch the artifact.

The island of bloody moon

Getting to the island of the bloody moon is not easy. This can be done only in one place - where the destroyed bridge is there (near the portal drifwood - fields). Once you are approaching the bridge, it will be dissolved in the air. Remember the approximate configuration from afar.

You can overcome the bridge by the teleportation spell. There are several species. The first is the usual teleportation. In the previous chapter, it became available at the expense of gloves. These gloves can be transmitted. And thereby getting the whole path to the end of the bridge. The penultimate pillar will have to take a little walk along the invisible bridge to shift the teleport zone and get to the last pillar, and from it to the island of the bloody moon.

The second way is the cloak and dagger. This skill the character throws himself. The third method is intermic gate. You specify the starting point and the output point. Together with you from the gates and other oppartents come out.

Gods in the underground temple

The tip on what sequence includes the statues of gods can be found in the books. However, if you are too lazy to search for something and read - see the following scheme. This sequence does not change from the game to the game - she is "sewn" tightly.

All of these manipulations with statues will remove the protective cube and get a spit-reliable scheme. This scheme can be given to those who want, and can be used independently by clicking on the sarcopagu. In the latter case, get ready for difficult battle. The designed dogs cause a tangible physical damage and quite a lot of them ...

Unnamed Island

The island is relatively small - in fact it is a volcano. There are several divine temples here. To enter the main, you will have to know, the moon or the sun worship the gods. After you can print the lunar temple.

Lunny temple

Before the temple is the statues of the gods. Their seven. They need to set the moon or the sun according to a specific scheme. Unfortunately, this scheme is fixed, so you can immediately stall to the temple, set this sequence, feed power using the battery from the robot from the cave on the shore and enter the lunar temple.

Lunny temple from the inside ...

  • Elf - Luna
  • Damn - Moon
  • Gnomes - Moon
  • Orcs - Sun.
  • Wizards - Moon
  • Lizards - Sun.
  • People - Sun.

The lever should be pulled only after the correct sequence is set. Otherwise, you begins to beat various elements.


ARKS is a fairly large location. The city that you will find here do almost half of the territory. Naturally there are many caches.

LAZ in barracks

In one of the caches, White Magister Reymond is hiding. To do this, find barracks. In one of the room in the corner, many boxes were filled. If they are clearing, the hatch will be discovered.

Just so it will not open. We will have to show a mixture and answer correctly for four questions. The sequence of answers is such 1 3 2 4 (with the correct option, a click is distributed):

  • purity of thoughts
  • phone discipline
  • order in society
  • loyalty to Divine

Probably, these are motto masters who are not very observed. In the basement (descending even below) you will find Raymond. With him and his servants will have to fight.

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"To get the spell" Spiritual Vision. "You will also need the locks, and your party must have characters with piloting attributes" power "," theft "and" mind ".

Visit Stonggard Cemetery

As soon as you get to the coast of the reservoir, you can start the quest "Family". Start from the northern entrance to Stonggard's cemetery and talk to Tarkin at the northern gate. He will tell you to visit the tomb of Joanna Surrey on the south side of the cemetery.

To enter the tomb, you will need to remove the castle on the door of the shadow tomb. Use the character with theft +4 or higher, and the launders to remove the lock, or use the character of the undead. Alternatively, you can take the key to the shadow tomb in Kwannu, in another grave of the cemetery, but it is much more complicated.

Find two buttons

Enter the tomb and explore the room. On the wall there will be two buttons: one to the right of the entrance to the tomb in a small niche, and the other to the left of the entrance, on the opposite wall. Interact with each of the buttons to open the sealed stone doorway before entering.

Solve the puzzle with the lever

The next room contains sarcophagus and closed gates. Leaving the rest of your party in the room with a sarcophagus, select one of your more powerful satellites to go to the third room and get up onto the clamping plate. If you want to place ordinary items on the plate, it will not work.

Now use the spiritual vision in the sarcophag room to open three levers on the wall. Each lever corresponds to a specific magical effect. Interact with the middle lever until water appears in the room with a pressure plate. As soon as this happens, pull the left lever until the electricity appears. Finally, pull the right lever to create a sacred fire.

This will make the sarcophagus move, opening the hatch in the floor. Go down to it to enter the next room. First, inspect the heaps of gold and chests in the room, then lift the lid on the sarcophage in the center of the room.

Get an unusual artifact

Inside the sarcophagus there is an unusual artifact that you should find for Tarkina. However, as soon as you try to leave the tomb with the help of this subject, the clay soldiers will be revived in the room, and you will have to fight. To avoid battle, destroy clay soldiers before opening the sarcophagus. More options - fight the statues or just escape.

Traveling to the island of bloody moon

Get out of the tomb, then go back to Tarkin and give it an unusual artifact. Tarkin will tell you that on the island of the bloody moon you can find another artifact. To get to the island, you must first cross the hidden bridge. Use the "spiritual vision" to open the path, and then teleportation to go through the bridge.

If you have not done this yet, open the travel point on the south side of the bloody moon island to easier to travel to the island and from the island. Now go to the northeast side of the island. There is a hatch, hidden under the embankment - to open it, you will need a character with a rather high "mind" attribute. You can use the Spell "Part Of Mind" to temporarily increase mental abilities by +6.

Find Luk.

Enter the hatch to open the treasury of books. Native a room, then inspect the rear wall to find a hidden doorway. Go through the door and enter the hidden room, then take an unusual blade from the altar on the other side.

Return to Tarkin on the cemetery and give it an artifact to finish the quest and get your award. If Tarkina is not on the cemetery, look for it on the ship, it is your floating base (Lady Vengeance).

By numerous requests (one) public here your FAQ

When passing, the "scientist" tag will help you very much, in the same driftwhere, at least 7 quests, some of them can be passed alternatively, some of them.

General issues:

    Q: What to download? What kind of party to collect?

    A: Detailed video creation video and splitting video (Piz / Mag / Gybrid Party) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dz2m2qm_y_ua&t\u003d3180s.

    Q: Where to find a detailed passage?

    A: Here it is written quite detailed passage of all quests:

    Q: Will the universal chest be where you can add a habar, as in the first part?

    A: Yes, on the ship (after 1 act), you can send PCM things directly from the inventory

    Q: What is a "rigging" and "stuck" damage?

    A: Chopping damage is a damage by ignoring armor and hitting health immediately. The loot is a ross-damn damning in a small one from the goal, but not in full force, but to the indicated percentage. The angle of the damage is approximately 150 degrees.

    Q: How to scratch "ItemName"

    Q: How can I increase the number of points of action?

    A: Stats (as in the first part) - Only spells / baffs / talents

    Q: Is it possible to reset the parameters?

    A: Yes, on the ship at the end of 1 Act

    Q: Why is it constantly hanging curse / injury, etc., although I'm not even in battle?

    A: Most likely, you put 1 out of the things of the Tirana set, they do not give a debuff only when it's all right

    Q: Why do I do damage when I use the potions of treatment?

    A: You are playing the undead and any "normal" treatment causes damage, but the spells of necromance and all poisons are treated for you. Or you do not undead, but you have a spell "Renigation"

    Q: Is it possible to have more than one designed creature? For example, Besa, Wolf and Cat.

    A: No, it is impossible. The second creature replaces the first.

    Q: How to remove the status "stolen" with things?

    A: If a master searched for you and found stolen things, it's easier to boot, but still - the status is stolen disappearing, if you combine the object in the stack with "non-prone" things (fair for the potions and other "stack" things)

    Q: Is it possible to change the characters tags during the passage ("Mystic", "scientist", etc.)

    A: Yes, but only 1 time, 1 tag and 1 character. To do this, in 3 acts perform the quest

    Beloliki, having trimming his head Alexander (not necessarily to talk to the GH).

    Bug with an idol of rebirth (if you know that you do not hold out and for you it will spoil the passage - do not open the spoiler)

    In the underground tavern driftwood there is Madame, ready to award you just 1 kiss. Among the awards, there is an idol of rebirth (Phoenix), which can be just stealing, but it is better to fulfill her quest, having received it as a reward (for each of its oppiorians separately. Actually, the bug itself is if the charged idol itself put in the inventory in a backpack, then when triggered (in battle, as a rule), "dull idol of revival" is added to your inventory, i.e. discharged, and the charged from the backpack does not disappear (i.e. you duplicate the rod and become immortal - at least 20 times In a row you will be killed, at least henna.) Just in case - the rod is quite "legally" can be charged,

    combining the discharged rod and resurrection scroll.

1 act:

    Q: For me, a black cat comes to me, why is it needed?

    A: If you can withdraw it from the fort (in the swamps), he

    will be your satellite with 2 skills. (companion of that character, to whom it was attached)

    Q: I completed the quest with oranges or arena, but the quest in the diary is not completed

    A: This is a bug, correct (attention, the quest with burning pigs is completed, just he has an obvious continuation, similarly to the Dragon Quest - Ends, only if

    his trigger on the destruction of yeggling

    Otherwise, the quest will be failed)

    Q: How do you split a burning person in a maze?

    Pour blood under it (bloody rain, or damage yourself) and bless blood

    Q: How to open doors in weapon brassis (where lever)

    bless the lever, and in the next room it is necessary to apply the power of the source

    Q: Where to find all parts of the Tirana set?

    A: 1) Pants - On the first floor of the fort, next to the main entrance there is a secret button that opens the secret hatch (in more detail will tell the spell of a spear from the cave with elves), behind the secret hatch, in addition to Filacteria there are two statues, we need left and perception (WITS ) 15-16 (if there is not enough to be bumba in pyfette, food and temporary adoption of susceptible satellites in a party)

    2) Boots in the old railway tower in the north of the wind, there is a thunder cloud

    3) Helmet - in the weapons, the progress, the room behind the damned lever

    (Use the force of the source to open. The helmet itself gives the ability to pull the source, which through several applications it brings to you)

    4) Gloves - Castle Clack

    (behind the labyrinth with a burning person there is an entrance to the dungeon where you get a quest for the entrance from three necromancers in the future through the power barrier it is necessary to pass, using the power of the source in ONM from the sarcophagus and lie gloves)

    5) Kirase - Treasury Brack (cave on the eastern shore of location (where salamandres)

    spear and ring technically do not belong to the set (although the ring gives a debafe when wearing)

    Q: Graphic artifacts appear on the starting ship (black and black), what to do?

    Q: How to replenish the magic of the source? (1 act)

    A: 1) Green puddles

    2) endless source in weapon lawyer (where the damn lever)

    3) to drain the corpses (with the help of a rod, when the boats end the charges - turn to the priestess in the rebel camp)

    4) Claim

    Q: Is it possible then to return to 1 act?

    Q: Where to find the tools of the lamp and the turning mask for Faine?

    Liberately falls from a master in toiodicals (fort, 1st floor), a mask with a wizard from the starting roller, a server beach on the swamps? Another immovice will meet you in 2 acts on the 2nd floor of the tavern.

    Q: How to open the door on the ship at the end of 1 act?

    in addition to the password, you still need to steal a stone from Sleeping Alexander

    Q: How to complete the quest with burning pigs?

    after you all arched them by the power of the source, one of them will meet you next to the habitat of the dragon (descending to him on the beach) - She is offering to go to the sanctuary to the partisans, they offer to swim in the source in the sanctuary (it must be already blessed, To do this, communicate with the statue of this source, there, in the sanctuary), after that, the pig turns into a very rich merchant

Coast Znzez:

    Q: How to pass the quest with a skeleton-philosopher on the graveyard?

    A: Find 3 books in the House of Raker, on the book for each of the 3 questions of the skeleton. Some responses can not be given a book, but a tag of a character ("mystic", etc.). Faine can pass the quest without finding books using tags "undead" "scientist" "Mystic"

    Q: Quest midnight oil, turning on columns:

    1.Amady 2.Tir - Cyndhelius 3. DYUN 4. STITY STRESS 5.ZATTERS 6.VROGIR 7.RIK

    Q: How to complete the quest with 4 elven characters (summer, winter, spring, autumn)?

    On the summer, the laser beam, on the winter - "destructive hail", on the spring "bloody rain", on the autumnalized cloud (one way or another)

    Q: How to get a quest with potions, witch and cows?

    A: In the basement of the witch hut besides, in fact, one of the potions,

    there is a frog with which the recipe for manufacturing falls, but not everyone can read it (you need knowledge of the language). Here is a recipe: "Witin Eye + Catalyst + Caesarsky Mushroom" (without flask)

    Q: How to open a burning chest on the graveyard?

    A: We need 2 things: to be a lizard and the talent of the "conversation with animals".

    A character who has this talent we dress the turning mask and make it a lizard, go to Salamandre Raiker (in the mansion on the graveyard) and she says the password.

    Q: Is it possible to peacefully complete the meeting with

    On the 2nd floor of the Raicker mansion?

    In the dialogue, you can agree with him that you will bring him human meat, enough 3 (4) Slices (it is possible to suit other varieties of meat, perhaps those who eat elves for memories did not personally check), it is also necessary to have the status "Spider's Kiss ", (perhaps it is not a mandatory status) which can be obtained in the underground tavern in a driftwhere

    Sometimes a meeting on the 2nd floor begins immediately from the battle, without a conversation, as I understand it, it depends on what entry you will enter it into room.

    Q: How to get into the room without a castle in the basement of Raker?

    A: Lever next to the mirror in the main hall

    Q: How to pass the quest with pressure plates?

    A: The attitude is that you need to press 5 plates at the same time - you can call for Summon, you can use vases. Location under the spoiler:

    FAQ for the most frequently asked questions

    FAQ for the most frequently asked questions

    Q: How to assemble a spit-delighthouse (not anathema, do not confuse)

    Recipe in the kits on 2 island, handle in the Belyoliki cave (3 island), the blade of the guardian's guardian in the temple, where we become divine (3 island)

    Q: What do you need a scroll "Empty Fish Exchange"? (2 island)

    A: In Arges, in the black house, past the graves go down to the beach, there is a barrel - we throw the "fish, touched by emptiness" - and we are amazing. But there is still a small abupus - if you throw a pyramid of teleportation there, eating a scroll and teleported on the pyramid - you will find yourself in prison from the resident of this house)

    Q: How to remove the status of obsession in an underground prison with a demon under the island of bloody moon?

    A: The demon united the demon, kill the opposing agents that the demon will come out and began to vulnerable again. Sundays then Sunday. Probably.

    Q: How to fully pass the quest with the marjdza zoom (chicken coop on the way in Drifwood), 2 island?

    A: We take the quest at the zepers (tag talking with animals), we clean the dissection of emptiness at the specified marker, we take the only surviving egg, we refer it back. After some time we return, we speak with the spirit of the dead Marge, the yellow marker of the "magic cock" appears on the map, we take the chick of the emptiness to it and either we get a chest with awards from the rooster, or we clean the bunch of chicks and the flashes of them.


Not currently answered questions (if you know the answer - write in the comments):

1 Is there any quest application (i.e., except for "devour") the egg and the heart of the Phoenix? I assume that the egg can be attributed to Marge's nasal so that she would sit down, but she was already dead by that time.

2. What to do with Maola seeds (gives out in Fort Joy)?

3. What to do with an obsessed child on your ship? (If you decide to send it to the ship, at the end of the quest on the island of the bloody moon)

4. In the basement of the Roshovist (Roshchistchka) in ARKSA found blood vials with inscriptions "Garran and Dorothea", where are these unfortunate people who can give it? And where to find your blood if I took a loan? In the Queen Laboratory of Dwarfs, you can find 4 potions associated with this quest.

5. What do you need to combine the shell of the pilgrim from the island of the bloody moon? There are 2-3 of them for the whole game, in the "inclivent" lists of craft, exhausted from the game of this recipe no, possibly either intense, or quest.

6. What to do with 3 altars on 2 island to close the quest? Quest Baguned, After each of them, there is no development. There is an opinion that the quest is tied with fruits in the fields, but at the beginning you need to get around all 3 altars, and then go to the scarecrow.

7. How to complete the quest with the Damned Ring of 1 Act (Flag Ring)?

8. How to complete the quest "man and his dog"? At the moment, the quest is also bagunged, the dog indicates a monument on the graveyard, there is no quest for the quest.

9. What does the blue asterisk in front of the parameters on things?

10. Where to take the Skill Apportation http://divinityoriginalsin2.wiki.fextralife.com ... if it is not for sale in merchants and does not cramons, but some players fall from the chests?

11. Is it possible to complete the quest with a princess-slug (1 island), who to give an invitation about the wedding?

12. Are there any quest interactions with a gnome circle and damned vendas in the Fort Joy dungeons?

So many questions and so few answers.

Achievement "Anathema" (eng. Anathema) in Divinity: Original SIN 2 opens after finding and restoring the legendary sword in the task "Family case", which begins with a meeting with Tarkin at the gate of the cemetery to the east of Driftwood on (coordinates: x: 550, Y: 179), where the main character comes to after and. Tarkin Tells about the subject of incredible power that once belonged to the ancient clan of Surreyev. For the role of an adventure seeker, the scientist comes out badly, so he will ask to find and get anaphhem from the family cleaner of the founders of the cemetery. The grave of Joanna Surrey Located in the southern part of the weather and marked on a yellow flag map (coordinates: x: 550, y: 100).

If Tarkin does not appear at the gate of the cemetery on the graveyard, the game should be updated. The bug was fixed in the third major patch.

First part of Anathema

The door to the tomb is locked on a complex lock that can be opened with a key or hack. Tumbler In the grave of Joanna Surrey stored Kwanya. Tomb rapider is in a crypt on the central alley under the protection of the PSA of Andras (coordinates: X: 552, Y: 138). At the sight of strangers, he will be desperately defended by the host territory. After jerking behind the lever at the entrance to the crypt and go down to the tomb. We rob in the petrified quanta or first impose a "blessing" and in conversation I am convinced to give a note and the key. The note contains a faithful combination to solve a puzzle with ghostly panels. If the belief does not work, then everything will end in the fight. Kwanna knows how to call fiery skeletons and has resistance to air and fire - 80%, earth - 60%, and water - 20%. Having achieved his own, we go to the grave of Joanna Surrey, open the castle and penetrate the tomb.

In the first room on the wall we find two square buttons. Both are located at different ends of the hall near the heaps of the skulls. With high "perception", they automatically appear close to the detachment. After activation, a secret door to white sarcopagu in the second room will open. We go to the third room immediately, we leave some heavy item on the pressure panel and go back to the second room. When gas goes, activate "", on the wall click on three panels in the following order: 2 , 1 , 3 . After entering the correct combination of sarcophagus, go away and reveals the hatch. Go down to the treasury. We inspect the heaps of gold, taking money and talk with the spirit of Joanna Surrey. Anathema will be broken into two parts - handle and blade. From Sarcophaga take a handle And we return to Tarkina to the main goal of the cemetery. There are no great need to fight with the revived "jade" guards, you can simply escape, climbing the stairs.

Second part of Anathema

Tarkin will send the second part of the Anathema on The island of bloody moonlocated north of Driftwood. A yellow checkbox with the "Archive" label will appear on the map. We get to the invisible bridge, we include "ghostly vision", choose a character with the ability of teleportation, for example, a warrior it can be a "phenix jump", at the tactical waste robber. "Ghostly vision" is valid for 10 moves, the time counter is indicated next to the character's portrait. We move to a friend side, at the entrance, talk with a pivotal pilgrim, which will ask you to visit your master (). We run towards the altar of moving in the eastern part of the island of bloody moon. We use fast movement and collect all satellites here at the altar, so as not to jump through the bridge every character. We approach the ruins, inspect the terrain, for the appearance of the entrance to the archive, you need to have a developed "perception" of 22 units. Increase the "perception" of 2 units helps Wooden. In the archive, which can be found in the house at Mestra Siva in a driftwhere or in the cemetery. We approach the arch in the wall to detect a secret move. The door will be highlighted with yellowish color. We go into the room and from the sarcophagus we take the second part of the anathema. Take the Blade Tarkina on Mrs. Revenge. The scientist is waiting for a gift right at the altar boat for quick movement on locations. He will come to find and immediately start working. All questions about Anathema he will ignore until in 4 acts of the game.

Restored Anathema

In ARKSA, we reach the Master of Master, in the kitchen for boxes we find hatch. The faithful cipher from the castle is indicated on the plate in the barracks. If the skill is well developed, the castle can be just hacked. We go down to the hatch, in the corridor on the left side of the walls we find a button (a high "perception" is required), then we wake the second hatch and fall into the masters library. At the lower level, we select a note and learn the secret of Tarkina (coordinates: x: 150, y: 50). When meeting in the task "Revival of the King", the wizard will give Anafé. You should take care of the most powerful two-handed weapon to the battle with the doctor and the final, since consider broken AnaPheme.

In Quest called " Shadow over Drifwood"You have to ask Lojara to search the abandoned Mordus House. In this guide and consider the passage of this quest. To go to the outskirts of the driftwood.

Mordus House and Laboratory

House Mordsa (2) who asked you to be seen Lohar. (1) Located not far from the tavern. To pass by the gnomomy, to the basement, tell her that Lohlar sent you. In the basement itself, you look around the lever on the column (it will open the stone door). Before investigating the Mordus laboratory, talk to the dwarves who were trapped.

In order not to get to hear, leave one of the characters near the lever, as you can get caught a trap that closes the door.

If the door closed after all, use the button on the dune altar. However, it is worth considering that the dialogue about the button will appear only on the condition that you have a character with high perception. Take advantage of the "calmness of the Spirit" to raise it.

Once in the laboratory, remove the boxes that hide the shelf with books. Read and take a note in which it is said that Mordus ordered to kill Lojara.

Exploring the basement, you will most likely begin another task called "Taste of Freedom". Go on the link to learn about the task more.

When you return to Lohar, he will instruct you to kill Lojara. On his searches, go to Shipwreck cave (3).

There, in the cave, you will find the survivor. To continue the adventure, go to the edge of the cliff. There are four icy sludge emptiness. They will grow your characters at different places.

Be careful. The sliders may not occur immediately. And if you are shaped with them before they are taken away, teleported to the levels below.

Depths of carriage caves

At the lower levels of the cave you can find letters and cargo declaration of the ship. It says that the Death Fog Delivery Device is kidnapped.

The main character will be locked in a place where there are no enemies, so go to explore the terrain. You will find some letters for the current quest "Shadow above Drifwood" and for the quest "Law Order". Talk to the dwarf in front of an unusual device to promote the personal quest of Ifana Ben-Monta. To unite with satellites, hack the doors.

Another satellite will be in the bedroom. You have to fight with several enemies to take possession of the key. In addition to searching the key, you can find a hole (need a shovel or lizard). She will transfer you to the entrance to the cave. Do not forget about the ghostly vision to see the spirits and talk to them.

Another your colleague will be in a cave full of exhaustion. To help him, it is better to use other satellites.

All characters are saved and assembled - kill or spare mords?

Now that your team is in place, head for the next location, through the stairs, which is in the wreckage of the ship. Looking out Mordus there. Naturally, he will attack you with its minions. After the battle, you will have a choice to spare or kill Mordus.

When the choice is made, go beyond the reward to Loharu. He will give you the key from the chest that on the 2nd floor of the building of the masters (near the tavern).

  • You can talk from the knitting near the entrance to the dungeon (only for characters with the "Criminal" tag), then he will miss you right away.
  • Getting into the cave of shipwires can be both in another way, through Bay Zhnets (four). Take advantage of teleportation to get. In this case, you immediately enjoy the Mordus.

Ending and consequences

Kill Mordus or not? Does Lohara kill? Training at Mordus and a letter for Hannag - You can see answers to these questions in task structurewhere all sorts of events development options are described.